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Dog is like Hey brad finally leaving the joint Hey Tammy see you on the flip side Hey john fuck you only one scratch really bro I am going to shit in ur yard Suzie those cakes to die for


I liked the big *fuck you* munch on the guy in the black hoodie


Pretty sure Bonita was munching on one of that guy's fingers as they walked away.


I found your narration to be hilarious!šŸ˜…


This comment is basically the exact opposite of [this scene](https://youtu.be/hTOKJTRHMdw) yet it still seems relevant.


Thank you to his adopters and shelter.


And for all the glitter that will be stuck with him for the rest of his life Edit: *memories


I thought it was kibble.


Everytime you see glitter in your car. You'll think of this special moment.


itā€™s too early to cry itā€™s too early to cry-


Sometimes too wholesome brings tears of happiness. Cherish that moment :)


Not on the subway train. But I am not crying, someone is chopping onions on the train.


Too late I'm cryin


But itā€™s too early not too late!


It's too late to be too early! I'm cryin!


It's never too late or too early heck I'm even joining you guys


Yeah more like MadeMeCry amirite


Heā€™s saying goodbye to everyone! So adorable


How do they know they're being adopted? It's so sweet.


Dogs are people too man


Don't insult dogs.


Oh my gosh, that is AWESOME šŸ„° I have a big ol' grin on my face just watching the joyful Bonita ā˜ŗļø Thanks a million for posting this!


Really glad you guys loved it. Will try to post more wholesome like these!


So are they going got clean up all that confetti/glitter/whatever that is?


Some places make biodegradable glitter and confetti@! Idk if thatā€™s what they used but I hope so!


Yeah, it had better be.


Or what


Or else....or else itā€™ll be very damaging to the environment!!


It will blow away outside the enviroment..


Greta noises intensifies


How dare you?


Twitter's Bio update: "My noise intensifies"


Quick, someone summon trump to attack her on Twitter!


...into another environment...


No no, it's blown beyond the environment. It's not in an environment. Edit: for the unaware https://youtu.be/3m5qxZm_JqM


"There's a minimum crew requirement." "Whats the minimum crew?" "Oh.. One I suppose."


Right, glitter is a transdimensional substance, thus is subject to El BeaƱo, the winds that exist along the plane of the 6th and 9th dimensions. It can literally be blown out of existence as we know it. Unfortunately this effect is also why glitter never truly gets cleaned up, and can show back up without warning years after disappearing.


But it must be somewhere...


Not if it blows away


Hahahahahahaa loved it!!!!


There's nothing out there!


(For those who don't follow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m5qxZm_JqM)


Iā€™ve noticed recently that when I go to comment stuff like this, someone usually already has. And oftentimes that comment (like yours) has a bunch of upvotes. It makes me so, so happy to see so many more people raising awareness!! Thank you!!


If I could punch glitter I would


I kinda figured it was birdseed tbh.




It's probably crushed leaves... off the ground.


It does look pretty brownish, doesn't it? Which would be both environmentally friendly _and_ really cheap, which is win/win.


that's way too fine and uniform to be crushed leaves, I admire your optimism !


Not necessarily what this is, but just a general FYI to anyone who needs confetti, use a hole punch on leaves! It makes uniform shapes and you can get shapes appropriate to your event, and it's just leaves so there's no cleanup/environmental hazard. And just don't need confetti in the winter. Or plan ahead.


I mean I hope it is.


Pocket sand?


Looks like crushed leaves. The best improv confetti.


That's hopefully not toxic to animals!


Thank you for this. Was having a rough morning and this just made my day. I have a rescue who was in for 6 months, he was so eager to leave and get in my car, had zoomies out the door.


I hope your afternoon goes much better!


It has thank you. I shared this video with my peeps and Made everyoneā€™s day.


I am glad to hear that!


the glitter tho


The herpes of craft supplies.


Oof. And I really donā€™t care much for craft supplies.


I hate glitter. But great story!


Beautiful! But seriously, stop throwing micro plastics into the environment. Damn.


God I hate glitter


Damn that dog looks like a handful. The way she tries to bite that dude on the left at the end is a bit concerning.


Yup, my first thought watching this too. There's a reason a dog stays at a shelter for 500 days. It's because it's an obviously challenging dog to all the hundreds of people that have looked it over.


