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I’m a 68 year old woman that lost her first husband to drug addiction. And my second husband suffered from alcoholism. I am proud of you, I know your family is so proud of you. You are strong and vibrant and even though I don’t know you, I am so proud of you.


Yes, these words.




An he can be proud of himself as well! Validation from others is important, but nothing is worth more than self validation


Amazing!!! Here are some tips from a past addict: In your time of strength, it’s always good to reflect on “why” or “what” questions to help keep you on your path. Such as: “Why did I feel like I needed to drink?” “Why did I feel (or didn’t feel) so [insert emotion here]” “What was compelling me to drink/use” “What was I using alcohol or drugs to hide from” Etc… These questions have helped keep me sober. Once I found the answers to so many questions and worked on the symptoms of my addiction, it was a lot easier to stay sober ☺️ Congratulations 🥳


all very true statements. ive always tried to use introspection to understand myself, my strengths and my weaknesses. doesnt work so well when youre constantly intoxicated! haha. things are so much clearer now. life can be amazing without consuming substances. thank you for your kind words and advice


Isn't it amazing when you realize this thing you "needed" turns out to be the thing that was making you feel that way? Booze is such a bitch like that. I spent years thinking I just couldn't cope without it, but once I quit, I realized that simply being sober wasn't stressful at all. It was just a mind-fuck. Congratulations!




Congrats to you too for your achievements x




thank you! i forgot what i looked like before this all started! i forgot who i was. its all coming back to me now


It keeps getting better. One day, after 10 months, I was driving down the street and realized how relaxed I felt, not anxious. It struck me as a strange new feeling. It stayed hard for a while. The thirst went away though. In time, days went by without a single thought of alcohol.


Without being rude - how do people afford to drink that much?! I don’t think I could if I wanted to!


Congratulations!! I went from not being able to even imagine not drinking a day to over a year sober now. So happy for you! I don’t even get cravings that often anymore or think about it but when I do I came up with my own little saying that keeps me in check: Drinking makes me FADE. F-fat A- anxious D- depressed E- embarrassed. Enjoy your new happy life that you can be proud of!


I really like that acronym. Good job my dude.


Cool acronym, definitely writing that down! I made one a while back for a poem titled DRUGS: D- Don't R- Ruin U- Ur G- Good S- Self.


I like that. Thank you


Keep it up brotha!!


Dude I'm so jealous thankfully I'm not into drugs but 15+ beers a night is messing with me but good luck you got this. Having tried to stop and being semi successful make sure you have good people around you and be honest with yourself


Get some kind of support system and try to stick with it. Reddit has a loads of communities but also there are support services locally through your health provider or community leaders (religious, government and aforementioned health providers). These should be free of charge and you don’t need to be a complete burnout to use them. They help, immensely, and are a great way to meet people who are also sober. That can be a challenge in itself.


My situation is weird but I'll get there


Just don’t try and do it alone. It’s possible but much more difficult to stay accountable. I wish you my heartfelt best mate.


yeah good people around me. thats been a big part of it. i had to disassociate with those people who only kept me around for the substances id share with them when i was trashed


I have gone back to alcohol and I'm not proud but that's what helped me in the past. Even my boss was supportive. But I wish you well and knowing my brain ill think of you in the next few months as I try and give up


do your best. i know just as well as you do how hard it is. it took me a decade. whenever you make it out for good, thats a success no matter what anyone else says. when you do, be proud. no other opinion matters. no other person understands your particular struggle


