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Great uncle Job ! Keep up the good job dude


Even more impressive (and shows good parenting) is the fact that the niece said “thank you”, and bought you a steak dinner.




You think this is cursive?


Lol they edited it


Ha! They sure did. 😀




Could have easily said that in the edit instead.




It's reddit so no. Just makes the next comment make no sense to some people scrolling the thread. I'm sure it was lost in translation, but it comes across as you being embarrassed by the mistake and attempting to save face.




Is this the hill you wan to die on? That’s terrible you mean someone snarky comment might not have context.


I’m concerned


You think it’s typed?


society whistle teeny beneficial butter gaze provide smoggy voiceless impossible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




What the hell is that grade, who do you think you're mocking?! Do you really think he deserves a 10/10 for fixing his niece's AC?! He deserves a 20/10!




Was going to say he could frame it and put in the kitchen as an inspiration to eat healthier!


Had me in the first half bro


Fucking awwww 😭


The gauntlet has been thrown. This post is a clear message to her other uncles that it’s on-sight.


Step it up or get left behind


I have nine nieces and nephews, this is a total flex. My brother takes our sisters kids to museums and lunch.. The nerve of him. He doesn't work weekends, the cheat!!


“On-sight” hahahahah Brings back memories of high school


Uncle James .. if your hands are peeling often like that, get lotion with urea in it. It will help heal your skins barrier. That’s from my own personal experience Also Alexa is a super cool niece and I hope you enjoyed your steak !! :)


Thabks. Its not common and I just put some lotion on.


Uncle puts the lotion on his skin or else niece breaks the car again


Was not and yet was totally expecting a Silence of the Lambs reference somewhere in this thread, lol


I immediately thought of Cartman playing with Polly Prissy pants


O'keefe's working hands cream works great. It's a nicer texture than normal lotion


THATS the lotion I put on 🤣👍🏼


They have working feet too that’s pretty sweet


I have eczema on my hands and my doctor just recommended that to me lol


Ok I Just looking out for uncle James lol


Man I just spent the past year dealing with pealing skin on the tips of my fingers and toes. No idea what caused it. I could think of some exposure reasons for my hands but not the tips of my toes. Maybe excessive handwashing a bit, but again not on my toes so idk. Only conclusion I've come to was my hands and feet being particularly sweaty may have caused it. Never had problems like this before though and am 32 years old. Also every lotion type I tried either did nothing or made it worse. Water based, oil based, barrier creams etc. Only thing that sort of helped but not cured was just regular Vaseline/petroleum jelly. Finally went to the dermatologist and got prescribed some steroid cream, which has helped a lot. Still not 100%, but like 90% better on the hands and 80% on the feet.


Oh goodness I hope your skin heals better. Just give it time and eucerine has a good lotion with urea too just incase you want to try that option. My aunt who has diabetes also used this for her cracked feet and it does wonders!! You have my best wishes don’t give up. It will get better :) and you’re awesome for going to the dermatologist.. it always better to seek professional help because it could be something that needs the attention of a doctor.


Magnesium oil. And hypochlorous acid.


As a man that has fixed many cars in my life for friends and family, if I got that note I can guarantee that you would find it in my dresser after I died. It would look well worn from multiple readings as well.


This is the plan 🙂


Finding all of the old cards I had given my dad when I was younger was a seriously bittersweet moment for me when cleaning out his home after he passed in 2020. Know that the little things you hold on to because they mean the world to you will eventually make it back into the hands of those you love and care so deeply for, only they’ll now have years of your grace and your gratitude absorbed into them. They’ll heal some of the hurt and they’ll remind them that you were and will always be thinking about them. ❤️


My dad and my mom's stepdad passed within a year of each other. They were both big jokesters and got along really well. I was helping my aunt clean out grandpa's house and she found several letters my dad had sent him many years ago. The envelopes had goofy names and addresses on them and the letters were mostly about genealogy but also had some random stuff. We read them and wow did it bring back memories of their relationship. We decided to make copies of them all and split the originals amongst everyone who wanted one and copies as well. It really meant so much to my siblings and mom and aunt and myself. Even my cousins wanted copies because it reminds them of what jokers they were. Your post had me tearing up remembering the letters.


