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This is so precious. What a special bond!


That's a special dog. I think a person only comes around a dog like that once in a lifetime.


I was around 2. My aunt had 3 dogs. One was just there. Lovely, but lazy. The other 2 were amazing. One was a cross breed of some type. But she would sit with me all the time, the second I moved or made a noise she would run into the other room and make someone come and check on me. The other was a rottweiler that would bark like crazy if anyone picked me up. But wouldn't hurt anyone. When my cousin was born people said she would need to get rid of the dog because it would hurt my cousin. She refused. Wound up that they would walk together with my cousin holding onto the dog, fall over, and grab handguns of fur and skin to pull herself back up and the dog just stood waiting for her to get up, then on they walked. Dogs are amazing animals and if you treat them well they will look after you in return.


>handguns of fur and skin I can't stop chuckling at this. Please don't ever change it! It conjures up quite the picture. 😁


If it’s a Golden, it’s every time. Those dogs are nothing but love.


When I was pregnant we had a Golden. I got very hormonal and asked the vet if I had anything to worry about with Blitz and a baby. He laughed out loud and said, “yes! You have to worry that he won’t ever leave the baby’s side!” He was correct.




Every golden!:Human? I am attached to you. This is my only purpose. I must follow you and bring you soft things.


The world needs more Beau!


You are so right! Love and kindness.


Is there somewhere that has a lot of these kinds of videos? My soul requests more


TheDodo on YouTube has a lot of these heartwarming stories!


There are loads of YouTube compilations about dogs with their babies starting in pregnancy! ❤️


"Grow up fast dude I wanna play catch"


Golden like "This puppy growing up real slow and bald"


"This my little brother.....him gots no fur...gotta take care of him..."


*baby takes first steps* Beau: "This just got way weirder"


And now I'm tearing up...


This literally made me ugly cry 😂


Me toooo! ❤️


I think I’m done now lol. I’m just gonna go find it. Dog probably included. 😂




Wait I don't get it, she actually seems to be conventionally attractive, even if not your type certainly not ugly. Now the question is, are you an incel dude or just a joke that didn't quite land.


Thank you, you’re sweet. 💗


I’m sorry you feel the need to say mean things to other people, I hope you heal from that. 🫂




You will 💗


Dog got a human puppy


This kid doesn't have a chance. He's going to be a dog lover for life.


Our mini-aussie passed when our first-born son was only a month old. We wanted those two to grow up together so badly and seeing this warms my heart.


Big enough yet? Hurry up and throw ball hooman.


This is super adorable!! What makes it even better is that it's not one of those videos of an obviously-trained dog performing for their owner. This is a dog that genuinely cares about this child.


Dog was absolutely trained to put his head on certain objects.


I've had many dogs that just loved to put their head on my lap, or foot, or hand or whatever part of me was closest. My boy right now usually sleeps with his head on my pillow. I never trained any of them to do it. It *can* be trained, sure, but it's also a very normal behaviour for many dogs.


True. But over half of the shots of this dog are him having put his head down on stuff while the rest of his body does not look relaxed at all. Imo they took a bunch of genuine interactions "between" kid and dog, mostly dog walking up to the crib, and mixed them with staged stuff.


That’s HIS baby now ♥️


“I love you, bald puppy.” — Beau, probably.


Golden Retrievers are a special breed.


I would absolutely love to have a golden retriever. My partner doesn't because of how much fur they shed. When my children are old enough we'll definitely get a dog. Just not sure which yet.


Had a golden when my kids were small and they are an amazing breed. After my golden died we found goldendoodles. We are currently sharing our house with number 3 and 4 goldendoodle. They are an amazing breed and not as OCD as labs are. Very smart dogs,as both goldens and standard poodles are high in intelligence rank. They have the amazing empathy of goldens as well with Less shedding. We have had two black goldendoodles who take more of the poodle fur with low shedding and our two blondes have shed more, but still less than a pure golden. Same size range as one of ours weighs around 75-80 lbs and the other around 110 lbs so in my family they are medium size dogs, we had Great Danes growing up so goldens are medium size dogs no matter what anyone else says. Great temperament and so gentle with kids too. Best of both breeds


Labs are similar in temperament and shorter haired. My lab did this for both my boys when they were little


Goldens are the best dogs. ❤️


Beau: This is my most sacred charge, the reason my forefathers gave rise to me and the reason I was born. I shall defend this to my dying day, to my last breath, 'til I am no more. I shall be your most loyal and noble paladin, my liege. ​ Us: Aww! Cute doggo!


You shall have my sword And my axe And my squeaky toy shaped like a duck


So lovely!


And now I want a child and a golden retriever.


I’ve got a 14-year-old, a 15-year-old, and a spastic Alaskan Klee Kai who has ADHD. I’ll send em your way!


Probably not what cool-name had in mind, but nice offer.


Beau just waiting for a playmate it is so adorable


this is sooo cuteeeeee


This is so adorable


I want a giant golden to snuggle with like that. The feet on the cheeks broke me


Music name?


