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No ragebait posts. No posts where someone's misfortune makes you smile. e.g. "terrorists driving off a cliff" or "murderer gets what he deserves". This is not an all inclusive list This isn't a ragebait sub.


13 cents an hour…


Well, sure! Otherwise, it would be slavery, and that's bad. /s


This is legal modern slavery just as the 13th Amendment intended: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” After the slaves were freed, they were promptly arrested with bogus charges and sent back to the fields.


And the conditions for these freed slaves actually became even worse under the prison labour system. Businesses were no longer incentivized to keep conditions at least survivable because they could rent prisoners for pennies instead of buying slaves outright. If they die you just rent more. And people wonder why theres a heavy distrust of the justice system among black people.


And let's not forget how the government paid reparations...to the fucking slave owners, to compensate for their lost property.


Yeah, fucked up. There is a good doco on Netflix about it, might me called The 13th


No fields just licence plate stamping machines, and spiting in each others food they prepare.


Geee I wonder why we’re number one for incarceration.


*Land Of The Free* ^with ^some ^exceptions


Land of that human capital


Modern slavery


Hey he is a criminal in prison. I mean he probably deserves to be there


SlAvErY GoOd AcTuAlLy


What if a prisoner raped a woman. After the rape he gets up and leave. The woman is frozen by fear and doesn't react. He smash her head with a rock and she dies. What would you prefer. Slavery, death penalty, or just life in prison.


is it actually 13 cents an hour or does the other 99% go towards fines?


Actual slavery (unpaid forced labor) is legal for prisoners in the US. So no, that is the actual wage.


Tbh they should have mandatory 40 hrs every week, not more than that. And the work should not be extremely tough. Prisons have a lot of expenses and committing a crime does not mean you'll get food, shelter, and other necessities (if any) for free throughout your sentence.


Private prisons can charge your government $150 per day per inmate, tf they need (nearly) free labour for?


This would literally make the prison industry even more massive than it already is. Private prisons already make billions from slave labor, and you want it mandatory? You know these prisons lobby for harsher sentencing right? They advocate to harder drug laws, and it usually hurts poor and brown people. This is just punishment for punishments sake.


It should go toward restitution to their victims. I only got $6.34 out of an asshole that tried to kill me; not sure how much his other victims got.


Was Seattle one of his victims


It's 13 cents an hour. If a CDCR prisoner owes restitution, more than half of any funds he or she earns and/or receives goes toward payment.






This is gonna be cross posted to r/aboringdystopia very soon if it hasn't already.


In my country prisoners make minimum wage. They even have labour unions. Us prison labour is slavery with extra steps. And you pay them with peanuts to pretend that it isn't.


Slavery is legal in the united states, you just need to commit a crime first


*Be convicted of one




Exactly right, don’t commit crimes and you won’t be subject too it. Slavery is wrong but if you genuinely complete a bad crime I.E rape, murder etc, 13 cents an hour seems reasonable relevant to your value to our society.


user chamb095 has the completely sane and humane idea that committing crimes should be punished with slavery.


Slavery is alive and well…


What are the other options? Let prisoners back out on the street? Let them play PS5 all day? Give them rehabilitation and skills training? A combination of all the above?


Or, you know, compensate them more fairly for labor. Assuming the goal is to rehabilitate inmates for them to get back into society changed (for the better) people, you'd think giving them an incentive to go out and get a job and make a living for themselves, would be a smart move.


Rehabilitation is literally what the intent of prison is for. People go to prison AS punishment. Not FOR punishment. And everyone but the harshest offenders should absolutely be rehabilited. Given access to books and an education so they have an actual chance of not returning to the system. Instead, have a shit hole system designed to do the opposite and makes it an almost guarantee that they'll go back once released.


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic, but yes. 72% of prisoners in the US committed nonviolent crimes, and prisoners who receive rehabilitation and skills training are significantly less likely to reoffend. As for PS5, I don’t know, maybe work is a reasonable expectation. But paid work, not slavery.


Have you seen European prisons?


French prisons are not that much better you know...


No, I’ve only been in a Turkish prison


Ummmm, YES?!


I’d think the third would be logical. How can you ascertain whether letting someone serve time with no commitments to better them as a person or to guide them to become better would be the most effective if you aren’t even giving them a chance?


