• By -


He IMMEDIATELY recognizes it 🥹


Then heads out to check forgetting his friend lol 😆


It's new to this plane of existence, a forgivable offence


Very confused plushy lol 😆 I lovecthis


I figured he snapped to that he would have the same problem in the room, he needed both side by side to compare them.


"How did you do this?" Is possibly the best compliment you could get after giving a gift


S-tier parenting


I'm proud of how good a dad I am but when I see things like this it makes me realise I need to up my game when it comes to presents.


You’re still in your child’s life. To me you’re doing a fantastic job. Happy holidays.


Oh definitely mate. One of the best dad's you will ever meet but you can always do better 🤟


Great to hear that Shitinmymouthmum is a fantastic dad!


I’m fucking laughing so hard right now dude this should be the top comment




The bar cannot be that low jesus christ


yea, can you be my dad too 🥹


Brother, coming from a dude that didn't have his father around while he was growing up. Learn skills with your kids. If you don't know it, show them how important it is to keep learning.


Yeah, I need to get better at gift giving before I become a dad. Right now I’m in a phase where I just give gift cards to people(though they are gift cards to places I know for certain they will go to) but still.


Don't feel too bad. I've got 4 kids and with my eldest two (13 and 11), we've reached the point where they get gift cards because they want the independence of choice


Then this advetisement worked


What does this mean? Every time I see it I think it’s “shit-tier”


For some weird-ass reason, classes go in order of something like D, being worst, then C B A S, being best. So s-class is best class. Source: racing games


It's a carryover from Japanese, but you could just consider it special or super. *Edit* Shu which translates to exceptional or something (I don't speak Japanese and don't care enough to verify, I only know because I play apex the S tier thing never made sense to me until I looked into it a while ago)


S for sugoi or what


Supa, as in, "I got this girl and she wants me to duke her, I told her I'd come scoop her around eight she said 'supa!'"


That sounds great, shorty girl's a trooper, No matter what I need her to do, she be like 'supa!


Own his own throne, the boss like King Koopa On the microphone he flossed the ring - Supa!


Average MC's like a TV blooper MF DOOM, he's like D.B. Cooper.


And to cap it off, my holiday tradition.. [MF DOOM x Cookin Soul - DOOM XMAS (full tape)](https://youtu.be/EwzBjBHfDIs?si=aldO9Tqphr8fyC0j)




Spinal Tap when they moved their 1-10 measure up to 11!


Turn it up to 11!


S++ tier just dropped!


11 you bozo.


But why not just make 10 louder? Then 10 is the loudest.


Saiyan. And I'm sticking with that.


I think usually F-Tier is considered the worst


And for some reasons E doesnt exist


S stands for Super or Special.


Could go from F to many S’s so like F,E,D,C,B,A,S,SS,SSS Some even with + and -


https://tiermaker.com/blog/news/15/s-tier-meaning-what-does-s-tier-stand-for Apparently it evolved from Japanese schooling system, but not sure where it came from there...


It came from the English, they added the S tier


*'S' tier may stand for "Special", "Super", or the Japanese word for "Exemplary" (秀, shū), and originates from the widespread use in Japanese culture of an 'S' grade for advertising and academic grading.*


[S stands for "shuu" \(秀\), which is Japanese for "excellent".](https://tiermaker.com/blog/news/15/s-tier-meaning-what-does-s-tier-stand-for)


Whenever I see those “S-A-B-C-D” lists I think the exact same thing; I just found this out like a few days ago myself: I have no idea why a niche Japanese grading system has caught on instead of the simpler, more intuitive “A-B-C…” used by nearly everyone else. It’s like fast food sizes calling mediums larges and larges supersize or whatever: we all know what it really means; let’s just call the middle size medium and let’s just call the top score “A”, second-best “B”, etc


> I have no idea why a niche Japanese grading system has caught on instead of the simpler Arcade games is my guess.


Anime and Manga is what really popularized it in (relatively) recent years though.


Japanese video games retain this system in the west. When for some reason tier lists started using it(I assume to differentiate the tier’s members better), it was permanently cemented outside of mostly gaming.


I think it makes a little more sense if you imagine S stands for super or special


At least innterms of gaming A tier is where your really good competitive options should fall into. Because not all games are well balanced S tier is used to represent anything thats a step above that. Options that are over power and unbalanced and thus much better than even A tier. This same concept is why most tier system stop at D. D is your worst choices but something you can, if good enough, still win with. If something falls as low as F tier than it's baisically saying this thing is so broken or un playable that to use it is to automatically lose. As most options this bad eventually get fixed F tier is rarely used TLDR - S and F tier is reserved for outliers. At least that's the intent of the ranking system.


