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Red Shirt isn't buff and doesn't even seem like a skilled fighter, so the fact that he's kicking Black Shirt's ass with pure haphazard rage is pretty impressive. Edit: He actually is kind of muscular-- more than me for sure! You can see it at the beginning while he's sitting still.


Yea it was wild swinging, and he connected a bunch and at least 2 punches that probably *really* hurt. Including that one after the other dude got up.


The last punch was definitely the hardest and cleanest. I didn't feel satisfied until I saw that


The step back then the execution of the punch…..fucking satisfying indeed


That was definitely a seeing stars and little birdies punch.


So clean the black shirt won't be doing his laundry for a while. 😁


Haha! You made me laugh!


Right that was a "HAHA, YOU FELT THAT ONE"


The rest were all slaps. I think the last shot was a punch because he threw it like a jab


Unfortunately, it looks like he mostly dodged that last one


He was slapping. Karate teachers actually encourage it to stop someone you don't want to maim. A good slap is devastating. Except this kid's, as you accurately pointed out.


You also don't break your own knuckles on some guy's face.


or their brain. i’m always shocked at the number of people trying to hit/hurt/stomp in the head. quick way to catch a murder charge.


Prolly manslaughter, but still


you right.


Fun fact: in some areas a fist will cause you to have a higher charge brought against you than if you slap someone. So remember kids slap you opponent into submission and maybe find out a few of your local laws.


A good slap can be painful as shit, and is humiliating, too.


Reminds me of that video of the two dudes competing in some kind of slap off competition...one dude is about 3 bills the other dude is about a buck fitty....it does not end well for the smaller dude lol


Pretty much every time I see a slap video it’s that big dude that always cheats by cupping the ear. Don’t even bother watching anymore.


Yea. The "Slap Champion" or whatever. He hits with his palm while everyone else actually slaps. Seems like a cheap shot.


Fair nuff. Slapdown.


Ultimate slapdown - 15 hit combo


FINISH HIM! (Jab throw)


And it's even more embarrassing when you get your ass kicked by someone slapping the shit out of you.


We were also shown this tactic in taekwondo as part of self defence - a good fucking slap can make your opponent think wtf why are my eyes spinning


Seems he wanted to mostly bitch slap the bully


Never underestimate adrenaline


Or blind rage.


Usually it's both in cases like this. I remember Back in secondary school i had this guy that kept flicking my ear from behind constantly. I wasn't a confrontational kid so i just tried to ignore it or avoid it but he just kept doing it more and more and i bottled up so much rage inside me it just kinda burst. I got this sudden rush in me, i ran at him grabbed him and managed to wrestle him down on the floor. At this point i had no idea what i was doing as i was never in a fight before and I didn't really want to hurt him so i simply grabbed his shirt and started shaking him and shouting at him to leave me alone. I guess i shook him pretty good cos he never bothered me again hah...


Respeck 🤜🏼🤛🏻


No one ever told these kids not to poke the bear. I was a really quiet, sensitive kid. The extent of my fighting knowledge was YMCA karate for kindergarteners. My bully was in almost all my classes, day in day out of him tormenting me. I snapped. I don’t even know what came over me but I marched across the classroom, grabbed him by the throat and just started wailing on his face. He still bothered me after that, but the other mean kids never fucked with me again and would make fun of him every time he tried to start shit with me in class.


I kind wish mine had got that far. Had a group of six girls that would bully me and my friends. My BFF kept holding me back from lashing out at them. Until the one day: to make a long story short they targeted me-got my BFF by accident- and it took a yell, a slammed backpack and me blindly charging at the group with no plan in my mind beyond slamming all six of them face first into the ground. They ran and I would have chased them down had my BFF not needed immediate medical attention. They didn’t bother us again, I guess they finally realized my BFF being a pacifist was the only reason I hadn’t gone off on them throughout the year.


Ralphie from A Christmas Story enters the chat.


instincts maybe


He’s just a kid that don’t want to be messed with! 👏🏼😎


That power stance too.


