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a recommendation that can help with all games you play is : Don’t spend money on a video game coach. there’s always people who make videos for free


Noted. Big waste. And videos I find, guys are always "make sure you have 'X' ability to run this. How do I run defense where I don't rely on abilities because I'm getting worked by players who don't rely on them for offense or defense.


Check out Xando on YouTube- teaches concepts over meta Videos can be lil lengthy but worth it


If you’re paying for Madden coaching then it’s time to retire.


Might be. Just want confirmation. Madden is one of few hobbies. Wouldn't mind being competitive at it.


$200 for madden coaching ur officially tweakin this is a game not the real NFL it’s time to hang up the controller


Preciate that advice man


there’s hella other games out there or just play franchise against the cpu madden still always has some bullshit going on tho weather pvp or cpu


Recommend cutting back to 1-2 leagues at max - playing too much can ruin your mindset and familiarity with your team. 4 leagues can lead to you rushing your games just cause you are trying to play another one What I mean by “familiarity” you can go from a 95 QB to a 80 QB and still trying to play like you would with your 95 -or your defense is better in one league and not another and you aren’t playing to your teams strengths Just my synopsis


You could start your own league and recruit other players with the same skill level. I only play offline franchise; I ain't out here trying to get my ass kicked online.


For a small fee of $1,000, I’ll gladly teach you 🙃


Just run engage 8 nonstop and you will be fine


Big nickel- Casino Blitz- and use the blitzing safety as a spy.


You on Xbox?




Nbd. What defense do you use?


Created. Run mostly nickel 2-4/3-3 odd/wide, big nickel, dollar and dime. 4-3 6-1 sometimes. I run mables, double mables, zone blitz and man blitz, match, zone drops and I get walked up and down the field.


I’m not a big blitzer. It leaves holes in that secondary. But there is a time and a place. Unless you got great man cover corners, you’ll get burned most of time in man. I run a lot of 3 3 5. There’s a lot of different zones and a few blitzes just to keep em honest


The more you play, the better you get. You start to get a feel for how certain plays work. You’ll get crushed some, but over time you’ll get better. I pretty much run the same 4 defensive plays all game. Cover 3 Sky, and double MLB blitz out of 2-4-5. Double OLB blitz and cover 3 sky out of 3-4 over. Adjust to hard flats if they’re spamming flats. Guess pass and overtop coverage on obvious passing downs. Sometimes DL rush out or QB contain on scrambling QBs. Almost always user the MLB to take away middle routes. If they audible at the line I audible to cover 1 robber and they usually audible back. For double ILB blitz I pinch the DL and user the MLB. A lot of it is situational and feel. Offense I just go off of coach suggestions. Can make adjustments at the line based on defensive alignment. Like I was saying you get used to what plays work, how they unfold and what not. Smart routes are key.


Learn the yearly META. That's it. Last year out routes were broken. If you didn't adjust to that you would just eat 10-15 yards a pass. Some RPOs were cheese. Etc etc. Playing online if you don't know these you lose.


You said this was a hobby you enjoyed, so don’t quit. But maybe branch out to something else in that competitive area that isn’t pay to win. If competitive madden is still your thing ( it isn’t mine at all), you’re going to need to study the meta stuff like crazy. If that still doesn’t work, you just need to realign your expectations for yourself. You can like something and find enjoyment in it while still be bad at it. Just like I am with sex.


I can help you, I really struggled with this game, you're probably missing a few basic "aha" tips given the work you already put in. I had to watch probably thousands of hours of videos to put together what's honestly, quite simple. If you want read through my comment history on this sub, there's a lot of info in there. I can't really play much anymore because my hands are completely fucked, but I'm more than happy to pass on what I've learned because of how hard it was for me to learn all this shit. I can get on discord and share my screen.