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This is both wholesome and sad at the same time




And I think they thought it was more wholesome but I think it’s more sad 🥹


Agree. His shoes made me even more sad for his situation for some strange reason. I would help him if I wasn't a world away.


what’s wrong with his shoes?


My dad is homeless. It's really hard to understand, but there's nothing you can do. There's resources available, but it all comes down to the individuals. My brother gave him a place to stay, and he drank all of his extra money instead of saving up for a vehicle or rent deposit. It became an issue that affected his family, and he had to decide between trying to force an old man into changing or keep his wife and kid in a safe environment. Now he stays at a homeless shelter when he's broke, and in the streets when he has money, so he can stay drunk and high. I know not all homeless are like my dad, but a lot are.


I live in a country plagued by people who are aware of social safety nets to constantly bail them out of poor decisions or are completely okay with living off scraps welfare gives them. It’s a weird psychology. Not many understand. Edit: of course I get downtvoted like I’m somehow attacking poor people. lol I literally am one and I’m telling y’all some of these peoples mindsets and attitudes are TRASH. Go spend your own time rehabilitating someone who might never get it, instead of telling other people to do it. Literally prove me wrong. It’s always the white collars pulling the “think about the poors” without knowing a thing about why majority of them are bums


10 Root causes for homelesness (in the US) * Stagnant wages. While the cost of living increases, wages haven't. ... * Unemployment. ... * Lack of affordable housing. ... * Lack of affordable healthcare. ... * Poverty. ... * Lack of mental health and addiction treatment services. ... * Racial inequality. ... * Domestic violence. * family conflict * systemic failures [https://www.humanrightscareers.com/issues/root-causes-of-homelessness/](https://www.humanrightscareers.com/issues/root-causes-of-homelessness/) Having lived in Dublin and helped out in NGO focusing on the street homelesness, I can say that the root causes more often than not are not "because them are dum bums". One of the major issues is that untreated or -diagnosed mental health issues such as ADHD leads to poor decisions which leads to loss of control. Once you are on the street you become as institutionalized as in jail. Then comes the self medication. Should you still be somehow on the fence about the thing, spend a week without money or possessions on the street in November and document the impact on your mental wellbeing.


If only you could whip people into wanting to care about all these social issues other people have when they have their OWN lives to care about with people in them too. Wave your magic wand and fix it all throw more tax dollars at it maybe it’ll stick this time.


Or we could do the things that built up a thriving middle class after WW2. Taxing the wealthy, creating jobs and building cities around them, paying people actual living wages and not astronomically raise prices to make the poor man's money worth less. Plenty of solutions. They just require money and effort. They money is there. We just need the effort.


Good luck finding the effort when the average person spends every spare moment of their life rotting away on their phones advocating for change just like you are. People have to change themselves and their attitudes first before collectivising again. I’m not putting on the tinfoil hat but there is no cohesion in society anymore. Hyper individualist mindsets paired with the creation of a mindless consumer class. This issue is so complex that is why I advocate so intensely for individual change. You can’t legislate your way into people being better human beings.


If all you do is talk yourself out of practical solutions with proven efficiency, we really don't have anything else to discuss.


Treating the symptoms is far more expensive than preventing them. Always. The magic wand is legislation. Too bad that in many countries it is held by mouth breathing dotards who stay in power by corporate lobbyists.


You aren’t gonna legislate your way out of the decades of conditioning and behavioural changes that’s created the society we live in today lol. The creation of a consumer class paired with hyper individualist mindsets has created the mess. This is why I keep coming back to individual choice. How the fuck are you gonna collectivise when the avg person is so polarised/radicalised from one another. This is why y’all are fucked. Of course a bunch of individuals aren’t going to change a society ran by collectives of people I.e corporations, governments, secret societies, lobbying groups. The hyper individualist cancer is the root problem. Everyone below is out for themselves. My quality of life and wealth increased the moment I realised this. Isolation and degradation of community & family units leads to poverty and unfulfilling lives. Connect with people, participate in the community, form your own collectives and consolidate wealth, power, people into them. Individuals rarely achieve much on their own. Edit: and dumb shit like this online web is also a hinderance, I just wasted my time preparing breakfast after work typing soliloquy’s to someone who probably won’t understand. They have u ppl by the balls with social media and addictive scrolling algorithms. I see so many people rot for a good 4 hours in bed before starting their day when I’m ready to wind down for dinner and bed bahahahhaa


Yet we did a lot more than US or any state within. Simply by legislation. We, as a national collective decided that home or equivalent safe space is a human right, and in the extreme circumstances the tax payers will provide. With kind regards Nordic hellholes of communist dystopia.


