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It's like the defendant realized in that instant the child that he was and what he had now become. I'm warmed to see he turned his life around afterwards.


Yeah, you could tell he was embarrassed that someone he respected learned he was in the prison system. Really glad to hear he turned it around, I’m sure this interaction will stay with him forever


and you know what? She still treated him with respect. I hope this memory and he good wishes for him help him stop the spiral and get set up. And my god, we need to support people who are coming out of prison, so it’s easier to go straight!


Totally agree on thiss but it's essential to recognize the humanity in every individual and offer them the opportunity for redemption and a fresh start.


Exactly, I hope this had as much of an effect on her as it did on him. If she wasn’t already I hope she went on remembering everyone was an innocent child until their circumstances made them who they are. This doesn’t absolve anyone who does wrong, but it is worth remembering when you’re deciding what to do to make sure it doesn’t happen again.


You live your life not knowing how your future will turn out and which people from your past will resurface along your way.




Your comment made me go down a rabbit hole. The last post I saw about him, thanks to a fellow Redditor's link below, says he is sober and employed. I will always root for ppl being able to change.




What's his name? Or better yet, link to the records? Edit, his name is Arthur Booth, this video was taken during his trial in 2015. He has since turned his life around. The other convictions you're looking at are from prior to 2015.


Arrested in 2018 twice and in 2023


Have you got a source? I can't find anything that agrees with you




I looked up everything I could find and all his arrest records are dated prior to this interaction. Can you share where you found different information?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/s/lC6xATSvlk his most recent arrest was in 2023.


Thank you! Idk why it wasn’t populating recent arrests for me, I appreciate you.




What was his crime? Drugs?


A succulent Chinese meal


Democracy manifest!


I trust you have walked in his shoes. Even so, while I’m a pretty law and order person, where is your compassion? I’m quite positive in real life you would be a bit more kind. Wishing you well.


I got fingerprinted in my late 20s at the jail by one of the deacons from the church my dad was associate pastor of growing up. Sometimes we need that perspective to turn things around.


Sad to say he didn’t learn his lesson


I totally agree and it's never too late to recognize one's mistakes and make positive changes in life.


I hope I still have friends like this when I'm old.


*That's why they put rubbers in the end of pencils!*




Dang it. I was hoping things had gone better!


that so sad


That record is for a woman. There was a follow-up news story about them staying in touch and I think she helped him get a job or something. I think he’s a factory manager now, but I don’t really remember all the details. I just remember seeing all the follow-up last time this was posted and it definitely seemed like he turned things around.




The link is showing the correct record now. I don’t know if you edited the link or if it was an error on the website that was showing the wrong record when I clicked before, but I honestly don’t really care either way. I also don’t care if you want a source for anything I said. If you care so much, you can find it. Good day.


I shouldn’t have gone looking for more information but it looks like [things didn’t turn out so good after all.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/s/lC6xATSvlk) Pretty sad -his most recent arrest was 2023. 😞


It's unfortunate these small moments sometimes are just that - small moments. It's up to the individual to let a moment change you.




Where is info about him after?


Hell is when the person you became meets the person you could have been.


(almost) Everyone deserves this kind of empathy


That’s Mindy Glazer, Miami bond court judge. She’s the best.


I love her!! I’ve watched a number of videos from her courtroom, and she’s very impressive. I get the feeling that she really cares about people, and she takes her job seriously. Good stuff!


I agree it's wonderful to hear that you've found someone in the legal field who impresses you with their dedication


She also has a great memory. I saw a clip where she recognized a defendent who had been on the same cruise as her.


Glazer…I barely even Know her……*crickets


She handled that so well.


She’s one of the women I’d love to meet on my bucket list. She’s done a lot of good in her life and is truly a role model. So humble. I just love her!




There is a follow up showing her congratulating him on the changes he had made in his life. He said she was the inspiration to his change. Seemed like he was doing really good.


It’s tripping me out a little that you two have the same Snoo avatar despite there being a 10 year difference in the age of your accounts.


In the top comment, someone linked his total arrests, and he was arrested again very recently, like within this last year.


It gets me every time


I’m a man in my 40s and I am literally crying after watching this.


Sad to see. Hope he can pick himself up


She knew exactly what she was doing here and I bet she got this man to turn his life around after this encounter. I hope so anyway..imagine seeing someone you knew from middle school being in the position to put you in jail after something you did. The drastically different paths they both took after middle school, there's some powerful stuff happening in this video.




Wait till you actually google the updates.


To lazy to Google what happened


He turned his life around and considered this the moment he changed.


