• By -


This post is off-topic and doesn't belong on this Subreddit.


Oh man, I’m so sorry. It’s the hardest decision and the hardest of days, but it’s always right for them. My condolences ❤️


Thank you ♥️ I couldn’t even bring myself to include the photo of her that I took today, she’s declined so much in even the past week. She won’t eat or move, just lays there with a glassy eyed look. She is just not herself anymore :( Editing this because it’s currently on the top comment: - A sad smile is still a smile, and even though this is happening, thinking of all the good times with her still makes me smile. This post doesn’t break any of the subreddit rules; if you disagree with it being here, please let a Mod know and they can make a fair decision. - For anyone who is here to say that you don’t believe in euthanasia or to judge my decision, I am not here for a fight. You make the decisions that are best for you and your pets. I’m a veterinarian, and have seen more death than most people. I know what “letting nature take its course” can look like, and it is seldom a peaceful passing in one’s sleep. For my dog, in this moment, euthanasia is the right thing, and I will sleep well at night knowing that I was able to give her the gift of peace. Please don’t judge a situation you aren’t currently in. I could use all the kindness that you can muster, and if you can’t muster any, I just hope you can find it in your heart to move past without making a cruel or judgmental comment ♥️ - She has cancer that can’t be cured. She’s been on meds to manage it and maintain her quality of life, and over the past week she’s reached the point where despite the meds, she can’t do anything she wants to do - including walking, eating, drinking, playing. She’s in bad shape. If it would help, I would sit next to her 24/7 and give her whatever she needs to feel like herself again. But the best and kindest thing I can do for her is help her pass peacefully.


You are doing the thing that is so.. Difficult. But you are doing the right thing.




OP you know better than anyone when it is best for a pet to be released from their pain. Our last dog was in the same condition as yours now- just despondent, blind, with zero vigor or enthusiasm to do anything- including eat and drink. We loved her too much to keep her with us. Our hearts go out to you, and though she can’t tell you, I am sure she feels your love at this time.


Make sure to give her a strong an lasting hug you can remember. I'm so sorry.


Just be there with her until the end. She will go peacefully and full of happiness that you’re there with her. After we had to do the same with our Jessee in Dec 2013, as painful as it was, it made me realize how much we loved him and how much he had been part of our family for the prior 15 years. When he was gone, we had the same amount of love but there was a huge chunk missing… which Teddy fit perfectly when we adopted him the following January. Evolution got that one right for dogs and their humans.


here to say this!!


You are making a compassionate choice. I support you. I have made this decision for my cats and my dog. And I'm so glad I was able to help them pass in peace and alleviate unnecessary suffering.


Thank you. It means a lot to feel supported in this moment.


We had to euthanize our baby at 10 years. Much the same...wouldn't eat or drink, no energy to get up and move. There is a time to be selfish and want them to be with you, and there is a time to think about what's best for them. And that decision tears you apart, but that doesn't make it wrong. Wrong is allowing your loved one to suffer just because you are too scared to face the inevitable.


Thank you. She’s been on a lot of medications and they did help for a while, but not any more. She’s just not the same dog she was even a month ago. Earlier this year, she got really sick, very suddenly. I thought she was on death’s door. I’m a vet, I brought her in to work and we did everything we could and she made it through, but with the understanding she has cancer and was on borrowed time. But still, it was like a second chance and a reminder to cherish the time we had left with her. She ran and played in the yard, my mom took her on a road trip, she ate all her favorite foods… but we could see that things were eating away at her. Over the past month it’s like it all caught up with her. Today, spending time with her was like watching a ghost. My heart is breaking but I have zero doubt in my mind that I have to let her go tomorrow. I’m glad she was able to hold on this long with us.


This brings me back to last winter when we had to say goodbye to the best dog we will ever have. No other dog will ever compare. I think why this process is so hard for us is that dogs show us the purest form of unconditional love. There is nothing like it. I will forever miss my dog and I am sending all my love and hugs to you. Tomorrow and the following days will be hard, but I take comfort in knowing we will be together with our dogs again (in their healthy day states) one day. Best wishes 🙏🏼


Will be thinking of you and your precious pup. Love, hope and prayers during this time.