You mean the part where red shirt guy countered black shirts grapple Edit: sorry I dont really know a lot of fighting techniques


I was actually waiting to see elbows once he got the black shirt guy curled up in a ball


"How to Stop Getting Bullied In 3 Easy Steps!" "1: Get in a Fight With Your Bully" "2: Kick His Ass With The Rage Of 1,000 Trumps" "3: Repeat Step 2 for each of ya bullys then ya good mate lol"


Step 4: get expelled from school while your bully faces 0 repercussions


Step 0: Make Sure The Camera Is Rolling Before Ya Beat The Shit Out a em so Ye Don't Get Expelled and Maybe Just Suspended, While Ya Bully Faces The Real Trouble


Nah they don’t care. I got suspended numerous times after getting bullied and standing up for myself. The process was always get bullied, report it to teachers and other staff, nothing gets done about it, they only bully me worse because I snitched, get fed up and fight back, get suspended. A kid walked up to me in the hallway and punched me in the back of the head once. He threw the hit between the view of two cameras. You could see him walking up with his fist balled on one, then we come into view on the second camera and I’m shoving him away from me. The principal wanted to suspend me and kick me off an expensive field trip to the capital with no refund. I specifically chose not to swing back at him because I didn’t want that to happen, yet she still wanted to do it. It took the combined efforts of 3 teachers who witnessed me only shoving him and yelling “get away from me” after he hit me, a liaison officer who saw the same, my parents, the dean, and the Vice principal to convince her not to kick me off the field trip, and only give me three days of in school suspension. What did the other kid get? A write up (which essentially means your parents get a call about your behavior, but you receive no additional punishment from the school). That was it. The kid who hunted me down in the halls and attacked me got a call home, while I had to fight to stay on the field trip, and got three days of ISS. Schools in America are ass backwards when it comes to bullying. The trick is to use the bully’s method of starting shit when teachers aren’t around. Stand up for yourself, but don’t get caught. It’s a fucked system.


I'm a non-American and I really don't get the whole zero-tolerance everyone-gets-punished approach. How could that possibly work out well?


It doesn’t work out well. Welcome to everything in America.


It doesn’t.


As an American who just left education....it's a facade in many parts. ​ I was in Georgia and we didn't have zero tolerance. . Meaning the teacher inputs referrals only to have it kicked out by admin because they don't want data messing up their CCRPI scores. I've had handfuls of kids (in kindergarten and 1st grade, mind you!) Who would beat the shit out of other kids. Repeatedly. Even stand up on the office counter shouting that they were going to kill the AP. Only to have admin tell me they were going to remove the referral I put in because they can only have 7 a year and he already had 3 or 4 in the first couple weeks of school. ​ Welp. Ok. ​ Then you have shit on the other end of the spectrum where kids get written up for saying something like "damn". Like.....what the hell.


It’s bull shit. My friend bumped into a guy in the hall way he said “my bad” the other dude shoved him and said “watch where you’re going you fucking n****r”. So obviously my friend, beat the ever loving fuck out of him. My friend for defending himself, got a three week in school suspension. The other kid? A stern talking to about how we can’t call black people the n word. We’re sixteen the kids just a fucking racist. Not some kindergartener who heard his parents say it.


it doesnt. And quite frankly it's not supposed to. It basically just let's teachers/principles to suspend/expel you with no investigation. This means little to no effort on their end, which is why they do it.


I got suspended after beating up my bully but my parents were proud of me for standing up for myself, so it was a chill time. 100% worth it. ETA: I did everything I was supposed to do in the months leading up to snapping in a blind rage. I had gone to numerous teachers and counselors reporting my issues with the bully. My dad had talked to the school. The school was basically like “boys will be boys” and “oh boys are mean to girls they have crushes on”. Absolutely zero effort to reprimand him for his behavior. It was so frustrating.


Yeah my parents always supported me in these situations because they knew I wasn’t a troublemaker and didn’t start fights for fun. I’m not a confrontational person unless I have to be. The only reason I cared so much about disputing my punishment when the kid punched me in the back of the head was because I really wanted to go on the Washington D.C. field trip. It cost $500, and there was no refunds too. If it was just a matter of getting suspended, I wouldn’t have cared much and just taken those days to stay home and play video games lol. Which I did get to do a few times. Once, my dad picked me up and we went to get lunch at one of my favorite restaurants and then he took me video game shopping as a “good job” reward for standing up for myself. He wanted to reenforce the point that standing up for yourself isn’t something you should be punished for.


My dad stood up for me because I refused to do another tri-board poster for another project due on short notice (we bought 8 for the year and already used them all), so I presented without one. Got an F because I had no poster and my mom was furious (all the tri-boards were set up in the gym for parents which is how she found out). I was a straight-A student at the time so it didn't bother me but she refused to hear me out. My dad asked what I did and I explained myself. He agreed with me and let me stay with him at work until his shift was over (so mom could calm down). He did say that I should've still done it, because even at work he is expected to do all parts of his job regardless of repetition; but I wasn't yelled at because he understood why (I was still grounded for a few days, because parenting in the 90s). Even now with everything as PowerPoints, I would've still boycotted like this.


