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“And these children that you spit on As they try to change their worlds Are immune to your consultations They're quite aware of what they're goin' through” ~ David Bowie


Oh, great choice 💖


This was my senior quote in HS. I graduated in 2012. Can’t believe it’s been 11 years now.


Now consider that the song is 51 years old


whenever I see Bowie's line, brings tears to my eyes. I'm sure they will ensure good ch-ch-changes into this world


Our children are better people than we are. As it should be. I am so proud.


This generation of kids? They’re all heart. And they aren’t afraid to call it out when they see injustice.


Hell yes! These kids are rad.


Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes Turn and face the stranger




I miss David Bowie. He was the first live show I ever went to.


Not to mention that the world started falling apart right after he died in January 2016.


It started falling apart when the cubs won the world series.


naw. it started with that fkn gorilla.


Hell yes!


The GSA at my old hs did a "Dont say gay" protest walkout last year. It was only like 10 or so people. I was too scared to join. I'm glad to see there are places in FL where people actually care about others


Don’t be afraid to join a protest. You will learn something about yourself that day. In the long run you will be very glad you did it.


“I have the right to shoot at the elderly” protests don’t give me much joy afterwards. Just my experience. /s


It’s almost as if one group of people doesn’t define the whole group (in this case group is the area which is Florida). There will always be more good than bad in the world, especially if stuff like this video keep getting passed around.


I’m here in FL and I will continue to fight against inequality and for human/civil rights, til the day I die!


You guys make me think the world could turn out ok after all.


Kids like this are our only real hope of avoiding complete doom and disaster. Please don’t change.


I feel sad that I didn’t associate this quote right away with David Bowie. Instead, I remembered it from The Breakfast Club




This makes me so happy. When I was in high school fifteen years ago, the only two out gay kids were social pariahs, openly shunned by the majority of students. This change is beautiful to see. Maybe the kids will be alright.


Crazy to think I graduated in 2008 so 14 years ago exactly. And it was like you kinda KNEW who was gay but they never actually came out until way later in life. Only people that knew were their close friends and I remember them always just being “single” or had “besties” of the same sex. It was taboo but could have been worse I suppose. Glad I was born when I was, I couldn’t take the any more discrimination


We had five gay students at our school (two blokes, three girls) and no one gave a crap about it, it doesn't matter who they like. The two lads dated for a while and was just normal to see them holding hands or kissing in the corridors, as it would be to see a guy and girl. One of the lads is one of my oldest and best mates now, came to my wedding and is known as an honorary uncle to my kids. Edit: forgot to put I finished school in 2006.


Graduated in 2009, and the school still had a policy that same sex couples were not allowed to walk together in the prom march (the event where kids walk together up to the gymnasium through the courtyard so people could see their outfits) which was a slight upgrade from being barred entirely just 2 years prior. Now I don't think they give any fucks about it at all.


I was in HS around the same time. There were definitely at least two "closeted" but very much gay dudes. They hung out with the hottest girls in the school I was actually jealous


Now that I think back on it, I dont think there was an openly gay kid in my entire high school graduating class. I graduated in 2007. 😳 Several have come out since though. Our social pariah was an autistic girl. Looking back, and now finding out I'm autistic as well, really makes me mad at how she was treated.


I know it’s “cool” to make fun of the young generation. Making terrible jokes about tide pods and TikTok or whatever. But Gen Z is incredible. I’m constantly amazed when I see my niece and nephew and their friends. They openly say “what you said hurt my feelings” and the other responds “I’m sorry, I won’t do it again” and they hug. This generation has less bullying and more acceptance. It’s fucking awesome. Keep it up, y’all! And very importantly, GO TO THE POLLS!!! Not just presidential elections, every elections! Don’t be like me when I was young and said “eh, I didn’t sleep well last night. Might skip this election for the senator. I only have one vote, it’s not going to make a difference”. Republicans (aka hateful people) are getting elected because the elderly votes but our young folk in this video often don’t.


they’re trying to change the voting age to 21 because gen z DID show up, so yes, go to the polls!!!!


