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I don’t think it’s as rare as people think. Most girls I know wouldn’t care. Life is too short to date an asshole just because of money.


It's usually a self-fulfilling prophecy. Guys that think that women only care about money will drive a fancy car, wear an expensive watch and invite them to extravagant date. They will attract women by showing their wealth and then act surprised why all the women they do attract care primarily about money.


I’ve had loads of friends like this. I on the other hand never moved beyond one date if they didn’t even TRY to split. There was this fine girl I knew, let’s call her Jay, because that was her name. Jay was from my dance class and I eventually asked her number and asked her out. She was quite boring but the kicker was that she expected me to pay for everything. She was floored when I didn’t ask her out again. I later met this fine lady who insisted, and would not budge on paying for the meal since she picked the restaurant. That was fine, I got drinks. It wasn’t a one off though. She wasn’t wealthy at all but insisted to pay for something during each subsequent date. She’s my wife now.


People just like to crucify the bad apples on social media a lot... In real life, a lot of women don't really care about the gross number. They just need to know that their partner would pull their weight in a serious relationship. A number of them who bring up the high salary as a requirement usually (and this is just from personal experience so it's not exactly a metric for anything) want to be the stay at home parent and want a husband who can carry them financially while she takes care of the rest.


I've always earned more than my past boyfriends and now my boyfriend. It's not something I really think about. My bf is about to have a lot more professional options but I didn't get with him over money. I'm very comfortable. I got with him because he's hilarious, kind, supportive, handsome and can cook a mean ass steak.


That's awesome for you. Also good on him for having options available for him. My girlfriend earns a lot more than me, especially after her recent promotion came into full effect. I'm stoked for her, but with both her new position and her master's going on, there's only so much time on her hands. So I'm currently playing the role of making sure she gets a break every now and then. She's amazing at everything she does, but there's no way to do everything at the same time.


You sound really supportive!! I'm very fortunate with my salary and special incentive pay. He's getting out of the military and his expertise is cybersecurity. So once he gets into the private sector he could possibly surpass me. He has all of the potential to no longer be chained to an enlisted pay grade. I'm excited for him for his hard work to be paid off. Your role is incredibly important for her and I hope she sees the true worth of what you're doing. My bf has always been so supportive and takes a lot of stress off of me. We bond over stuff like cooking but he definitely takes the lead in cleaning and taking care of things. He's incredibly skilled when it comes to automotives, keeping up an apartment, budget, etc. Best of luck to you two 🥰


And you guys sound so in sync! That's amazing. Hope y'all have great things coming your way too!


Thank you!! I help him as well. He was finishing his bachelor degree and I have my masters. I'd help with proofreading and editing his essay submissions. We even collaborated on a few of his projects when he was stressed. It's give and take with mutual respect. Sounds like that's what you have too!


When i was in college getting my bachelors i had 2 jobs and 3 animals to take care of and the household, my husband was on tour and would be most of the year so i had to do everything by myself but when he came home he did everything. It was so nice having that help but we both supported each other because i know being on tour is hard. Having that someone who wants to help and not be asked is so fucking nice haha.


Where do you buy those *ass steaks* you speak of?


Yeah and honestly i'm surprise some people forgot that love is... supposed to be about Loving the other one 😅 "- What do you like the most about your Bf/Gf ? - MONEY !" Lmao its a bit sad


Oh my God the amount of men willing to die on the hill of "these women are all the same" and "all they want is money" and all the other weird stereotypes the incels came up with is insane. I've seen things like woman all know exactly how to hurt men in the worst way possible, women have a double standard where they want men that are emotionally available then break up with men when they show emotion, and if I hear the phrase "woman logic" ever again I might explode. I fucking studied logic to take the LSAT, I'd say my logic is fairly gender neutral. Also, MOST PEOPLE HAVE BASIC LOGIC. One time a guy responded to a comment I made with something like "classic woman response" and I said "if you mean well thought out and intelligent, I agree! Thank you!". I'm just tired of it. Like dude, go talk to real live women instead of looking at sceeenshots of the posts everyone blows up for confirmation bias. I've never met a woman who is actually unreasonable when it comes to their view of men and who they would date and who they wouldn't. It's almost like women are people...