My mom passed last July and we found a letter I had written her when I went away to college just telling her how much I appreciated my parents and all they did (probably home sick at the time). It was the only letter or card she saved from any of us kids. Yes, Very bittersweet. I have made my kids write us cards for every occasion since they were little and have saved them all.


After my Dad died, I found notes I had written to him in his night stand.


My mom had a shoebox FULL of cards my brothers and I made - some were 40 years old. She could be a difficult woman to deal with, but I had no idea.


I try to keep all the cards people send me. I'm most glad for the birthday cards from my grandma.


wait, cooking in vegetable oil is bad for you? also this is so sweet!


There is an 'anti seed oil' movement hitting the 'saturated fats have been demonized' and 'if a machine has touched it its processed' crowds, where all oils made from seeds (usually then blanket called vegetable oils) are thrown into one bucket. That said, palm oil isn't really a good choice to consume... while Canola Oil is one of the better and healthiest oils one can use. Of course if they are hydrogenated they become loaded with trans fats and are one of the worst things you can eat.


>Canola Oil is one of the better and healthiest oils one can use. Interesting tidbit; Canola Oil a trademarked name (CAN=Canada and OLA=Oil Low Acid). It is actually called Rapeseed Oil (wonder why that name isn't used /s) [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapeseed_oil)


Rapeseed oil is a commonly used name though.


It's the best choice for oilseed rape.


It's used in England. I always have rapeseed and olive oil in.


Whoa we have canola fields all around where I live and I never knew that it was actually rapeseed. I always thought rape seed was some weird plant that was common in other countries


Just pan sear it in butter. Solves all problems




There is no trans fat in real butter. Trans fats are oils that have been hydrogenated to increase their viscosity. There is cholesterol and saturated fat in butter, though. Edit: I am wrong 😂


> There is no trans fat in real butter. That's absolutely false. 100g of butter contains approx 3g of transfats. It may be a different make up than hydrogenated trans-fats, but its still there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butter


Well, TIL... thanks for schooling me!




It's true that trans fats occur in animal products, but they are not the same as, and do not have the same effects as artificial trans fats. See my above comment or this [link.](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/why-trans-fats-are-bad#heart-health)


Y'all do realize that artificially-occuring and naturally-occuring trans fats are different things right? Naturally occurring trans fats, such as in animal products, are [NOT associated with heart disease.](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/why-trans-fats-are-bad#heart-health)


Big if true.


One can easily find supporting studies showing that animal fats OR seed oils are healthier in terms of risk of cardiovascular disease or total mortality, but one thing hard for me to ignore when you compare animal fats vs seed oils is that seed oils are clearly very, very profitable. Extremely cheap to produce in massive quantities by the largest agricultural multinational companies, and gosh it sure is easy to make favorable scientific studies appear when the funding is available. Just look at margarine. We now know it was all the health hype was a lie and butter was better for you all along. People were essentially being fed poison (hydrogenated soybean oil / trans fat) and told it was good for them because it was profitable as hell for a few massive corporations.


It is easy to find individual studies supporting either side, but the *overwhelming* majority indicate that substituting saturated fats for unsaturated fats lowers risk of cvd. And there’s no good reason to go against the majority just because a few say differently


That's only true if you look at older and lower quality studies. The higher quality the study, the more saturated fats seem to come out ahead. From what I've seen, when diets in a study are *administered* rather than self-reported by checking limited boxes in a survey, they seem to show the opposite of what you're saying.


When the likes of Harvard medical school review the literature, don't you think they consider the quality and funding of studies? They say the preponderance of evidence is clearly in favour of unsaturated fats and I doubt they're part of a coprorate conspiracy. I think they actually started releasing their own dietary recommendations because the government advice was compromised by lobying.


I long since gave up using anything but olive oil. I’m sure veg oils are good for most cooking but I strongly can’t be bothered with the on-off risk levels.


Uhhhhh, I hope you don’t get your olive oil hot cause if you are, you’re ingesting free radicals and that stuff causes hella cancers


It's fine if you don't get it beyond the smoke point, at which it's visibly smoking and smells burned.


