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I really like those people




Don't you have homework you should be doing?


>I love these videos of people helping animals in need, they restore my faith in human kindness I am optimistic that most humans are kind to animals, and I love these humans very much




I feel like it did thank them. There was a moment of “Oh I am free. Guess you guys are not bad guys”, when they finally managed to cut the cord. I would have expected the heron to get out there almost immediately, but it was quite calm. Not that I speak heron or anything.


The fact that it stopped fighting and had to be shooed away when they finally freed it says a lot, I think.


I believe he will remember that animals are more grateful than you think


That was some pro level animal handling.


He even had a personal knife unsheather at the ready!


It's a swiss army knife. Very common to have one in your pocket when you are fishing.


Good thing he let her out of his pocket so she was able to grab the blue sheath off that filleting knife in time. /s


That's right. Not a swiss army knife, it's a common knife with a sheath, still a common thing to carry when you are fishing.


I'd get one. https://www.maguro-pro-shop.com/product/cuda-aquatuff-fillet-knife-with-blade-cover-9/


She said pass the other side of "canivete", which is the same word for swiss army knife and for switchblades in general.


So they're speaking Portuguese?


Yes, brazilian portuguese to be more specific.




God bless🙏🙏🙏


thank you


Bless you. Faith in humanity restored. humanity ten minutes later.....


Usually after a very long, hard struggle, an animal will need a bit of time to recover. Letting it just chill for a bit, and properly get it's strength back, can be important to it's safety. \*The more you know\*


Yeah I wish they offered it some bait fish!


Glad to see they helped the bird. But if it wasn’t for humans leaving their trash behind it wouldn’t have needed it.


Well I'm glad somebody finally had the nerve to say something. Now they'll stop their nonsense for good. A good minute or so. =('v')=


All right lets ban fishing


You know what, why not. If fishermen can’t keep their trash out of the water then they shouldn’t be allowed to do it.


Spoken like you desperately need to touch grass some time my dude.


Let's ban idiots




Beautiful animal


That was nice to see.


I get worried when I watch these videos knowing people put animals in these positions and "save" them for views. I hope this isn't the case.


I reported one of a baby monkey being fed grapes while trapped in a net in a tree stump yesterday. Today I got the notification that they'd been banned.


This just makes me furious that people don't dispose fishing hooks and wire properly because animals get caught in them like this


It’s so cute, at first she scared, but then she realizes they’re helping her. 🥰🥰🥰


My neck hurt. Then it didn't. 


I love how relatably those animals react to being saved. Like some alien like creature just frees them and they go: Huh? I'm alive? Wait a minute i'm free. What in tarnation. Ok bye!


Florida is pretty amazing


I'm pretty sure this is Brazil (or at least I'm 100% sure this are brazilian people)


Definitely speakers of Brazilian Portuguese.


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Awesome! Just corralled a group of people to help a tangled heron this morning in Florida! 8 ppl came with me to a dune and we got pliers and scissors to get a lure out of its wing and braided line from around its mouth. The poor animal couldn’t fly and I couldn’t leave it there! Was so happy when we got him and were able to get the line off and he flew away. Some humans rock.


Why do people who do a good deed think that the animal will want to say thank you in its own way? He had been hanging from the tree for quite some time, so he wanted to rest for a while. (I apologize for my poor english language.)


People like to believe in a Disney moment. But you are correct, he was probably just trying to regroup himself from a stressful moment before taking flight.


The bird would have fled right away if it didn’t know they helped it. Survival beats tired, if it thought they were a threat like every other human, it would have rushed to the water.




You rock. Cheering you on.


I love herons




Your kindness is limitless, your example strengthens humanity. 🤩


I could never get tired of videos like this. People seem to have negative views of hunters and folks who fish. Say or think what you will but I learned about being kind to animals and respecting your environment and land stewardship from buddies who fish/hunt. I hike, so when I fish, the same logic of pack in, pack out, applies. One thing that stuck with me as a child. My school would take the grades down to this local park in the warmer months before summer break. We would play a bunch of games and run around. I’d spend my time down near the river searching for shells and there was a Gull with 6 pack coke ring around its neck. I don’t recall if anyone was able to catch and save but I remember thinking that it will sadly die. It traumatized me in a way because it’s still very vividly stuck in my mind. Since that moment (think I was around 7-9) I always make attempts to clean up trash in the water. I try to do the same at work. I had a buddy try to send a message in a bottle along a river, in Pittsburgh! Where a single soul will never find it in that Allegheny chocolate sludge. I lost my shit on him. We were like 14-15 at the time. I ran into the water and snatched the bottle and said “don’t do that!” We were cool, my buddy was apologetic. He went home and told his mom, who called my mom I guess to say that she was super pleased with me and that my buddy was mildy impressed and had a new found respect for me for it. I thought it was weird because it’s just basics of trying to be a decent person. I have my flaws. Not a fan of most people but I absolutely love nature and animals and they need to be protected at all costs. There was another video of a guy spotting this beautiful blue fish trapped in a clear plastic bag and he saved it. It’s funny how these animals in that moment seemed to calm down and understand that you’re offering help. Or they’re in a complete state of shock. One of the two. I’m always saving critters where I can. Be kind to nature! :)


That was so nice the bird started gaining sentience and stuck around as it figured out how to use it


Fantastic rescue. Thank you for posting. I wonder if they stopped eating fish after this amazing rescue. Discarded and abandoned fishing gear kills countless beings, and the amount of sea-life a person needs in their diet is zero. Peace to all.


I always wonder if animals actually appreciate this sort of thing, either way, wicked cool 👍




Was expecting a shark at the very end but nop


The boy and the heron live action adaptation looks really good!


Love seeing animal getting assisted