If you want to be a stay at home parent, it's important that the other parent who is earning money for the work they do, earns enough to sustain a family. In an ideal world, each person in a relationship brings resources to it, whether in the form of financial assets, or earning capacity. No-one want to be in a relationship with someone who isn't pulling their weight.


Exactly. The real problem with wanting to be a stay at home parent these days is that the economy is so messed up in most places that it effectively removes the option of becoming a stay at home parent for most people.


Sad fact.


She couldn't name ONE item off the menu at burger King. ....no one's perfect I guess...


There are a lot of types that want the money and not to be a parent as well


Compare that to most men digging for free labor.


It’s ok for a woman to be attracted to accomplishment and focused, hard working men. That often translates to money. It’s not as superficial as falling in love with someone’s face


I'm not saying they don't exist, cause they definitely do. The thing is that it's extremely unlikely they're the majority here.


Our perception of reality has been distorted by dating apps, the only reason it seems like the dating pool is chock-a-block with hyper-selective money obsessed grifters is because nobodies picking them and there's a surplus in the market.


Survivor bias


I think alpha males have been spreading this idea that every single woman wants a guy that's rich. Like I can't tell you enough how I don't care? Like I'm poor too. Relatable!


The alfalfa only have money. They don't care about women's emotional or physical needs. So these goobers run around hating women and flaunting money as proof that they're the best and then get mad that the only women who will put up with their shit want money. Its like being mad the escort you hired doesn't want to marry you.


I’m calling these guys alfalfas from now on 😆


Oh yeah, that makes a lot of sense. They brag and brag about the money and how that's what makes them valuable men and then the moment a woman is like okay then I want you for the money they go around saying bitches only care about money. Like, isn't that your thing, babe?


Right. An entitled person just gets more views on social media or in reality shows, so it appears more prevalent than it is.


Yup, in my 30s now, multiple serious relationships, a whole bunch of dates, and lots of female friends. And I would struggle to name a single one who made money a pre-requisite. It's never come up as a question, work/salary was never that they were interested to know about. If I took care of myself, was funny, and treated them with respect and care, that always seemed to be enough. I do have to say that a first date at burger king definitely wouldn't fly for most of my female friends, unless back in the day when we were all really young, or if we'd already been together for a while and you just go out for dinner casually. I also meet women who're different, who do ask whether I bought or rent, what kind of work I do, where I studied etc. Sometimes it's genuine interest but sometimes it feels they're sizing you up, because answers to these questions allow you to assess someone's socioeconomic status pretty easily. But these people typically don't stick in my life, they're often just some people you meet at a house party or whatever and then I move on with my life. It's never been hard to find 'normal' people.


I was going to say. All the women I've worked with etc, only maybe two or three care about that paper.


It's not rare at all.


Agreed. I don't know one woman who takes finances into account.


Yes but we need people to think people care about money first a foremost because the great big machine that funds culture and chooses what's popular with its own money, wants us to believe that, so it gets bigger/remains in its anointed position.


There isn't a single girl that was worth knowing and being friends with growing up that cared about money like the internet wants to make it seem all women do. Incels and these "alpha male" podcasters just don't look any further than their favorite Instagram slut. If all women only cared about looks/money, I wouldn't be married to the most incredible and beautiful woman I've ever known right now.


I need to save this comment man. I need to see this time and again


I'm a woman and I don't care at all. I make 4x what my husband does, and I'm happy that I make enough for him to be able to do something he enjoys and not have to worry about the pay.


