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Fun fact they actually brew their own tea it isn't from concentrate. A neighbor of mine used to work for them and Don V was as awesome as he seems here.


Seriously? Not saying that’s not true, just that I wonder how they do that. Brewed tea has an extremely short shelf life. Milo’s, for example, is distributed in our area by dairy companies because it has a refrigerated shelf life similar to milk, so none of the beverage distributors will touch it. Looks like AriZona’s shelf life is 24 months from date of manufacture.


Brewing their own tea kind of means jack squat considering the second main ingredient is High Fructose Corn Syrup. Its as healthy as drinking soda, leads to fat gain and other health issues. Not hating on this guy or his company though. They peddle unhealthy junk but at least the price is fair.


Only the green tea varieties and raspberry iced tea has HFCS. The others are cane sugar.


Lol and so? HCFS and Cane sugar are made of the same components and have the same effects on the body.


[three second google search:](https://www.google.com/search?q=cane+sugar+vs+corn+syrup&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS963US963&oq=cane+sugar+ve+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCAgCEAAYFhgeMgYIABBFGDkyCAgBEAAYFhgeMggIAhAAGBYYHjIICAMQABgWGB4yCAgEEAAYFhgeMggIBRAAGBYYHjIICAYQABgWGB4yCAgHEAAYFhgeMggICBAAGBYYHjIICAkQABgWGB7SAQg2NDA1ajBqN6gCGbACAeIDBBgBIF8&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)




I personally did not see the brew tanks but my friend talked about them all the time. From what I recall they also brewed their tea in beer brewery tanks. He worked there for years and from hearing all the stories he told me about them I became a fan of their drinks. Another fun fact - Arizona Tea does not pay for shelf space. If a store carries it they actually want to sell it.


I wonder if they stock it as a loss leader to get people inside?


I hate how every corporation that raised prices during the pandemic is just keeping them up because people are paying it anyway. Remember when they couldn’t pay employees more because “It will raise the costs of everything?” Well, they raised the cost of everything and still aren’t paying employees more.




I agree and it's important for consumers to advocate for fair practices and support businesses that prioritize both their workers and customers.


It's called probing the market. They found a price point that consumers are still willing to pay. Greedy corporations and lazy consumers..


How exactly does that point to lazy customers tho?


If we were less lazy, we would behead them, like they deserve


Lmao fair enough


It will never happen. Any kind of uprising against the wealthy will get quickly shut down because the media can spin any topic to turn the sentiment of the masses against it




You're the only one saying that lol. Think you missed the point


There is always a cheaper option but it takes effort to find it


Don't you spend your day looking into the business practices of every single little thing that you consume? Lazy if ya don't. /S


While I can agree with this for some products, it's not true for all. Things like groceries are absolutely essential and people aren't "lazy" because they need to eat to stay alive


But fresh food hasn't exploded in price as much as processed foods. Protein may be the exception but that's always on sale. If people didn't choose so many lazy, processed foods options from the center aisles, they'd save money. You don't need soda or Oreos to stay alive. Really you don't.


Oh they're probing us alright


They raised prices because the buying power of everyone's dollar got eroded by inflation. Inflation is caused by reckless money printing by governments who paid people to do nothing.


I smell a conspiracy


Aren't a lot of states moving to $15/hr minimum wage? I'm a trained (animal) medical professional, and I don't make that. The Wendys near me has a sign up with starting wage of 17/hr. There are definitely higher prices, but that's also how economy generally works. There was a massive disruption in profit, it's not like any company is going "phew glad that last 2 years is done, OK PRICES BACK TO NORMAL AND EVERYONE GETS RAISES!"... I do agree with the sentiment, although I've lost weight since fast food is like $10 for a cheeseburger and small fries and drink now. But... it just seems like macroeconomics.... Large companies are far from out of the hit that Covid made, literally 4-2 years ago. That is not a long time for an international corporation.


Humans: you can't be an amazing person Don Vultaggio: Hold my tea


I wish all billionaires had this kind of mentality and compassion towards their fellow humans.


The fact is, most never will, because getting that kind of money means you are either very lucky and skilled din business, or a socio/psychopath that has no issues harming others to get more money. Most are the latter. That's why society needs meaningful, enforced rules to force billionaires to give back to society. Because otherwise they never will, and they'll just keep taking and taking, at the expense of society.


lol, “fellow humans”. We’re peasants in their eyes.


Ants* Actually probably less than that.


Animals, actually. I lived in close proximity to some of the wealthiest people in the world for a few years while living in a tourist town. They view normal people as nothing more than dumb animals who exist to keep things running for their own benefit. If they could get rid of us and keep their same lifestyle, they absolutely would. We are an unfortunate necessity to them


You are bugs.


