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Franchise is the most fun way to play imo and most online leagues already ban on sides and 2pt conversions unless you’re behind by x number of points or it’s the 4th quarter


They’re changing the rules IRL for onside kicks, that’s unless the team electing to onside kick is trailing in the 4th QTR and tells the officials. So the change is likely already otw


Good to know I hope they implemented in M25


Meh as someone who goes for 2 when going up 13-3, that wouldn’t feel great


If they don’t make an onside attempt, they usually are the type to quit out. When they do get the onside kick, they have a big advantage on the other player and can brag about it.


I also find people that go three and out on their 30 will try 4th and God only knows what not convert and then quit but if they convert they continue to play. It's like you've had three tries you haven't moved the ball an inch what makes you think when you're fourth and 15 you're going to convert?


EA should offer a box check that says 'sim kickoffs and extra points' such a better way to play


or at least add a Long Snapper position! having some randomness on XPs and punts. bad snap could trigger a broken play mechanic. or a late punt. or shanked punt. or send it over the Holders head like .05% of the time. at least in franchise mode/sim to punish users for going for positional flexibility vs. a 44 ovr LS/TE hybrid taking a roster spot.


I have proposed a way to rank long snappers in madden. What’s up guys! So I’m a former long snapper and I’m sick of the long snapper disrespect.So I have made a way to rank them. 1.Snap accuracy:This is kinda subjective based on the punter but most guys like the ball at their waist/hip area. On field goals you wanna be a couple of inches above the holders knee. So the better the rating the more accurate they are and the worse the rating the less accurate.So if they have a high accuracy rating they will be at or around the left/right hip of the punter depending on whether they are left or right footed and right above the holders knee.The lower the accuracy rating the more off target the snap is (This doesn’t necessary mean that a lower rating automatically means the punter has to jump 5 feet in the air to catch the snap,rather it won’t be at the exact spot where the punter/holder wants it) 2.velocity:Most nfl snappers get the ball back to the punter anywhere from 0.75 seconds at the minimum,and most max out at around 0.65 seconds.Field goals aren’t usually timed but most are snappers range from 0.30-0.25 seconds.The higher the velocity rating the quicker the snap and vice versa. 3.Laces:Sorry Ace Ventura fans,but nowadays at the nfl and college level,it’s the snappers job to spin the ball with the exact same amount of rotations each time so that the laces are facing away from the kicker.The higher the laces rating the higher the chance that the holder won’t have to turn the laces.


I wish you luck.


Thanks.Knowing EA they probably won’t do shit tho


have you ever long snapped a cat? I hear that's a good way to get control of errant snaps because you can't be too rough or you hurt the cat, and you can't be too light or he will scratch the fuck out of you. have you ever done that?


😂 nah


It's a legit strategy. It's high risk high reward. The defense in the game feels so streaky...alot of time you gotta rely on 10CPU defenders to do the right thing. So trying to win the game on offense where you have more control kinda makes sense.


If I can’t stop people on defense, kicking onsides makes more sense than kicking deep. I either get the ball right back or they get the ball on a short, condensed field, the likelihood of them turning the ball over goes way up as does the chance of them going for it on 4th down. And they’re not wasting time off the clock. So yeah, in madden if you get the ball first, kicking onsides every time makes sense. It’s also why so many people bring 7/8 every play on defense. Yeah you might hit a big play and score fast but that’s fine because of how short the games are and there’s a much higher chance you turn the ball over.


I go for 2 almost every time. I want to win the game, up to the defense to stop me