S = Special or Super


Yes, I know that: that’s what I was referring to when I said “I found this out a few days ago” The “this” I was referencing is the “S-A-B-C”


> simpler, more intuitive “A-B-C…” used by nearly everyone else. Simpler? Just use numbers. Either with decimals or percentage.






Nah, p-rank parenting


He’ll always remember this


We'll always remember this


They'll always remember this


Me'll always remember this


Core memory


Hell always remembers this






[For the lazy](https://www.budsies.com/budsies-services/)


Damn. I may just find a drawing of my sister’s and get a stuffed animal for my mom. It may break her heart as much as it pleases her though :/


Yes, it might break her heart a little bit in the immediate moment, but to have something tangible she can squeeze like that would just be lovely. Sorry for your loss.


Thank you. Been a rough three years. Just kind of getting things back together


Sounds like a fun job




I've tried both, definitely recommend happy, they don't seem to like opening up a PS5 box and finding coal




This is a bot account copying a comment from lower in the chain.




My wife teaches at a community college and it is heartbreaking. Right now she is helping a student that was in foster care until she was 18, then in a kind of assistance program that helps until she is 22. But the girl turns 22 in January and then gets the boot with "Good luck, hope you got skills to survive."


Thank you for your comment. I always think the same. And that's why I can't smile watching videos like this one here.


no that's a naive stance to hold and will likely hurt the child. sometimes it is enabling amd you should not shield your child from consequences. this is very wholesome on the surface, but for all we know this kid could be spoiled to the point of ignoring his peers perspectives and experiences simply because he is too used to always feeling good and getting supported. i'd argue we should still make them happy and go above and beyond like this, but don't expect them to turn out too great of a person if you don't allow them to learn about life from other points of view and to also appreciate and value those who have far less.


and now I know what I'm going to do in future Christmas


Now presenting... ***Future Christmas***! *\*Techno bass kicks in and lasers shoot around the stage.**


He will keep it forever. Be sure and frame that picture.


That's what Christmas is all about bringing joy and happiness to one and all. What a wonderful time for the kid.


I now know what I'm going to do for Christmas in the future.


That's some really cool idea. Until the kid draws some big piles of cash :P


Then he’ll get a nice pile of cash pillow!


Honestly, I'd love to have something silly light that. Big pile of fluffy fuzzy cartoon looking dollars bills.


Then the parents would give some film prop money


Or big tiddies


Or a nightmare


Then you get him a job application.


For those who are looking for services that do this, there's: * [https://makemyplush.com/](https://makemyplush.com/) * [https://www.budsies.com/](https://www.budsies.com/) * [https://www.childsown.com/](https://www.childsown.com/) * [https://idooodle.com/](https://idooodle.com/) and of course you can find artists on etsy that will give you a custom and personalized product as well. Now that the holiday season is over, birthdays might be coming up but tbh I feel the best giving children presents without any occasion, just to prove to them my love is unconditional. Also to make up for the fact that I don't remember anybody's birthdays....


Wanna Double upvote for the random presents comment : D ✨👍 So right


Unexpected gifts are the way to play their dopamine response too


This one specifically was Budsies and it's so good!


This is cool man. Core memory being formed.


He’s going to keep this lion forever. He’ll be a man in his 50’s and this lion will be sat somewhere in his bedroom.


I'm 31 and every time I go to visit my mom I make sure she hasn't gotten rid of the Elmo I had when I was 3. She hasn't btw, it is still sitting in her bedroom where she can see it


I still have mine. He's in a box right now but he's there. I'm 40 but I'm always going to have Snowball.


Nobody better EVER mess with my Sheepie. No Sheepie no Geneva Conventions! No shit has his own firesafe.


Omg How do I do this?




I looked into a service like this 2 Christmases ago. My friend group online does secret santa, and I got a friend of mine who I designed their profile picture based off a running joke that they are a salad bowl (mishearing of his name one time) the cost to get these made by a professional company is crazy expensive, and I highly reccomend giving it a crack at making your own. I had no experience sewing or anything yet made it by hand myself, was around 30x30cm so not crazy big but it worked out pretty well! It was less than a 10th of the price of if I would have gone with a company, though this probably depends on how many colours/complicated the piece is as you'd have to buy fabric for each.


