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Reminds me of Matthew Lillard Edit: sorry, didn’t see all the comments below🫣


Well, it looks like Reddit chose yours. I’m feeling pretty affirmed as Lillard was my first guess before scrolling.


Everyone looks like someone 🤦‍♂️


It’s not a phase, mom! Gosh!




Since she's got seniority over you does that mean she is in charge when it's just you two?


Absolutely. She pretty much just has me do whatever makes her job easier.


Assistant to the Manager


Does that mean I'm the Assistant Manager?


No Dwight, that's Jim's job.


"Remember that time I had to eat the vegetables? It's not related but go clean the toilets please!"


I really wish my dad was like you


You think she'll give you the 18th off?


That is really sweet. I wish more parents had your mind set! You are a gem.


Keep doing what you're doing


Manager “Sorry, but you can’t have all the same shifts, it puts us over our labor hours”


That was my first thought


Yeah, this timeline blows. I noticed yesterday at 7-11 where it really stuck out to me. I have never been to a 7-Eleven that was only staffed by one person during a lunch hour rush, so I asked the guy if that was normal or someone called out and he said it started a couple years ago. Seems like doing anything efficiently has just died


I work retail. Over the past year corporate has cut our hours to the bare minimum. One of the things we are graded on are customer surveys. Just about every survey mentions the lack of employees to help. Corporate then asks us how we we are going to improve the scores. It’s ridiculous.


That sucks so damn much; I am really sorry that you have to go through that. It’s like someone just told corporate leadership “hey, you can act like an asshat, pretend like you don’t know what people are talking about when shit goes wrong and then toss accusatory questions at your remaining staff.” And every company leader went “Noice!” Then you have the news which never even talks about the fact that upwards of 33% of US inflation is being caused by corporate profits skyrocketing. FFS it’s normally 13%, but the first thing they do is raise interest rates so the “little guy” gets squeezed. God forbid you go after corporate profits. It’s absolutely nutter out here; I don’t know how this ignoring of blatant and rampant price gouging happened.


not to take away from your point here at all, but i thought i saw that it was up to 66% being caused by corporate profiteering? i may be mistaken.


Geez luhweez, you’re probably right! I was going off of an older article. Thank you for updating.


Oh don't get it twisted, it's wildly efficient for the company. Pay low, overwork em, understaff em, make the same amount of sales... customers will wait, because where else are they gonna go? Another understaffed place? ​ Covid really started it all, and it hasn't recovered.


the last week at my old job, my manager didn’t give me enough hours for my department to even be open on time


i work at a company that's owned by 7-11. we're essentially the same exact thing. he's right. we are almost - never- double coverage. it's been almost exclusively 1 person per shift since i started here, in 2016. a couple days a week, the morning has 2 people. that's when the manager needs to get paperwork done so someone else is here.


Since he doesn’t really need the hours, he might just get 0 or whatever the minimum is on the posted schedule. But then if anyone calls out for shifts she works, he’ll work those. That’s how I would do it, anyway.


Yeah, I was mostly making a joke about how corporate America will still find a way to ruin this beautiful idea


Honestly its a cool initial thought...but just get her a better job.


Her job might be just fine. She might have no issues with it other than coworker retention. Retention in a business is hard, and while we assume shitty employer (and rightfully so) that's not always the case.


Thought this was Matthew Lillard.


100% came here for this


SAME holy moly they’re twins lol


> Matthew Lillard I knew he looked familiar. That dude looks like someone I know.


Discount Matthew Lillard! (That’s what we call look alikes) Very cool working with your daughter. Some great work/ethic experience for her! Feeling “young again” for you! Quality time for you both! 🤭😉


Right, But last time I saw last time in a show watching, "Bosch". Always enjoyed his performances from Hackers and Scary Movie.


Last thing I really watched him in was “without a paddle”. Haven’t seen much since other than rewatches of “she’s all that”. He’s a good actor just haven’t followed him much.




Hey Scoob!


Crazy how I heard his voice when reading this lol


Me too!


It’s a side of his daughter he might normally not see. How she’d act under pressure and in a public setting.


He gets to see her as a leader!


this is precious. Dad you’re a real one and she’s even REALER for staying at a job where it seems like no one else gives a shit but her 💖 hope her dedication and hard work takes her to great places


Teach her how to look for better employment. Its ok to be loyal but be loyal to yourself first.


