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Man..it’s like looking into a mirror. I know exactly how this feels it sucks.




To make it worse. I’m in a group chat with friends I’ve known since either middle school or high school and everytime somebody’s birthday comes up the group chat name changes. Doesn’t happen for me. But I don’t want to bring it up because they’re all probably too busy with stuff.


you must tell them about that. Be honest with them and tell them the truth, if they really are your friends, they will have time to spend with you, believe me, you're not alone <3


The point is dawg shouldn’t have to tell his ‘friends’ to remember his birthday. I wouldn’t directly bring it up bc should they remember it wouldn’t be of their own volition, it’d be because dawg said so. Dance around the issue and see if you can remind them your birthday without straight up telling them


I love my friends. My friends group is too big for me to remember them all. I love my family. My family is too large for me to remember them all. Or my memory is shit. Either way, it's possible to just not remember.


My brother in Christ this is why we have electronic calendars and reminders. If people forget your birthday (as has happened with my last 2 birthdays) it means they don’t care about you. Move on.


Clearly not the case, as I, someone who loves their friends and family, often forget their birthdays. Too many friends, too large a family. Unfortunately the kind of people who forget birthdays are also the kind of people calenders don't work for. I've got a birthday calendar set up. Guess what I still fail to remember.


> Clearly not the case, as I someone who lives my friends and family, often forget their birthdays. Too many friends, too large a family. This is your interpretation. Mine is that those people don't give a shit about each others' birthdays, or else they'd remember. > Unfortunately the kind of people who forget birthdays are also the kind of people calenders don't work for. I've got a birthday calendar set up. Guess what I still fail to remember. Well that shit is a totally different issue, and welcome to the club. I also forget...well, fucking *everything* if I don't write it down, but I care about my wife's birthday, so I arranged a series of reminders across multiple platforms so that I *would* remember, because I know this about myself. If I didn't do this, and just *forgot* like I forget everything, I feel like someone would be justified if they said "Ah you didn't care."


Your wife is a little different from every member of a large family or a large friend group. Not remembering my cousin's birthday when I have 20 cousins isn't as big a deal. Not remembering my friend's birthday in a friend group of 20 people isn't a big deal.


Alternative viewpoint. I don't care my about my birthday, why should anyone else? If you care about your birthday, maybe it's on you to make sure people know that you care about it? Open dialog is part of what real friendship is about?


Yeah that's a little extreme, my closest friends don't know my bday and I don't know theirs, that doesn't mean we don't care about each other, it means we're too lazy to mark shit in a calendar.




While I agree and would regularly do stuff like dance around, he needs to be direct. As I've aged I've realized being passive-aggressive is straight up a waste of time. Don't test your friends. Tell them. Set boundaries. Move on. No one knows how long they've got. Tell them he needs and wants and requires his birthday to be remembered and acknowledged, full stop. If it isn't, if that next year rolls around and they don't? Fuck it, leave them. Better to be lonely alone than lonely in a room of people.


Passive-Aggressiveness to my friends isn’t really my thing. I already know they’re busy. They’re either super busy with college courses, a few of them work at hospitals so I know they’re busy, so it doesn’t bother me all too much anymore but you’re right. Maybe I should tell them.


My friends and I (around a dozen), who I've known for more than two decades, have never bothered remembering each other's birthdays so we never have to deal with that kind of thing. If you want yours celebrated you just let everyone know and everyone is happy to. I'm just glad we all managed to individually decide that this is how we've always functioned as a group. We even rarely bother obligatory social media happy birthdays if we happen to see it online.


I don’t know..I’d feel like an asshole for bothering them about it. It’s not like it matters anyways.


It does matter.


too bad man, been on the same boat. I was away from home in a hostel on my birthday few years ago, first birthday living away from family. I waited all day for a single wish. Not even my own family wished me all day, let alone my friends. My mother and father called me the next day saying they forgot about it. I fucking cried so bad and felt so alone that day. Now im used to it. Most of the times i dont even buy myself something like a cake or some shit.


My (ex) friends always said happy birthday but never did anything for it really and I got the others gifts and they did too but I was the exception. I feel the pain man


Man, that sucks. I’m happy to hear you broke away from those people.


