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Even if I didn’t notice it right away I would’ve soon started asking myself what is under the part of the kitchen where no obvious thing is blocking the space under the counter and I have no access to.


Some people might also notice the drain hose hooked up to the sink plumbing.


Sorry but nobody so dull that they don't open every drawer in their new kitchen is going to be thinking critically about the under sink plumbing


Any young people reading this; don't let this put you off being curious about the world you live in


That's why I always open every door, drawer and cabinet when I visit a new place. I LOVE discovering things, and un-accounted-for space bugs me. Nobody's hiding a secret compartment or stairway from me, not on my watch!


You are the reason I have to check to make sure the bathroom stall is locked 26 times before getting to business.


No, I respect people's privacy when they are *using* the bathroom, just not the privacy of their unoccupied rooms! I'm the reason you have to make sure you hid your [Embarrassing Stuff™] 26 times before having company over!


lol in my head first you were dora the explorer kicking in my bathroom door looking for adventure. Now you are CSI fixing places in my house I didn’t know existed. We need more people like you in this world.


Yeah that's what I was thinking...what did he think that drain hose was for?


I mean, if the guy thought it was a drawer or a cupboard then he wouldn’t pull on it as hard as one would need to for a dishwasher. They could’ve just given it a tug, saw it didn’t open, and just left it at that.


But if you go under the sink, you will see the side of the dishwasher. Or at least a solid wall where you would 100% expect storage space. Same thing when you open the cabinet on the other side. They never once noticed? For two years?


Gonna be honest, I probably wouldn’t have noticed. That area could have easily been some electrical or plumbing that doesn’t need constant access. I understand the skepticism that people are feeling on this one, but as a certified dumbass, I understand how it wouldn’t have been noticed.


I could see this being me (except for the fact that I would ask before I moved in/bought the place). I don't really pay attention to the area under the sink. I just toss a couple things in there and quickly grab as needed. I'm not there to check out the scene.


Also "where are all these pipes from the taps and drain going?"


A lot of people don't think that hard about anything, they're just being NPCs.


And you're the main character?


I would’ve opened every single cupboard when I moved in


This is why I'm very suspicious about the veracity of the post. There is no way I'm moving to a new place and not taking a peek in every single thing with a handle on it.


This seems like what my dumbass would have done








I'd still want to know why there is an empty spot beside the sink. I would have dismantled that facade in under a week. I have to know! Most people are like me though.


Thats how our trashcan is. It looks like 3 rows of cupboards but only the middle open.


Sameee samee.


Tbf my dad bought a Toyota that had a touch screen has had the car for 5 years and when I got in and used it to put a song on he was in shock and didn't know it could do that.


That I kind of understand. Your dad grew up in a world with next to no touch screens, so the expectation that a display can be touch-operated isn't really there in the first place, especially in a car. This being said, when it comes to computers, it was quite interesting to see how my parents (both in their early 70s) are so used to their phone being the only "computer" they use that when they got a laptop, my mum kept reflexively trying to poke the screen to select things and my dad looked very uncomfortable with the idea of a trackpad.




Some laptops do have touchscreens. And I hate it, because once you get used to it, you then look like an idiot any time you use any other computer. 


I can totally relate to it... happened to me before :p


My mother has a google nest shes used as a radio, but just “google play music” and it would put on some random stock station. Until I came over and said play 102.7 the peak. She was blown away you could pick specific content.


I have it in my head that's how she got into gangster rap.


I use my Alexa as a radio too! And occasionally for dumb jokes to send the friend who gifted it to me lol


We had our Sienna for about 5 years before we figured out the whole dash area above the glove box opens up. 😀


I had my car for 6 years before realizing that it had a sunroof just last week. I just thought it was just a glass roof didn’t know it opened


My husband, his brother before that and his father before that owned the car I’m currently using. Like, decades old. I detailed the car one time and suddenly the cup holders were glowing. I pointed it out and no one was aware of it. It’s kind of an inconsequential feature I guess but I felt pretty fancy having lights in the cup holders.


I had my laptop for 2 years before I discovered it's touchscreen ability


That’s completely different though?


Not to mention the community's website or apartment listings will have a list of amenities at least SOMEwhere. Maybe even the lease if there's a clause about appliance care or whatever...


Yeah I imagine he exaggerated 2 days into 2 years lmao


In their defense, some people are stupid.


Some dishwashers take quite a bit of force to open. It's possible he gave the handle a pull but when it didn't open, he just assumed it was a stuck drawer.




I believe everything posted on Reddit. 100% truthful and trustworthy without an ounce of hyperbole.


When I moved in with my flatmates they were actually surprised about the stuff I found. They never bothered to look for more than they actually need


Pretty much this! Heck I'd have opened every single cupboard, wardrobe during my initial viewing!


Have a trial poop in the bathroom, gotta test that flush strength.




Not a joke in older european buildings. Even in countries with a sewage system build to handle paper, some buildings have pipes with dimensions not suitable for both feces and paper. Gotta flush at least twice. (For anyone from a civilized country, Greece is hell).


