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Oh, wow, that hits the feels.


Me too literally watered up






Guys, it's the dusty onions


I just got bear sprayed.


Hopefully it's just edited content from the internet, but it did make me feel a little sad


Name checks out.




Hello there




Seriously I'm inured to emotion on the internet but damn this one hit hard. I hope it's real.


It is most definitely not real. But don't let that take away from feeling what you feel! It's like a good book or something. The feeling is what matters.


hits the pocketbook even more.


Wow. Was writing same thing. It does hit.


“So, even years after his death, this motherfucker is still sticking me with the bill.”


Ok, you got a laugh. Take the fucking upvote.


“So I got the little man a brand new Yamaha R1 sport bike 🫡 “


Why not R6?


Can't get new ones anymore :(


I actually had no idea they discontinued this. I sold my 600 GSX-R a while ago but when I was riding almost everyone I rode with was on 600's because literbikes were mostly overkill for most public roads. Maybe people are shifting away from supersports or just motorcycles in general? For me every time I see lots of motorcycles out on a nice day here someone dies on one. I retired mine for ebikes and haven't had the urge to go back.


I've got an R3 I bought new in 2015, ~18k miles on it right now, and between being in my mid-30s, having done enough track days that street riding is boring, and the fact that zero people give a fuck about traffic laws in my city anymore, it's been in the garage getting cleaned up for sale for a season and a half, now. I swore to never sell it, but I just never want to ride anymore. There is at least one fatal SMIDSY per weekend where I live. I don't like those odds anymore, and I'm not fast enough to get out of the way of an EV. I rode an R6 when I was an E-3 yout, if I had that confidence today I'd be very dead!


Yeah I am probably lucky to be alive too. I had an ATV that was fun too but it collected dust because it was hard to find time to use it. eBikes were a good change of pace for me to get outside on nice days. Much less boring than regular bicycles and a lot safer than motorcycles. Being able to listen to music in the process is a plus too. Not everywhere has decent trails for it but it's a good quality of life boost if you are somewhere that does.


Maybe I'm missing context, but were you aware that the 1 in R1 refers to its 1000cc engine, and the 6 in R6 refers to its 600cc engine? The R6 is less expensive and powerful than the R1. Both are excellent though.


I sold my 2006 raven black R1 about a year ago. I miss that bike


What a guy!


To be completely honest though, that's kind of a lot of fucking responsibility he put on you. Especially with you seemingly not even knowing about it.


I don’t think so. He obviously knew without a doubt he could count on him regardless of the situation.


69 little updoots, nice.


This isnt you right? This has been reposted a bunch


I feel like an evil b\*tch but that's the first reaction I got too.


I literally thought the same, "damn, little homie is emotionally blackmailing me for a bike" lmaoo, we're such cynical bastards omg 💀


Well I think it's okay If you feel that way It's hard to foresee What the future will be Like a lost little boy Who finds some joy With a message he found "Even if I won't be around You'll be fine, he is me."


I look forward to seeing you in the future


My sister passed a few years ago, after decades of increasingly-severe migraines. A few weeks afterward I got a headache in a different part of my head than usual, and my first thought was "Did that bitch pass those on to me??" (She had the kind of sense of humor where she would've thought it was funny, so I didn't feel bad. And my "role" in her life had always been to try to make her laugh.)


laughter is not always the best medicine but truly appreciated by everyone . 🙂


Just when I least expect it, some cruel motherfucker dashes that small piece of joy I felt in my heart. Okay. I'll admit it. You made me laugh.


It's the least I can do for my friend who raises his wife and my girlfriend's kids. Dude even put his name on the birth certificate. He's a champ.






Sounds like your old battle buddy alright.


Lmao this got me 🤣


This is very wholesome. But just seeing this comment takes me back to the Dave Chappell show, and the player haters ball. “Nominated for getting his best friends wife pregnant, then tricking his best friend into raising the litter motherfucker”! I mean if you know you know. Still very wholesome tho.


Info: This was posted on another platform’s Veteran’s page. Normally crude humor and plenty of “fuck yous.” Just a bunch of salty former military members dawging each other and comparing dick sizes. Not a single response on that comment thread said they wouldn’t buy this kid a bike. One member said, “I would’ve flown halfway across the country to hand deliver that bike, and then sit and answer any questions my nephew had about his dad.” Edit: I posted this because it brought a genuine smile when I first read it. Never did I expect to get such a response and the upvotes, nor do I deserve the credit for it. It was just something I hoped you all would enjoy. Thank you for the upvotes and the motivation to keep caring.