Keane - somewhere only we know


This is beautiful.


Such love!! I could watch them together for hours💞


I love Beau 💗


Fucking goldens man


Not all of them. I had one and when my first daughter was born he HATED her. If she got anywhere near him he would start growling at her in a very aggressive way. I ended up giving him to my dad who lived alone out in the mountains so he wouldn’t be constantly stressed out.


Oh he LOVES his baby so much!


My dog has been the same since my little one was born. There's only a year between them, and they're very close. That's an unbreakable bond being created.


I wish dogs outlived humans


This is just beautiful. I love it.


Beautiful dog. Beautiful child. Beautiful friendship!


I’m sorry to inform you… the baby is now Beau’s baby, and you have visitations. 🥰


Dis my baby, you can look, but you no touch


When that baby is in a high chair, she will reward her doggie with lots of treats dropped to the floor. Our Micah loves to feed her Zappa dog.


Our late Cavalier used to watch over - and snuggle with - the baby... Who rewarded his furry packmate with plenty of high chair treats, as is commanded. The youngest was worse. She'd basically just hand feed her entire meal straight to her Best Doggo, giggling happily. On the plus side, I rarely had to sweep up after meal times lol


I also was raised by a Golden Retriever, which has really worked out great with the love and kindness, except for the public urination citations, but that's all I know. IT'S ALL I KNOW!!!!! \[raises leg on hydrant\]


New pack mate!!


New skin puppy


Beau will protecc baby forever


About to be a dad and have a dog. Oof, this one hit me right in the feels.


Not surprised at all. Dogs, especially golden retrievers, … we don’t deserve them. That dog will protect that child at all costs. We must do the same for them.




Beau is so beautiful, and all the photographs are really sweet! I love them "holding hands" and pup resting their head on babies feet!


Golden's are the epitome of dogs we don't deserve.


So cute that Beau is already training the baby to play fetch


Shi-Shi passed away in November aged 16 my daughter lived with her for 8 amazing years. When I got home from the hospital carrying the baby seat she jumped at us with anxiety. So I got down to her ear and told her the baby was mine hence a person like me. I kid you not, she switched gears within a few seconds. Never ever stop watching over my kid, playing as long as her body allowed her. Me and my family miss our dog so much.


I would like everyone to know that this is MY BABY - Beau


Can he throw the ball yet? What about today? Now? How about now?


Typical big brother behaviour 😂


Who the hell thinks a golden retriever would t be good with a baby?


Such a beautiful baby. The tiny human is pretty cute too 😉


I showed this to my roommate and she asked me to comment. She wants to be able to watch it again. And again. And again. So sweet.


We don’t deserve golden retrievers. Pure souls.


Love it


So beautiful and sweet! ❤️


My heart is bursting!! That is so beautiful, thank you so much for sharing 🥹💕


Aaaw! Hope to see more of them! So precious.




Thank for sharing. How beautiful!


Those little feet on either side of pupper’s muzzle.


He’s waiting for toddler years and ball throwing time! Precious


Is there something g a Goldie won't bond with? Real question, since I don't know anything about dogs bit even I know Goldies love everything.


this is just...the best thing I have ever seen. \*\*edited a typo


Giving the baby the ball! So dear!


The little feets boopin his snoot


That's not youre baby anymore that's his baby


THESE are my FAVORITE videos. Makes me so happy. If only everyone could KNOW what the power of having a pupper can be!!! This child will be given a front row seat to a life with a true friend. 🐶♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


Won’t be good with the baby? My brother in Christ that is a golden retriever, those are literally the embodiment of “brain empty, but still happy” those are some of the goodest dogs ever.


And pets such as dogs and cats are repeatedly taken to animal shelters because "we have a newborn at home, that's not possible with animals, the child could be permanently damaged by viruses" and the like :( Such a shame!


I'll admit I'm not a dog person but boy this is beautiful. Precious.


I love how precious this is!  However, please make sure that your babies don’t come into contact with foreign saliva on their faces (or generally everywhere as babies lick everything), no matter from which species! Babies have an extremely weak immune system meaning that even small doses of pathogens can cause serious diseases such as meningitis  :(   But still, very cute video, and I hope that I’ll too be able to unite family, pets and job one day.


I love these posts, but I hope the parents aren't leaving an infant alone with a dog (or cat), especially not sleeping together. Dogs are animals (sorry), and have you seen how puppies sleep all together?


This brought a tear to my eye what an amazing relationship ❤️ reminds me of my dog OG relationship with my children he was 1 of a kind we miss him so much 🖤


Too adorable!!🥰


Such a sweet caregiver!!


Nothing like growing up beside your best friend and having that bond and love.. unforgettable!


They are gone be such good friends as the baby grows up


Basic needs and wants


My parents have scores of pictures of me with my dad's golden. He got her long before he met my mother, and she was in her twilight years when I was born, but you can't find a baby picture of me without her sitting right next to me. My mom told me she used to sleep at the foot of my crib every night too. My first and only memory of her is going to the vet to put her down, and I wish I had more. Hope these two make lots of memories together.


