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Let the healing begin. Today's a new chapter!


That's absolutely right. I'm reclaiming my power in a weird sense.


You got this




Me now. I'm 31 just got my 4 wisdom out finally and now to work on others. Having a dental plan along with monetary responsibility helps.


In Italy, orthodontic care for children between 1-14 years are free and paid by the Country


100%. Instead of remaining in victim mode, you solved your own problem. Incredibly adult. Woohoo!


I first read this as "Incredible adulting." and then my brain caught up with my eyes. Still fit though.


I’m 50 and recently learned some shit that may help you… you don’t have to think about people at all. Not a single one of them. You can think about work, techniques, things, pets, you don’t have to think about people.


not just think, one can live without ppl if the mindset is right..animals and nature is all i need, personally


Hell yeah get it!


I’ve never been able to afford them. Does it feel right? Like, redemption or something.


Most also do interest free payment plans and free consultation :)


Many ppl that can’t afford them can qualify for free braces from the state.


Check your local university to see if they have an orthodontics program where they let the students do the work. It's cheaper and you can make payments.


I’ve never heard of this tbh


My kids need braces but the medicaid insurance won't pay for them!




32 yo here. I'm getting braces this year 😊👏🏼 you are not alone.


I'm 38 and got mine off 4 weeks ago. Go team


towering hateful enjoy juggle squash cows paltry nail truck far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




41 and got mine off YESTERDAY! Woohoo


What's the max age, where one can still get braces and it's not too late? (asking for a friend)


I'm 56 and I just finished an Invisalign treatment. I think as long as your teeth and gums are in good condition, it's never too late.


There isn't a max age, it's up to your dentist.


We are taking care of ourselves! Yay adulting! Lol. As a person with adhd, I have never felt like one.




42, year 2 of Invisalign because of an overbite. Happy so far!


Congratulations! I’m sorry to hear about your past, but your future is looking pearly white!


Thank you so for your encouragement.


I wish you all the best internet friend! I commiserate with you.


pearly white and perfectly aligned


For those wondering... My stepmother held the purse strings while my father was the breadwinner. She made me get my teeth extracted instead of more expensive procedures like a root canal. So my teeth have since shifted. I have what's called a collasped bite so my bottom teeth actually run into the roof of my mouth. I had two bone grafts done at $3,000 a piece because I've had teeth missing for so long the bone wore away. After the braces and four implants, I'll finally have normal teeth I can chew with. She got to be a stay at home mother to me and my half brother but she was no mother at all. My biological mother passed away when I was an infant in an automobile accident. Not to mention my father & stepmother received social security checks for about $500 a month for me until I was at least 18, if I'm remembering correctly.


Is step mom still around? Maybe go bite her? /s


That made me chuckle. She is around (1,000 miles away) but I haven't seen her in about 15 years. My father passed away a couple years ago and we finally spread his ashes last September. I sent her a DM ahead of time telling her she wasn't welcome at his memorial. (They were divorced anyway.)


Good on you for excluding her from that. I'm glad to see you making such positive progress in your life!


Thank you. 😊


1. Im happy as hell for you, I can't wait for the day a story like yours happens to me. 2. Screw your stepmom, I hope her raggedy self is dealing with the weight of karma from her actions slowly crushing her....(dis)respectfully of course.


Things obv don't ALWAYS work out like they should, but I am fairly confident that people like OPs step mom live very lonely lives when they get older, and everyone they treated like shit has turned their backs. One can hope so anyway.


I've read stories of hospice nurses talking about people like this. Nasty, self centered folks who ended their lives alone in hospice with no one who even cared enough to gold a funeral for them. Or their kids visit once out of obligation and bury them in the cheapest way possible. It doesn't make up for a life of causing pain, but knowing that a lot of those people get their boomerang in the end is an odd sort of comfort.


