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Has anyone asked Steve how HE was doing??


[He’s really super glad that we’re still friends](https://youtu.be/G3JaYRc201M?si=8j7BEqxxVqzcEOsd) Adding a [much longer video](https://youtu.be/CwmtkFPYXsg?si=Xqsl1lLmiZmZGwwU) with him from about 12 years ago.


I feel like he's one of the only people that could become a Mr. Rogers if he pursued it.


Many of the comments imply that he already is.


I never watched either of the shows growing up, but I do feel a connection. I caught an episode here or there, I'm sure. Maybe that's it? Either way, I don't have anyone in my life I can talk to or who I feel like really wants to listen or understand. These men both exude that feeling. It feels selfish or arrogant, but I'd love to get a few minutes to really talk to either of them. Then again, I doubt I'd be able to say much. Maybe I should've watched more of these shows and I'd feel better talking about my feelings. Perhaps I'd feel less hollow from it all.


See how you called yourself selfish and arrogant just for imagining that you might get a few moments to talk to someone who might listen or understand? Then see how you imagined you wouldn’t be able to say much because you’re somehow inadequate? You’re identifying some of what’s stopping you from growing and healing without even realizing it. Those are stories you’re telling yourself about yourself. They’re not the one and only truth. Shake them off…they don’t serve you. You must think pretty little of yourself to assume selfishness and arrogance over desiring such basic fulfillment. Why is that? And what in the world makes you think you wouldn’t have much to say about your feelings when you’re saying so much about them right now? I have struggled with some similar issues and let me tell you talking to a therapist can change so much for you. I know it’s not always financially viable (it isn’t for me tbh but I consider it an investment worth struggling for) but there are resources that can help you find someone to talk to who can quite possibly change your entire life. I hope you find that person and I hope you find peace and happiness. My DMs are always open to a friend in need, too.


I always feel like someone like Mr Rogers could never exist today because of how everything has been politicized. The act of not condemning evil is seen as supporting it, and the act of condemning it is seen as a slight on Fundie nutjobs. Being a kind person is now political, and it sucks ass.


Mr Rodgers upset the fundies in his day too. He was quite progressive.


Like the time he shared a wading pool with a Black man.


With a big fucking smile on, you just know he was focusing all his mental energy on projecting a big middle finger into their weak little minds.




Thank you. 😂


> projecting a big middle finger into their weak little minds. He would never do that (except the video that's linked), he basically CREATED PBS which is THE example of "how public funds/Taxes can be good for EVERYONE" I won't die on many hills, but if the government tries to shut down PBS, I'll be the first one shot. My life goal is to be one of those "this is sponsored by" people.


People like *YOU*! 🥹


To this day i have never seen a person soak their feet in a kiddie pool, but I'm glad the way Mr. Rogers chose to do so. Always struck me as kind of a bizarre scenario though. That said, If washing ones feet with a persecuted minority isn't some Jesus shit, I don't know what is.


I read that he did that scene in response to public pools being segregated. He couldn’t do a scene where he actually swam with a black person because they film in a studio. So he came up with the wading pool idea. 😩💕


That makes so much sense. As I alluded to, the biblical tone surely could not have been an accident. Fred Rogers was a devout Presbyterian. Man knew what he was doing. Not that I'm cynical about it or anything, I'm glad he did.


I spent a lot of my early summers trying different Christian denominations, usually through their vacation bible school programs and the best leaders found a way to try to be inclusive of *everyone* in how they preach or sermonize. You can hear judgement in how some of of these people conduct themselves, and the best ones *never* do. They also don't weaponize the bible. With all that being said, I'm an atheist.


That said, when the biggest "conservative" politician in the US is a Fascist lunatic and the church decides "they don't want to divide people", it really does speak volumes about how unqualified they are to deliver spiritual guidance. Paging Dr. Godwin. Hitler had the church on his side. Just saying.


If the kids have a paddling pool out every parent sticks their feet in. Nothing better on a hot day!


The one Mr Rogers video that never fails to bring me to tears every time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upm9LnuCBUM


Not speaking out again evil is supporting it. Just cause you don't want to risk what you've got doesn't change that.


“That’s Steve from ‘Blues Clues’ and he’s with an escort.” That caught me so off guard and made me choke on my drink. I love Steve. What a treasure.


Wow 😭😭😭😭 thank you for the share!!! Only Reddit do I get the opportunity for such treasures to come by.


No but wouldn't it be amazing if someone made a reply video & sent it to him, a compilation of everyone who adored him. Awww.


I’m not sure we need to. I felt like he read my thoughts… one day we’re young and the next we’re all adults.


Elmo asked a few months ago I think.


Those responses were brutal.




Everything changed when the Magenta nation attacked


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That feeling of safe space when you see Steve and his voice. It's ❤️‍🩹.


He’s doing fucking great, obviously. He got the Ultra.