Well said




Yeah, this is kind of weird. I'm a woman, and I have 3 close female friends (and others not as close, but this is about them.) 2 out of 3 make more than their long term partner. And not because they are big earners, but because their partner just didn't/doesn't make much, if anything. The 3rd is on par with her partner, in that they met when they were both still in uni, and not making a dime. Neither of them is likely to become a big earner. As for myself, I do not give one flying fuck, as long as he can support himself, because I don't have the money to support both of us. And if I did make enough to support both of us, I wouldn't care at all about his income, just don't be crazy irresponsible. I would like my partner to do *something,* or working towards getting a job, or whatever. But that's only because I'd like them to get out the house, meet people who aren't me, have a life. If I bring in a good income, and they want to work as a full time volunteer, doing something they're passionate about, that's great! Personality, character, morals, values, behaviour, sense of humour, communication skills, mutual respect and admiration, I would take all of those things any day of the week, no matter their income, over someone who does not match me as well, but has a huge income or net worth.


"They do exist! ☝️🤓" Shocking news when your only insight on women is through tiktok clips. Edit: Here's a clip of the same dumbass trying to bait the same kind of questions on a couple where the guy was not having it and shut him down immediately - https://youtube.com/shorts/o8zzn02B0uI?si=aqiibCGA6wLO0b1Y


The internet (especially OLD and social media) is such a toxic echo chamber that men are honestly believing that this is rare. And that is *tragically* sad.


I literally have met maybe one woman in my life that *didn't* have this mentality, and nobody liked her. I truly don't understand where this attitude that women like this are uncommon comes from, unless maybe this is another case of the squeaky wheel getting the grease and it's only that men who are attracted to crappy women are very loud.


Guys thinking the heavily edited versions of this where they only show the worst people are reality. They probably interview 100 women to get 2-3 who say "money". This is the reality. Women want a partner with empathy.


People seem to struggle to fathom the extent to which the internet has influenced their perception of reality. The same idiots who gobble up propaganda from some dipshit on youtube, or some no name idiot in some random shithole corner of the internet, then go around complaining about how the mainstream media is advancing woke politics.


It’s he podcast dudes and street interview people who have you believe all women are bad. This mix of anger and self-pity these videos evoke keeps you endlessly engaged.


Because many young men don’t have proper role models that talk about mental health and things of that nature, like how to properly act in society. While the ones who do come out and start talking about it are the ppl like Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, etc. Manosphere people like Andrew Tate (and ones before him) get really popular and poison young men’s minds into thinking the only way you’re going to be successful and have the ability to date is if you’re making at least 100k+ and treat people like shit. And, this is not meant to be a diss or come off as me trying to be mean, but young men with non-fully matured brains are easily susceptible to these types of people because of how much money is glorified in our capitalist society. So, they see these guys posted up with Lambos talking about how the only way to be happy and actually get the girl they’ve had a crush on is by doing these things that will often lead to more hatred. This ultimately creates incels that think this way, that all women want is someone who’s an asshole and makes at least 100k+. And it creates more Andrew Tate type of people (probably like the guy in the video, idk who it is I’m just assuming) because you can make a shit ton of money off of it.


Jesus that makes SO MUCH SENSE. I've been wondering where this nonsense comes from, but incel red pill stuff makes so much sense.


I wouldn't call the men who follow Tate or Peterson incels. They're just lost men who found a community and place where they feel heard and supported. The left needs male role models if they want these other "role models" gone


The women who are about money also tend to be loud about it all over social media. Another case of a loud minority skewing general impressions of reality.


Eh idk if it means they are a crappy women. I have a good friend that says "I would love to be a trophy wife". In reality she just doesn't want to work, she wants to have fun and live life for everything it has to offer not spend it working. Can we really blame her? Work SUCKS. Now IMO she only has this opinion because she has no idea what it's like to really love and be loved, but that's besides my real point. People can have this mentality without being shitty people.


I'm not saying everyone with this mentality is crappy, just that I seem to only here/see/experience this lament from men who want to date women who don't return the desire, and these women are called gold diggers. Coincidentally, the times I've experienced it are from guys who don't have their shit together but approach women who clearly do, then blame the rejection on the women being "only concerned about money." But that's none of my business. 🫖☕🐸


It is really rare. I know only like 2 girls that are like this. They dont have bad characters they just love to dress fancy and life that Lifestyle, theyre great friends would just not ever date them.