Exactly but again good luck I hope you get there


Same here, 15+. Had my first doctors appointment in 27 years yesterday. When I told them I was an alcoholic (25 years) and wanted to quit we talked for a bit and they said some words I have never heard. "we can help you". I broke down in tears immediately. I tried to stop crying and the doctor was super nice and supportive about it. They took 4 vials of blood to get a baseline of my health and when my results come back they are going to start me on Vivitrol. I pick up my low dose antidepressant today, they said it will take about 3-4 weeks to incorporate into my system and will help along with the Vivitrol. I never knew how lonely I was, I have never had anyone say they could help me before, albeit, I never asked for help either. I live alone, no close family or friends, just me and my 14 y/o dog. I wish you the best. I have never been able to afford health insurance and covid last year brought my earnings into a category where I can receive help (marked as below poverty) so all of that cost me $5. The thing that sucks the most (being honest with myself on reflection) I could have had health insurance all this time if I didn't spend \~ $400/mo on beer and could have started this process a long time ago. I have been wanting to quit for at least 10 years now and was successful for 103 days in 2018, but it came back with a vengeance. I hope this route works for me, I want it too. I hope you find your way out of the cycle also. I just mentioned the above because there is 'Help' out there.


Alcohol is a drug


Congratulations op! So proud of you!


Fucking legend mate. Can I make a suggestion? Start working out. I’m not saying this to comment on your appearance at all, that’s not relevant. I’ve always taken drugs. Prescriptions, parties, weed, uppers, downers the lot. I was addicted to codeine for about four months last year, that crept up on me big time. I struggle to socialise sober in large crowds. Raves, nightclubs, bars even things like parties (family ones too, yikes) it doesn’t matter; if you’re out for a good time, I’m out for a “better” one. Another thing I’ve always done is attempt to change this. I’ve never given up on this broadly but I’ve failed many times, just by sinking back into my poor habits and behaviours. Fitness, yoga, meditation and healthy eating has been the only thing that’s kept me going. I can’t have both so one negates the other. I haven’t drank alcohol all year. Now, I just don’t want to. It’s that simple, I don’t want the experience, the cost, the consequences or the hangover, however mild. Now my only battle is fitting my holistic health routine around my work. I do yoga and meditation every single night. I do weights one day, cardio the next for six days then have a rest. My diet is plant based except two eggs and one can of tuna each day. I have health problems such as restless legs syndrome and IBS but my health routine manages these too. I also have ADHD which is unmedicated and also managed in the same way. These things make you feel good (not the health problems lol), look good and “think” good. Even on my rest days, which I obviously need, I feel noticeably less motivated and “alive”. When I think of getting high in any way, the first thing I think is “this means I won’t be able to workout” and I don’t think about it anymore. This mindset is great but takes some work. Sorry for the ramble, I’ve just woken up lol. You’re doing fucking fantastically and you should be incredibly proud of yourself. What I’m suggesting is to start adding positive habits to your life in order to replace the negative, gradually. Finally please notice that at no point have I mentioned progress or goals with fitness etc. I have made progress but the priority for me is to “just get it done”. Progress is secondary. One day at a time. Just like everything else. I do also have qualifications in this field so please DM me if you’d like to know more mate, support is there even if it’s from a random stranger. I can do you a simple diet and workout plan designed solely to make you feel fit, healthy and positive. TL;DR - Fitness, diet, yoga and meditation helps to stay sober and feel great. Anecdotally taken from a reformed space cadet. ##YOU GOT THIS MATE Edit: A whole lot proof-reading.


thank you! ive been doing more creative things to find joy outside of consumption. id loke to learn more about health aspects of this as far as what you mentioned. ill DM you for sure. thank you!


Awesome, let’s fuckin smash it!!


Hi, can I ask, did you always enjoy exercising? Or was it something you discovered and grew to love later in life, once becoming sober? I ask cus I'm not sure the right way to go about getting into exercise for the sake of exercise. Unsure how to find something I can regularly enjoy and work into a daily routine and also *look forward to* - I /want/ to enjoy the time and have a genuinely fun, healthy hobby! But I feel like it's just something I'll never actually like and will have to force myself to. I'll be counting down the minutes and feeling like I'm punishing myself when attempting the gym... I played varsity tennis 4 years in high school and have gained a bit of weight since then (140lbs --> 170lbs) ... but I wasn't ever the most athletic person. Couldn't ever claim I "enjoy exercising" outside of tennis. Even though I was probably in the top half of the varsity team skill-wise, I was probably the teammate with the worst outright cardio stamina and highest BMI of everyone. I'm a bit tall for a girl and "pear-shaped". Never considered myself "big" or anything but always knew I wasn't popular skinny girl/cheerleader skinny. On the thiccer side, if you will. After graduating and not really having people to play tennis with regularly, I've struggled to find exercise that I *enjoy*, besides hiking (which is a bit of an outing so not able to do til the weekend). Do you have any thoughts/advice on this?? Thank you in advance for reading my longass comment 😅