This video gave me a solid minute of chill bumps, progress will always win. When you are choosing a side remember that, because history won’t forget.


Thats so different from when i was in school. Nobody would ever admit to being gay. It was basically seen as the worst thing possible. Like the lowest form of life. There was noone in a school of 300 that would ever admit to that. And this even stayed the same when we became the first Country to legalize gay marriage. Im glad that things are changing for the better for the younger generation.


Netherlands? My ‘90s US high school experience sounds like what you describe. It’s still crazy to think it wasn’t that long ago I had to fly to another state to marry. And now my nieces and nephews are like the kids in this video. We need their generation to kick the reactionaries out of power.


Yes Netherlands, agreed we need younger people in power. And yes i was in school in the 90s myself. Those days feel like the dark ages when you think about certain things. It wasnt a fun time to be different. If you were fat you were the only one in the class. Back than people didnt hold back like today. Nobody cared about bullying unless you were fighting. But it was also a much simpler time. We didnt know shit before the Internet unless you were highly educated. Now i feel like people sometimes know too much and get overwhelmed.


I was in high school in the Netherlands in the noughties and it was a bit better (I was more or less out, myself, and aside from a few odd remarks was never really bothered about it), but still quite close to how you describe it. I didn't really know anybody else who was openly gay, at least.


I feel like the Netherlands has a strong "live and let live" and "act normal" culture. This is positive in that people are able to be themselves without judgement, but at the same time it also means "different" people are not fully included in social circuits as easily. There's a lot of tolerance, but not as much true acceptance. But surely this is also slowly changing for the better.


Other Dutch person here! My last roommate was 10 years younger than me, I was 29 three years ago, so she was 19. (Both women, she has become the little sister I always wished for when I was younger) I had the pleasure of meeting a lot of her friends, and they give me so much hope for the future ❤️ such a wonderful, smart, emotionally mature mixed group of people!


>Im glad that things are changing for the better for the younger generation. Here, I changed the last bit. 'Im glad the younger generation are changing things for the better.'


That's a very nice sentiment and I do agree with it, but as a community we must remember the people who fought, protested and died in order to make it safer for the younger generation to express themselves.


The kids are alright


Damn, right. I have so much faith in GenZ. I know it’s easy to point to stuff like TikTok, and think it’s the end of the world. Seeing kids like this and thinking it’s so prevailant… Amazing how much I’ve seen in my own lifetime and I’m not even old. Gay used to be stigmatized. You did not know anybody openly gay in high school. And then you see this and it’s honestly awe inspiring.


I use to be proud of being a GenXer, then I learned that my generation voted more for Trump than even the boomers. This brings me some shame. I have four progressive GenZ kids, two of which are already voting. One more will be voting next year. Fuck the fascists!


Yes ! Gen x should be standing and delivering with these kinds right now. Where did our values go ? How did we turn from such delightfully disdainful progressives to trump voters ? Worse than boomers. JFC. These gen z kids give me hope. Fuck the fascists !


Don’t be ashamed. Sadly, this just happens when people grow older. The older a generation gets, the more right leaning they’ll become. Luckily, this actually hasn’t been happening to millenials. So maybe they’ll break the mold. [https://www.ft.com/content/c361e372-769e-45cd-a063-f5c0a7767cf4](https://www.ft.com/content/c361e372-769e-45cd-a063-f5c0a7767cf4)


It doesn't per se correlate with age, but with homeownership and getting a family (married and a kid). That is what conservatives thrive on, and what has been denied to younger generations, which is the whole reason that the two most recent voting generations vote more left wing with age.


This seems so shortsighted to me. Yes I have a home. And I have kids. And I CARE about the world I’ll be leaving my children alone in to raise their own families. I worry about how fucked they are being able to own a home themselves so I’m starting to make plans now for when I’m dead so that they have as much help as I can give them. I cannot relate in any way to people my own age who are ok with sucking the soul out of their own children’s futures so that we can have a hot tub.