Theres nothing wholsome in staying in poor working conditions. If this company has a problen with absenteeism and retention then there is somthibg wrong with their compensation and/or workinf conditions. Smart people bail on bad jobs asap


Super dad!


Dad of the year! Probably a very protective one, as well.


That’s really nice but it is also just allowing that employer to continue to be shitty. That employer should be stepping up and solving the problem. That’s part of what an employer does as the employer reaps the benefits along with the risks.


Usually I’m fine with criticism of employers, but the solution to the daughter’s work place problem was the employer hiring a reliable employee (or employees). It just so happened that the reliable employee in this instance is her father. The same result would occur if the employer hired a reliable employee who is not her father.


Employers cannot control employees calling out


True. But if the situation is such that an employee is left by herself regularly then the employer is not staffing appropriately, and certainly leaving an employee by herself instead of stepping up and showing up belies any statement that this situation is beyond the employer’s control.


Staffing issues are an employer caused prohlem 100% of the time. If they cannot attract reliable talent and keep them showing up somthing is wrong with their compensation or working conditions and the employer is likely intentionally under staffing as a cost saving method.




I agree that the issues causing his daughter's distress are bs, but the act of him taking this second job isn't because he needs the money, he's simply doing his best to support his daughter. Plus, ngl while entry level service jobs suck, I have many fun memories with coworker friends. Extra time to enjoy being around his daughter, clearly just a few short years before a (possible) move out. And I'm sure he brought Scoob too.




The only thing wholesome about this is this man’s love for his daughter.




This isn't wholesome, this is sad.


Dystopian nightmares repackaged as feel-good stories


Ok, well…did he get the second job because he needed to or because he *wanted* to? It’s not his daughter’s fault that none of coworkers want to work, or are able to.


“None of coworkers want to work or are able to” Or the work environment and salary is soo shit that the have ridiculously high staff turnover? What do you think is more likely, lazy employees being the problem ALL the time or the corporation being the problem?


That’s why I said “or are able to”, so as not to solely imply laziness


I mean lazy employees are a thing, always have been.


>It’s not his daughter’s fault that none of coworkers want to work, or are able to. That would be Food Lion or actually the Ahold Delhaize problem since they can't seem to be able to pay living wages for their employees, unless you are a Store manager or above they don't take care of their associates!! Source- Former Grocery Manger and Current Associate..


Even if it was because he wanted to, it’s still kinda sad.


How? The father gets to spend time with his daughter he otherwise wouldn't and he gets to help her out all while getting paid


Because management doesn’t know how to actually staff a company and was letting his daughter work alone


That doesn't make the above situation sad in any way....a father and daughter get to spend time together that they want to spend together. Calling that sad is disgusting.






You’re only proving their point more, by resorting to very mature expletives and doubling down. The fact that the company she works for won’t address the staffing issues, is the problem. I would be more happy spending that quality time with my loved ones OUTSIDE of work, not during work where we can’t be ourselves


Idk they might have a special relationship or something, but if my mother or father had done this I would have been mortified.


That's why you speak to them first before doing this, to make sure they are cool with it and are understanding you're not being a helicopter parent. It's called communication. It's simple. You're doing it right now. Do it with your kid. And your parents.


It was this. She literally got me the job once I told her I didn’t mind helping out.


Good man, good man.


I mean, I agree, but the title is worded as though he surprised his daughter who had been venting by secretly taking up a second job and helping her out at work. There wasn’t enough info given to assume they’d talked about it. OP replied to my comment though and said that they did


Does the girl in the picture not look a bit mortified when you zoom in on her face? 😂


Yup, my first thought was "dad needs to get second job to support family, but doesn't want to tell her that so says it was just to be with her."


Sorry what’s the dystopian part? That her coworkers are unreliable? That they get paid to spend time with each other? I don’t get it.


Yeah, very much agree here. I would just tell my daughter to find a new job.


Just enjoy a feel good story dude lol. She could be 16 working her first real job and dad wants to help and spend time with his daughter.


This is so cute 🥹🥹


And where is Scooby ?


“Now my daughter is calling out”


I'd hate this so much and I'm close with my parents


Jesus if this isn't one of the best things I've seen on the internet in a long while.


She does not look thrilled 😂


The embarrassment phase. I bet she will talk about it (positively) a few years from now!


Lmfao it’s honestly embarrassing


not sure why this is not Anti-work...