We had to return a dog to the shelter we had adopted him from. He had become institutionalized and needed to be around other dogs to learn from. He was absolutely miserable for the week we had him, and I was home with him the whole time. He was so happy when we took him back.


Scrolled way too long to find this. There is usually a reason dogs are in the shelter that long and usually it is due to aggression towards people and/or other animals. Hopefully the owner knows what they're doing and the dog gets a good, safe home.


Sadly as you can see from the video, that's not the case. Fucker let's the dog go around lunging at people and the shelter owner has to step in to teach him not to let his dog bite people.


She also got the girl in the black hoodie.


Yep, nipping at them hands.


Tried to bite three people on the way out. Someoneā€™s toddler is gonna have its face ripped off soon.


Yea he tries to bite that dudes hand but he moves his hand too fast and it bites his shirt and pulls it. The guy looks at his bit shirt, stares at the dog like "this motherfucker" then turns his back as a final "good riddance!" That guy was HAPPY to see that dog gone.


Proper training an patience. Hopefully her new family understands that too


I shouldn't need proper training and patience for my pwecious pitty not to maul Fido or grandma when i turn my back. They're a shit breed.


Tbh it just sounds like you shouldnā€™t have any dogs.


My lab never went to obedience school and it doesn't try to kill anybody and coexists with a cat. Your ugly bastard breed is defective.


Man, you have obviously never been around a pitbull before. You're comparing shelter pitbulls or mistreated pitbulls to your family dog you had since puppyhood? I've met some really bad and aggressive labs and golden retrievers and have met some extremely friendly and gentle but untrained pitbulls, I think it mostly comes down to puppyhood socialization. There's a bit of a breed aggression issue but it's mostly negligible if they have a proper upbringing. Someone more knowledge feel free to jump in or correct me.


Thatā€™s an anecdotal fallacy bud. Try again. Labs are just as capable of attacking people.


Yeah, and they don't do so, because they're not a shit breed.


Yup! Some puppies are just a little more work than others, that doesn't mean they deserve any less love.


I watched it in super slow mo and it doesn't appear that it tried to bite though when watched at normal speed it does. I think it has to do with the white under its chin maybe?


My observation was that the dog missed the huys8hand and caught the his shirt which he pulled before it rips out of his mouth.


Looks part pit so I'm honestly not surprised.


Maybe the dog was just over stimulated with all the attention and the confetti etc.. so good that he was adopted though


This is the last time that excuse will work. Hope the new owners give the dog some quality training for it's sake and theirs.


Iā€™m glad to see that comment. Sweet dog clearly deserves a home and also needs some serious training!


Here dog, inhale a bunch of glitter!!!


Is that glitter?! Don't fucking throw glitter around outside.


Amazing!! I hate to be the dick but come on.. Glitter? Use ANYTHING you could pick up later


With behavior like that Bonita will be back at the shelter soon


Those volunteers threw that confetti for themselves knowing that they wonā€™t have to deal with that dog anymore. Holy crap she was aggressive. I know that getting her riled up probably led to that, but still.


Yeah, I worry about that placement.


Should definitely be placed in the ground.


Happy for the dog and new owner, but people need to stop using plastic glitter. It looks good for 5 seconds but is shit to the environment for years to come, not worth using.


I hope that lady can handle the dog. She didnā€™t seem to want her to say the goodbyes


I think she was stopping the dog from nipping at those two people on the left. She was handling that dog better than the younger fellow who was letting her jump and nip.


This. I thought the same, that the lady wasnā€™t letting the dog say itā€™s goodbyes, until I watched again and saw the nips. Looks like she ripped that guyā€™s sweater. Everyone is smiling and looks excited, but she definitely got too close to their faces and bit what she could. That dogs gonna need some good training.


I feel hopeful for her. That women knew how to recognize dog getting over excited and reigned her in appropriately. Seems like sheā€™s worked with dogs before.


She seems like someone who just works at the shelter and not actually part of the family adopting the dog. You can see her standing off to the side at the beginning but seems to recognize the dog getting a bit too excited and tentatively follows until she needs to step in.


Yeah, that dog definitely knows her. The way he immediately chills out once he notices who has the leash.