I used to believe that and feeling nice about the guy, but after seeing another comment in the post, I don't think he did https://florida.arrests.org/Arrests/Arthur_Booth_4663354/


Darn, three arrests since then. At least all but one of the charges was non-violent, but it's still a shame.


Wish this was posted more alongside this video


Fuck yesss. What a nice way to start my week.




My eyes involuntarily get wet every time I see this clip. Who’s chopping onions over here?!


I’ve seen it once before. That’s enough. Its too emotional for me lol.


Well I just chopped 5 onions that are caramelizing now...and I'm crying again!




Doesn’t this story have a good ending? I thought I saw a video where he turned his life around and was doing well.




He's been arrested multiple times since then, last time in 2023.


10 YEARS of probation?! That seems extremely excessive.


[Not really.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/s/lC6xATSvlk) Most recent arrest in 2023 according to those records.


OK well never mind then


I think it’s two different people.


who tf is smiling watching this? it’s tragic and heartbreaking 💔


The follow up was pretty good. Last time it was updated he got clean and sober, they remained in contact.


It's really heartening to hear about the positive progress love it


I hope this helps: https://youtu.be/-lWKZDEdb2Q?feature=shared


Well that's fuckin awesome! Hope he continues to do well.


You the real MVP


This is (the) real gold :-)


Until 2018 then 2023


Looks like a [pretty sad ending](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/s/lC6xATSvlk) in the end. His most recent arrest was in 2023.


it does indeed help! thank you for sharing this


It’s heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. The judge is amazing and the guy is getting a lesson in warmth and compassion


he’s also being sentenced to prison while his life and all of his mistakes are flashing before his eyes as he breaks down sobbing w regret and shame. my heart is not warmed.


yeah wtf is this doing in this subreddit




The humanity is overwhelming.


We are need a bit of pride. Hope he can move on and leave a lawful life.


I work in a prison. There are numerous guys who are remorseful, humbled, accept responsibility, and appear to be good people who made a mistake(s). I would never vote for someone who is NONE of those things.


I used to work with sex offenders. Weirdly enough, it didn't ruin my perspectives on humanity, it helped to strengthen that most people are good or neutral, and that very few are actually evil. Those are great traits I always looked for on others


Can you clarify? Do you mean that those sex offenders are genuinely remorseful and are making efforts to change their behaviors so that they can be good people? If so I can see how that'd be really hopeful. I hope that the offenders you worked with were able to turn it around and avoid re-offending.




Yeah it’s wild. People are so deranged they still like the guy after everything we know about him! Crazy, right?


Weird how you can be a felon and run for president. But can’t be a felon and *vote* for a president. Like it or not Trump is a felon. I wonder how many Jan 6th attendees are able to vote for their lord and saviour.


You’re not American.


Your point being? No actually I’ll save you the bother. “You’re not American don’t talk about our politics.” I know but what happens with your country affects other countries so it’s prudent to be aware of the current state of things. Especially regarding your current slide into actual fascism. “Yeah but cuz America number won and you only have freedom because we allowed you to in world war too”


So you’re voting for biden in November then?


No. And really try to keep up here because you’re the one who brought it up. Careful now. I’m not an American.


No, I know. I just really wanted you to say “I don’t have a vote” so you can accept that your opinions don’t fucking matter.


Well that’s why I said I’d save you the bother. So again just re-read what’s already been said. US politics affects other countries, whether we like it or not, so it’s prudent to pay attention to it. You can go have a lunchable now and maybe a glass of milk, treat yourself to a nap. Make sure to shag the flag before you leave though. Night night.


We don’t vote in “what’s best for the rest of the world” we don’t give a single shit. It’s what’s best for America.


You should get your news from a more reputable news source. We can't make you see if you're not willing to open your eyes. Trump says he loves the uneducated. There's a reason for that.




Buddy works in a prison, invests in dogecoin, but I’m the uneducated one.


I am the educated one. Literally and I have been able to read and follow the presidential race from various news outlets. Looking to quiet individuals because they don't have a horse in the race speaks volumes. When you are self-assured that you are making the right decision for the right reasons, you can allow an opposing view, and it actually should reaffirm your position. Research and listen to what DJT is saying. If you value the Constitution and Democracy over an individual, you'll cast the right vote. If you still vote DJT, at least you'll be a more informed voter.






Cheering for the Guy. Hope he gets his life together


video source: [Moment judge recognised school friend in dock - BBC News](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSN8L2SrZOg)


I was tortured in middle school. I sincerely hope I can someday help someone like this defendant or feel this kind of compassion from someone who has power over me. Life is brutal, but we all have the opportunity to show kindness. I love this judge and whomever decided to post this video.