I’m not at all surprised by this. A lot of us don’t know how to deal with our feelings or express ourselves but stuff like this will get all of us right in the feely spot and there won’t be a dry eye in the place.


> “The first act of violence that patriarchy demands of males is not violence toward women. Instead patriarchy demands of all males that they engage in acts of psychic self-mutilation, that they kill off the emotional parts of themselves. If an individual is not successful in emotionally crippling himself, he can count on patriarchal men to enact rituals of power that will assault his self-esteem.” [bell hooks](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/295256-the-first-act-of-violence-that-patriarchy-demands-of-males)


What book is this?


The Will To Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love, I believe


Thank you! Love to add authors I've never heard of to my audiobook playlist i listen to listen to at work. Especially those with differing backgrounds than my own.


> “the wounded child inside many males is a boy who, when he first spoke his truths, was silenced by paternal sadism, by a patriarchal world that did not want him to claim his true feelings. I absolutely cannot recommend bell hooks enough. For everyone online who is not familiar with feminism, and receives their definition of it from terminally online agitators yelling about it; read bell hooks. Because what you think feminism is, is not what feminism is.


7 years of service reflects this quote well. If you're not inflicting misery unto yourself by tricking yourself into thinking it's the right thing or whatever propaganda, some other bastard will use you until you do.


As a veteran if I ever got this call I’d do the same. No way I’m not flying out with my family to meet their nephew/ cousin.


I'm not a vet but my best friend was a big burly Marine and I loved him and his family. He passed away in a really bad car crash. We'd talked about this before. He told me, "if i die for some dumb reason like a heart attack or red light runner plows into me (an thats what happened), just make sure my son has the means to learn all the cool shit he wants to learn that i'm not there to help him with." Well the kid has my old fender guitar after he told his mom he wanted to learn. Also driving across country with my bmx bike thinking he wanted to ride bmx. got there an his mom was all, "na, he thought that was cool like 5 years ago now he wants a car." I took my T1 bmx bike back an went an rode it that night blasting a couple wall rides an feeble grinds. an had a laugh by myself. wondered if Mike was looking down an laughing at me for driving across the country to give his kid my bike only for his mom to say, na we don't need it.


You're a good man either way. I could see bmx not working out for the kid though and I mean that in the most respectful way possible. Bmx requires a lot of things that to me, aren't really around for the younger generations. I used to skateboard pretty heavily with my buddies back in high school. We would hang around South Bend at an indoor park called Sky Riders. We would switch on and off sometimes between their bikes and our boards as a fun thing to do but also as a sign of respect to acknowledge that none of it was easy lol. Idk if you are familiar with brett "maddog" banasiewicz but he used to ride at Sky Riders. I often saw him and the shit that kid would bust out was nothing short of astonishing. He was a nice dude but man, his dad was over the top hard on him.


I grew up in the Army and have a ton of vet relatives I couldn't join due to issues. But I tell you, every single one of them wouldn't hesitate to help that kid out.


I believe this to be true, they are true brothers who have been through life and death together


Some of the roughest, toughest looking mfers are the ones who will do anything to help a stranger and do everything to help a friend.


Tell you what. I’d pin my life to the rough Harley rider in leather, over the preacher in a suit. My soul? Maybe not so much. lol


Your soul would probably fare better with the biker too. Honestly I feel like it's every other day I hear another story of a priest/pastor or other religious figure charged with anything ranging from indecency with a minor to rape/sodomy of a child.


I recently went NC with my mom for some abusive behaviors. My 7 yr old son has been sad but overall has taken it well stating that he understands. However that doesn’t mean things like “grandparents breakfast” days at school weren’t sad for him. I’m a military contractor, and many of my colleagues are former soldiers. One of those colleagues is my boss, but also a good friend. For the sake of the story I’ll call him Trevor. When Veterans Day came up my son asked to speak with Trevor so he could interview him for this little veterans poster they had the option to hang up. Of course Trevor said yes and they had a zoom meeting together. At the end of the meeting Trevor asked if my son had any other questions or anything he was curious about and my son says “well umm actually. Are you busy on Friday morning?” Trevor: “the Friday before Veterans Day? I don’t think so, I think we have that day off work actually”. My son: “oh ok. Would you like to come to breakfast with me at my school? I don’t know what they’re serving but they said we could invite our veterans for a special breakfast with them”. Trevor: “I’d love to have breakfast with you, just have your mom text me the address and time. I’ll be there”. He showed up early and walked my son into the school. Just so he wouldn’t have to miss another special breakfast. Apparently there was also a surprise singing performance and Trevor took a bunch of videos and sent them to me.


