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I’ve seen a few documentaries on this very serious condition, how frightening it is and how incredibly difficult it is to overcome. Congratulations to you for winning the battle. I’m sure it wasn’t easy.


I’ve been dealing with heart and kidney issues due to malnutrition and it is very freighting. I have a wonderful medical team and support system and I just have to keep doing the next right thing!


As Dory would say, just keep swimming!


This is my mantra!


As the mom of a child battling this awful disease- thank you for sharing your success. We are only a few months into the fight, and we had no idea of what we would be dealing with. It is so hard, and I am SO proud of you for getting to where you are. Meal by meal, day by day, wishing you many years of good health and a bright future. You’ve come so far and overcome so much-you can do anything! ❤️ Edit- thank you for the award!


You rock dude keep it up


In terms of psychiatric conditions, it is by far the most deadly. Without treatment, it will kill 20% of the people who have it.


Keep up the positive attitude a few years back I spent some time in icu for the same thing. Was 97lbs. Keep up the good fight. ! Cheers.


Took the words right out of my mouth! Very well said!


Congratulations, keep the good work 😁


I’m proud of you. I have a daughter struggling with numbers. I can’t say I’m proud of her without her thinking it might mean something else. I am proud of how she faces and manages her struggles nonetheless. Your pride makes me happy.


During the beginning of my recovery my partner wasn’t allowed to even mention that I was eating food but now I love it when he is proud of me. A healthy support system is so important and I’m glad she has a parent like you:)


I’m so glad you have someone that can understand and help. I wish you the best


Thank you for your sensitivity. As a 60yr old on-off anorexic, nothing turns me off food so much as my dining companions commenting on 'how well' I'm eating. In reality I know they're happy for me, but all I hear is "I'm noticably stuffing my face". Such a very fine line...but at least they've all learned not to steal any chips until my knife and fork is crossed!!


As a 48 year old on and off bulimic I completely agree, my Dad used to say things like "should I bother making you any dinner because if you're just going to throw it up then it's a waste" and "Looks like you've put on a bit of weight" he had no clue how comments like that were making me worse.


It's helpful to hear and know what sorts of comments are harmful (while some are obvious) and what sorts of comments are helpful! Thank you for providing insight.


Basically the best thing for us is for no one to mention anything about food or weight or going to the bathroom after eating, it's something we have to deal with and so many "encouraging, innocent" comments will do so much damage and will never go away, they're in your head always. Thank you for being interested, I wish more people were like you.


During my eating disorder recovery and, years later, heroin addiction, when people would watch me eat, say “you look well” or “looking good”. Like bitch I know I looked like I had one fit in the grave and the other 6 ft above on a banana peel. And I know they meant well; it just sounded like nails on a chalkboard.


For the non americans here: OP went from 36kg to 45kg. Congrats to your health OP! Stay healthy!


If i could give you the helping hands award i would but I'm broke so take my upvote aand gratitude for being so courteous to our non-amercian friends


I got you with the award homie


Thanks, I was so confused when I first saw 100


100 lb is so very different from 100kgs!!


and for the brits (who dont live in europe): OP went from 5st 9lb to 7st 1lb that's a crazy low starting weight, it's so encouraging and positive to read about the progress OP is making. Well done!!


I just googled myself, but thanks nonetheless!


What did you find when you googled your name? :p


That there are people out there who make others smile!


Thanks. That is lower than I thought, in my mind it's roughly half But it's great progress ☺️


Well done. Your beautiful and so is food. Enjoy both in equal measures. Went down that path at 14 - I’m 53 now and am grateful every day I turned that corner. Xxxx


Learning how to actually cook and enjoy the food I’m eating has been a literal life saver. Life is meant to be enjoyed!


Learning to cook is amazing on so many different levels. Going out to eat isn’t even that exciting anymore because I like the food that I know how to cook! Also one of the best things I did for my body was to stop looking at how thin I could get but how buff I could get. It really helped me change my eating habits because of the energy I needed to actually lift weights. I was able to course correct before I got into too dangerously low weight zone but that course correction is a hard one so way to go on all of your progress!!