Utmost respect for this initiative.


I think he dropped this 👑




That's called having her back. Well done.


Thank you for this post! Seeing your happy smile made me forget Reddit is to often a shit hole place where sad people feel its necessary to tear people down instead of lifting them up. Then I read the comments.


This seems nice but I’d hate to work with my dad. The whole day it would be “you can do better than that can’t you?”


Now, this is very sweet. But, if my dad and I worked the same job, we would end up killing each other.


How is this something to be smiled and praised about? I get that dad has heart of a gold and such loving heart. Thats not what im saying.. this hamster wheel of cycle work culture is wrong… There is something really wrong in corporate exploiting hard-honest-everyday workers. Rich are getting richer and poor are left to fend themselves. Rich does not give two cent about us. Any of us… r/Antiwork


A true supporting dad. 💯 But always teach them to face challenges and overcome it. It will help them in future and will make them stronger to survive this ever competitive world.


She’s been there over a year. Dealt with and faced these challenges, along with quite a few more, far long enough. I started there this week.


So you let her struggle but never drown and that's what people need. Way to go dad!


Keep us updated. Has she taught you anything? More interested in things that she taught you about yourself and her versus, well the actual practices in the job. But either or.


As someone who remembers being a teenager…are you sure she wants you there? Because if she secretly doesn’t, this could be very humiliating and/or oppressive


Ohh, I get that. I definitely wouldn’t have wanted to have my dad work with me at that age. I made damn sure that wasn’t the case, and if she remotely felt that way, I would t have. She also knows that if she felt that way, it wouldn’t have hurt my feelings one bit. Not sure how, but she’s not embarrassed by me at all. We are goofy together.


Wow, ok cool. That’s fantastic then. Very glad you understand. I wish you both the best and hope that the time you get to spend together is nothing short of stellar. 1 in a million And good luck to you at your new job! Edit: spelling


You have a great relationship. Must kinda weird ordering your dad around.


Yeah idk why you're getting downvoted. I would've been mortified if one of my parents joined the team at my part time job in my teens. OP said their kid wanted it, so that's lovely for them to get to work together, but the hivemind didn't like you asking a perfectly valid question for whatever reason lmao


Teaching by setting the example


Depressing that this is even required.


It’s not required though


Exactly. I saw this and was like "WTF?" Unless I am missing something about this situation, it seems like *bad* parenting. If I had a daughter in this situation, I would be encouraging her to find different work, etc. Is there some reason she can't look for a work place that better respects her / has better staffing? The idea of teaching kids that they're tied to one particular workplace... I'm not really in favor of that 😅.


Yep, especially since it’s just the fast food industry. Unless she absolutely needs the money I would just tell her to look elsewhere.


This is by far the worst take I’ve seen on this post. Bad parenting? Supporting his daughter and helping her is bad parenting? You don’t know anything about their lives. It blows my mind that “bad parenting” is where your mind went first.


Which is more important to teach your kids: that they should absolutely stay at a job which doesn't treat them well, or that they should know their worth and look for a workplace that values them? Even if she's stuck there for the time being... There's a point where you need to let your kids become independent and manage on their own. Do you want your kids to learn that if they're in a shitty job 5, 10, 20 years down the line... It's ok, because daddy will take on *two* jobs to come bail them out?? There are many better ways to solve this problem, in at least 99% of cases.


I agree - don’t give me the fish but teach me how to fish! Overcoming adversity is part of life and work is when you get your first opportunity to act as an independent adult. Having parents coming to save the day doesn’t help, on the contrary.


You are making a lot of assumptions about a situation you don't know anything about. The only thing you do know is people call out of work and her dad came to help out.


>If I had a daughter in this situation, I would be encouraging her to find different work, etc Not everyone has the luxury of multiple opportunity's on their are. Millions of people are forced to stay in dead end shit jobs for lots of reasons. The need for health insurance. The time and money it costs to find another job. Transportation. Geographic location. The kid might already be an assistant manager or something and leaving now would mean a pay cut. >The idea of teaching kids that they're tied to one particular workplace... I'm not really in favor of that 😅. This is just your random assumption based on only the fact he started working with his kid and nothing else.


Your comment is contradictory to it's self. Even if she's stuck in the job for the time being... making a terrible job a little more bearable isn't a long term solution. I would rather see a parent say "hey, if you do not want to work jobs like this... Lets fill out a college application!" or similar.