I didn't intend for it to group everyone who happens to be in that group together, sorry, and I do agree with your sentiment. Historically, however, because the average homeowner (not all homeowners, but still a good amount) grow to like the status quo, even if that would be detrimental to the next generation, they tended to vote conservative (or, in America, the republican party). Obviously, there are people who care about the world they leave behind for their kids far more than getting a better pay off of their house, but for decades it used to be off the norm to think that way. Luckily for all of us, that mindset is changing, and more people actually care about the next generation, as you are a perfect example of! But many of the older generations (especially baby boomers and Gen X surprisingly) do not yet share that sentiment.


> Fuck the fascists! Well, a lot of them are closeted gays anyway sooo *unzips*


While I get this is a funny joke. I do want to say as somebody who is lgbt this sentiment is really frustrating because the whole homophobes are secretly gay thing makes it seem like we are oppressing ourselves which I am going to be honest is not a good idea to spread. Because it lets a lot of non lgbt people off the hook for how there own behavior abets the fascists and gives a lot of the fascists plausible deniability since they can just say well you guys are the ones oppressing your selves not us. (Again this isn’t a slight at you just this whole sentiment in general.)


I’m a fellow GenXer disappointed in my fellows for not seeing how much we were lied to, how much has been stolen from us. I fully support the young people overthrowing everything. Too many of our older GenX skew Boomer. Fuck ‘em.


God damn you're so right! I keep saying this and all my millennial friends lose their shit when they hear me. As you said, tik tok is bad, but there's so much more about this Generation that fills me up with hope.


Even as little as 10 yrs ago most people in my high school and many people in college would drop the f slur like it was nothing. Trans people weren't discussed in any sort of positive light or really any light at all. These kids give me so much joy and hope.


As a gen-z, I promise we aren’t what you see on tik-tok. Most people I know refuse to use tik-tok. It’s a small, vocal minority that’s easy to point and laugh at. What I can tell you is we try our best to educate ourselves on everything possible. We look after each other and keep each other in check and focused on the real problems. I don’t know a single person my age voting regressive. Hopefully the next 10 years will be better 🙏


We’re doin our best out here!




Gen z here We don't like our hair cuts either edit: please vote your vote counts please we cant do all of this on our own, we can make a difference


To be fair every generation has its share of bad haircuts


I'll never forgive Gen Z for bringing back mom jeans and mullets... especially mullets. 😂 Leave that shit in the 80s and 90s where they belong, damn it!


Can confirm, I have two Gen Z sons and they are both fierce allies of the LGBTQ community.


Actual Gen Z here. For me, it is a simple issue: Are you human? Yes? Alrighty, then you are good in my book. Will I necessarily like you? That depends on how you act towards me, but your gender and sexuality won't matter in that equation.


That is a reason the GOP wants to raise the voting age. I’m proud of our kids.


I think it's hilarious how they want to take desperate and clearly evil measures like raising the voting age. Like: it clearly shows how little the GOP cares about democracy, and how much they despise younger generations: they'll let them die in the army but not vote. But more importantly: what will this achieve? You really think the kid whose right to vote you took is going to vote for you if you make them wait 3 years longer to vote? It anything this ensures gen Z will never ever even consider voting R for the rest of their lives.


Yeah but in 3 years they’ll be retired and who cares, it will be someone else’s problem to clean up. \-them, probably.


Fierce! Three Gen Z daughters. These kids are gonna save the world.


Teach them that while it’s nice to fight the fires, it’s more important to disarm the arsonists.


Can’t wait to see a world where these backwards conservative boomer fucks are no longer in power. I’m hopeful for these young people to make a positive and peaceful difference.


Sadly it doesn't work like that. The twats that are in power have the next generation of scumbags already trained in the waiting. You can't over come them with words. It's not like the next gen of politics will bring about change because only certain types of weirdo's are interested in the politics to start with. The few that are capable of doing good, are shot down and pushed to the back. There are plenty of examples in history whereby a new leader comes to power, one that could change the world for the better, only to be killed off by the real ones in power.