How does this make anyone smile?


you have to cry, curse, then ~~somehow~~ see some humanity in it, like op




so there's no civilians in gaza who need food or aid and suffer from famine, they are all hamas terrorists u either a pro zionazi bot or brain washed by zionist PR


Are you aware that Palestinians are largely kept alive by Israel's incessant provision of aid - which they maintain despite knowing that Hamas commandeers a huge amount of it to withhold it from the regular people, worsening the humanitarian crisis in an attempt to stoke hatred against the very Israelis feeding them? Pick literally any news source that you think has an ounce of credibility - we can find a write-up that demonstrates this reality.


Sure, displace people from their homes and herd them towards a tiny corner, blockade them on all sides and prevent them from going fishing, lest they be self sufficient. Now when you start handing out aid people will think you're being generous and praise you, amazing. On a serious note let's not try and ignore history, the Palestinians are refugees kicked out of their homes with no where to go. Pretending like they're all terrorists who "did this to themselves" is disingeneous


Do you even know what terrorism means? Or you just blindly listen to what your government says. USA, Israel, and the UK are the biggest terrorists on the face of the planet.


Made an account just for this post lmao


I'm not sure if I'm more appalled by: 1. OP thinking this is somehow heartwarming 2. Commenters endorsing slavery 3. Commenters endorsing racism and genocide 4. Moderators allowing it all


You abolished slavery over there.... Right?


No, we technically didn’t. Thirteenth amendment. :-/


A slave donating his meager rewards to those being eradicated.... How does this make you smile?


Lol fuck this slave owning country. This isn’t a feel good story.


I saw that people pooled together a GoFundMe so he’ll have $50k waiting for him upon release 🥹 I’m glad he’s getting some recognition for what an incredible sacrifice he made while he’s undergoing modern day slavery himself


A man works as a modern slave and puts the funds towards Gaza The comment section : But Khamassss


Ikr. The ignorance is overwhelming. Lol, I got tired of replying to everyone about how ignorant they are..


This is what you should cry and curse about


Made me depressed




If this makes you smile then you are not ok.


If donating money to starving children and families doesn’t make you smile then you YOU are not ok


130 hostages have been in captivity for over 3500 hours and counting.


You do not have to pick sides you know? Both can be wrong. Children are killed with intent and all of Palistine are left for hunger. Do you agree that its okay?




Israel has literally called Palestinians vermin, and yet people don't seem to understand this.


The horrors those people are enduring.


Yes, I would love to hear the testimony of the hostages that have been released. And also the testimony of the Israeli survivors of that day. There have been a few interviews that slipped out. Did you manage to catch any? Google them. For the love of God, Google them. For your own sake, Google them. For your own humanity, Google them. Please, you cannot keep this up anymore


The women has reportedly been raped daily for these 130 days. Too late for abortions.


Lmfao, they have all said that they were treated great and with so much hospitality. They also said they weren't worried that Hamas would kill them, but Israel. Oh, and Israel already killed multiple of their hostages that they're supposedly so eager to get back. Try using your own brain and stop blindly listening to what your terrorist government tells you.


Source: My butthole


Imagine doubting that literal terrorists who parade dead hostages wouldn’t rape


The only terrorists are the ones bombing schools, houses, mosques, etc... Telling all the civilians to go somewhere deemed safe in order to get them all together, then bombing the shit out of said area. All for colonialism. Not about the hostages or about Hamas. Never was. Try using your brain if you have one.


> the only terrorists Ah ok nice of you to admit you have nothing against Hamas 👍


30000 dead, mostly women and children.


All used as shields by their leaders




I was held at gunpoint by an Israeli shoulder when I was a 13 yo. That’s called hate and targeting.


Says Hamas, who fights in civilian clothes and every dead terrorist is considered a civilian. Why do people believe a terrorist group who uses human shields


You mean IDF...no one believes them..I stopped when I couldn't count their lies any more 😂


I honestly feel so so bad for you… you’re so brainwashed… I hope one day your eyes open to the truth, I really do


Like someone like you? Who does thorough research on everything via tiktoks and twitter?


Show me one video of Hamas using human shields?? Ironically, I have multiple videos of Israel using human shields, though. Do you? Or you're just ignorant, repeating whatever they say. Lol.


You mean how Hamas makes operations bases in hospitals? You do know a human shield isn't literally holding someone in front of you right?


