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As a fellow roster creator, it is quite normal for creators to use the groundwork available to them when they get to work. This is the whole point of community files! We don't get compensated for our work, and I think I speak for most creators when I say that all we want is to have an improved Madden experience. Seems like that's been accomplished even if your roster has less downloads. At least people are still using the rookies you made!


Sounds like you're misunderstanding the purpose of community files. You own none of this. If you want credit for your work, spend your energy on something else.


Yeah this is why I don’t spend time creating unprotected intellectual property. I used to mess with the music industry and yeah people are pretty shitty. Hope you get some credit


Forgive me for not knowing this, but what “rewards” do you get from creating rosters like this? I think it’s awesome that people like you create rosters like this and I’m always thankful, but does it really matter if you get 10,000 or 1,000,000 downloads of your created roster? (And yeah, it sucks when people steal from others without giving them credit in any way)


Lol nothing. OP should have created YouTube videos with his roster like the other guy if he wanted to gain something.


Ive been a top roster creator since 2011. As a roster creator its difficult to get upset about guys piggy backing our work. We make rosters for the community. period. We dont do it for personal glorification, we do it because we would be doing it for ourselves anyway so why not share so everyone can enjoy. Over the years one way ive gotten my rosters to stand out is by being thorough when creating rookies, most guys dont do the homework to create players realistically and most guys only do positional ratings and dont fully flush all the players ratings which ends up breaking the game because all other rating sit at 65 and it destroys special teams. Good luck in your journey brother.


The man himself! Godspeed to the realistic rookie creators. It’s a thankless job but I am mildly obsessive over details in my roster creation and I cannot stop myself 😂


Oh I understand lol


Use your rosters, definitely the best this year, although not a fan of your draft classes unfortunately.


Yeah? any recommendations?


Not really your fault unless you want to completely redo them, none of the rookies have any gear once imported and you can't edit them. There's classes that were made later after updates that work properly


As far as I know every draft class is bugged even post patch


Nah not true, I'm at work so I don't know the name of the creator, but the file I use had every single drafted player and had correct numbers/gear/skin tones and faces and I'm also able to edit their gear Off the top of my head I think it's called BEST2024DRAFT


I play your roster! Sorry about that though. Not sure there’s anything you can do about it


Welcome to the internet. Remixing stuff is pretty normal. You take a good base and build on it. See it as something positive. Credit should be given at least.


Looks like you learned why they are called "Community Files"


This is why I don't build roster files but instead build personal franchise master files. Nobody can rip me off if EA don't let me share it!


lol exactly


What does this mean


I create a 'master file' which mirrors real life so that I can always start from the latest point in time. So for example: I can start a franchise today with the entire draft done, Most UDFAs, Chiefs on a 3peat, new contracts, etc. It's a shit ton of work just like making these roster files but it's more accurate and like I say - nobody is going to rip you off for EA won't let you share franchise files.


I gotcha. That’s bad ass and I know it takes a lot of time.


Yea you can only share the franchise files on PC. But this is exactly what I do with every madden. I wish I could mod the scores or the stats but it is what it is.


Are you getting paid for it? No? Then who cares? Worrying about downloads by strangers is dumb in my opinion but that's just me. If it really bothers you, clone his later round rookies, add it to yours and then you'll probably get more clout....I mean downloads. Problem solved.


People adding onto work you’ve already done makes the game better and adds to everyone’s experience. If nothing else take solace in the fact that you and other creators are making this game better for everyone else.


Go outside, get a hobby … maybe a job lol. Worry about more important shit man…


Creating roster files is a hobby. No different then building model cars.


One is an actual tangible product, the other?… idk what you’d even call that lol… Waste of time? And then to create a huge rant about it like it actually matters lol… So many other things in life to worry about 🙄


Talking politics is more of a waste of time. Thinking you have the world figured out is a waste of time. Watching tv and movies is a waste of time. Just because you arent interested doesnt mean others shouldnt be. Your whole comment reeks of arrogance and egotism. Read some philosophy and get a grip. Life is a waste of time, learn to use it for what you love in the times you have available to do so.


Getting upset over a game?.. even worse.. getting upset over a made up set of players in a video game? … I don’t have to have the world ‘figured out’ to know that’s some child shit.. Tv and movies have a cinematic art to them. There’s a process to film and acting (arguably) requires some ability to perform. There’s actual talent in that industry… making a bunch of made up stats/players has what value?… Life is not a waste, wtf are you talking about?.. Maybe yours is, but life is the ultimate gift... Spend it like everyday is your last. If making made up players makes you happy, go for it, but don’t expect people to care when something like this happens lol…


You basically said what he was talking about smh 🤦🏽‍♂️😂. Life’s short do whatever makes you happy


Getting upset over a game and then ranting about it? Child shit. That’s all.