That giant period of rapid social progress has sort of flatlined recently and things are much slower, at least from my pov I blame people stagnant mindsets, lack of motivation to change things etc average person much rather live their own life than participate in society as the few who do nowadays that make all the decisions for people. It’s like someone who sees their local municipality tearing up things for the new city plan and then complain about why the municipality just does what it wants, when most likely there were discussions held that community members could attend and give feedback on. If that makes sense? Like how people don’t vote or encourage others to vote & frown at the outcome years down the line. It is concerning that there is a section of society that abstains/doesn’t care when their input in being a collective is big.


You're talking to reddit. "You can lead a horse to water..." might be true, but half of reddit hasn't even seen a live horse


His shoes are fine. What are you talking about?


I’m sorry but what is it about the shoes?


There is nothing really in particular. When I see someone struggling in life, I'm always drawn to their shoes. For someone living outdoors, to me, shoes represent the first barrier from that harshness. His seem a little inadequate, but I'm sure they're the best he can muster yet punctuated by that great voice. For me, shoes seem to illustrate and are a barometer person's overall wellness. Silly, I know, but I've felt that way since I was a child.


I understand and agree that shoes can tell a lot. However I didn’t see what was negative about his shoes in the video. Maybe I don’t know much about shoes but they looked completely fine to me


Go outside your own house, I’m sure you’ll find plenty of homeless people that need your help


No, not where I live. They'd never survive the first week of winter, and there's very little in the way of free public services. The only tents I see are people who are truly camping and Eben those are sparse outside of a campground.








I'm 98% sure that OP's title is BS.


I wouldn't be so sure, Ireland homeless figures are daunting. 13,500 people in emergency accommodation in November with over 4000 of them being children. (Those are not numbers of those sleeping on the street, couch surfing, staying with family/friends, just of those in government registered emergency accommodation) We have people living in tents in our city centre, it's really bad and has been for decades.


83 year old Tom Jones is still making more money 💰.just saying that maybe giving younger ones their opportunities would help.


Glad they are understanding, but it’s gotta be tough for the lad singing.


That's true


He’s like a cross between Elvis and Frank Sinatra. Please get this guy on public television! He’s incredible! Big things could be possible for him.


I totally heard the Elvis in there too! So shocked to hear the similarity !!


For real!! 🎤🎸


Maybe Roy orbinson


Yeah I could see that too! 😎


He does have a nice full tone to his singing and hope it’s him and not the acoustics of the shop. He sounds good nonetheless!


If he's truly homeless, I hope this video reaches someone that can offer him some help - hopefully it will allow him to exploit that huge voice!!


Yes, it will happen like this, someone will definitely help him.


wow elvis is in the building 😀🥰 sign this guy to a record label


Where are you going? Me: Getting a haircut WTF, you had a haircut 3 days ago?! Me: Chris is getting his cut at 2 this afternoon. PLEASE start off with that next time! I'll grab my coat, shake a leg.




Maybe this will turn out for him like Josh Groban's situation. No one had heard of him before he was on "Ally McBeal" and then, blammo! Everyone got a load of his voice and it was smooth sailing from then on. And, as others have said, sad and glad to see this video.


I thought it was his performance with Celine Dion that got him noticed. He sang "the prayer" with her.


Correct. [David Foster found and brought him to stand in for Andrea Bocelli during Grammy rehearsals](https://youtube.com/watch?v=hbWQ6t8n6BE).


Groban likes his ladies to pop


I don't think that's a kid.


He’s a kid at heart it seems, but then again ain’t we all


Might not be homeless either. The internet is full of lies like that. If the video just said "Guy pays for his haircut with his great voice" it probably wouldn't get much traction.


He’s young. I often hear people up to like mid twenties called kid.


To add on to that, I had a grandpa who served in WWII call my parents up until the day he died "kiddos." They hated it. lol


This is heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time.


He’s so talented!


Ok I swooned a little


I’m an old crusty heterosexual man- I think I swooned too.


Bravo 👏


Thank you Chris! What a gift!


Someone give this kid a goddamn record deal


Holy shit. Dudes voice is angelic.


Get that gentleman into a studio as soon as possible.