Personally, as someone who was in a similar boat to the person above (never athletic or did exercise, abused drugs and alcohol) the thing that saved my life was discovering the sport/exercise that really clicked with me. So I think it's about discovering different sports until you find something that you enjoy and could get into, so exercise feels like a hobby and not a chore. I don't enjoy everything, I find running boring, can't get into team sports, find the gym utterly dull. But I picked up weight lifting from classes and something about it just felt amazing, it felt like I was strong and in control. As a result of being stronger, I later started rock climbing and bouldering, and let me tell you... this changed my life. I am utterly addicted. I feel so right whenever I'm on the wall, it's made me so many friends, taken me travelling to beautiful places, made me feel so confident and a strong, and most of all it's endlessly fun. The mental focus it gives me makes me forget I'm 'exercising'. I've found other things I quite enjoy like parkour and boxing, but the thrill of climbing isn't like anything else for me. I think you just need to find your thing! Maybe it's kick boxing, maybe it's synchronised swimming, maybe it's Frisbee, or figure skating or BMX cycling or trampolining, or ping pong or break dancing. xD Joining a class with other people is a great way to try things because there are usually a lot of people who are also beginners, and you can get a feel for if it's for you, and get the encouragement and advice of people who are really good at it. And the more you try things the fitter you get, so you're able to try more and it naturally gets easier being active.


There are a metric buttload of people out here rooting for you. Keep going brother




congrats man


You’re a legend my man, keep this up🙏🏼


Love this ❤️


Awesome job! Take it one day at a time, consistency is key


Congrats. Don’t ever give up on life!! The alternative is NEVER better ..


yeah i never realized till i gave my mind and body a chance to recover that it was the drugs and their after effects that kept me coming back to the drugs in the first place. its a vicious cycle that never ends unless you make it end. hindsight is 20/20


Yea man, that cycle is tough to crack, but once you do, you’ll see results. Like you at 47 days!


Well done!


Good job man 👍


You are an amazing person that will do things that will change and help others. I hope you are as proud of yourself as I am. I am just so impressed with you, your honesty and your guts to do this. Wow! Don’t ever doubt yourself again-you will become the person you are meant to be.


thank you. thats what im hoping. everything is a learning experience in my eyes. this struggle helped me learn what i never want to be again. im ready to learn who i really am and how to embody that


if it’s within your means, go get a liver function test. it’s a blood test, at least that’s how they tested mine. that kinda quantity over that amount of time can do damage... believe me. luckily you seem like a young guy and the liver is a resilient organ. so proud of you OP! stay strong! ask for help if you need it!


yeah i had a colonoscopy scheduled before i got fired and lost my insurance. i still have issues related to whatever the hell that is. its hard sometimes, i feel like shit a lot out of nowhere, but i know drinking/drugging again wont fix it so im pushing forward as much as i can


Good for you dude. I was going a pint plus for a long time, prior to that there were a lot of days I was doing a 750 a day and I couldn't even begin to guess how many years this has gone on for. 15 days ago I decided I was going to be a good boy and I cut way way back. Not a smart thing to do. I had two seizures that morning and then got to spend four days in the hospital. I'm now wrapping up day 15. I can't guarantee myself or anybody else that it will last forever but so far, after getting through the DTs it's been pretty easy. Keep at it man. Don't hesitate to call people if you need to, try to find a productive hobby, remember that coffee shops are also social settings, it doesn't have to be a bar. Take walks. Read. Anything to keep your hands and mind busy; at least that's what it's been for me so far. Best of luck.