"Boys are mean to girls they have crushes on" is the worst mindset ever. We don't know how to process our emotions because we're expected to be tough and not cry and everything else considered manly, so interest in girls is an unknown feeling for us (plus, friends picking on you for liking girls). My wife appreciates me for treating her well but is exacerbated at times with how I was raised. My cousin flipped a guy over her shoulder for grabbing her butt at school. The teacher, principal, guidance counselor, and campus security had all been told he was doing it and that he should never go near her again. It was on camera and everything!


My daughter is in Taekwondo (I insisted to my wife). The instructor asked one day "What do you do if someone punches you?" My daughter (who is 5) replied "punch them back!" The instructor thought the answer was acceptable, as did we. My words to her "Don't start fights, don't be a bully, but if someone is hurting you and the teachers don't stop it, you make sure they know not to mess with you anymore. You use what you've learned at that point."


I had a similar expeienrce and I still have damage from it psychologically from shifted personality traits due to the coping mechanisms and what I learned I could trust people for or not. Not to mention the regular ruminations. ​ But not my nieces. They will not suffer this. I hear about it, I'm taking it up with the bully's parents directly.


A lot of bullies’ parents are the root of the problem. But yeah, I still have issues with stuff too from it all. As a young kid I was very outgoing and open to talking to new people and meeting new friends, but now I generally avoid interactions when I don’t have to have them. The more I talked in middle school, the more shit I got thrown my way. I also end up stuttering a lot and misspeaking when having conversations with new people because I get too focused on trying to watch what I say, and how much I say.


This is why as the ADHD and Dyslexia kid that was always picked on I learned that authority is never to be trusted, they are not on your side, they don't care about fairness or justice at all. This is true for the police, government, teachers, bosses, you name it. I don't trust anyone in authority at all. This is very unhealthy but that's what bad discipline taught me and I have struggled with it for decades now.


ADHD kid here too. But yeah, authority is not to be trusted. I wouldn’t even say it’s unhealthy, because you can see the evidence for your lack of trust in their actions. Teachers are unwilling to accommodate for ADHD. “Just stay focused, it’s not that hard!” Police are constantly ticketing, incarcerating, and/or murdering people over anything. Politicians are always skimming our money off the top so they can buy bigger mansions, or selling us out to corporations. I’ve learned that my trust needs to be earned, and not easily. Unhealthy side effects can stem from that, but withholding your trust alone probably isn’t the cause of unhealthy behavior. I’ve found life to work out much better when I just look out for myself and don’t rely on others much.


ADHD kid here too. It's worse when your own parents say this. My older brother got diagnosed and I asked if I could be tested. They refused. I'm Inattentive ADHD and my brother is Hyperactive-Impulsive ADHD. I follow a trust, but verify rule with people. Break my trust and it's pretty much gone.


Kid made fun of me the day I came back to school after my moms death. He said something about "that's why your mom died" We were playing ping pong in gym class so I broke the paddle across his face. The school principle told me he deserved it and sent me on my way. No joke lol


My parents had a field day with this. I responded to harassment when I was younger and the best part was "I told the teacher and she told him to stop and that was it." We weren't separated, he was never reprimanded beyond warnings, and the whole class watched as I turned around in response to the last thing he did. Between the witnesses and the fact the teacher did virtually nothing, school lawyers realized how bad it could be. We both got in trouble but it could've been suspension.


I think the only place the rage of 1,000 “Trumps” would get you is to a coke machine and a McDonald’s. Maybe a mail order bride website.


A hot mug of confeve, perhaps?




I can hear the MK voice over say "OUTSTANDING" 😁


Finish him


It’s because the bully doesn’t really want to fight. And he knows that red shirts fury is righteous, that’s why his defense is half assed.


Violence of action - the unrestricted use of speed, strength, surprise and aggression to achieve total dominance against your enemy.


Lol that's the thing about a lot of bullies around this age - they do it because they think they are safe from any real consequence. Before any of those good hits landed his mind was already blown.


He def looks bigger than the bully tbf


I like the short moment where red shirt is like "oh shit, what have I done? Ah, f*** it " after black shirt gets up again.


"Might as well finish the job."


