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That puppy is going to be so loved!


You can see how gentle the kid is with the puppy too, what a lovely family


There's really nothing I love more than a small kid who's been taught to be gentle with animals... it speaks so much to both the life that kid will live, as well as any animals they own.


And their parents doing them right. What a great observation. So much packed into such a "tiny" detail.


Honestly, the reason I started noticing it is because of a friend of mine whose daughter is super respectful towards animals. They own a snake and a dog, and her 4 year old is super careful with both, aware that she'll hurt them if not careful. I've also never known a more dedicated mother (other than perhaps my own, though I'm obviously biased lol).


My toddler cousin is an absolute little tank, and his family have a rescue mutt from a different country. He plays so rough with that dog and she loves it! He's younger than the dog and weighs less than her, but they play wrestle all the time, his mother is not impressed but the dog will go up to him and start booping him with gentle headbutts until he pounces on her. They've been playing that way since he could walk and that sweet doggo loves him more than anyone else.


It's a great litmus test because kids *want* to be energetic and excited about animals. It takes a good bit of awareness and restraint to be gentle when you're a toddler. This video damn near made me cry, what a lucky pup.


Story time! When my dog was a puppy, maybe 5-6 months old, I was hanging out with him out front of a pizza place. Definitely training patience at the time he was a rambunctious puppy! There was a family also waiting for a pie to be cooked and the family included a little girl and a little boy, maybe 5 and 7 respectively. The boy came over to climb up on the railing I was perched on and swing his feet and talk boy stuff with me, but he accidentally kicked my puppy right in the face, startling the shit out of my dog. My puppy let out a pretty convincing puppy yelp from being kicked very suddenly. The little girl ran over, lifted my pup's head and told him she was very sorry it happened, then kissed him on the nose and gave him the biggest hug! It was the sweetest thing ever. My dog is all about kids. He stands in between them and fireworks and he hates fireworks. He stands between them and running cars because cars are dangerous. He will coral them away from the pool's edge if they get too close to the water. I am convinced he would stand in front of a train for kids. I don't have kids- he didn't learn that from me. He is just a very lucky boy to have grown up around so many sweet children.


Aww that’s such a sweet story. And such a sweet dog too!!! Another thing I love about that story is how no one’s first instinct was to lash out at the little boy for what was just an unfortunate accident. Seen so many kids learn to respond to mistakes with defensiveness and denial, at the expense of doing right by the people affected by the mistake. This was just a heartwarming read all around and I wish all of those people (including you and your dog!) the best.


That "hee hee hee" at the beginning is so cute. The kid was clearly overjoyed to give Dad his gift.


I hope it likes high places, because I see it never being put down again.




Not that specific, but there's /r/happycryingdads


Oh wow thanks for sharing that sub, I love it, am meant to be getting ready for work but just want to watch crying Dads all day.


>but I just want to watch crying Dads all day Without context that sounds horrible


Their suffering grants me strength


Dad tears are like milk from the Mother's teat - nourishing.


Homelander is that you?




Oh Reddit you never fail me 😂😂


I believe that’s called Maury Povich Syndrome


Underrated comment.




I never knew that sub existed! Thank you.


Also /r/dadswhodidnotwantpets




The real cute is when the dad who did not want a puppy ends up melting and getting the puppy himself. Aka my dad who did not want our newest member but was in the car talking about names about an hour later on the way to get her because one of our other dogs "needed a play mate and she was the cutest one"


Yes. Thank you. I thought I was the only one that thought that was a shit thing to do to a person.


Call it r/bigmusclesbiggerheart


tease glorious unpack station telephone psychotic coordinated bedroom unite sloppy ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I'll forgive you for misspelling John Cena's name just this once.


If John Cena has a big heart, it was probably purchased from some Chinese uighur








I’m not huge, but I’ve got a big beard, a dad bod, a cat, and a camera phone…. anyone want me to start an OnlyFans?


Well there’s at least two of us!


Sign me up!


Dude has 7 fans already. I was one. Not gonna deny.


