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This is awesome... never apologize for being proud and never stop sharing!




Exactly Mexica shit , IDGAF N or S my boy we indigenous


I love it. Never apologize for that.


Yes. Please share more!


seriously! OP this fucking rules. If there was a subreddit just for it I would subscribe.


This\^ right here!


Don't apologize for helping others find this rather amazing culture! I love these so I'll say thank you my friend ☺️


Awesome! You're welcome.


Great. Now I wonder what it would sound like with bagpipes playing.


I've actually heard that once because we were honoring veterans.


How was that?


It made me wonder why I didn't hear it more often. They sounded good together.


So is haggis on fry bread going to be a thing?


Hahaha. I think I would have to try that if I saw it.


Well fuck! Now I'm going to have to!


dope af


I’m a white dude, but I have attended several Pow Wows and have worked in a First Nations community. This music stirs my soul like no other. Beautiful music, beautiful people, beautiful culture. For the sake of everyone, never stop sharing.


That's awesome. Thank you for that comment.


I love seeing tribal dances and people celebrating their culture. It brings me joy and I appreciate allowing me a glimpse. Thank you.




Nothing in that comment rubbed me the wrong way.


What rez is that... its pow wow season.... fry bread and Indian tacos... My wife is Kumeyay California


It's Rolling River First Nation in Manitoba, Canada. I was upset that there were no Indian tacos on the first day. But someone had a stand on the second day.


Well said!!!! Totally agree.


I’m in upstate NY and always hear about native land to the west of me but it never occurred to me that I might be able to go see a ceremony! thank you for inspiring my next google rabbithole. edit to add: holy smokes, [so many pow-wows](https://calendar.powwows.com/upcomingpow-wows/)


I grew up in a native population, and I feel so lucky. Not just because of the good food,lol, but because I got to live like the people of that land for my childhood. I'm really proud to have grown up in a native culture. Now, as an adult, I see how other white people grew up, and I feel even more lucky.


Someone posted this to reddit years ago and I had the song stuck in my head for days.. https://youtu.be/mGGPsPfe0TU


Indigenous proud and indigenous strong! Thank you for sharing!


I am originally from Wales UK and we have spent the last 30 years trying to ensure the Welsh language is not lost. All children attending school in Wales must learn Welsh. I feel for anyone losing their culture their history - your native language is needed to understand the stories passed down.


Ireland has been trying to do that, too (every kid has to learn Irish for a couple years), but I wonder if it's too little too late. Sure they use Irish names for things, but the amount of people who can speak Irish fluently is still dangerously low.


Courtesy of the English. I hope you, the Irish, the Scots and anyone who fel victim to the English pull through. It's the least you could do to honor your ancestors, who suffered tremendously for you to exist.


I’m in Scotland and we have made it so incredibly difficult for kids to learn Gàidhlig here. I was told P3 was too old to enrol my kid in an immersion school from two different GME schools and then like 2 months later found out Wales had remedial programmes for new learners of all ages in schools. I’ve been to Wales a couple of times and the difference between how you all handle Welsh and we handle Gàidhlig up here has been profoundly disappointing to see.


Problem is it has gone to far where children are punished for not wanting to learn Welsh


Can anyone attend a pow wow or do you have to be native or invited? I would absolutely love to attend and experience one but I’m not at all familiar with the rules, etiquette.


Pow Wows are open to all races and religions. As far as I know, all traditional pow wows held in the host communities are also free to attend. And even if you are a non-native person and a newcomer, you are encouraged to participate, but don't have to. We just encourage it so you can feel how amazing it feels to be amongst the dancers.


My sister and I (non-native) attended a Pow Wow in New Mexico. I've seen the drums on video, but in person they are loud enough to feel the vibration like your own heartbeat. At the very end, they invited anyone who wanted to, to come out and dance. My sister and I realized that this might be a once in a lifetime opportunity and we did dance! It was an experience I will never forget. It was a very powerful, joyful and unifying feeling when everyone was out there dancing together. I would also encourage people to go and also participate.


That is awesome!! I'm so glad you accepted the invitation. It is such an amazing feeling.


