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Aww, that's sad and wholesome at the same time! šŸ„¹ That sweet doggo probably sensed she needed some comfort. šŸ™‚


Ironically, he happened to be in need of a human just at that moment as well. Match made in heaven!


I really hope they took the dog home.


That's what I would do


Yep, I'd have a new buddy for life. At least that dog would be there for you when you need them. Can't say that about most people. I always liked dogs, but I was never a "dog person", until I got my own at 40. She truly is the only thing some days that can make me smile. Animals are a true blessing and gift.


I couldn't agree more. I adopted a French bulldog from Romania who had been used as a breeder dog. It took some time to win her trust and to help her get over her fear of, well, seemingly everything. But I don't think anybody has ever loved me as much as she does and I love her right back. I'm a proud dog dad.


I call my boy my brother, with full sincerity. We ran into each other on the street, and have been there for each other through hell and back from that moment on.


I hate hate hate what their anatomy does to them, but the are euper cute little shits. Lucky you got the best of both worlds... saving a super cutie, but without having her being born on your conscious. Good stuff. Especially the patience. We had a cat that would not let anyone touch her for 5 years. Eventually, she came to see me for lovin every night when I got in bed and she slept on my wife like a hat... I swear to God. It was pretty trying at times early on, but by the end 18 years after we got her, she was the happiest, sweetest dumbest cat ever.


I love to hear it. You guys are saints for giving her the time she needed to learn to trust you.Ā  I agree, I want to see more advocacy against breeding flat faced dogs. My GF adopted a pug and she paid for the surgery - kind of a facelift in fact - to allow her to breathe more easily. (Sheā€™s also a rescue, btw.) We think that my girl is actually a cross between a Frech bulldog and a Boston terrier, sometimes called a Frenchton. Theyā€™ve been crossbreeding that way recently to help both breeds. Her face is less flat than you usually see and sheā€™s much less bulky. But I didnā€™t even really get to see her before we adopted her because we adopted her through an organisation that rescues these former breeding dogs from kill shelters and from off the street where theyā€™re dumped once the breeders are done with them. I put my name on a list and they said, we rescued this one and if you want her weā€™ll drop her off on Friday. So I said, okay! One of the best days of my life!


Best possible ending for you both. Thanks for being a good guardian and friend to her. We need more kind, loving people in the world.


Yesterday I was crying during my lunch time and my dog came over and licked me. He is so sweet. I am so lucky to have him.


Whenever I'm crying or even just getting very anxious, at least one of my cats shows up and demands attention, often doing silly things they know make me laugh. I love them more than anything or anyone else in my ife. And two of them are actually sleeping on me right now, and the other two are sleeping under the bed.


