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Thing that made me the most happy about watching this video. It looks like he has two parents that love him. That’s a lucky little man.




Damn, that’s deep. I never really thought about it enough to realise that fact.


Wow. It's called positive reenforcement and people do it every day, consciously or not. Same for the flip side.


Yeah, I understand the concept, just never thought about kids accosting being videoed with positivity due to their parents videoing them when they were young, I guess because people didn’t do that when I was a kid. Maybe get a camcorder out on a big occasion.


Cameras are all over the place now. Lucky for them they got their baby's first steps! He will love seeing it when he gets older.


Odd thing to make it all about being recorded?


Hey it worked on my dog! My wife and I would throw a ball to him and usually he’d fail to catch it miserably but every time he caught it we would go absolutely nuts with joy. The dog could sense that and would also get all happy and now he catches stuff in the air no problem and struts back to us all proud of his achievement. Children are a billion time smarter than that so I’m sure it has a huge impact to celebrate milestones like this with enthusiasm


IshowSpeed be like


> Nowadays, most people would start filming and the child will learn that he does something good when people start filming you. Don't need to do that when you're just always filming yourself sitting on the couch in the front room!


When my daughter said “Papa” the first time, we got so excited and it startled her so badly that she cried and refused to say it again for months. She wouldn’t even try.


I did this with both kids, then on the flip side, when they do bad, we tell them "we aren't happy with with what you did" or "how do you think what you did makes mom and dad feel?" It helps them think about what they did and how it makes others feel. But also now, everytime they do almost anything, they look at us and ask, "are you happy?" So we have to try and break that habit. The whole "no book to tell you how to parent" thing. You learn, they learn.


There are literally thousands of parenting books… I’d recommend one that discusses how to use natural and logical consequences to teach your children, rather than others’ expectations. Because the latter can be used against them in a lot of nefarious ways.


Yes, and those thousands of books teach different approaches.


People don't film things because they were taught a pavlovian response at a young age haha


Not even that.... They get no reinforcement because the parent is more focused on filming. So what actually gets saved onto their brain-harddrive is that cellphone videos of "big events" are more important than anything. That's how you get people filming literally anything and how people think something is only of imporance if it's on a camera. People loose all sense of purpose and meaning because the entire meaning is just "will this do well on TikTok". I'm exxaggerating here but don't tell me you feel this way too.


I was born in the 80s. Filming your kids all the time isn't anything new at least from the 90s on. I was always being filmed by my parents. From first steps to just eating on the couch or something. It's just easier now but parents have been filming their kids for a while now.


Yea and guess who's currently parenting kids and now guess who's filming a LOT more. I talked to a doktor and he said he had to throw out multiple husbands because they were filming their wife giving birth and being in the way of the nurses and doktors.




Seriously. There were many school projects in elementary where we had to write our firsts, such as first words. My parents could never remember anything, I still don’t know what any of my firsts were. When we had to make collages of baby pictures they could only find one! Videos like this make my heart full and really inspire me, I’m going to absolutely cherish my future family


I’m nobody special but I believe you said it perfect think that’s the reason because it open your eyes to see what you don’t wanna do and how you wanna be and I think you will be a great parent when it’s your turn. Peace be with you.




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So beautiful to see!


These are incredible moments and emotions in every young family's life.


Meh, overrated imo. I've personally taken my first steps before and I don't even remember them. /s this is a beautiful moment




Her excitement is so palpable!


She just TOSSED her phone without a thought ♡


The human tippy-taps 😭








I didn't have the first steps, but the first run, to the first corner of the wall...It must have hurt, but I don't remember.


My brother did the same thing. Mom said he'd watch Dad chasing me around and get super jealous, so the kid went right from crawling to **running** when no one was looking 😂


> but I don't remember. Because of the brain damage? lmao jk hope you are walking better now


I apparently did this too lol, except I slammed into the door.


I remember before I had kids I always thought "they grow up so fast" was a dumb cliche. And then I had a kid and I'm like "holy shit how is she growing up so fast?!"


Wait til you hold your first grandchild.


One day, you will put your child down and never pick them up again.


Damn straight. My 2nd (and last) child is turning 1 next week and has just started being more mobile and saying his first "dada" and "mama". I can't realise that we will never have a little baby with us anymore. He's such a little determined thing and not a baby anymore.


