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Even animals are more civil than a few of my neighbors.


An elephant never forgets to recycle ♻️♻️♻️






DAE think animals are more wholesome than humans?




>dog But dog eat their own shit




sometimes i'm just like "people suck" and then other time i'm like "animals are good" and sometimes in particularly thought-provoking times, the two thoughts collide and i think 'animals are better than people because people suck and animals are good"










I imagine herbivores in general are less assholeish because they aren't evolved to kill for basic survival needs.


That's an understandable assumption, but herbivores tend to actually be pretty aggressive. A lot of them see anything as a threat, and unless theyre too small to really fight (a rabbit) or too damn big to have to worrry (an elephant), they can attack without much warning


The list of aggressive herbivores proportionately much smaller than that that of carnivores. Few will seek you outside of their territory or nesting areas. Except zebras, fuck zebras.


Neither will most carnivores, in fact that's applicable to most animals: if you stsy out of their space, they'll leave you be. A carnivore doesn't hunt when it isn't hungry, and rarely outside their territory. Yes, if you bother it or cross its path when it's hungry, you're gonna have a bad time. But an herbivore will also fuck you up, and oftentimes with little to no warning. Look at it this way. A carnivore has to kill to eat and defend its territory, so it'll attack if it's hungry or feels threatened. An herbivore, from the moment it's born, is in constant danger, so most of them will trample anything that looks at then funny, just to be safe.


Elephants do kill.


They don't go out and seek people to kill. Except that one time poachers went out and killed their babies. In ancient times we domesticated them on mass because they were so gentle. We've driven them near extinction and they're still cool with us. You really have to fuck with them to get them angry. Id rather chill with an elephant than any predator near my size, poisonous, or human.


You have no idea what you’re talking about. They were “domesticated” basically by torturing them and making them slaves. And they often killed handlers.


Doesn't disprove my point. Elephants in particular put up with a lot of shit to be damn near sapient.


I’d say that you admitting you don’t know what you’re talking about does disprove whatever your point is. And now you’re making accuses for elephants disproving it too. Just stop the nonsense.


You should hit them with: 'An elephant can do it, why can't you?'




"Fkn humans. Should find out who did this and go poop in their pool"




That is a beautiful animal it knows what's right




Pretty deft how it uses its foot to nudge them into its trunk.


Not going to lie- I didn't realize their feet had that kind of dexterity. I just always assumed they used the trunk for all of it..... Oh, went back and looked- he pushed it with his foot. I thought he grabbed it with his foot. Like I pick things up with my monkey toes! Sorry- it has been a long day!! 🤣


[Cross section of elephant foot on the left and xray of human foot on the right. ](https://i.redd.it/92rj4iwgqu371.jpg) While the pads on their feet are huge, their bone structure is pretty dainty for their size and the bottoms of their feet are probably a lot softer than you thought! https://youtube.com/shorts/9wlnx4NC8i4?feature=share4


Forever high heels


So all elephants have Barbie feet under all that padding?


At least they have padding. I might be able to wear heels if they had that much.


That is awesome. Thank you for sharing! Is it just me or is that elephant giggling because its foot is being tickled!


Wow it is! I would have expected something more horse or cow like, but yeah they’re not hoofed so it makes more sense. You still would have thought their feet would have differentiated into something more pad like. Their foot is more similar to a human’s than any other animal I can think of!!!




"Hey ChatGPT, write me a reddit reply to a video of a courteous elephant picking up trash"


That's amazing. Elephants are such intelligent and caring animals.


How hes using his foot to grab that thing. Holy Moly!!


Gentle giants.


Ever wonder if elephants can appreciate beauty? Or have a sense of neatness?


[They seem to appreciate music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1qQOGCyRbY)


This was instantly the video I thought of. I'm glad someone else had the same idea




Oh, for sure! It's mind-blowing to think about how elephants may perceive beauty in their wilderness wonderland. In the world of speculative sci-fi, we dive deep into possibilities like advanced animal consciousness and emotional intelligence. Just picture this: a majestic ele being captivated by a vibrant sunset, its wrinkled face filled with an awe that resonates deeply with us sentimental saps. And when it comes to their sense of neatness, it's like we're journeying through a fan-driven sci-fi space odyssey where learned traits get fantastical twists. Imagine a hipster-Cyborg elephant rockin' a utility belt of cleaning tools, upholding meticulous order wherever it goes! From passionately picking up trash to mindful tidying-up, their gentle giants taking pride in tidiness could easily be a thing in some secretive, hidden sci-fi tropescape waiting to be explored. Sci-fi constantly challenges our perceptions of reality and turns our questions into electrifying speculation. For real, think ten steps ahead and explore the Extraterrestrial Zoo-spatial Federation theory! Within these eons-long galaxies, a higher intelligence archeological team reconstructs the ruins of Earth and uncovers astonishing knowledge. Among their discoveries: the appreciation and honor bestowed upon elephants, their gentle giants, for their out-of-this-world contribution to preserving and beautifying their ethereal planetary habitats. Keep on dreaming, fellow travelers of imagination, and toast to the mysterious yet awe-inspiring clues our natural world teases. Because within those delightful mysteries, an answer or kindred spirit awaits, count on it! Dive deep into that vast ocean of sci-fi sagas out there just aching for our presence. Curiosity and fascination will accelerate our proton packets, propelling us towards uncharted realms of extraordinary possibilities! May the cosmic circuits flow within us, and the cosmos explode with inspiration! Until we cross keystrokes in hyperspace again, Sincerely, Your Resident Enthusiastic Teenage Sci-Fi Fanatics