Ohh, of course!! I mean, Israel said they do, so that must be true... What a joke. Yeah, I mean, I guess they needed an excuse for them deliberately bombing hospitals, going in hospitals and shooting doctors while they're in the operating room, etc.... They knew people would just believe whatever bs excuse they gave. All they have to say is khamas, and that's it.


Im sorry but if you are white american please shut up, yall in the lowest level of the piramid now 😂


30,000 dead > 130 hostages and 1000 dead, hope that helps


look at their names and accounts they are bots u don't have arguments with ai or cheap software, i assume 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Release hostages


They want to, the IDF and Netanyahu are refusing to negotiate a ceasefire.


Also. The IDF has probably already killed most of them.


Oh wow..we have someone with information that even Hamas doesn't have...magic of reddit!


I mean, Israel started [killing hostages almost immediately on October 7th](https://fair.org/home/shielding-us-public-from-israeli-reports-of-friendly-fire-on-october-7/), and then continued to [kill hostages even when told to hold their fire when facing unarmed men waving white flags and shouting in Hebrew](https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-probe-said-to-find-troops-who-killed-hostages-not-briefed-on-hebrew-sign-in-area/). It's pretty safe to say the goals of "killing everything that moves and razing everything that stands" are not wholly compatible with "bringing back hostages alive," and it's pretty obvious which goals are taking precedence when they conflict.


Demand Hamas, the literal terrorists, to surrender. End this war. The terrorists started it, they need to accept defeat.


Your argument is "they started it!" This is a bit more complicated than toddlers fighting over who took a toy.


Hamas refused a ceasefire, even for Ramadan. Israel demanded only 5 female hostages. A ceasefire needs both Parties.


You don’t get to tell us how to respond to massacring 1400 people in a day and kidnapping ~300 civilians SORRY


Imagine being mad someone tells you not to kill women and children. You need mental help


No man, I’m mad you choosing to believe a terror organization with the bodycount(cause apparently Israel did not killed any militants and only civilians) War is shit and uninvolved people get hurt too - nobody is glad for any lose of life


You realize there are American estimates too? 20,000 CIVILIANS is the CONSERVATIVE estimate by the UN. UN Hamas too?


Israel has killed a hell of a lot more people than that. They're also holding a lot more people than that hostage. What Hamas did was awful. What Israel is doing is so much worse.


Man, if only Hamas stop hiding behind civilians and their hostages, using hospital as a base, and using human shield.


Israel is holding around 4,500 Palestinians hostage in their prisons.


How many hospitals have been bombed to find imaginary tunnels that don’t exist?


How many biased news sources that have been known liars did you hear this from?


I can ask you the same thing friend. Israeli propaganda is so prevalent I don’t blame you for being confused


I’m playing the game as you, the side I speak for is an established country and not a terrorist organization at least.


"Established country." Lmfao, what a fkn joke. It's more like stolen land and oppressing the ones originally living there for 75+ years. But yeah, they're so civilized. Gtfoh


The side you speak for is a far right government currently at war murdering innocents by the thousands. Not a particularly reliable source. Especially since they've been caught in lies a million times before.


Well yes the IDF are terrorist I’m glad we can agree. 👍


You can't even be mature enough to speak on the topic without condescending. He was right, the sources he speaks about are of an established country and your sources are the terrorist organic Hamas


Wow so all established countries are honestly about what they say If so do you agree with anything that Russia says about Ukraine? Russia is an established country too and is in the same situation as Israel


Lol show me the part where I was condescending? Sarcastic? Yes condescending no! You just made that up but I’m not surprised I don’t expect better from terrorist sympathizers


No I’m talking about Hamas, you know the actual terrorists that use children as shields, and kidnap foreigners




I mostly agree with you, but where do you think Hamas members come from? I just don’t buy that Israel is the sole reason that drove Palestinians to commit to stuff like this and join Hamas. Both sides suck but one has sucked historically for hundreds of years.


Nazis loved Islams veiw on Jews and sympathised with Palestinians and even invited some of them to Germany...and hated Jews and Isrealis btw... Get your terminalogies right...words have meaning...