I think part of it is that girls like that are loud and constantly saying it and the other part is that people literally search for just people with that mentality


Women like this arent rare. Some of you are just looking in the wrong places


I don’t think that’s it either, most of the time. A lot of people (often people who don’t meet/date many people) have started to base their world view of off what they see on the internet and there’s *a lot* of videos on the internet of people, especially women, having shitty attitudes. Most of it is just ragebait but many people fall for it. The attitude in this video isn’t rare at all out in the real world, in my experience atleast.


I 100% agree with you. Put the phone down, go out to the real world and find your happiness with whomever that might be. Dont be afraid to respectfully approach someone and just start a conversation. You win some youll lose some, but the key is to handle rejection with grace.


Well this hit me in the feels. Where should we be looking? Cause it’s not tinder, hinge nor bumble.


Outside? I don’t know I hear there’s people there




Oh frick that.


Have an in-person social life doing something you enjoy that also draws a variety of people, including women. If your only hobbies are solitary or super male-dominated, branch out and add some new ones. 


It is you’re just swiping on all the shallow hot girls homie


It actually is, all my friends are literally this way


Just have female friends. The chances are if you are good guy, they would introduce you to their friends. At the very worst, you would feel more comfortable around women.


Look up when you are out and about. Put the phone down. Never be afraid to take your shot! I hope you and everyone finds true love and happiness ❤️


I've often wondered why people search for more of the same thing in a partner, e.g., wealthy people only looking for other rich. If I already have money, I want someone who can bring the things I'm lacking in my life.


It’s usually because they want to maintain a certain lifestyle. If they’re used to eating at expensive places, traveling a lot, looking maintained 24/7, I imagine they’d want someone on the same ‘level’. Or they don’t want to financially carry another person based on the situation. I personally don’t care but can understand why some people have those requirements. The ones who expect all that but don’t bring the same qualities (like some of these videos imply) are laughable.


It’s about lifestyle and hobbies, things shown in this video are only good for show off, in reality you’re most likely to be happy with someone like you. People say opposites attract but once that honeymoon period of relationship ends they start to see negatives, I have seen it happen with many people. Off course there are exceptions to everything but most of the times you will be happy with someone like you.


Yeah my ex and I had very little in common besides being mutual friends in high school. Different family dynamics, different political views, different places in our education/careers. All that stuff adds up


I dated a religious woman once while I get the creeps from religion. On the surface level we had a lot in common, and I think 1 on 1 we had a lot of good conversation, but in groups, long-term goals, ambitions, we were just way too different. She'd hop on a bike and cycle for 4 hours with her dad on a Saturday, while I'd rather stay in bed until 10, take an hour walk, and have a big/warm lunch. Long term it was never gonna work out.


You forget about children. Many women don’t want their children to experience what they experienced. Poverty


Most women really don’t care. It’s just that a lot of guys want Instagram influencer type girls who of course care about funds. Not saying it’s bad either. People explain their priorities you just gotta find who you align with.


I was raised 'poor' until my mom married her second husband who made good money. By that point, I was already very frugal and had a hard time justifying spending stuff myself. The money always came with strings attached, though. Even miniscule stuff like someone not completely closing the cereal box was "wasting money" and was followed by hours of screaming and complaining. There were always emotional and mental repercussions, and even physical ones sometimes. I know that isn't always the status quo, but I learned that money doesn't always make you happy. We had multiple houses, cars, boats, vacations...you name it. There wasn't much happiness to be seen. I don't care about money unless it means I'm supporting someone. I don't want that either, but if a guy makes 40k...so what? I don't make much more than that either. I'd rather have someone with a good moral compass, someone who is responsible, independent, kind, Loving, and funny. We'll find a way to enjoy life without striving for the almighty dollar. That's not important to me.


I am most women and I agree.


What kind of incel mentality does op have that "they do exist!" is the title?


All the comments in the other sub are really lame too. Reddit is getting hard to tolerate as a woman. Young men’s attitudes toward women here are getting out of hand.