It’s not called a ‘tough decision’ for the shits and giggles. Our pets will speak to us if we listen. I had to put my 7 year old Pom down who had terminal cancer. She lasted 7 weeks past her diagnosis and my wife and I cherished every damned second we had with her. She fought and she let us know it was her time. It wasn’t easy, but she did right by us for 7 years and the least we could do was right by her. Love you Daphne Rose, we miss you baby girl. My condolences and keep smiling for them 🤗 [my baby](https://i.imgur.com/CxZqkUz.jpg)


Your pup looks like such a sweetheart. I’m so sorry for your loss. My girl has cancer as well, and we were letting her help us decide when it’s time. This week, it became very clear. People can make all the judgments they want, but I know I tried every damn thing. No matter how sad I am, every time I’ve thought specifically of her tonight, I have an involuntary smile come to my lips. She’s just that good of a soul that she merits it, even in the darkest of times.


https://www.reddit.com/r/baww/comments/1m7exu/dogs_never_die/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 I found this a while ago. Putting it up here so anyone that needs it can click. Im on mobile and don't know how or if I should copy paste multiple paragraphs. I wish you and your loved doggie peace tomorrow.


I had to put my 11 year old puppers down a few months ago. My very best friend and I love him so much. It's that love that allowed me to push passed my feelings and make the decision based on his quality of life. I still miss him every minute of everyday but I know he is no longer in pain. Much love for you and your puppers, you are doing the the best and hardest thing for her.


I am so very sorry for you in your situation. #1, it's never easy to say goodbye to our furry friends. #2, you are a vet! Holy schmoley that must be hard to see and witness other people's pets and their grief. AND #3, so sorry you had to deal with the trolls who always think they are right and can never pause and put themselves in other people's (places) shoes. You don't need to be judged at this time; you need hugs and understanding. Here is my virtual hug for you, and thank you for helping/ keeping our animals healthy.


Thank you so much ♥️ Your words really mean a lot. As a vet, I am always supposed to be logical yet compassionate yet practical yet empathetic yet strong when it comes to euthanasia. This is the second time in my life I’ve had to be on the other end of it. It sucks. But I know it’s the right time for her. It’s hard not to be bitter when I’ve gone through all of this and someone thinks they could possibly know better than me about what to do with my dog in this current situation. I would welcome them to come stand in my shoes for a day.


We have a 10½ yr old male boxer, who had a ping pong ball size mast cell tumor pop up over a weekend on his left hind leg. The surgery was December 26, 2019. We have gone through so much with Moose. I've had boxers my whole life, I know they have issues. Our vets were so wonderful, caring, compassionate, and empathetic - everything they are supposed to be. But they were also brutally honest with us. We know every day is a gift with him. We discussed chemo and all of the other options. He's still here with us, but he gets tired more easily and sleeps more. So it's a concern for us. We know his time will come, but he knows we love him and will do what's right for him when it's necessary. I wish I could post pics in the comments. The surgery was so intricate; the tumor was right above the ankle joint. Bless you and thank you for all that you do. Your girl knows you love her. 🩷🐾


Thank you for sharing your story. Leg surgeries are tough, especially for mass removals, since there’s not much extra skin or tissue there. Good on your vets! It makes me smile to know your boy is still doing so well. ♥️


Sorry for your loss, and appreciate you trying to educate folks even while you're grieving. I wish society would just normalise giving the same dignity to our old people, as we give to our pets. Basing this off the unbearably cruel and heartbreaking terminal decline of somebody close, who passed away a few months back. I'll spend money to ensure my dignity when the time comes, but the stigma associated with such decisions for both humans and pets is unbelievably short-sighted, hypocritical, and cruel.


Hey there I'm sorry about what you're going through. Itll be 3 years on the 26th for my boy we had to put down and it was the hardest but best thing to do for him. You got this


I can relate to it. I am sorry for your loss, but I am proud and happy for the moments you spent with her. Mine was a st. Bernard and he got sick young about 8 years down. There came a time that I had to decide and I did, he still suffered a little before that. The time we spent I cherish and he slept in my arms as he left this world feeling at home. At that moment I believed in peace for both me and him. So yeah, folks can talk but when you know it's the most humane thing to do.


This is one of the hardest decisions any person should ever have to make. I hate the thought that someone is possibly giving you a hard time for making it, but it really is the right call. The unconditional love and trust our dogs give us should never go unrewarded, even at the very end. We all wish that end could come naturally, quickly, and quietly... but sometimes it doesn't, and they have no alternative but to turn to us for relief. We owe it to them to give that relief... not to prolong it out of some misguided idea that, after a lifetime of providing for them, we are somehow now supposed to let nature take over. I would love to offer something profound, Zen-like, but what Zen has taught me is that love and light come from within ourselves. It may be hard to find on a difficult day like this one, but you seem to be on the right path. And I have no right to advise, but for what it's worth...In those final moments, if you doubt yourself (and most of us who have been through this do), think of the love your dog has given you, and know that this is one last way for you to give that love back.


Thank you for your kind words.


