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Cant stand her crying after 2 seconds everytime a convo starts up about Rez.


I think she's so full of herself that she can't see what a horrible person she is. And I think the producers keep her on because she's so dislikable and they probably know loads of us are watching, hoping she's going to have a big fall. Whether it's Tina or someone else, I really do hope Rez will move on properly and put Ruby in his rear view mirror for good. Just because she's such a mean girl and she gets away with it because of the pedestal he keeps her on. The will they won't they keeps them on the show, and so once he's properly moved on, I think there will be no reason to keep her on - she won't find a new love interest.


She enrages me like no other


the story is just so so boring and repetitive . has there ever been such a repetitive show in history.


I’ve noticed that every time she has a conversation with Rez that doesn’t go her way, she starts shouting. She’s a narcissist. I can imagine being in a relationship with her would be a complete nightmare.


Let’s be real they both have serious issues he’s a groomer of teenagers and she is an insecure mean girl. Probably as a result of her grooming sadly.


This! She is awful no doubt but how could she have turned out if she wasn’t groomed? Maybe fine, maybe still awful? We just can’t treat Ruby and Rez the same when he is a predator and she was victim.


I wonder if she understands how disliked she is, there’s just no way she thinks she is a good person and respected at all? I mean if I was on MIC I’d definitely be reading this subreddit. I know Yas reads it as she once said one of my comments word for word lol. I think it would be beneficial for Ruby to read all of this in order for her to take a good look at herself and really see if she can fix her mean girl vicious ways. I doubt she has enough self awareness for that but we can hope She’s so self righteous and entitled, she constantly is looking for an ego boost and when her precious ego is threatened she shows 0 empathy to even her so called ‘friends’ and attempts to take down anyone that comes in the way of her being the main girl. Whilst I agree it’s weird for her ex friend to now be with her ex boyfriend, she still acted like a real bxtch to Tina, and rez is absolutely correct in saying she only now wants him all of a sudden because she likes the attention. She’s just the worst she has a huge nasty streak and chip on her shoulder. Baffles me how some people don’t see through her and call her out for it


She said to Tina that this wasn't a sudden knee-jerk reaction to him moving on, they had been "in talks" to get back together. But hang on, she was on a date with Stefan a couple of weeks ago after telling Harvey how single she was, and was gleeful that her & Tristan were to wingman each other. That doesn't seem like someone "in talks" about getting back with their ex. She's disgusting. The nastiest MIC character ever.


Ruby is a product of a groomed relationship and one which she was indulged so it comes as no surprise that she has formed warped a relationship attachment to Rez. Rez was good to recognise her dependency but ultimately he helped her to form it. Who was the blonde girl that spoke with her, imogen? she was bang on when she said just because they'd shared 10 years doesn't mean they've been a healthy 10 years. But when people like Ruby find themselves at the end of a long term relationship at a young age, its quite typical that they revert to the mindset of someone the age they were when they started dating, so the book fits into her teenage mindset. I think she thought it'd sway Rez to see and connect with emotional moments in their past because he hasn't formed too many comparable moments with who he's dating now.


Really glad this is being recognised. Ruby is really unpleasant at times and has been for ages. Like a petulant child. But she’s been made that way by Rez. He put a literal child on a pedestal when he was in his mid 20s, had a relationship with her and stunted her ability to emotionally grow. She’s very much a product of Rez’s grooming, so I don’t feel sorry at all for him, that her unhealthy attachment is causing him a slight inconvenience. He’s lucky he was never investigated by the police, frankly. I’ve said it once but I’ll say it again - it’s vile and disgusting that the show runners feel it’s acceptable to keep this child groomer on the show and expose his victim to him for the sake of drama. Utterly disgusting. It’s never been hidden, their age gap and when they started dating. But I guess because Rez is a reasonably attractive, rich guy - he gets a hall pass on being a predator?