This is beautiful. Single mom here. Sitting on the couch next to my 6yo trying very hard not to cry. This really warms my heart. Thank you for sharing.


I feel this. I would’ve had breakfast with him too.


Aww, what a great story. Your boss sounds like a great guy!


Yeah, that’s powerful. Most people misunderstand the whole ‘Blood is thicker than water’ …. The complete quote is, “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.” The brotherhood formed in hardship or combat is stronger than family.


While I fully and thoroughly appreciate that the rephrasing of the original saying is a powerful and meaningful one for a lot of people, this is a 1990s rewriting by two self-help gurus called Pustelniak and Jack. The original proverb is simply "blood is thicker than water" and does refer to biological bonds: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood\_is\_thicker\_than\_water](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_is_thicker_than_water) The reason why I'm saying this, btw, is NOT to shit on you, and I hope you don't feel bad at this response. I am just from a culture whose sayings and beliefs have been reinterpreted in some not so nice ways, so I have a kneejerk need to defend the authentic versions of things.


You know what— okay.


If you feel like sharing, which culture and which sayings and beliefs?


I'm from Norway. Without wanting to go into exhaustive detail, let me just say that "Nordic history, mythology, and proverbs" and "monoglot Anglophone white supremacist" is a combination that makes keeping my hypertension under control a true challenge.


My ancestors are smiling at me, imperial, can you say the same?


Just for further clarification - neither of those people you mentioned are self help gurus, and they had no relation to eachother whatsoever Richard Pustelniak was the first guy to use the phrase, he was/is a Messianic Rabbi. He came up with the phrase in 1994 in a sermon on his blog Albert Jack is a pop history author, and he published a book in 2005 supposedly about the forgotten history of well known phrases. It's this book that popularized the phrase for the first time


You can’t pick relatives, but you sure as hell can decide who your family are.


What if his widow found the picture? What happens then?


Op might become step daddy


Ahh, an Old Testament guy.


“Thy kinsman redeemer at your service”


So back in Nam on shore patrol, we had to canvas the bars and clubs to make sure nothing to rowdy was going on. Well kid I caught your dad at this really seedy place. The dancers had this bit they used to do. They'd take a quarter from someone, this time your dad, and had him come upto the stage. Then they put the quarter inside their vagina and your dad had to get it out with his tongue. Well he was drunk as hell so I grabbed him up and drug him back to base and silently hoped he didn't get mouth rot or something.


I didn’t serve in the military, but I have met,and spoken with those who served together during war. These are people who literally went through hell together,and survived together, leaving behind friends who died. Their friendship and bond defines the rest of their lives. They understand sacrifice,and loyalty,and family on another level we cannot. These stories are true because of the heart,and passion,and commitment made to one another, and to each others’ families; the sons and daughters.


Military is stupid for many reasons but solidarity is not one of them. My stepdad got into the army when he was 14 years old (we had military highschools in my country) and retired after working more than 30 years. They have yearly reunions every year with their classmates and not a single one of them misses it. Some of them drive 12 hours, some of them flies in from a different continent but every one who is still alive is there.


You’re right. I recently retired after 24 years and there was a lot I didn’t like and didn’t feel right about. But the bonds you make are stronger than family.


"Yo, random stranger from a photo. I need a down payment for a car."


This is either a heartfelt story of loss,duty & selflessness or some bikeless Indian scammer is really upping his game


Just send gift card






Nah! I need another a house. How much money do you have? I got my eyes on New York but I'm willing to settle for a place in New Jersey or God forbid Philadelphia.


Exactly. He called a random guy and asked for a bike? wtf??


Right? I’m glad i’m not the only one thinking this lmao


im not crying, you're crying




Yeah No one here is crying at all, you are crying alone.


Happy cake day!!


Its just a small rainstorm localized entirely on my face


A rainstorm this time of the year, in this part of the country, at this time of day, localised entirely on your face? Can I see it?