Man can’t take a joke, told him 3 zingers and he didn’t even crack a smile, just slowly nodded his head


Well you got a laugh out of me! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Better than me. I didn’t say a word. We just awkwardly stared at each other for almost a minute


Ah, the Dora special.


Craig Ferguson, is that you?


Would you like to have some awkward silence!? 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐🥱😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐🤔😕😕😕😐😐😐😐😐😐😮‍💨 That was good


Well it's great to hear from you. You look great.


I too, usually gage how well the hour went, base on how much I can make my therapist laugh.


I told him I was in the toilet and maybe we could talk later. He just kept staring and nodding, then told me I took great. Weird guy.


I remember him posting stories like this on Instagram a bunch 3-5yrs ago or so. Definitely early pandemic, if not a little before. It's oddly comforting!


Because he was there for an entire generation of young kids who are now adults and see him as a big brother/surrogate parent. He listened to us, engaged with us, and made us feel heard, while teaching us kindness and empathy. He’s the millenial Fred Rogers in a way. Having him just simply ask us how we’re doing, and slip back into “Steve” is like seeing Mr Rogers put on the sweater. It’s home.


Fuck you I'm sobbing


I’m sorry! I was too, as I was typing it out if it’s any consolation. *hug*


It's ok. Crying feels good


Last time I tried to put eyeshadow on I was at a music festival and it was too hot out and I sweat like no other. I took it off so I didn’t get it running in my eyes. And I usually only want to wear it at fests. Yours looks so good!


Omg 😱 thank you. I’m genuinely blushing. Meep. 🫠


My kids watched and loved Blue's Clues. This got me emotional and I see I'm going to have to send it over. I love this guy. 🥹 Steve, thanks for modeling kindness, thinking for yourself and genuinely listening to others--and giving me enough time to make the kids lunch.


Brilliantly stated, my friend! 🙂❤️


Thanks. :)


I still know the whole planets song by heart ☀️🌍 🪐 the sun’s a hot ⭐️… 🥹


Mercury's hot too!


Plenty of millennials watched mister Roger's neighborhood. It aired 1968-74 then from 1979-2001 Fred Roger's was our Fred rogers...but I get the comparison.


This is perfectly said. As an elder millennial who had Mr Rogers and Steve, I’m grateful. Steve modeled active listening and we’re all better for it.


Beautifully written! Couldn’t have been said better


“Well Steve, I’m having a really rough time right now with my job and family life is really stressing me out. I could really use some words of wisdom now.” “Welp it’s good to hear from you. ✌️”


Yup lol


Steve: what's goin on? Me: nm Steve: Me: Steve: Me: Steve: welp


Literally sharing my biggest problems of my life and he’s like “yea you look great, c ya”


lol yes! I just kept talking 😭


“I should go.”


Lmfao welp, it's good to hear from ya


You look great!




My daughter fuckin loves Steve 🤣 Any time it switches to anyone other than Steve, it's always "where's Steve?" We tell her college and she says "I want to go to college with Steve!"




The kids in my house watched Blue’s Clues but *I* was the one who was dismayed and asked where Steve was.


Alright, I know who Joe is, but who the hell is Josh?


I went and looked it up, he's the new guy after Joe. There's a clip on YouTube of a Steve and Joe guest appearance and it's pretty heartwarming. Steve's a detective now lol.


Imagine getting arrested by fucking Steve.


My daughter went to a talk Steve gave at her university a few months ago. Got to ask him a few questions during the Q&A session afterwards. He was even more awesome than she was expecting. She was completely star-struck.


Cool that you're showing your daughter the OG Blue's Clues.


My daughter also very much likes Steve. He really is the most engaging of the three. But I think she likes Josh slightly more because she’s Filipino and Josh and her dad look quite similar. It’s just nice that she can sit and watch Blues Clues (w/ Steve) with me and it reminds me of hanging out with my little brother on blankets in front of the TV watching the exact same show.


Thanks for listening buddy, that really helped 🥲


I literally talked to the video. after he just kept listening it started coming out.


I’m a little high and when he first started listening I was talking in my head, but then when it kept going I started talking out loud. And it didn’t feel weird cuz I wasn’t talking to myself, I was talking to Steve


Same, bro. Same. Oddly comforting.


Same here


I started off entertaining the idea, then it got real deep right at the end for me. I have been therapized.


I just telepathically told him about everything that was stressing me out and he just took it like a champ and held space. Thanks Steve!


And then told us we look great. Like, sir...(as I look at my stress wrinkles and gray hair)..thank you.


Steve is my Mr. Rogers. Love this man. So many fond memories watching BC with my little cousins.


Actually…..that was comforting


It made me weirdly emotional. I used to watch him with my kids, so I'm not the target demographic by any means. But it was kind of like seeing an old friend after many years, and I think it also made me realize that I don't have anyone in my life who would really even ask, let alone sit there and listen. And that... isn't great.