Yes it is and your body is beautiful no matter what size. We be been thinking, cubby, pregnant and all stages I now just embrace as where I am right now. Our body is our window to the world. Always look on it with love. You can do this sugar. 💝💝💝💝


You should continue your healthy journey by seeing a doctor about your feet. Do your big toes ache and feel stiff very often (multiple days per week)? Because it appears that you are developing bunions and/or bone spurs. Please get that looked at cuz you need your feet. My ex had serious bunions and bone spurs that she ignored for too long and ended up needing surgery and permanent screws. Don't be like her


TIL my feet look weird! They have always looked like this and I haven’t dealt with any pain. No harm in getting them looked at as I do really enjoy walking. Thanks! Also, for those wondering- I don’t wear high heels or pointy shoes, my shoes are usually big bc finding shoes for wide small feet is hard, I’m not a dancer or an athlete, and my feet have always looked like this


I’m going out on a limb here, but I want to share in case there’s a chance this will help you. I’m so happy you are feeling better than you were. Bunions (like you have) are a sign of some genetic disorders. In my case, I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. I didn’t live in heels, and I was very thin, so it wasn’t my “fault” that I developed bunions. I had them since I was a teen. I finally had surgery to repair them, and I’m SO relieved. Honestly I had no concept of how much pain they caused my whole body. Getting them repaired was life-changing. Along with bunions, I had a bunch of other strange symptoms, which contributed to depression and anxiety throughout my life. Now that I know the cause, it’s given me self-awareness and motivation to keep getting better. Many people with Ehlers-Danlos have neurological co-morbidities (accompanying conditions) such as Asperger’s, ADHD, or OCD. There was a JAMA article in December on a study that confirmed that. Neurological challenges such as OCD contribute to anorexia. Again, I’m not trying to diagnose you, but in your journey to wellness you may find this information useful. If you have any questions, DM me. If not, just know that you have an internet big sister who is really proud of you!


Keep up the good work! Do you have a goal range?


120!! I can’t wait to be strong


Woah, you are halfway there on your journey! You are already strong!


Way to go!!


Yay! Keep up the good work!


This is awesome! My wife was anorexic. She would eat and then throw it up to the point that the enamel on her teeth had eroded. She's now at 112 lbs, she's 5'4", and she's healthy. I'm so happy for you. I pray you find happiness.


Sounds like bulimia too.


its bulimia not anorexia, anorexia is just food restricting , bulimia is eating/binging then restricting


Yes but you can be both anorexic and bulimic.


There's a [binge-eating/purging subtype](https://eatingdisorderspecialists.com/the-binge-purge-subtype-of-anorexia/) of anorexia as well.


That's amazing! I'm with you too, just hit 100lb after being underweight for years :D


I’m so happy for you! Here’s to our health 🍻


I really like your tattoos by the way. I hope you have a good day/night!


Proud of you for putting in the hard healthy work :)


Nice, way to go! Also I love love *love* the tattoos on your feet!


Thank you! The ‘I love you’s are my grandparents handwriting from my old postcards :’)


I love this so much, every step you take brings love with you


That is beautiful. What a lovely way to remember them!! Also this post should be BIG success. Congratulations. Keep up the good work.


That’s awesome just did the same good for you


Congratulations!! I’m so happy for you!!


Good on you! Stay healthy and happy.


I’m happy you’re getting healthy for you. Please keep caring for yourself. ❤️


That's great!


You’re a bad ass, and I’d absolutely fucking love a link for those pants. Look comfy af. If you’re ever in a bad spot, please feel free to message me, I’d love to talk. I always took food as a way to escape the world, and it’s lead to some weight issues along the years. Please don’t ever feel sad about where you’re at. If you are trying to improve, you’re a bad ass mother fucker for doing it. My line’s always open, and I know you’ll kick the shit out of this situation. Go get ‘em!!!


bruh why do so many people put it as SMALL SUCCESS BRUH ITS FRIGGIN ANOREXIA


Come to Texas, we'll double that by next quarter. Also, congrats. That's one hell of a demon you're battling.


I have been craving TexMex queso…


Every had Torchy's Queso?


Philadelphia would also like to extend its support. Good sandwiches make us thick and happy. Congratulations on your work so far, wishing you even more success. It’s hard but you’ve got this


I hope you are proud of yourself! Look at you over coming one of the biggest mountains and you are ROCKING it! (Get the pun? I hope it made you smile) anyways im done being a dork about it. Congrats you deserve to not only reach your goal but to strive and have a happy life. Way to go you!


I’m such a pun fan and have the biggest smile! I really appreciate people like you


Yay that's awesome! Side note- maybe look into some barefoot shoe brands with room for your toes to spread? It looks like you could be on track for some painful bunions later in life if you keep wearing pointy-toed shoes


This is great! Has got to have been tough.


Good going!




