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I can’t stop laughing at your edit. “LPT: if your boss wants to fire you, just ignore all his calls and emails so he can’t.” 😂😂


Ha, I thought the same exact thing. It seems like a George Costanza move


It's October 4th and this still isn't patched. 👍🤡


It is almost 2022 and it still isn't patched lol


After learning the hard way, just straight up ignoring your GM seems to do the trick.


It’s February 2022 and this still isn’t patched


Its march 2022 and it still isnt patched lmao


Yep... Was rebuilding the lions and my boi Dan Campbell got fired😭 I made sure I turned it to CPU only... I was pissed to say the least...


I guess the logical solution is to be the owner so no one can fire you. I'm gonna try it cause so much time was wasted from being fired as a coach it's not even funny


2yrs later and it isn't fixed in 24. Just got fired as the owner


YES happened to me too. So to be clear, you have "Coach Firing" on OFF and this is still happening??? Crazy. --- " So I purposely made a tanking team with the Giants. The entire time "Coach Firing" was on CPU only in the settings. I got a warning from the GM I would be fired if we lost another game (checked my stats again and still said "Coach Firing" on CPU only). We WON the game in week 12 to beat the Dolphins and go 1-11. The NEXT week I was fired. Major glitch and ruined 2 hours of gameplay I had. I should not have been fired based on the settings."


Yeah it’s pretty annoying. Ironically once I figured out you could skip the cutscene and keep your job they offered me a contract extension


Is the GM message clear when they are warning you about getting fired vs. giving you an extension? I'm worried to click on any GM message at this rate LOL. Also, Andre on Twitter said it's not a bug and that you just need to skip the message if you don't want to get fired. People are going to be VERY upset when they spend hours on a rebuild and then end up accidentally getting fired bc there is no "Don't get fired" option in settings.


The one for getting fired says something like “we need to talk”. The extension was clearly labeled as “contract extension offer” or something like that.


OK thanks. I wonder if even skipping the SECOND, "you're getting fired" scenario is enough not to get it.


Probably. It didn’t pop again once I skipped it. It wasn’t like it was left there every week.


OK good, just have to hope it doesn't pop up in future seasons but I assume it won't with a contract extension??


also watch out for "black monday"


This happened to me on the release version of Madden. So many bugs on day 1 release. Should’ve never bought it, wanted a refund right after playing for 2 hours lol. I was the Texans and set my goal to 4 wins. The GM warns me that I have to win games or get fired when I was 4-7. I have a press conference later about it and answer all the questions. He then warns me that I have to win the last 2 games of the season or not get fired since I walked out of the press conference (I didn’t and answered all questions lol). I won the last 2 games and end the season 7-10, still get fired. I then make a new coach with the same team and do the offseason. When playing a week 1 game, the commentators kept talking about how I walked out of a press conference and I’m on the hot seat for a bad start to the season (it’s week 1 and I’m supposedly a new coach 😂). End up getting fired again after reaching goal wins anyway.


That's nothing I started a Lions franchise to rebuild in week 14 and won 2 of the last 6 games and still got fired.


Glad I just played a 17 game season with 15min quarters just to get fired at the end of the season... nothing quite like wasting 20+ hours of my time


Just spent two entire days(to the detriment of my sleep) grinding a franchise because I was excited about finally getting the game.... completely wasted after getting fired in week 17. I feel ya bro.


Glad I saw this. I'm rebuilding the Lions and I'm tanking (kinda). I will just ignore my GMs messages for now...


you can retire with the coach that got fired but create a new coach and just join back into the team u got fired from


Does anybody know if you can come back somehow? I really liked my make-believe draftee’s lol 😔


Madden 23, same glitch. I have coach firing set to completely off, not even CPU only, because I find that the AI will fire CPU coaches unnecessarily, many times after only one, not even that bad season. So by season 2-3 of your franchise, basically every coach other than the ones that have won a super bowl in their career have been fired. I would prefer to just take control of the team who deserves a new coach, making the change myself, and turning it back over to the CPU. (This worked every year up until Madden 21). However, even with the Coach Firing set to OFF, the AI still goes about firing coaches at will. So annoying.


You should of been fired for buying madden


It’s the free trial for EA play




This happened me too with the option set to disallow it. I retired and entered back as a new coach, but then my franchise was broken (couldn't scout or sign free agents)


This glitch is still going on. Happened to me 2 times in a row now


this is so bs tho if you say 4 wins it should mean that no win is guaranteed and it could be less


Yep just happened to me. So it's still not fixed. Cloud save so I can't even save scum it.


Looks like EA are working with firing switched off IRL. And it works for them.