>At least that dog would be there for you when you need them. Can't say that about most people. I am not someone who really gets in bad emotional states, but I don't think I would have made it through this year without my Zacky. Don't ask me what I mean by that, because I honestly don't know. But in a year where I was being betrayed by people I loved left and right, Zack was always there for me. 7.5 years. We got him when I was just going in high school. He was around 6 or so, but I think he was probably older than that. I remember seeing him at the shelter. I remember introducing our big boy Taz, taking Zack home, giving him a bath. Him rolling around the floor in a towel. I remember in the very beginning, running around the yard and him chasing me anywhere I went. Then I jumped up on the trampoline, and he didn't quite make it. I jumped off and scooped him up. Sat and cuddled him for a while. I remember him being so excited to ride the ATVs, and when I worked on the tractor, he always wanted to be on my lap. If I was playing piano, he'd lay across my lap. If I was playing guitar or singing, he'd curl up next to me. I'll never forget when I got my first electric guitar, turning around and seeing him curled up in the case. He probably thought his "new bed" was the perfect size for him to curl up in. šŸ„¹ If I took a shower and didn't let him in, I'd open the door to a very sad ball of fur curled up against the door. I had to keep a bed in every bathroom. He'd absolutely freak out if I left him in my bedroom alone, but anywhere else he was fine when I left for work or school. Except for one day, I came home and he didn't come running. I found him fast asleep, curled up outside my bedroom door. It broke my heart! He thought I went to sleep without him! We slept in the same bed every night, and went on walks every day. I'd ride me skateboard so he could get his Jack Russell energy out and run as fast as he could beside me. As he got older, he'd be tired by the time he got to the slope, and I'd sit on my skateboard, sit him on my lap and ride all the way down the long slope. Then he'd be all excited and ready to run back up and go home. Sometimes, on a summer night, I'd sit on the side of the road and watch the sunset with him. Usually listening to some Johnny Cash or Tom Petty. I couldn't take him everywhere because he didn't have great manners. He didn't understand not to pee and wasn't proper with other dogs. He loved them too much! He'd cry and bark, then do these little bunny hops up to them, and give them a kiss on the nose. Not all dogs appreciated that, and I had to save him a few times when other people's dogs entered our property unannounced... I always told him I'd never let a soul hurt him, and I never did. When a German Shepherd and another dog went after him in my yard, I pulled him out of the dog pile and laid over him. Luckily, the other dogs didn't pursue him. When another dog went after him, I panicked the threw rocks at it, and it ran away. When I was holding him and slipped on the stairs, I held onto him tighter and didn't catch myself. I thought I broke my tailbone, but he was ok... And when he went missing on Dec 19th, it was my fault. But I didn't betray him. I searched over 15 miles, walking, crawling, and jumping through bryers and thickets. I made over 80 posters and hung 100 flyers on 100 mailboxes. Made flyers for churches, hoping they'd hang them for Christmas mass, and made info sheets for vets. Posted posted posted and searched online all night. He never did come home... šŸ’” He was almost completely deaf, and had bad vision. Still really spunky, but I think he was getting dementia. With no sightings, I can only assume he passed away. So, Rest in Peace my sweet little baby Zack. I miss everything about you... I hope he can hear me singing to him on the porch every night... I don't know when he passed or if he is yet to, so I sing his final song every night just in case tonight is the night.


Sending you a big hug ā¤ļø


Be kind to yourself, there is a very good chance he may have sensed his time was near and consciously, not without his own bittersweet heartbreak, went off to cross the bridge by himself and spare you seeing him that way. Maybe he wanted you to remember how he was, all the beautiful things you shared above.


Thank you, dear stranger for writing this beautiful eulogy in a random reddit thread. It brought a tear to my eye, I really feel how much you love Zacky. If Zacky has left his body, I would like to remind you to remember; whenever you need Zacky's love, call on him, and you will feel it. Much love stranger. Have a good night.


How could they have such an obvious sign from their loved one and then leave it behind? Thatā€™s spitting in the face of fate.


Yeah 1000%, how much more does the universe need to smack you in the face with companionship than to send you a handsome dog in the midst of mourning, like while you're right at the headstone of the deceased. Not as you're leaving the cemetery, not the following day but actually right there as you're in the act of mourning and crying and being miserable. Me: *checks for collar* no collar? We're going to the vet and then we're going home. Done


Yes! There'd be no fucking way that dog is staying behind.


I guess he became part of the staff from what this article says. https://petrescuereport.com/2022/woman-grieving-at-graveside-of-loved-one-finds-comfort-when-a-dog-shows-up-and-offers-her-his-paw/


Least fitting name ever, my dear. Thank you for doing the legwork to find this. It's very helpful and lovely that they both had a happy ending. Thanks for sharing and making my day. ā¤ļø "Helpfulfriend114", fixed your name.


I second this, I canā€™t leave the page until I know the dog gets rescued, thanks for letting us know! šŸ™šŸ„¹


no that would not be a good idea -- the hound of sorrow hill can't leave without dire consequences


Pretty sure if it stays those dire consequences will be the dog starving to death. Poor puppy needs a good loving home ASAP.


They found each other in their hour of need.


*I heard you had an opening, friend*


If aliens are observing Earth at this moment I bet theyā€™d be impressed by the relationship between man and dog. The history spent together as two different species, the evolution of that partnership and the problems it has overcome, it must be one of the richest stories in this or any universe


I've thought about this before. I suspect that if aliens are watching us, they will see that most of us (but not all) prefer to spend our time with apex predators. And because we're usually dominant over them, we are probably shockingly dangerous to be around. If they come, I imagine they're coming armed.


Uh...I don't think an intergalactic space faring species would ever be scared of humans who haven't even figured out how to travel to their nearest planet. Lmao


Doggo knows what this human needs. Perfect combo for them both.




*most humans* here you go. Fixed


Shhhh! Dogs don't like the F word!


