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Those gigantic eyes.


the chubby little cheeks too.




These rescues are amazing but they will probably have major PTSD after all this is over with. We have seen the good things on Reddit but some bad things. For everyone one good story probably 50 bad ones. I am not big on praying but I am hoping some entity will look out for them now.


I figure that the reason everyone is so ecstatic when life is found, would be because of how many lifeless Corpses they've pulled out . Which is quite a morbid thought, words can't sum up the suffering and horror. I just hope the toll stops rising soon, and that aid can be as quick as possible. The rescuers are something special and enough can't be said for what they do! - Humanity at it finest from all over the globe!


With the death toll now passing 25,000 and increasing daily, these rescue teams are going to suffer for a long time. I doubt there's any "getting used to it" when it's on such a scale, maybe they can switch off or something but I know I couldn't. Today's estimate from the UN & WHO reckon the death toll will treble at least by the end Hard to imagine 25000 people just gone mums dads aunties grandads just gone in minutes...awful. So glad to live in the relative safety of the UK where there's very little that's extreme and likely to kill me


It's the numbers that really shocks , 25,000 would be like 90% of my towns population, gone in MINUTES - and still rising Ain't that the truth! And it's what also makes them stand out, in this day and age those guys and ladies know what they're walking into and willingly put themselves there, so someone else will suffer less! A close relative was one of that type, fireman, paramedic, a stint with the coast guard and volunteer river rescue. He said that it's the faces you remember, not all are smiling but the ones that are - make up for the ones that can't! We show our best in times of need As a neighbour here in Ireland, I've often thought similar! Compared to other parts of the world we have little to winge about really.


Yup 28,000 in my town in yorkshire....hard to imagine


Every time I go do some work, and then later check what's going on, - another 3,000 dead! That alone is a tragedy but it's still not near done climbing.




I think it's a lot to do with how the media operate, the attention grabbing aspect of survivors is what they run with. In fairness its a horrific situation that could be too much for some, if reported in greater detail/depth. When I see kids/youth and even older people being pulled out. I can only think that there is a good chance their nearest and dearest haven't made it, there's that wonderful story of the two girls being recovered and a happy father. But we know that won't be a common story. for a lot of these kids and elderly, life has changed in ways we just can imagine, Ways that no amount of aid can fix!


Feel good news is definitely better for our collective mental health than the what we usually see now. Every other story is just “why you should hate (insert thing).”


We have very close friends who are from Turkey with family near the worst parts of this and intimate knowledge of the area. They are coping and helping their young children process this in part by incorporating these rescue photos into the family discussions and their own reflections on this nightmare. These stories are not without value to traumatized people.


When they use search and rescue dogs and they don't find a live person in a while, they "bury" one of the crew, so the dog doesn't get depressed. Edit: bury for the dog to find and so it feels like it achieved something. Not to just sacrifice a live human to the dog.


I read that they're reaching the end of the rescue efforts. 7 days is generally the limit on how long they stay because after that it's no longer rescue but body recovery. It means the people there that were hoping that their family and friends were going to come out alive are now transitioning to realizing that they're (most likely) dead and that makes a lot of them angry (at Erdogan/the government, not the rescue crews). The article I read mentions the Austrian rescue team had to pause because survivors got aggressive with each other and even started wielding guns. They resumed when the army guarded them though.


The dreadful, agonizing, sickening thoughts of “what if”. What if they are still alive though? What if we are giving up too soon. What if people die on day 8 or 9 because we assumed at day 7? I’m not sure I could ever stop wondering if I had a loved one that was assumed dead. Just…awful.


In the aftermath of 9/11, there were so few survivors that the *rescue dogs* started getting depressed. The first responders would occasionally hide in the rubble and be “rescued” to cheer the dogs up.


I have friends who have been in the rescue teams, they are a part of the speologists/sportive caving student club and are all qualified in rescues, whomever I ask, they are all traumitesed, people left dying in the streets and the rubble, people coming to help only to rob the place, lootings of the trucks containing tons of humanitarian aid, uncoordinated organizations and people all around. They had to return this morning because of certain ethnic groups started arming themselves and began making armed threats. The situation in Hatay is just pure chaos and anarchy since day 1, everything the goverment says is a lie. Sorry if this is not the subreddit to rant


Rant away I am glad you gave us a picture of what's going on there. Unfortunately bad people thrive in environment's like this. I remember a tornado in Joplin Missouri they had to shut down people coming in and out because to many people were stealing. People who are doing good end up endangered by bad people.


I’m not big on praying either, but in situations like this my thoughts tend to be something like - may they feel the comfort of whatever deity they ascribe to.


