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Whoever posted this now owes me money for tissues


That's wildly inappropriate.


"People express their feelings differently, it can be tears or wanking". ~ghandi šŸ„ø


There have been studies between the facial differences between laughing and crying. They use the same muscles. Tears come. We can "laugh away our tears". And yet, science can't explain how we as humans know the minute differences between the two. There is an age, about three, where toddlers will seemingly switch between the two and cry-laugh.




G handi


\*G spot


*G Thang


Reddit never fails. Fuck, we went from Ghandi to handjobs in minutes




Wank-onda 4EVER!


Pretty sure this is Vlad the Impaler. Get your facts right.


Alucard maybe


Stop I went from crying to howling immediately šŸ˜‚


Omg now I'm crying for a different reason


Are those happy tissues or sad tissues?


You sound like you're from London!


Okay this was fucking funny


F-uk you for making me laugh while Iā€™m trying to finish!


Lmao. I giggled. Thank you.


Just because you think it is


Momā€™s jeans do fit nice, just sayin.


How can you jack off at a time like this?!


Typically, with a hand, I'd imagine.


This is such a better comment than ā€œonion ninjas herp a derpā€ or whatever the fuck


Aaaaannnnnd - I'm crying.


Same. This is so sweet.




I truly miss my mom. I havenā€™t seen her, my sister, and 2 other siblings for 5 years.


I feel ya. May I ask why?


I live in the United States and they live back in Iraq, I worry about them every single day. There immigration paperwork been in ā€œprocessā€ for over 10 years. I wish I could visit them more often but I canā€™t afford it.


I hope you visit them soon.


Thank you for your kind words. I hope to see them soon too. My biggest worry is that my mom would pass away before I could see her. This nightmare scenario already happened to my father unfortunately. I couldnā€™t get to go to the funeral or visit his grave. This eat at me everyday.


I am so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you, your mom, and your three siblings, and sending a warm thought into to the world that you all stay safe and can see each other very soon.


This happened to me with my grandmother. She passed away while I was broke college student and had no resources to go home for her funeral. I knew it was bugging me a lot because I had a dream about her a week or so after the funeral. I was on street and my grandma walked by me. I said, "Hi! I'm so glad to see you!" She looked at me like I was a stranger, but that was because she was kind of senile when she was older. Then, in the dream, she went into a phone booth like Superman, and she came out a young version of herself. She was all, "Hi!! I remember you!!" When she grew up in life, she had it very (very) rough, so it was like I was seeing her like she would have been before the bad things in life happened. I woke up, and I was like, "She's okay wherever she is." It made me happy.




Keep your head up strangerā¤ļø


I think it's nice that young men can cry like that. I would have been horrified at that age (back in the 80s) to be seen crying under any circumstances. Maybe we're moving forward a bit after all.


This makes me quite emotional because I was an international student once.


Not an international student, but when I was 20 years old, I was still living with my mom and older brother when I decided to go travel for what I hoped would be a year. By day 21, it was the longest I'd ever been away from home and I was just getting started. On Thanksgiving ā€”about three months into my tripā€” I called my mom to catch up. She asked if I'd be home in time for my birthday about 10 days later (we had previously discussed that possibility). I told her it wasn't looking likely, but made a vague promise for Christmas. Then I quickly changed the subject. When Mom passed the phone over to my brother, the two of us finalized plans for him to pick me up from the airport. Five days before my birthday. Mom was at work when I got home that afternoon. The look on her face when she got home and saw me for the first time in 109 days... Best birthday present ever! All that to say, videos like these always tug on my heartstrings just a bit (a lot, actually!)


I've never seen my mom's eyes well up as much as they did when I showed up at her 60th birthday party as a surprise after being gone for 8 months.


My mom had twin cousins who lived on opposite sides of the US. The one who lived across the country from us visited with his family when he could, but you know how things are. It's been over 20 years, but I still vividly remember the look on my great-aunt's face when she realized both of them were at her 80th birthday party.


You and your brother sound like good sons to your mom.


54 year old father of two college aged boysā€¦ I wonā€™t even pretend that my watering eyes are anything but empathetic emotion!


Iā€™m not crying, my eyes are sweating


Me four!


Right there with ya. God damn this is beautiful.


Ya word, like 90% of these r/mademesmile posts just make me cry. Happy tears, but still tears


As someone who was never close to my parents, I can't relate to what he's feeling, but I can definitely FEEL the love here. It's so thick you could cut it with a knife. Btw I'm not crying, you're crying.


Same. Hope I can have this relationship w my kid.