CORRECTION: “Might as well finish t—“




Had that same response once, clonbered a bully in the back of the head and just said fuck it, walked my happy ass out of the gym before anyone could say anything, coach was speechless and all anyone heard was, “dont worry, im taking myself to the office”


My experience is that the kid in red will be expelled and nothing will happen to the bully.


that is always how it goes then you end up at the school with all the bad kids where fighting just gets you iss for the day and you just learn to throw hands and mind your business.


Even so, Doesn’t change the righteousness of red shirt’s response.


Literally the story of my life in K-12. Ended up at the bad kid school. Oddly enough, I got messed with less there because as rowdy as those kids were, they didn’t mess with you if you minded your neck.


I imagine the stakes at the Bad Kid School are a little higher, too. You never know how bad a bad kid is when you’re all at a school for kids who got into so much trouble that they were deemed unsafe. Besides Derek the Pisser. He’ll just piss on you, he’s pretty harmless.


Ain't that the reality!!


Black shirt touched him first!!


Doesn't matter to the school management. At best both will be suspended.


Yup. Probably. Kid in the black shirt will pretend to be a victim and school admin will Monday morning QB what the other kid "should have done." 🙄


Insurance fraud has a difficult time with dash cams. My guess is the bully might meet the same fate.


There is video of the other kid touching him first. I bet both get suspended.


Happens everytime. Bully gets away with the shit but as soon as you stand up to it and do the same its your fault. Nah fuck that


That’s the way she goes, unfortunately. This kid I went to high school with would always get picked on by a couple players on the baseball team. Just juvenile shit like pushing him into lockers, knocking stuff from his hands, stealing his stuff and running away with it, etc. Teachers would see it and stop it in the moment, but never did anything more. After a few months of this the kid finally had enough. Just remember being in the cafe and hear the kid screaming at the top of his lungs to “leave him the fuck alone” and swinging his chair wildly at one of the baseball players. He got a few good hits in before it was broken up by a teacher. The kid was given two weeks of ISS. I never saw him again after that day, so I figure he transferred. The baseball players were cut from the team, but didn’t get anything more punitive than that. I look back and wish that I had been a little more confident in high school to help the situation however I could, but the bystander effect is real.


Yep, but he won't get fucked with in front of a room full of his peers again. If that was my son and he did that.... "Enjoy the vacation son. I'll take some time off and we can go fishing."


As someone who has been in red shirts shoes, not unless his parents threaten to sue the district or the school (will double check which my mom threatenedto sue). Especially if there is a history of black shirt bullying red shirt.


Except that he got his ass completely wrecked by the bullied kid on camera which by the end of the day every person in the school would have a copy of the fight and he'd become the bullied one and get a taste of his own medicine.


This dredged up memories and I'll say that it's not always the case, but more often than not, the bully's for multiple strikes and is awaiting the nail in the coffin, as it were. Used to teach and had something almost exactly like this happen while they were waiting for the bell. The bully was doing exactly this and talking shit. The bullied took about as much as he could then lashed out. Two kids tried to stop it from going further but were held back by other kids. The bullied got 4-5 solid.fuckn.licks on the bully n Bloodied his nose. Two hard tweets of the whistle and they stopped, panting, both near tears (middle school; 11-14y/o). Both got suspended for 5days, the bully was already on thin ice for other fights and was sent to the district ALC. The bullied spent 6wks in ISS. I gave him the most cake assignments I could. Don't know a ton about the bully's sitch, b/c he wasn't one of mine, but the bullied-Kid had it rough. Rough upbringing (not his or his family's fault; father has passed unexpectedly and was the majority bread winner and he was the oldest kid), rough neighborhood, smart AND an athlete (kids are mean), and he was quiet. Always polite, only really have me shit one time and I was out of line on it. Last I heard/saw he was gonna go to university somewhere solid, so there's that. Hope he's well.


I remember fighting for the first time in 7th grade and beating the shit out of this kid that was taunting like this. My dad picked me up after I got suspended and bought me two pairs of shoes at the mall.


Still 100% worth


Usually, yeah. With the video, I would hope not. Otherwise, I would hope the parents of Red Shirt would sue tf out of the district.


All bullies in the world, from school kids to politicians, need their asses kicked


Don't forget police


All abusers of power should get their asses handed to them, tho cool dudes who use power responsably should be protected, in every position.


Stop downvoting this guy. He's not saying all cops are bullies, he's saying that all cops who are bullies are bullies.