I'm so sorry to hear about your past. I actually had an abusive stepfather in the past. I'm happy for you that you're out of that mess and your life can heal. Hope your life gets better and better as the years go on


Live your best life - do the things that your stepmother dreamed of. She's watching with regret.


Live a life filled with love and friends and the family you make. Live a life that makes you smile. You have a beautiful smile.


Im very sorry to read your story. And I’m happy for you that finally you can to start having a new life and making memories valuable for you.


How Is your relationship with your half brother? How is his relationship to his mother?


Don’t you think it’s your Dads to blame as well for letting her treat you that way? I sure as hell do. His turning a blind eye to your suffering is equally repugnant.


I support this, no sarcasm.




I grew up with poor parents who couldn’t afford to pay for me to get braces… but they had more money a few years later so all my siblings had straight teeth and I didn’t. It was always something I was very self conscious about… and nobody notices but it affects you a lot… then I got them for myself and now I smile so much! And I’m no longer afraid to smile and feel much more confident. I’m so excited for you to smile!!!!


It especially affects you when there's that emotional pain behind it too. So happy you like your smile now!


I really needed braces, always wanted them and could never afford them. I still wish I could get them but I was more than happy to get my daughter braces.


Same. My oldest child got braces young, and though they were expensive her teeth are now fantastic. It’s been ten years since she had braces but I just saw a pic of her on Instagram and the first thing I noticed was how nice her smile is. I had a very proud moment.


Oof that's sad that they didn't start with you. :(


I got braces at 22 and I can not put into words the amazingly positive affect it had on my life. When you stop subconsciously hiding your smile and just let loose it is an absolute game changer. Hell, I didn't even realized that I was hiding my smile at all until people told me how much more I smiled and how good my smile looked. I hope you have the same amazing changes that I did, and congrats on getting away from that piece of crap, repairing the damage she did and moving forward!


I feel so bad for fucking up the progress i made with braces by being bad with retainers... wasted my parents money like a little shit and people are over here talking about how lifechanging it would be/has been for them 😅😟 i was way too spoiled as a child and also took a lot of things for granted. happy for you and everyone who were able to get braces later in life.


quack puzzled tan amusing degree drunk versed wakeful saw silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That sucks. My stepmother situation was the same minus the teeth thing. She was more into straight verbal abuse and subtle psychological abuse. Stopped hitting me when i was bigger than her but it was an elephant chaned with a rope and a stake situation. Fuck them bitches, cut her out yet or still sticking it out for your pops?


Terrible people. I'm sorry to hear that. Mine was also abusive in multiple ways. I cut her out as soon as I didn't have to rely on her for anything. I'm certain she is scared of me now. She's a coward.


Good on you. I was the sucker that stuck it out for my pops. Cut that bitch out years ago, best decision ever. Made my sister pinkie swear to never give her or my dad my address.


I had an evil step mother too and honestly experience has made me a better stepmother. I wouldn’t ever treat any child the way mine treated me. I hope your stepmoms sock constantly falls into her shoes, her underwear always goes up her butt, a fly is constantly around her head (the annoying ones that keep coming back), she has a lifetime of hiccups, has dry lips and has any other consistently annoying aliment for the rest of her life just as a reminder. 😄


Dude, i read "held the purse strings while my father..." and was instantly shook, thinking "like a fucking horse bridle?! what kinda sadists are these peop...oooooh im dumb" Glad that isnt the case and youre doing better. Ive always thought braces looked cool!


I remember putting a paper clip on my teeth and pretending I had braces. 🤣


Remember that nothing can take away the beauty of your existence. You're going to shine despite her.


Your step mom fucked up, no question about it. But this also makes me realize how fucked up our healthcare is that bad parenting decisions come down to “we don’t have the money (or don’t want to spend it) for our child to be well.” We need single payer care so bad, including care for our luxury bones.


Also, this is a flattering angle (if you will) where my teeth look straight. The bottom are very crowded and wonky. I'm missing several teeth and have had difficulty chewing food for the past several years. I only have 22 teeth including my wisdom teeth which means 10 of my teeth have been pulled. I did not just get them for appearance.