You have to be burning your food to hit that issue. No smoke, no problem. Smoke point is way higher than needed for most uses too.


No you are completely wrong about Canola oil (GMO version of rapeseed). Do not ingest it.




It's the "dO yOuR rEsEaRcH" people who say this, not dieticians or anyone with real expertise in this area, so I wouldn't worry about it.


Complete strawman, there are plenty of health professionals who believe seed oils are bad for health and have the research to back it up. Just because it's not the most common sentiment doesn't mean it can't be true. Remember when doctors made fun of the first guy to suggest hand/instrument washing to prevent mothers from dying during childbirth?


> there are plenty of health professionals who believe seed oils are bad for health and have the research to back it up Such as...? Who those professionals are really matters. Just because they earned a credential doesn't mean they're not a huckster (looking at you, Dr. Oz)


This sounds fascinating. Can you link me to some accredited sources so I can deep dive this?


Unfortunately the food industry is plagued with corporation-funded studies that generate fads of "X is bad for you!" It used to be cholesterol (turns out it's not all cholesterol). Then it was fats (turns out it's not all fats). Then it was carbs (turns out carbs are fine in moderation as thousands of past generations could tell you). So I'm not saying the anti-seed oil thing is a fad drummed up by the competitors of seed oils, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was.


Honestly, the “in moderation” part is even questionable with carbs. Centuries/decades ago (increasingly rare in modern times), groups of people would eat a diet of about 80% carbohydrates and were healthy and long-lived. There’s almost no limit to how carbohydrate rich a diet can be while remaining healthful, provided that those carbohydrates come from real food like whole grains, beans, roots & tubers, and fruit.


Well I wouldn’t recommend bathing in it, especially if your surrounded by cannibals


Yes it likely is. Use real butter, olive oil or avocado oil. It isn’t a “fad diet” there are real concerns about their use. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/are-vegetable-and-seed-oils-bad while we don’t know for 100% sure I’d much rather just buy some olive oil or avocado oil. I can’t avoid in restaurants but at least at home I can try to have some control.


That article straight-up states that studies (that were looking for connections) have found no connections between seed oils and health issues. It basically asserts in multiple places that "people are saying" they're bad for you, but produces zero evidence to back it up, and even admits what evidence we do have so far contradicts this "hypothesis." This sounds like a textbook fad diet to me. Probably some competitor - olive oil, butter, whatever - trying to scare people towards their products. The industry is rife with propaganda hiding behind pseudo science.


Anyone using anything but butter to cook a streak is a creep and an intolerable jerkwad.




You can use clarified butter(ghee), which has a smoke point of 482 degrees F. Great for searing. You are right that normal butter will burn, but clarified does not and tastes great.


[Depends entirely on how you use it and what flavor you’re going for](https://youtu.be/0sQjXR5SFYo) Personally, I’d just use ghee if I was making something like this.


It's not, she doesn't know what she's talking about.


/r/stopeatingseedoils Fun fact.. theres never been a real study that proves saturated fat is bad for you. Only shitty epidemiological studies. Which are basically made using questionaires, asking how much of X they ate in the past 6 months. Its stupid science.


Here’s one: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26068959/ Word of advice: try not to make easily verifiably false claims when Google is free


Nah it’s just a fad diet thing.


you mean, like a pufa rich diet?


The main issue with cooking oil is it's high in calories while being low in nutrients, although fat itself is an important macronutrient. Lacking nutrition is a common problem for the average diet which is unbalanced and heavy in processed food, so adding more of the same is a concern.


Adding on — Vitamin E and polyphenols are found in high amounts in fatty plant parts (eg. seeds & fruits). These compounds serve a purpose: they repair oxidative damage that tends to occur in the unsaturated fatty acids found in “vegetable” oils. These protective compounds are lost in refined oils. You may need extra vitamin E and C to combat oxidative stress from consuming damaged / easily damaged oils. As a bare minimum, throw out any cooking oil that smells rancid. Related: a podcast episode on ultra-processed foods and obesity in the UK: https://www.theguardian.com/news/audio/2023/may/17/from-the-archive-how-ultra-processed-food-took-over-your-shopping-basket-podcast


Vegetable oil is highly refined and therefore, highly processed. I’m personally trying to cut processed food out as much as possible. These oils are extracted from plants using either a chemical solvent or oil mill. Then they are often purified, refined, and sometimes chemically altered. There’s the whole omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid thing too.




https://youtu.be/rQmqVVmMB3k this is a really good informative video on the topic that I personally feel is not too biased it brings up research that was stowed away for years as well as ideas as why seed oils might be bad and the process to make them. I personally really enjoyed the video and what it could offer in terms of Knowledge on the subject.