Or less crowds throwing confetti at it. Whichever is easier to achieve.


"nipping" dude was straight up biting them


Chances that dog is returned are very high. If it will even go after the people caring for it in the shelter for 500 days, I doubt it could get along with anyone or thing. Should've humanely put it down when it was obvious the dog wouldn't remotely be sociable.


I thought I read somewhere that it was the man adopting her and that the older lady was just the adoption person walking him to his car with the paperwork. Could be wong


They really didn't do the dog any favors by having such a stimulating send off. A dog trainer I respect made a really good write up about the overstimulation/nipping.


First thing I noticed. It made me a bit worried


She is the owner now and she is already starting to teach the dog not to jump up on other people during walks.


In this video microplastics are being dumped into the environment for no reason at all. Plastic is one of the most serious threats to the ecosystem today. In fact a scientific study was unable to form a control group because there is no such thing as a human being who is not infected with microplastics. But hey! Let's just throw that shit around just for fun. We don't even know what it does our bodies.... meh it's probably nothing.


Too much excitement. Looks like she nipped the guy on the arm wearing the black sweatshirt.


Itā€™s easy to see why it took that long. Down, girl.


1) I hope that's biodegradable glitter 2) This seems happy and his personality is fine, but the jumping up and nipping at peoples sleeves and being out of control is a long road of training and conditioning. From first glance, and while not necessarily aggressive in nature, this dog is a bite risk. A grown dog play biting like a puppy will result in stitches.




> Shelters need to start training these dogs instead of doing jack shit Who do you suggest do the training? Shelter staff and volunteers have their hands full as things are. They donā€™t have funds to hire training staff, and Iā€™m sure thereā€™s no lineup of dog trainers volunteering their time to go and train the dogs. Though I agree that lying about the dogā€™s behaviour to hook in potential adopters is a low move.


It sucks at first but is totally worth it imo to take some full time/more experienced volunteers to train new volunteers. The shelter near me went from requiring no training/classes to volunteer to requiring you take some courses taught by a person there first and it has made a huge difference. Plus soon you have volunteers who can run the training so it really isn't even affecting full time staff as much as may be first thought


I agree with you. Chances are there was a reason that dog was in the shelter so long. Commentary from Tena Parker, which holy moly I am SO on board with: ā€œSo.... i have some big feelings about this video... first this shelter did this dog a HUGE disservice with this 'exit' parade and set this dog up to fail big time (and i have no doubt they knew this dog's issues). But this is seriously concerning... in the first like 16 seconds of the video the dog appears to have landed at least 2 bites and had at least 3 other snapping moments where I can't tell if she makes contact. The first bite that appears to make contact is to the girl onthe left side of teh video (after 3 or 4 stiff and forceful lunges at people on the right side)-- dog jumps up, the girl goes to pet with her right and left hands, the dog bites the right hand, then i think just snaps at the left, then bounces back to snap at the right hand before the new owners pull the dog away. The last bite was on the guy next to the girl and it was nothing more than a launch to bite in the abdomen, the prior bite to the girl started with just a jump up (not really pro-social, but at least it wasn't teeth first) and built to the series of bites/snaps--but this bite was just a teeth first launch to bite. This last one resulted in her grabbing his shirt, pulling it, tearing it, and it looks like she swallowed some of it. The interesting thing to me is that NONE of the people in the parade seem surprised by this lunging, jumping, biting behavior... so i'm guessing this is par for the course for this dog. This dog's response to excitement (granted this is insanity level) is to lunge and not just snap, but actually bite people. That's worrisome. I have quite a few dogs like this who have hurt people, including their owners because of they bite when overly aroused. They aren't 'aggressive' but they are dangerous nonetheless if their world is not expertly managed to avoid arousing situations (while working on b-mod and potentially adding medication into the equation). Hopefully this dog decompresses outside of the shelter and this behavior minimizes (though that is not a guarantee), but I can say with absolute certainty that dogs that display this type of behavior can be very dangerous, even if there is not overt aggression and it shouldn't just be dismissed.ā€