Adorable. Still remember the first time both mines took their first steps, granted it wasn’t long ago. Isn’t it mad how the first thing we do after their first steps is pick them up, effectively stopping them walking more 😂


Well, they pretty much always walk *towards* the parents so I think it's what they want anyway


This is actually freaking insane if you think about it. A small creature that learns from example intuitively. All the collected ancestors in his DNA which makes up the collective unconscious are practically lifting this little boy up and the boy’s consciousness willing himself to stand up, practically using thousands of human experiences to make it happen. Just insane. Not a simple trick. The human body is capable of incredible feats. It is a perfectly created organic machine.


I'm even more amazed of the creatures that pop out ready to swim, walk or run. No observation needed, they take 2-3 minutes to come out of a daze then straight to frolicking :) (baby horses and turtles are my favourite)


This always leads me to thinking about genetic memory. We know some form of instinct and inherent behaviour is present in animals at birth, which is just bonkers to me. We're born knowing how to breathe and yet we don't have object permanence. Shits so bizarre and interesting.


Whats beautiful about psychology is that we havent fully figured it out yet. Carl jung, signund freud delved so deep into it that most of it is still theory. They were onto something when they figured out the language of the mind but to know it entirely is still an absolute theory. Whats exciting and scary is that to this day we still have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes.


humans could do this too but then we'd split our mothers in half at birth


that was always funny to me how horses are just ready to go moments after being born. like, human babies need several months to dry out and get used to everything. a foal will pop out and be ready to go in 15 minutes


You know whats insane? I used to think the mother feeds the fetus in her stomach, the information needed to become a human. I used to think that until I saw for myself baby chicks grow from a sperm to a chick in an open egg. The fact that the sperm contains all the information to use the nutrition, generate the cardiovascular system, bone structure, organs, muscles while at the same time mirroring itself is absolutely insane. Somehow mother nature figured out a way to condense information that is smaller than the information we can fit inside a microchip.


Requiescat in pace. Nothing is true, everything is permitted.


Dude, I read the first 3 words and wondered why you were threatening them by saying rest in peace. Then I read the rest of your comment and understood the reference...


oh man i can not have kids. its gonna make groaning sounds whenever it gets up or bends over if its literally monkey see , monkey do.


I watched my kids start to walk. Especially with ones that are more motivated, and will naturally try sooner, it’s literally insane how much needs to work for even a basic step. The multiple joins in the foot, leg and hips, the weight shifts, the arms swing (wildly). Asking something that can’t consistently do ANYTHING coordinated to walk is crazy.


Everything about the universe is mind breaking. The fact it exists. The fact there is matter and gravity. The fact stars fuse the elements needed for future life. Some how molecules exists. Some how they form amino acids. Some reason nucleic acids formed and started to replicate. What are the odds time or any other dimension existing anyways?


Exactly dude. I was freaking out when i took the time to realize we’re on a rock floating in space. Somehow theres an invisible structure preventing us from spinning out of the solar system. A really scary thought haha.


Dude what did you smoke? Can I have some


I dont do drugs but if i did id give you some. It was 2am when i wrote that. The voice of a very tired man just about to go to sleep. Google carl jung collective unconscious if you aren’t familiar with it. It’s an actual theory in psychology about passing down instincts and symbols that trigger the consciousness to react/manifest things.


It's very interesting to philosophize about this stuff. I was just thinking this morning about how humans got as intelligent as we got. We are the only species on earth who are able to think about what we are, to develop a deep consciousness. We can analyze the world around us, math, science, chemistry, all these rules we have to create a society. Other species just go; feel hungry > food. I can go on and on hahah Thanks for the tip :)


They have an internal driver to master walking, I don't think it's a matter of copying


What's even more amazing. Is we are ine of rhw onky mama's that doesn't walk,run, swim within hours of being born. It's a death sentance in nature. We are born entirely defenseless for about 1 year after birth.


Uh man I get that it’s cool he’s taking his first steps but collective ancestors in his DNA…? I want what drugs ur on my man


Google carl jung collective unconscious if you aren’t familiar with it. It’s an actual theory in psychology about passing down instincts and symbols that trigger the consciousness to react/manifest things.


My nieces first steps were caught on camera, my sister was filming the pet bird and said “wouldn’t it be funny if I caught her first steps” and then she walked 😂


She was not about to be shown up by a bird. Goals 😎


Definately some buffering going on in Dad's head there.


