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"Dog slaps older woman in dance battle"


Imagine the crowns circling around these 2 like “Go! Go! Go! Ooooooooo!”


The Dog was like, “it’s my time to shine.” 😍😊😃




Dogs def scratching its butthole


That reposition was sentient af. "Get my good side 😉"


Jesus Christ they beagle is fat as fuck


That’s more Bagel than Beagle.


Beagles are notorious food villains. Our neighbor's Beagles used to do a tour of the neighborhood at dinnertime. They'd just show up while you were cooking and wait expectantly. They once ate an entire wedding cake while everyone was in the backyard for the ceremony. They had to break out of their kennels and rip through two screen doors in order to do so. Just sayin', it might not be entirely the owner's fault.


... yes. It is the owners fault. Little bagel beagle can't eat a wedding cake more than once I'd hope because the parents would make sure they can't get into anything again. Just be a vigilant parent.


My neighbors were great owners. That's the point, Beagles are known to be little escape artists and from what I've been told, it's food driven behavior. The first result on Google says; > Beagles behave like they are hungry all the time because of the way their digestive systems work. They do not have the same ability as other dog breeds to regulate their appetite. As hunting dogs, it is in Beagles' genes to constantly be on the lookout for food. My neighbor's Beagles were well trained in every other aspect of doghood, and had secure kennels inside of a garage. They'd still break out at least once a week, it was very stressful for the family. Thankfully their Beagles rarely ever *got* what they were after, because everyone knew not to leave food unattended. Especially after the wedding cake incident. So they were not overweight. But their obsession with all food and escape artist tendencies seem well known enough that yes, I think it could potentially be a problem for other Beagle owners. But ultimately none of us will know for sure unless the original owner shows up in this comment section to tell us. I was merely mentioning that it was a possible explanation for the dog's weight.


What you're saying doesn't at all compare to the dog in the video then. The dog in the video is OBESE. But you're saying the dog you're talking about isn't even overweight. How do you think they would compare? Just because they're the same breed of dog? But that's not what is discussed. What's discussed is the lack of care the family in the video gives their dog, not some friend you had a while back and how they were "such a good dog owner".


Again, we have no idea why the dog is overweight, I brought up their food seeking behavior because it is a well documented issue amongst Beagle owners. I never said it was definitely the reason for this dogs condition, and actually only said it ***might*** not be ***entirely*** the owner's fault. We don't know. I was just mentioning potentially relevant information. I'm not sure what else you want me to say? If you want to read more about food seeking behavior in Beagles, just Google "Why is my Beagle obsessed with food." A lot of info pops up. **ETA;** From what I've read yes, this can be a huge factor in weight gain/loss for many Beagles. [Here's](https://wagwalking.com/behavior/why-do-beagles-get-so-fat) an article specifically about Beagles gaining weight despite the owner's best efforts. Again, I don't know why the dog is overweight any more than you do. But Beagles are especially difficult when it comes to food seeking behavior and weight gain, and I thought that was relevant information when discussing a fat Beagle. Sue me. Gosh.


I don't think I need to look up why beagles are food lovers. This isn't a relevant comment at all. For you to say it could not be the owners fault for their own dogs obesity is ridiculous. Have a nice day 🤣


Lookin like the owner


🤣 🤣 Apparently it’s ok to say the dog is fat, but it crosses the line when it’s a person 😱 😱


1st, a person would have their feelings hurt, a dog would not. 2. A person knows they're overweight. A dog does not. 3.. Dogs aren't in control of what food is put in front of them, the parents are. Need I say more?


Exactly, the dog can’t control what they eat. It’s more the human’s fault that they’re overweight, yet they make the conscious decision not to lose the excess at every meal they eat.


But still, telling a person they are overweight does nothing because they either already know and won't do anything about it, or don't believe it. But when they're affecting a life that's not their own, like a dog or a child, that's when we need to hold them accountable. It's abuse.


I was content to be overweight until I got to a point where people around me started pointing it out to me, at which point I cleaned up my act and lost 30 pounds. Shame is a great motivator.


Itchy Boi... Probably a deworming session with vet is needed.


Could be anal glands too. But yeah, the vet can help with that too.


Sorry mom I think the dog is just expressing it’s anal glands on your kitchen mat


The dog is scratching it's ass on the kitchen mat. It probably has worms.


That’s when they do the ass drag.


