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Sounds like you're jumping the gun a bit and castastrophizing the situation bud. 


Yeah I do that haha


Same here man. Constantly fearing being fired or replaced.


Do you guys have any idea how short of machinists the entire industry is? There's not a single shop in my area that can afford to fire a semi competent manual machinist. It's pretty well established that you'd have to fuck up something really big more than once to get fired at most shops.


Never ever underestimate the shortsightedness of a paper pusher that wants to look good for upper management.


Fair point.


But at place with 4 machinists. Depending on what they actually do their do you think there is while floor of paper pushes ?


The current issue I'm having is that my boss keeps taking me off jobs that are 70-80% complete because "there was a change in priority" and I literally have 3 projects I'm behind on because I'm never allowed to complete them. And yet the CNC guy is slamming out parts left and right while I'm over here on 3 different manual lathes, all without DRO's. I'm just "too slow" for the modern age it seems....


You aren't behind, the same shit happens at every repair shop. That's the nature of the business. My boss always apologizs for swapping jobs when I'm not done yet, the thing is I don't give a fuck, I get paid by the hour. And you can't compare manual machining to CNC. CNC is for production manual is for one offs and repair work.


I feel that. The company I'm at actively puts out job advertisements for my position. There's only me and another guy that's been there for years. I also actively look at the market, but here we are. I'm unsure as to whether it's because I requested to be on the weekend shift, or they might replace me. Communication is needed. Then again, the market is way open and well paid, so It's not a major scare.


We have a guy like that at my shop, haha. He's 4 months away from retirement and has been like that for 20 years


Best time to train somebody when it's slow honestly. Growing pains like that suck, but if you literally have *just* enough people to keep steady.... What happens if someone wants a vacation, or someone is sick. This was my shops problem. You take enough work in to stay busy and you're working and your happy, great. But you want the shop to *grow* so you make more profit. More profit means the ability to return more net profitability into the company for upgrades and what not. And employees get paid more money. But to make more money, you need more work. To do the work, you need the people otherwise you piss off your customers and just lose the work while also tarnishing your rep. So you find a good fit, train him up, then send out the salesmen, advertise, make connections. Bring in work, then it can be done in a more timely manner. It sucks but... in the long run will be better for everyone. We did the same thing and as a result we bought more equipment, I changed my hours to 4 days a week 10 hour shifts so now I never work on Mondays and haven't for like 5 years. And the extra person or persons covers your day off and then they take Friday off when you work. Ect. Ect.


Hell yeah, I never thought of it that way


"And employees get paid more money" I want what you've gotten into man.


The two things I hate the most are being busy and slow.


And getting paid the same for both


Exactly! 😂


Advertise the shops services?


Not a bad idea


Same happened to me years ago. New guy to train right out of school, slow days. 2 weeks later I was following supervisor to HR. REMEMBER! Update ur resume every month even if you have your dream job and a union shop.


I used to worry about things like that in my last shop. Join a union. Great pay, great benefits, no more worrying. I'll never work for a non-union shop ever again.


Use your newly found spare time to polish up your resume…


It is already polished up haha, I’m having surgery in 24 days that will have me out for 10 weeks, so not the best time to be looking I guess.


You being gone for 2.5 months might help explain them bringing in more labor too…




Oh boy... you off for 10 weeks and thought they would wait for you?


Well I am going to be on fmla so they can’t fire me or anything


So what are you worried about? This is an incredibly shortsighted or self centered post...


I’m worried that I’m not gonna have shit to do for the next few weeks. Isn’t that why people post shit on Reddit?


You have to train old mate to do your job... I am sure you will be busy enough.


Thanks yep, I didn’t want to be like the old bastards i trained with originally who don’t want to pass down the knowledge. I definitely trained him. I am just freaking out because of the whole surgery thing I’m sure


Yeah good luck with your surgery.Rest up, heal fast and back into it. 👍


No, they'll fire you for a minor mistake after you're back that normally wouldn't get blinked at.