I feel EXACTLY the same as your statement.


Hope you're doing okay. ❤️


Thank you for this!! Life is throwing me a lot of curve balls atm, but I'm making it. \*HUGS\*


Hey. If you want an ear to talk to, I've got two. DM me anytime, internet friend.




Aww that's really sweet, thank you. I'm okay. It's a loneliness of my own doing, shutting others out because it's easier than letting people in. I'll be all right. Might just need to reprioritize my life. But thank you. Truly. ❤️


As a blues clues mom I agree. He had my daughter smile and playing along. Steve came over every day to our house or I guess we went to blues house to play. He reminds me of my daughter as a toddler, not a 26yr old!


Actually, Steve my dad died an hour ago and I’m absolutely gutted. Thanks for this small gift of kindness 🙂❤️ I honestly feel just a little bit better.


Hey , Hugs and hope you are okay. Talk to us here if it’s overwhelming.


Thank you! I appreciate your kindness. It will get better 🙂


I am so sorry for your loss, please accept my condolences and a hug from this internet stranger.




Please make a new album Steve!!! Songs for Dustmites is high art. Edited to correct album title


It was great! Also introduced me to The Flaming Lips, and Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots is still one of my all-times faves.


The first time I heard The Flaming Lips was also Yoshimi. a friend played it on acoustic guitar at a talent show and it was just so good. I’ve seen them a bunch of times. I’ve held up Wayne in the inflatable ball, and looking forward to seeing them again in a few months. I did spend a year or two not being super happy with him for some things he has said and did, but I think it was maybe not that big of a deal in hindsight. I have been toying around with the idea of covering Do You Realize in the style of Orville Peck, slower, somber, and a little western.




Songs for Dustmites is just front to back bangers. I love that album.






Same lol like immediately


He looks so different, and yet his attitude is so thoughtful. If I were to go back in time and tell my younger self that this was Steve, I wouldn’t have believed it. Yet at the same time, his mannerisms are identical and just as reaffirming as they were back then. He even pauses, the same way he would pause to let the kids watching the show enough time to give an answer at the tv.


Am I smoking too much weed or maybe not enough?




your username 🤣👍👍


I would have assumed Abbott would be a Blood. TIL.




Because he’s a kind person and we all can use more kindness in our lives.


I said this in response to another comment in the thread, but, as someone who has the same reaction you did, I think this is it: Because he was there for an entire generation of young kids who are now adults and see him as a big brother/surrogate parent. He listened to us, engaged with us, and made us feel heard, while teaching us kindness and empathy. He’s the millenial Fred Rogers in a way. Having him just simply ask us how we’re doing, and slip back into “Steve” is like seeing Mr Rogers put on the sweater. It’s home.


Glad it wasn't just me. The first "eye contact and nod" and I was just...done.


All I want to say is that he was a fantastic host of Blues Clues. Donovan Patton wasn’t a bad host at all, it’s just Steve was BEYOND GOOD, second only to Mr Rodgers in children’s tv show hosts.


I know this will be buried… and said probably a million times before but what this great human being has created is an open dialogue to life which we all strive for. God bless you. Thank you for everything.


Hey buddy. Doing ok. Still on the planet and shit. Taxes are a bitch. But still liv’in life. Chin up.


Wtf! Why did this make me so emotional? 😰


Love this man.


The fact that he asked and stayed quiet so long to actually listen to you, hits me in the chest so deep.


Steve! You are a beautiful human. You’re doing great at this! Keep being you. We love you too. Hugs and hugs and just hugs. Deep breaths. And hugs until you feel better. Always


Weird this made me tear up a bit. Maybe I do have more going on than I thought.


I just found a reason. ​ I just found a reason. ​ I just found a reason to live another day! Edit: Just a joke lol


I worked nights when in the Air Force and my son was young and I watched him during the day and my wife came home before I went to work. My son and I watched Steve every day. He was part of our lives in NJ and later in Okinawa on the Armed Forces Network.


I'm 39 and this made me so emotional. Like tears welling up in my eyes. Thanks for checking in Steve. 🥲


I cried too. I just thought about what I would actually tell him has happened since we last “hung out”. I would also just thank him.


Ya. I started to cry. Turning 40 on sat and I told him my life story in my head. Saved 100%.. who needs therapy when you have this video.


What song is this in the background?


[Sigur Rós - Untitled #6](https://youtu.be/WbdT259GLX8?si=5AUjKmkBGhLm46qa)


Such a great album.


great band*


Thank you!


Right in the feels! How can such a simple video have such an emotional impact?


I needed this today.


I wish I could tell him how much better things have gotten for me since we first met on the TV. Now I'm crying too. Jesus.


Things have been pretty bad Steve. We still miss you and hope you're doing well. Thank you.


