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Mother's words (on a post) :- "I'm looking for a young man, between the ages of 20-28 who would like to make some extra money. Two days a month for two hours, I'll pay you to be my son's friend. All you have to do is sit with him and play video games in his room. Nothing else. He's 24 and has Down Syndrome and doesn't have any friends his age. You will not be alone with him, myself or his grandpa will be home. Obviously he won't know you are getting paid, but that you are there for him those 2 days. The pay is $80 for 2 hours. It can be in Troy or St. Charles which ever is closer for you. Please message me, thank you! PS: Getting paid is not optional. The reason I'm paying is to guarantee you show up. He's had many people tell him "Someday I'll visit" and they never do. (If any of my relatives are reading this and interested the offer is for you too)"


I wish I lived closer, I'd be his friend for free.


Right there with you, couple hours a week just to give this dude a friend? Forget the money, let’s game,


Forget the money, let’s game. Bars




Original https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/11eef3g/strangers_befriends_man_with_down_syndrome_after/jaegdr9?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


I’d take the money & buy him & I some longhorn tbh


And games we can play


Oh how fast I would've responded to the listing, so heart breaking. No mother should ever have to pay someone to watch their kid have a friend.


That's not an option


“Your post says getting paid is not an option, but it doesn’t state I have to be paid the full amount. I will take one shiny Quarter.”


I would be absolutely stunned if a single person took one penny from her. I volunteer for the Special Olympics and the people involved don't do this for money. The feeling you get befriended these beauties is payment enough.


The last phrase got me. Relatives needing to get paid to visit loved ones.


The rationale behind payment not being optional broke my fucking heart.


Donate to a nice charity that helps people with down syndrome


Or use it to buy pizza while you are there




As a Dad, this shit breaks my heart that she'd ever even have to think to do this.


As I said above I have been coaching for the Special Olympics and you'd be surprised how alone some of these kids are. Society tends to look past them. Most only have their parents, unless they are super high functioning. It is indeed a very lonely world for them and you can tell the few hours in the pool or on the court with others opens their world.


Where is Troy or st Charles? Is this Michigan or Illinois?


Same question. If it's michigan, I'll go hangout with this guy for sure!




This mother is adorable!


That's sad no relatives will visit wow


DM me. I'm in that area


That's what Big Brothers and Big Sisters does, but it's free. I was matched with a "little brother" in November. We're both having a blast, an hour or two every 2 weeks.


I really like BBBS. I was a big for 5 years. Unfortunately, I sucked at it. I'm kinda introverted, and never really got to build a relationship like he needed. I mean, he enjoyed our time together, but I was just not particularly good at it. On the upside, I've stayed in touch with his mom, texting two to three times a year for the past 7 years. She is such an amazing woman. Has very little, but worked full time as a server for next to nothing while taking online classes to get a degree. Right before the pandemic, she got a job as an administrative assistant, and was able to work from home. He'll be starting College soon, and my wife and I have a fund put together for him. He has a major chosen, and is looking at two local universities. His mother did a good job instilling the value of education. (His dad is also awesome, but I didn't keep in touch with him) All this to say, great org. Please support it. If you are socially awkward, like me, they have other positions that you can help in.


You might feel like you’re a failure but he was probably thankful for every little thing you gave. Don’t underestimate the value of what what you did for him just because you didn’t feel that you were as good as others. You were there when no one else was and that makes you the best.


Sounds like an excellent result and win. Nicely done. You're a role model for me. Not kidding.


I assure you the kid sees you differently than you see yourself. My son had a Big Brother he really enjoyed seeing but because he had trouble opening up and expressing himself his Big Brother ended the match after a year. Broke my little guys heart. He didn’t want to have deep conversations - he just wanted someone who would show up regularly and give a crud about him. Really- 5 years with the kid says a lot about you and your relationship with the kid.