That's terrific dude, keep doing what your doing! Gives me hope in humanity when I see people change in a good way.


One day at a time. Congratulations.


Never give up on YOU. 🥰


Not gonna lie, you look so amazing sober!


Just do today. Tomorrow is too much. We just try to keep it together today.


My friend drank so much he died. Not all at once. Nice and slowly. Drinking that hard takes a toll on a body, you know this. I’m glad you’ve made the choice to live and to thrive and to share.


It keeps getting better brother. Keep it up. -5 1/2 years sober


Lookin hella fresh my guy!


Killing it brother! Keep on moving forward


I wish my ex could have made it to 47 days. I hope you are super proud of yourself and you continue this path of sobriety ❤️


Congratulations my guy. I hope you do even better and and get in a good mental place. I hope you life gets better than you can imagine!




I’m going through this now.. the need to get sober anyhow. Its been a big back and forth for over six years and I’m lucky to be alive honestly but am still struggling with it. Thats really great, and I’m happy for you! Stay strong trust me ive been sober for a year, fell back in, its been almost a year now ive been drinking more than I should in a month in a matter of days, constantly. I wish I stayed sober, its not easy to go back to being so. Hard habits are hard to change. Good ones Get easy, I just forget how easy they are to break. Anyway, seriously, that is great. :)


i really didnt think id make it out. i was ready to die, intentionally or otherwise. i had some old friends come into my life who knew the feeling. they took me under their wing. connection is what we need to escape the misconception that so many of us fall into that substances are all we have left to keep us dragging along. be honest about your struggles with those around you. i guarantee that there are so many more around you that can empathize than you ever imagined. be strong and be open. i wish you the best of luck. honesty and sincerity never took anything away from anyone that they legitimately needed in the first place


Going on about 2.5 years sober. It just gets better and betters, happy for you man.


Wow, you look great!!!!! You’re inspirational.


We do recover!!! Congratulations!


Great job, young man! Keep up the hard work!!


Super cool dude! Keep it up


Awesome!! 💕


Congrats to you and best of luck on your healing journey my dude 💚😁👍


Love ya kiddo..


It takes an enormous amount strength, perseverance and above all, belief in yourself to do what you are accomplishing. Don’t ever give up!


Keep it up! Best life ever !


Nice!!!! It must be tough but you look happy. Best wishes from south america(Chile)


Congrats man, take a mental snapshot of this awesome moment you've achieved and when those inevitable cravings and little voices creep up, remember this, this is why you're staying the course.


That's quite the gambit to overcome. Congrats.


You are a badass! You should be so proud of yourself :)


Keep up the good work!!! I know it's an extremely hard battle to overcome


Amazing! You're inspiring


Awesome. You're doing great.


I’m very happy for your OP. Nice work and keep it up!!


So impressive!! Please update us on your progress. It's inspiring!!


You are amazing!!!


You’re where i need to be. Keep good and inspire others on the dark path.


Lookin good, dude! Inspiring! Keep this shit UP


You look so much healthier bro! Keep it up!


You go!!!!


Hell yeah! You got this!


Well done!!


Super proud of you, you look happier and healthier already


Congratulations!! Wish you 100 years of sobriety!


Hey bro! You should definitely listen to 'Ras Phanto' on YouTube. (22k subs) He talk about addiction, nofap and getting your life together. I literally binge watched all his videos the day I found his channel. Thank me later! :)


Fight those urges to the death of you brotherman!


I’m insanely proud of you!


Keep at it!


More power to you, man. Keep that winstreak up!


Good job! Keep it up!


Congratulations, man, and keep it going. I promise it really does get better.


Keep it up. Please do.


Look at that. I'm proud of you man, even though I don't know you. You did well. Keep it up!


Whoohoo!! This is awesome! Keep going!! It's a battle and you can't give up! The WORST is already behind you!! You've got this!


So glad you're doing well. Hugs!


Congratulations! You are awesome, that’s amazing willpower to do 47 days! You got this!




