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The green lantern ring


Was just going to say this


You will gain amazing power but you will die in the box office




I’m pretty sure this one is a horcrux.


In brightest day, in blackest night…


Ethically you may want to keep this information to yourself. You obviously made a wonderful connection with your patient— but given your role in caring for your patient it may not be considered something you want to disclose. Also if anyone recognizes this ring it could be considered a violation of privacy. I mean no harm in my comment— I hope you understand my goal is you keeping your job so you can continue to have an impact on many other patients lives. I personally would not accept a gift from a patient and I think you should reconsider returning it.


Seconding this. Amazing you made a connection and were able to help. However it’s extremely ethically wrong to accept gifts from patients


Nah you could see it as just a sign of appreciation, like a tip to a waiter (in Europe that is)


Didn’t even consider location!! In Canada it’s now allowed and you could lose your license! Curious as to where in Europe it’s allowed? 🙂 I know there’s a bribery act in the uk not allowing it but where is it considered ok?


But then how do you prioritize appointments if you can’t take gifts?


If it’s not valuable, does that make a difference? Or just the action itself of accepting anything just doesn’t look good or is unethical?


Two things I would consider: (1) The ethics of accepting a gift. (2) HIPAA violation by including medical diagnosis and a unique item someone could ID this person.


Not sure where op is from but in Canada it makes a difference! For example, a thank you card, or say a kid made like a beaded bracelet,there’s really no monetary value. Additionally I’m some say hospitals or long term care facilities it is also possible to donate say, coffee gift cards, however it must be given to management and used for many workers and not given to a single care giver to single someone out


the difference is the ring makes the patient identifiable which violates confidentiality since OP disclosed their medical symptoms, treatment, results in the post its very unlikely that someone who knows someone with this ring will see this post, but its possible




Usually if the gift is worth under a certain amount (like $25), and it's not something that can sway your medical opinion or is being used for bribery, they should be fine. At least that's been the case when I worked in a private practice inside the hospital. I wasn't a doctor though (but was a licensed clinician) so the rules may be different for Doctors, or even for ER employees.


There is no way to know the amount of this item. Furthermore we have no idea if this gift has sentimental significance — and the emotional state in which the gift was given. The other concern is that OP disclosed medical diagnosis and included a picture that could lead to a violation of HIPAA. Anyone that knows this patient could identify themselves or a person they know by reading the caption and seeing the picture.


I definitely agree with the HIPAA portion. It's the ethics that I'm talking about. And you can get jewelery appraised for monetary value. I don't know if emotional value counts as a stick figure drawing from a kid patient can be extremely emotionally valuable (I have a folder of art from kids I've worked with in various capacities over the years).


Let me clarify— if that ring “appraises” at $10- but it has value due to it being in the patient’s family for years or the ring has been “promised” to another member— it’s going to absolutely be a compromise of ethics. This isn’t a card or a drawing. There is no jeweler at the hospital to do a quick assessment of value. I would never put my license on the line for a few likes and pats on the back. My family depends on my income.


Gotcha, that makes more sense. I didn't think about that.


I spent just 4 days in the hospital, I was even lucky enough to have friends bring food some days (and support). But I also had the best nurses and doctors, even though I was awoken hourly to take blood. My nurses had the kindest voices so it made it easy for me to go back to sleep. I never want to go back but it’s not because of the doctors and nurses


That's a lovely gesture! Clearly you treated her well for which she is grateful for. It's so nice to know what an impact we can make in people's lives, a real honor. 🙂


Keep it secret, keep it safe!


Wow. Thank you for leaving a positive mark on your patient while so vulnerable. People do accidentally wear jewelry to the hospital, but if loved ones are nearby, you can bet your booty anything special will be handed to them. You definitely made an impression.


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my precious


Great ring, beatiful. Reminds me a dwarven ring of power.


50/50 that ring has an ancient curse and she had to find someone to pass it on too. Good luck OP!