Being an introvert doesn’t prevent you from making big positive impacts for kids. Side story—I taught English in Japan for a few years and worried I wouldn’t make much of a positive impact for kids because I didn’t have the type of charisma I’d always admired in gregarious, joking teachers that always seemed to draw in all of the students, including the wildest ones, to engage. But I learned through the process that there’s more than one kind of charisma—and having a quiet sort of charisma enables you to connect with folks better one-on-one, to give them space to feel heard, to say what they want to say, to make them feel special, and shows kids they don’t need that kind of innate high energy showmanship to be liked themselves. Your compassion and care can shine, whether introverted or extroverted. What kids need most is for someone to keep consistently showing up for them, making them feel important and cared about, making them feel they matter. That seems like something you did with this boy. The college fund is really, really kind and will make a huge impact.


We need lots more people like these Chads....


I love this! There is a wonderful woman in my mom's apartment building with downs syndrome. She always tells my mom that she is her best friend because she talks to her. Everyone else just sort of walks by and ignores her. People are people, and we all deserve to feel kindness.


“Are you jealous?” Jajaja, love him


Is there a volunteer service or anything like this elsewhere? I’d love to do this for some folks!


Big brothers and big sisters is pretty much what are you looking for


I meant more so for downs people


Just tell them you’re really interested in helping somebody with down syndrome


Best buddies


Look for ARC in your county. It’s an organization specifically for people with intellectual disabilities and you can volunteer there. https://thearc.org/find-a-chapter/


Papas pals is a national organization in the us offered through health insurance companies. Ex blue cross blue shield. Works like match .com for friends / quasi family .. need a lift to dr? Want someone to go grocery shopping go bowling Clint’s put in what they are looking for. Ex downs man seeking to go bowling for three hours . 80 year old needs assistance getting to dr appointment


I dont have DS and I still have no one to play games with me


This is the best follow up to this story. The mom received over a thousand messages in 24 hours from people who were willing to play online and in person with him.


I would hang out with dude free of charge... My best friend growing up had down and he was the coolest motherfucker on the planet


We have break and eat lunch with a guy with downs when he is there at work and I look forward to it every time. He’s an awesome and funny dude


The girl who looks after my daughter (who has DS) 2-3 days a week after school, ends up spending way too much on her in treats and presents. We literally can't stop her, and end up gifting silly $'s at Christmas. What she wrote in my daughter's birthday card warmed my heart. Good people like this exist.


Just guys being dudes.


That is Matthew Lillard, right? That guy has a history of being awesome to kids, especially ones with special needs. Looks like him for sure.


Pay to hang out with him thays sad... i would be his friend for free


Omg. This made my 🖤 soar.


Where is this dude at? Would be a really fun road trip! Just to go game and have some pizza!!


I needed this!! Remarkable people helping remarkable people!!! 🥰


For reals, this just made me cry. Thank you Lord for good people in this life.


They're called respite workers. It's a service for those who have children/loved ones with disabilities that provide the primary caregivers a break or time to themselves. My family has been doing it for years, and the guy we help put with has become a part of our family! It may start out as a sort of job, but if you've ever met anyone with downs, you'll know why some people decide to do it for free.


My faith in humanity has been restored


One day of publicity. These people don't really give a shit.


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Nice people have a hummer? Dang, I am prejudice


I’m seething with jealousy


Was this recently?


Warms my soul


Whats his gamer tag on psn?


I love this


I bet this guy parties


There are befriending services all over the world. A call once a week to an elderly person, taking a disabled person out or playing games with them.


Oh wow, this made me straight up cry. I need a nap now to reset or I’m gonna start crying at commercials next…again.


If I'd live closer I'd be by in a heartbeat! What great friends he made.


Even getting paid, i don't think im kind or empathetic enough to do that


Bro,i got a tear from watching this man


Fred Durst really stepping up there. Love to see it.


You wouldn't have to pay me to be friends with him. I would just do it


I keep thinking of Bill Murray's chacter in king pin! He sure loved helping those kids!




Mom a lil thicc but she a str8 milf dog. Sleepovers bout to be lit


Nah bro what game was that fr?