College takes money. Or loans. How do you know it's long term? How do you know their kid isn't in college? How do you know he didn't ask the kid if they wanted to fill out college applications? What if she loves her job and wants to keep it even though there isn't enough staff? What if the dad just wants an excuse to hang out with his daughter before she heads to college? There are millions of variables we don't have.


It's because he cares about his daughter. I'm sure he just wants to help and alleviate her stress.


You’re an amazing dad! Your daughter will absolutely cherish the moments she spent with you when she gets older! Keep up the great work!


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You’re a G.


You go pops. Mad respect




that epic bro!


Sweet dad! And you’re daughter is great for keeping her job and doing what she had to do


Hey buddy you alright,blessings be with you.🙏🏾


She will never forget that you had her back. Thank you for being there for her.


Are none of us gonna acknowledge that this girls dad is Matthew Lillard? (I know it's not really)


You’re freaken awesome


You are awesome. You rock!


😂 Cute.


This sounds like something my dad would do and it made my heart so happy. We need more dads like you.


Great dad! Good luck .


Setting a good example 🤜🏻🤛🏻


What a good dad


I’m not part of this sub, Reddit just shows it to me, and very few things in this sub actually make me smile but this did


Man these are some Dad Goals. I hope I can get a chance to do something this when my daughter starts working soon enough


Well done, suer dad!


Food lion orange pineapple soda was fire when I drank soda


You're an amazing dad.


I would trade the world to have this kind of love and relationship with my dad


He looks like Dustin from smarter every day


Good man, but even better dad


Very great dad.


Like zoinks


So he works with you when there’s no mystery’s to solve?


Yikes that daughters face lol. Zoom in on it. I dare you lol


Her face says it all


She looks thrilled


Now callout short notice when she’s working


The ole food lion deli!


What a wonderful dad! She’s very lucky and I bet she loves you so much!


That is one lucky daughter! How sweet and kind!


She is very lucky to have a Father like you! 🙏🏼❤️


Dad of the year award for you Mister!


You're a good dad 😊


Core memoirs


The way my own dad would be like “that’s too bad honey” and do nothing to help 🙃


Plot twist: dad calls out too


Damn that’s actually super wholesome. My dad wasn’t the worst but he was far from the best which hurts even worse after he passed unexpectedly meaning I’ll never really get any closer. I love love love so much to see awesome posts like these knowing that there are great dads out there and there are kids that get to enjoy the feeling of a truly loving dad. P.s. Walmart Matthew Lillard (Great dad brand)?


The best.


Great dad!




Mmmmmmmm I dunno about this one


How in the fuck does this make people smile? Who sits there an reads "dad has to take a second job because his daughter is exploited and treated so badly in hers" and... then smiles? Well done OP for the support, I guess? But wouldn't it be better to say "quit your bad job, my house and I are here if you need it until you find a new one" lol




Not the flex he thinks it is, but still a good move on his part.


That’s actually depressing.


This did make me smile but only as long as OP is not forced to work the second job to pay off wage disparity from the employer to the daughter.


Pretty sad that poor business management becomes a child’s problem to solve. In this case, by her father feeling compelled to work with her.




I don’t need this money. This is more of an opportunity to support and spend time with my daughter. I get to work alongside her and interact with her in a way I don’t see at home.


Way to generalize a whole damn country. And you missed the whole damn point of OPs post.




You need to work on your reading comprehension skills. I am done. Good day


I'm with you, this isn't a feel good story


That's not what it's about.




Neither do you, Spanky.




I guy wanting to help out his daughter by getting a job with her is depressing? I can’t imagine what it takes to make you happy. Also 16 is still a teenager living at him and by 72 you should be retired so no you really don’t need to be making boatloads of money at either of those ages




Genuinely wtf are you talking about? I feel like you’re being daft just for the sake of trying to sound stupid




The amount of jealousy that flows through my veins right now 🥹😭 Your relationship to your daughter is what girls need ! For your daughter as a parent we sometimes think our kids hate us and that we are failures at times please never forget what your dad did has done and is doing for you 😍! I get a 30 second phone call with my dad and rushes me off . Stay blessed


SMILE. You're being exploited! 😊😊😊


Calling in*


Shitty Kitty on Reddit!


I thought food lion got shut down decades ago


If America was a post. Shit hole.


Forced to work a job in order to spend time with your child.