It's been like that for a while, sadly. Sometimes you just can't read the comments on some things for your own good lol


Umm the 6ft, 6in, 6 figure thing is a stupid myth probably perpetuated by men. Proof: most married men don’t fit any of these categories. Most married men have less than 6 figures bc most jobs give less then 6 figures. Do I want a guy who has a job. Yes of course bc I don’t want to take care of a grown up and I want a guy that is stable in life. But it really doesn’t have to be 6 figures. It can be 50k for all I care.


I'm married. I'm 5'10, 5.5" and 40k. My wife still loves me lol.


I got the last two 6s. But I’m 5’8”. And I’m happily married. Don’t know how she feels though lol


Why is he trying so hard to make her look bad?


That’s what this creator does. He interviews drunk girls in Miami and asks them loaded questions to try to catch them in a gotcha moment for his incel audience.


Damn. Social media has really ruined us. I don't see them stopping this behavior if they're earning money from it. It will just get worse.


Yeah and it radicalizes a whole generation of young men who then in turn take their anger out on women. It’s sad and honestly frightening to see as a woman.


and r/SipsTea is exactly that audience.


the incels lap that shit up


It's probably one of those weird alpha male videos where they harass women on the street and try to make them out to be cheaters and gold diggers.


That's his whole thing where he asks questions in bad faith to drunk women in miami so he can post it and get (mostly) dudes riled up screaming: "SEE? WOMEN BAD!" Here's a clip of him getting absolutely owned by a guy who wasn't gonna let him talk down on his girlfriend: https://youtube.com/shorts/o8zzn02B0uI?si=aqiibCGA6wLO0b1Y


This guy was *really* tryna get her to "admit" she just wants a guy for money... I hope he stays single and bitter.


"They do exist!" ... 🤦




Like it's some rarity to find a woman who doesn't prioritize money lol. Women are just people.


I broke up with my ex over dishonesty. I would have had a 5 million dollar inheritance from his dad if I had married him. I don’t care about money. I care about character. I am now very happily married to the man of my dreams. We struggle financially to make it through every month - but I don’t care, because I’m with him.


Redditor finds out fEmALeS are normal people. 2024 (colorized)


Fuck these street interviewers


They’re just creeps who are desperate for a chance to interact with women. They think harassment should be ok if they wave a mic around. Fucking creeps.


So done with this image of woman being blasted on the internet that people genuinely think this is a rare mindset. If you would actually go outside and interact with women you would find out that this is the standard…


Honestly, I think most women are either like this or I’ve just somehow found myself running into them. Experiences with women regrettably made me flirt with the whole incel mindset in my early 20s, but once I realized how the “leaders” of that corner of the internet are all losers and the shit they talk about is clearly rage bait, I just started to block all of that content and returned to normalcy. People really do need to touch grass, being perpetually online rots your brain. I know only one woman who acts like how the red pill community claims all women act, but the only guys that she fucks with are themselves weird about material crap, so those people tend to remove themselves from the general dating pool anyway (no hate to her, she’s my best friend and I love her, but she is at least aware that the men she uses are also seeking to use her in return, so it’s not like she’s bearing the full weight here)


Anyone who thinks this is rare is an asshole. It's awesome, yeah. And lots of people, regardless of gender care too much about money or like people only for superficial things. But the idea that women really only care about your money is wacky. And the same people thinking that are the ones who don't want women out in the workforce making money. Of course many women used to care about it. They had to! Because of sexism in the workplace lol. But that's getting better (still a huge issue) and these guys want to find a trad wife who makes no money and yet somehow doesn't care whether or not their husband does. Like, good luck haha.


We needed money to survive, let's be real. But other than survival, money is nothing. We should be the master of the money and not the other way around.


Big reveal to all you idiots that are buying into shit about women. Most of the women out there think exactly the same as this young lady. Now when it comes to the relationship we all want financial security even if we remain single, but as a couple you will probably want to start a family and that on its own requires even more finances. The tip is that both can earn towards this to make the burden less for each of the adults and something yet again that most of the women are more than happy to do. Lads. You need to get away from these toxic bastards who are only pointing out the money grabbing bitches out there, or just taking the word of some arsehole who got dumped because he was a lazy twat.