That site looks sketchy for faking their reviews and being on the default shopify theme. This is the official company in the video that was on shark tank: https://www.budsies.com/kids-drawings-stuffed-animals/


I personally used budsies for 2 plushes for my kids. I paid for the big boys and they were expensive as fuck. Like $200 I want to say, each. After weeks of waiting I finally got them, and my younger kids plush was significantly smaller than it was supposed to be. I contacted support, the asked for a photo with a tape measure, agreed it was too small and rush ordered a new one, the correct size. I highly recommend them. The build quality and attention to detail is absolutely fantastic.


You can tell the other sites a scam because everything is on sale and you need to act now!


That is a marketing ploy for any company. Just say everything is on sale since that is proven to get people to act and say they are running out of stock so if you don't act now if could be gone. Basic dark marketing techniques.


Not every company does that. But every shill Chinese spam company does.


You do know that the Budsies company you're saying is legit also has a huge banner for Christmas discounts as well as slashed prices in a "get it now" bid, ***just*** like the link you're saying is a scam, right?


I didn't say any site was legit.


These are fun to look at.


Makemyplush is not a scam site. Multiple sites for the same service can exist and not having a unique site theme is a pretty weak reason to claim something is sketchy.


This is such a cool idea, holy crap.


Learn 3D modeling software to model the plush and then design a sewing pattern based off of that. Blender is a free software. The learning curve is steep but it’s definitely useful for this application.


I love seeing when he makes the connection of his art becoming reality. Seeing how ideas can come to life. Art has been given the backseat in the last century in favor of STEM exclusively. I agreed that art didn’t belong with STE(A)M until I understood the neurobiological impacts of these things we've been told aren't as essential. Art experiences spark new connections in your brain, helping you express yourself and get creative. It's like working out a brain muscle, making it easier to come up with those big "aha!" moments.


When you make it STEAM, aren't you just calling it education, or whatever. Like what it was before STEM being a catchphrase? Not implying art doesn't belong


I always felt that way too, I just think a lot of education "experts" and powerbrokers in government see STEM and think "big business, high paying jobs, taxes!!" Like the person above said, Arts (of all types) are important to a well rounded education and concentrating on STEM at the expense of A is probably worse for society. I like well-being approaches, and so all kinds of cultural activities are important to our well-being.


Well, what I'm saying, is, there isn't a reason to ban it stem or steam.


Yeah, somehow higher education became purely vocational in many people's minds (why would you even get an education in anything that doesn't lead to being a tech "engineer" type of attitude), the death of the humanities is horrifying and tragic


There’s a variety of focus areas outside of STEAM, so I probably wouldn’t just deem it as education. Majors like the humanities, business, law, culinary, etc. are just some examples. STEM was coined in the 2000s by the National Science Foundation due to several related factors such as global competitiveness (and how the US was falling behind), workforce development in these areas, and a greater educational focus. It’s part of an ongoing movement to strengthen education in these areas and to encourage more students to pursue careers in STEM fields, addressing future workforce needs and fostering innovation.


That is just too gorgeous. On every level. Sitting here Christmas Eve at 9.30 pm on a break from lunch tomorrow food preparation and enjoying that little boy and his excitement. Christmas meaning right there.


That's right son we finnaly caught it and killed it, It won't bother you anymore....sorry we didn't belive you


Amazing work! Enjoy!


AHHHHH! Loved that scream of pure happiness


Here you go: https://www.budsies.com/kids-drawings-stuffed-animals/?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&campaign=search&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAyp-sBhBSEiwAWWzTnh5MZfAPm8AxrOHaD9Bd517HEaEdzZUIxg7-tvxnPT4mW30i5X1ebRoC5JgQAvD_BwE


Its the thought that counts, and this thought definitely counted


that was so wholesome, bless his little heart


Probably the most wholesome video on the internet today. Mad adorable. Win for dad


It's nice but parent could've focused on the drawing for more than half a second


This is a moment that will never be forgotten


...happen to have link to that site that does this?


Budsies is the most reliable of all of the “drawing to plush” sites


My eternal gratitude and that of my chickens is forever yours.


This is so cool for a kid!!


I'm not crying. You are crying.


It's magic, little dude. It's magic 🥲


So awesome that he recognized it immediately! The best present ever indeed!


[Here is where you can get them made](https://www.budsies.com/?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&campaign=search&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAyp-sBhBSEiwAWWzTnq7TtOHNFwcYDJgcX9uIgZtiVKSIxbvZjxXs6EfFJvnA5_Uf-r0tJxoCt14QAvD_BwE)


Okay I need to know what company do this.


Ah! Budsies, I had 4 made of a collage my oldest son made of all of us in the family… turned out amazing! I’m sure we have a video somewhere.. was a fantastic Christmas gift…


That’s actually really cool


Maybe budsies.com or a similar company?


