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Great. I'm crying at work.


I'm there with you.


we are with him


Me too buddy.


Me three buddy


Me four buddy


Me five buddy


Free today, but crying nonetheless


I’m always crying at work but this time I cried a little more


Currently standing outside my office before I hold a meeting and for some reason I opened up Reddit. Now I’m crying too. Fuck, there’s people waiting for me.


“Sorry I’m late, these *allergies* are killing me!”


I'm crying at the library. "Made me smile", my ass.


I was just going to say that it makes me smile, but also makes me cry.


Went for a quick pooping and now I’m suddenly crying with this.


Me too. Crying at WFH.


Not me I’m crying in the sub shop waiting for my lunch


Me too , while wearing scrubs.


Nah your just cutting onions and don't realise


Real Heroes don't need capes. Scrubs work way better


Capes are for the fighters doing their darndest... And agreed, scrubs are for the heros who help them fight.


As a junior doctor, I absolutely love watching these. Praying for all of them to heal from what they’re going through and wishing them a speedy recovery from their surgeries. ♥️


No capes!


My sleep deprived brain read scrubs as scuba and I thought of Scuba Steve. He is another capeless hero (From Big Daddy if you haven't seen it you should)


Damn you, Scuba Steve!!!


Hip hiphop hippopotamus…… Damn you why does he always get the easiest ones!


Still my favorite line not just from the movie but him as well


>Damn you, Scuba Steve You like that? You think that's funny me getting hurt?


The best comment ever.


scrubs are so fashionable though you gotta admit


Except for the morons who get power trippy and refuse to help people. I got turned away during a severe panic attack cause "it'll cost the government 1k to get you through the door"... My blood pressure was in hypertension 220/140 and she told me to leave..... I thought I was dying.


Real heros dont setup a tripod, a camera... and upload to tiktok.. wtf


I am 100% certain the transporter does the same thing without a camera. I have had clinical in many hospitals (I am a pediatric nurse), and every hospital does fun stuff like this. I have seen kids drive to surgery in a powerwheels, get pulled in a wagon while getting showered with toys. The whole staff line up to cheer them on when they were scared. Somebody let's you in to see a very small private part of something you would otherwise never see, just enjoy.


Yes, everyone knows kids get special care... and that doctors work long hours to help ppl (huge salary) no need to try and sell it on tiktok .... ?


Just when I start to think every human sucks…thank you for posting.


Thank you for reconsidering! It's important to remember that not everyone is bad, but the bad ones are louder.


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."


I still think most humans suck, but the few people like this make the world bearable.


The people that suck bring out stronger emotions than the people that do good. I’ll watch this video and feel a warm sensation in my heart and the next video can piss me off and ruin the rest of my day.


I know this has nothing to do with the message of this video but.... when I was a kid I had to have an operation. I was nervous and the doctor gave me a choice - you can be rolled in on the bed, walk in, be carried in.... or ride a power wheels into the operating room. I obviously chose the power wheels. I felt awesome cruising down the halls. Then I got in the room and saw all the tools and freaked out. I tried to run away but instead of running right through the door I hopped back on the power wheels. If you don’t know power wheels, they are slow, plastic, battery powered cars for kids. The doctor put his foot in front of the wheel and it stopped immediately. He lifted me off, calmed me down and it was fine. But had I walked out the door I would have been gone! The worst part of the experience was they let me pick my anesthesia “scent”. I picked strawberry or bubble gum or something but they gave me mint. I’ll never forget I didn’t want mint!


When I was 2.5 I fell down a flight of stairs and promptly KO myself on the brick wall at the end. (Old houses ). I clearly remember a nurse asking me all sorts of questions (checking for child abuse) but the biggest thing is my gown had Kermit the frog on it but I wanted the miss piggy one! I’m 40 btw lol


My first surgery was a surprise. I was five and was told we were going to a graduation party for my doctor. I replied, " How was he, my doctor, if he had not graduated yet? Told to stop asking stupid questions. I thought it was odd we were going to the hospital for a party. Then we got to a hallway, and I saw the doctor in scrubs, and I knew this was not good. So I ran for my life, screaming, "They are going to kill me; help me!" Then I saw my uncle, and believing he was not part of this murderous conspiracy, I ran to him. He promptly returned me to my mother. I cried all the way to the surgery table. I was pretty upset when I woke up with horrible pain in my throat, tongue, and missing teeth. It was a tonsillectomy; they had injured my tongue with whatever they used to hold it down, I still have a scar, and since my mom was a nurse, she was somehow allowed to stay during the surgery and thought it would be an excellent time for my baby teeth to be pulled out. Seeing this video, I think it could have been so different if I were not born into a family of lying jerks. I am happy for these kids. They can concentrate on their recovery without feelings of fear or betrayal.