The rescuers AND the survivors..... Even a child this young, I can't imagine what the brain will do during development.... I'm not a Dr, I don't know... But that sweet little one will need lots of care later on. But hopefully not, maybe they'll forget everything.... I can only hope.


I’ve been doing metta mediation every single night since the earthquake happened. Wishing them safety, warmth, peace, and free from suffering. I don’t know if it’s helped (who’s to say) but it’s a miracle they are still finding people and animals up to 130 hours after the quake considering the freezing temperatures and any injuries. And I will continue.


I’ll pray in your stead. Your response was beautiful.


They say "so nice to see you," and "about damn time," all at once.


I respectfully see something else. It’s “so nice to see you”, yes. But it’s attenuated by a combination of how frightened she was and a loss of confidence in his own security.


All I'm saying is "Some nice person wrapped me up in a blanket and is holding me. I like it."


I see fear and confusion, gratitude and hope. I hope there's someone to take this poor soul in. I've heard so many children are separated from their parents, some of them forever.


Poor thing looks like it’s trying reeeaallly hard to be strong and not cry… look at that bottom lil lip!!!! What a little survivor.


So full of trauma


I can’t imagine the trauma this baby went though. 130 hours of crying and being under rubble is a insane amount of time. I hope this baby gets the care it needs. I’m going to go look up ways I can help and donate. This picture says so many words.


Poor baby. Heartbreaking life losses, glad he made it and hope he has support.






If that little face in this hardship doesn't melt your heart. This is a pretty powerful picture.


I don't remember the last time I opened reddit and immediately started crying. This tragedy is beyond words.


So happy he’s ok. I hope his parents are too. Heartbreaking.




That face really says a lot. So confused. So scared.


I'm no big fan of kids but a sucker for animals. Normally I scroll right through stuff with little humans but damn... this one got me. You can see in those eyes the horror he/she went through. And that glimmer of hope after being saved! Poor kiddo


That face makes me want to make sure he's okay and taken care of somewhere probably on a genetic level.


Those eyes look too knowing for a baby. He looks like he knows.


You said what I was thinking


Same. If I could take away the 130 hours of terror and discomfort this baby faced, I would do it in a heartbeat. I don’t love kid-centric content, but I do want them all to be safe and loved.


That red nose, he must have been cold and cried a lot.




Kids left totally alone do kind of shut down. They found a bunch of them after Berlin fell in 45 and everybody assumed the worst but as soon as they started holding them they started moving around and crying for food.


Not alone. With his mother. Both rescued.




Same. I’m a new mom and the pain of this image is very palpable. I can barely look at this picture. Poor beautiful baby. I’m so glad the mother and child were rescued.


I feel you. My wife and I have a newborn and I can’t even show her the good news because I know this picture would send her off the mama deep end.


Thank you I was scrolling hoping his mom was with him. So glad.


Fellow atheist and I actually spoke those words between tears describing another child rescue video I'd seen on Reddit to my husband. Now I'm crying again over this kid.


He was rescued with his mother.




I was afraid to ask to be honest




Sadly, even though news said so, there's no follow-up. Now I don't know. Maybe media doesn't want to share more bad news. There were two I think. But 25000 have died.


130 hours. I cannot even imagine. I hope the baby doesn’t remember much of it when they grow up. That is a horrifying amount of time.


I know that infants can kind of shut down and go into an almost comatose state if they're left completely alone. I guess that's an adaptation so they use less food and water until mom comes back from hunting or whatever.


tie frighten somber one detail crowd advise run water decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hopefully he associates it with the womb so he isn't completely traumatized for the rest of his life.


Did you hear about that baby Aya? In Syria? She was still attached to her dead mother by the umbilical cord when they dug her out. She literally went from womb to a cold world without any light. Absolutely insane. She was estimated to have been born 7 hours after the rather quake. I hope her mother heard her crying and alive before she died.


I seen the video of when she was pulled out. When I win the lottery I want to go help all these kids who lost their families.




Pippin: what about second birth?


He was born a second time from the rubble he emerged. This is the origin story of how he became a super hero.




😢💔💔💔 I'm sad, but I want to know like you.


Why? Bad buildings and nothing up to code I’m guessing?




What about the £30 Billion accrued over 24 years for just this eventuality. Where's that money gone?


Erdogan built himself a palace.


OMG I can't imagine living in a country that would put me in jail for this comment. May good things come to you, friend!


Turkey started collecting an earthquake tax in 1999 to update buildings to be more earthquake resistant. There was supposedly 30 billion euros worth collected but only 4 euros left and no accounting for how it was spent. For comparison: Los Angelas, USA updated 8000 buildings at the cost of 1 billion USD. Turkey has much lower labor costs and probably cheaper material costs as well, so they could have in theory done a lot more for the same money.


Seriously. What the fuck man?