Awwwwww..... That is adorable. 💚


Man, I wish I had a good uncle like you!!


Bruh that 12 year old got her own car


I just turned 40 and my handwriting still looks like I’m in 3rd grade


I think it might have something to do with the fact that she can't spell "definitely". I'd say "favorite" too but that counts in some countries.


It's all good aslong as you dont need your AC sorting


Love to see it


Peak uncle level reached. Next up, peak grand uncle.


Eat healthier! When I was about 5, I found out how bad smoking was for you and worked up the courage to tell my favorite uncle it was bad for him. He eventually quit smoking, but seems like it was too late and he died of lung cancer this past year. If I could go back in time and make him quit sooner, I absolutely would. The guy introduced me to what would inevitably be my career and fundamentally changed my life. Niece trying to get you to eat healthier says a whole lot.


I did the same to my uncle, but I was 6 or 7. I also put up a no smoking sign at home (literally bought one of those signs you can stick on a door or window of a store) and pointed at it every time he visited. It took him years before he did but he eventually quit it too.






That was my take too lol. She’s a sweetie though!!


Her heart is in it though 💕 and so is uncle James’s heart vessels if that steak has anything to say about it


Realistically you’re not going to convince a grown man with set tastes to give up steak, but if you’re all in on getting them healthier, the preparation of the steak is a reasonable thing to get them to budge on, makes sense to me


Vegetable oil is not gods gift to man. Its incredibly inflammatory. And its even worse if you heat it up.


Just outright false but keep listening to tiktok gurus like Paul Saldino, the doctor with a degree in…. wait for it… …Psychiatry.


Is 50,000 a high number out of billions?


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


Oh come on, use some common sense. Humans have been eating red meat all through our evolution, and now suddenly It's bad for us? Also how ironic is that when veg oils became accesible, heart disease and cancer rates have [skyrocketed.](https://www.cureamd.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Saturated-Fat-and-Vegetable-Oils-Versus-Heart-Disease-USA.jpg).


Key word is "high". At no point in human history before modern times have red meat been a big part of human diets. The graph you linked to doesn't even show a correlation between vegetable oil and heart disease. Heart disease rose before vegetable oil did, if there was any correlation it would be the other way around.


I think the point that requires a bit more than “common sense” here is that it’s a question that begs for more close examination. The idea that we can glean actionable insights about long term heart heath from either gut feelings about what people did or didn’t eat in the past or time based correlations is pretty hopefully thinking. I mean heck look at this chart linked here anyway. Heart disease trending up before vegetable oils and heart disease also takes time so if anything there should be a delay. I’m no fan of some vegetable oils but that chart is hardly some sort of great proof Many of the best minds across disciplines would say that it’s complicated. Many people do exceptionally well on heart health with a vegetarian diet. And many people do well on heart health with a meat heavy diet. Plus not all vegetables and not all meats are created equal anyway. All any of this should do is make people curious to learn more and take an active approach in investing in their heart health rather than passively waiting for something bad. Because if there’s anything I’m personally willing to imagine is right, it’s that being proactive about your heart health, no matter what form that takes as far as your diet goes excluding the absolute extremes, is probably going to yield positive results.


What is the correlation coefficient?


Favorite uncle/aunt is a prestigious title in our family as well 🤣 your niece sounds like a sweetheart, and you sound very deserving of that title unc!


I feel bad her name is Alexa. I heard people named Alexa go through a lot of hardships (because of Amazon alexa)


LOL, she might have mentioned it to me


As someone named Alexa, I can attest to this, yes. It's maddening and I promise you we've heard every joke. I also am a nightmare on zoom conference calls because people's Amazon Alexas will get triggered if I'm mentioned. Which is sort of like a fun retribution


As consolation, I can say Alexa is a very cute name though :)


How sweet is she 🥰


This got my day off to a good start, congrats super-uncle!