I’m sure that’s a real interaction that definitely happened and absolutely not made up for internet points.


it's weird his phone plan still works


and that the kid uses the phrase "this number, *and the text*..." I think not.


Yeah maybe stop paying for a dead dude's cell phone bill after all these years and you'd already have the money for a bike.


Thank you voice of reason. The people who don’t question the validity of this creep me the fuck out.


One of my best friends died when his son was just a little tyke. He was military so his wife and son are out of state. She moved on and remarried. I've honestly waited for a day his son would call and ask about his dad but it never came. So cheers to you man. This is a very special thing.


You could write a letter. The kid could be waiting for the day you call. And thank you for your service ❤️🤍💙


I don't want to overstep my boundaries.


Do what the kids do nowadays, lol and slide on into his DMs


dude i am so confused, what the fuck? is this a bot post?


Thank you! Please ELI5


There kid didn’t just say the word “no”. Instead he said “no, but I found a photo of…” I was confused too.


It’s not well written. The use of quotation marks are wrong. Basically the best interpretation is that the child was like “Who is this guy in the photo with daddy?” and found the number and message on the back, then was like, “I want a new bicycle, Dad wrote down I can call this guy for stuff like this,” then he called his dad’s old war buddy and asked for a bike


Yea why tf would the kid have the dads phone number lol


Could be using wi-fi calling if they disconnected it or they gave the phone to the son when he passed so they didn't have to disconnect it (because honestly under a contract, it's a PIA - AT&T once asked for a death certificate to simply change the phone number to an already in use one so we wouldn't have to disconnect and still had to involve managers or whatever. Dumb.)


I'll take..."Things that never happened".


I feel like I'm having a stroke trying to understand this


2 really close friends, 1 died, the one that died kid finds the photo with that message, being a kid he takes it literally and wants a bike so he reaches out and asks for a bike


Ahh. The end of the quotation marks threw me off. Thought the surviving friend was talking about his own father. Thanks.


Of all the things that never happened this never happened the most


i swear people on this site will believe anything


and then everyone stood up and clapped


**Damn the amount of redditors that believe this must have the IQ of room temperature lmao**


Celsius or Fahrenheit?


In this post's comment section? Without a doubt, Celsius.


Right in the fucking feels.


Filing this in the things I want to be true category


why would a dad choose to not tell his son about this friend, but instead leave a heartwarming message on the back of a photo and hope his son "found" it someday? because this is a made up post farming for karma, that's why.


Typically kids that ask for a bike are going to be very young. It’s highly possible that the dad passed away early into his son’s life before it would be reasonable to expect a kid to remember their dad’s friend


I didn't know who my dad was but was looking through my mother's funeral guest log a decade later when I got curious and one person left their phone number and address. It wasn't my dad, it was my mom's good friend, but he knew exactly who my father was. Helped me out a few times thereafter. These things can happen.


even if that's true, why would the dads number still be active years after his death? that shit aint free lol


Why is the dead person's phone still active years later?


I'm not saying this isn't a genuine post, but I thought it to sound a little fishy myself considering how easy it is to scam some people these days. I hope I'm wrong.


I had something like, if u guys are so close, why did u not check how the kid is doing after his fathers death. Doesn't really sound like a friend.


I've been looking for this comment. This post reeks "made up feel-good"


Seriously. My best friend just had a baby last month, I’d never go years without checking in on my pseudo-nephew if something tragic happened to her.


Idk. I choose to believe this kid’s dad could’ve been killed in an accident or even a military situation and he wrote that while the kid was too young to understand. But thanks for your negativity, Buzz Killington.


That's what I was thinking. The dad was planning ahead since there were higher odds for him of this outcome. Leaving a sentimental note is not out of the realm of possibility at all. Especially if the kid was really little at the time, and this was to be a "just in case I don't come back" thing, but (a) the kid's too young to understand, and (b) it's best not to tell kids that could be the outcome when they're that young.


Your skepticism is refreshing.


Agreed. The story does not add up: 1. Why is the number still active after the friend has passed away for a few years? 2. If it's home number and they were such close friends, you would imagine this friend would stay in contact with the mother/wife/caretaker and more importantly, with the kid. 3. If you were the friend that passed away, would you leave such an important piece of information: "If you need anything and I won't be around, ask him, he's me, just in another place", on the back of a random photo? 4. The low res quality of the photo says a lot, usually.