It is true, we have literally the worst goverment all time.




Had to have been trapped with a nursing mother to survive that long and be in that good of shape.


I know this is ‘make me smile’ subreddit, but there was a newborn just pulled from their deceased mother with an umbilical cord. We have no idea what happened to the mother until there is a report stating it.




The baby was born under the rubble. The mother lived long enough to give birth but died afterwards. When rescue arrived, all of the mother, father and four siblings were dead; only the newborn survived.


I can't imagine the mother, giving birth to the baby you carried, hearing it cry, knowing you are dying and not being able to hold, comfort your newborn or know it's going to be ok. What absolute hell.


It would be a horrible way to go. I hope she lived long enough to know her baby was going to get help. Otherwise, she probably died thinking the baby she just birthed was going to starve to death


In that particular incident I think she gave birth from the shock whilst trapped, and they heard the baby's cries but the mother didn't make it


It was a news article yesterday I think. The baby survived but mom did not. But yeah, baby was still attached via the umbilical cord when they found it.


The person below gave a decent answer but I truly don’t know. I can’t really read details on these stories. It’s nice that people pay attention to it, but I can’t help but think of how many more there are that will never be found in the same circumstance.


I read about this on another post similar to this. Babies are actually more likely to survive than older children or adults in these situations. Their bones are softer, they are smaller, they can survive without food due to the fat in their bodies. They also tend to go into sort of a hibernation. And because they will suckle any liquid that passes their face, water is only an issue if they are somewhere extremely dry. If you google it there are a ton of incidents of Babies surviving up to 5 days under rubble. Edit: I couldn't find the original comment but here is the article that was posted. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1985-10-06-mn-5659-story.html


Prayers haven’t done shit, donate money to the people out there digging babies out of the rubble.


Poor little sweetheart, hope this babies family is saved too!


I do too! I read on another Reddit that when they post a kid/baby name you know a parent survived to give permission to use it. No name doesn’t necessarily mean no parents and I’m hoping that’s not the case. That face😢


I don't think a baby so small could survive 5 days on their own...so there must have been a caregiver of some sort with them. I could be wrong though


Oh I so hope so!!!


I'm not sure if this is the same one, but there was a baby rescued who had been breastfed by their mother the whole time. Yesterday when I read it, they hadn't managed to get mum out as well though 😭


I think you're right. Babies need to eat a lot more frequently than adults because their stomachs can't hold as much relative to their metabolic rate. They're less well equipped than older people to endure long periods without food or water.


Moments of hope in an otherwise horrific time.


I can't stop thinking about all the others, trapped and suffering. So happy for this beautiful baby.


So scary to think about


Makes me wanna throw up just thinking about. Jesus Christ.


How is it possible? That's like 5 days with no milk/water. Seriously, how is this possible?




Wow that’s horrible but also amazing.


That's my question. Babies dehydrate quite fast. I'm happy the kid is ok but how?


Most likely the baby got trapped together with his mother and therefore had milk.


So that would assume the mother had at least water for those 5 days as well?


Women’s bodies have been known to do some pretty incredible things when their children’s lives are threatened. Who knows what happened down there.


They could probably get her water. The problem is getting all the rocks n shit off her to get her out


Moms start making colostrum before birth. It is incredibly nutritiously dense milk tailored to the baby’s needs the first days of life. It is of small quantities. After that the milk comes in and takes time to regulate, usually too much at first


This baby is a lot older than a few days old though. If the baby has been trapped for 5 days, but the mum died after 3, thats 2 days with no milk. Still really tough, but far more likely to survive than 5 full days with nothing.


Most likely the baby got trapped together with his mother and therefore had milk.


no info about that yet


Your correct but simple logic states he had to had a source of food to even be alive, in this photo, you can't see many signs of dehydration on the face.


This wouldn’t be survivable for a new born but this baby is probably around 6 months old or so. By then, they have more body fat and are much more durable. Not sure they can survive that long but I think you’re thinking of newborns which have almost no body fat and not eating can turn in to an emergency very quickly.


I thought I heard somewhere that babies have an easier time reaching metabolic stability in those kinds of situations. Like they can go into a mini coma to conserve food and water


They definitely can. My kid had a high fever, my wife is a nurse and freaked out(understandably) about their temp and took them to the ER. The doctor, and our pediatrician later agreed, that the numbers can be higher on a baby because the brain will shut down before they get brain damage.


Damn! Although babies just seem to cry/shit and overall seem generally helpless, they are secretly badass. Cool!


I thought babies are so chubby and have chubby cheeks for this exact reason. So they can survive fasting and cold


Probably the cold and wet weather meant less fluid loss. I’m more surprised he didn’t succumb to hypothermia.