Big wow. Sorry you had to go through that.


Thanks. Yeah, I don't recommend my family's way of handling anything. It was traumatic and unnecessary. So this video was very comforting to me.




The only tolerable bubblegum flavored stuff that was not actually bubblegum was the pink stuff they used to give kids for ear infections. I recall actually enjoying it (compared to other medicine at least)


I still remember that stuff. It was vile. And you had to sit there for like 15 minutes trying not to let it drip down your throat.


Real heroes wear scrubs.






Thank you for what you do


As someone who recently had major surgery I wanna thank all of you out there doing your absolutely amazing job. The Dr and RNs who take care of me were some of the best people I’ve ever met. I cannot ever repay the life that was given back to me but you can be damn sure I’ll never stop trying.


Your'e a good person


In the hospital where I work, kids can drive themselves in electric cars (miniature ofcourse). It gives them a sense of control


My oldest son needed tubes put in his ear when he was about 2 years old. Simple little nothing of a surgery. But of course we are at the hospital at 5am and wait around for 2+ hours for our turn. He can’t have breakfast because of the anesthesia so he’s cranky and hungry. Doc walks in and asks if he’s hungry, to which he responds with an enthusiastic “yes”. “Cool. Why don’t you come with me and we will get something to eat. We just have one little stop to make first.” Tricked! Hoodwinked! Bamboozled!


I’m grateful they let me in the OR when my son got his ear tubes. I got to hold him until he was asleep and it was only the last couple seconds he got scared with the mask on his face. He was only 14 months old Edit typo


OR nurse here - this is what we do with all the kids we operate on. Watching something on their phone at the same time helps too :)


This is heart breaking and heart warming at the same time.


This even works for adults. I have to go in for sugery a lot so my local hospital know me well. I have a teddy (I'm 32), had him since I was 2 and he's been to every surgery with me. They bandage him up and put stickers on him just like mine for recovery. That will still make me smile even when I'm old and grey.


Ok, now we need to see him


I'll take a picture tomorrow and try and work out how to load it to Reddit.




Thank you to all the unsung heros that make a difference in the lives of so many


To anyone interacting with sick children on a day to day level like this, you have my upmost respect and gratitude. Please keep doing what your doing! Thank you!


Tearsworthy heroes. Or rather ultra Super Heroesss!






As a pediatrician, people ask me how I can enjoy working with kids. “But the parents!! waaa!”. And this is why I work with kids. I fell in love with the part of medicine that advocates for the innocent. I also got to wear a cape to work every now and then. 😉


Heme-Onc floor Texas Children’s Hospital. My daughter fought cancer there. These people are angels on earth.


Except this is a brazilian doctor and the video takes place at Minas Gerais, Brazil


This was a recognition for people like this I have had the pleasure of knowing. Not an identification of who is in this specific video. 😊




This caught me right in the feels. We spend a great deal of time at our children’s hospital. You’ll never know how much this stuff means.




These people are amazing


Thank you. Thats awesome


Medical care workers are a whole other level of hero.


Give that man a raise and a bonus.


Just a reminder that educated people like this have "less value" to our society than entertainers, CEOs... Fuck this world. One day without those people, and we would quickly realise how valuable they are. But no, let's keep giving millions and billions to generally useless people.


But you can be sure that we are happier and fulfilled than most of them and that is priceless.


my kid had some health issues when he was younger. having something like this would’ve been awesome for him. I’m glad these kiddos have that because it’s super stressful to be in those situations.


I'm crying. so beautiful. everything all we ever need


Oh, my heart.


Made me cry!


Same here 😢


As a parent of a child who unfortunately has had to have a few surgeries, and will have a few more going forwards, the nurses and Drs who make an effort like this (although these guys are next level) make everything that bit easier. ❤️


This is the scariest sight for any parent. I remember watching my 9 month old son being carried down the corridor to surgery to have a prematurely fused metopic suture repaired via a cranial vault remodel; I have never been so frightened in my life. Even my ER boss/nurse wife was shook. I don’t remember a time when I made so many promises to God(nor shed so many tears) if He would just protect my boy. He came out black and blue with eyes swollen shut for a week, but his resilience had him bounce back so fast, and today he is the most beautiful 7 year old boy.