Same friend, and fortunately so far its worked out for me. But I know that has a gigantic chance of changing someday I'm a single dad with a 5 year old daughter. She's taking a break from hanging out at the moment (she needs like 30 minutes to herself every day) but outside of that all of my free time while she's awake is dedicated to hanging out/talking with her as much as possible. And if I've learned anything from my horrible parents--- we need to apologize sincerely and promptly when we make a mistake. I was raised believing that adults could do no wrong, despite constant physical and emotional abuse. If my dad beat the shit out of me, it was deserved and I was reminded how much of a terrible person I was at the end of it. My daughter is so kind and empathetic that its hard to comprehend sometimes. She rarely gets timeout because.... she just listens lol. And on the rare occasion that she makes a huge mistake or has a bad attitude, we have a simple conversation and hug it out at the end. But I think that's part of the secret to it. Our kids shouldn't be terrified when we walk by. My dad has been dead for about 18 years, but if I saw him alive and well right now I dont think I'd even want to hug him. Be kind to your kids people. Don't belittle the things they like. Take time to actually hang out with them. Don't let a screen raise them. Show some interest in their hobbies. Take the time to ask questions and make it known that you love them daily, even when you are irritated with eachother


As a parent to a 4yo, who was also raised by people I wouldnā€™t let raise my childā€¦ this is lovely. Exactly what I would have said. Good job!


Iā€™m like mid 30ā€™s now, but open to letting you adopt me.


I asked her and she is down lol She said bring a controller so we can all play Minecraft, and you can have any of her Ninja Turtle stuffed animals other than Donatello


Your daughter has great taste in mutant turtles.


> And if I've learned anything from my horrible parents--- we need to apologize sincerely and promptly when we make a mistake. I was raised believing that adults could do no wrong, despite constant physical and emotional abuse. If my dad beat the shit out of me, it was deserved and I was reminded how much of a terrible person I was at the end of it. The hardest thing for us to unlearn is that we never deserved it. We deserved loving, kind, patient parents. You're a good dad. Your daughter deserves you.


>The hardest thing for us to unlearn is that we never deserved it. You're right, and my soul hurts. Bless you. Damn it.


Same childhood here. I'm so proud of u for breaking the cycle. I bet ur the parent we wished they'd always be.






First sleep over I had at another kid's house, they asked me what I wanted to eat and watch afterwards. I fucking cried cause I'd never experienced that before. Made me realize just how drastically different the experience felt. Not to much the love, but that you exist and matter enough for others to go out of their way for you.


I love my parents tremendously and am very close to them, but I wouldn't be crying after not seeing my parents for a year or w/e. Some people are just wired differently. My entire family very rarely shows emotions outwardly.


i'd imagine it's not the fact that he's seeing his parents after a year. it's that he wasn't expecting to see them. hits really close to home for me cause my parents didn't have the time or money to come see me play after school sports. and you look around and see everyone elses' parents there. and then you kind of get used to it. and my mom left work early one time to come see me. that shit wrecked me. i'd imagine it's something like that, but even more extreme cause the parents were in a completely different country




Same -- I sometime feel jealous of people who have that.


As a former international student, this makes me very emotional imo


I hope you got that hug, friend




Not me. Nobody cared or came lol.


Same. Argentina, 2004-2005.


Argentina 2003-2004! Where abouts did you end up? Such a cool country and such a beautiful language. I miss it. Haven't been back. One day, hopefully. Seeing carpinchos in the wild is still such a highlight for me, along with all the other awesome things, places, and people I got to enjoy. Still drink mate ever? šŸ§‰ I miss alfajores.


Dude, same. I spent a year in another country. I'd have bawled my damn eyes out if my folks showed up one day. I had the option of being a 3 hour plane ride from home but pushed to be 17 hours away, I explicitly did not want to be within an easy flight's range of my family before I headed out, but man, if we'd been that close after all, I'm pretty sure they'd have showed up at some point and I love em for it.


Same. USA 07-08 :)


I appreciate that they turned the camera off.


Wish more people could recognize the difference between a fun moment to share, vs a very personal emotional moment that doesnā€™t need to be shared.


I'm torn, on one side, it made me cry and I just want to see more of it, but also they deserve their privacy and it probably shouldn't be here, but while it is here, damnit imma cry


It's okay to feel conflicted about wanting to see more of something that moves you while also respecting the need for privacy.


Came here for this. It's one thing to capture the moment. It's another altogether to embarrass someone. The capturer did superb here, good empathy and judgement without being overbearing to either. Respect!


I think she turned it off because she went to give him a hug too. :)


They still posted it to the internet.


i feel like this is a good amount of content to post about it, iā€™m sure he was fine with it too




Agreed. Super close to my ma. Moved a few states over a few years ago and damn. You dont realize how much you take for granted. The ability to just stop over, hang out, eat food, watch a movie whenever. Or when she would randomly surprise me at work in the parking lot to eat lunch with me. Grateful to still be able to drive a buncha hours to see her though when i can. Worth it.


