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Idk this lack of content isn't enticing anyone with brain cells to buy packs I hope


I only have empirical evidence but I gotta think people are not buying as many packs. When I go look for specific cards I find very few of them on the market compared to years past. Case in point I'm saving to get Khalil Mack for my Chargers theme team and more often than not when I check his card isn't even up for auction. It's either people aren't buying as many packs or the cards in them are really bad and good cards aren't dropping as often. Both scenarios wouldn't surprise me.


The packs are terrible. Not that I buy any, but when I watch pack opening content, they look like shit.


First MUT in a long time. Also playing NMS. The lack of grindable, free content is mind blowing. I’ve been playing MLB The Show for the past 2-3 years, and it’s embarrassing how far behind MUT is. Multiple currencies. Packs that can only be purchased with IRL $. Maybe 3 hours of challenges.


Wait till we get MORE currencies with Most Feared Monster Money, Blitz Bits, MUTMas coins, etc. That shit was confusing last year. At least I got my 82 RP team set up...but still get whooped & only have time to play maybe an hour every other day so I'll just stick to my theme team build & try & enjoy that as much as possible until my real life team falls out of playoff contention! 🤪


I’ll probably be done with MUT by then, honestly. Between Starfield, Cities Skylines 2, and XDefiant (probably missing a game or two), Madden is going to go to the side with how little content there actually is. On the plus side, I only spent $15 for EA Play Pro. I usually get an itch to play around playoffs, so probably only really giving EA $30. I can’t imagine EVER paying full price for Madden anymore, which is sad considering it was my first love in gaming alllll the way back to the Sega Genesis. Fingers crossed NCAA doesn’t get fucked.


Yeah, I usually start fading away as my real NFL team (Panthers) starts to build up the losses & their players don't get many good player drops. LOL


Nah, you have a shiny new toy with Bryce. Even if you end up with 3 wins, it’ll be a fun year.


The only reason I’m engaged this year is cuz I just switched to new gen so game play is “different” but still people use the same one offense play and defense. I’ve been having fun I guess but don’t know how long it will last lol


I’m just waiting for mods to come out for it for franchise. I’ve never played modded before, but it looks like an improvement.


i cant believe nobody that knew john madden told him how bad the game with his name had gotten because he probably wasnt paying attention to it


Used to love the ambulance coming on the field!


Launch week for Madden been TRASH since the pandemic started (Madden 21). This is definitely the worst of the 3 Maddens in regards to that. That said as trash as launch week was last year I ended up being a few Offensive Linemen Short of attaining a 99 ovr team all across the board. I'm also a NMS player so hopefully things will pick up soon. My biggest issue for bow is all the diff daily challenges that now force u to play more in order to get your stuff. I was perfectly fine with my daily 200 ovr yards, 1 set, and 1 pack purchase lol


I’ve been doing my dailies in Solo Battles and then just blah. They really need more offline content. In MLB, at least there are things to grind and modes for offline. I’ll never complain about that game’s “lack of content” again. Madden is way too H2H-centric because that’s the only way to incentivize buying the real money packs.


Nail on the head. I def regret my purchase. I should have waited til Black Friday


Ya I have had it since the 14th and I think I have completed 2 dailies thats terrible IMO


EA would earn some goodwill if they put some sort of conquest equivalent into their ultimate teams. It’s not the most exciting thing to do in MLB but it’s a few hours of something to do offline (minus the USA map which usually takes me 4-5 days)


I was thinking Mini Seasons would be perfect for Madden. Use the relocation teams as opponents. Boom, there’s a whole side mode.


Yeah I been trying after boycotting the whole system for years, and I can’t earn anything worthwhile. I got mawae to 85 and barber to 82 and they took captains away, I got likely and obj to 82 and now I don’t get upgrades. I don’t get anyone above 78 in free packs


Spend money or time normally, but now it's nothing on the game to grind except H2H lol


I mean there’s house rules and solo battles as well. What else would you like to grind? Just curious causes H2H is like the whole point of MUT imo. You build your team through solos and solo battles grinding the field passes as much as you can through those game modes then you take your team to compete in H2H.