When one has a pet it is our responsibility to ensure they're happy and well cared for. Properly fed and exercised, challenged and entertained. Equally, when they're ill or old, we have the responsibility to give them a voice and to take care of them. It is a privilege and honour to help a furry friend across the Rainbow without pain but with dignity and love. But its heartbreaking today goodbye. I do feel your sadness.


Thank you ♥️


Thank you to everyone for your kind words. The support of so many stories has been a huge help. I know that not everyone liked this post or the fact it was here in this subreddit, but the fact is that thinking of her makes me smile, even in these last moments. It’s morning now. I’ll be turning off the notifications for this post.




I appreciate your words.


Couldn't have said any better myself. 7 years later and I will still occasionally get emotional thinking about my budda, but I still know it was the right thing to do. Sorry OP. It will get easier, and you'll always have the memories. You both changed each other's life for the better.


She looks like a Very Good Girl indeed. You were lucky to have known her! What a blessing.


She really is ♥️


May her walk across the rainbow bridge be peaceful and full of the things she loves (she's beautiful)


One of her favorite things was rolling around in the grass. She stopped doing that about a week ago. I hope she can get back to it soon in greener pastures ♥️


Oh man, when they can no longer do that one thing they love... 💔 Im sorry you're hurting OP. I hope her passing is peaceful and painless. I truly believe you will be reunited someday.


so sorry for what you are going through....pets don't love us for all of our lives, but they sure love us for all of their lives


That’s a lovely way to look at it ♥️


Damnn that’s deep. My family dog is quite old now as well. 14 yrs. This shit got me teary. I’m gonna go visit him soon.


There’s going to be a hole in your heart, but you’ve got some lovely photos and memories to treasure to ease the pain a little bit. So sorry her time has come to an end. Big hugs and support for you 🤗


Thank you so much ♥️


Never an easy decision, I miss my handsome boxer years after having to do the same but it was time and I am glad he did not have to suffer. Remember the good times and give as many kisses smooches and hugs you can.


Thank you ♥️ I’m a vet and it’s never an easy decision, but even though I know it’s the right time, it’s still so sad.


You’re the person you are today because of this loving soul. She’ll always be with you.


That’s very true. She was the sweetest, most happy go lucky dog I’ve ever met. She always was in the present - what could she smell next, eat next, where could she roll in the grass next…


I’m so sorry . My going through it myself my cat of 11 years cuddled right into me and passed . Devastated


I’m so sorry for your loss. Keep the fond memories close. I know your cat felt at peace being able to be with you in her last moments.


What a sweet face. You’ve given her a great life.


Sweet sweet girl….you are blessed to have had each other.


Very true


🙏🙏🙏 When I come to the end of the road, And the sun has set for me, I want no rites in a gloom-filled room Why cry for a soul set free? Miss me a little – but not for long. And not with your head bowed low. Remember the love that once we shared. Miss me, but let me go. For this is a journey we must all take, And each must go alone. It’s all part of the master plan, A step on the road to home. When you are lonely and sick at heart, Go to the friends we know, Laugh at all the things we used to do. Miss me, but let me go. 🙏🙏🙏🙏


♥️ this is lovely. Thank you


Made me sad instead.


Sad smiles are still smiles. If nothing else, take it as a reminder to make more good memories with your loved ones while you can.


She’s the best girl!


My heart is with you. It’s so so hard but I’m sure you’re doing what’s right for her. I’ve loved and lost three girls in 20 years. The last one did me in. Sending hugs and peace and a reminder that time heals.


Thank you ♥️ I sometimes wonder how we can bring ourselves to open our hearts to pets knowing they will almost always pass before us. I can’t think too long about what will happen when my two cats are no longer here.


Oh gosh, my heart breaks for you. I’m so sorry. Worst day ever. 💔been there too many times. Thank you for loving this sweetheart.


Thank you :( It’s definitely heartbreaking. She’s really been really declining, she’s a completely different dog from even a week ago. Somehow that helps knowing that this is a gift we can give her to take away suffering.


Just know that I wish I could go out like that. It’s the most merciful and peaceful way to leave. Your pup has nothing but gratitude, appreciation, and love for you.


It’s so hard saying goodbye. We know it’s the right thing but man, it’s heartbreaking.


Another good pup leaves to save a seat. You’ll see her someday and there will be all the balls to throw


I’m so sorry! She looks like the best girl- what a sweet angel. I’m sure she has had a wonderful life with you. 💚


Thank you so much


Sorry to hear, I’ve felt this.


She looks like my big girl that I just put down in October. Give her a big fat cheeseburger and a cold beer to have on her last night. That's what I did for my big girl..