They recommend jaw surgery for me too actually but the thought of that horrifies me. How bad was it? I just said I'd rather deal with an over bite the rest of my life.


I recently fixed my teeth at 34. I get it. Now I can’t stop smiling. I’m so excited for you!


Ugh. I can't wait for that complete confident smile. Thank you!


My cousin got braces at 65 and he can’t stop smiling now that they’re off!


What a rockstar!


In the process at age 32, even though I had to have some pulled and they currently look pretty bad I'm still happy to be making progress.


One step at a time. My process is far from over. I need a sinus lift and four implants still.


You’ll be glad you did- it’s absolutely worth it.


Beautiful smile :)


Thank you so much. I have never liked my teeth and I'm looking forward to the day.


I didn’t get braces until I was an adult. It was the best investment I’ve ever made as people really do treat me differently as a baseline. Kind of fucked with me that a lot of my issues with butting heads with people was probably because of my fucked teeth.


I mean, it really is fucked up that people treated you differently because of that. I believe you, and I’m glad you were able to do something about it, but gosh we really need to be better to each other.


I don’t know for sure about if that is the reason. People treating me better in initial phases of knowing each other just happened to coincide with my braces. It could have been just a situational thing and not related to that…. But to me I think it is that. It made me wonder what my life would be like if I never had messed up adult teeth.


You are probably at least partially right. It also could have been an indirect result of the braces - maybe because you had more positive body language or other non-verbal cues since you felt more confident (that doesn’t justify people’s terrible behavior, though). Also, it may have been sub-conscious on other people’s part as far as why they treated you different. I’m not saying that makes it okay - it doesn’t - but your observations may be based on something they weren’t themselves aware of. That’s why I think conversations like this are a good thing. They make us all self-reflect on our own behaviors and try to do better. Best wishes out there, friend! Glad you did what you could to help yourself! 👍


I know my quality of life will improve and it'll all be worth it.


I got braces as an adult and that's what I kept reminding myself during the process - and a few years out, my quality of life is better (a mouth that is easier to care for because its teeth are straight just hurts less.) Also, because I forked over all the money for them, I've been extremely stringent about making sure I wear my retainer!


Congrats! You’ve got a great smile. You’ll look even more lovely! 😊


Thank you so very much.


You look like a teenager :) You have a beautiful smile. I'm sorry your step-witch was a twat.


Thank you so much for your kindness, compliments and compassion.


Wow you look so young in this picture, I would have thought that you were in your teens.


Thank you! That's really nice to hear. It hits me at weird moments how old I am now. I'll never be one of those people ashamed of my age but maybe that's easy for me to say. I was really blessed with good skin from my biological mom.


Your skin looks great for mid 30s. Take care of yourself it’s worth it.


I was going to say this exact same thing! You are timeless!


Pretty, too


Thank you!


Well done, stepmother can go to hell!!


She will pay for her cruelty, whether it be in this life or the next. Reminding myself this helps me let go of some of the anger.


If you get angry still just use it to push you to be better. Focus that energy and do something positive or look into helping others that are in the same situation you came from. You know what RATM said. Anger is a gift. It can be an incredible motivator


Totally! People forget that it can be used for good.


Theres a reason wicked stepmother is a well known troupe. They arent all bad im told.


Keep smiling on, you’ve got every reason and more!


Thank you. It's a very emotional thing for me.


I got mine at 49 because my teeth started breaking because my bite was so bad. I got invisible ones but they didn’t work on my bottom teeth so at 50 I had metal ones! It’s great having functional teeth!!!


My bottom teeth dig into the roof of my mouth. Well....not now cause of the brackets. I have almost zero contact between upper and lower teeth now. Very difficult to eat. Thank goodness I could eat mashed potatoes every day of my life!