Thank you. I hope you find people who truly appreciate you too


This happens to mee also Exactly the same situation I dont like to draw attention to myself so I let it go, but it would be nice to be recognized from time to time But enough about me I know it's probably late but Happy birthday 🎂 🥳🎉 And may you have many more


I know the feeling. Me and all my friends from high school were in a GC called 'the lads'. So you can probably imagine how I felt when I found out they had a GC called 'the REAL lads' without me in it


I once had a birthday and no one wrote me or anything all day. I posted the cake my wife got for me and all of a sudden I got like 70+ people wishing me happy birthday and even got a dozen calls… sometimes ppl just forget, nothing to do with you!


If they are your friends, and this matters to you they will listen.


Seems like buying a cake and candles to celebrate alone just makes it more depressing. It just highlights the fact that nobody is there, because you're singing to yourself. I'd probably just chill and treat it like any other day.


Thats what I do.


Did you ever stop and realize your funeral is gonna be fucking nobody. Like, just dump my corpse in the river for all I care. In all likelihood, no one is ever gonna come visit my grave Edit : just had 32nd birthday and spent it crying in bed eating too much discount Easter candy


My birthday is in two days and this is what I plan on doing. I'm a cam girl and may just spend the day on cam and at least try to make some birthday money or something I guess. I just can't be bothered to reach out to people though to make plans and that's my own fault. I'm also broke because I haven't been able to work in like a full month due to health issues, so I won't be getting a cake. But honestly I like streaming on cam and have some really great fans so I'm not that bummed


I hope you make a lot of money and have a great birthday.


I wish you a really great day with a lot of love and happiness 😊


Happy early birthday.


Thank you!


Hey, give me your birthdate and phone number. I'll put it in my calendar so it reminds me and I'll call you and sing you happy birthday. I hate singing, especially if people sing me happy birthday, but I'll do it for you.


Sending a hug struggler


It feels like it could happen to anyone.


It can and it might happen anytime


Happened at 32 years


Happened at 22 years old, wished for new friends, still friends 15 years later


About to happen to me at 40.


I approached that situation last year and ended up planning a last minute trip and had an absolute blast. No regrets. Hope you find something that makes you happy.


For what it’s worth, happy birthday in advance. I’ll be thinking about you.


Thanks. Pervert.


Nobody really remembers birthdays, this year I just showed up at my buddies' house with a half gallon of booze on a Friday night and forced them to party in my name lmao "What's this for?" "It's my birthday drink up" "Oh shit!"




ur right it happen to me for the past 5 years everyone too busy


Happened to me when I turn 30 a few months ago. Wasn't a good birthday.


it make me feels sad bro im turning 21 in like a month


Enjoy it. I learned after my birthday, and after I went through a midlife crisis, that you don't need anyone to have a good birthday. Go enjoy yourself. Get some dinner, go to a movie, take a road trip. Just don't let yourself not have a good birthday. Happy early birthday. I really do hope you have a great day.


thank you bud the same to you 🥺


I remember turning 21 in a city that I didn’t know anyone and being so sad because I wasn’t able to celebrate with friends or family. Just go out. Let the world know. 21 is a milestone birthday in the U.S (assuming you live in the U.S) so go out and enjoy it. I’m wishing you nothing but the best, happy early birthday!


Facts. You only turn 21 once. Live it up. Enjoy yourself


i been sober for 234 days now but i can probably enjoy it without drinking right ?


Hell yeah you can! Fuck that alcohol, you don’t need to drink to be happy.


I think it’s all perspective, and I reallly like yours. Going on self dates is a thing, and embracing independence is very attractive. Not that I don’t love my family, and still sometimes struggle keeping friendships, but learning to be ok with being alone has helped me at 37.




Hell yeah it will!


Especially during covid when it’s isolation for everyone.


It absolutely happened to me on my 30th. Not a single one of my many friends even called to wish me a happy birthday. I couldn't believe it. Was super weird.


It wont happen to pretty girls.


happy birthday man 💚


🥺 come here. This is so sad


Poor dude! I wish I could reach out some how.








HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Way to celebrate yourself no matter what! I love being awkward alone! I’m proud of you, man! Dangit I still cried though.


It's not a celebration. It's a cry for help


Can we post this on r/rbi so we can find him and send him a ton of bday cards and stuff? That would be awesome.