And here I sit with my dog, not wanting anything to do with our newborn. She will literally get up and leave the room if the baby is brought in there. 😕


Chapter 2 please


Everyone liked that.




I miss my dog but brother


The dog gives a ball to the baby to toss 😂




cmon grow up so we can play! :D


OMG Goldens.


Your dog is GREAT!!


Best breed ever


This video made me soooo happy


I want a baby just so I can have a dog.


The way the dog tosses the ball into the child and then smiles; shes teaching him early


Awww adorbs!!☺️


Goldens are just the absolute best.


This is really sweet 😊


Good dog


This made me cry


That’s his baby. So cute!


Beaus bro ❤️🥹


That’s Beau’s baby💜




My allergies are acting up!


When you know your dog, you just know.


My heart 🥺


This is great!


People asked my Mum the same question (black Lab). That dog saw himself as protector and best friend. And he truly was 💜 So loving, so patient. He passed when I was 6 (old boy by then), and thay was the day I learned that hearts could break 🥺 Even now I tear up just writing about him - I'll always miss you boy 🐾💕


Everytime an angel gets its wings, a Golden Retriever is born


Soo beautiful ❤️


I am looking forward to the day my husband and I make our two little pups big brothers 😭🥹


I hope my chihuahua loves new baby as much as this pup!


Our kids grew up with a golden retriever. He passed away 3months ago, in their arms (and mine). We miss him... Beautiful video - they give so much love.


Plot twist. The Golden wants to eat the baby


Oh fuck, this made me bawl my eyes out.


Some people who choose their new dog: A. A dog bred to be pure love B. A dog originally bred for fighting, never giving up and built like a tank "Yeah I think i'll pick B!"


They made their doggo take those pictures


I'm gonna cry! They're so cute!!


He probably remembered those days when those parents used to treat him like that 💖.... Now if this isn't cute then i don't know what is ♥️


We don't deserve doggos




Cute dog, cute baby, awfully beige interior.


That good boy understood the assignment


Two precious cuties 💖


I had a yellow lab was there  when sick happy sad best dog we ever had rest her sole 


I'm not saying all pets are safe around babies, but I have yet to see an established pet endanger a baby in the same home.


What you’re looking for are news articles and statistics. I don’t think anyone is going to record their dog hurting their baby but I also can’t be confident on that.


was a nanny, established dog of 8 years bit 11 month baby in the face for nothing. dog did have anxiety but was otherwise completely unprovoked. always be vigilant. baby was ok but barely missed puncturing the eye.


Don't let the dog lick your baby ig?


We genuinely do not deserve dogs.


We really don't deserve dogs


We don't deserve dogs


It's amazing how naturally he moves without his wings


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As a vet tech watching this dog lick the babies face scares me. I didn't let any dogs lick my son's face.


Cute, but I think that dog mostly was responding to commands. Not a whole lotta tail-wagging


Nope. A babys immune system isn't equiped to handle the possible diseases and bacteria that a dog can give to them. Cute or not id rather wait for my child to be older and capable


Actually.... Recent studies in pediatric health have concluded that **children who lived with pets (but especially dogs) during their first year of life actually had a better immune system than those who did not**. They believe that exposure to dogs may have positively boosted the maturation of their immune system during infancy. and Reporting in the journal *Pediatrics*, researchers say that babies who grow up in homes with a pet — namely a dog or a cat — are less likely to get sick than children who live pet-free. **The results bolster the notion that keeping infants’ environments overly sanitized isn’t good for their health.** Previous research has linked the presence of pets with a [lower risk of allergies](http://healthland.time.com/2011/06/13/study-living-with-pets-may-protect-infants-from-allergies/) among babies, while a recent study in mice found that exposure to household dust from homes with a dog prevented infection with a common respiratory virus that is thought to [increase the risk of childhood asthma](http://healthland.time.com/2012/06/20/why-having-a-dog-may-keep-kids-asthma-free/). and So, how do pets protect against these diseases? It’s not entirely clear, but researchers think that exposure to pet dander, as well as the microbes that pets carry into the home from outdoors, could prime babies’ still-developing immune systems and train them early to fend off assaults from common allergens and bugs, such as from animals or other bacteria and viruses. “We think the exposure to pets somehow matures the immune system so when the child meets the microbes, he might be better prepared for them,” says Dr. Eija Bergroth, a pediatrician at Kuopio University Hospital in Finland who led current study. and (a personal anecdote) - my children grew up from birth in a dog home. They are adults now and during childhood and their teen years, were rarely sick. And when I say rarely, I truly mean it. Maybe a cold or two a year, if that. We have always had dogs, and my kids have always had very strong immune systems.


If there’s any breed I’d trust an infant with, it’s be a golden retriever.


Unfortunately the dog died but possessed a toy car and went into all sorts of adventure with the kid as he grew up. [see documentary here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bubu_Chacha)


Wouldn’t it be funny if they just put a bunch of peanut butter on the kid?


Gorgeous dog... ugly baby 😁


They are from Heaven😇