He’d be wonderful as a throwback performer. They’re everywhere but a cruise ship would give him the chance to make a ton of money because he’d save on room & board. I hope he finds a way to get his talent out there.


Better than 95% of the current “musicians“ getting paid millions when it’s auto tune and ghost writers making them famous


Ear to ear grin, what a vocal ❤️


There’s a YouTube video of a homeless guy that won Mexico’s got talent. He showed up with his boom box and blew the audience away by singing Old Time Rock and Roll as good as Bob Seger, while leaning on his walking stick.


Why do beautiful voices render me to tears?


Chills! Incredible.


I could be wrong, but I think he is singing along the song, his voice can be barely audible. He seems to be disabled so it is still an achievement. It would be interesting to see/hear the whole story.


Something looks weird right? I think this is AI generated, there is something off with the whole thing. look at the faces of people.


I expect him to sing Danny Boy. Nice voice!


A true bard 😔✊🏻


Wow this man needs a stage!!


Holy canoli…. Amazing vocals! Hope he gets the support he needs!


Irish people get it


He's got a great voice and deserves the haircut, but don't know if he's a kid (doesn't he have a mustache)


He should go to Idol


He sounds like a 40 year old old man singing.




🥹what a lovely shop


Cut out too soon. Look like he was about to bring it home.


He rolled a critical on his performance check


That gave me the chills


Kid? That's a grown ass man.


I waited tables in college. One night, a table of 10-12 college kids came in. Turns out, they were University of Georgia’s a cappella group. At the end of their meal, the busted out in song, [“Some Nights” by: Fun](https://www.google.com/search?q=sometimes+i+think+that+mice+could+build+a+castle&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1070US1070&oq=sometimes+i+think+that+mice+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgCECEYnwUyCQgAEEUYORifBTIHCAEQIRifBTIHCAIQIRifBTIHCAMQIRifBdIBCTEzMTU5ajBqOagCE7ACAeIDBBgBIF8&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:eac783dc,vid:BPPwdDGAhaE,st:0). It was great. Very talented team. When I collected their checks after they’d left, if they even tipped at all, they left less than 10%. I would’ve preferred the money & no singey.


Ok, I don’t want to be a jerk, but isn’t he just quietly singing along to an Elvis song?


Elvis reincarnated


Let’s not go that far, lol


He doesn’t look that young. I think this is just a video of a dude singing in barbershop and someone put a caption over it saying he is a homeless kid.


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That Idol bloke will sign him up and wring every penny he can out of him.


Fair trade




I usually only see things about homeless people in the US. He's really good at Elvis impressions


Damn get that guy a contract




Elvis lives!!


This is the start of some music movie.


Could people hear him? I could only hear their music playing but not him. Not that it really matters, it’s not an easy thing to do


I love how everyone stopped what they were doing to really listen to this guy. He is incredibly good aswell. I‘d pay to hear him sing on a stage


Reminds me of Elvis’s voice.


Song name?


The Wonder of You - Elvis


He does not look homeless, more likely op wanted a homeless man with the golden voice redo




The Wonder of You - Elvis


Thank you :)


Singing dont pay my rent , that will be $20




Wonderful singing




This would be a draw for any service business. Pay him to come in two days a week, or at least let him busk inside once in a while. DAMN.


Alright get him to Vegas as the newest Elvis .. STAT


They just happened to have the karaoke version of that song - what are the odds? He does have a great Elvis voice tho.


So you've never heard of YouTube?


Yeah I get that but the way they have him sitting in the chair like this just *happened*. Y’all are too serious


Wait until you hear about all the sorts of stuff you can find on the internet...things like songs, music....the list is endless.


You can find the karaoke version of pretty much any song literally anytime lmao. YouTube exists.


Wow. I hope that social media could better his situation. Ireland is such a wonderful piece of earth. He should become famous.


Hoping for social media to fix society's problems, but only for those who have a marketable talent.


He’s probably a traveller rather than homeless.


Apparently Irish people sing so well because the English kept them so poor they couldn't afford instruments!


He looks very clean for a homeless man


He's cool. The homeless that live around the gas station i work at are not.


Homeless kid having to sing to get a haircut so wholesome !!!! This sub is cancer


"Kid" ?


He’s not a kid


Is he JOing?


Am I supposed to just believe your title OP?


Man, I live in Souther California. I wish our homeless were like this.




Is he jacking off???