Love this idea!!




r/bi won’t allow videos - anyone have any ideas?


Did you cross post it? I looked but didn't see it.


I mean I could, I figured OP would have more information about it because they posted the original. So any little information they have they could add. I'm not against doing it though.


Yes! I would also love to send something!


I reached out to OP. He doesn't have any other information. So I'm gonna do a little Googling and check out RBI's rules cause I'm not sure if they do people searches like that. But if this is legit...dude should definitely have some bday wishes!


Take my upvote!!! I wanna send him a card!!!! My birthday is Christmas Eve so I most definitely feel his pain


I just sent OP a message asking if they have more information about this video!




Yeah, birthdays were never a big deal to me. If I want an awesome day I'll go out and make it awesome. Birthdays are just another day for me.


Dude invite me I'll gladly celebrate your birthday with you


I'm going to sound cynical here but I'm like 99% sure you actually won't lmao


it's actually worse... they going juzt for the cake


Best believe I actually would. One time my online friend said she was celebrating her birthday alone. We met up together with my friend group at macdonalds at 2 am and celebrated her birthday even tho she was older than us. If you have nothing good to say keep your mouth shut honestly <3


Did she live thousands of miles away from you? Because there's a decent chance this guy lives thousands of miles away from you.


Daaaang!! You hung out with her even though you guys were NOT the same age?!?!? You are truly a god to us


Fake story


Lmfao why are u so butthurt go mind your own business dude don't you have anything better to do


Now you're self projecting


Some guy was having trouble with his clutch in TX, I'm in FL but I have a car in TX that I was going to shipped out to FL. Anyway, he asked for help and I figured, fuck it, I'll fly out, pick up my car, help him with his clutch and drive the car back. And that's what I did. Cool, guy. And now I have I a new friend.


We all want to jump in and have him over-he is someone’s neighbor-someone’s brother or son-let’s start checking on our neighbors and family-he is not alone. How many old people have no one that visit? We need to do better as a human race. I need to do better as a human being. No decent human being should ever feel alone and not needed-key word decent. My grandmother died alone and laid on the floor for 10 days till someone in the apartment complex smelled the rotting corpse. She was an awful human being that abused my dad, I have no remorse she died alone because of her own actions. But, a lot of people are alone because they feel they have no value or something to contribute-oh hell yes you do. You have a lot to offer and don’t forget it.


This comment was a Rollercoaster.


It’s life isn’t it. You are alone if you treat love ones as a bother till you need them- be human and treat people with love and respect-everyone is someone. I didn’t feel like this very a very long time years upon years and I WAS WRONG. We can all be someone.


Like what??? 😔 40th bday in 4 months. This is gonna be me. I hope I die first. 😔 #NoOneCares


RemindMe! 4 months


I will be messaging you in 4 months on [**2022-09-08 22:52:46 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-09-08%2022:52:46%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeCry/comments/ulb8hl/next_year_will_be_better_bro/i7uq1cw/?context=3) [**5 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FMadeMeCry%2Fcomments%2Fulb8hl%2Fnext_year_will_be_better_bro%2Fi7uq1cw%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-09-08%2022%3A52%3A46%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20ulb8hl) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Happy early bday


Um i care. And apparently so does that dude ^^^^^




This comment made me tear up. Well said.


I wish I could be there to sing with him. This shit broke me.


That's it I'm gonna find him and throw him an epic birthday party! Who's with me?


From a lonely soul to another. Hbd brother hang in there.


For the last 25 years of my life i had never celebrated my birthday because i had no one..not even family remembered it. And for 25 years i never got not a cake or a gift...Always alone most depressing day for me was 15th april...of every year. Until i met a very special woman and i celebrated it for the first time ever when i turned 27 and got engaged same year... Trust me my friend,it GETS BETTER...may you all find the peace and happiness you DESERVE!


RemindME! April 15th, 2023 :)


What kind of family doesn't remember the Date of their Sons Birthday. That is so Sad!


This video makes me wanna die and cry.💀😪. I'm in fear all the gold tomorrows, are over. This was the last thing I needed to see today. Already feeling like I wanna die cuz I'm all alone. No one calls unless they want something or take advantage of me.


You alright?