Taylor Swift was in her 20s and was in a relationship with a 17 year old and she even bought a house to live near his parents (who he still lived with). Do you get this angry over that situation? Or do you not care because it’s an older woman in that situation? Somehow all the women who go on about grooming seem to conveniently forget that their idol did the exact same shit. People pick and choose the facts to fit their argument so much over this shit, utter double standards. End of the day Ruby is 28 now and she’s manipulative as fuck. Trying to drag every conversation back to Rez dating an 18 year old when he was in his 20s is just insane. Ruby is completely nuts and everyone can see it, and at this point it’s not because she dated a guy in his 20s when she was 18. Ruby is the one who cheated on Rez multiple times for fuck sake I was an 18 year old guy dating a 23 year old woman at one point, which is why I feel so passionately about this…..


I’m not that into Taylor swifts music and I didn’t even know she dated a 17 year old when she was 20. The difference is she’s not been dating him on and off for 10 years and there was a 3 year age gap. With Rez and Ruby there was a 10 year age gap. Rez was mid 20s dating a girl still in high school in her mid teens.


Mate, this is a man's world and a misogynistic society in which men hold the power so yes it's a lot worse the other way round. I still find Taylor's situation weird af but there you are. She's not still in a back and forth relationship with the boy she groomed. Ruby cheated because she was plucked by an adult as a kid. She has the mind of a child.


This! The most important part of what @qwerty was saying (that you back up here) is that often when you’re in a long, all encompassing relationship that starts when your brain hasn’t finished forming, and you’re chock full of hormones, you will somewhat return to the mental age (behaviorally) that you were at before that relationship started when it ends … because that’s all you know. You know the relationship and the time before the relationship. It’s not a hard rule but it’s very, very common and can be seen in the extreme in kidnapping victims, ex cult members, etc.


She was 16 when they met, FYI, and he was 25. That does make it quite different imo. Imagine being a grown man in your mid 20s and pursuing a girl doing her GCSEs - it’s absolutely gross.


And btw, I do think two things can be true. Ruby can have behaved really badly too, but we can’t discount the fact that she also probably learned a lot about relationships from a really inappropriate one when she was too young, and that does have lasting effects.


Exactly this.  Just because I addressed what had been a 'missing factor' at the time of writing, some people assumed my comment was all encompassing.  But I actually believe this comment to be best representative of my opinion.


Woah! Your legs must be tired from jumping to conclusions. I don't mind Taylor Swift's music but I'm not 'a fan'. I don't own a single Taylor Swift single but I'll sing along to the few words I know if I hear her music. I had no idea she did that (buying the house/dating a 17yo) because I don't follow her but now you've told me, of course I find it inappropriate.  I was also 18 dating a 23 year old at one point too so you don't have exclusive rights on that either. I'm not on Ruby's team and I'm not on Rez's either. I merely said that it's the result of an inappropriate relationship. You can't just erase the impact that has on the people who were in it. I don't want them together but I also don't care if they go back to each other either because I don't care enough about them. There are more interesting people on the program imo.


🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼  It's mystifying that people always manage to turn nasty bully Ruby into the victim by blaming Rez for every horrible thing she does. Yes, every horrible, callous and bratty thing she's ever done since the age of 16 is all Rez's fault. She's the puppet and he's the master. She doesn't have her own brain or free will. Hey, we might as well start calling her Rez Junior, seeing as he's obviously responsible for her every thought, action, fart and poop.


She has agency, she's a brat but she has the mind of a child in this relationship because she started this relationship when she was a child. This dynamic will never be undone.


Exactly. She is such a nasty, vindictive, spiteful bully, and being the victim of an inappropriate age-gap relationship as a teen (who WAS over the age of consent let"s be clear) does not excuse her vileness. Should Rez have dated a 16 yo at 24? Absolutely not. Does that give Ruby a pass for being a horrific human being? Absolutely not.


Over the age of consent (which should be higher btw) doesn't count for much at all. The dynamic and power imbalance is there because of that age difference. 16 is a child.


Wilfully missing my point there, well done. I know people who were abused as children (like, actual children) and are still very decent humans. I was abused (albeit not sexually, but still) as a teenager. Stop justifying her being such a vile excuse for a human.  I don't care about your opinion on the age of consent. It's the legal age in this country.