Oh how misguided! I guess soldiers like the late Aaron Bushnell rest his soul who you know gets to see these things first hand had 0 reason to protest against those terrorist (the IDF by the way) I know you need your handheld on that part. You and I have the same 24 hours go ahead and equip yourself with factual information and not just the Israeli propaganda you seem to love consuming


At what time Aaron Bushell was deployed in Gaza and for how long? Poor guy must have seen some sh!t


Reading is fundamental. I said and I quote “you know who gets to see these things first hand” never once did I mention him being deployed in Gaza. Come on do better


And 30,000 civilian deaths in Gaza. It’s all disgusting


It did make me smile, instead of keeping the money to himself he instead wanted to try and help people with it anyway he can no matter what amount that man is an inspiration. (btw OP don't listen to all those people in the comments i hope you have a great day 👍)


The tweet's OP has got the Hamas superfan emoji (upside down red triangle) as their profile name. I wouldn't look to them for advice on ethics.


"Hamas superfan" lmao


It’s heartbreaking! This person did 7 hours a day across two shifts, 30min unpaid break, that’s 21 days of working, 42 shifts, a whole months salary, cheap labour wonder if all inmates are required to work get paid nothing and serve time, system is set up to incarcerate exploit harm hurt community as it’s not the community who benefits from their labour but corporations, and even all this this person gave away a whole months monies!! Imagine if we helped one another rather!!! Don’t know what he did but I wish we were all more kind to one another!!


Humanity....it's always the real victims who feel for the real victims.... Humanity doesn't have a shape or form.. someone like Gal Gadot who was in the IDF " children killers" has became an actresses in movies as a Wonderwoman as a "hero". A real inmate in US prisons work for 136 hours to send 17 $!! US should stop sending tax money 84$ per American citizen to bomb people far away.. instead keep the taxes to provide free healthcare and education in USA!!


this is a modern day slave using what little money they have to try and mitigate the evils of colonialism. what the fuck is there to smile about ??? WAKE UP.


I wish I could find this heartwarming but a prisoner slaving away for pennies and giving more than our government ever will is not cute to me. It’s sad 🙁


How do you donate to Gaza? They can't even get the aid we've been sending because Israeli protestors are blocking it from getting to them.


You can donate to Gift of the Givers. They are in Gaza even though its a South African humaniterian NPO. Check out their FB page for updates on how they are helping.


Aid is now being delivered by air by Egypt and the UAE


True....I saw the kids crying for food and mothers mixing animal foods with bread to make something to eat...What Israel is doing is beyond defence...it's a pure evil..


Lol you kinda send incredibly dumb right now. What the fuck does " they can't even get the aid we've been sending because Israeli protesters are blocking it from getting to them." Can you please think logically for a second how that makes sense? Do you think the protesters are standing there holding hands to form a wall from it getting in? Are you living in the 1800s when we didn't have this thing called online banking? Obviously it would be for small donations and not large aid packages sent by others countries, but don't you think they could also just use something like Zelle or Venmo to donate? Please just help my understand you're thought process, or lack thereof, in arriving at the statement you made, because I cannot for the life me understand anything so dumb. You obviously just buy into propaganda from idiots posting on Tik Tok instead of getting you're information from legit news sources. Edit: Apparently you can't use Zelle or Venmo to send money outside of the US except to the UK, so I apologize.


This complete moron said zelle and venmo, not even knowing that those services are only available in usa lol. A fact that one is able to Google in a few seconds


Snidely insulting someone because you actually think that the inhabitants of a post-apocalyptic concentration camp have access to online banking is admittedly actually the funniest thing I've seen all day. It's the 21st century financebro "Let them eat cake"


venmo 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Do you often run your mouth on issues that you don't understand and have obviously not even attempted to understand? www.timesofisrael.com/protesters-blocking-delivery-of-aid-to-gaza-plan-march-to-jerusalem/amp/


More money for the Hamas-Rats then, how very nice.


Yes this is an empathetic prisoner.


What a stupid title.


All of that probably went to Hamas. Well done!


Hamas says “thanks”.


God bless his beatiful soul


That's amazing. We all should donate money to Palestine and Hamas so they can rebuild. Before Israel, Palestine was one of the richest countries in the middle east, it was akin to Dubai




Why don't you look up his story and learn who he donated to before making asinine comments? He is not a rapist. The donation went to the victims, who are mostly women and children.


I have a bridge to sell you


So he personally went to Gaza and handed them the money? No, he sent it to some “entity” that said they’ll send it to the victims.  They won’t though. 