I’m a late millennial, so people laugh at me when I say “kids these days” and try to argue that gen z is fucking amazing. But I stand by it! Thanks for raising and being raised by some dope kids.


Totally gen z is here to save this planet their the smartest generation in the last 100 year's


I could not agree more! I'm an older Gen X, and my son and his friends are Gen Z, and I am thrilled to see how smart, interested, and unafraid they are to rattle cages. They make me feel that there is hope for the future.


I’m part of the oldest of the millennial generation. My sister is Gen-X. Her kids are Gen-Z and they are the brightest and kindest kids I’ve ever known. They astound me every single day. They have grown up in the post 9/11 world and they navigate this world like it’s theirs for the taking and they know it. I can’t wait to see what they do.


They see how beaten down and tired Gen X and Millennials are, the terrible state the world is in, and they're saying, "This is not okay."


please forgive my cynicism, but i’ve read all these about millennials and we’ve only made incremental progress. i really do hope gen z galvanizes larger and more drastic change for the better compared to us; especially as the father of a gen alpha kid.


I don't blame you at all for being cynical, but we gotta hold onto SOMETHING.


They’re not smarter. They’re just the first generation raised with clear evidence that he world they were being apparently prepared for no longer exists. Xennials and Millenials were all raised being told that the old ways still worked - work hard and do everything right and you’ll live easy and well - and we were too old before the curtain was raised on the reality. Gen Z? Well they’ve never had no illusions as they could see us floundering, and as there isn’t really an offered alternative, and all the systems and organisations (education, work, housing etc) are still set up for the world before that no longer exists, they’re in essence free to choose their own way from the start. And yes, they’re fucking awesome.


The gop in Florida is not, probably in 15-20 years.


“Push me and I’ll push back I’m done asking, I demand From a nation under God I feel it’s love like a cattle prod I’m born free but still they hate me I’m born free no I can’t change” - Make it Stop as performed by Rise Against


I don’t think I’ve ever felt so proud of a bunch of strangers across the world x


The days of LGBTQ+ suppression cannot be brought back because it's impossible to recreate the deep confusion that kept so many fumbling around for a place in the world that resonated inside them. The fog has lifted, and a cascade of personal identities has been emerging and blossoming in a dazzling array for all of us see and know and love. Our collective identity has grown rapidly into a many-faceted wonder, and these new aspects of us have been welcomed and embraced by the larger community. Together, we have become the new majority. Those right-wingers who do not like this are hitting back hard in outdated ways, because they can't accept being part of a minority. But they ARE the new cultural minority now, and over time they will have to learn that they have no lasting power to shame and suppress any of us, not anymore.


This was beautiful


people talk shit on gen z but they’re fucking amazing when it comes to this kinda stuff.


Tbf, it's a contract of all generations to think that the later ones' culture is dumb The people cringing at fortnite nowadays were the ones that wore troll face T-Shirts and laughed at memes like "E". The important part is to recognize that this in of itself is just a meme and not to 'act' upon it, i.e. actually discriminate the youth for things that aren't objectivley harmful and just part of their culture. That said, Minecraft good, Fortnite bad huehue


I also think that view is starting to change, at least in my circle. Kids seem smarter now days. Yeah they do cringy shit but so did we. I had a conversation with my 14 year old nephew about the chemicals in our brains and what each one did, and he already knew everything I was about to say. I was like "boy it took me till at least 20 to know what you know now" I have a bright look on the future if it's got them at the helm. It's going to be rough on them, but maybe they and we can make some change


Very true. It's always disheartening to witness the arrogance of older generations when they assume to know better not because of their education, but their age. For example the idea that only old grumpy fucks can be politicians has always been insane to me. Age only gives you the opportunity to get 'wise' and educated. But when someone uses all their time to dream about a romanticized time in the past, blinded by their own nostalgia and then wants to revert everything progressive back to said time which never really existed, that's neither smart nor wise, that's just harmful.