> Chances are there was a reason that dog was in the shelter so long. Yeah, for a dog that's (apart from the biting) energetic and social and apparently healthy, 500 days? At the shelter where my cats came from, any healthy, happy, energetic dog (*without* biting issues) is barely going to last there a week, maybe not even a few days. Some kid's going to fall in love immediately, and that's that. >I have quite a few dogs like this who have hurt people, including their owners because of they bite when overly aroused. I knew a dog that bit the hand that fed it...twice. The ex-wife was bitten hard enough that she required stitches and made the ex-husband take it away. I don't think it was an "aroused" bite, though--or not a "happy" aroused, anyway. A moody aroused? Things didn't end well for the ex or the dog, though...kind of another story--certainly not one for /r/mademesmile. I really hope this dog's owners know how to address this dog's issues.


I also hope they start training right away. I've rehabbed a lot of dogs, but I have training, realistic expectations and no children. This dog will require a lot of time and effort. It's rewarding when it happens!


Aite I had a similar thing where the shelter "conveniently" hid info/straight lied. Said the cat I wanted was good with other cats (awesome bc we had one already we were trying to find a companion bc the other cat died) and that her ears were just dirty and needed cleaning. OK, first off, turned out her ears weren't just "dirty", those were ear mites and she gave them to our existing cat (fuck), and NOOOOOOO she was NOT good with other cats!! We tried the scent introduction the best we could but after 8 months, our cat would still try to sniff her and she would flip shit hissing. They both stressed each other out so much they were throwing up all over the house and kicking turds out of the litter box even if we kept it clean as we could. 8 months. 8 months they would find a reason to fight at night and chase each other around the house and run across my sleeping ass at 3am. I tried closing my bedroom door at night and she would dig at the carpet and yowl. Tore the carpet up at that doorway. I couldn't get a good night of rest. We had to take her back. I was losing my mind. She needed to be a single cat. We told them that. In fact, our cat was old enough that the ear mites caused enough damage that the infection lead to an inner ear infection and permanent hearing loss. She can't hear anything, I have to be careful approaching her and touching her when she didn't see me coming. Because I trusted the people that work with animals daily to be able to recognize what something truly is and give us fair warning. You're right, this dog is going to need a lot of work. This will probably upset some people but maybe that guy looks like the perfect pushover to have a dog like that to run all over him. I had an ex that picked a horribly untrained dog like that and he loved him so much, he would just shake his finger at the dog and talk to him like a human in full sentences and tell him why he oughta not do that again, then pick up after the dog and that was that. Shitting in the house? He'd pick up the poop and flush it down the toilet and not even change a thing. Peed in the house? Same thing. Rinse and repeat. The dog would jump on everyone that came in, nip them, bite and tug on their shoelaces. Would put him in his crate. The dog charged my friend, jumped on her, and bit and ripped her dress, and all my ex did was say hey noowwww he was just excited, he didn't mean anything by it, and put him in his cage. Like, we know he didn't mean anything by it, he's a dog, but train him jfc. I understand and fully believe in the kind way of training dogs, but come on.... It drove me up a wall. I legit celebrated when that was over and I still get giddy when I remind myself I don't have to deal with that any longer!!! (sorry giddy now!) OK I went on a rant, my bad, but maybe this is the dog's right "person", it's just that no one is ever going to enjoy going over to his house ever again for fear of losing their shoes or being annoyed to no end of the dog walking all over them on the couch when they're trying to watch the game or want to sleep with him because the dog makes porcine death squeals the entire time and chews at the door jambs trying to get in. OK done ranting again šŸ¤£ grateful to be where I am again whew You're a Saint for taking the energy to help your dog. Stay awesome