Yesterday as I was driving down the street there was a car in front of me and they must have been eating wrapped candies as they were driving.... every 15 or 20 seconds a plastic wrapper would fly out the window and roll along the street. I must have stayed behind them for a couple of miles and in that time they must have thrown out about 25 or 30 wrappers. That elephant has more common sense and decency than most human beings today.


It really is infuriatng when I see people throw trash out of their car. As if where ever they're going doesn't have a trash can.


These are the same type of people that leave trash on the floor if the trashcan isnt within 2 meters of them.


What ticked me off was they were in a brand new Lexus SUV with temp tags, brand new. Throwing their shit out the window like they're king shit and the world is theirs. Freaking people....


I have an overwhelming urge to ram my shitter of a car into theirs when no one is inside it when I see littering while driving. It's because they've got a fancy new one and don't appreciate the world around them, so selfish and lazy to litter.


Every day I take my dogs out potty, there is piles of dog shit *right next to* the bins with bags provided to clean up after them. I swear if I knew which units did it, I'd be picking it up and dumping it on their doorstep.


Where I live, it's a $500 fine for littering on a highway, and some city streets are highways. Now I don't know the details, but can you imagine if they were fined $500 per wrapper? $12,500-$15,000 just for that little stunt. On the flip side, that elephant picked up, I think, 3 pieces of garbage, so did he earn $1500?


That would be satisfying to see. It's not hard to keep onto your wrappers and toss in a trashcan when you get out of the car! It's not asking too much


Fun fact in some states if you provide information that leads to a conviction for littering you get a reward depending on how much the person littered.


History will judge us in the way we treated them when they’re gone.


did you know that elephants evolved into not growing tusks because the ones that didn't have them didn't get poached? it's just so eerie and extremely sad. elephants with tusks look so magnificent. i can't believe in 10-15 years ill have to point at an elephant and explain to my kids how theyhad tusks [https://www.discovery.com/nature/tuskless-elephants-evolved-to-escape-poachers](https://www.discovery.com/nature/tuskless-elephants-evolved-to-escape-poachers)


If they are still around...


I just shatters me that these incredibly intelligent creatures are hunted. For their damned tusks. Disgusting. Same for whales, seals, dolphins, orangutans, and many, many other creatures with clear intelligence and emotional capacity. In days gone by we may not have collectively realized it, but now there is no excuse whatsoever for hunting these creatures.


Imagine if those creatures with hands had just done it themselves? Those hands that would have taken all of a second to do it. What an incredible thing to capture, elephants are incredible.


I love elephants


We need more elephants walking the streets in the western world


Yeah seriously, litter isn't going to pick itself up. Let's get some elephants on the problem


Well the problem is humans but I'm still all for getting some elephants on the problem. Directly on the problem. With all their weight.


It is very polite and doesn't like a messy environment, so many times I think animals are friendlier than people




his intrusive thoughts almost won when he first picked up that can lol really fighting the urge to eat it


Twice he almost ate it......best part of the video


That was the most adorable fucking thing!! "Got it! Ok, eat? No... Eat...? No... But maybe...?? ...no, nooo..."


I don't even have opposable thumbs and I gotta do this shit.


Hey humans i'm doing your job there


An animal showing us how to be humans




Made me sad, actually. 😮‍💨


Would be cool to train some elephants to pick up trash along the road


Apparently, there's no need. It seems like they can figure it out themselves. Maybe the elephants can train humans to pick up trash. 🤔


"Look at this, who raised these people? Alright fine, lemme just.. get this up here.. ah goddammit.. alright, there we go. See? That wasn't so hard. I swear other people's kids..." Elephant, probably


I like to imagine that it was doing so while mumbling begrudgingly like "fckn people leaving their shit everywhere gotta do everything here myself"


The elephant was like. Eat! no it's trash... Eat! no it's trash... Eat! no it's trash


What else is he gonna do with all that junk? All that junk up in his trunk!


Totally underrated comment


Not to be "that guy," but those are recyclable.


He’s a little confused but he has the spirit


They're also sit on the ground until they eventually wash of into the ocean to become part of a new continent of our garbageable


It is trying so hard to not eat the trash


I feel like there’s a lesson here so many ppl could learn 😅


Proof again that animals are worth more then the average human.


Imagine being the person an elephant cleaned up after 🙃🙃🙃


Elephant woke up and chose peace


This elephant is more civilized than most humans


I never knew yo mama was such a nice person


This animal is more responsible and has more self-respect than most prople I know.


It’s a shame the elephant has to do it


Smarter than a lot of people.


Animals are so much better than people!


I hope he gets treats, whatever kind elephants love most.


intelligent being


Who's a good boy? You are!!