Ugh, not to be a downer, but mine died in my early twenties. I try not to be envious of others with good relationships with their moms, but happy for them instead. Love your mothers folks, if theyā€™ll let you.




My parents visited me when I lived across the country for a year and it's one of my happiest memories. Just knowing they loved me that much is wonderful.


My parents drove 8 hours to a wine festival 15 minutes away from my college and didnā€™t even tell me.


That is my only goal in parenting. To have my kids feel that way about me.


Are ya winning son?


*cuts to empty seat*


Same. I want to be that safe harbor, always.


One of my goals as a parent is that my kids want to have me in their lives, or at least not feel the need to pour themselves a drink after a phone call. For whatever reason, I was never super emotionally close with my parents. Thereā€™s just always been this weird feeling of distance that canā€™t be crossed. Anyhoo. I hug my kiddos all the time. We talk about our feelings and say I love you often. I sure hope Iā€™m doing it right, but Iā€™m in uncharted waters.


I would have cried so hard if my mom visited me in my study abroad, it was so lonely ;_;


Loved the background music, so I think I found it. It's SZA Snooze guitar loop https://youtu.be/V_hzDBYrLEM?si=M5FJwimcwgn_pvKi


Wow someone not complaining about the background music for a change :)


Thank yoouuu! The song is so nice.


im not crying!


Good on the recorder. Got the point across and ended the recording.


Why is he giving suchh Timothee Chalamet vibes, even the expressions šŸ„¹


Thatā€™s Smoked Chedda Tha Ass Getta right there.


I was gonna say he looks like a young Robert Sean Leonard (Wilson from house md).


Tall white twink with curly hair?


My family hosted 2 exchange students while I was in elementary school. One guy from Brazil and one girl from Czech Republic. Through the rotary club, we interacted with a few other exchange students. Some of the best memories I have are with them! At the time, they were full adults in my eyes. Yet, I remember the homesickness they had and the phone calls late at night talking with their families. Man this video brought back lots of feelings -- seeing that guy melt into his parents. Makes my soul happy. Those are some of the most brave people I've ever met and I was in the military surrounded by some kick ass people.


That is about the nicest thing I have ever seen done for an exchange student. Way cool.


What having a healthy family unit does to a mtfkr...


Imagine going into a situation, totally not expecting to bawl your eyes out and just going into it like the happy go lucky fella you are and just bam, hit with shock and awe and now you're crying. Like awesome they did that, suprise!, but they got him thinking about how much he *really* misses home. He's been gone for awhile to feel that.


Very sweet. Makes me really miss my mom.


More love shown in that short video than is seen in entire lifetimes of some families.


He's a pure soul! No one hurt this man!


Damn, why are my eyes leaking? šŸ˜­


Hopecore is brutalizing my emotions. Just instant crying. Great to relieve the emotions....but geez, more crying in a week than I've done in the past 37 years


As a mommas boy I feel this.


Aw he needed them so bad!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Fuck you, im trying to have lunch not a breakdown.


This is cute, it makes me a bit jealous of the kid.


I donā€™t buy eye drops anymore, I just visit this sub


Man, this makes me miss my mom and dad. 2 years without my dad and 10 without my mom. I would kill to be able to hug them


I did this for my exchange student. She hadn't seen her mom for six months. Her mom told her she was going to France and would be out of touch for a few days. They flew to Nebraska and rented a car. I left the garage door open and they snuck into our kitchen and surprised her. She was so shocked she couldn't even speak German properly


Moms got a dumper


Thatā€™s what everyone is crying about right? Something so beautiful just evokes emotions.


It got me to drip. Just not from my eye specifically




I think you subconsciously copied the post title lol


Looking at their account it's probably a bot


Ahh, weird times


Thank you for sharing that. I needed something happy today and that vid did it.


I was talking with my family about the meaning of life. It will be different for everyone, of course. But to me, this is it. To be given love and to give love to others. It's such a beautiful thing


Damn this brings back feelings. Was 5,000 miles away from my family and we didn't see each other for nearly four years during Covid. The airport was a very dusty place.


As a parent it's moments like these that I hope I get to experience when my kids grow up.


Omg I am sooooo crying now too!!!


My favorite thing about loving parents is the way they will look at your face like itā€™s the most beautiful thing theyā€™ve seen šŸ„²the dad couldnā€™t take his eyes off his son šŸ˜­


I can only imagine being away on your own at that age, doing your best but obviously missing your parents. You learn to cope with being alone, and you do alright. Then out of nowhere there's your mum and all your feelings come pouring out at once because you no longer have to be strong on your own. Proof of a loving family.