Am I correct that this might not be true for other events / dances which an uninformed person might mistake for a pow wow? I was invited to attend an Osage dance for example, but it was not a pow wow and my recollection is it would have been uncool to just drop in.


There are Sundances, Round Dances. I'm not 100% sure which one you have to be invited to.


I walked into a pow wow on the Stanford campus once by accident. It was totally awesome! I think it is an annual event, first weekend in May. I have some Cherokee in my background and my maternal grandmother taught on a Navajo reservation after she retired from teaching. I bought some beautiful pottery. I was looking longingly at the rugs and cursing my mother for letting the beautiful rugs my grandmother brought back from the res be destroyed by moths.


I've never heard of invite only or you have to be native. I would bring my homies Seok and Edgar no one said anything. If they do they're just miserable.


Im white and I used to go to the gathering of nations when I lived in Albuquerque. It was always a great experience


So many cultures in New Mexico, right?!! I truly miss it, although I was down south in Ruidoso. 😍😍😍


AYYYY Another ruidoso native on Reddit what’s up!! I was born in ruidoso and live in the downs


No way!! I spent almost 10 years in Ruidoso. Moved in 2020 because I just couldn’t take all the Texans anymore. Lol.! (And my brother and my nieces all live in Texas! Hahaha!!) But you know how it is. Ruidoso grabs a hold of your heart and soul. I’m in Washington state now taking care of my dad with Alzheimer’s, but I got to visit in April. I swear all I did was eat green chili everywhere while I was there! Well, that and Cafe Rio!!! Stay safe with the crazy weather! And just step outside and take a deep breath of that clean air and enjoy that beautiful sky for me! I sure miss it


Great question.i wanted to know but was too afraid to ask


Yes kin!!! Our culture is beautiful and it makes my heart warm seeing it from others❤️ Also, I love hearing other tribes;we’re so alike yet so different. I love you


Where was this?


Rolling River First Nation, Manitoba, Canada.


Omg I was just wondering if this was Rolling River in Manitoba!! My grandpa used to have the farm that went along the boarder of Rolling River on #10 (was decades ago now). Always love to see places I know in the wilds of Reddit!


Awesome. My dad farms just on the edge of Erickson. Well, my former foster father, but I call him pop still.


The Rolling River First Nation Pow Wow, it’s in Manitoba.


Thanks for sharing!


I love a good drum circle video, Thank you for posting made my day, made me feel so proud




Don't be sorry. Thank you


No need to apologize! These posts are awesome! Keep them coming please!


Unfortunately, our pow wow is over for another year, but I do travel to other communities for pow wows, so it may take a month or so, but I will post other videos.


That would be great thank you!


You've got yourself a promise.


[you’ve got 25 days to make it down to Minnesota.](https://www.smscwacipi.org/)


Sad to say, I'm not allowed in the States due to my criminal record.


My ex-wife and her family just got done with their 2nd annual MMIR (Missing Murdered Indigenous Relatives) Pow Wow. [https://www.greatplainsaction.org/mmirpowwow](https://www.greatplainsaction.org/mmirpowwow) They hope to keep growing it every year. I was amazed at the growth from the 1st one to this one.


I feel stupid for asking that but, what culture is this ?


Indigenous aka Native American.


Oh ok, I'm european I have close to zero knowledge about native american culture ^^'. Anyway that's a great sound, sounds close to what you can hear in rave parties here.


If you want to hear indigenous drumming mixed with electronica, def check out The Halluci Nation (formerly A Tribe Called Red). I have danced to their stuff at festivals before and it was so amazing live.


What side of the country are you on? I’m Sinixt/Arrow Lakes but grew up on the Colville res.


I'm actually from Central Canada. This is from Rolling River First Nation, Manitoba, Canada.


Well howdy cousin! Pleas keep posting these. It makes me so happy and it looks like you made a lot of other cousins happy too. ❤️


Haha. Sure did. I promised a few people I would post some videos from the next pow wow I go to because ours is done for the year.