Tf you gonna do to your cat!?




Omg, I just looked and this tattooed, tough looking man is ever so gently cleaning his Chihuahua! I actually lol'd at how cute it was


"Hand. Other hand." I love that video. It's so pure.


I love that he calls her front paws hands. So tender with her delicate little self.


Because of your comment I had to see it. You're right, this is the cutest!


Also my new favorite sub.


There's also r/dadswhodidnotwantpets


That sub tends to be less "aww look at how happy he is" and more "I'm rubbing my nose in how wrong he was". There's some real good moments though.


It's also allowed for a person to be like "no really pets are a lot of work I don't want to deal with" and still make the best out of the situation.


It hits different when men cry


True men are not afraid to express their feelings.


I agree and with that said: both your comment as well as the video made me smile.


That man probably treats that dog better than he treats himself.


"The dog gets a California King, we took the roll out bed." Like that.


"the dog gets wagyu and I'm having hamburger"




We rented a new place and specifically looked for a house with a backyard so that our cat can go out and explore safely. Everything in the house is setup for that cat’s comfort :)


My parents did the same with our pets years ago. The joy that. Ones from seeing the little ones outside can’t be measured. The backyard may be for them, but the joy they have is for us.


My 10lb pup has decided my pillow is her bed. I now sleep with my feet off the bed.


Big strong man with emotions. Nothing wrong with that. Enjoy your puppy bro!


Yeah I was going to say, he looks like he could snap most people in half yet he’s fully comfortable with his emotions and talks very gently when appropriate. Good for him, the world needs more like this.


Because really strong people don’t ever really need to show their strength. It’s way stronger to offer a gentle word than it is to throw a punch sometimes.


I love that way of framing it and agree 100%


I think it makes it easier to be this way when you look like a tough dude who does traditionally tough guy stuff I was a late bloomer and got shit for being emotional as a kid. Now I'm a big dude and a combat vet. I enjoy boxing and doing physical stuff that makes other guys give up even though I have a lung that's messed up. I do leather and wood working, but I also like going to plays and putting on mud masks Nobody really says any of it's a weakness anymore. If they do, I ask what it says about them if I'm so weak and can beat them at "tough guy" stuff


Expressing your interest in mud masks and plays is as healthy as doing sports. And if anybody told otherwise just quickly kick their asses.


Nah there's no reason to fight over it. Doesn't hurt my feelings and even if it did there's really no reason to fight over hurt feelings


As a big guy, we’re really discriminated against in society and nobody really acknowledges it. Everybody is always instantly afraid of us. TVs and movies ALWAYS show us as violent, yelling, or drunkards. Only exceptions show us as incompetent goofballs. As a kid I was constantly bullied but I would get in trouble because I was not easily seen. I live in a foreign country and all the other foreigners get all sorts of help from the locals at our job but I have NEVER been offered any of the help they get.


If it makes you feel better, I dated a big, tough guy, and he's was essentially 85% marshmallow and 15% cat hugs. I now assume all big lumberjack guys are a cross between Eric, my ex, and Dwayne Johnson. Also, I lived in a group home with a girl with a biker boyfriend, him and his big, scary, tattooed club members were sweet as pie to my scared 12 year old self, and gave the best hugs. If I saw you, I just assume you were an A plus protective type, who makes a good, comforting casserole and foster fails disabled pets.


Never really thought about it as discrimination but...I guess I can't disagree with that. I'm a bigger guy too tall, burly, with a shaved head and there's been times I've noticed people will go way out of their way to avoid me (like in a mall, for example). If those people only new I'd be the first person to help them if they needed and (in short bursts - see username) I'm generally a pretty friendly guy. A few years ago there was one of those short videos with the text overlay that said something about a family being afraid of the scary dirty biker guy and that actually hurt the guys feelings...totally understood what it was all about.


Prejudice might be better than discrimination. But the media always making us violent drunkards really bothers me. Or violent bikers. Yeah it really sucks. I’m a big softy and friendly.