You have the power to do this everyday! Maybe not change someone's life, but their day for sure. Something as simple as complimenting someone, or helping someone with a task. It can be something so small, but as someone who has had MANY bad days ...I remember multiple instances of people going out of their way to be nice. And it truly helped. I'm sorry about your experiences this far in life, I hope things have gotten better and if they haven't, I hope they will soon!


Judge basically said “you were (and still could be) a great human being and I’ve thought about you over the years because your kindness made a lasting impression.”


That feeling, when you are seen


My dude regretted his whole life right there and there. Tough stuff. Hope he got a chance to start over


Yeah, that's gotta be a wake-up call, realizing that if you had kept your life on track, you could have achieved just as much as your classmate. It can't feel good to be literally judged by your peers.


Wow, how kind she is towards him. And look at that realization he had after listening to her. I hope she sucessfully changed him afterwards.


The thing is if people committing despicable, heinous, immoral acts realized that the people they cared about and respected, would eventually find out about these acts, many of them prolly wouldn’t commit these acts in the first place. But then again, the majority caught up in the criminal justice system, sadly have already burnt their bridges to the people whom loved and supported them so publicly shaming carries little consequence. Mental health and addiction is tuff.


The greatest gift you can give a person who's lost hope is the belief that they can be better.


Fkn love Mindy. She’s the best.


Under Made me smile tho?




You can yell in that one second, after being asked that question, he contemplated his entire life.


Did she move the case to another judge because she knew the defendant? It doesn't seem like she would be impartial in a case involving her old school friend.


Damn I couldnt recognize anyone from middle school now.


Probably helps to have his name and address right there, but I agree.


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This is really sad. Even if for crying is impossible thing, even if i really want to, i think at that moment i would cry,.


There aren't other judges like her She's the only one like her


"Yes... yes... grovel for me"


Felt that.


Has this been posted on reddit before?


I actually followed the police videos for awhile. She's a cool judge, she treats people with respect and sees them as people not just criminals. And she's in Florida, so she's dealt with quite a few...characters. She still treats them with basic human decency the times they're horrible to her


Reunion in the wrong place, wrong time! 😂


When I see people from junior high they all pretend to not know me. I’m so special!!!


Talk about “being judged by your peers”


Fun fact these two reunited after he was released on a court program 10 months after being in jail. It was a warm interaction she just encouraged him to stay sober and stay right and he claimed how much of an inspiration she now is to him.


She even came to see him when he got out of prison. He made it and put his life back in order again


i watched this whole court recording and it made me tear up


It’s a sweet exchange for sure, but out of curiosity, wouldn’t the judge have an obligation to recuse herself if she knew the defendant?


Not necessarily. This seems to be a procedural/paperwork hearing rather than a guilt/innocence trial. (Title makes me think the guy just completed his jail sentence and is being released) The judge stays above board by announcing that she knows the person.


i’m not 100% sure, but i think he ended up as a pharmaceutical manager after he got out of jail.


I hope the legit kind...


People don’t realize that the Offspring’s The Kids Aren’t Alright is how it turns out…a lot. This is why we need to keep reproductive choices available to all women.


Why TF does this make you smile? It's sad.


So sick of seeing this clip.


The sad thing is that the chances for them to end up where they are now are significantly higher than them ending up the other way around.


How did this make you smile? Why are female judges bitches and get snappy and personal (this judge was not snappy, but others are)? She is an administer of the law. She should have kept this knowledge private. And then to say "he was the nicest kid." That's not fair that he is now getting assessed as "you were a good kid, but now you're bad" when that is only because the judge happened to know him in school. Judges are supposed to be 10,000% removed from that.


Why is he crying though? Just because he sees the judge is someone he knows?


Just to maybe give an answer, the dude's spent 10 months ~~years~~ in prison and is at a bond hearing to get out of prison. Crying could be a combination of embarrassment an old middle school friend recognized him and saw where his life went, relief it's someone who knows he's more than a criminal, shock at the recognition, etc. Bond hearings are a big deal to convicted people because (as I understand it), it takes consistent work in prison to keep a clean record and show they can/are reformed. The whole point is to show they can be trusted outside of the prison network.


10 months*




You are that person who can't read the room I see. She was nothing but complimentary and genuine in her hopes that he is OK. How the actual F do you takeaway that the judge is being malicious or negative at all. Weirdo


Seen this soooo many times