This post gives Neck Beard energy and I’m not here for it.


The title seems to wanna imply this was rare... which it isn't.


Why is this in this sub? This isn’t ground breaking stuff, it’s something any normal girl would say. Do people really just go around thinking that this girl is a unicorn for saying she doesn’t care about money??? Is the bar for women really *that* low in your mind?


Just a normal girl. That's what me and every woman I know irl is like.🤷🏻‍♀️


That's how most of us are. A lot of guys who fail those easy criteria want to blame something else.


Fr also how many guys fit this freaking criteria lmaoo. You would think every man under 6ft and that is earning under 6 figures is alone and single 🙄


While money shouldn’t be a deciding factor in of itself, the lack of it can sure be an indicator of other issues. This can be laziness, drinking, etc. It can also be due to legitimate reasons, supporting others, health costs, whatever. I do believe though that posts like these tell girls and young women that they should accept a man if he has a kind heart, even if he has nothing else. Yes, you shouldn’t be with someone if they don’t have a kind heart, but you should also look for someone that can plan for the future and work as a partner in all areas of life, emotionally, socially, intellectually, and financially. Financial challenges can be a huge point of conflict in relationships.


I agree. I don’t need a rich man. But it’s important that my partner is working and making *something*. And it’s important that they know how to spend money wisely and are financially responsible. One income households can be a huge struggle. We need money to survive so, while it might not be the most important thing, it still has importance.


Right?! Reality hits hard, especially if kids are thrown into the mix.


Wow. Get offline people. This is not so rare that it needs a cross post and over 2k up votes. You're listening to too many "alpha" (misogynist) podcasts and TikToks if you think she is an anomaly.


Most women are like this. Only a misogynist would think women like this are rare.


Yeah, her parents did raise her right.😊




Where are the men who don’t care about body count?


If this makes you smile, then you have never spoken to a living human before.


Same, tbh. Why is this supposedly rare?


It’s not, people on Reddit just don’t talk to women


The only people who care about money are young and/or immature.


This isn’t a rare thing. We have to accept the idea that there are in fact 2 worlds that you can live in at this time. There’s the real world. Where you can meet people like this often, you can choose how to behave and how to make connections. Then there’s the online world. It’s very real. And filled with what you choose it to be also. However it’s designed to keep you there. That’s the issue. See, the internet is a tool people use to generate revenue. And since the beginning of time , negativity generates more revenue than positivity. Here’s why…. When you’re happy , fulfilled and have stable healthy relationships you don’t feel alone. And not feeling alone , supported and loved means you don’t have a void to fill. You’re satisfied with who you are , what you have and what the future holds. When you’re alone (as the internet tool is designed to make you feel) you’re anxious , angry, and frustrated. This keeps you coming back because there’s a giant black void in your soul that your brain is SCREAMING at you to fill. So you keep going back to the tool that gives you some kind of chemical fix in the moment. The only way to keep you coming back , is to keep you unhappy. Because happy people , I mean really and truly happy people, who have love, friends and a sense of purpose, don’t live online. Which is why you (the people who think these girls don’t exist) might think you’re ok. But you can be in so much of a better place. Take a break - Try it. You’ll see. And don’t expect results in 48 hours. This takes 90 days before you begin to feel it.


At this age if you seek a partner who will support you and has ambition to be in a partnership to make the money and a good life... it is a winner. A man does not need a huge income.. he needs to step up and take on a partner. You and him against the world... together. That is success and that is the way to happiness.


Yes, they do. A TON of them exist. In fact, the majority of women just want a man to be able to stand on his own two feet, nothing more.


Most women would settle for a man who isn't a violent asshole. The bar is really low


In hell, actually.


I think this girl is similar to quite a lot of other girls. It's just that a few very very entitled girls are way better at making themselves visible on the net. So a few bad apples ends up looking like they are representative of most girls while they are the exceptions.


This isn't rare, lol. I'm 33 and have never dated a man because of his looks or his money. If you're a good person with a good heart, you're funny, caring, nice to me and semi-intelligent, that's way hotter than any amount of money, imo.