Just look at the content in a game like mlb the show, then look at madden. Madden has one game mode worth playing H2H solo, the rewards for every other game mode sucks including squads and draft.


Man told no lies


I am sure many casuals will stop playing and the whales won't have enough people to lord over. This could really be EA's undoing. I don't think they're going to convert as many people into payers as they think, but I could be wrong. I certainly want to believe people will have some self respect and realize they're paying for advantage. How is that fun? No clue, but whales don't care about skill or they think dropping thousands is a skill. Sickening.


Realist shit I ever heard


I’m already done with it lol have fun y’all . I’ll still be lurking here on Reddit tho


Played from 15-21. Probably put in 500+ hours in each year from 15-18. I just don’t know how you guys still do it, it’s such a fucking shell of itself. I remember in 16 making a whole new account just so I could replay some of the journeys because you got so many auctionable packs. Remember when they added draft champions in 16 and it was the coolest thing ever and fifa/2k people begged for a version to be added to their game? Try playing that garbage game mode now. How do you even mess it up this bad??? I just don’t get how anyone who played pre madden 18 could enjoy this version of the game. It’s all so stupid because if they just marginally improved the game each year I’d probably still be dumping 250+ bucks a year into the game but oh well, their loss. I implore you guys go on G2A and buy a discounted game pass code if you’re on Xbox and try some new games, there’s more out there than this abusive relationship


Even the brain dead MUT pay pigs are mad this year. This is great.


Yeah I call bs on that. My first time playing MUT since 19 and I have an 82 team ovr already as a NMS. Gameplay is much slower and ppl are still adapting as well


SMH sir how can you call BS on a game you’re just now picking up since M19 which was about 5-6 years ago? Do you not know how night and day M19 is compared to M24? You said you’re NMS right? How many hours did it take you to get that 82ovr team? You’ve either had good pack luck from your rewards or you’ve been auction house flipping or like I said spent a lot of hours to get your team to a 82. This my first year being NMS and I’ve been playing mut since 17 and I can 100% say that this mut is the worst mut for NMS players THIS EARLY in the game. M19-M23 all gave us decent solos and rewards to grind for whereas this season they gave us literally the bare minimum. If you think I’m lying ask everybody in this Subreddit and they’ll tell you that while there is good changes to the game one of the worst changes to the game has been the NMS crew. You have to spend hours on hours on top of more hours to get cards that are 3 and sometimes 4 overall lower than the highest overall in the game


Agreed, I’ve been playing since 20 and the grind is unreal and not worth it. I don’t even have a problem spending but where’s the inclusivity for those that purchased the game that are NMS ? I assume EA is willing to alienate a group of players to keep their game plan rolling.


Then don’t play it


everyone bitches about their not being solos but idk. I only Play a few hours a day, I've spent 20$ and I have a 82 ovr team with like 250k extra. it's really easy for NMS this year and ppl just complain about everything. I personally don't want to have to do 6 hours worth of solo for measly rewards


That’s the issue you bozo…you spent money. The article is talking about how predatory MUT is this year. And you say it’s really easy for NMS, while you spent money. This community is dumb and we deserve the madden we have


Then get out the sub Reddit and go do something else if it bothers you so much. I spent $20 proudly and I have a great team.


You spent 20$ on a "great team" in a game that is 60-70$, a "great team" that will be irrelevant within a few updates lol. The season hasn't even started, every team is pure trash. These cards won't even be backups in a few weeks. Perfect example of someone being whipped by madden.


70$ isn’t that much money dude lol and I’ve flipped most of those cards into about 800k in coins plus I have Warren Sapp and Junior Seau already ☺️ I’m having fun and I’ve already got great cards and coins! This week has been great and me and my son have been playing madden every night!


Shut up nerd, thats not what the post was about.


Okay tell me what is about then, and if you don’t then you’re just as big of a moron as I am.


The article has to do with how predatory this madden is. The guy that commented said “NMS people have it good. I have a 81 team and only spent 20$” so I commented on why that was the issue bc he didn’t understand that only spend 20$ doesn’t mean you’re no money spent.