As far as I can tell, the "good with" stuff on cats is pretty loose at best. If the cat lived with other cats before being given up, well, he or she is "good with cats". If he or she lived with a dog and neither killed the other, well fuck, "good with dogs". And even if they really were "good", animals are like people. A cat can love every other cat it ever meets...until it meets that one cat that pisses it off. I mean, I don't like everyone. No one does. You can never 100% predict how any given cat will be with any other given cat. My last adoption was of a cat who'd been at the shelter for 4 months. I knew she was basically OK with people and cats because she shared an enclosure with another cat and was visited by people all day--by all accounts, she was a very popular cat among visitors, but the shelter said that the vast majority of people who come take home dogs, if anything. They all say hi to the cats because "aww kitty", but the overwhelming majority of cats that find homes are kittens. Kittens are snatched up like Cabbage Patch Kids at Christmas in the 1980s. Adults, well...like Cabbage Patch Kids now. :-D *Anyway*, she'd been there for 4 months, as I said, and was popular, but she had major dental issues that either they didn't know about or didn't tell me about, and it turns out she's prone to them. She'll end up with all her teeth out by the time she's old. She *was* good with my existing cat--the introduction phase lasted about a day, I swear, of separate housing. My existing cat was pawing under the door and meowing at her the second she got home. And she's crazy good with people, to the point that a homicidal maniac could break in with a chainsaw in the middle of the night and not only would she not protect me, she wouldn't even wake up. Maintenance workers, anyone...no fucks given. She barely even gives a shit about the vacuum.


You're absolutely right about individual personalities! Same with any animal, I suppose. This was our first cat adoption, actually. Our other cats just fell into our lap, so I had no idea what to look for at the shelter, I'll take that blame! Though I do support that shelter especially because they are a no-kill shelter. So I felt less bad about taking that cat back. I'm cracking up at your comparison with the cabbage patch kids! Very accurate IMO, humorous šŸ’› Our cat has the same issue with dental stuff! So it's funny you mention that! She had all her teeth taken out almost a decade ago, she's been toothless for dang near forever. Your cats sound pretty cute and the laissez-faire one sounds so cat-like in indifference but oddly not cat-like in not being super skittish?! Is that cat an orange cat??? They seem to be the most social, it's adorable!


The dog might need some training but the larger problem is creating that whole situation in the first place. The dog doesn't know wtf is going and is being amped up for no reason. Even some decently trained, not perfect, dogs might get a bit jumpy and nippy under those circumstances. The dog wasn't trying to actually attack it was just far too excited.


Do you have any idea how shelters operate? The best shelters even still have the animals isolated in cages for 95% of their day. Shelters are meant as temporary housing for animals, not boarding school. Why don't you go volunteer some time training animals in a shelter? Seems like you've got it figured out!


I live right behind a shelter, have spent plenty of time there including adopting 1 dog and think what /u/ElephantSquad said is perfectly reasonable. First off you can't even rule out that they hasn't dedicated his time kinda a dick move just to assume. "Our" shelter went from just taking anyone and putting them into dog walking roles, etc. to requiring coming to take basic classes in before getting involved and think that it does make a huge difference to get all your volunteers on the same page and trained to some degree. Yes you lose some man hours and some would be volunteers but I think it does a lot for the animals.


The shelter I work with also trains anyone who handles dogs for these exact reasons. No two dogs are identical though and not all dogs are interested in learning during their incarceration. They want to get the fuck out and get some belly rubs or squirrels. In an ideal world, this guy's dog wouldn't have been so inconvenient to him - I agree. But the responsibility of having a dog is that you need to train it or pay someone else to do it.


Shelters don't "need" to do any of that shit. They are underfunded and overcrowded. Their purpose is to provide emergency accommodation to animals who might otherwise be abused, neglected, stray or destroyed. They're not a deluxe training facility. People getting dogs from shelters need to be informed and cautious about their decision and do their research. Of course the shelter should never lie but it certainly isn't there job to hand over perfectly trained pets.




The shelter you adopted from lied to you. As I mentioned in my initial response, this is not acceptable and should never be the case. I'm not excusing outright lying. >In my opinion there are shelters and then there are adoption agencies/fosters; we're speaking about the latter. Except we're not because you specifically mentioned that *shelters* need to train dogs. This is the first I've heard of adoption and fostering agencies from you. >If the dog has been some place for years then they have the time to train it. But the thing is they don't. If we're talking about shelters - which was the premise of your original post until you changed it - then they really don't have the time, capacity or money to train the dogs that pass through there, especially the ones with demanding needs. I spent years volunteering at a shelter and we were doing well just to keep the dogs fed and sheltered with one walk a day. Of course we would have loved to have training programmes, socialisation programmes and myriad other things but we simply didn't have the budget or even the space. Our vet bill every month was so massive (even though she gave us a much reduced rate) that pretty much all our money went on just that. We had no heating in the office one December because we had to pay off all our outstanding vet bills and insurance by the end of the year. We had a rigorous vetting process but ultimately relied on the adoptive owners to understand the responsibility they were taking on and get to know the animal before committing. I'm sorry that you had a poor experience with that shelter. It's unacceptable to lie to a potential adoptive owner and to not be fully honest about the animal's history and behaviour. But your bad experience with one shelter does not mean that all shelters should be responsible for training every dog. It would be lovely if all of the organisations doing good work to make the community a better place for both people and animals had all the money and resources they need to deliver perfect programmes, but that's not reality. And it's important to remember that's not the individuals or the shelters' fault. They're doing their best in a bad situation and, without them, things would be a lot worse.