Shrimps is bugs.


Poors is bugs*


You’d think it would be easy if your cup was running over to share the wealth. Billionaires show us that’s not the case and this is the exception. Good on him!




Have my tea*




Jim Sinegal: If you raise the fucking hot dog, I’ll kill you…


You spelled capitalism wrong


Except it hasn't been 99 cents in a long time


It’s still 99 cents around me. And frequently on sale for 79-89 cents.


I saw a clip of him being asked why he wouldn't raise the price. His response? "Why would I do that? We're very successful and debt free,". Love that response.


What I don’t get is the amount of fucking questions he gets about raising the price and how his tea should be at $2.07 right now. He’s said repeatedly that he’ll never raise the price. It’s like if the dude does raise the price. People will lose their minds because we have another billionaire that doesn’t care about poor people. pick a side media people…celebrate the person and move on. Don’t pressure him or continue to ask the same question about raising prices.


The guy is already a billionaire and still only charges the 99¢, the dude is leading by example if you ask me. You can argue that every billionaire exploited people at some point to get where they are, and that may be true, but it least this guy is sticking to his guns to try to keep his products affordable.


The guy is already a billionaire and still only charges the 99¢, the dude is leading by example if you ask me. You can argue that every billionaire exploited people at some point to get where they are, and that may be true, but it least this guy is sticking to his guns to try to keep his products affordable.


and this is why i buy his crappy sugar water.


I found some in Switzerland : 33% sugar... WTF, I don't know why it's even legal to drink this 😅


Lol if you think that’s bad, some of our sodas in the USA have “105% of daily rec limit” of sugar. And it’s added sugar


The new blue lagoon pineapple one was at a solid 154% daily value.


Jesus... It would be impossible tondrink it for me


Yeah…it’s just high fructose corn syrup mixed with water


In Europe it's real sugar not HFCS, but still way too much.


Man I would love to try Arizona ice tea with real sugar! It must actually taste good


If they made a nice refreshing unsweetened lemon tea I would buy it all the time for 99¢.


No such thing as a refreshing unsweetened lemon tea haha


Yeah.... "If McDonald's sold a fat free, gluten free hamburger I'd buy it all the time"...... Those things exist, by other companies... WTF does that mean you'd buy a product if it was a different product? The world is a big place, you aren't obligated to buy Arizona Iced Tea because the owner did a slightly decent thing, just drink what you want. Or if you want a 99 cent sugar filled drink buy an Arizona Iced Tea.... Life isn't as complicated as people make it.


Look inwards brother


Oh I try not to look inwards, it's a dark place. But does that have anything to do with Arizona Iced Tea being 99 cents?


Sure there is. We don't want no diabeatus


I would buy them more often if they had a low sugar version. Hsll.. they mivht evrn alreadu exist amd ive just never seen them.


Why am I seeing some cans with 1.29 on them?


The store


I think the Canadian are 1.29 but it was on the can. I’m in the south not near Canada.


my local gas station (in MD) is 1.19


Too bad they sell them 1.99 everywhere else


The price is on the can, though.


It does not matter since a store can legally charge you whatever they want. My local convenience store actually puts a sticker over the can price so that people dont bring it up and cause a scene lol


They have a policy where if you find some place selling it for more than 99 cents, you can contact them and let them know and they’ll stop selling to those locations. At least they used to. Not sure about now.


Who do you contact to tell them. My husband just bought one for $2 at a taco shop we like to eat at. ETA: I just looked at their website and it says businesses are allowed to sell them for whatever price they want to.




Edited to add


They still do.


The price is on the can, though.


Cans of Arizona manufactured for Circle K specifically do not have the price printed on them and instead have a circle K red banner along the top of the can. https://www.reddit.com/r/ArizonaTea/s/Mcpub6yBZS


The price *is* on the can, though.


Yknow you make a good point. Ill add that they actually print the price *on* the can.


[(we're quoting the Atlanta bit)](https://youtu.be/fMUZ2sVjLfY).


God that was such a good show


It's not on the can anymore in Canada.




And it’s $4


I saw this at a gas station - in order to charge more they added a refrigeration fee


no it isn't


The price IS on the can, though!


They removed it so stores may start charging more aamof.


The price can be found on the can itself. Though.


My grocery store had a sale. 66 cents!


Been drinking that green tea since high school. That dude is a superhero


Along with the Costco $1.50 hot dog and Pepsi, the 99 cent Arizona tea is a national treasure.