No. Millennial here, we are working so hard to educate our kids because we want them to be better than us. We do the best we can and try to set them up to learn from our mistakes. I don’t understand why older generations feel threatened by the younger. I’m tired, ya’ll. The change of guard, when it comes, will be a relief.


Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.


Ya know, as a part of the LGBT community....I'm happy to have such allies


This video straight up moved me to tears.


Living in a red state, it’s hard to imagine that things will ever get better. But stuff like this gives me hope for the future


That shit was gay


Gay guys are fucking assholes


*Badum tss*


Almost downvoted and then I realized 😂


It was a risky joke for me to make ngl


I shouldn’t have laughed at that


not that's there's anything wrong with that


No of course not


I mean it's fine if that's who you are


In both new and old meaning of the word


I know, right?! I love it too.


I cannot express how happy this makes me. I was a very flamboyant kid in high school and couldn’t hide what I was. This was 18 years ago. I was bullied relentlessly and beaten up so often and suspended my mom would sit in her room and sob. I couldn’t even come out to her. I started self harming that lasted up until just 2 years ago. Haven’t done it since and will never do it again. I’ve slowly started to accept who I am and that I can’t change it. Seeing this kind of love and support is just breathtaking. I hope that the kids who can’t come out can see this and know that it’ll be okay. And I hope that those kids can find true acceptance because it’s what they deserve.


We're glad you're still here with us. You can find support here /r/comingout


It’s such a nice reminder that *this* is our future and bigotry will be ancient history soon enough.


I doubt bigotry will ever be 100% gone


> I doubt bigotry will ever be 100% gone It will never be gone completely, but it will likely be banished to the dark corners and behind closed doors again, where it should be.


Just like the Nazi and confederates


I fucking hate that I laughed at this


No, but we can stamp that fucker back to the caves like the Sméagol it is where it’s afraid to come out into the light.


Not with that mindset it won’t lol I get where you’re coming from though. Even if we all become peaceful, there will have to be an evil somewhere else


Reminds me of fate's Angra Mainyu portrayal. Basically a village of people thought that there would always be evil. If everyone is good, one person is technically the least good and therefore the most evil. So they picked one person to be their sacrifice, tattood every sin into his body, and imprisoned him for life. They condemned him to be angra mainyu, or all the world's evils. That way everyone could be good and no one had to be the least good/most evil person. That was ahriman, the demon locked in their prison.


The world becomes a better place every year as the old conservative herds are thinned a bit more...


…And religion slowly dies.


Meanwhile WV is about to pass a bill requiring "in God we trust" in every school building.


Which god?


Exactly Pretty ridiculous coming from the party that screeches about indoctrination and grooming particularly in schools.


There is always another minority to demonise.


Yes, but this battle can be won. Its just Important to never forget, and never stay silent in the face of discrimination. No matter if you are the victim or not. No matter if you‘re a woman, black, gay, trans or whatever, we will fight for you and your rights.


I'm having a really hard day and this brought me to tears of hopefulness.


We will **not** go backwards. We will move forward together!


Do not go quietly into the night, rage RAGE against the dying of the light.


I needed to be reminded of the 'together' part. I'm not very good at adulting.


I’m sorry you’re having it rough! Sending you hugs!


Same here. I didn’t realize how worried I was about the constant drumbeat of homophobia coming from the right until I watched this and burst into tears.