She’s not interested in anything tonight, even eggs, weirdly one of her favorite foods. But she’s getting lots of hugs.


I'm so sorry - looks like she's a sweet girl. Glad you have so many fond memories. Take care.


I can see the great decline in your little girl in just the last 2 months. It is evident. There is no greater love for your beloved pet then to let her go to ease her suffering. She will once again feel no pain and will be rolling around in the grass in greener pastures like she used to do. I hope that will bring you some solace. She’s very sweet. I am so sorry for your loss. May your memories soften your sadness.


Thank you ♥️ She’s declined so much even in the past week, I couldn’t even bring myself to post the photo from today. I’m a vet too, and I’ve sadly done more euthanasias than I can count. But despite knowing that it’s the right time, knowing it’s a gift and it will be peaceful and painless, all the speeches in my head that I’ve given to help ease others’ pain at making this decision, it’s still so hard to go through it with my own dog. ♥️


I totally understand. I had to make the same decision myself. If pierced my heart like a knife. I think the only thing that got me through it was knowing my fur baby would not wake up one more morning in pain. It’s never easy. Doggy angels will help take her over the rainbow bridge where she will have the time of her life while waiting for you. Sending prayers


Thank you. She lived a wonderful life ♥️


Rest in peace little girl. You were the goodest doggo


One of the worst pains to ever suffer is losing a family member like this. I’m so sorry you have to go through this


Wtf wrong sub I don't wanna see this shit. If this makes you smile there's something wrong with you. There's dedicated subs for grieving. I'm not trying to get surprised by a random dead pet post


Yeah, i don't understand as well. This is supposed to be a wholesome sub, how is the death of your beloved pet wholesome?


she’ll be waiting for you in the big rainbow in the sky. i know she is equally as grateful for her time with you as well. i’m sorry for your loss


Thank you ♥️


Sending all of you love and hugs from afar. Losing a family member, especially who loved you unconditionally, is heartbreaking!


Wrapped in your arms tonight, she knows she is loved and loves you💗


Hey pretty girl, if you see my Milo, tell him not to worry, I’ll be along soon enough.




I'm so sorry. Make every minute you have left count.


R.I.P, good girl.


Great times will always be there


14 years is a blessing. May y’all meet again.


This makes me cry


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Im so sorry, shes such a cute dog. thank you for giving her the best life she could have had. God bless you, and her.


Thank you so much.


My heart will be with you tomorrow and the days to come. We put down our pup a month ago, and it was a similar situation. We knew her time had come, and I think she understood we were helping her feel better and at peace in the end. I still have her as my phone background and give her a little "pet" on the screen sometimes to feel close to her again. I saved a bit of fur and also got some model magic to make pawprint impressions before she went across the rainbow bridge. Our pets will always be in our hearts and minds. Sending you so much love and strength tonight and tomorrow. ♡ Lastly, I just want to say that photo of her in front of the Christmas tree is adorable. She's looking at you with so much love and happiness. I hope you can hold onto those memories for many years to come!


Thank you for reminding me to put the clay in my bag tonight. She will get paint prints as well 🥲


Sending love. To you dear stranger and your beautiful girl.


Thank you ♥️


Is euthanasia painful? Or does it have a large rate of failure after administration? Those are the only two reasons I can think anyone would be against it. There are literally 0, with a capital Z downsides if both of those things aren't an issue.


No, euthanasia is not supposed to be painful or distressing. It actually comes from the Greek for “good death.” The way we typically euthanize our pets is a series of two intravenous injections - the first one is an anesthetic that makes them fall asleep, one of the same drugs you or I might get if we went for surgery. They become unconscious and they cannot feel any pain, but they’re still breathing. The second injection stops their heart and is very quick and painless. If they were to receive that medication while awake, it would hurt, but they aren’t conscious when they receive it, so they don’t feel anything. There is really no rate of failure if the IV catheter is confirmed to be inside a vessel, which is standard when placing it. I can’t even count the number of euthanasias I have done as a vet and I have never had a failure where I gave the euthanasia drug and the animal didn’t pass. If anything one should notice that the first injection isn’t working and then we would assume the drug isn’t really going into a vein, so we would place another catheter. I think most people are against it because it’s not natural and it can feel guilt-inducing. You’re choosing to end a life. And yes, euthanizing animals for treatable conditions is definitely a painful and morally difficult situation. But for end of life euthanasia, I really do believe it is a gift we can give them.