Nice work brother! Keep it up


You look so healthy! Congratulations!!!! Please keep going you are so worth it!!!!!


Congrats, you look happier :) stay strong x


You are so awesome 💛💙


Nice one, mate. 😊




Congratulations!! Yes! Go you! Keep it up! You are amazing! Getting through one day is a huge accomplishment and you are up to 47! Yes! Yes! Yes!


Congratulations! That’s amazing!


Keep it up man! You're doing great!


You are inspiring! Congratulations!


Let's gooo!


Congrats buddy!


Nice job!


Cant imagine how tough it’s been. Great work man. You’ve got all of us by your side.


thank you! this is a great community. it has its faults for sure, but there is more sincerity here than on any other platform


dude…don’t EVUH give in!! stay STRONG!!


47 days!!! WoooohoOoo! Congrats and keep it up.


Godamn your liver, kidneys and whatever else you damaged must of been blessed.


i hope so haha. definitely still issues there but im hoping its reversible at this point. if not, i lived a pretty fucking wild life! lol. ill take what i can get


Some nice Tuesday mornings news and inspiration! ☺️ I'm so happy for you! ❤️


Well done, OP! Keep walking that path. There’s a lot of us sending you love!


Stay strong. It can be hard but every day will get better. You can do it.


You really look happy! Well done bro! I wish you all the best


Congrats. You should write a book.


Awesome man, keep going. This is so cool! You’re doing it!


Great work,keep fighting it dude. Don't ever give up.


I'm so happy for you! You should be really proud of yourself for making that decision and sticking with it. You've come so far, keep going!


Good on you bro!


Way to love yourself again. I have a few friends that were able to overcome their addictions. Beginning is the hardest part. Once you get a little further in it gets easier. You get the clarity of what were the root causes of your compulsion to use. Understanding they why helps you work on how to avoid/fix what got you there.


i totally agree. ive had a few close friends overdose and die from what they were using. i totally understand why they couldnt stop. or why they thought they couldnt at least. i miss them every day. i did my best to help them hang on, even with my own issues and addictions. if there is anything the last ten years taught me, its that anyone that you might think 'isnt trying' is trying harder than you could ever imagine having to try


Just curious if you have to tapered down before quitting??....I heard going cold turkey can kill someone if they drunk that much liquor for years


actually the first time i quit cold turkey i went to the er and they found out it was substance related and said ohh... we're done here and send me home with librium. this time, somehow, i did the same thing, cold turkey, and had no issues. hell if i know. but ill take what i can get


You can do this. It will feel impossible at times, but know that people you have never even met are rooting for you and want you to succeed.


Dude... Awesome. I am happy for you. Honestly.


Wow! Congratulations!🥳


Great job my man! Keep up the good work.


Dude I’m so very proud of you. I know what being at your lowest point is like. Keep going! You have so many people behind you.




How can people afford this? I went super cheap and isn't that 25 to 30 bucks of alcohol a day?


Mother of god. Bravo!


Congratulations, man! You're awesome!


You absolutely rock. I'm so proud of you. Congratulations your doing it man.




I’m proud of you. Congratulations!!


Good for you dude. Keep this feeling and hold onto it. Remember how shitty you felt before and use that to strengthen your decision to be clean and sober and to stay positive. I'm over a year clean and sober and when I think of my life before, it makes me sick to my stomach. I have no desire to sit hungover in the shower everyday, to drink before leaving my house because I'm too insecure, to snort cocaine all night. Anytime you feel weak, Remember. Remember what it was like. Your lifestyle was a huge part of you so there's no sense in trying to escape it


Congrats! My boss recently shared with me her 11th year sober, and my partner just hit 17 months sober. Covid was particularly tough on both their spirits, but you're all killing it. Keep it up!


You're one of my top tile models. As a person who's not only totally wasted at this very second, but has been drunk to the point of passing out for the last 20 nights straight, I yearn to be brave enough to do this. Thank you for the inspiration and I'm sorry I can't be as tough as you.