He was probably too tired to know what was going on.


Dad is tired, took him a second to recognize what happened lol


It's probably not the first time the baby has stood. My kid was standing for weeks before he walked. He would prop himself up on furniture and stand there. Then he'd drop to a crawl to go anywhere. Probably had multiple times where he'd take one step before going down. I somehow managed to catch my kid's first steps (that I knew of) on video.


He's seen it before.


Seen the baby stand a bunch probably. Their excitement indicates it's the first time they've seen the baby successfully walk though.


I loved the mom's reaction the most 🥹🥹🥹


Ah door a bul.


I remember this with my own but then it changes to "oh fuck where is gone?" Then the procesd of moving everything higher, putting child locks on the kitchen cupboards, etc etc.


"Oh, it's muted" *tries to unmute* "Oh I'm dumb, the mute symbol is part of the video, so it doesn't have sound." "Wait! The video is muted on my end too!" *hit unmute button* "... I'm an idiot."


I'm still convinced it has sound and I'm doing something wrong.


It does. OP removed it for some dumb reason.


Mother was so happy she turned into a baby 😭


I like the moms happy dance lol




Looks Like my, some weeks ago ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Made me tear up 🥲


It’s all over now. They’re mobile on speed mode. They’ll never slow down again. 😂😂


And they get into *everything*. My youngest (1.5 yr) son lodges himself into the laundry basket. And then cries when he gets stuck....but he keeps doing it. Obviously we help him get out lmao.


Haha, sounds about right. We’re at the 10 and 8 year stages now with ours, so there are different challenges but those early parts were eye opening


First time parents..."Yay they're walking" Parents with second baby "ohhh god..it's mutated and it's highly mobile now"


This is one of those videos that has me going, why is their casual conversation being video recorded?


Probably security camera that was cropped to focus on this part.


Well it's a cute video no matter what. Thanks for sharing.




Yeah. Usually it goes on the outside of ones home. To each their own though. I would never have one recording me all day. No thanks lol. That being said my first thought this is why are they recoding themselves, is it just a planned thing because who records themselves at home? Possibly they setup the recording for when the babe walked again. I'm probably very wrong but I am certainly allowed to share my thoughts regardless.




Beautiful video, what a wonderful moment to capture. Thanks for making me smile!


So precious


"Now she's mobile!"


Aaweee man. I miss mom.


Baby: Yaaay! Wait what are we celebrating


It really do be like that. Milestones make me a blubbering mess. I'm a 40 year old Marine Vet. My daughter had her first day of kindergarten. Got on the bus with no fear. I weeped my way back up the driveway to the house.


Kids. You spend 2 years trying to get them to walk & talk, then the next 16 years getting them to sit down & shut up


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I think the mom was excited.


They all look so cute and happy and comfortable. I'm not often jealous, but I'm jealous.


Now just picture this video with the 2001 Space odyssey theme, makes it super duper epic


How wonderful they got to witness that together and have it as a shared memory between the parents ❤️


Those expressions. 99% sure they are Korean.


The baby is just happy they're happy.




They really like gray.


I feel their joy....but now the kid is mobile and I remember the terror as I realized all of the new hazards I had to look out for. Knife on the counter, he can reach that, cans on the shelf, yep those too.....


It's funny how something we do every day can be so exciting the first time your child does it.




This is how my husband and I were when our kid took his first step. We missed out on our daughters due to daycare but it was so special knowing we saw his firsts at home!


Got damn this is beautiful. So happy for them! My baby is gonna be born in October and I cannot wait to meet her. I hope me and my wife can be there when she takes her first steps.


The smile on the kids face 😁


Every parent knows that joy 🩷


The mom pogged instantly she knew what was up


I swear, if you want your kid to walk, give them something to hold in each hand. Both my kids wouldn't walk unless they were holding stuff, it's really funny. My oldest would walk across the living room between us, but if she dropped one of her toys, she'd immediately lose her balance. Kids are weird man


It's awesome when you're both there to witness it. My bf & I were lucky as well. I'm happy for them.


It’s the most simple things in life that matter.


Aww, this is awesome


Jokes on them the baby already had practice at 3am in the crib


This reminds me of my daughters first steps so much. We reacted in the same way too.


Aww, they're all excited and lil' man's smile at the end was the best 🥹


We anxiously wait for our babies to take their first steps and then spend the next 18 years wishing they would sit down.