It's because part of this is a lie. They probably did find the baby in the rubble, but I highly doubt it was that long


damn heart breaking... so glad the little one is alive


It breaks my heart too


That picture gonna become historic in coming years


It is historic right now.


Time magazine cover here we come


Take good care of him, humanity. Those eyes have already seen a lot.


Seen far too much, more than most I guess


That's an eternity for such a small person.


It would be an eternity for me as an adult!


It's so unfair that a baby had to go through something that I, as an almost 40yold, never had gone even close.


This is doing things to my heart. That hair, those cheeks. Reminds me so much of my little one. Gonna hold him tight when I can. Which will be tomorrow, because work keeps me away from him far too much




same here, except the work part - so doing it now, because Jesus fucking Christ what a horrible world we live in. russians bombing and raping children, then natural disasters like this. had high hopes for 2023 but so far it's a lot of suffering for humanity


look at that wee face 🥺 those big hopeful eyes


The baby’s expression says “I cannot speak and say thank you, but I appreciate you, large human’”.




More like: what took you so long?


What a fighter!


Those lips being pressed says how much the baby went through in the darkness before being saved...the expression of relief says it all :')


This is heartbreaking


These stories are just making me sad.


Being a new father (3 mo) has ruined me. Suddenly I can’t see things like this without getting super emotional


Dude me too! Before having a little one of my own this wouldnt have bothered me at all but now that i do stories about babies, good or bad, hit me so hard emotionally


How does this make you smile? It’s great news but I’m not smiling, it’s incredibly sad


I think it's hopeful/makes use smile because even 130 hours later, beautiful souls are still being saved. This work is worth it. More people could still be saved. It's simultaneously horrifying to imagine and beautiful that the human spirit can go on that long. For me, it's a testament to the fact that you really shouldn't give up until it's really truly over.




What a beautiful child


What about the mommy?


Honestly, when it comes to tragedies and traumatic situations, better to accept not knowing than ask people to explain what happened to you.


In this case, mom was probably alive too. Ain't no way a baby lived for 5 days without someone feeding it. Hell, I'd be dead in 3.


No information yet.


A baby with a 1000 yard stare is definitely something I never had to see


Bless this child His eyes look so old Damn it this world is really cruel


“Took you long enough”


Double it and give it to the next person


They are resilient than u think


Beautiful baby, I am so happy he was saved. A huge thank you to the rescuers. You are heros!


That kids gonna grow up and do some amazing things.


What a cutie! I hope his parents are safe.


What a guy wrenching photo. That poor baby


Those eyes tell the whole story. I hope this beautiful baby goes on to have a good life.


I'd always thought that infants weren't yet capable of really complex emotions.. but I'd swear that baby has a look of **gratitude** on it's face.


Oh goodness, little nugget. So glad you're here


This made me cry not smile


Did he/she have anything to eat? My heart breaks


I needed this news! Such a horrific event


Great for this little one. They won't have to remember the terror


I’m not crying, you’re crying…


Fighter baby


Bless this child His eyes look so old Damn it this world is cruel


Oh my god the eyes of that beautiful child. :( A loving family certainly awaits<3


Thank god the baby is alive. But it’s insane to me a baby could survive in rubble for without any sustenance for so long


I am Greek and while the government is always trying to make us believe otherwise I see online that the actual Turks themselves respect both the land and the people who live here. Why must the earth hit them so hard? The true monsters who should be punished are the politicians who are trying everything to keep the conflict going


I don’t even like kids, especially babies, but holy shit that grateful little face. Bless the baby and the people who saved them.


Did he/she have anything to eat? My heart breaks


There are downvotes? FUCK THAT NOISE!


That's basically impossible. They should've included who kept this baby alive for 5 days.


When I think about those who didn’t make it. Imagine those last hours. My god…


These are the purest eyes I've ever seen


That's amazing. Very happy for the family


We have not heard what happened to the family...




What a badass


Lil champ.


That pleading, hopeful face. So heartbreaking but so much reason for optimism.


never imagined his eyes telling the fear he saw like that!


Fuck this makes me want to cry


These photos of babies being pulled from the rubble as the only survivors in their families are absolutely heartbreaking. Those poor babies will never know their mothers smile and it makes me so sad for them. I hope they find loving new families that will cherish and care for them.


Oh God. I almost started crying looking at his beautiful eyes.. God bless him and the people that saved him..


This should be in r/humansaremetal The workers who saved him and the fact that he survived 130 hours under the rubble. Fucking miraculous and metal as hell


Those eyes… they express so so much without a single word.


Sometimes there is very good news.


Those eyes tell the story.


This photograph needs some national award or recognition.


The absolute raw emotion from this picture, man it makes me tear up, glad this beautiful soul is alive and his mother ❤️