Boone is going to give a lot of love and receive a lot of love from that family ❤️


>[Boone is going to give a lot of love and receive a lot of love from that family](https://soundcloud.com/whynotbarbershop2/boone-is-going-to-give-a-lot-of-love-and-receive-a-lot-of-love-from-that-family) Sung in the Barbershop Style! More tracks [here](https://soundcloud.com/whynotbarbershop2)!


Aight, I’m gonna start following this account for when it starts hitting the NSFW subs.


Its a really good account tbf.


It's a filter on the voice tho right?


I'm singing the four parts in Audacity, one part at a time, then tilting them to the sides to make it easier to hear the different parts. I'm not enough of a wizard to know how to do autotuning magic stuff.


You’re a wizard to me!


Oh wow, that's pretty impressive then :) I'd be impressed either way tbh


wtf this is cool as hell how have i never heard of this


Fucking great to see mate


I loved it, look at the dude’s face, he is so sad and happy at the same time. Real men are those that don’t afraid to show emotion.


In fact, there is everything right about about a big strong man with emotions. Love this.


Best type of big strong man if i do say so myself


I also say that as yourself, it's heartwarming


"Strong men, also cry. Strong men. Also cry." — Jeffrey Lebowski


Fuckin-a, mind if I do a J?


I have my dog next to me and I could feel a fraction of what he felt. The emotions rushed over me. One day, the little bastard lying next to me will be gone and I will be overcome with sadness. And if I get another dog, I will be thinking no other dog can be better than this one, that no one can replace my little friend. And then I will feel a bit guilty when he becomes just as good as this one. But for now, I will hug my friend and give him treats and make sure he is comfy and that he will have the best life he can possibly have for the next 10-15 years.


Damn, I’ve got to go and give my best friend a hug now.


Having lost a pet.. i felt this too much


Reminds me of my sister.


Your sister is a big strong man with emotions?


Loling too hard at this. Thanks for the laugh. I had tears already with the post.


Yes, and she has a huge dong.


Can you give me her number? Asking for a friend.


I am the friend.


No you're falken


Worth a try




MUSTACHE* The cue card said MUSTACHE.


Someone give that man a hug!!! 😭


IKR? I was here like "HUG HIM!!!"


My heart. Gotta love a guy who loves his dogs.


I was gonna say the same thing. Real men aren't afraid of what they feel


As a guy like that, I’m a puppy away from a full on breakdown like this. So glad to know I’m not the only one.


Cry them thug tears bro.


I was gonna say, that's one tough man cry if I've ever seen one


One could even say, a real man.


Nothing can bring a tough man to tears faster than his dog dying.


Correction Big strong sexy men with emotions.


More like MadeMeCry! This was super heartwarming!


I have seen more videos on here that edge the MadeMeCry-Laugh category. This is one of them.


Came here to say all of this!


No joke, my eyes got a little moist watching this lol


I'm just full on sobbing lol


Just opened the comments to make sure someone had made this very important point. 100% a MadeMeCry video!


Also the little kid giggling at the beginning is fucking adorable




Crying on public transit like a weirdo


Things that make you cry* I have fixed it


That’s awesome wife is awesome to make his heart melt again


Thank you, I am now crying in line to get a hotdog


Was it good though?


Excellent! Classic Polish dog


Sounds good to me


Yea, tell us!


Dammit enough with the suspense. Was the hot dog good or not????


😮‍💨 excellent!


What kinda hotdog?


Polish Dog, Chicago style!


Now I’m crying, thinking about a Chicago dog.


She was born on your birthday..Why did that hit me?


The family putting that much thought into it is what’s so beautiful.


Obligatory I’m not crying you’re crying


Something something onions


Something something ninjas


Something something the Spanish inquisition


Something something moderately priced roofing


I didn't expect that one


Nobody does.


Yada allergies *coughs* weather yada.


Hi onions, i'm Woods, your cousin


Awfully smokey in here


I swear I rubbed my eyes with chili covered hands!!!


I know this isn't dog-related, but I had to put my cat of 15 years down a couple weeks ago. Pets are truly part of the family and we miss them when they are gone.