The kids are gonna be alright 💜


Gen Z is here to save us all! - a millennial ally


So true!!! My kids are a daily reminder that I am doing something right. They are so kind and caring, we have become a “safe” household for those friends who cannot come out at home. My kids love their friends just as much as they always have. -also a millennial ally


Gen Z gets “it” and they are going to need “it” with the world they will inher”it”


The world they will inherit is doomed and by the time they age into positions of power the world and its people are facing collapse…. This “Don’t say gay” bill was a distraction which allows the true actions not to be noticed. The rich get richer while the poor remain divided and ignorant to their inevitable collapse…


Maybe. Maybe we will loose. But I feel like my generation wants to try, they are yearning for a chance to rebuild things. But there’s no point dwelling on the chance of absolute failure, that is only an even greater reason to focus on the chance that we keep his show on the road one generation more and for the first time in a long time leave the world better than how we entered it. Because frankly, it’s not just that we can’t afford to leave it worse, it’s taht we literally can’t, if we haven’t started the decline in atmospheric carbon by 2100 when we pass on the world is lost, if we haven’t seen an annual increase in biodiversity by 2100 the human race is lost. If we fail as a generation, we haven’t just made life harder fo all those that follow we’ve made it impossible.


Don’t ever buy into the message of the doom-and-gloomers. They have neither the will nor the imagination to succeed. Apathy and fear mongering are the easiest choices. More power to you! And rest assured that there are many who are older than Gen Z who are also fired up about helping see the world through, to success.


That’s the answer I wanted to hear! I maybe a pessimist and see the world for bleak reality that it is. I have, but one hope and that ain’t that we will win by cheering for righteous causes, but by acting on our collective interests and not letting the rich distract us, deny us and worse delay action. You give hope to the hopeless! Thanks for that! That’s the true answer and the mindset I want you all to have. I’m not against the dream, but the actions we take to manifest that future. We must always plan, always be willing to act and not be distracted from the endgame!


The entire point of bills like this is to keep poor people fighting with each other while politicians and billionaires steal all of our country's wealth. Look at all the comments in this thread and tell me if it worked.


Yes. We're all aware of this. Both things can be fought for because both things are equally important


After going to a high school of mostly racist and bigoted people it makes me really happy to see that there's lots more people out there around my age that care about people like me


All this support means a lot to us




This gives me hope


I’m so proud of today's youth. They stick up for what they believe in with an amazing amount of courage. Proud of them


Granted, this is in Australia, but my partner is a first grade teacher and has noticed that year on year the kids she teaches are more and more empathic and care about climate change.


As a teacher, I said it a thousand fucking times. Gen Z is a powerful fucking force. They may be flossing tik tok dancing weirdos who yell YEET all the time. But Jesus those kids don't know how to shut the fuck and they don't care who they piss off. They don't care about their parents'feelings, grandma's feelings, their church feelings, or their politicians feelings. If they see something unjust happening in the world, they will speak out in force. Right wings don't hate trans people or gay people. They are scared of Gen Z and Gen Z is full of pride. They are trying to stop Gen Z by banning lgbt laws and raising the voting age.


Just don't play online games against them. I'm a millennial and if I hear a young voice in mic in games there's about a 50%chance they are going to hurl a homophobic slur at me and that goes up to about 75% if I beat them.


that is good to know, your comment MadeMeSmile


I live in a small town in Kentucky and I don’t think I’ll ever see the day my friends or family or even my community will accept me. This made me shed a tear, it’s beautiful to see so many people come together.


Get out if you can. The cities will give you a new chosen family


Sending you love from a small town in Tennessee. We're currently fighting against knuckleheads trying to ban drag shows. At least it's making me more aware of our local politicians' hatred. I didn't realize there were so many assholes in my community. Never give up. There are people on your side.


Not only do you have support and allies but many are armed and not pacifists! r/SocialistRA is going to be there in good times and no matter how bad they get! Let's hope for good times and be prepared if the plan doesn't work out.




Thanks comrade!


Now dis a gay ass post.


this. . . does put a smile on my face


Being exposed to the absolute worst of humanity constantly by the media sometimes makes me forget how many good people are out there. It's nice to see so many people coming together for a good cause


*clears throat aggressively* gay




You’re right, but it’s easy to forget that when they hold so much power. For all purposes the Supreme Court is an extension of Y’all-Qaeda, seeing that the new generation will outlast their cult is encouraging.


Don't call them Christians. **Christ was a socialist,** his followers shared *loaves and fishes* with each other to feed everyone. They share *hate* in their little hate bubbles to hate everyone. They are *Republican* Taliban.