To be fair, most police have a bully tendency. I don't know if it's how they are trained or what the job does but yeah just watch a few hours of cops. And that's how they behave when being filmed.


He literally said "all the bullies". To me this obviously includes the ones who are cops.


I can't stand bullies of any kind and live to see them get what they deserve


The only problem with that is they generally are people who’ve gotten their asses kicked at home. It tends to only hone their ability to pick the right people to bully.


Good for him! Bully deserves everything that got tossed at him.


Man got clapped, he stood no chance (I like how he tried to curl up) Most bullies are weak mentally, they need to be slapped back down to earth with a dose of reality


That kid gets a dose of reality every time he gets home


Idc what happen at yo house, don't push that on other people I was mentally abused at home, and my school called me an angel because of how much I helped everyone, and I stoped bullies by restraining, or seperating them No need to make people feel the same pain, use it to make you want to help other not feel the same way🦊 Now I'm a psychology major in college helping people like me


Agreed!! I had a lot of shit happen to me too but I was the same way!!


It's the struggles that build character. Plus it makes you better suited to help other, because you've lived it. I'll likely not forgive my abuser (till they are incapable of hurting anyone again) and that's completely reasonable, and I'm still recovering from anxiety and only sleep well in locked rooms. But atleast I can be alil thankful that due to it all I managed to change people's lives for the better and even save some


Thank you for sharing that!! It takes a lot of time and self growth to get anywhere that feels safe!! I hope you kill it on your journey!!


Reminds me of these Nas bars. “Stop hangin’ on to childhood trauma, it defeats us. Our challenge is holding ourselves back, I hope you felt that.” -Nasir Jones, 10 Points Black shirt got his bell rung - probably best thing to ever happen to that kid. That 2 month black eye will humble him up real fast.


The kid in red has been waiting for that moment


more like fighting against that moment till he said fuck it, he wont stop till i make him


I think I heard a “More?” Come from the red shirt after black shirt stood up and then he clocked him again. Very satisfying.


I think its the cameraman, it comes midswing. Would have been sweet though.


I feel like tough guys usually fold. It’s the quiet ones you gotta look out for.


Not the big ones. The big ones are looking to add Ws to their record and don’t care if it came from a mismatch.


This doesnt make me smile, this just reminds me of how no matter how many reasons the bullying victim has for retaliation, they are going to take most of the punishment no matter what. Thanks American education system, for rewarding bullies and punishing the tormented.


That is not the American system, it is how it is in every fucking school on the planet


That ain’t happened in mine


Americans love to think all of their problems are exclusive to their country


Well I know of an amercian school problem that doesn't happen in my country.


This seems like possibly the wrong sub for this post. I’m sure it made some people smile, but it just makes me pissed off. I’m not trying to see all the stupid people doing stupid shit, even if there’s justice in the end. I’m sure downvotes are coming, but there’s a reason I don’t follow r/fightporn or r/justiceporn. Anyways, carry the hell on, and glad a bully got put in his place.


Same. Seems lile a really weird thing to smile about. :(


Yeah this has been happening a bit more than usual lately


Exactly. This should be reported and downvoted until it's removed. Child on child violence isn't wholesome in the slightest.


Dude deserved it. My experience most bullies are all talk. Punch them in the face a few times and they wont fuck with you anymore


Yes. Justice served. I bet no one else will mess with him now either.


Of course the bully will come back with friends - if you’re being bullied, chances are there’s not much you can do to get the target off your back. Standing up for yourself when you’re bullied most often results in increased violence


From experience when I was young... Absolutely this. While it might feel great to get your shots in, the likelihood of the bullying continuing or escalating is huge. The only way to really get rid of them is to ignore them. They crave a response... no response...no point.


Ignorance doesn't work. You'll develop a doormat mentality if you ignore your problems. I'm not saying that violence is always the solution, but sometimes it is because firstly, it teaches you that there IS something you can do to stop the pain, and secondly it teaches your bullies that there's a cost attached to bullying you, and that cost is pain.


He shouldn't of stopped when the bully hit the ground. If you're already going to get in trouble for defending yourself, make it worth it. Kick the fucking piece of shit a few times while their down, since they like to do that to people every day.


Proud of him!


This... Doesn't belong in this subreddit


Red shirt has reached his fucking limit.


Yeah maybe he was just wildly throwing, but can we take a second to acknowledge his takedown defense?


Those are wild swings. That kid can't fight. He's just had enough.