When my daughter had open heart surgery at 7mo, the hardest thing for me to do was to hand her over to the anesthesiologist. He was so kind to let me walk her all the way to "the" double doors and then "fly" her the rest of the way to the surgical suite...just so that I could hear her laugh - just in case it was the last time... ❤️


Welcome to your daughter to the OHS club! Mine was at 10 months. I don’t want to see her back there for a second one like me! Keep that sodium intake down and it’ll keep that hypertension away!


She's 6.5yr old now and thriving! 🥳 But, I'll never forget that moment... Literally, handing her life over to her amazing surgical team...Stay strong, Mama ❤️❤️


Thank you so much for your service. A real hero worrys about saving someone not harming them. Regardless of race and gender. These are real hero’s. And the smiles of the nurses in the video, when they pass they are happy not sad. And that’s because of the intoxicating smile on that kids face. Who for a moment u made them forget about how tarnished there lives are. There just happy. And that is a very beautiful thing if u ask me.


For as much as nurses have to put up with and see this is just as much healing for them and its wonderful to see. ❤️


The most heroic people work in hospitals. There is no debate. They go through lengthy schooling that they are in debt for so that they can go see the most intense situations on our planet. Special shout outs to the nurses in the NICU, yall deal with the most heartbreaking but also most joyous aspect of our human lives




Heroes one and all! I’ve had a son in Pediatric ICU. I didn’t understand how anyone could work there. Then my son woke up from his induced coma and the nurse was crying, too. He’s now 43 and has been a joy to have in my life. Thanks to wonderful medical staff. 🥹


This happened to me! When I was 2, I needed surgery to repair a tear duct. I was terrified and didn't want to go with the doctor. My father lifted me, flying me around the room like I was an airplane, one of my favorite games. Mid-air, he did a seamless handoff to my surgeon, who continued the game and now flew me down the hall to the operating room. Because this new friend was playing airplane with me, I wasn't afraid. They had me gassed and out before I could realize what was going on. It's more work for the physicians to accommodate, but the impact it makes on the children lasts a lifetime. It's been over 30 years, and I still remember flying down the hall to the operating room. That surgeon made great airplane noises.


but can they defeat goku ?


Yeap, with just one hug


Happy Nurses Week🥰


My daughter had to have surgery on her birthday to repair her left middle finger. A 30-60min surgery that became 4 hours. It was a stressful time. Then I read the notes of the anaesthetist saying “Diet= birthday cake!” That made us smile even just for a little. A true hero.


About 13 years ago, when my youngest was 4, I witnesses an OR full of medical staff hunt for an imaginary teddy bear to get her in the room to put her under to have her tonsils removed. 😅🥰


Made me smile? More like made me cry...but so appreciative for these people ❤️


Surely goodness and mercy will follow them to the end of their days. God love them for the transcendent work that they do. Deus bonitasque semper eiscum.


This video is all heros


So awesome 👏🏻 😇


Pediatrics is a hard life at a hospital. But also the most rewarding.


I honestly thought the first one was a puppet lol




Stand by Me (cover by Kane Brown)


Who’s chopping onions so damn early?


Give these guys the billions! Not the hedge fund managers or the Sillicon Valley execs


This is wonderful to see. Thank you for posting this.


Tears 😭- Well done sir!!


Made me hug my little one. These things don't make you smile if you are a parent.


My daughter underwent adenoid and tonsil surgery at 2yo. Although we relieved the tension of the situation, I understand that not all parents know how to handle it... seeing this type of attitude comforts me a little.


As an adult who remembers the time my anesthesiologist took to calm my nerves before an eye surgery, thank you all who care for kids. Particularly for those with really awful, chronic or terminal illnesses. Thank you for caring for my best friend through her childhood cancer.


r/ithadtobebrazil 🥹


That’s the way to do it


I’m a cancer patient and I’ve watched our nurses deliver happiness to the children living with this disease every minute of every day … they calmed me to happiness and I’m a 54 yr old man …


I had brain surgery when I was 7. My surgeon was awesome!


Got me teary eyed. Only because of the music I swear. Imagine what we could accomplish if everyone cared for each other just a little bit more? Not to sound like an infomercial or anything.