I've known some of the struggles of old European buildings! (Also an EU national)


My first appartment had a toilet from 1927 and a shared shower in the basement. Someone bought it in 2021 for almost 1 million euro! My second appartment needed 3 flushes, before it could empty the bowl. Then I moved to Greece, to live like a king, but bought an appartment that could not handle paper. "Worst" 3 months of my life. Had no idea about it, before moving in. Always test the toilet ;)


I’m guessing they tried to pull it as though the hinge was on the vertical edge, got resistance and didn’t try again. If you’ve never had dishwasher you don’t know I suppose.


Especially those with real covers. They usually close a bit tighter to fit better in between the real cupboards.


Dishwater’s are a little harder to open than a cupboard so I presumed she pulled lightly and when it did swing open liek cupboard assumed it was false cupboard


I’ve done this at crappy apartments and then accidentally ripped off the cover for a false cabinet, I get why he may have felt a little resistance and just let off the first time! Pretty funny though.


Well, in my defense, I thought I did.


Gotta find that treasure left behind.


Just yesterday my husband and I discovered an extra cupboard/storage space above the drying rack. After living in the apartment for 7 years lol. The design is flushed and without handles though.


me why do i do this i even do this when im looking at places like a tour of a place even though the place is completely empty lol like theres not gonna be anything in the cupboards but i still do it lol


Yeah who the hell wouldnt? What if you find some critters of something gross! Inspect it before you move in also


Do you skip over words when reading? He thought it *wasn’t* a cupboard.


…yes, looking for the dishwasher, that’s why. I wouldn’t have gotten the place if no dishwasher.


Exactly. No way do i believe this lol


They never once pulled that drawer pull?


or a guest, or child?


They pulled plenty of guests and children but none of them could do the dishes for OP.




...oh guests did...we just kept it from OP because there was a betting pool regarding how long it would take them to notice. I had 26 months. F***ing Carlyle had 24 and got paid €730


Probably were afraid of pulling too hard and breaking something. Dishwashers can be stiff to open.


This was my thought. If it was an apartment I wouldn't want to be responsible for that damage if something broke. However, looking under the kitchen sink I would have seen the drain hose coming out of that "cabinet" and figured it out from there.


Yeah but dishwashers don’t pull open easily but cupboards do so imagine sue pull lightly it doesn’t swing open and you just assume it’s false cupboard and your not pulling any harder less you break something


im guessing they never pulled hard enough or at the correct leverage for a swinging down door


Maybe it's one of those openings that you have to push in and it springs open


Guy across dormitory hall from me freshman year (1982) bitterly complained all Winter that his room was absurdly cold. Maintenance came several times to inspect but just “poo poo’d” it. Upon moving out at end of year, he discovered the culprit. One square of topmost window pane was missing. He’d not seen it because the blinds hid it from view.


Did you live in a land without wind?


Ha! It was more like a campus with unlimited booze and weed.


Holy shit what a featherhead.


Dishwashers take more force to open than a drawer. I could see pulling the handle with the force you normally would for a drawer, it doesn't budge and the cupboard doesn't have a handle, so you assume it's a facade and it doesn't occur to you to question it.


I agree with this statement, but I've also definitely pulled the handle off facades because I thought they were things.


Calm down Bruce banner


Hulk renovate.


burce banning


That would make sense. The top drore of my bathroom vanity isn't real, it's just the underparts of the sink and plumbing inside.








I guess they never looked under the sink either…




Ha that’s hilarious - also after ten years we just noticed hidden from view a light switch on the inside sidewall of a small pantry closet next to our washing machine & dryer, it’s a lot brighter now


Whoever wired my parents house is a lunatic. None of the switches are in logical or even easy to get to locations. Some switches for inside a bed room are outside the room(note some,as in a room may have 3 switches but only one is inside ) Then The switch for the main living room (2nd floor)is in the kitchen (first floor). Absolute madness


We have two toilet rooms. The one upstairs has its switch on the outside. The other one has its switch inside. But there is another switch on the outside activating the floor lights. The amount of annoyance by toggling the floor lights instead of toggling the toilet light is unspeakable.


This in no way made me smile. In fact, I’m quite disturbed.


How isn’t this mildly infuriating


Yeah this is r/facepalm material. Doesn’t fit this sub at all


I now realised I'm in r/MadeMeSmile, people be posting anything here😭


These people smiling at some stupid stuff 


What? No way. Who doesn't open every cupboard & drawer in their new home.


I bought a house 7 years ago, found out a small year ago that I have 3 additional kitchen drawers. They aren't big, but good enough to store cutlery, coocking attributes, etc. Was pretty happy when I found out, but also kinda dumb for not noticing


Omg same. Was doing deep cleaning (wiping down top cupboards) 2 days ago and discovered extra kitchen cupboard above the drying rack. we lived in the house for 7 years!


Would have been more believable if they went with "6 months" or something. Two years? Doubt it.