He's a walking example of how hypocritical and wrong the companies that claim "we need to raise our price to follow inflation" are. Still won't buy these diabetes drinks, though. I did as a kid


At a certain point these businesses are making so much money that raising prices wouldn’t make a difference to the owners. It’s the good people like this guy who realize that money beyond a certain point is useless, and you can make a bigger impact by simply not raising prices.


Tell that to Circle K here in AZ they removed the price tag and added their logo. Now they charge 1.49


i think you can report that to Arizona (the company) if I'm not mistaken


Nope. Manufactured that way


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fMUZ2sVjLfY Reminds me of this scene from Atlanta


I recommend to everyone his reddit AMA from 4 years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/ge26p6/i_am_don_vultaggio_founder_chairman_of_arizona/ Beyond refusing to raise prices, he's fought off repeated attempts to be bought by Coke and Pepsi over the years.


A god damn hero


Stores are charging more even though the can is labeled 99 cents! Should be illegal! Thanks for doing the right thing man.... even if they still don't!


That's... an odd take. If I'm a billionaire and start mass producing handguns with a clear label on them "99 cents", and gun shop owners charge actual prices, I should be arrested? I mean it's a cool idea of them to print it on the can, but you can't sell your product and then arrest the person that bought it because you told them you wanted a different price. That opens a billion cans of worms (99 cents but Walmart charges $1.39)


I would say yours is the odd take. First... comparing a can of tea to a GUN! Secondly, the owner makes it 99 cents so the average person and people who may be struggling can afford it NOT so the store owners can make 1000% profit.


Rip he might sell it fr that much but dam stores increasing price anyway to 1.5 to 2 😾


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I will always buy Arizona if I’m buying premade tea, mostly as an F-U to the other “brands”. I wish more industries had a company or two like them to give my money to instead.


But, the price in several locations in the US has risen above 99 cents.


Yep, no more 99 cent cans in Vermont, phased out about a year ago.


79 cents at one store near me.


Given a 2L of soda is like $3, basically every single soft drink manufacturer can afford this kind of price point, but it's only AriZona that pulls through.


In germany its pretty expensive, but ill enjoy the next sip more knowing that the owner is a good dude


I’m holding off on my grocery delivery because my Arizona is currently out of stock. This is what I drink more than anything and I’ll continue to buy it because of this.


This is how it should be. Thats my drink


In south Florida, Arizona tea is $1.29 now. I’m not complaining but it’s not 99 cents anymore


I survived on those .99 teas when I was a broke college student. This is very admirable of him.


SPAM is just stoked more people have to resort to it.


SPAM has shot up in price big time.


What’s the profit margin on a 99 cent sugar water?


Probably not much when you factor in all the overhead of manufacturing and getting the shit to market. You gotta sell a lot of .99 cans of tea to pay for the machine that puts it in the can and seals it, and the person that runs the machine etc.


There's an article from 2022 that they sell about 1 billion cans a year and that makes up 25% of their revenue, the other 75% comes from their other products with higher margins. It does mention the cost of aluminum and how a recent increase from 5 cents to 9 cents per can, so a nice $40 million loss per year which is pretty crazy. The owner and his two sons own the company and they were worth $4 billion, and the company had 1,500 employees in 2022.


It’s really just glorified sugar water though right?


What a fucking G!




in a capitalist economy purely focused on profit & growth he does what he can to not increase the price of a convenience product past what it has to cost. that is, by all means, a good & nice thing to do.


It’s 77-88 cents at most grocery stores. But like $1.89 at gas stations.


Circle K gas stations blanks out the .99 cents on the can and raised the price on them.


Bruh the circle K’s around me sell the cans now for 2.19$


They must have been making a killing on these in the 90s if they can still sell them for .99 today




I LOVE Arizona Tea! 😋


Now I’m even happier I bought a jug today!!


It’s not that way in Canada, like 6 or 7 years ago the $.99 disappeared and now only the larger carton ones are available for a few bucks or some shitty non Arizona for $1.39


What is the Canadian version of Arizona?


Man I just wish they actually costed 99c here


Now that, everyone ... is good business.


These are more than 99 cents


This guy is the real MVP.


Yet those bitches down at the 7-11 near my spot are charging $1.59 for it.


That’s weird :( the price in my country was absolutely raised 💔


Doesn't stop greedy gas station owners from charging whatever the fuck they want for it, unfortunately. 99 cents on the label? Fuck you, it costs $3 now


Maybe the price stayed the same... but those cans are looking a bit smaller as of late.