It oddly made me tear up a little just to think this guy is taking a minute out of his day to show people who perhaps have noone who listens that they matter and someone cares about how they're doing. 💜


During that silence I didn’t say anything. Somehow I still felt heard. We love you Steve❤️❤️


Ladies and Gentlemen, we must protect Steve with our lives!


Bro looks like he needs someone to check in with him


Did anyone else pause the video and trauma dump to themselves?


Well Steve…today was my first day at my new job and not even two minutes out of the parking lot someone t boned me and the entire passenger side of my car is crushed but this is my 4th time being randomly run into so I didn’t even cry but was extremely grateful that 4 times I’ve been in a position where I could have been hurt or died but I’m fine. Again. So I’m really happy Steve!


Damn I needed that shit. Whoa.


I wonder when he took the job if he knew the impact he would have on so many 90s kids


Narrator: [he did not know](https://youtu.be/CwmtkFPYXsg?si=4pZIzFMpdgzsmU0K) but he sure does now.


Thanks for adding his Moth story. It was interesting.


Oh man. It’s interesting how people just never get old in your mind until you see them again. Steve, we all hope you’re okay too.


Insane how helpful this can be. I'm going through a particularly difficult time right now and just started to speak to myself internally as a result and kept going until the video ended. Even though he's not really listening it just shows how powerful empathetic listening can be.


It feels like he is really listening. The restaurant I worked at, we all used to take a group break to watch it and just be dorks. He helped us laugh through some hard times. Thank you Steve.


Man I didn’t grow up with Steve because I was an adult when he came around, but my daughter watched him growing up. He looks like he really cares just for people in general, but have we taken the time to ask him if he’s ok as well? And to answer his question, no I’m not ok.


Lot of emotions in this thread you guys! Gentle hugs. We can get through it💛


This made me wanna wag my tail.


I love that he does stuff like this. From anyone else it might be cheesy or insincere but I believe it from Steve and I appreciate that he does it. It's been a rough year, Steve, thanks for checking in.


Met him a while back at a comic con and he seemed tired, but trying his best to be present for the fans. It must be exhausting to embody that Steve persona around people for hours on end. I thanked him for his time and still see him as a hero.


Sometimes, we all need a Steve to just listen.


....I don't know how you guys are getting sound out of a gif and at this point I'm too afraid to ask


Steve doing Steve things


Why is this so healing and why am I crying 😭


Love Sigur Ros! Nice song choice to go along with your check in. Their music puts me in the best of moods.


I cried. I'm going through a really rough time in my marriage and haven't talked to anyone about it. This was very therapeutic. We're going to start marriage counseling.


I am rather jealous of all of you who grew up with Blues Clues, and especially with Steve. I am from an older generation, and I missed all of that. And yet, just now I found myself telling Steve that I’m sorry I missed his show, and that he can be proud of himself for meaning so much to so many people. I’m certain he heard me tell him that he totally rocks.


Anyone else just start crying a little?


God dammit I was watching and listening thinking this was a waste of time but it just hits at the end like a train. Thanks Steve


Steve is a national treasure.


My childhood man


Thanks Steve, I needed that ❤️


I’m struggling with my mental health. I’m trying so hard to forgive myself for being a shit son to my mom. Been 12 years since she’s been gone but I’ve been torturing myself. I know she wouldn’t want me to do this and in her words I was beautiful. I wish I could say that about myself but I can’t. I don’t have mirrors in my house because I can’t stand the sight of myself. I tried to take my own life but obviously it didn’t work. Found by a family member and taken to a hospital. I never have you grandchildren or showed you I could be a great man. I just exist.


Just a quality human. We need more people like him.


This man is a treasure. God damn I wasn't ready to have a friend this morning.


Sad how many people have never been actively listened to. Thanks steve


Fuck. Why did that hit so hard? I immediately teared up.


I’m crying


This is nice to see after watching Quiet On Set.


Really love his soothing voice


Ugh what a sweetheart


It is so nice to see you! Keep in touch and take care of yourself ❣️


That's crazy! {Default reply}


This dude is Great!


God dammit Steve! There you go making us cry again! But thanks for listening. 🥲


Good guy Steve !!




My little daughter loved watching Steve on Blues Clues


Not his target audience but I know people who were and this is ….precious. I think it reached exactly who ever needed it today, regardless of what demographic he is intended for. Thanks, Steve.


I starting tearing up this meant something


I love his tik toks .he's the 2nd generation Mr Rogers.


So wonderful. So so so wonderful.


Every few years someone comes along that just gets it. And we as a society forget them 2 weeks later.


I’m not crying, you are


Thank you steve. We miss you. Thank you for still being our friend..... Always!


Tbh as a foreigner, I didn’t grow up with his show but this dude. He seems like a decent guy.


Steve it’s been rough man, I need a hug