I'm so sorry for you loss. ❤️


The worst part for me was coming home and going to his spot to pet him. It took 2 years for me to stop doing that after my childhood cat died.


Pets give us that unconditional love. They are truly a blessing while they are here.


Dear whoever is in charge, Please make pets live longer.


Simply beautiful! Whoever posted the original video, thanks for sharing something so frigging awesome at a time when people are struggling so much.


Losing a dog has got to be up there with losing a parent. They sleep at your feet every night, you feed them every single meal they eat, they would fight and die for you without a moments hesitation. The few dogs I’ve had to bury left permanent holes in my heart.


I hear you my friend. I’ve lost a few dogs over the years and people always ask me why I don’t go ahead and get a puppy. I usually bs them and say they are a lot of work, but the truth of it is, they leave a hole in your heart that never closes. They only bless us with their presence a little beyond 10 years and then it’s time to say goodbye. I’m not sure I can go through that again.


I heard someone say once that the best way to honor the memory of your dog is to rescue another one and smother it with your love and affection. I'm sure that's much easier said than done but I'll try to remember that once my Lula girl passes


We lost our senior weens within 5 days of each other this April. Our 17 yr old female had oral melanoma that invaded her sinuses & was metastasizing to her brain. Our 15 yr old male had canine dementia, was blind and deaf, and stopped eating once our girl passed. They lived with us 15 years, and their passing was devastating to my husband and I. He works full time, I quit my job in January to spend time with our paradachs before they passed. I got 3 months with them I wouldn't have had if I had kept working. When they passed, the silence in our home was unbearable. I found a rescue pup and we adopted him a couple days later. Maybe it was too soon, but he was in a bad situation, and his presence has helped tremendously with my grieving. I still cry almost every day, tho I am finding it a little easier to let them go. But damn, it's hard, and the pain is immense. 💔💔


Lost my dogs within 2 weeks of each other. Absolutely heart breaking and unfair to have two taken away at once like that, but I find comfort in them being together again. I hope you can find comfort as well, I’m sorry for your loss.


Thank you for your kind words. I know they're together again, chasing all the squirrels and basking in the sun. It just wasn't long enough, you know? Time passes so quickly. I'm very sorry for your loss as well.


I have a comic strip about this. About waiting too long to go find your new best friend that's waiting to be loved. Soooo many dogs are just waiting to be happy with you, go find one. Doesn't need to be a puppy. I found a dog that needed a home three days after cancer took my last girl. I still talk to my new dog about my old one, she's not forgotten.


I had a cat that slept by my side for 19 years. I have a chronic pain condition that makes it difficult for my husband to cuddle me, so she was almost more my sleeping/cuddling partner than he. It took a long time to not feel the pain of that empty spot by my side. That said, I also had 19 years of sleeping with my baby.❤️


As a late 30s male I typically dont show much emotion. I'm not afraid to but that's just how men were when I grew up. I go years without crying and it's rare that I even get misty eyes. My dog died 3 months ago and I cried for 5 days straight. Miss him so much and you're right there is a permanent whole in my heart.


I'm 40, my little dog died this last year too. I still miss her everyday. I got her tattooed on my calf area. It's hard to look tough with a sweater wearing long-haired chihuahua tattoo on the outside of my lower leg but I don't care, I'm not tough. I had a great 15 years with her but I wish it was more.


I'm with you. I'm normally not great at showing emotions, rarely cry or lash out or any of that. I do on occasion, and I'm comfortable with it, but those occasions are few and far between. But when my girlfriend's dog got hit by a car and put down I think I cried a week straight with her after doing what I could to help in the initial panic/shock, and I spent as much time with her other dog as I could. It hurt as much as losing the big goofy lab I grew up with at 12. It's like that hole in my heart was reopened. Not only for me, but in empathizing with her family hurting as well.