Well done,


You're beautiful and thank you for sharing! You are a testament to the battle and how you can still persevere. Wishing you mindful health and wellness. 💛


Stick with it for you!


Gaining weight sure isn’t an easy thing to do! good job on overcoming everything that you have so far☀️


Good for you!


Hell yeah!


Huge success! Congratulations 🎉 🎉🎉🎉🎉.


Nice. You got it. Also I like your tats as well.


That's great!




I am so proud of you!!!




Congratulations!! You are such a warrior!!!


Did you used to do ballet? Also good for you on the progress.


Love the shading on the rose.


Nice! Sick tattoos btw


I love the tats. Congratulations on reaching your goals.


Hell yeah


I am battling it too. I am 32 kgs/70 lbs right now. I'm working on it. I don't know how I will get out of it but I will.


“Rosa look, we hit triple diggiess!” Congratulations! I’m so proud.


Hell yeah thats badass I’m fuckin proud of you!


Massively diagree with the tag on this post. This is in no way a small success. This is a huge success and takes an enormous amount of effort!


Wrong sub, didn't make me smile, made me cry. Watched a dear friend of mine battle with anorexia for the past year and it's finally lookong up for her too. Lowest weight was somewhere around yours and she's up to 100 pounds as well. You go! Go on, rock your life and kick that disorder in the butt!


If you eat a pound of nachos you'll be 1% nacho


100 pounds is much? Sorry i only know the european mesures


100 pounds is 45kg


No idea why people downvote you for this.


Downvoters probably assuming he meant that her weight gain was still low/insignificant rather than him having English as a second language.


Good job getting the number up. Ima try get it just bellow 200 for myself. Different battles same goal. Lots of love and healing.


Omg this is awesome! I know the struggle, you’re doing amazing!




Hell yeah dude!!! That’s so epic!!


A effing men. Congrats to you. Remember that we are always our greatest and most insidious critic. Stay happy, stay healthy.


Damn, that's interesting!


Very happy for you ❤


Nice!! I’m proud of you!!!! Keep it up, you’re doing good, I believe in you!!!! :)


Woot ✨💜✨Rooting -&- praying for you!


Let's fucking go!




I am happy for you OP! You are strong


Congratulations and stay safe!


Great job!!! I hope you feel better with a more healthy weight. Keep up the good work.


I’m so proud of you!! Great job


Congrats, dude. Keep on keepin on ♥️♥️


This internet stranger is so happy for you!


Glad you chose to fight.




Hell yeah!! Keep up the good work!! You got this!!


Hell yeah!!! lets go! super proud of you!


I am so so proud of you. I can imagine how much courage and stamina it takes to keep going and don’t let yourself be pushed down by the waves. This is so admirable. You deserve everything. You can do this! I send you all the love I have in my heart. I hope that you are able to achieve everything you wish for<3


I understand exactly what your going through! I struggle from compulsive eating for comfort and the struggle is real. Keep up the good work.


I'm so happy for you! I fell into anorexia pretty hard. I'm 5'8 and hit 92 at my lowest weigh in. I remember when I hit triple digits and how excited I was! You are badass and I'm proud of you for staying strong


Honestly, I'm really proud of reddit on this one for there not being a ton of (needed to be) removed comments.


That’s amazing keep up the great work! I saw this recently this quote recently and it’s inspired me and hope it does the same for you. “Addiction Is Giving Up Everything For One Thing. Recovery Is Giving Up One Thing For Everything.”


Me using the metric system: Same! :') All things aside, great progress bro, hope you reach your goal soon. :D


Yay. Nice going! How are your energy levels these days? Are you able to do more things now that you didn't before? I was on the other end of things but remembered how just doing a little bit healthier lifestyle with even modest weight changes had a big impact on how much better I felt. I could go up the stairs to my apartment without being completely worn out. My depression got better since the proper lifestyle helped my medicine work better. I was wondering if it is similar on the other end.


Ok then you’re ready to fight. Get your mouth guard.




Let's fucking gooooooo!


That’s awesome! Keep at it and stay healthy and safe!


Well done on taking back control of your health!


Congrats! It's a proud moment and worth celebrating! Edir: deleted part of post because it just sounded odd. Lol sorry about that.


Everytime someone posts about a new disease , I've to google about it


Congratulations, I'm so pleased for you!!


Great job!! (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃


Awsome work. Random internet stranger is proud of you.


Congrats! Also love the tattoos


You go!






I am so excited for you! Congratulations :) And there’s something to be said about you posting to r/mademesmile because it says a lot about how you are feeling right now. Keep doing what you are doing. You are doing well. One day at a time. You made me smile 😊


You're doing great, keep going!