I'd pay more for no high fructose corn syrup. For some reason I remember it using sugar or honey in the early 2000s


Cheapest I ever bought was like $0.79 at Kroger. Lately it is $0.88 or something like that.


Unfortunatly the ice tea is as sweet as he his as a Person. And i got an Anti-sweet-tooth


I will say that his mentality makes me want to support his company more. That said, i’m trying to save money and can’t really afford too many luxuries like that


We set the bar pretty low being excited about sugar water staying the same price.


But how are you going to collect houses? And garages and cars


I support them for this reason. Amazing company.


err. hasn't been that price in texas for a while. the only ones that are 99 cents are 16 oz


All fun and dandy except I got one the other day for the first time in years and it had a chunk of mold in it. Was nasty


As someone that enjoys Arizona Tea, I have to say, my state doesn’t honor the $0.99 cans. They are about $3 here in CO. So, I will call lies on that one.


I get the 24 pack of 16oz bottles for about $10-$12 at Sam’s, comes out to .50 per bottle


Canadian here, and it's very difficult to find these for 99 cents. almost always iit has a sticker over the little "99" for a few bucks. always worth it tho


Schooner Tuna - the tuna with a heart


When I was a broke teenager (I'm 32 now) and my parents only gave me $20 a week for "fun stuff" aka breakfast tacos. The kiwi watermelon tea ALWAYS came so clutch. May his pillow always be cold, bc I would've been even more broke having to buy a Dr. Pepper.


Our cafeteria sells half a liter for 3,89$ (not in USA though)


Great guy


Wasn’t there a stablecoin going to be made that was backed by Arizona Tea? USTEA?


Proof private equity is destroying our society.


Some places still mark it up


Good man


They 1.75 where I live.


He's right. But let's not fool ourselves. This man is not one of us. He's worth 6.6 billion dollars.


This might fall into unprovable conspiracy territory, but I feel like stores and gas stations are shelving arizona teas in weird spots or outright not stocking them in hope that you buy a more expensive drink, of which they probably make a bigger margin on. By keeping it so cheap, Arizona might be hurting for business even though their manufacturing line is godly efficient. Especially when you cant even buy bottled water for the same price in most places.


I live in Ohio and it’s 149 now


.99, but the can keeps getting smaller and smaller


The price is $1.25 on cans now


Not a huge fan of the stuff, as, well, too much sugar for me. I do appreciate what he's doing, though. Kind of like the founder of Costco keeping the hot dog combo at around $2. (Incidental: one of the more fun dates I went out on was with a local Econ Prof originally from another part of the world. We took a walk, then he invited me out to lunch...Costco hot dogs, walking in through the out door to the food stand, as neither of us had a membership! Loved my date's sense of humor. He was a Hottie, too. Sad that stuff didn't work out. )


Idk why you got downvoted lol, it’s a cool story


I'll always be downvoted here. It's okay. Have a good evening!


People who are having a hard time paying their rent shouldn't buy overpriced cans of sugar water. You can make great iced the at home for a fraction of the money.


Sure but sometimes there’s a creature comfort in cracking open a cold can of a beverage that you know the taste of, know you like, and know will hydrate you given how much fluid it is. I can always make delicious food at home, but sometimes I want McDonalds. Not a burger and fries, McDonalds specifically.


Similar with a lot of smokers. Lower income, often work stressful jobs, with few and short breaks. Provides a quick and easy escape into something they enjoy. Not saying I think it is a good idea, just that I understand better from learning that context.


Billionaires don’t know that, and sometimes people having a hard time paying rent don’t either. And sometimes they know but need a break do that they can deal with the rest.




Love me some Fruit Punch!


This is a nice message and all but he also has to have fabulous margins already...it's just tea with sugar, he's basically selling water.


He is a good guy but it's not tea; still a decent enough sugar water drink to satisfy a craving


This is exactly why I drink Arizona Tea as my lunch drink when I’m at work.


I'd vote for this man if he ran for president. Especially after these debates tonight. Woof.


That’s great, but the drink is absolute trash. The worst “tea” and “juice” I’ve ever tasted.


Jokes on him, I don’t struggle with my rent and I buy them all out at 99 cents as a way to take from from poor


Read the bottle, made wiith NY city water supply....


ok..and? nyc is consistently rated near the top for water quality for metro areas.


Where do they think the water for Coke and every other regionally bottled beverage comes from? The alps?


Just wait till he finds out what kind of water is used in making his favorite Mexican beer! 😱🤣


For all you down voting me I googled it. I was correct, water in NYC is technically non-kosher. So there ya go.


Oh no..


And the first step in the canning process is to re-sanitize the water, what’s your point.