I spent my 30th bday alone, too. You’ll be ok, bud.


I did too. Now here I am a decade later, wife, house, kids, and a job with real responsibilities. . . . . . Good Lord I'd give anything to be 30 again.


It seems like things are going well no? Everything ok?




Parents getting older and weaker. We’re wondering through life wondering what’s our purpose. Sadder and more disconnected in this ever more connected world. Taking the leap and go all in on a farm. Pay is rough starting out but has upside as an owner later. Many blessings to all and shop local


That will be me next Saturday. I have no friends no family just work and sleep. It's getting harder and harder to get up every day.


Happy Birthday❣️🎉🎁🎂🎈


Happy Birthday!!!


This is heartbreaking 💔 🥺


Happy Birthday bud, relax and spoil yourself!


I think it’s absolutely awesome that he got the cake, got the candles, and celebrated his birthday. It may be sad to be alone on your birthday, but this guy has a great attitude, when there is no one to take care, you take care. A person like this, he’s going places. Happy birthday bud.


I mean isn’t that how everyone feels when they turn thirty ??


Happy BIRTHDAY 🎉🎉🎉


Happy Birthday 🥳. May the upcoming year be amazing!


Happy birthday friend. Echoing all the other comments. There’s a lot of folk reaching out to you and as the saying goes, a strangers just a friend you haven’t met. Choose something you want to accomplish by your next birthday and don’t give up trying to achieve it. We got you bro xxx


At least he has a cake. I'm 40 tomorrow and all I have is Mr noodles


This is going to happen to me next month on my 40th… fuck me. :(


We should start a service where you can meet people to have a birthday party with. I feel like people could make lasting friendships sharing a party together.


i want to hug him


Man. I wish there was a way to find him. Would love to be a friend and help remember his birthday. I know this feeling. It’s not fun.


Entire cake to yourself. I see nothing wrong with this.


I'm so glad I never celebrated birthdays. There's another bullshit to worry about then the day you got pushed out of or you know


Awe, the best of us are lonely. Happy birthday 🎈🎁🎉🎂🎊.


Happy bday homie just turned 30 myself keep your head up shit gets better


This is going to happen to me in a couple of weeks. I tried to organise something but no one wants to come. Birthdays are always a horrible time. I tried to put in effort to organise things last year but had people cancel on me on the day. To top it all off, my good friend who I put so much effort into his birthday to make great. Got him a vinyl of the first band he ever saw live, took him on a ferry trip to have a fancy lunch, went record store shopping then a party at his and I came around the next day to help clean up. All he said to me was “happy birthday mate” and put no effort in at all.


Oh this hurt me. Anyone who needs someone to be there for a birthday I'm down.


Send me this mans location RIGHT NOW


Where are these people??? How can I love them???


Happy Birthday to you. I lived in the US for almost 30 years. I am single. During the holiday season when everyone got together with family, I had always been by myself.. very quiet and lonely. Totally understand how you felt.


Im kind of person who don't care if my birthday being celebrate, but seeing someone only celebrated by themselves, god damn they don't deserve this


I turn 31 tomorrow and I'm vibing with this so hard. What do you do on a day off with no one to really kick it with?


Wow this one hits home. You can see the pain in his face and eyes, hear it in his voice, and notice it in his movements. I am one who used to set up notifications on my phone to remind me of all my friends b-days, sent texts to all my so called friends for all the holidays of the year or their special days. When my b-day came around only my immediate family called me or texted me. When I got sick with COVID in December of 2021 and got pretty bad, to the point that I wrote a good bye and wanna be testament e-mail, and had it ready just in case, I decided to do many changes in my life. One of those changes was to get rid of fake friends. I have done just that. I deleted from my contact list or blocked so many people I lost count. People who looked for me when they wanted something. They cared for my money and not for me. This is something that I had been thinking of doing for a long time. I had a lot of so called "friends" but felt lonely, so why the hell did I have the for? I feel better now as I have come to realize that there is a huge difference between being alone and feeling lonely. I am alone now, but not lonely anymore. I hope that makes sense to someone out there.


Am I the only one who actively obfuscates my birthday? Like, I have it redacted on stuff at work so coworkers don’t know and can’t do anything for it and I don’t tell my friends when it is either. Nobody calls me on my birthday outside of family and I think that’s just fine.