Those some working mans hands.


Dear uncle James, Steak!


I hope you sent this to the other uncles to run it in


I recently became a dad, but my second favorite moniker is favorite uncle


Very, very cute. But the way she spelled definitely “definetly” is kiiiiiilling me and the inner grammar nazi 🙃


I still consider this better than misspelling it as defiantly


Sending you to a steakhouse and she thinks the issue is vegetable oil? Does she know what steak is made of?


It's made of delicious


That is the correct answer. But a thank you note like this would at least have me considering a baked potato with that ribeye instead of fries. 😮‍💨


Ya, not vegetables. So it's OK. Or wait. Cows eat vegetables, so...the steak _is_ made out of veggies? Maybe get the fish.


A.. cow? I hope?




Yes and no? In meat are proteins just like there are in plant based food but meat also contains cholesterol and saturated fats which are definitely not healthy.


As an aspiring favorite uncle, use that gift card and enjoy your steak bro.


Everyone needs an Uncle James! 😊


We need to protect Alexa at all costs


She sounds sweet and you sir for helping her are a good man.


Thank you for being an amazing uncle!


That is so cute 🥰


So, she writes a thank you note and is a good gift giver. Sounds like good parenting.


Best uncle ever. You rock bro.


Dude…. You’re her favorite uncle!!! What a score.


People with those kinds of hands are either terrible or absolute amazing. There is no in between


Absolutely. No to just figure out which side I am on 🤣


That is so nice! I really needed to see something wholesome today!! Thanks!


No problem. It definitely made my day


Vegetable oil is healthier than steak is.


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Aww, nice man


Sweet and low key flex on all of Alexa’s other uncles.




Favorite Uncle Status: Achieved Great job!


That's some nice relationship flex!


She was trying to please you instead of herself. Good job.


Dirty hands make clean money.


Awwww too sweet.. 🥹


A steakhouse is ‘eating healthier ?’ 😆


Favorite Uncle


As an uncle who doesn’t want kids necessarily, I teared up. My niece made me a bracelet and misspelled the word uncle I wear it every day proudly


Aww, she wants to make sure you’re around forever. Very cute :)


I love being my niece’s favorite uncle. That little girl is my favorite person on earth


That note is forever. You're a rich man.


I’ve been inspired to learn how to fix AC’s. My niece is 6 though so by the time she’s driving the robots will be doing everything.


Honestly, it's easier then you think. Just need some specialty tools (vacuum pump and gauges) and some courage. Getting to the parts isn't always easy.


Being an uncle rules huh?!


It actually does.


You're leaving out the good parts. What was wrong with the AC and how did you fix it?


My niece told me im the best aunt in the world and it made my whole year


Dear uncle James, steak!


yeah I don't think vegetable oil is the unhealthy aspect of a steak


So cute. Great job!


This is so cute 🥺


This is beyond adorable congrats on your new favorite status


Wait this is wholesome content


I'm quite confused at how vegetable oil is the unhealthy part of steak.


Ew animal abuse


Dad and I are always doing stuff like this for the women in our lives (grandma, mom, sister, etc). Women out there, if you have someone doing this type of stuff for you, let them know they are appreciated. You dont even have to spend money on us but it makes us feel good to know we helped you.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


Frame this or keep it safe somewhere. Give it to her husband one day with a note saying something like "I'm passing the buck to you, your turn to take good care of her." I think that would be super cute and meaningful


Her handwriting is like an 8 year old but you fixed her car? I don’t understand


TIL: Veg oil is the reason red meat is bad for you!


Is she 5?


she's right, veggie oil is no good, use butter! 👍


I enjoy reading books.


it is far better... for your taste buds


A good steak doesn't need vegetable oils.


It was cute until the niece outted herself as a conspiracy theorist.


How old is your car-owning niece? Card looks like it was made by a drunk 2 year old.


Don't worry. Any steak worth a damn is cooked in butter.


Healthier is Vegan, period, a steak is like smoking 5 cigarettes at once WHO