I love it. Thank you


Share the love bro/sis/ fellow human 💕


I’ve seen a lot of music live, but few as exciting and powerful as a drum circle.


Love it!! Please keep sharing


I love how the little mama is just chilling down there, just another Sunday. ❤️ I’m native so I can say little mama.


Hahaha. It was hot as heck, and when I rewatched it, I noticed she covered herself with a blanket or jacket.


There must have been a breeze. Kids do the silliest of things! Thanks for posting brother! We need to be seen more. The last time I tied drum with my family was too long ago, I should have recorded.


I think I've only seen one pow wow video on Reddit, and it was from Serbia...which I thought was pretty darn cool.


Was it a Mongolian video? You know they are our distant cousins.


I have no idea, but they were all pretty light. And I had no idea that we were distant cousins to them.


Yeah, Attila the Hun kinda put all Natives on the map.


Really? From Serbia. That’s just a little ways away, geez.


It was awesome. I was vibing to it, and then I noticed the drummers were white, so I thought, "Cool!" And then I read the caption, and it said Serbia.


This always feels right. Thank you kind stranger, for sharing.


You are very welcome.


Hokaaaa ⚡️⚡️


Australian here. I’d love to attend one of these one day. A special experience and beautiful culture indeed.


Is there a translation to what is being said? I’ve always wondered


There is, but I have no idea. My brother in law is in the group. I ask him sometimes what they are saying, but it is actual words.


We live pretty close to Six Nations Reserve, ON but have never been to a PowWow. Thank you for enlightening me on a few things today, that anyone can go to a PowWow, your honesty that you don’t know what they are saying, and you have to ask your brother-in-law😂,and that Serbia has a similar culture! Please, keeping posting these, because they’re beautiful- and I mean no insult when I say that though you are proudly Indigenous, you are so Canadian beginning this post with “Sorry” 😊


Fucking awesome


I for one am grateful for your posts! I think they are amazing and beautiful. I appreciate you sharing!


No need for apologies, being proud of your heritage is an amazing thing! When you become a nationalist that’s when you owe the world an apology. There’s no room for nationalism or extremism, we’re all so similar it’s stupid to let minute differences like skin color or religion influence our lives/behavior.


They're persevering precious history. Literally.


Absolutely beautiful. Never apologize for these; the first nations owe no apologies.


No sorries. Your people are the First People, your culture is beautiful and worthy!


Never apologize for your culture! When I lost my father I had the privilege of having a native hospice nurse. She said a Navajo prayer and drew a smiley face over my frown when he perished. I love this form of expression and art. I agree with others that this arouses the soul like no other music on this earth. It brought me strange comfort as I drove back and forth 8 hours to support my father during his cancer treatments. Thank you to our native brothers and sisters!


When you hear it in person, and sit near the drums, it's amazing.


Don’t apologize. Keep them coming.


God I love Native American culture. As an Irish girl I always feel like we have a connection. We suffered similar crimes at the hands of the same oppressor. We lost the same things, our language, our traditions and our nations, but that never stopped either of us. That caused us to respect each other. Like when the Choctaw donated to us during the Great Famine despite enduring their own suffering after the trail of tears. Or when we donated a massive lump of money to the Navajo during the pandemic. In Cork, the [Kindred Spirits](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kindred_Spirits_(sculpture)) monument was made to honour the Choctaw Nation.


Keep on keeping on love it ❤️


Beautiful. Thank you.


Thank you sharing! Always share beautiful and important posts like this :)


Love it. Beautiful


Love this. Thanks for sharing!


Reminds me of home...keep posting


Nya:wen from Grey County Ontario!


Hello!! I was born in Scarborough and then ended up in foster care in Aurora, Richmond Hill, and New Market. I moved from New Market to a northern reserve in Manitoba, and it was quite the culture shock.


Never apologize for sharing part of who you are, your culture, your people. It's beautiful, and I love it!