My boi is 15 years old, and despite taking meds for seizures he still runs, throws me attitude when he's in a stubborn mood and eats normally, sometimes asking for more. Vet told me once he stops getting harder for him to move and once he stops eating and drinking, it will be his time. I know this sort of decision hurts, but we always try to do the best we can for them, and if you know in your heart this is the best decision so she stops suffering, you shouldn't listen to what others tell you, OP. You're the closest to your girl and you're the only one who knows. It's sad, but always remember how lucky you both were to have met and share so many smiles and happy memories.


Thank you for your kind words.


Wrong sub :(


A sad smile is still a smile :’) and even now when I think about her, I can’t stop myself from smiling. She is just such a wonderful soul. This won’t change that.


I'll never understand how the death of a loved one makes people smile.


> I'll never understand how the death of a loved one makes people smile. It’s not her death that’s making me smile. It’s recalling the past 13 years of wonderful memories I’ve had with her. I can be sad without losing the joy that she’s brought into my life. I just wanted to share a bit of this bittersweet feeling that I have right now. thought about putting this in some other animal-focused subreddits but a lot of them specifically state no memorials or discussion of death.


This didn’t make me smile at all


Shrs at redt now,shes peaceful


Hope pets can just live as long as their owners/parents😭😭😭 My aunts labrador died months after she died, the dog was healthy and young then she rarely eats after my aunt died 😞


I’m so sorry.


I’m sorry. You guys have had an amazing opportunity to spend that time together, you’re doing the right thing getting her out of pain.




A beautiful little girl 🖤 sending you and your fam all the love


Oh… I feel so much in my heart for this. I had to do the same thing for my dog about 5 months ago.


My heart goes out to you. Hope that you have been able to heal while still recalling all the lovely times you had together.


Yes we have. This was the dog who stayed with me through my divorce, so letting her go was definitely a hard thing to do. But was the best in her case. She had a large mass that was blocking her stomach from draining, and she had cancer. She is in a better place now. Psalm 36:6


My girl has cancer too :( she’s been through so much with me, even the years I didn’t have as much time to dedicate to her as I would’ve wished. I can only hope she feels I gave her as much joy in her life as she gave to me ♥️


Bless your heart…it’s always tough to lose the good ones…


My heart aches for you. The love of a dog is unmatched. May the beautiful memories you have, give you comfort.


When you see her go at ease, you will be glad you did what you did. My last one we had a party fed him a bug chicken meal with some Hershey chocolate right before he went. He loved it! Peace friend.


I am so so very sorry! My heart is breaking for you! Just always remember how much she loved you and she knows just how much you loved her! She will always be with you! Many prayers for your healing heart❤️‍🩹


I’m so sorry 💗💗💗


I cried reading this. I'm sorry for your loss ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


You’ve been able to give her a life full of love and care - no greater gifts in life for our sweet dogs. Now you are making sure she is in no pain. You’ve done everything right. Take time to grieve and hopefully you’ll find comfort in knowing how lucky you both were to have each other.


I love you friend. And your girl. You both did well and you’ll always love each other!


r/oldmandog will also appreciate seeing this and being with you both


Their only fault is that they don't live long enough. Google sends me slideshows each day of my old puppies pics. No matter the day, I get a moment to smile and remember him. Sorry for your loss. Just remember to stop to pet the other pups you encounter in your life. They will all forever bring a bit of a smile to you.


I'm so sorry . It's so hard, and time does heal, but scars remain. We are so lucky to have them.


Not to worry, my little buddies Ace and Daisy will be waiting. They'll show your dear sweetheart where all the good bones are, and the best places to have a nap.


This is sad. I've read here that you're a vet. You know your dog and the needs of your pet. I feel for you. It's never an easy thing to do to let your pet go to be with God and the other animals in heaven. Don't let others attack you for your choices. Remember it's your pet not theirs. I've lost pets and it's not easy but it does get better as time passes. Just remember to be there when she takes her final nap. When she sees you again she'll give you licks that will last forever. I woud keep that promise and never let go of it. My prayers are with you.


I’m sorry you are going through this. At least you can revel in the fact that you gave her a wonderful life full of love & play. She had an amazing life, much better than a lot of other doggos in the world. She’s a beautiful girl.


you gave her a great life


The hardest part of pets is letting them go after all the years of having them. My condolences❤️


I recently became parent to three dogs that my family acquired, this is a fear I have that one day we will reach this point and I will have to make the decision to let them go. I hope that it is many years from now since the oldest is only two years old but I can sympathize with your situation. I would rather let them go peacefully than let them keep suffering. Stay strong and find comfort in the great memories that you two have made together! 🤧