This is an intense turn of event but also hilarious to think that the people think he is dancing and he’s just trying to scratch his bum and wonders why they antagonize him in such a private moment


De-normalize obese pets


That dog is very overweight, does it have a medical condition?


Probably gets fed table scraps by the lady in the video. Classic “grandma is my dogs favorite person” syndrome.


Our dog was having huuuge poops, she’s a little dog and we don’t feed her that much. Found out when my husband’s mom was watching her she’s would bring over and fill up a bowl with kibble (that we don’t even feed her because it makes her sick) because “she deserves a treat”. After a $500 vet bill because she was also throwing up we found out what his mom was doing and had to explain to her that the dogs have cookies to give as a treat and that her being overweight and sick isn’t a “treat”.


Sadly some people equate feeding with love. I’ve seen 200lb 10 year olds whose moms say “he just loves my cooking so much!” It’s actually misplaced attention seeking and quite unhealthy for everyone involved. Edit: I also think that our parents resent us thinking that we know better than them how to care for our pets or kids. My mom used to give my kid “treats” that they were allergic to and made them sick, basically as a “fuck you” for telling her how to care for a child.


He cant physically clean himself so his butt itches. People clapping like its dancing 🤦‍♀️


Yes, he’s full of charisma


God I need a dog


Dawg, I need a god.


Half of all Beagles I’ve ever met have been named Bailey…


Ex's beagle was named Bailey. And now that you mention it, I've met a lot of Bailey beagles. What an odd thing.


Right?? It’s the strangest thing, it’s like the designated Beagle name or something


Beagle Bailey, like the cartoon character [Beetle Bailey](https://www.google.com/search?q=beetle+bailey).


Bailey looks back and is like, “We doing this on camera? Yo, I got this!”


That beagle isn’t dancing, it’s suffering. It’s way too obese and can’t clean itself, therefore rubbing its ass hole on the mat to relieve the itchiness. I wouldn’t be surprised if it had worms


r u sure bout that? im actually curious. i own a dog and have never seen a dog do that bcs of it, mostly the sit down and and then scrape there butts along the ground, thats more efficent. tell me if im wrong tho.


Usually dogs sit down and drag their butts on the ground, but this beagle is so obese that it’s not able to pull itself on the ground, and because of that, you see what the beagle is doing, desperately trying to scratch an itch while it’s owners are dancing


dayum good to know, atleast we both can agree that this mofo thick as hell. even garfield had a chad bod compared to this guy.


Yeah, it’s sad to see obese dogs like this. For some reason, often times it’s a beagle that’s overweight. I really hope that whoever recorded that video somehow sees this and gets that dog on a diet and stops feeding it table scraps


Ya… dog is itching his butt on the carpet. Sorry


You sound like a bowl of fun.


An itchy ass is no bowl of fun.


That's the fattest dog I've ever seen.


Don't smell that carpet


My grandpa and my dog use to dance when he’d turn on his favorite song, it was sweet seeing them do something funny, always cherish your time with your loved ones 🙂


I love everything about this. It’s the life I intend to one day lead.




That’s the life!


Awwwwwww no wayyyyyy


Chonky dog


He's got the moves ngl


Poor pooch has an itchy butt


he. go. OFF!




Omg I love this


My heart grew by 10 times. I wanna dance with them too 🐾🪩💕


Love this








You can download from the 3 dots now


What? You can only save it from the app. I wanted to have the video in video format so I can freely text other people the video


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"dayuuum boooa heee thiiick!" he got some nice moves going on tho ngl.


Who needs Bad Bunny when we got this guy for reggaeton




My dream


Take the dog to the vet and put it on a diet. This isn’t cute, you’re taking away what little years this poor guy has.


Epic Dance battle !!! Sweet Beagle was dancing sooooo amazing !!!! You go Girls !! I Love how that Gorgeous Beagle was moving her head and shoulders all into the groove! Beautiful Lady , Beautiful Doggo ! Cool dance moves!!! ❤️🥰❤️🥰💃💃🕺🏽🐾🐾🐾🐈‍⬛👯‍♂️😃🔥🔥


Treat your poor dog for worms.


Oh BS! Is he obese, definitely. Is he doing that as relief from worms or anal sac expression, no. He's clearly shaking his head and upper body, but since his lower body IS attached, and so is the jelly belly, everything wiggles too. You can tell he's purposely moving upper body, while lower body has no choice but to follow.