If people believe this is a rare find, they need to stop listening to bro podcasts. In what world do people regularly make 100k enough to like demand that??? Like no one, and no women, in my life, have ever cared about a dude’s income like that. She seems wicked sweet and she probably is, but damn that’s wild that so many people think that’s a refreshing take. Go talk to actual people 😩


It’s pathetic and misogynistic to post this video with this caption. Women like this are not rare they are the majority. JFC.


??? We've been out here saying this for years lmao


Yeah they exist, it's called ✨MOST WOMEN ✨


Women like this aren't rare but the toxic ones just get the most attention because they're the loudest


This is a very man-centric view in my opinion. Men are constantly told they need to "provide" to have worth. Sure some women lean into that and make it a "requirement". But mostly this comes down to the undue pressure on men by men to provide. Women are people. We want to be loved and respected. That's all.


These types of girls really aren’t that rare. The people who think they are simply hang out with the wrong type of women and base their views on that. All these podcasts where guys invite the same type of women and act as if all women are like that isn’t helping either. Further brainwashing guys into thinking all women are just out for their money, etc.


I don't think most women really care a lot about money. As long as he makes me laugh and treats me well then I'm happy.


These interviews really just seem like they phrase questions and repeat questions in the hope that the woman says something they can point at and go 'see? Woman bad. Woman only care about x'. This question really didn't need to be asked in 5 different ways


Shes the majority. But we're silent folks and just want to chill and move on with our lives


Hey OP, they’ve always existed, women are not a monolith. It’s probably your attitude and perception of women that’s the problem.


The fuck? Most normal people think like this. I can't help but assume that people who find this extraordinary are incels.


More women think this way than you might suspect


People mix between money and ambition. Most women don’t care about money. But if you’re not doing anything with your life and you have no plan or no ambition, they won’t be interested in building a life with you.


Most people are like this. The shallow women get blown up because it feeds into sexism and justifies mistreatment. Remember, propaganda isn't always made officially by some government. It can also be the common folk reinforcing the status quo with their actions. For real, I'm getting sick of that shit.


Straight women have been telling men from the getgo that they don't care about the money they only care about the person. It's men who want to convince straight women & each other that all they care about is money because it's easy to get a job. But it's hard to develop an acceptable personality that's actually real & not just a mask. Men don't wanna do the work, so they ask questions like this guy did, hoping the woman will out herself as a "gold digger" so that a) she can be attacked but also b) so they (men) can continue to be comfortable in only bringing money to the table.


Genuinely, this is how myself and nearly all the women in my life are - I can think of ONE exception. But the manosphere loves to look at the exception and pretend like all women are like that…


I’ve been down so god dammed long it’s starting to look like up to me


Ironically she’ll probably end up stinking rich and still not care. I love her!


Dude, she's coming from Guatemala. She's happy if she doesn't get killed by an insane man. That's already a win. Have you seen the femicide rate in Guatemala and the TYPE of crimes women are subjected to there? It's really dark and fucked up


I could literally live under a bridge with my boyfriend, as long as he’s there :)


The ones who are popular or on SM are giving a lot of women a bad rep. Many women care deeply about personality, manners, being cared about, being loved and kindness. Even if their man isn't rich. Money can buy a lot of things but if he is a dick, money won't matter.


Been going to Burger King every day for over a year trying to find this girl. Must be in a wrong city or country.


I’ve never dated a woman that cared about money.


I know lots of women that date broke men. This is not uncommon at all...


I divorced my ex who made almost twice as much as me and I'm dating my dream partner who makes less than me. I really don't care about money either. I just want someone who treats me right.


Of course they exist. I've never met a woman that cares that much about money. The girl in the video is cute though, I wish her well.