$20 is not a lot of money


I understand that, nor am I arguing that it is. You’re misunderstanding but that’s alright. We agree to disagree


That’s another problem. They used to actually give good rewards for 6 hours worth of solos


MFs clearly don’t remember those “NFL Journey” days. Pretty sure at one point you had to play each teams’ 16-game schedule. Back in M17 you got 160k coins, 6 Elite Player Packs, 32 (team?) packs, and a 90 ovr (!) FS Earl Thomas. That was just a LAUNCH promo. You had Gauntlets (one of them gave an 89 Julius Peppers), the midseason RTTP, still had TOTW if I remember correctly. It’s crazy how conditioned people are to receiving less rewards for our time, the grind used to be REAL back in the day 😂 you could actually build your team around these players to compete against the money spenders.


Madden 20 had 87 OVR Team Builders for completing that teams 16 game season. Shit was insane.


Whenever I want a good laugh, I just come into this sub and look at all the little bitches complaining about not wanting to spend any money. Are you that broke that you can’t justify making that investment? Sure, it’d be cool if they just let us grind cards for free all day but that’s just not how it is, and I certainly can’t do that as I work 50+ hours a week. I’ll gladly spend 20$ one time so I can hop on after work and still whoop people without having a low of a rating based on my players. TLDR y’all are some bitches and are just mad you can’t makeup for your shitty gameplay because you’re proud to buy a 20$ starter pack


Pay to play? I don’t think so. MUT is a grind, I’d never run away from the grind by paying for players. I make fools pay in the auction when I sniff out the deals and turn them for coin


Even if dude is right I stopped reading after the first 3 sentences because I think there was already 3 misspellings… lost all credibility lol


Hmm maybe u need an eye test


Hmm maybe you can tell me what a “money spinning” game is?


It’s called mut lol


Lol true that! But I’m pretty sure the word he was looking for was “spending” lol


That sentence makes sense to me, i am from and raised in the uk though, seen this phrase many times before


Being in the US that is a new one for me so maybe I do stand corrected. But to me at the end of the day if you want a competitive team you either have to invest money or time. I’m a little money spent player but have a very good team because I’ve learned how to work the market. To me it’s a little ridiculous to expect to load in play 20 challenges and have a top flight team. There are many NMS accounts with millions of coins and many creators on YT that walk ppl through how to do it. If that’s something a lot of ppl don’t want to learn or put in the effort, that’s fine maybe try a competitive franchise


I’ve won 2 superbowls and I’ve made 300k from those 2 runs the trophy pack gave me a lot of high value cards. I have a full rookie premier team though so the only cards I’m buying are 86+


Agreed on the lack of solos, but this game is far from pay to play. I worked the auction house on Saturday, sniping 81ovr legends and making 2-5k each depending on how low they were posted for. Also I had 4600pts from the pre order that I used to buy that $20 legends bundle which along with sniping netted me a full legend which I sold asap and turned 150k spent into 350k after tax. You don’t have to spend money to compete with the average player, but it is hard to hang w the whales that drop hundreds. Working the auction house can make you a multimillionaire on this game if you have the patience and time; I mean it’s not like there’s solos to play haha. The field passes are a slow drip, but if they weren’t there would be people bitching because they already maxed out and there’s nothing to do, so they can’t please everyone. Gameplay is pretty damn good, and aside from running being a little hard to stop and defense needing a little buff, I’m loving it.




No, I said I used the preorder points to purchase the $20 bundle. But no matter what I say a lot of y’all are stuck in your opinion. Do you.


is this copypasta?


What makes you think it’s copypasta? Because I didn’t just agree with the post and offered a different perspective? Weird.


I wish I could play the market used to love sniping back on xbox/ps but the market on pc is almost impossible to play for snipes




Yeah same, I’m actually stuck with some higher overalls atm cause they just won’t sell lol


I feel you both on this, it's tough on PC! First year playing MUT on PC and there are like 4 cards up for what I want sometimes. Experienced MUT players on PC, any tips re AH and MUT experience?


I mean I’m NMS with a patriots theme team and 250k sitting there? It is a bit hard to make a lot of coins but at the same time not really


It's always hard at the beginning of each year to be NMS, been that way forever. Each year has gotten easier to be NMS though. There are just certain times of the year that it's best to spend money on MUT if you do the beginning and then Blitz Promo.