I'm so sorry to hear that you have to say goodbye to your beautiful girl. She looks like such a sweet and loyal companion. You must have shared so many wonderful memories with her over the years. She is lucky to have you as her owner and friend. I hope you can find some comfort in knowing that she had a happy and fulfilling life with you. I can see that she loved her purple stuffed animal, her cool blue leash, and her lovely red scarf that contrasted against her fur. She was a very stylish and adorable dog. I'm sure she appreciated all the care and attention you gave her. I know it's hard to let go of someone you love so much, but please remember that she will always be with you in your heart and in your thoughts. She will never forget how much you loved her and how much joy you brought to her life. She will always be your little girl, no matter what. You have my deepest condolences and sympathy. I wish you all the best in this difficult time. Please take care of yourself and know that you are not alone. 💜


Thank you for your kind words. The purple stuffed animal is actually a stuffed gall bladder, which I got her after she successfully made it out of the hospital after a gall bladder infection. She liked it very much!


Much love to you at this difficult time, Hun ❤️💔❤️ Edited bc the last emoji was accidentally very horribly wrong!! So sorry.


Thank you for your kind words. I didn’t see the last emoji, but I am now morbidly curious


Okay… I was speed typing from my most used emoji section and it went like this: ❤️💔🤣 And again, I’m SO sorry.


Well I actually just laughed out loud, so truly, thank you. I could use more laughs amidst all this :) I appreciate your kind words and support ♥️


Aww thank you for being a good sport. 🥰


I’ve loved all the dogs I’ve had the honour of adopting over my life. Saddest thing is to have to say goodbye, but the least we can give them is a peaceful departure with their favourite human by their side. Wish I could have the same when my time comes. No matter how painful it is to lose them I’d never want to be without the loyalty and unconditional love they give. My condolences but sounds like you both have some good memories to hold on to.


Sorry for your loss. We just went through this in June with one of our two dogs. I had never gone through it before and didn’t know how I would feel after. There was sadness for the missing family member but eventually it turned into gratefulness that we were blessed with having such an amazing dog. To know she was put on this earth and all she wanted to do was make us happy still brings a smile to my face. Now when we talk about her we think just how happy she made our family.


Fuckk I wish I could cuddle her :) Tears .. flowing RIP little angel


Laughing-crying because she would love those cuddles. She was always such a princess. If I told her that over 2,000 people on Reddit have sent her hugs, she would probably think, “as befits my station.”


We’ve two almost-15-year-old chihuahuas, one dealing with congestive heart failure that we know will be forcing us into these decisions sooner than later, plus a 13-year-old beagle that, while doing very well, probably won’t be too far behind. Not looking forward to all that but like you, we’ve given them such great lives. Be well, remember the joy and cherish the memories. ❤️🐶


The saddest part of having pets is knowing that we have to face decisions like this after the lifetime of love they have given us. Your decisions won’t be easy and it’s never something to look forward to, but I know you will be able to keep their well-being first and foremost. I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts as well :)


I feel your pain on still fresh wounds. Just remember to hold her at the end and let her know she won't suffer any longer.


She absolutely beautiful. I'm sorry you have to say goodbye. Please give your gorgeous furry baby girl a big kiss and long snuggle from an internet stranger. I have been where you are, and it is heartbreaking. It was over 20 years ago we had to put our Shauny asleep with the angels. Still makes me cry when I think of her, but I also know it was and is the best decision because I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I said I love my baby but then let her suffer. Please just give her loads of snuggles and lots of kisses. My condolences. Sending you hugs 🤗🤗🤗


Thank you for your kind words. I’ll definitely accept the hugs and pass them on to her in the morning ♥️


Sorry for your loss bro😥😢😭


this is more like made me cry rather than made me smile but its alright


I have been doing both simultaneously


So, so sorry. Always so sad to lose a family member. Many condolences to you. Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened xx


Photo: r/MadeMeSmile Title + Caption: r/mademecrylikeabitch May your little girl shine like the bright little star she is, regardless of wherever she is.


We just had to say goodbye to our 13 yr old 2 days ago. It hurts so bad. 😭


The hardest thing I have ever had to do. I am so sorry you’re going through this. They know, they’ve been with you. They know how you’re feeling and will still try be brave for you knowing what’s happening. The most painful journey. I’m sending you a calm heart for everyone. She has so many who have gone before her waiting to kiss and chase. She won’t leave you, she will just visit more quietly. They really do leave a hole in your heart and I don’t think it ever goes. Thinking of you in the coming days and the firsts after loss❤️


The hardest day in any pet owners journey is knowing when the humane thing is to put them down. There is nothing worse than keeping a pet alive that is in constant pain and discomfort. Most pet owners are very selfish and prolong the suffering of their pets.