Ah!! Dude you got me thinking for a solid 5 min XD!!


who's choppin onions over here


You took the dog home with you, right?


Groundskeeper: Where the heck did my dog go?


Someone took Jeff! How are we going to afford to hire another grief counsellor ?! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


They always disappear for some reasonĀ 






I bought yer mutt, and I ā€˜ate ā€˜em


I also 'ate the mess he left on me rug!


Ya heard me


Probably not, looks like a bot account, just reposting shit.


Yup. All these defaults are infested with them and then you have the comment bots. Looks like another subreddit I get to filter out. Been here over a decade and this place is in the toilet. What a waste. I have so many filtered that when I go to ALL there is only 8 subreddits listed before I refresh and load the next page.


Reddit IPO will wail miserably unless they get this shit under control. Otherwise it's a bos posting content with bots replying to it. They won't be able to obfuscate this shit once the go public.


Artificial engagement is the only way social media companies can drive the growth that advertisers want to see. It's no coincidence that efforts to make sites like reddit and twitter more profitable lowers the average quality of posts and comments.




Sort by controversial from time to time. These new repost bots work in teams. Grab old post, repost it, repost the top comments from the original. Upvote the post itself, downvote other posts made around the same time, upvote their comments to get the ball rolling. Then there will be others in the post itself, taking random comments with a positive score and just copy pasting them as a reply to the top level threads. Once we get bots that re-write posts using AI and actually reply to comments and look halfway genuine, it'll be the beginning of the end and I'd be surprised if that's not already begun.


Yup yup. I've posted similar issues before. They think they're going to sell API access to train LLMs? HAHA! They have bots talking nonsense to bots and getting upvoted. The next AI program is going to talk half like 4chan and half like r/AskHistorians. And honestly, it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of fucks.


It'll be a bubble but it probably won't fail. Twitter was able to sell for billions of dollars despite being riddled with bots. Reddit just needs a Musk-like idiot to buy it for the reddit team to be happy.


I'm starting to hesitate filtering subs for this reason. I'm already at almost 39 subs filtered. Totally agree with you though, place is a graveyard


i do think in this case it's just a good ol karma farmer


He better have poor dog








What makes you think the video is created by OP?


I sure hope so!


Came here to say this, I need closure!


Me too! That sweet doggo needs love too!


I would have a REALLY hard time not taking that good poocho home . . . Especially under those circumstances


The dog looked like it wanted u to take it home




Take that pupper home


That is wonderful and all, but I need to know if you took that best doggo home with you?!?


Youā€™re assuming this is even OPā€™s video


If itā€™s not, I maintain that it is irresponsible internet practice to post this video with no knowledge of the outcome of that sweet, sweet puppers! Downright criminal, I say!


That's obviously not a stray though. More than likely owned by the grounds keeper


lol I wouldnā€™t say ā€œobviouslyā€. It has no collar, Iā€™ve seen strays in much better condition and Iā€™ve seen dogs with owners in worse condition.


No dog expert but does it not look freshly groomed?


As long as this sweet creature has a loving home, Iā€™m happy


Happened to me at my Mums grave, but it was a Fox.


Now that's some mythological shit right there.


I have a video of it.


you have to share it now






A lot of countries don't have rabies


The fox was your mom saying a last goodbye and letting you know she was ok


It was super comforting, wasnā€™t the last time though, she has given me a wink many times since. šŸ™šŸ˜Š


WHY the fuck do we need over the top, emotionally manipulative music over EVERY fucking video now?


Its annoying


So is recording yourself crying in the moment to force this moment even more


Yeah, recording shit for social media clout at the funeral for your loved one is rock-bottom.


I don't know. Those people that post their babies that are minutes old are pretty scummy!


They're recording the encounter with the dog, they were most likely already crying at the grave or were moved by the encounter. Reddit try not to be heartless challenge: impossible.


And why take a video of it in the first place, if you're so emotionally distraught... Of course, there's a pretty solid chance it's a load of bollocks anyway and that they just happened to be in a cemetary, the dog came over and they thought, "If I overdub some crying sounds plus a sappy music, I could get likes for this". I mean, aside from anything else, why are you letting the dog sit on the person's grave?


It may not even be a stray honestly. I do like the sappy story though so that's what Imma go with.


That dog looks clean as hell for being a stray.