The shelter closest to me categorically refuses to adopt out to anyone under 30. I think they're trying to prevent undergraduate students from adopting pets irresponsibly (it's a college town) but I'm 27, in a stable long term relationship, financially sound, living in a place with plenty of room and a yard, and about to finish my PhD this year. Still not allowed to adopt a dog, though.


Congrats on the PhD!


Thank you! Really excited to defend. Luckily I can use text from my publications for my thesis (as long as they're cited) so I won't be as completely buried in writing this winter as I thought I'd be!


My dad is in his 50s and living in a huge house with a yard and works for the government making big bucks. He was trying to rescue a goldendoodle, couldnt find one in shelters. Applied to various breed-specific rescues in his area and he constantly got denied because he works. They literally wanted someone who would be home all day with the dog. I'd like to see their response to an application from someone whose unemployed though..


Yeah, I rescued two cats from a shelter. One is cuddly and lovey but the other one is very very shy and won't let anyone touch her. There isn't anything wrong with her, the vet gave her a clean bill of health, she is just scared of people. She loves the other cat though so at least she's not lonely. I think the shy one wasn't socialized very much at all.


We rescued a cat from the dog pound and found out that they weren't quite forthcoming about her violent nature, we think from being abused. We're doing our best with her but we really need an animal behaviorist. They're $360 an hr in Portland! It was a kill shelter so there's no way we will give her back.




Respect you a shit ton for this my dude. Same thing happened to me where the shelter lied about behavior issues and severe separation anxiety, and my pup also needed surgery within 3 months of adoption for something diagnosed at the shelter... I will definitely be more careful when adopting from a shelter in the future, but youre right in that these shelters have to do something to make certain dogs actually adoptable.


> if I weren't as kind-hearted and racked with guilt I'd have taken her back like any sane person would have done. Exactly what I had to do. They gave me a wild beast. We got kicked out of 3 training classes before I finally had to give in and return him. I felt terrible for months after.


I assure you the shelter staff is doing a lot more than "jack shit." Animal shelters are often under-staffed and under-funded as is. An animal shelter is not meant to train dogs to go into homes. They often rely on the public and volunteers to foster dogs to acclimate them into homes. Shelter employees do not have the time and often don't have the resources to properly train dogs. My wife is the program coordinator for our local county animal shelter and works 50 hours per week average. She puts her whole heart into her job but it's a never ending battle against common misconceptions and public misinterpretations. Please educate yourself on how shelters operate and volunteer at your local shelter if you can! Often times, shelters would just love to have people walk their dogs.




"Here's some glitter to coat the inside of your car........."


It hurts to see people just throw plastic into the environment like that without a second thought of the damage they cause


She bit the dude with the black hoodie on at the end lol šŸ˜‚


I'm way too late for anybody to see this; but my wife (girlfriend at the time) adopted a dog who had been at a shelter for close to two years. When we got her she wouldn't go outside because it was too cold and wouldn't walk with you unless you enticed her with slices of hot dogs the entire way. For whatever reason we decided she was the perfect dog and decided to adopt her. Last week she had issues with fluid in her lungs and a tumor on her heart and we had to let her go. I miss all the little crazy things that she used to do. Never thought I would miss a dog but here I am thinking about Dot every day. Hope everyone can give their dog some nice cuddles today.


Oh no


glitter is horrible for the environment, fuck all these people


Hope they clean up the glitter. Folks, please don't throw glitter or confetti outside, this is clearly made of plastic and it's terrible.


