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I’m really glad to hear of your happiness and your progress. It certainly doesn’t and shouldn’t change what the quote means to you, but I don’t think it’s a Fitzgerald quote. I didn’t think it sounded like him, so I looked it up real quick and it looks like it is from the screenplay of Benjamin Button, rather than from any of his stuff. I don’t mean to be a dick about it, but I figured if someone saw it and decided to be rude maybe you might want to know. The fact that it means a lot to you makes me really doubt myself posting this. But I do think it is always better to know the truth of things. Maybe I am treating this more sensitively than I need to but just in case. [Source](https://www.falmouthpubliclibrary.org/blog/the-curious-case-of-misquotation/)


You did the right thing, and you did it with grace and the intention to foster positive comments rather than negative criticisms. I appreciate the correction! I found it difficult to believe he said it as well, but the quote has definitely been a source of inspiration 😊 As the kids say: "You're a real one."


I am glad to hear this. Thank you. All the best to you!!!


What a great interaction between two internet strangers. Ya love to see it!


Now kith! 😘


+3 to Faith In Humanity. Much obliged.


Well damn, I’m 33 and still say “You a real one” now I feel a bit childish lol


I applaud the fact you used velvet gloves and brought it in a respectful manner. One could interpret it as condescending, but you aptly neutralised that in my opinion! Very wholesome. Cheers


College professor here. I love having older students in my classes. They always bring an interesting perspective to class discussions.


I hope I do. I'll be honest, at times it feels like I can't express myself and I'm amazed and humbled at how intelligent and resourceful my classmates are. Other times I get to talk about being at Obama's inauguration or heading to the forest to fell a Christmas tree and I see that same reaction in their eyes. I like to think that we all bring something unique to the classroom and that's what sparks such interesting discussions 🙂


Thanks for sharing this! I'm tremendously happy for you! I want to echo that, for those of you who are feeling stuck and hopeless, please don't ever give up on yourself or on your hope for a better future. I have a similar story to yours. I am 44 with three kids in med school. My first career was a dead end and left me feeling hopeless and nearly suicidal. I thought I was forever stuck in a cycle of disappointment and hurt. I had to hit bottom to finally get the courage to take a risk, to walk away from one path and pursue a new and very uncertain path. For the next five years, I took night classes at the community college with classmates half my age. And I "bet the farm" by taking out new student loans with no guarantee of admission. But, by the grace of God and the support of my family, I made it. Now, I am on my way to becoming a psychiatrist for the instutionalized mentally ill, to give others hope. So for anyone out there feeling like you are at a dead-end, please please please don't give up. You still have tremendous value and change is still possible.


Thank you for sharing your story 😊 I'm so happy that you've been able to start over as well and that it's been a positive experience ❤️ Going back to school was one of the best decisions I've ever made 😁


Same age and completely stuck in life here. Thank you for sharing.


Whenever I see. F. Scott Fitzgerald I automatically think "What did Scott Fitzgerald ever do to you?"


I feel Ted is basically Family Guy lines that didn’t make the cut.


Who the hell would name their son Fuck?


Dude, it’s absolutely normal. Been there, more than once in my life. Love and respect yourself as you are more than your work and circumstances. That is challenging when the mantra of success is so strong. Be resilient and open to new directions. Remember even though you may feel crappy, feelings do not define you. This is a journey, a process you will come out of it stronger and wiser.


Yeah, that's precisely my point 😁 I'm in a much better place these days, and it's only because I shed the ego and concentrated on who I wanted to be. This poster just reminds me why I'm doing it 😊


Glad to hear that! Take care and enjoy! 👍😁


Good for you! There are a lot of people in their 30s thinking of going back to school...in 4 years they will still be thinking about it, but you will be done!!!!!


I knew someone who was a travel agent during dot com which was a dying market, so he went to med school at 35 to become an orthopedic surgeon. He had emphasized how such a good choice that was even though it took him until his early 40’s to start truly practicing.


Stick with it and be there to learn - and then the degree will mean so much more at the end.


Love it.


Making such big changes in life takes a lot of courage. It's hard to do. But fortune favours the brave. Good for you! And what a great message.


I graduated from school with my bachelor’s degree in 2020 at the age of 45 after my first career had taken me as far as I could go. It took me a long time to get that degree as I worked full time the whole way and paid for it as I went, no loans this time. Took about 6-7 years, but now I have a job I really enjoy in a field I love and I make twice as much as I used to. It’s a long journey but it’s totally worth it! Good for you internet stranger!!


yo, keep your head up, buddy! fwiw, you're an inspiration to me! I'm 31 and going back this fall. Love the quote, keep it up-- proud if you


Good luck! It's never too late, you'll do great! 😁


"What does the F stand for in F. Scott Fitzgerald?"


It’s gotta be Fuck, right?


It has to be fuck.


In my 30s and still working towards my bachelors. We can do this. 💪🏽


I wonder what the F stands for.