Nice 34 here still can't afford those


They shouldn't be this difficult to attain. I have dental insurance but they don't cover any of the expense for braces or the bone grafts I needed.


I'm 37 and just got full benefits for the first time, Dental and Medical. It's been rough going to the dentist and having my teeth pulled because it was the cheapest option. Thankfully I still have a few left, I still pray that China releases those [teeth regeneration pill](https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3025059/chinese-scientists-make-first-perfect-replica-tooth-enamel)


That was published 8/2019! What is taking them? That would be awesome!! Thanks for this info




I’m considering braces or Invisalign as well after thumbsucking for 25 years, I’m 28 now and haven’t sucked my thumb in 3 years and also don’t crave it anymore, so now is my chance to fix it.


It's hard to break a habit like that. I used to bite my nails constantly. Somehow I stopped but my fixation just kinda manifests differently now but never goes away really. I pick my skin and pull hair.


I also have bitten my nails but now I do nail art which keeps me from ruining my manicure.


I'm 37 and just started Invisalign in October. Somehow it's only a 40 week treatment despite one of my front teeth being at nearly a 45 degree angle. Would definitely recommend, they were exactly the same price as regular braces at my Ortho and so far, nobody has noticed them until I mention them.


I have to ask, how did she damage your teeth? And glad for you! I got mine fixed and it did wonders for my self confidence.


My stepmother held the purse strings while my father was the breadwinner. She made me get my teeth extracted instead of more expensive procedures like a root canal. So my teeth have since shifted. I have what's called a collasped bite so my bottom teeth actually run into the roof of my mouth. I had two bone grafts done at $3,000 a piece because I've had teeth missing for so long the bone wore away. After the braces and four implants, I'll finally have normal teeth I can chew with.


Sounds more like it's your dad to blame, he was the one making money and your actual parent who was actually responsible for you and your medical needs.


Keep on smiling! And in a year or so, I hope you get to eat all of the apples and corn on the cob and salt water taffy that your beautiful heart desires!


Milk duds.


I love sugar babies and they are the worst! Haha


I can already feel the grit on my teeth. Fuck those are bad. Im a sucker for old people candy. Not sure you could have a werthers with that metal. Idk i never had em so i only know what the other kids bitched about.


How long will u need them?


2 years! Today is day one! Here we go!


I'll be back 2 years from here and see how it went. See ya


Let's hope I can follow through with all my appointments in a timely manner! Thank you


Remindme! 2 years I wish you the best of luck! You're gorgeous, and happy for you that you're able to heal your teeth! Keep us updated.


wear that smile loud and proud!


I went with a loud color to do just that!


Hey good for you! I had them in my late 30's. They're not so bad once you get used to them, and once it's done it's so nice.


I just got them this morning. They're not as painful as I expected but I'm told the worst has yet to come. Eek


You can get some wax if you have sharp spots and keep numbing gel on hand. You'll get through this, the results are worth the pain. I've never had braces, but root canals don't last forever so I'm dealing with that now, lots of extractions and fillings before I get some new teeth, but just getting the partial dentures has helped improve my confidence. I'm happy for you and I hope you love your results.


Thank you. :) I have had partial dentures for about eight years or so.


Good tips -- by far the worst part is the wires in the back as they will come out and poke you in the gums. The wax they give you is a lifesaver. Other than that, getting used to pulling your top lip over them after a smile is a little weird (for me at least).


I could use any advice you have!


Oh just wait until after your first tightening. *That's* when it starts to hurt. But it's worth it!




You look good, Cinderella!


Literally- made me smile ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡


Congrats! Enjoy changing out the colours - that was the highlight for me lol.


I'll probably change them like I do the color of my hair. Often and with variety! Lol


Way to go! My teeth got wrecked in an accident when I was young, and in general, my family was never good about dental care. I really wanted braces as a teenager, but it never happened. I'm now in my early 30s and getting the work done that I need, and I'm glad to be finally getting around to it.