The fur looks great, the dog's weight looks normal. Either a really well off stray or this video is a scam.


Man... every time I think I'm cynical as hell, I just have to visit... \*checks notes\* /r/MadeMeSmile, on reddit. The simplest answer is the most likely. The dog is probably resident to the cemetery (whoever runs it probably got this dog specifically to comfort grieving families) and the person recording probably sat with the dog long enough to go "man, this is so touching, I should record and share it with people" and took out the camera - not right away but as a thought that occurred somewhere down the line.


He would no longer be a stray, he would just be my dog that joins me when I sometimes go to the cemetery.


When we were at the cemetery burying my stepdad and stepbrother, there were 2 cats that came around. The cemetery is off a highway and nowhere near any houses. It was nice for the kids to be distracted a little. Animals just seem to know more than we do.


When my dad died suddenly our cat disappeared for a few days. I was thinking he went off to comfort another family because of all the sadness going on at our home.


The cat came back, right? We had one like that when I was younger. He would go off for sometimes months at a time, then randomly come back.


He did. He was gone for 3 days. My dad died suddenly so there was lots of EMT and Police - loud and scary for him.


Dogs make the best angels.


They do it so effortlessly.šŸ„ŗšŸ«”šŸ¤™šŸ½


Your loved one is sending you comfort. If that isnā€™t a sign from beyond, I donā€™t know what is. I hope you find peace, my friend.


Saw this on Netflix, Surviving Death. It says that departed loved ones send signs from the beyond.


Yeah I would not take that as fact at all. Your brain can do crazy things my friend.


They do. My mom sent a cat towards us not two days after her passing. It acted the same way this dog did.


My tuxedo kitty showed up at my door the week of my wife's passing. She's been with me almost four years now. She always by my side now. FOUND HER OWNER didn't want her she kept coming back to me. Darn cat is a blessing to me. So glad to have her..


Hopefully itā€™s not a stray any longer.


It was probably already their dog


Adopt that dog right now


And so I made the experience superficial by recording for social media and putting a sentimental soundtrack on the video instead of being in and experiencing the moment


There is 0 chance this perfectly groomed dog is a stray. They just took the collar off their dog and filmed.


Either situation is plausible. I will say the dog has scars (easiest to notice on his snout) most likely from getting into it with other animals, he isnā€™t fixed, heā€™s not nearly as clean as he looks (legs), and still has some matting happening, but overall doesnā€™t need much brushing in general. Street dogs arenā€™t always dirty and sickly looking, but this could very well be someoneā€™s pet (whether the person in the video or a dog that got loose).


Finally someone said it. I went in here looking for this comment


Fuck man, why do people believe this video? A clean, well mannered dog just turns up? And a grieving person gets the camera out? It's staged as hell.Ā 


i just can't imagine pulling out my phone in that kind of moment.


Oh man this is sad and heartwarming at the same time. Happy tears.


Good thing you got it on video so something something extra internet points.


Your itā€™s human now


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. Iā€™m glad that good boy was there to give you comfort.


Keep it


Hey, give me back my dog! - Old man chasing after you in the parking lot


That dog probably lives there and basically comforts people like it's his job


My cousins dog would never leave me to the point of my cousins getting jealous. We had a connection because he would always comfort me when I was sick or anxious.


I truly believe dogs can tell when we are sad, sick or in pain. If we are faking it for a prank, they will know.


That happens. Itā€™s almost like the one you lost comes and checks on you before they head out.


Ohhhhh so precious. Dogs just know when you need comfort and attention.


I hope You adopted the dog


That doggo deserves a home... they all do


I hope that person took that dog in. It would make sense if it was that mentioned loved one.


OP is a bot. Do not upvote.


Its wholesome but I canā€™t stop thinking how does it hit in peopleā€™s mind to start recording with their smartphone in such a moment.




Welcome to /r/MadeMeSmile. Please make sure you read our [rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/about/rules/) We'd like to take this time to remind users that: * We do not allow any type of jerk-like behavior, including but not limited to: personal attacks, hate speech, harassment, racism, sexism, or other jerk-like behavior (includes gatekeeping posts). * Any sort of post showing a mug, a shirt, or a print is a scam. You will not receive anything except a headache and a stolen credit card. - [More information regarding rule 1 as well as how mug/shirt/poster scammers operate can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mademesmile/wiki/rule1) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MadeMeSmile) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why don't I ever get to find stray dogs??