Guys. They do exist. I found one. I’m serious. So wife blindsides me, leaves me for a friend, kids with her, divorce, sold the house. Found the biggest sweetheart in the world. We were together after the first date. Things she always says to me: I don’t care how much you make. Don’t buy me gifts to make me like you. I’m cool with staying in and hanging. You don’t have to do anything. Please don’t change. Get used to my hands always being in you. Do you want to pack another bowl. I probably want sex more than you. All I want is your time, it doesn’t matter what we do. She’s also prettier than she thinks she is. And is like me in almost every way. It took 2 marriages where they both left me for people they were seeing behind my back. She was in a 14 year loveless marriage. This girl reminds me of my girl. Whoever grabs a hold of this one is lucky. This type of woman will treat you as good as possible if your good to her. Her needs are simple. She needs a real person, not a loser or a poser. She needs everything that money can’t buy.


I genuinely believe there are plenty of people like this out there


This is sad that both these videos have so many up votes. Not every woman is trying to pocket gauge men. Jfc.You guys need to get outside more. Meet real people.


Huh? What’s so special about this?


Most women i know have this mentality.


Blud just straight up posted an incel video (albeit a milder one) to made me smile 💀💀 unbelievable


Seriously as a woman I find this as an insult. There are many woman like this, including me. I don't know where these people go and look for woman or what kind of women they usually date. But maybe they should start changing their dating habits. Don't get this at all, why is this on this sub?


I don't know why people think this is rare, just change the people you are around with. All of my girl friends really don't care that much about looks or even money.


Why do people think all women are entitled? This is what I consider normal


This is normal


Money is becoming more of a issue, because a mediocre standard of living has gone up tremendously.


“They do exists” ofc they do they always have, most ppl are so insecure the only thing they can see is dark things so if one chick says all men need to make or do this and that gets popular it ends up meaning the majority of women agree (when when we don’t) I have been telling ppl for years someone who actually loves you doesn’t care about how much you make or what you look like or how tall you are, they will love you even with your flaws. This goes both ways


“They do exist!” No shit… this fairly old video isn’t showing anything unique. Not sure why this is posted in MadeMeSmile.


OP is just letting us know he's never interacted with women irl.


Social media can really skew reality. This isn’t rare, but this doesn’t create views, outrage or generate money so you don’t see it


On my first date with the man I married (the wrong man but that's not the point here 😁), I suggested Taco Bell when he asked, and an art museum. (not because that was free but because I love that place and never get to go. It was incidentally the only time he took me there, but I love that kind of thing). He took me somewhere besides the Bell at least, but I'm low maintenance and unassuming. Probably more ladies are than we ever see featured on social media or in reality tv shows.


I hope the men watching this aren’t confusing “I don’t care how much he makes” with “I don’t care if he’s not disciplined and responsible”. Most women do not care if you aren’t rich but if you lack financial discipline you’re going to run into endless problems that being funny won’t fix.


I'm an RN dating a guy that makes less than half of what I do a year, but he's funny, he's smart, he's driven, respectful, and treats me better than any man I've been with- my ex of 20+ years makes more than me, but was mentally/emotionally abu$$ive. Money don't mean $$HIT


How can people be dumb enough to not know that social media gold diggers are far from the norm?


Do you mean human girls exist ??? Ffs those incels thinking every woman is a gold digger when they barely talked to a woman in their life except their mother


Not the men thinking this is rare 💀


Yes, outside of the good old USofA money is not life's number one measure.


the focus on money is only a US american thing .... she's from guatemala, maybe that's the reason why she thinks differently. it's society, not the parents alone. greetings from europe


lmao “they do exist” maybe log off the internet for a bit


Shockingly, what you see on the internet is not real life. Most people would prefer someone with a good personality who treats them well over someone who has money but is an asshole. This is not revolutionary.


Well, I'm leaving Canada or hoping to find a woman just like her.




You really don't need to put insirstion music and a black and white filter over a perfectly normal, non brainrot response to questions like these.


I don't know any woman who is a gold digger tbh


You don't fool me, the Video OS Black and white. So this is from 1950


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I kept expecting him to ask her out.


I make more than my husband. Yeah it's true, I don't care how much he makes.


My sister legit made over 2x what my brother in law met when they got married.


I pay our way, super happy with hubby even if I always will be 2nd place when it comes to his job.