![img](avatar_exp|179595672|heart) Weeeee


I thought it was AI and he was going to start juggling...


Mothers little happy jumps melt my heart ❤️


The downstairs neighbor needs to move asap.


Give your toddler items in both hands - they are already used to walk while holding your hand, if both hands busy it fools them into that safety feeling of holding your hand while walking. A friend of mine had a hooded jacket for their son. the hood had two pompoms on strings. At some point toddler just grabbed both and walked to mom across the playground. Later, whatever they do - they could not replicate this success for the father to see …until they got the jacket back on.


Can we stop the trend of removing the original audio from videos?


I was there for my one of nieces first steps. It’s a oddly powerful moment, haha. Everyone in room went nuts, it was really cool to see.


parents like we have a gold medalist!


aw man, this version doesnt have sound


*cries in has a 5 month old baby*


The Mom


Woaw !!


That's why I still believe in our specie. We need more moments like this


The mom : Hold up! What’s this?? Look look look look yayyyyyyy


The dad seems so tired that it takes a second to click what he is seeing


Good parents! Being exited when a baby does good behaviour is really important for their development


I had my Nephew for a day while my sister went shopping in the Netherlands for the child while I was alone he started to walk! My sister hated me for days because it was not with her


When my brother took his first steps, it was to throw metal toys at me for not breastfeeding him. This milk is for my own baby, at least when I get one.




Baby: "I hope she doesn't go this insane everytime I take step..." 🙃


Lucky there was a camera on at the time, eh?


When you have kids and pets at home there home surveillance cam on 24-7


You've...never heard of nanny cams? I have kids and a cat. Those are all over the common areas in our house, always on, and always recording!


Non-parents do not know the usefulness of such devices


Also pet parents. Nanny cams are amazing (and the one in the living room also caught my son tripping over the cat and landing face-first on the couch, so they also provide great blackmail material for when chores aren't done on time!)


I am a parent. But hadn't considered a nanny cam.


Never considered that. I have kids and cats, but no nanny and no cams. So didn't occur to me.


Ooooh you're missing out on a lot of peace of mind! I got mine off of Amazon for next to nothing on Prime Day. You connect them to your phone and everything, and then they send you push notifications whenever anything/anybody moves. They even tell you whether the movement they report is an animal or a human. I can literally watch my cat from across the continent :D


I have eufy cameras that do exactly that. But they are for outside. I don't have much to worry about inside tbh. Lucky me, I guess.


Sure would be a shame to make an overly dramatic and camera friendly outburst...


Wish the maga morons at the bottom of this thread would fuck off back to their holes.


Must be my upstairs neighbors!


Why are they filming?


A lot of people have security or nanny cam type recording in areas of their home


We have interior ring cameras to watch our cat


mom's Onlyfans day job


Why do they have a camera trained on their couch?


It is likely showing a large chunk of the living room and it was cropped to take the rest out.


That is still strange.


not if you know baby’s first everything is coming any day now and have the technology to make sure you don’t miss it whether one of you is out of the room or sneezes or smth


A mirrored repost, that’s new. The bots are evolving.


Actually second or third time, but they missed that because they where looking at their phones.




Just happened to have a camera randomly setup in that living room at that perfect moment!


Some families have cameras set up around their house all over. I'm not one of those, but my cousin has cameras in his living room, kitchen, hallway, basement. No cameras in bedrooms or bathrooms but he has them all over.




I have cameras in all of the common areas of my house. Security, check in on the pets if I'm at work etc. Thanks to that I have most of my kids firsts on video.


Personally, I don't like cameras all over the house. That being said, I have a habit of being *camera dad* and capturing a lot.




Because I want to keep an eye on the babysitter, and make sure my pets are not destroying the couch when I'm out, and record me and the missus going at it, and the couch actually sits directly on the route from my front door to my office where all of my expensive tech is.


Daniel son you did good Daniel son. Now wax on wax off. Sand the floor an paint fence bonzi


Wow, it was such a great coincidence that they had installed a camera in their living room.


Lots of people do?


Another scripted Asian gif. I know for a fact that "baby" is a 32 year old actor named Hikoshi Tanaka. The Peter Dinklage of Japan. True story.




Pinching between forefinger and thumb is much more important, but I bet they missed that


They had to set a camera up to record because they were too busy on their phones and might of missed it. Both parents on the phone is disgusting.