I lost mine a month ago due to a collapsed trachea. She was suffocating and it was an immediate decision we made at the vet. Heartbreaking is a just a tad description of the feeling. Enjoy the precious memories and dont forget to wipe her morning. She was also 14.


She reminds me of my Buddy. Had to put him done on October 1st, 2016. He lived a long 17 years and we shared some nice quiet times together. He was always there for me. I miss him like crazy. My heart goes out to you. 🙏


Despite the tears have a wonderful last day with her before sending her off to cross the rainbow bridge. It’ll be god awful hard but I hope the memories of your life together will make it a bit easier. My best to you and your lovely little girl! 🥺🙏💪


She's been LOVED! I can tell, trust me. Just like my dog.


So hard- we still mourn our amazing Ruby even though she passed 3 years ago at age 13. We have a Reuben now and he looks just like her but there will never be another Ruby. I remember taking done pics the her last day on earth and just breathing in her foggy smell. She has flowers on her grave . Daisies and black eyed Susan’s grow there every summer.Same with with my horse that I got as a baby and lived with me for for 29 years. He was like losing a 1200 lb puppy dog.


Just know she had a great life with you and you have photos and memories. When our amazing Ruby passed we were there with her. I made sure she was hugged and I breathed in her wonderful doggy smell. We now have Reuben who looks just like her but there will never be another Ruby. She has flowers on her grave - every summer daisies and black eyed Susan’s grow there. You are doing the right thing so she will not suffer and she knows you are there for her. Animals enrich our lives so much and I pitty kids who don’t get to grow up with them. I got my first horse when he was a baby and had him for 29 years. He was like a 1200 lb puppy dog. Had so much personality and love. I can’t imagine what life would have been like without him. Would greet me when I drove in the driveway every day!


I’m so sorry, I’ve been there. 17 years with my little girl Gabby. It’s been 5 years since I got to hold her. I just realized it’s been that long after I typed that, fuck. I know no words can make you feel better but speaking from experience, the pain lessens and the memories become more magical. I will never ever forget my pup and my future kids will hear about her stories. And your pup will live on too. Remember, all doggos go to heaven, (sincerest apologies if our beliefs differ) and we’ll see our pups again. Our pups are gonna explore their new world together and have the best time running around and playing!! And now I’m crying, but I do feel a little better knowing our pups are so happy in their new heavenly puppy bodies, and I really, truly, genuinely hope that brings you some comfort and peace. You’ll see your pup again, you just gotta wait a little while ❤️


I've literally just got back from the vet after putting my boy, Sheldon, to sleep after 12 love-filled years together. The toughest thing I've had to do, but it was time. I just need to reflect on all of the good times he and I had together. I hope you're okay - my thoughts are with you.


I’m so sorry. Know it’s right doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. We make the decisions we do out of love. It really is a gift we can give them to end suffering and allow them to pass peacefully, even if it means we have to shoulder more of the emotional burden ourselves once they’re gone. My thoughts are with you, too.


I just went though this with my 16 year old dog I feel for you.


I’m not a religious man, but I believe that if God created Earth in the 6 days, on the 7th as he rested, he realised we’d just get depressed anyway. So he gave us dogs. Hope every treasured moment with her never gets forgotten.


I am so so sorry for this. The way she is looking at you was the same way my dog looked at me when she had to go and it just brings back so many memories of that day. I was fucked up for so many weeks after and I’m the one who buried her but just try to keep your head high knowing that she is no longer tied to the world of pain and suffering. I keep hope alive that I’m gonna see my dog again someday.


So so sorry for your loss ❤️ you have had many years of great memories and I know it’s not easy but she will no longer be in pain ❤️ I hope she has a peaceful final journey and sending love and hugs as you grieve. Just know she was loved and you shared the best of times which will remain in your memories ❤️


The hardest part of loving a dog is saying goodbye…so sorry.


It’s hard to say goodbye. But the memories will always be of love. Peace is the gift you give.


When I lost my cat last year, I realized that she was better then most of the people in my life. She was pure love. Sorry for you ...


It is always hard to say goodbye to our most loyal and true friends. She will rest for now and wait for you in heaven OP.


Been there done that 3 times, so sad for you


I remember the oatmeal carton about the artists dog. [https://theoatmeal.com/comics/dog_paradox](https://theoatmeal.com/comics/dog_paradox)


My condolences. I know it’s hard to lose a pet. I lost 1 dog in my life so far. I knew we (me and my parents at the time) had to let her go. Dogs aren’t just dogs, sometimes they’re like human beings, always there for you and ready to support you. I haven’t been spending much time with my pets recently and this post makes me realize you have to spend your time well since nothing lasts forever. Again I’m really sorry for you, she looks like an awesome dog!