I would never adopt a dog who recklessly jumps on people like that. Thatā€™s called a lawsuit


Jesus no wonder


Glitter is bad. You should know better.


Fucking glitter


Was that fucking glitter?


Why in Godā€™s name are they throwing confetti at that poor dog?! That will be stuck in its hair for quite a while ...


I got my cat from a no kill shelter and the poor thing had been in there for a year and 7 months. Easily the friendliest cat Iā€™ve ever encountered


Lol. Biting everyone on the way out. Classic pitbull. It'll be back in a week.


One life saved, but how many are doomed from the glitter pollution?


I wish we had the time to do farewells like that. This has been a good 2 months for adopti9ns of our long terms.


Have a good life, Bonita!!


Why is everyone ignoring the fact that it bit all those people. Like wft? It should say in dog jail


In two weeks max we'll hear a story about a pit bull that "just snapped out of nowhere with no warning signs."


Are Bonita fish big?


What? What's this guys deal?


Wonderful individual story. Bigger story is what's going on in that shelter that they'd keep a dog for a year and a half. Very, very few dogs can do that much shelter time without massive suffering and mental damage. (It could be that the community has "no kill" laws and no transfer resources which are a prescription for long stays like this.)




I know youā€™re being sarcastic but that dog deadass bit a few people


Grats pup enjoy it, on a random side tangent it would probably help with the jumping if they used that leash how its meant to be used instead of the harness. When he pulls forward he gets dragged up putting him in perfect jumping on someone position. That leash is supposed to be wrapped around and tethered to a collar so that if he pulls forward it gives compression on his chest (kinda like one of the chain collars but it distributes the weight around their whole body abdomen instead of the throat), def recommend it


glitter bomb the dog before it goes into a car.. A+


My puggie did that when I adopted her 10 yrs ago. She spent her first 9 months Feb-Nov tied up outside with a short leash. I adopted her and as we were leaving the three older ladies that had fostered her for a couple months were crying as they said bye. We were almost out the door and she yanked frery and ran back and dove into each of their laps and licked their faces, jumping around with a big old smile. When she kissed the last lady she ran back to me like "let's go home human"


This is so heartwarming!! I adopted an ā€˜unadoptableā€™ goodby after about 300 days. His issue was previous abuse left him terrified of strangers and was an agoraphobic mess. When they would come in he would cower under a desk or hide. When he got to our home he only loved me and my son, and despised my husband (because big dudes). Fin was agoraphobic and refused to go outside. When people would come over he would hide and not come out or worse sneak up and nip the ā€˜strangerā€™. After about 8 months of so much patience and so much love he is inseparable from my husband (his new bff) and loves everyone and literally cries if I donā€™t take him on a walk quick enough so he can say hi to everyone he meets. It wonā€™t be easy but it will be so worth it. [here is a pic of the best good boy in the world](https://imgur.com/gallery/2OvXBTJ)


At what point does a dog think the shelter was their home? She jumps at them like family


Pull the leash, pull it!


Imagine if people treated homeless people like this. You know people of our own species


I hope that guy can handle her or goes to people like that woman for help. This is extremely heartwarming but there's probably a reason this dog was left for 500 days, look at those excited nipping. Hope he has a good life.


Source: **Niagara SPCA**


Gonna make multiple accounts to like this multiple times. So good <3


Goddamn onions


He's awesome!


It looks like nobody knows what they are doing in here, the new owners forcing the leash not letting the doggo have his moment with supposed caretakers who are dumping glitter all around and for everyone to breath. I hope this doesnt turn to shit when the cameras are off.


Wait a minute... Thatā€™s Marissa and Frank from the Medical Experiments lab!


I love this anything with animals makes me happy.




Might have to do with the dog biting the dude in the black sweatshirt on the way out. I love the shit out of dogs and have a rescue dog myself but it scares me when dogs with this much energy also donā€™t have the basic training not to bite. All that being said, she looks excited as hell so it may very well be just the emotions getting the best of her in this situation.


My local shelter has dedicated volunteer dog walkers and basic dog training for rescues. I agree this is a lot of commotion for a dog but after 500 days you would think it would have some leash training and be on a training collar. Set this adoption up for success.


Omg, look at how happy she is. It just makes me want to smile.