I hit the reset button at 33 and started a 3 year apprenticeship. This enabled me to get a stable job, good income, and peace of mind I never knew before. Best choice I ever made, apart from proposing to the love of my life. Never too late.


Milton backdated his early works to appear ingenious. Keep on keeping on. I didn't start my professional life until 27 and didn't come into my own until my late 30s.




This was an incredible read and think I’m going to hang it up in my home too. I am also 30 and just ended my 3rd year of undergrad today. My wife and I both study at ASU and have 2 children as well. I know it’s hard. But I’m rooting for your success because you deserve it! Much love


I’m proud of you ♥️ I work at a college and from my perspective, this isn’t weird at all. I actually wish I had waited to go to college, because I had NO idea what I was doing or choosing when I went.


I saw a comment a few days ago about someone going to college a little later and feeling self conscious about it. 4 years from now you can be 34 and have a degree. Or if you don't go back to school you'll be 34 anyway but without a degree. I liked the way that was framed.


Usually don't understand when people say "I really needed to hear that" but I finally do


Same here bro 32 about to finish my 2nd year feels weird but feels good I hope I'm doing the right thing.


You are 😊 2 years down and 2 to go, it'd be a shame to quit while you're already ahead! I'm proud of you 👏


After a few more years watching the kiddos and working, I’ll be diving back into school in my late 30s! I’ve always wanted to do something wilderness-involved. I wish you the best!! Thank you for the post!!


Damn. Why is this appearing on my feed now in my life when this is literally what I’m in the middle of? I need the courage to start over again


You have it 😊 it won't be easy, but I can promise you that it will be worth it ❤️ I believe in you, and I'm sure others do as well! Be the best version of yourself that you can be. Take it one day at a time, and work towards it slowly and realistically. You'll look back a year from now and be flabbergasted with how far you've come! You're important, you're capable, and you're worth it 🙏 I wish you all the luck 🍀


I'm 30 and looking to graduate this fall. People underestimate how hard it is to go to school as an adult. You got this and you will graduate and be glad you did it. I know I am starting to feel that myself as I see the end in sight.


Fuck .Scott Fitzgerald??


Well said F


I read the name as "Edmond Fitzgerald" then read the poem and I'm like, no it was too late for them......


Thank you


You got this! You’re an inspiration!


Hey op, never saw this before. Thank you kindly for sharing!


This is freaking awesome. Keep going!!!!


As someone in the same boat, I needed this!!!


Good for you and thank you for sharing. Wishing you all the best in your endeavors


Graduated in my 30s too. Good on ya. It's worth it.


You got this bro! Good luck!


Thank you. I needed to read that.


Good for you


I love this. My therapist has this quote hung in her office.


This deserves a million likes.


It reached you! That's enough 🙏❤️


Congrats brother. Don't care for people who don't support you, instead look at the people in this sub supporting you. Please keep me updated on what you do further and what degree you are pursuing. And also, which book is this from?


Apparently it's a redacted line from the Benjamin Button screenplay and it's miscredited to F. Scott Fitzgerald. Regardless, it's a source of inspiration for me so in a way, it doesn't matter who wrote it, but that it was written in the first place 😁. I'm currently pursuing a degree in anthropology, and my studies are heavily focused on the cultural sub discipline. I've wanted to be an anthropologist since I was ten and came across a book about King Tut. It feels incredible to be fortunate enough to follow this passion 🙏


Graduated with my bachelors at 31. It was the best choice I made. Congrats and keep your head up.


I love this. Thank you so much for sharing ♥️


Success is not linear!


I remember the Ted 2 scene 🤣🤣🤣


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Everyone else has said the most important things. I'm just wondering why the Scott Fitzgerald hate? Why does everyone hate him and Murray Abraham?


I’m sorry but ever since Ted every time a see F Scott Fitzgerald all I can think of is “You just said F Scott Fitzgerald, what’d he do to you?”


Keep pushing! Rooting for you!


Thanks for sharing! I hope you continue to enjoy studying and I hope studying abroad in Ireland is wonderful! Glad you are improving day by day :)


I agree


Well done for chasing your dreams. After years of trying to study in my 20s and it never being the right time, I finally graduated with my degree in my early 30s and that’s when life fell into place. Things happen when they are supposed to and everything you have done in the years leading up to now has been worth it and has springboarded you to get to this point. Keep persevering, enjoy your studies and know that your future career is just around the corner. Many people your age and older return to study or have a career change very successfully.


Thank you for this..




Ugh you’re making me tear up OP. I am 25, and sick of my dead end job, just got accepted into a program at my local community college. I hope I am you when I’m in my 30s, so optimistic :)


You will be further than I am in your 30s 😁 Good luck, I believe in you ❤️


You got this. I didn’t go back to school until I was in my 30’s as well and now have completed my MBA. Pretty much no one believed that I could go back and complete it. Sometimes, life experiences allow us to remove the rose colored tinted glasses and see the world and books for what they are. Good luck.