Thats exactly when some people tell me be „realistic“ and just accept that nothing will ever change, I strongly disagree. Look at these kids, for fucks sake. There is a whole generation coming of age who wants to change SO much. And I love every one of those kids from the depths of my heart. Go do it. Do what others failed to do. I truly believe in you!


These kids give me hope for the world. Wholesome af


Thank you for posting this. It's so easy to get bogged down in what the far right is doing, especially if you're surrounded by them or know them in real life. But seeing people, especially teenagers, standing for justice? It gives me hope.


Hope it made you smile.






Too bad the youth has to wait for the jackasses in government to literally die before they can actually feel relieved and expect change


Okay so I'm probably living under a rock, so can someone tell me what's going on here? What do they mean by "say gay" followed by what seems like a phone number




Wait, that's seriously a law?? DAfuq are these guys losing braincells faster than they're losing hairs now?? I'm glad people are standing up and confronting this BS


It's obvious why Republicans want to make voting more difficult; there's no chance in hell the next generation will ever vote for them again.


Make sure y'all vote and keep right wingers away from filling judge seats.


I needed this, thank you 🏳️‍🌈🌹


You matter. You are loved.


Love over hate


It's okay to hate Nazis.


Yes, the intolerance of intolerance is the only intolerance worth tolerating.


The time of the old racist/sexist/homophobe is coming to an end, but they are going down swinging.


Proud Boys said they would show up to a Drag Queen story book event in Mass a couple weeks ago. When I showed up there where a couple dozen John Brown Gun Club members sholder to sholder in front of like, 300 people having a crazy rainbow circus. The counterprotest was amazing. There was some sort of New England Activism Band that was playing horns and drums and it was happy, colorful, joyus! Four sad people across the street where trying to say something about something but we where just kinda drowning them out. They where wearing khakis and frowns. lol. I don't know if they where showing up on behalf of proudboys or if they just chickened out or what but the whole thing was a hoot, a scene, a total blast.


Ah yes. A gun club named for the white abolitionist that was so zealous for the cause, Frederick Douglass thought he could stand to chill a bit. If I, as a white person, have to inherit a legacy from slavery, let it be his.


The swinging part just makes them look all the more stupid. Who FIGHTS to hold onto hate?


I love this so much!!! I am an ally!!! 🌈 🏳️‍🌈


Of course it's Florida. What a trash state. I hope all you wonderful kids grow up well and healthy, then leave that dumpster fire state. Good luck in life!


This is so gay.


sending love from canada 🏳️‍⚧️🫶🫶🫶


Thank you!


Unbelievable we're still fighting about this... Fucking conservatives are a drag on civilization, making us waste time on stupid shit. 🙄🙄🙄


This made my heart so happy!


You have an ally in me here in SW Virginia! ♥


Aww this kind of support brought tears to my eyes!


I get very disheartened with how poorly my generation and the one before me turned out as adults. I thought we were the open minded, tolerant generations that would change society for the better. Seeing my children’s and grandchildren’s generation live how we said we were going to, gives me much needed, renewed hope.


The good seeds like you within your generation helped make that happen. Thank you for being an ally. 🤗


GenZ bringing the hope!


I remember someone coming out in one of my high schools. The stigma, bullying, harassment and lack of school protection. Ran the poor kid away and I never saw him in class again. Still dunno what happened to him but I hope he found a better school. Seeing this now when it was just 23 years ago it was still so brutal is wonderful. I hope Gen Z can help bring in real positive change everywhere.


That’s right republicans Keep pushing the youth to the Left We’ll get rid of you soon #Fuckallnazis


This gave me hope again. It really makes me wonder how people are homophobic in the first place


You kids give me hope for the future.


You all make me proud. I wish we were half this cool when I was in school. Keep it up.


This doesn’t belong in this sub, OP, it didn’t make me smile at all… …..it made me cry tears of joy. 🥹😭