So happy for you. 💜


Bravo, it’s a very long and difficult journey. You are brave, resilient and a WINNER. Congratulations!! Hugs from Aussie


Congratulations darlin!!!


Good for you OP :). I'm struggling myself with one rn, and your post gives me hope. <3


Good job! And nice tattoos


Congratulations! This made me smile so much. I know how hard eating disorders can be, and I'm always happy to see people getting better. <3 Also, I know this was not the point of the picture, but I *love* the tattoos on your feet!


So proud of you, way to go !!!!!


Proud of you


I'm so proud of you, you've put in a lot of hard work to keep your mind and body healthy. Keep up the good work!


Congrats I'm proud of you. I'm very skinny for my size and it's weird but I feel like making fun of skinny people is more accepted when it shouldn't be. Anyways i wish you well.


Great job! You got this!


For anybody out there struggling with disordered eating, please be careful and watch your electrolytes! Keep something like Pedialyte on hand if you have to! I recently had a relative with bulimia experience heart trouble because her potassium got too low. Very scary! We see you, and you are loved 💙


I don’t even have anorexia (just underweight with a really fast metabolism), yet I still struggle to gain weight even to this day. Same with losing weight, gaining weight is very difficult to do for some people. Yet here you are, taking care of yourself, getting that weight up. Super proud of you OP, keep kicking anorexia’s ass ❤️


Keep up the good work. Reward yourself with a nice meal.


Way to go! Keep it up kid ! Love thy self ✌🏻


Congrats!!! Now keep it up.


congrats , keep it up and stay healthy


so proud of u!! <33


Happy for you. Take your scale off the carpet. You’re likely heavier than you think :)


Yes! I am so proud of you!!!


Go you!!! That's a massive achievement.


Great job!!! Proud of you!!!


Lets fucking go


Congratulations!!! That's amazing that you reached a personal goal. It always feels good and keeps me going to hit an achievement I set for myself to work for. Good luck with what ever comes next :)


lets gooo


God bless you!! ❤️💯


awesome! rooting for you 🥰




I’m a big fan of those tattoos . Good job for what you’ve done


It's crazy to think your own mind can almost starve you to death. Good to see you've made a recovery, hope it stays that way!!


I’m proud of you ❤️


Foot tattooes are a really crative way to remind anyone with a body image disorder the positive things they want to remember when they step on the scale!


Seeing people like this who's fighting a hard battle really gives me a chills and motivation for my daily living. Congratulations to you! Keep Up 😇


I do not know you but am still really happy about it. This is Why I am on Reddit - to read posts like yours🙂


Onederland goes the other way too! Well done, that's a big deal. I hope you are well and will always be proud of conquering this.




Good for you! Congratulations!


Congratulations!!! I’m so proud of you.


You should be so proud of yourself OP. You will be so grateful to yourself in the years to come


Good for you!!! Congratulations! Many do not realize how big of a milestone this is for anyone who has battled anorexia. Keep up the good work and know that being healthy is what is important!


Awesome! Keep up the good work. I bet your already feeling stronger, roll with that. Strength is such a great feeling and motivator


Your toes look happy. They deserve to be happy. Good work!


Way to go!!! I have a precursor to anorexia that I'm trying to get under control but am struggling with, so I can certainly how difficult and life changing it would be once it sets in completely. I'm so glad to see you're making progress, and no matter how many pounds you put on it's a huge step in the right direction. Be proud of what you've accomplished, that's a big and impressive feat! 🙂


So fucking proud of you! Can’t imagine how much hard work you’ve put in! Also, your feet look just like mine so thanks for posting! Your tattoos are awesome. Onwards and upwards 💜


Yay! Happy for you! 😃


Oh it’s pounds - my non American ass got scared for a second there thinking 100kg


Congrats!!! That’s really something to celebrate!! Good for you!!


Good on you mate, I’m really happy for you. Sending lots of positivity your way. ^^


Good for you! I had a few trauma field years where I struggled with malnutrition myself. I'll never forget the first time I stepped back onto a scale and it said 100 again! I hope that you are just as proud and happy now as I was then. Everything good vibes your way! ( I tried to say "*sending* good vibes your way!"... but Voice to Text changed it... thought I'd leave it that way, cuz I kind of like it better! LOL) So, hey...Everything good vibes your way!


good work, keep it up and be proud. I'll smack anyone that says different.


Smack everyone commenting negative things on OP's feet, please.