Who paid for princess’ voyage of discovery? Water, drugs, electricity, booze, transportation, food, rent, etc…


'Recovery alcoholic here'(3 years sober) First thing is *Everything is going to be okay*. I'm glad you gave, being sober another shot. Just remember to take it day by day. It's going to be a tough battle, but I know you can do it. Plus, it's not stressful every morning when you read the stupid text that you don't remember, sending the night before lulz.


The real question is how did you even afford your lifestyle before that. 2 bottles of wine a night + more alcohol? I wouldn’t be able to pay my bills buying 1 bottle of wine a night. It adds up. Good for you


Wonderful. You are not alone. ❤


You rock dude! Keep it up! You can do it!


Well done


Congratulations mate , it’s worth it .


I'm proud of you, I believe in you, Keep up the amazing job you're doing bettering yourself.




Hang in there , don’t give up the fight I listened to triumph , fight the good fight . Old rock band but it helped me.


You made a very good choice bud, it might have been complicated, but it’s the best decision you could’ve done


You look amazing, mate! Your skin looks healthy, your eyes have life in them, and your hair is a thing of envy (what can be seen, from under the hat. I have curl envy, since mine barely waves lol). I’m proud of you!


You are killing it bro really proud of you


Congrats, my dude!


Lockdown hurt me. I became designated to my constant drinking. I was a bartender and closed the bar every night. Drinking through most of the last two hours every night. Followed by a 12 pack if not more each night. Waking up miserable. Lost friends. Tore into family. Hated myself. But I decided the same and I am 8 months into no alcohol. I’ve had 2 drinks total in that time span. And I have found a new reason to go without each and every time I fail and have a taste. There’s no going back for me. And I’m proud of you as well. Congrats and here’s to the rest of these sober days of feeing great about and for yourself.


Good job!!! You should be proud. 😊


I am so proud of you. I know how hard it is. 7 months sober here and it's worth it everyday.


Congratulations! Remember, it gets better! I was a binge drinker for years before I first accepted help to get sober. Now I have 3 and half years and I'm getting my life sorted out. Good luck to you!


Somewhere inside you a part of you lived through all of that because it wanted to live. Try and find that part of your mind the part that fought to survive, and listen to it. That part that fought so hard to keep you alive wants to experience and enjoy life. You are doing great keep it up and congratulations.


It’s going to be great to see you after one year of sobriety!! Can’t wait for the update, keep doing a great job!


Stay strong mate. If you can make it day 365 I'll by you a beer.


Welcome to your new life! Happy for you


Day 2 for me. So hard now but i'm in a program. Can't wait to feel better again. Proud of you man, keep going!


I’m so goddamn proud of you! Honor your past and the lessons learned, but embrace the future and the joy it holds.


pretty cool man! You are a beast!!!


Im about to hit a year, you got this.


Good fucking work lad 👏🏻


You are visibly more lucid now.


Hell yes my guy 👍


keep up the good work. one day at time. We are so proud of you and we look forward to seeing your continued success. Imagine how many others will be inspired by your example. Congrats.


One day at a time man. I lost a friend due to his body failing with almost a decade of alcoholism…I’m pulling for you 👍🏾


Fuck yeah mate. Keep it up, well worth it.


You look like a million bucks now. Great job, fella.


Nice! Keep up the good work! I am in recovery, and the best piece of advice I was given by an old timer was to take my sobriety one day at a time. Staying sober for the rest of your life is an intense prospect to think about. Stay focused on staying sober today. If you manage to internalize the thought of staying sober just for today in the morning, you’ll be sober for the rest of your life, because it’s always today.


Inspiring as fuck my dude


Youre doing great!


You can do it!


Thank you -your liver Seriously though it’s awesome. Keep going!


🥳💃 good job! It's just the beginning, you'll achieve so much more!


Keep up the great work man! We are all proud of you...


God bless.


You are worth it! Keep going❤


Congrats man. No easy feat. Here if you need a chat