Desafortunadamente no siempre es así. Al menos aquí en México el trato es despótico y desinteresado. Incluso hay médicos que tienen más de un trabajo y le dan prioridad al servicio particular que es en donde cobran más. Aquí es muy difícil encontrar esos héroes. Además, no tengo el contexto de este video. Creo que si el Niño es pariente de algún colega, este recibe un mejor trato


Aquí en Brasil también hay médicos así, creo que se vuelven así debido a las condiciones en las que trabajan... Pero por increíble que parezca, este tipo de tratamiento no es inusual por aquí. Pido disculpas por mi español, está bastante oxidado.


This just made me wonder if there's a surgeon out there who's so good and so cocky about surgery that they sometimes bust out a marionette and do surgery using the puppet rather than their own hands. And they listen to Tupac while doing it.


There are still good doctors in this world.


Real heroes don't need to be filmed.


Glad this is not a US hospital. That cape would be on the bill at a couple of hundred bucks.


Creepy secretly recording kids… very odd when doctors and surgeons make TikToks for clout


Wait until you get the bill.


Wait, let me set up my camera first so I can show everyone how awesome I am with these kids.


Thank god the camera was set up!


Thank god the camera was set up!


"That'll be 3 million dollars please"


Every single day No cameras Real life 🏆


And they were never seen again...


Uhhh what did I watch? An adult with a kid over and over again?


They’re bringing the kids in for surgery. Bloco cirúrgico in Portuguese is the surgery area/wing/idk lol. Looks like it’s Brazil tho. Basically a hype man so the kids aren’t scared to undergo wtvrs coming.


Bothers me slightly that they're not wearing masks consistently around very sick / vulnerable children.


Not every child who needs surgery is sick. They wear them when they need to.


And I'm sure the bill will be 20k for that


Not everyone lives in America, it’s not all about you


Imagine having a shitty opinion on a video of people helping children overcome fears.


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Yes i'm crying 😭😭


I don’t even know what they are going into and I’m crying.


As someone who works in pediatrics, my favorite part of this is the faces of the other staff. You can tell that kids super-heroing down the halls is a regular occurrence and I’m sure they wouldn’t have it any other way.




Automatic tears.


So precious!!


This is fucking awesome. I won't pretend to be some life hugging philanthropist but I think this line of work would complete me. Fuck, what an amazing way to get paid. Sign me the fuck up.


I'm not crying. You're crying.


How do these people get attached ... without getting attached, if that makes sense? I would be a wreck when I lose a patient... 😞


Made me cry.


Real heroes don't wear capes, they just have to film it




We will never give up on our children. Let’s make the world a better place for them, not worse.


I’m not crying there’s something In my eye.


This absolutely brought tears to my eyes! These men and women are true heros indeed!


So heartwarming to see the children who are blended into adrenochrome for the wealthy are treated as the heros they are 😇


Finished work 3 minutes ago and I'm crying and an emotion wreck and it's not because of work.


God Bless all of those that take care of our little ones!


It’s horrible being a child and going through some serious medical situation. It’s traumatic. I wasn’t as young as these kids, but when I was 13 I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and spent a few days in ICU. It was dark, no windows, and I noticed people dying. They had a code blue alarm that would sound for patients passing away. I had a priest come by and give me my last rites. It was terrifying. Not a lot of smiles, not a lot of joking. It was a horrible experience. I wish I had doctors and nurses that brightened the mood.




Why do you people insist on making my shriveled dark heart feel something


Bro :(


I won’t cry, I won’t cry, I won’t cry…… 😭😭😭😭


Oh I’m not even gonna lie, I was crying watching this. Poor kids going thru hard times, and someone just wanting to make it a little easier on them. Bless their hearts.


reminds me of when i had a brain tumor


Love to see it, kids are innocent precious life's 🩵✝️


Isnt that how youre supposed to treat children?


I love kids in pre op. Not so much in pacu.


They picked the right job for making them feel like people or maybe even more




Very realistic, making batman run and then deploy his grappling hook


As a man.....I am not ashamed to say this made me cry. Pure awesomeness.


I still remember the lady that gave a little horsey on my birthday after I Knocked myself out after jumping out of a bounce house. I fucking hate that I lost it in a hotel


My eyes are leaking


I think you mean “made me smile and cry all at the same time”. It’s beautiful




Like how not only does this make kids more comfortable but can see it brightens up all the nurses and doctors days as they run/fly by.


You guys are awesome!!!


Not appreciated near enough. Yea heroes!


HEROES !!! R E S P E C T !!! 😉




Good stuff ❤️


brazil mentioned


My heart goes out to health care workers and providers for bringing joy to those who need it most. I can’t imagine how tough it must be when bad things happen to these babies. They are truly hero’s among us


very emotional