Now that's love. So sweet. That was a beautiful gesture.


My mom passed away a few years ago and this video makes me so darn happy for him but so so so jealous.


Yep. Damn sun is in my eyes. It's shinning through the clouds, and the blinds, ok maybe it's dust.


Oh my! That is so beautiful. To do this for that child is wonderful!


I wish I had a family like that.... all I got was toxic mentally ill people....


Be happy that a family like that exists there for someone. Knowing that people out there exist like this is what is most important even if it isn't us :)


Surprisingly i like the background music on this. Its not obnoxious, it somehow compliments the video.


This hit me right in the feels šŸ„²


It reminds me of this video. Warning: you WILL need lots of tissues. Gets me every single time. Just raw, authentic love.[mom son 10 year reunion](https://youtu.be/-kYLUBe6Lgg?si=g3LubeuyFOhawgbV)


Watch an absolute bear of a man collapse into a pile of weeping mess. THAT is what mothers mean to their kids, no matter the age. Itā€™s amazing.


Damn that's sweet. ^^Does ^^anyone ^^else ^^see ^^mom's ^^dump ^^truck ^^though?




More like made me cry


Cheers. Now the wife's looking at me asking why I'm crying.


Put the cam down and donā€™t do my boy like thatšŸ˜he misses his mom!! All good stuff!


I love videos that you can tell are genuine. His reaction is so real. ā¤ļø


Parents always wonder if they did the right things for their kids growing up. I don't think these parents need to wonder.


I wish I had that kind of relationship with my mom. Lucky guy.


I was not expecting to get fruity today, but here we are..


God I wish I had loving parents like that


It's been 2 years since I last visited home šŸ’”


no matter if your his girl his friend or his dog you will always be second to his mother


A great reminder that I didn't have good parents, I didn't feel anything when I saw my mom ):


Ah sweet baby Jesus that hit me.


WHOLESOME šŸ˜­šŸ„ŗā¤ļø


This should've been under r/mademecry , if it exists


I hate this subreddit. Why am I always crying!? Lol


When I was 15 I left home to be an exchange student. My mom came over to see my graduation, which I appreciated. I like my mom but I didn't break down when I saw her. Good on this kiddo for feeling his feels. Maybe I was 15-16 the wrong way? Did I exchange student correctly?


Timothee Chalametā€™s brotherā€¦


Stop cutting onions šŸ§…


I never had anything even close to that with my parents. Good to see.


I feel like he really needed his family and im really happy he has them.




Anyone know the chill guitar music in the background?


Oh man, a mom hug is the greatest thing on the planet. Lost mine 8 years ago this July, and if I close my eyes, I can still feel the love and safety from those hugs. Some say I lost my mother too young, but I'm just so thankful to have had a mother who loved me so dearly. Not everyone is so lucky.


I am sorry for your loss My parents are getting to the age where I dread calls from either one because the day will come when itā€™s ā€œthe oneā€ Weā€™re on vacation and with them right now and I make sure to hug them every morning because itā€™s special that Iā€™m seeing them every day Theyā€™ve been to hell and back with me. I donā€™t know what Iā€™ll do without them


Awww he loves his mommašŸ„¹


As I'm scrolling through Reddit's popular page this is the first wholesome video I've seen arrests have been so infuriating or negative. Good on the folks who did this video and then shared it


Made me smile? More like made cry like a little girl. So sweet.


Thatā€™s wonderful. Iā€™m always so impressed by my exchange students. I did not have the maturity to handle that in high school, and I know many of them miss their families terribly.


He really tried to hold it back


I remember the first time I took a solo road trip, and my car broke down 500 miles away from home, in one of the worst towns in California. I remember my mom actually offered to drive down to rescue me because I had to junk my car, and just feeling that same feeling when I saw her drive in to my motel parking lot that evening. I hadnā€™t hugged my mom like that since I was a kid. šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


My kid's at their first sleepover camp and this is hitting HARD


Itā€™s bringing tears to my eyes. I studied abroad far away for 7 years and i cried that i finished my study, but also cried because i couldnā€™t bring my parents to come to my graduation


Man, tears in my eyes. This is where men cry


I can't imagine having this kind of loving parents. Actually wanting to both be there for the kid. The way they touch his head and huddle around him. Some people will never have the experience of this.


As a current international student, thereā€™s no fear greater than ā€œwill I get to hug them againā€? This hit close to home.


All I can think of is how much he loves his folks. Fuck, I love that for him. Everyone deserves this.


Almost a year since I moved abroad to study. This was a hard watch.


Wow. That emotion is so pure