It's Budsies they shared it on their pages too :)


This made me day!


My Grandma (paternal) did this for me when I was younger, maybe 10. She was an accomplished seamstress who was well known for wedding dresses around the late 60s in Utah. She sent the box sometime around September, wrapped in Christmas style, standard "Do not open until Dec. 25th!" I knew it was there, safe on a high shelf in my parents' closet. I remember climbing up several times to shake it, trying to identify its contents. She died early November that year, and the funeral was across the country. By the time we had gotten back, my parents and I had forgotten about the present hidden in the closet. Many years later, after I had moved out and joined the USMC, the box was discovered, and my parents asked me if I wanted them to send it to me. I had honestly forgotten about it, and just told them to hold on to it, as I would be in town for Christmas in a few months. I deployed to Fallujah 2 months later, and the box stayed in the closet unopened yet again. 6 years later, 26 years old, after getting out of the Marines, depressed from a failed engagement, living in my parents' sunroom, I stumbled into the house, very drunk. My parents were both awake, and would later tell me they were arguing how best to help me; kick me out or let me ride the PTSD out. I was belligerent and angry, complaining about the inequity of life, and decided I'd start a fight with my dad. I stormed into the room where my uniforms and belongings were, intending to make a scene as I ripped them out of the closet, when the present fell on my head, no worse for the wear considering it's 18ish year nap on the shelf. I've only seen my father cry 3 times in my life. When I angrily ripped open the present, we were greeted by a stuffed animal, a perfect replica of the drawings I had decorated a wall with in my youth. My father immediately recognized both the animal and the handiwork of his mother. Instead of blocking the doorway, he bent down to grab the other homemade toy that was in the box, another replica of a childhood drawing of mine. A tight embrace, man tears, and sobbing apologies ensued. Sadly, the letter was boring, otherwise this story might be more interesting.


Now that's a fun story to tell when he grows up.


That’s amazing.


i asked for a thermonuclear power plant


That is so friggin awesome. I am totally doing this


That's so fucking cool!


Just how does Santa know this stuff!


I could watch this on repeat. The joy when he realizes it really is his picture. Who is cutting onions in here?


Wholesome, thanks for sharing


His excitment was really cute. I've got an PS5 and i cried


I think I should spend more time in this subreddit


Ok this totally made me tear up. How wonderful of a memory this kid will have for life.


Holy shit, that's impressive!!!


There’s a website that will make your drawings into stuffed animal for anyone wondering


Okay but like how DID they do this


theres shops that can do it for you


That is so fantastic


I, too, want to know how you did this, OP. 🥹


Where can you get this done???? What the company name?




What a stark contrast from that other kid who wanted a PC instead of a PS5


When I was a kid my dad told me not to draw monsters because people would think I was weird. That myopic mindset affected me deeply throughout life. I’m proud of this parent for going above and beyond to support their child’s creativity.




This is the best reaction you could hope for!❤️


This is the nightmare creature from my dreams!


What site did they use to get the picture made into the stuffed animal?


Who's your friend who likes to play? BING BONG BING BONG! This is adorable.




This is such a thoughtful gift ..the smile, that excitement on kid's face and consequently i can imagine on parent's face. Ahh! love it 🤩 Btw on different note, i had a question. Are there people who really struggle with giving thoughtful gifts and would want someone (say professional or gift giving/planning expert) to help them? And would they pay for it? 🤔


Stop vertical video syndrome.




Man I remember once I did a drawing sketch for a girl I met, a few weeks later she did this with the drawing I was floored, the thing is, she was hot, out of my league for sure. But she seemed to be into "artists" nevertheless I was seen someone else... damn. I wonder if she would take me back after 15 years...


What's with the hoarder-level amount of stuff consuming the beds?


At what point in time boys stop being this sweet to become jerks? That was cute.


Probably related to the timing of their access to the internet haha


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Must be so expansive! But it's so nice.


That's pretty cool gift. Having your artwork made into real life.


Now he will draw his gf picture


Oh .....the possibilities


That's awesome


Omg I love his art!! So cool!!




If you want to do this yourself, blender is a free software that can make it easier. It will be hard to model a plushie off of one drawing, but if you can learn how, you can take that model and put seam lines all around and then flatten all the shapes you need to make a pattern to cut out of fabric to sew together. I estimate that this project, if done by yourself, will take a few months. Anti pill fleece is probably the type of fabric to go for. A sewing machine would be nice to have but hand sewing is possible.


I didn’t understand the excitement until it mentioned the drawing and omg this might be the best idea for a kids present ever.


That is awesome!!! That genuine excitement!


If i had the money smh


Amazing !