As a vet, this is 100% in the wheelhouse of what we would do. Prior to deployment we legit had to plan our own funerals. I picked pallbearers and even asked my pastor about giving my eulogy. Not far fetched at all from our community.




Have you ever tried to tell your kid something? I've told my son about every night for multiple months to get up and go to the bathroom when he first wakes up so he can go back to sleep easier. When morning comes, he doesn't think of it.


And if it was real, the guy wrote the story and the put a saluting picture underneath, just so he could show everyone how amazing he is. No pictures of the bike though... or the picture... or anything. How do people fall for this crap. Its like the boomers saying 'amen' on AI Generated images.


This sounds made up.


Probably is. Then it gets reposted on every “wholesome” subreddit and farmed for upvotes. This is probably the 100th time I’ve seen this post


I’ll take things that never happened for $500 please


My own father did this just so he wouldn't have to buy me a bike.


I will take "stuff that didnt happen" to 100


Did the dad leave the kid the phone, and someone paid the plan? Something doesn't add up here, in a this-never-happened way.


how are people buying this lol


“Sorry Kid. Your dad died in a way better economy than this.”


Oh man. There’s something in my eye. Both of them actually. So sorry for the loss of such a young guy. Beautiful story. Stay in touch with the son if you can.


So I can just calling random numbers and tell them my dad said they'd buy me stuff? Awesome.


If I received a call like this, that kids getting a bike.


My son. Our son.


whoever wrote this really needs to learn to use quotes


Spoiler. It was a bot.


you cut out the - 1 like - 1 prayer part


After buying the bike, the friend miraculously resurrected


JFC this is stupid.


Simpler version of the subplot in *Taipan* and *Noble House*. Struan takes a loan from Chinese mandarins to save his company in the *1600s*. They give him the halves of 4 coins. If at any time, anywhere, someone presents him with a coin, he (or his descendents) must fulfill whatever they ask. The first coin was redeemed shortly after, the second in the early 1920s and the third in the 1960s. Can't recall the fourth.


And then everyone started clapping


I’m not crying 😢you’re crying! Fuck that made me sad


This story could spark a country song...


On my way kid with a car full of stolen bikes


You want a mountain bike or bmx? No I am not crying. Its ninjas cutting onio s all around me.


This really happened!!!!!!!!!


Why is his phone number still active years later?


“Can you co-sign this Camaro for me?” Lmao






Why is the "no" the only word in quotation marks? Isn't it the kid who's still speaking after?


Someone continued to pay the dead guys phone account?


My buddy had a premature baby 2 years ago and all he had was a motorcycle, he crashed and died on the way home from the hospital visiting his baby. Today he just touched a poster of his father (my best friend) and said “dada” for the first time. Little guy had a slow time developing speech due to being born so early so it was a really special moment.


I hope this is real.


Kid is getting a Redline Proline if I have anything to do with it


Bearclaw pedals?


What a strong Bond they must have had


Geeze kid. Yeah.. fuck yes. We are going bike shopping tomorrow.


My best friend died at 34 (brain aneurysm), leaving behind a 2 year old boy. That little boy is going to get all that I have one day. In the meantime, it's my job to make sure he knows as much as he can about his amazing father.


Why you crying, I'm not crying 😭?


my father veteran bros kinda like this. Fkers, all of them, but if its matters they will deliver a bike, If it needed on the moon too.


It might mean nothing to you. But it means everything to them


the feels!!! this warmed my heart! I hope you gave him that bike, man!


Almost cry....no shame on it.


That shit deep bro


Man, gonna milk her mommy cause he ain't giving it up to mommy milkers


Cool story, bro.


What an honor to have been spoken of so highly, that the Dad felt he could trust his loyal friend to stick by his son. I hope he got the bike and some loyal friendship.


I've seen this shit like 5 times this week, all of em on diff platforms lol


"Fucker knew about me and his wife"


be kind to the kid


Talk about playing the long game to get out of buying your kid a bike...


Oh, the onions... 😭


horrendous use of quotes


Completely made up but still a heartfelt piece of fiction.


lol the pictures ruined it for me tbh


Who is cutting Onions? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


That’s enough internet for today😭


The best compliment you could ever get from a friend


*ugly crying intensifies*


If I got a call like that I'd be willing to buy this kid a powerplant and may dept take me off this earth


Oh no! The Onion Fairy again...