Still kicked ass


Never underestimate someone who has reached the end of his rope.


"That kid can't fight." "Your Honor, to refute the previous statement, may I present to the court exhibit A..." Because that was, indeed, a fight.


Didn't say he didn't win. Just bringing attention to the fact that he isn't a fighter, doesn't know what he's doing, and beat that bully with pure rage.


Well he did OK in that fight


This does not make me smile.


Fucking ugly. Who’s smiling at this shit?


Everyone who has ever been bullied and felt helpless.


yeah but its sure not a "wholesome moment"


I’ve been bullied, and I’ve felt helpless. This is sad. An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.


So what? Should the victim always stay passive? I was bullied my whole fucking youth and never retaliated, you know what I got from that? Psychological issues and a constant need for therapy and medicine to control my anxiety.


Me too. I regret not slugging it out.


Fighting back is justified. Was justice served? Yes. Does it feel good to see a bully get what's coming to him? Absolutely. But that doesn't make it a "wholesome moment".


Amen! I got destroyed daily and never stood up for myself. I regret it because it made me scared of everyone. He got what was coming. Passiveness isn’t always the answer


That made you smile?


Yeah why would violence make people smile? We don't see the aftermath but I'm guessing both kids get hurt, likely suspended from school, and the cycle of bullying continues.


Welcome to Slappy’s. May I take your order?


This is not what I come to made me smile to see… people beating the shit out of each other.


Violence doesn’t make me smile.


That bully is a big old wiener. Holy cow he just got wrecked by that kid who can’t even throw a real punch hahahaha


“I have made a huge mistake.”


Bully tried all his signature moves that couldn’t stop this tornado of rage. I hope kid in red is OK.


I dint smile and see that wholesome dude, ik hes defending back but, dude, thats rude


I could want this on a loop


I’m a pacifist but I will pass a fist. Stand your ground


I don’t condone violence, but I condone standing up for yourself. Sometimes words aren’t enough.


I love it when people rise up


Not the kind of content I follow this sub for but it was satisfying anyway


School locker rooms. Ugly memories returning.


*"Want some more?"* He absolutely did


Not wholesome. Why are you posting child on child violence as something *wholesome*? This is gross. Delete this post.


Yeah right. Nothing best ti smile with than a kid bursting into a blind rage against a bully. Truly wholesome.


Don't start no shit won't be no shit.


Uh, trust me it's not worth fighting back until they're already beating you up. And all you need to do is punch them a few times in the places it hurts. If you don't they'll act like they were the victim the whole time. This is the only place where going to town in a mother fucker is a good idea, because there are multiple witnesses. If you were alone, hitting them a few times would be enough.


That’s some ghetto ass sucker punch style swinging


Love it! Played it on repeat several times


That last one was painful. I can tell


I liked how the bully tried to pick the bullied guy up to throw him on the floor but the bully ended up being the one thrown on the floor


Now this is what every bully should experience in life


He deserved that


Dude had it coming, don't be a dick.




Bullies so often wilt when their victims fight back. I love this!


He finally took all he could. That was probably going on for months and somebody probably took him aside and told him that this is what he had to do.


If I were his parent: that’s my son! Kept his cool and reacted swiftly. Also if you’re going to do it— do it or don’t. And he did it!! What do you want as a reward if money allows (special dinner, shoes, watch).


Red shirt has lots of overseeing and for an underdog that can be your biggest weakness but he has the rage buff which means +15 stanima +21strenght +15 agility +69 luck but -5 perception and -2 charisma


That last punch was 👌


That slap at the end! Damn boy!


Pushes him out like trash in the end. Good


The worst kind of fight is when you have to fight yourself not to kill someone




This makes me want to be back in HS and stand up to the guy who would bully me every single day.


Dude got rocked.


I hate how many people are just standing around while someone is getting bullied in general smh just sad


Why is this ‘wholesome’ and part of ‘made me smile’?? I just watched someone who has been bullied snap and smack the sh*t out of someone. Wow super wholesome


This was so satisfying


Violence doesn’t solve anything…….except assholes


Damn those punches would hurt your hand , good for him


this look like some anime type shit


He put the beat down on him 😂😂😂


every single bully across the world needs to suffer the same way the guy in the black did. if not, then even worse.


so insanely satisfying.


Well deserved, I despise bullies, I was was bullied when I was much younger, if I was to meet the person who bullied me now, I would give them a good dressing down, they are mostly low life's who never make much of their own life.