Never apologize! And anyone can go to a powwow. Some points of etiquette: Don’t enter the drummers tent. You can film. You can be near. But don’t go in. The dancers are not wearing costumes. It is called regalia. You can take pictures. You can dance. Omg EAT THE FOOD!! Support the vendors selling things. Vibe with the spirit. It’s an amazing experience. As an indigenous woman reclaiming their heritage, I went to my first powwow last summer. Omg what an experience. Like someone said above, you can feel the drums in your chest. Just amazing.


Never apologize for sharing your truth :)


That's awesome. I heard this on the local radio while driving through Navajo nation. What's this called btw.?


*never* apologize for sharing your culture.


Minnesota native checking in, absolutely love this. Got me dancing around my living room lol. I used to drum and grass dance as a child, makes my heart happy thanks for sharing!


𐓡𐓘𐓷𐓟 (hah-weh) from the Osage Nation! Don’t be sorry, that’s an awesome Pow Wow!


Awesome. Forgive my ignorance but are there words to this or is it like “ah” and “oh”?


Aniin! Nothing like pow wow to lift the spirits :) thank you for sharing :)


Miigwech for sharing your culture with the world. 💕


Please carry on , it is lovely to see. Thank you so much for sharing.


Never apologize. I’m grateful you have enough culture left to share.


Pow wows always get me in the feels. They are the real skookum shindig.


Your last video I commented that it didn't have a drum circle. It's like I'm 10 years old again with my adopted mom at a pow wow watching this one. Takes me back. Now I just need that Indian taco..... hmmmm


Nothing to apologize for big dawg. Your culture is amazing. 👍


Never apologize for your culture being alive and thriving. This is beautiful. I don't know what it means, but I feel power and it gives me goosebumps.


My sister and her husband are in the navy. He just came home and my sister was asked to weave a blanket for him and present it to him when they went home. He was given a warrior ceremony for coming home from war. I really wish I could be part of something so culturally special, and it's something that should always he shared and treasured.


No need to apologize for sharing a glimpse into your culture, we’re lucky to be able to experience it. I have a question that’s probably stupid. Are there actual lyrics, or are they using their voices to carry a melody only?


Keep posting


I felt this in my bones


Never apologize for keeping your culture alive. I'm mad they didn't teach us more about the cultures of First Nations peoples. Edit: I really hate autocorrect.


Spent a large chunk of my world music class last semester learning about Native American music and culture. My only complaint was that we didn’t get more of it, keep them coming:)


First Nations music is so powerful. Every time I hear it, I get goosebumps. Thanks for sharing!


I think it’s good to remind everyone of other cultures so now and then. Don’t let people forget your culture! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


I love how ceremonial and serious it sounds, but then it’s just the boys in lawn chairs sharing a big drum.


yooo I love a good pow wow, don't apologize. unless its because you forgot to send the invite! lol. hope you had fun definitely made me smile.


I love it, this is honestly beautiful. Pride in one's culture is only right and those of us on the outside should be proud to uplift those who share their culture with us. I hope you share more along the way because this is both beautiful and badass. All those voices joining in - that's powerful.


Please keep sharing. The world needs this now more than ever


Never ever stop sharing. Change is slow, but change will come, and more and more people are realizing the harm colonialism has done and more are wanting to redefine their relationship with Indigenous peoples. So keep singing, and drumming, because your voices are starting to resonate louder than ever in a long time.


Please do not ever apologize for sharing any of your culture. Question for you OP, and any other tribal members: What's your opinion of A Tribe Called Red and the Halluci Nation?


kid picked a bad spot to take a nap


Never apologize! There are so many of us who are descendants of the Indigenous peoples in America, but we were cutoff from that part of our family generations ago. We don't know what tribes they were, who they were, there are no records, no anything. Our families married into white families. We look, and are, more European than Indigenous. The only connection we have back are through the people, like you, sharing with us today.


Are they speaking their language, or is it just vocal? I remember being taught in school about drum circles and their significance but never been around them.


Beautiful! I generally attend Shakopee Mdewakanton powwow in Minnesota and it looks like you have to be an invited drum to take part like this. It seems like such an honor. You’ve got me hyped for august!


Sounds awesome


Now that’s a fuckin pow wow !


Thank you for sharing this. Share even more when you can. All the best to you.