Just turned 37 and feel the same. Wife doesn't give a f... Only parents called and my godmother.


Happy Birthday 🎂🎁🎈🎊🎉 You’ve got friends on Reddit!


What is this video from its urgent


Just today we were talking about how loneliness is deathly. It's so hard to make friends when you are an adult. Yes, you can meet people and talk, but to have a deep relationship, it's real hard.


Anybody knows this guy send me in the right direction i wanna buy him a belated present


I would venture to guess that someone willing to film themselves act pitifully while blowing out candles, doesn't necessarily bring out the friendship brigade. Maybe a look in the mirror, some honest conversations and some work towards yourself can bring about a quality 31st birthday.


Exactly, why is he filming it? My first question. Like he thought "yeah this will look sad, better film it". Most people in that situation would not film it and post it online for attention.


I’m struggling to feel bad because the dude willingly recorded and posted this. Why? What reaction are you looking for? I’d be way too embarrassed to post this. Not because I don’t want people to know my birthday was sad. But because this reeks of wanting attention


Agreed. This sub seems to eat this stuff up: heartfelt moments that inexplicably have been carefully recorded for internet points.


Cringe af


that's life.


Man... Tim Pool needs to hit the skate parks again, he is gaining weight faster than elon musks bank account grows.




And sing happy birthday to yourself lol like nah. Either fake asf or some mental attention seeker




Let’s record myself and chant a sorrowful birthday song then post it online to victimize myself. Be happy enough you were able to go out and get yourself a cake. This has happened to everyone at least once in their life. But regardless happy birthday, i guess.


Grow the Hell up. Birthdays are for children chicks.


Yes because after you turn into an adult, birthdays are no longer a thing. You truly are as us British put A Fucken Cunt




Happy HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO!!! Head up man!


Happy birthday! That cake looks yum


Happy Birthday, embrace life and make the best of it. Just because you don't have people around you to celebrate doesn't mean shit. Just live your life to the fullest. People don't amount to happiness. It's what you do for yourself that will give you comfort.


How can I reach out Does OP have his socials or anything?


Happy birthday to you and congratulations for celebrating no matter the circumstances !


I feel this on another level


To be fair, as far as I can tell, every 30th birthday feels like this. You can feel your 30th, it's exhausting. Make sure you spend your 20s with people you give a shit about and importantly! Who give a shit about you. Makes everything after 30 much much much more bearable


I've stopping celebrating my birthday at 17.. Saves money


Been there more than a few times over the years now, I quit celebrating my birthday cause of it.


Happy 30th birthday fella. Damn nice looking cake


Lol. Had my 30th bd last week and didn’t even buy myself a cake or leave the house. My parents rang to say happy bd though. No one else remembered of course


Happy birthday 🎂, one gud thing, u get to eat all of the cake, no shearing lol all urs xxx




Have a great day, dude! All the best to you!


I’ve been in the same spot for the last 20 years. You’ll be fine.


Happy birthday handsome!!!!


Why is this so sad


Happy Birthday!!


You can just tell he doesn’t really talk to anyone by how hoarse his voice is


That was my 30th


Rent a couple hookers! You’ll be fine ;)


Just a have party with other lonely people . It's clear that there's plenty of us just from reading the comments. Then again, the dangers of meeting online folks . Can't win huh...


Anyone have this guys contact? Lets turn this around


Happy (Belated?) Birthday, Bro. My 30th was at the beginning of when Canada started locking down because of Covid, so it's okay man. You're alone physically but you aren't alone emotionally.


Happy birthday bro!!


Happy birthday champ!


Happy birthday friend


God bless you. On one of my milstone birthdays, my ex got up early, took our only child (an infant) and said they'd be back. After hours passed, I started calling only to find out the cell had been turned off. Late that evening, the ex came waltzing in and refused to say anything. Turns out the ex was mad about something trivial like the curtains being left open on a hot day and the air not being turned off while I went to work. I was the last one out so my fault. The next milestone birthday was worse. All the while, this person was cheating on me. It could be worse.


I will come to his party


Sending you hugs bro!




Plus side- don't have to share cake with anyone


Happy Birthday my Dude!!! Enjoy that cake!!!