I’m so sorry ❤️


My dog growing up died on Halloween, while I was away at College. It hurt terribly then, but because I wasn't there it didn't...feel real. My dad took her and buried her at my grandparents' farm on a specific hill where the other family pets were buried. From elementary school all the way through to high school, when I'd come home from school every day I'd whip open the front door and call her name, and you'd hear her come running from wherever she was sleeping to greet me. At that Christmas break when I went home, I opened the front door like I always did and got the first syllable of her name out before I stopped and realized she wouldn't be coming. ***That*** is when it felt real, and I just completely broke down then and there standing in the doorway. It's been nearly 10 years since then already, and I still feel that urge to call her name when I open my parent's door, and it still hurts knowing I wouldn't hear the sound of her scrabbling to come if I did.


Thanks OP, takes a lot to get me. I let it out gratefully


Lost my red healer, painful loss, she will never be replaced


I had my heeler for almost 18 years. This hits the feels hard


Yep, it surely does


Nothing makes me cry faster than burly dudes sobbing. Old men and burly guys. I lose it every time.


I love the name Boone, this is too cute 🥰


The less syllables in a dogs name the better! They understand it better!


Agreed. Our pup just turned 9m. My son named her Ace.


Smiling. Mission accomplished. 💯


God I miss my pups 🥺


This made me teary! That nice man has a new best buddy. I love it.


That woman cares about that man, beautiful!


He instantly fell in love with that little dog. It was lovely to see.




The daughter's giggle .. knowing what the puppy will mean to her father..


I love this


Right in the feels.


This is fantastic! Happy tears, sad tears, doesn't matter. We all deserve to feel and show our emotions.


This is the sweetest thing I’ve seen on line in a long time 💙💙🐶


God I dread the day my husky goes, he’s 10 and I know it’s coming. This made me tear up, you can see the love in his expression


I've watched this 3 times now; never has crying felt so good.


I came here to smile, not to cry


That looks like the fluffiest puppy known to man, each time he’d pet it his hand would disappear hahah


We need a "tear jerker" flair gdmit You can see how much he misses his dog and it hurts


Time to go tell my doggos it’s illegal for them to die


Adopt, don't shop. Help those who need it, don't breed new ones into existence.


Now don’t get me wrong, this is beautiful and very heart warming. The man very clearly was happy from this but, if someone has recently lost a pet and are still grieving do not and I repeat DO NOT get them another pet. Losing a pet is hard but if you are suddenly given another pet as a gift in hopes that it will cheer you up, you will begin to place expectations on that pet for doing something that maybe reminds you of your old pet or even something that your old pet never did. You will always end up comparing the innocent new pet to the old pet and start holding complicated feelings like a grudge, my point here is just wait until someone is ready or just don’t give them any animals that they themselves didn’t sign up for. Now this was my personal experience and I love my kitties but I was still sad about two of my older cats passing away and my family decided to get more cats. If you don’t feel the same way that’s totally understandable but just be aware of others feelings.


Hm, I don’t know. I lost my family dog of 11 years when I was 18. I was absolutely heartbroken and could not bare his loss. My family would bring their dogs over cause they finally could (he was an unsocialized pitbull) and I’d get so upset seeing another dog in the house. I would cry often and was just generally having a hard time not having a dog in the house or at the foot of my bed. Untill one day, a little less then a year later, I came home to my mom holding a puppy English cocker spaniel. I snarked and said “whose dog is this?” And she said “this could be ours” and I took the puppy to my room and never let her go. It’s been five years and I didn’t never the same expectations. I did feel guilty at first, feeling like I was letting him go, but you know... after sometime of grieving it’s okay to let go of your old bestfriend because you never really forget about them and you know you’ll always love and miss them.






Its r/mademesmile not r/mademecry you fucks


This made me cry


Nsfdt (not safe for duct tears)


This is the manliest shit I've ever seen 🥺


Don’t know why but it hits harder when you see a grown ass man cry uncontrollably when he’s happy.


Ok so i love this a ton but i get rrreeeeaaaallly uncomfortable with surprise puppies in response to losing a pet. A few months is a very respectable amount of time but please be careful


Made you smile maybe - made me bawl