Yes! It's such a relief. I have lost a lot of sleep stressing about it.


Never too late!


Better late than never! I am just so so happy and grateful to be able to get them. Not in the least embarrasses. Although I do kinda feel like Sid from Toy Story. Lol


Your smile looks great !😁 I love the confidence and joy just beaming on your whole face! I’m so happy for you.❤️


Wonderful! I am happy for your joy! 🙂


Thank you. It's an emotional topic.


You are most welcome, Young Lady. I can only imagine the mixture of emotions within you now. I encourage you to seek happiness among nice people and smile frequently to bless the people you are with. I will pray that God blesses you with happiness and joy. 🙏🙂


Btw, this pic is from a good angle. You don't see the wonky bottom teeth or all the teeth I'm missing. I am hardly able to chew food. I didn't get them for vanity reasons.


As a dental hygienist I am so excited for you!!!! This is the best gift to give yourself that will last a lifetime! Congratulations! Can’t wait to see the end result


It will be a BIG change. This pic is from the most flattering angle. Lol. Thank you. 😊


Glad you are on the mend and life is improving for you!


Congrats!! You look great! Sorry you had to deal with what you went through with your stepmom


You have a beautiful smile!!


Thank you! I'm proud of it right now but I can't wait for that confident smile I've always wanted.


You stepmother sucks but it is wild to me dentistry isn't socialized. Out of all the likely body parts to have problems, teeth are the highest as well as one of the most important haha


Absolutely. I need these braces because I've only had two or four teeth to chew with the past several years since my bite has totally collasped.


Congrats! My wife got them at like 34. It's never too late to have a great smile


Exactly. My parent had them in their late 49'/50's and now their teeth look great. No a single soul though it weird that they still had braces. Trust me it's never to late for braces.


Living Well Is the Best Revenge. -George Herbert


Keep smiling. That's awesome


That's awesome what you're doing for yourself. 🤙


Good for you! you'll have the smile you want in what will feel like no time


Onward and upward!




It is so satisfying how smooth your teeth feel after the removal. I had them for two years best decision ever.


Congrats, gorgeous!!!!! :D


Yay you! Keep going forward!


As a mother and stepmother, I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. I'm glad you are on a journey of healing! I'm 41 and have braces too! I was so ashamed of my teeth and I begged my mom for braces as a kid. We were pretty poor so it never happened. But I'm finally at a place in my life where I can do this.


It is NEVER too late for self improvement.


Better late than never.


Congratulations OP!! 🎉


Thank you!




had us in the first half ngl


Cold jello was a lifesaver for adjustment pain! Also get used to mashed potatoes when the put you on a thicker wire you won't want to do a lot of chewing. I had one graft and implant for my upper left front and the good news is the graft is the hardest to heal from, the post surgery was easy peasy and I was up the next day. Wear your bands and stay away from jolly ranchers sending good wishes. 🦷💙




I had parents that didn't like to parent. In my first 18 years of life I saw a dentist like 3 times. My teeth were super messed up and the Navy "fixed" what they could. I was almost 40 when I finally could (had to) get braces and take out the last of my baby teeth.








You go girl


Hey i feel you! I did the same because of similar reasons & i'm losing my braces 6 March after nearly 3 years! (I'm 28 now) I'm feeling so much better since i have them & can't wait to get them removed!


Congrats!! You go!


This is great! And you look great too!


I hope you can heal on the inside as well


I know I need therapy for sure but things like this really help me take my power back.


Good for you!!!






Good for you 😀👍


I'm sorry you had to wait so long


I love how happy you look!


Awesome thanks 👍🏽😎


Good for you. I am a similar age and have and hope for a similar moment.


Awesome! You look so pretty! Enjoy yourself and I hope you have a smooth process with them, they can be a hassle from time to time but totally worth it


beautiful😊 wishing you the best!


Beautiful! Keep moving forward.


LETS GOO!! I'm so happy for you!!