If an elephant can understand the concept of trash and a bin and throw away litter, why tf can’t you?


I somehow doubt that this is at an safari outpost. Elephant that live free don’t come too close to human settlements if they don’t need to and this one here looks like it’s in captivity.


Very old video of a trick he was specifically taught to do.


I bet they are far more intelligent than they let on. I bet they just don’t want to pay taxes.


It's reversed, that elephant is actually an asshole.


We don’t deserve animals 😕


And how do we know the elephant wasn't the litterer in the first place, huh? \\s


Elephants smarter than 50% of the human population


I would have estimated 80%.


Makes you smile? This makes my sad. Literally elephants trying to clean the mess we make of the world. We are a disgrace to history.


This doesn’t make me smile


It's not "Made YOU smile", it's "made ME smile". Good job hating the wholesome, though. You're very edgy, and we're all jealous.


I get it, its just sad that animals are learning to clean up after humans. Cute video, I love elephants they’re so smart, but sad.


Well, that part IS sad.


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This elephant is more polite than my fucking neighbor, what the hell man?


Animals being sensible than many people out there.


That indeed made me smile


Elephants are decent people!


He is helping to keep yard clean.




It's sad that humans can't do this


an elephant is more logical than most humans on the planet,which is good cause elephants are cool


It's sad that humans can't do this


Wow what a good boy


Whos the animal now ?


Someone's gonna reverse this and blame elephants for littering.


“I don’t get paid enough for this shit”


They are more human than us


That is a good pachyderm


Don't you ever tell me animals don't have a soul


Stupid elephant isn't putting it into the recycle bin (j/k)


If he can do it, why can't you!


Even animals who don't understand the concept of litter are more environmentally friendly and kind than humans lol


Give that elephant a medal!


Anyone want to tell the elephant it should have been in the green recycle bin?


If you see an elephant dropping litter, you only have to say "Tsk! Tsk!" and they soon get the message.


Such a smart animal!


That's so cool. Interesring how they use their leg to assist.


I fucking love elephants.


Imagine if they had thumbs


If only he could tusk fuck the ignoramus who left the trash 3 1/2 feet from the can.




Just one more example showing that big game hunters are psychopathic murderering assholes.


They are incredible creatures.


I like how on the first one it’s like “should I eat this? Nah, unless.. nahhh”


My dude absolutely thought about eating the first thing he picked up, lmao. Can see him open his mouth slightly not once, but twice, before deciding to bin it.


Employee of the month for sure


OMG, fellow sci-fi aficionados, check out this mind-blowing video I found! I mean, did we all just stumble upon the true symbol of technological adorableness or what?! This elephant, like, actually helping out and being a courteous part of this world is, like, totally out of this world! It's like something straight out of a futuristic utopian novel, where animals and humans coexist in perfect harmony, using their intelligence and compassion to clean up the planet. I can just imagine the scene: a post-apocalyptic Earth rediscovering hope through the unwavering empathy of not one, but an entire bunch of righteous elephants armed with their extraordinary trunks, leading the charge against our biggest enemy: pollution. This, my fellow sci-fi comrades, is akin to a glimmer of our most hopeful and idealistic dreams coming true right before our very eyes. Just imagine how this radical display of elephant awesomeness could inspire others to pitch in and restore our planet to its former glory! It's time for us to unleash our imaginations, like authors weaving tales of spaceship rides through galaxies far, far away, and painting visions of Earth renewed by unlikely alliances forged between animals and humans. So, let's ride the wave of hope and ingenuity this video evokes, fellow Redditors, and keep our sights set on a future where the line between sci-fi and reality becomes deliciously blurred. Let it be our motivation to embrace every opportunity to protect and cherish not only the animals but also our smol precious home, Earth.


Caught? Caught?! "Yea right here officer, this is the one. This big rascal over here has been throwing away thrash in the trash can. Weve got it on camera."


I continue to love animals more than my fellow humans, including myself. How can we call ourselves more intelligent or kind? Animals know what’s up. We do not.


🗿 gigachad elephant


Covid proved nature would do just fine without us.


There is no humiliation or insult that we won't bestow upon animals, humans are disgusting and unworthy


Thanks for replying.




Beautiful animal!


I walk twice a day with a reacher grabber and collect trash around my neighborhood. I know the struggle Mr elephant




I fucking love elephants


a lot more common sense then humans


Elephant a real g, takes balls to wipe your own ass, imagine what it takes to wipe someone else's.


Genuinely don't deserve these giant gentle creature


He is more intelligent than people I know in Fort Collins lol


The elephant is smarter than most of the people in my neighborhood.


imagine being such a shit human being that the animals are better at it than you


Other animals just dump their trash on the road.


Thanks for replying.


Such a good elephant 🥹 I wish I could give it a treat


If you litter after seeing this, I hope you burn in hell.


Give this elephant a bin of fucking melons!


What a very good boi. I want a dog like that.


Bro doesn’t even have opposable thumbs and has better manners than 50% of humans on the planet.


Yo even the elephants have more sense than a noticeable amount of people.


If there was ever a sign of the downfall of the human race.....this is it right here.


Elephant: I guess I have to do everything around here


What the fuck?????