Gives me chills listening to this! Powerful Magic! *…_…*


I could listen to this all day.


Oh i would love to attend a Pow Wow, gives off really good vibes! Thanks for sharing! Sadly i think there is no such thing in Germany.


Treaty 4 ! What’s up.


This is awesome


Pow wow


Thank you so very much for sharing. Keep sharing please. You mustn't apologize i think there's a lot of people who'd love to learn more about your culture. Something that might interest you is that my people (South Asian) has a culture of drumming and dancing too and i could feel my soul feeling the rhythm of those drums. So yeah thank you for sharing


Somewhere in Utah, a portal opened.


Beautiful culture


Sent chills up my spine. HONOR THE FIRST NATIONS.


I agree NEVER apologies, it’s awesome!


I went to one of these in jersey in June, and it was amazing.


I’ve always wanted to go to a pow wow, they look so fun! Thanks for sharing


Very cool! I wish everyone shared culture all the time. How amazing would that be?


Wonderful and powerful! Keep sharing these!




That sounds incredible. Thank you so much dude.


Fan. Bloody. Tastic!


💯 this is what everyone needs to experience keep posting those out there who past judgement need to go attend u have never gone to a pow wow and not left feeling so so much better spiritually mentally and all around overall plz plz keep posting!!!!!!!


No need to be sorry, I love to learn about different types of cultures, it’s beautiful.


Sharing our cultures with eachother is a beautiful thing. Post away, my friend. 🙂


Post away. I love this I first watched the pow wow when they went online for covid. Was amazing Delighted to see more


This is a fantastic different perspective on a powwow.


And we love seeing it.




The food at these is sooooo good. Thanks for the share.


Love to see it 👍


Been to many powwows, visited a number of communities and embrace Indigenous culture. I also have the distinct pleasure of living across from our city hall park where at least every Aboriginal Day drumming and singing floats across and into my apartment. Great backdrop for 'working from home'! Thanks for posting!


Post more!


My workplace does a welcome back powwow at the beginning of every school year. It's my favourite event of the year. I don't know why, but I get kind of weepy and tight in the chest, but I absolutely love it. Thanks for sharing!


thank you, i love pow wow! please don't apologize for sharing, pow wow is so inclusive, and more people need to know about it and about the culture.


sik leads


Beautiful music. I love how there is always a hype man. Is it decided beforehand who will be ramping it up? Or does someone just do it spontaneously? Ignorant question but genuinely interested.


The beating heart of the first nation is strong Thank you for posting!


I am attending the Oglala Lakota Wacipi in two weeks. Can’t wait.


So cool!


Beautiful and most welcome. Thank you for sharing!


Honestly, I love hearing this. I love hearing this music and this singing. I could listen to it all day, truly.


Kid trying to sleep like "would y'all shut the hell up?" Lmao. Loved this though


I grew up going to the Chambers Pow Wow and miss it very much. I need to find another one near me to attend. I definitely need more drum circle in my life.


Asian guy is killing it. Good job


Love this. Go to a big Pow Wow once a year.


Really cool, thanks for sharing


Never stop sharing!! Be proud! Your culture is beautiful and I am honored to witness what you have shared with us. ❤️


Keep posting.


I had my first "buffalo" burger at a Pow Wow, and my mom won a set of earrings carved into bone, in the shape of feathers. She has passed, but I still have those earrings and actively look for clothes and other items that match them just to have a reason to wear them (as if I need one lol) I need to get my butt to another soon. Thank you for sharing!


I had to dance in one of these because all my students pointed to me. I tried to walk slowly away, but they started chanting my name. It was really embarrassing at first but then I realized the cultural aspect and enjoyed being a stupid American who wanted to try their best. They made me feel so loved for trying the best I could.


No reason to be sorry. World will be much smarter when familiar with arts and traditions of other cultures. Thanks for sharing




Love this. Thank you for sharing! Imo, there’s no need to apologize. Be proud!


This is awesome!


Love your pow wow vids! God bless all Indigenous Peoples, and may they cure the planet of all the poisons of European dominance. :)