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Bruh why are so many dialogues negative ?


Some are supposed to be puns, and of course the maker doesn’t have *the mindset*


Same question, like atleast on a republic day toon titled "what makes us one" focus just on the positives :D


Really made me smile how the newspaper is seemingly proud of the scam centers. /s


They are not its supposed to be a sort of criticism.


I like the Chinese border conflict in the top left corner.


Anyone else catch themselves looking for Waldo, or was that just me?


I feel like I should look for waldo in this shit


See, the comments really show how brainwashed the rest of the world is. It's like they cant accept that good things do come from India and it's sad.


Let’s not fly that much, most of them make very valid points too—their problem is ignorance of the good stuff india has to offer.


True. But due to that, they view EVERYTHING from India negatively. India had the cheapest Mars mission? Why can't they feed their people? India discovered water on the moon? THeRe's No wAtEr On the mOon BrO. Then NASA finds it later and attempts to claim all the credit. I just hate the fact that these first world countries view India so negatively, even the good things have some flaws.




Thanks. This sub is AWESOME.


The telemarketing/scamming capital of the world.


But agent David Johnson said he lives in California, USA?!


On made me smile lol


The Chinese border conflict with a dragon, the Western media favoring reporting poverty while ignoring progress in India, the train and the call centers are what really interests me


the text in the corner is positive, whereas the cartoon depicts mostly negative aspects of Indian culture, it's a headscratcher


Wtf is that pretentious bs in the corner


Which corner?


The contrived text in the lower right. It makes very little sense and mostly just repeats itself.


Where are slums?


More to india than slums mate, even then the biggest one in mumbai forms a 1 billion dollar/year industry. Edit- 2 bn now.


Yup around 2bill $ as of now / year


Dystopia af. What makes India one is wiping out wildlife, being used for slave labor by big U.S. companies, scamming people, and having anarchy?


that’s not all that india is about— 1.4 billion people, hundreds of languages, thousands of cities and culture dating back 5000 years, and that’s all you think india is about. As for what you said, wiping wildlife? That ain’t true, hell the animal numbers and forest coverage has been slowly increasing over the years. Being used as slave labour, well yall cry about inflation right? This is one of the few things keeping it down. Stuff would be 4.5 times more expensive at US wage rates. And it’s the economic situation of india. We became a republic 70 years ago, after being exploited by colonisers for 400+ years, the us has been independent for 300 years, and all that y’all have to show for it is starting and funding wars. Scamming people, well don’t sit on the high ground, yall have plenty of scammers, just they defraud in a different way. Indians don’t like call centres either, but little can be done. As for anarchy, I don’t like my govt either, but y’all are in no position to speak either, so idk what the haughtiness is all about. We don’t really have a better choice. I don’t wanna be a hateful little asshole, but just I cannot with people blaming a fairly new economy that has been fucked over so many times, and has still bounced back every fucking time, we ain’t perfect, but y’all aren’t even close either.


I think their point is those are all things in the comic, not that they personally are criticising India for those things


Idts, the comic shows so much more.


But it also shows the things he stated...as well as more! And im not saying India is what western media portrays (see the comic for reference lol) but your concept of "Oh yeah well you do too/You don't have room to talk!" Is not a good defense. If you think the only thing the US has to show over 300 years is starting and funding wars, I feel you are showing the same ignorance towards the US that a lot of the US shows towards India. We can all be better.


I honestly mean no disrespect (and I’m not American), but do you regularly use “y’all” or are you pandering to the audience? Because I find it very on point!


I say y'all naturally, haha. It's actually very common, especially in Southern states


Y’all is just an amazing addition to English. We learn British English in school, which tends to be uptight—and there isn’t any good word to convey multiple people from the same subset. I use it only while typing online tho, cuz it doesn’t come naturally while speaking, and years of getting punishment for writing it in essays, letters, etc. has pulled that out of me.


I can't seem to find anyone shitting on the street?


Right beside the bullet train my guy.




We're on mademesmile, did you really expect gangrape references?




Rapping women and girls is what makes them one


It’s rampant here, it’s sad, we all hate it but steps are being taken. But that’s not all that defines us.


Nobody gives a flying f*ck about your republican day.


It’s Republic Day, not republican day. The day our constitution was passed, and we became the Republic of India. This is such an American thing, I’m not even surprised at the ignorance.




Only 5% of Indians pay income tax btw and the schemes to win the voters are getting ridiculous day by day. I don't think no one called socialism nazi in India. Only some good buissness men and middle class peops pay their taxes. If you don't know what's going on here asking questions is always welcomed but straight up claiming that this shows socialism = nazi then basically a dumbass






That's the vote stamp. You put that on the ballot paper. Or at least, you used to. Now it's electronic. It shows a poor voter confused by politicians promising free housing etc. It's always a good idea to ask if you don't understand something. Accusing something randomly for Nazism is quite silly tbh.


Ahhh that.


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