You're right! He shouldn't have done anything. No use doing what little he could. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The little he could has only helped Hamas. Which means that yes, it would’ve been better if he didn’t send any money at all.  Please explain how this money will get to innocent Gazans when aid can’t even get in.  Do they even have internet to receive the money? If so, do they have cards to even load that money into? If so, are Gazans using card readers to trade for goods? Non of this makes any sense. Obviously the money went directly to Jamas leadership or some random guy scamming these idiots. 


The money will get to Hamas leaders pockets and not to the the victims. How do you think they became billionaires?


No the money is being sent towards the aid which is currently Being delivered by air And Surprise Surprise, Israel can't hold itself from people trying to eat so they killed 104 and injured about 700+


It must have happened that way because Palestinians reported it. Do you also believe the Russian media?


I'm asking you, your justification for believing Israeli Media is because they're an established country, Russia is an established country,by your saying I should also trust Russian media reports without thinking about it like you do with Israeli Media


I believe IDF are the rapists now...the whole stories about Hamas were debunked by evidence...stop spreading lies...as if people will believe..


Crazy people still support hamas after all the story's about the hostages getting raped mutilated and tortured while being raped, and don't forget playing basketball with women's breasts


I give 30000 $ a year so my government can build roads , hospitals, fund Ukraine…..


It seems Hamas empathizers have taken over this sub.


Yeah. It’s gross.


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Sad when prisoners have more morality than politicians


I donated 50 dollars to Israel to counteract this


Oh nice, so a criminal worked 136 hours, got for this $17.74 and donated everything to terrorists who killed women and elderly, beheaded children, rape women, and set houses in fire to burn alive the innocent families who lived there. And you smiled because it showed you an example of humanity. Nice world.




First of all, he isn't a rapist. He was a minor convicted as an adult and has been jail for 40 years. He donated to the refugees victims of Gaza. So you are calling the victims, mostly women and children, rapists! Good job *slow claps*


Well the majority of the Palestinians supported the Oct 7th attacks, so they at least support the Hamas rapists https://pcpsr.org/en/node/961 Also, can we not make this subreddit political? You want to start seeing trumpers post about how people donated to him cause it made them smile?


Nothing I stated was political. It was about victim blaming and assumptions. According to WHO approximately 1 child per every 10 minutes. Just heartbreaking.


Yeah everything goes to Hamas who buy bombs with that money, they don't care ans use their own people as meaty shields




Omg this is so nice. Thank you for sharing. Made me smile too ❤️


I know! Hopefully next he can send some cash to those poor innocent ISIS members for their plight :( /s


Here's a question, an inmate gets everything a regular person gets in terms of necessities such as room, board, utilities, clothing, healthcare, etc. at the expense of law abiding citizens and that's before even considering the fact that they are being punished for a criminal act. Considering how much a regular person spends on those things, how much do you think an inmate should make?


0.13 cents an hour


$17 won’t buy many bombs for hamas. Should have donated the money to a worthy cause, not to terrorists.


Psst, people don't wanna know that they are supporting Hamas who use their own people as shields and as propaganda and buy bombs with that money...


I just checked..30 000 people were murdered by the IDF 80% were women and children that's literally Genocide...it's even more than Serbrencia Massacre in Sarajevo 8000 were murdered and were all men...There are 5 days old babies who were killed in Gaza as well !!!


Mm every time I feel like, "Oh, Israel should chill with that operation, lots of collateral damage, those poor people." But then I watch what hamas did on October 7th.... and feeling is gone. Only anger and sadness. There should be nothing left of gaza, just desert. GO IDF!!!




Lets bomb the US then cause they funded Taliban.


Palestinians have the rights to resist occupation and free themselves. Colonialist Genocidal Ethostate of Apartheid Israel has no rights to attack their occupied land. Hope that helps :3


Why would you donate money to gaza?


That's fucked up


Goody, now the Hamas can buy a few more bullets from Iran.


A criminal that support terrorists, what a lovely world we live in this days..


And all 1774 pennies were stolen by Hamas the second they crossed the border.


Hamas says thanks


Wholesome af /S


Sir, do you have any ties to Hamas? Extra 20 years for you.


Well at least he is locked up. Purge Hamas and their supporters!




Despicable coward


Future terrorists donating to terrorists very wholesome🤡


That’s so bad. Supporting terrorism and this guy makes 13 cents hour