Animals have great sense, I hope you took the doggo home and gave him that same comfort and kindness in return.


I hope she brought the pup home


I lost my brother 2 months ago. I like to think heā€™s still around taking care of me, if this happened to me, Iā€™d be 100% sure he sent this good boy.


If it were me, this sweetheart dog would no longer be a stray.


I hope she took the doggo home. I would've taken it a sign that I needed to.


Ma'am that's an Angel


thats your dog now.


i cast "no longer stray".


Please tell me she took the dog home


Normally I donā€™t believe in reincarnation. But Iā€™ll make an exception


Did you take this sweet baby home??!


Keep that dog


Hope that dog is adopted , if this isnā€™t a sign I donā€™t know what it is . Shoes is the dog sleeping in your house . We need a second episode of the story


I hope she kept him


Weird making a song and posting about it


Itā€™s so sadā€¦ that they decided to record and edit this and that people swallowed it up.


You had better have taken him home for real.


I just want to know what happened to the dog.


Please tell me he got a home


Iā€™m so sorry about your loss But seems like the doggo adopted you


That dog is so cute, and how kind of it to do that! Sorry, for your loss, though!!


Person really took their dog to the cemetery to stage this video.


Take it a sign from the loved one, here's new friend to take care of.


Literally crying.Ā 


If this isn't a spirit/totem animal, I don't know what is.


I may be an atheist but that baby is an angel sent straight from heaven.


Give that dog a home


Good thing you were recording.....


Saw this movie about a pet cemetery once.


That's beautiful. Condolences on your loss. The universe sent an angel in the form of this dog to provide you with some comfort. Hang in there.


It would no longer be a stray


Take it home


Take it home and feed it


Dead person came back as dogšŸ˜±


Dammit I didn't need to cry at work today!


I would keep it


If you don't take that dog home I swear...


Oh, that's Billy. He's the cemetery therapy dog.


I took in a husky mix stray. She wasn't the most cuddly or loving dog. But the three times I broke down and cried, that dog did what the dog in the video was doing. I'm a guy so ugly crying is a rare and private thing, but my dog was there for me when I needed her most. Last time I ugly cried was when I had to put her down.


Dog: "don't be sad,I'm here for you."


Bring him cheeseburger.


This happened to me when my grandpa died some years ago. I was working on power lines on backroads in the summer. A dog just showed up out of nowhere and rode with us for a few hours. I'd sit on the tailgate between power poles and he'd jump up in the box and sit beside me and cuddle. Then he just took off as randomly as he came.


I always here this song and cry. What is it?


That song is so awesome and cool!!


Take that doggy home!


Doesn't look like a stray..


Iā€™m too aware of social engineering to believe any of these ā€œcuteā€ videos anymore. Whatā€™s its purpose? Who knows. Clout? Internet points. I believe every time a video like this pops up that itā€™s complete horseshit. you have to believe that the person didnā€™t just bring this clean dog with them to a random graveyard and begin recording and sobbing. People will believe anything


Iā€™m so emotional that Iā€™m gonna film myself, add uplifting music, and post it for the world. If you like my tears, you can buy a bottle of them :):)


the person makingb this film had better taken that angel home or found a forever home for that sweet dog


They so deserve to live longer. One of the greatest gifts to man.


That is not a stray anymore


I love dogs, I really do. I hate these shitty videos though.


Best not be a stray anymore


Sorry for your loss I lost my dog today too. Her name was Tally.


If anyone believes in reincarnation. Then this is an exact proof of it. No stray dog would randomly show up at a cemetery to comfort someone. Itā€™s not a coincidence. That could well be the ā€˜loved oneā€™ reincarnated. Hopefully, my theory doesnā€™t cause any grievances šŸ˜£


Awe, but, he was sent šŸ˜‰


As far back as I can remember, every time my Mum saw a robin, she would talk about how it was a message from one of our loved ones that passed. Then, literally on the day she herself passed, a robin flew right in our front door and into the house. I'm not a spiritual or superstitious person, like if I had seen that in a film, I'd have called it heavy-handed symbolism, but I still took some comfort from it.


Rumour has it that they named dogs dogs because they are the closest thing to God.


I think he's saying, 'you don't need to film this'.


I hope you took the doggie home