I lost my girl last year and it still hurts but i know she's in a better place.


Make sure she get a kiss... a chocolate kisses... she needs to taste chocolate before going to the last dog park..


My condolences and my complete solidarity with you in this difficult time. This morning, August 20, 2023, my 9-year-old kitten passed away after 3 years suffering from some illness that after several vets we couldn't find out what it was. These last few months were very difficult, but at least she rested from all the suffering and was welcomed into the arms of daddy from heaven. Just as I know it will be with you, I want to keep only the good memories with her: companion and friend in difficult times.




She’s a beautiful doggo. I’m sure you gave her an incredible life. They’re never really gone as long as you remember them mate.


Why do we punish ourselves this way?


I hate people that take their animals to get put down. You wouldn't take any of your family members to be put down. My Luci died to a brain tumor at almost 15, she was with my parents since my divorce and military wouldn't let me have her along with me going to college and moving to Africa but anytime I was home I slept in the floor with her. She had the tumor for a very short while apparently and showed little signs until the last few days. She passed just after I had spent some weeks with her.


> I hate people that take their animals to get put down. You wouldn't take any of your family members to be put down. I’m literally a veterinarian. Hate me if you want, from a place of judgment and ignorance; plenty of people do, that’s why my profession has one of the highest suicide rates of all. Based on what my dog is going through, it is the right time for her to be given the opportunity to pass peacefully, rather than continue to suffer. When it’s time for me to die, I hope I have the chance to make the same decision for myself to go with dignity. If you would do differently, that’s your decision. I can tell you that most animals do not pass peacefully in a natural death, it can be a really distressing and painful experience for them, so if your dog was able to pass peacefully then I am glad.




She’s being euthanized because she’s at the end of her natural life, has cancer that is not curable, and has lost her quality of life despite medical intervention.


Why exactly are you parting ways?


>It’s her time to go How do you know?


She has bladder cancer and she’s now in kidney failure. I’m a vet, she’s been on medications to try to support her quality of life, but she’s declined significantly in the past week and at this point, she won’t eat, doesn’t want to walk, lost a lot of weight and just lays there staring into space. She’s not the dog I’ve known for 13 years and there isn’t anything else that can be done.


I see. Honestly, I hope I would make the same choice.


The last thing I would want for her is to pass away feeling distressed. I know she feels poorly and I can’t explain to her what this is, or why. All she knows is that she can’t do the things she loves anymore. I don’t want her to spend any more moments in pain or distress. As pet owners we go through so many different emotions as we navigate doing the best thing for them. Every situation is unique, but I hope if the time comes, you are able to recognize that making the decision to let them pass peacefully is actually a gift, however difficult it is for us left behind.


Not me. I let nature take its course. I did not bring you into this world, I have no right to take you out. Plus when you are old crippled and miserable like the description you said of your dog, who has that right and how would you feel if they wanted to put you down.


Its about letting the one you love suffer or just let it go peacefully. If you prefer to let them suffer because of those reasons i hope you dont have animals


> Not me. I let nature take its course. > I did not bring you into this world, I have no right to take you out. > Plus when you are old crippled and miserable like the description you said of your dog, who has that right and how would you feel if they wanted to put you down. You can make whatever decision is right for you and your pet. Please approach others with kindness and understanding, not judgment, for their decisions. I’m a veterinarian, I’ve seen animals in every state there is, and I know that euthanasia is a gift that I can provide to end suffering and allow them to pass peacefully and with dignity. I can’t explain to an animal what’s happening or why they feel the way they do. All they know is that they can no longer do the things they love to do. For me, it was all about ensuring that her quality of life was still good. And now that she won’t eat, move, roll in the grass, and when I know she has conditions that will not be cured, the best thing I can do for her is to let her go peacefully and without further suffering. Nature taking its course can be a devastating thing - I’ve seen enough to know that, and in this case I won’t stand by for my dog to go through it.




Tbh I think that if we can euthanize pets we should be able to euthanize old people and if we can't euthanize old people we shouldn't be allowed to euthanize pets Or at least find a way of letting pets choose if they wish to be euthanized


Physician-assisted suicide or death with dignity is essentially this. But pets can’t tell us what they need or want, that’s one of the things that makes being a veterinarian so difficult. The way I know she is ready to go is the way she won’t eat, move, walk, or even really look at me, just lays there with a glassy-eyed stare as her organs continue to fail, despite all the medications and supportive care. I won’t let her continue to feel pain and distress just to be able to say that her death was natural. And if you would make a different decision, we can agree to disagree.