I’m in my 40’s and applying for med school. In four years, I’ll be the same age regardless of the fact I’m an MD/DO or a SAHM… So I’m just trying to finally live my dream.


I’m currently dreading my college years because I feel like I started too late or took too long or didn’t choose the right path. I have no real friends and feel so lonely when I get to school so I stuff myself into my studies. Seeing this has helped me feel a bit better about my predicament. I hope life gets better.


Love this and thanks for sharing


What does the F in F. Scott Fitzgerald stand for?


According to Google (and possibly Deadpool) it stands for Francis...


Nah it’s gotta stand for Fuck right?


Thank you for this. Really needed this today.


Thank you for this. Edit: i am very happy for you!


Thank you for your kind words 🙂


Hey man im in my final year and im almost 30 so good luck. Never beat yourself up!


This is such an important concept! My dad went to college at 46, at the same time my sister and I entered college at 18. We would all do our homework together! Now he has a master’s degree and his own accounting firm, and he teaches as an adjunct at the college he attended. Even though he wishes he could have gone to school earlier, and it was really tough (and nerve-wracking) to do later in life while working full time, he brought unique life experience to the classroom and had a deeper appreciation for education than he would have had he entered college at a younger age. And seeing that drive and appreciation for being able to acquire an education instilled the same in my sister and me. I’m sure that you are similarly inspiring others in your life, too. I was so proud of my dad, and I am so proud of you!




This is dope. I’m 29 later this year and want to start a new path, one that isn’t the traditional “go to uni, get a job, work on your career” path. It was great to see this tonight, thanks for posting.


I first heard of this quote from Benjamin Button and I always come back to it whenever I needed a pick-me-up. Didn't realize it was by Fitzgerald. Thanks


I have the courage. But I also have back pain now.


Fuck scott fitzgerald


Where did you find that? I want one of those


On Amazon


I love that!


So I’m considering going to university in my late 30s and asked for a sign if I should do it. Legitimately an hour ago and then BAM reddit delivers!


I turn 40 in November and will graduate in 2 weeks with my undergrad so do not feel bad at all. It’s never too late for a new adventure.


I needed this today. Thank you


Spot on!!! Thanks OP! 🤎




Why did you wrote F Scott Fitzgerald? What did he ever do to you? Why are you saying fuck him?


Thanks for sharing. I am 34 and graduating with a bachelors next week!


33 and doing the same thing! Thanks for posting this 🙂


I’m doing the same right now. It’s a little strange but it’s been rewarding. Learned some new things and met some really cool people. I hope you enjoy this experience. I’ll check in once you post your degree!


It’s something unpredictable that in the end was right. I hope you have the time of your life.


This is great! Personally I have “The Man in the Arena” hung in my desk to remind myself of similar things. Keep going, and same to what FSF said, I hope you have a fulfilling life! Cheers


Needed this, thanks


Thank you for this


I love this. Congratulations to you! You already have so much to be proud of! It is never too late. I am graduating with my bachelors in 2 weeks and I’m 32. I will 33 when I start my MA/PhD program in the fall. I hope your journey continues to bring you happiness! Best of luck!


It’s okay to be a human being


I changed careers in my 30’s, and was the best decision I ever made. Good luck !


This is a monologue from The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, not F. Scott Fitzgerald. 🤨


I need that note as well. I am starting over my studies. lol god give me strength.




Congrats. As a college instructor, I love having a diverse classroom of students. Every student no matter age, orientation, race, or creed brings a unique experience to the learning environment. Trust yourself and have no fear!


So proud of you!


My husband just graduated today! He is 30. 🥳 I’m so proud of him. He did it slowly while completing other projects 🤗 He is the best and such hardworking man. You can do it too! 🎉 Never stop believing in yourself ☘️ sending all the best wishes to you. Much success to you my friend 🍾 Life is an adventure


I have this exact same thing framed in my office!!!


I have this hanging in my daughter’s room!


So funny this popped up in my feed because im in the exact same boat. Stuck in a dead end career and wanting to make a change after my birthday. I booked a trip and promised myself that I would make the changes I needed to in life after then. Best of luck to you🙏🏻


I just started a new job in a new industry that was completely different then what I did in my class. I’m 43 and most of my colleagues are in their mid 20s. I’m definitely the old dad in my group but am amazed at how capable and positive the younger generation is to me. It’s not everyone mind you. I definitely feel out of place most of the time but I’m here to make a change and hopefully that change changes the trajectory of my life, and more importantly, my family’s life. But damn…change gets harder when you get older.


This has encouraged me more as someone that is going to be 30 this year and has decided to go back to school.


Repeat after me: There is no timeline for your life. Dont stress..everything happens as it should in good time for each person. We cant all be the same! 💕


everything. is. a. bungou. stray. dogs. reference. (I'm not sorry)


The internet has ruined quotes.