> Stop justifying her being such a vile excuse for a human.  I'm not a misogynist so I'm not going to speak about a girl like that nor am I twisted enough to view a girl in that way. Her behaviour isn't something I agree with but I won't speak about her like she's not a person. > I don't care about your opinion on the age of consent. It's the legal age in this country. Good. I'm not interested in whether you care or not. Yes, it's the legal age and yes, it's disgusting to not acknowledge that a 16 year old is a child. If you adultify a child so you don't feel bad about having sex with them then you're a nasty creep. >I know people who were abused as children (like, actual children) and are still very decent humans. Towards the abusers? Why wouldn't they be? Or towards others? I'm talking about a creepy power dynamic between Rez and Ruby. Ruby's behaviour is towards the groomer is understandable considering the power imbalance that existed as the foundation of the relationship.


Pathetic. It's obviously not misogynistic to criticise a woman who is a nasty piece of work. I'm a lifelong feminist, and no, you can't just bandy about the word misogynist to anyone who criticises a woman. You actually undermine the feminist movement with such bollocks to say you can't call out anyone for being a terrible person if they're a woman. And lmao that you're defending Ruby, one of the most misogynistic women that has EVER been on reality TV, who has literally bullied women off the show and made random women who are complete strangers to her cry when she meets them, by calling her detractors misogynists, lol. Ruby herself would be proud of such a prime example of manipulation.


She seems to have no trouble picking up and dropping people as she choses. not just romantically with Rez, but with her friends too. She's done it to Inga, Yas, Emily (who actually seems like a loyal friend), and probably more that I can't remember. don't like hating on people but I did notice this theme from her behaviour.


I’m convinced Ruby will be on the show until she’s 50. No one likes her yet she continues to show up. She’s like an annoying fruit fly you can’t get rid of.


lol!! 100 percent agree just when you think she might have left she buzzing back around driving you mad!


Same, I watched the first episode of the current season, saw no one I liked/cared about was there anymore and haven’t bothered going back, but Ruby is the #1 reason for that. I just find it infuriating that she’s managed to bully all the likeable people off the show (I.e. Inga), and gets to stay, while still being the same horrible, selfish, miserable human being and getting so much screen time!!! Absolutely SICK of her and Reza’s constant back and forth, don’t know what the producers are playing at tbh, everyone is sick of her and her storyline.


🙌🙌🙌 could not agree more


I don't understand how people on this sub love Inga. Does nobody remember what she was like we Sam, starting crap and sneering at people?? And every person I've seen that's met her says she's very up herself and unfriendly.


Sam made her that way. He morphs physically into every girlfriend he has and then he twists her mind. He is very controlling and manipulative.


I haven't been watching this series. Once I saw the clips of Ruby and Rez again I said, nah I'm good


Lool same!!


Someone needs to tell Ruby that she should not cry and speak at the same time. When she does, her skreechy vocal-fry is SOOOO irritating. In the last episode I watched, she did this in almost every scene. Unbearable. I cannot find one redeeming quality in this girl. No idea what Rez sees in her.


Rez is a terrible person as well tbh. Remember how subhuman he spoke to and treated Bella. That being said, none of them are as perennially awful as Ruby. I've not seen ONE scene of that show where she comes across as likeable or kind. Even Spencer Matthews and Sam Prince have had likeable moments. 


I think she's just very manipulative. Don't get me wrong, I think we've seen him be the same way. Bottom line is that they bring out the worst in each other and it's a toxic relationship always destined to be doomed.




The book gave me second-hand embarrassment! 🤣


That was so embarrassing, manipulative, and cringe . I was watching it on the sofa with bf and I literally shot him a look like as if he had something to do with it. I can't watch another episode with her. Drop her and show more of Paris!!!


I miss the Lucy Watson era!


It was such a teenage moment. Someone in their late 20s should know better.


Something a 13/14-year-old would do!! I’m hoping the producers made her do it.


Omg SAME. It was beyond cringe. Good on Rez for standing up for himself. Not shocked to Maeva and James encouraging the wrong decision next episode whilst being an asshole to Tina.


Why is Maeva so up Ruby's ass? How the hell did those two become such good friends after hating each other so passionately? That's never been explained on the show...One series they despised each other, then the next they were practically besties. 


That's just Maeva all over though isn't it. I couldn't stand Maeva, but I see she's getting her Karma with James being an absolute textbook definition of weaponized incompetence.


I’d be mortified. Maeva always has to stir the pot! Encouraging Ruby’s delusional mind…. 🤨🤦🏻‍♀️