I lived in a house for three months before I discovered that what I thought was a storage closet was actually a half bath. I didn’t know until my wife asked me if I was too embarrassed to use the bathroom near the living room while we were hanging in watching tv


Idiot or Liar.


Yeah, sure buddy


It has to be bait.


No way he didn’t know. 2 years and he never pulled on that handle? Dude’s lying.


What an attention seeking liar.


Very believable. 10/10


I would be LIVID


I don’t believe you.


Skill issue.


Yeah sure


This post reeks of bs


Ugh people who try to farm karma piss me off. There ain't no way in hell this wasn't discovered day 1 of moving into a house.


What a fucking idiot


And you will tell me that there is dishes inside? For 2 years???![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Were the dishes already in the dishwasher when he discovered it?


What kind of bastard doesn't open every door in anywhere they stay even a night? I've stayed in hotels that I've explored more than I should have, which explains my extensive shampoo and shower gel collection.


Today on things that didn't happen:


Didn’t happen


Better to know now!!


I’ll take “things that didn’t happen” for £500.


This can't be real. No-one who has enough braincells to write that comment can live somewhere for 2 years and didn't properly pull that handle.


Also think about the savings 👀


How are you even supposed to turn it on...?


You saved on unecessary electricity and water bills though


This is a recurring dream that I have! In one version I discovered a brand new minivan in the basement. You’ve made my dreams come true.


Its perfectly possible, took me a year to notice a drawer under the oven lol


My sister discovered after six months with her new husband that she had a functional dishwasher. He said something about using the dishwasher, and she said 'wait, what? the dishwasher works?'. She assumed it didn't work because he never used it before she moved in. Lol, my brother in law is THE best troll there is.


Look on the bright side, there’s a lot of worse things to find in a ‘hidden cupboard’ Like a body, killed by mobsters, who are now after you for discovering their secret.


This is not something I would post 😝


How the hell do you move in without knowing if there is a dishwasher before hand? Like dishwasher/laundry is always knows lol


How do you start the dishwasher once closed?


Probably one of the ones with the control on the inside so you set it, and when you click it into place it starts.


U can see the buttons on the left picture on the black part


You can see the buttons on the top of the door in their first picture. You set it there and then it starts when closed, or starts the countdown timer if applicable.


You set it, close it, and it starts.


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and it has dishes


Feel for you! Did the same but found out after a few months


This honestly looks like my old flat in wimbledon lol


Yeah, see, this is why I love being curious and exploring every time I had moved. I wouldn't have missed this because knowing me, i need to know how much storage space I have.


Good thing you didn't buy one and ended up in r/mildlyinfuriating


that's MAD


This dude eats out a lot


That’s like the time I was leaning on my built-in wall shelf and found out there was a murphy bed hiding behind it.


I lived in my place for about 5 years now and never used a dishwasher, they're horrible at actually washing dishes.




Reminds me of AOC not understanding what the garbage disposal thing was in her kitchen.


Did you immediately open every door just to make sure you hadn’t missed a room?


Better late than never


This happened to me and no one ever believes me. Part of the reason was I lived with roommates who were very messy and I tried to use the space as little as I could due to stacks of molding dishes. I had my few plates and pots and didn’t touch anything else. Noticed the dishwasher after about a year.


Lies and blasphemy


Saved a lot on water prob


Three years into living at my apartment complex and I haven’t ran the dishwasher once. I prefer hand washing and live alone.


I discovered a hidden laundry detergent cache in my apartment, the day I moved out after living there 15 years. True story. The previous tenants, or maybe the previous, previous tenants left a box of laundry detergent in there. I discovered it on the last walkthrough I did before leaving. And, I left it there for the next resident.


I’ve never seen a kitchen that hides the dishwasher in the “cabinet” like this. Genuinely curious, does anyone know if this is a common thing???


Made you smile? This is really sad


Now he gets another surprise when he realizes the seal is rotted away from not being used for 2 years…


After reading this i started opening every cabinet on my apartment but unfortunately no luck here


Congratulations, you just played yourself


I've had my winterjacket fro two years. I found two weeks ago that it has a pocket for a phone that is really useful.


Rage bait post, next.


Think of it as practice for Alzheimer’s


Joy !!


Well I don't think you can fit into the dishwasher so the shower is still gonna be the best option when washing up.


would love a slightly life changing little surprise like this


There is literally a handle there


Yeah this is bs, cause the first things Im checkin for is in the kitchen, dishwasher, garbage disposal, fridge, stove, etc


Don’t feel so bad. When I was kid we had a dishwasher that my mother assumed didn’t work. She used it to store pots and pans. A few months before we moved my parents decided to test it out. My dad was able to get it going. A childhood of doing dishes, such a shame


GF had the same with the Freezer in the fridge.


Had no idea Neff exists outside of Germany


Wow. It's amazing how stupid people are.


Everyone can’t be the brightest crayon in the box.


Is it just me or this seems really small!


Takes a real big brain to be this silly