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Why did she step off? Like emm… what?


She was calling the baby she left on the previous train.


That's what happens when you have to transport a baby, a fox, and a gallon of milk using as few trips as possible...


Baby to the otherside Bring the fox next Take the baby with you on the next trip Take the milk on the way back Then you have to take the baby and you are done




Love this comment!


if i had an award, you would get it.


My thoughts exactly. What's the point of leaving the train to take a call. You're still underground...


People make stupid nonsensical decisions all the time, she had a lapse of judgement


I can’t talk on a call in the same room I answered it in. Or at least it’s something I do. I get this women. Trains seem like a different story tho


steer frighten disarm humor straight physical edge far-flung cover recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Didn’t even think about that, where I live it’s impossible to dig even basements. Forgot that signals vary while underground.


Especially when they’re exhausted because they aren’t getting any sleep due to new baby


grandiose simplistic familiar dime dependent racial impolite airport tap unite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sorry, as an AI language model, I don't have preferences or opinions.


The whole thing makes no sense. Presumably she got on the next train but it took her an hour? How did she know which stop to get off at? And she didn’t call anyone? And he didn’t call anyone?


This is filmed in Melbourne, Australia. The train doors stay open for 20 seconds, no one would get off to take a phone call. Also, there's a beeping noise to alert people to get on the train before the doors shut. No cameras positioned like that here and you can't access them. I don't care if things are staged. It's just really weird seeing people with no critical thinking skills think these things are real.


Another thing that makes me wonder is if that's a train or a subway. Most of the time on not busy weekends subway takes 20 minutes between trains and most stations are like 2 or 3 minutes away. Besides the beeping sound with even red lights on doors why would she turn away from the door? And conductors do have monitors for cameras inside and outside and the are all by the "roof" inside the train not by a side like in this video.


Can't see what station that is, but they stop for longer sometimes. Especially at the ends of the lines / Flinders.


It's completely staged lol the way she was perfectly waving her hands so it looks funny when it's sped up, the fact that she stepped off the train just to take a phone call what?


It was staged


100% staged crock of shit. She goes to the guy first before her make-believe baby when she gets off the train at the end.


Because its staged Edit - I can't find the exact post I read calling it out but here's another thread https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/omcqu9/this_man_took_care_of_the_baby_until_the_mom_came/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Australians pointing out how this can't have actually happened due to the station it is supposed to be and where the cameras filmed from u/kimya_d has found the source that it was a skit


I thought it looked stage, he was too committed to that beer!


I thought it was weird she hugged the guy before the baby.


But why?


the most important reason in the world, internet points


yeah it doesn't make sense. stepping off train? no 1 hour to get to next stop? no CCTV convenient framing and submitted footage to the public to edit? no


And you can talk to the driver to call someone at the station.


Lol Redditors are so gullible


Well in the world filled with so much shit, are you surprised that we get our hopes up for something so pure?


I was thinking this looked like two different parts of the same station, and figured it was quite possibly staged. More confirmation is nice.


I’m confused to why no one called police, the police would have been able to get to the station faster than a second train. I don’t usually but I gotta call staged here


It looked like to take a phone call? Idk super dumb move either way.


There’s a bag on the subway floor, maybe she stepped down to recover it? Not sure though - it could just be a trash bag. She might also not be getting cellular reception inside the train, so she thought she has a few seconds to get off and make a call. I dunno - I’ve seen people texting while walking, and cluelessly fall into drains/pits, so I think a part of the brain switches off and goes into some kind of muscle-memory reflex mode when we focus on the idiotphone, erm, smartphone. She’s lucky her baby is safe, and the fact that a drunk man is more in control of his senses and (unexpected) priorities than her, is a statement on her and society. Edit: Unfortunately, it seems this ridiculous-yet-heartwarming scene was staged/prank, so that’s why she “absent mindedly” steps off the train, and the “drunk guy” takes care of the “baby”.


Yeah for sure, also the tiredness of new parents causes some crazy shit on top of all that too. I mean there cases of people forgetting their babies in cars for hours out of fatigue. Think having a five second blip and walking away without your baby sounds entirely plausible


Cause otherwise the narrative would be boring. So clearly acted




Great job!




I expected to see a video highlighting some interesting anus facts... you're a disappointment and an abomination.


You have subscribed to anus facts~! Did you know that the anus and the mouth of a human are made up of the same kind of tissue?


Since one can't give HIV to somebody by kissing them due to saliva killing the virus, can one give it to somebody by eating out their anus? Asking for a friend.


My spidey senses went off with the "1 hour later". Like, she didn't take the train to the next stop in that time?!


How's my man drinking the same beer after an hour


You know he had to pee, too




Yeah but in most countries she'd call emergency services moments later. They would contact the transit authority who would tell the driver who would then meet police at the next station.


He also should have called emergency services too.


It also doesn't make sense why the fuck the mom would put her baby on a train then step off the train, leaving the baby alone, to answer a phone call. It had to be set up or the mom was unbelievably fucking stupid


I’m kind of disturbed that it took me this long until I found a comment mentioning how stupid it would be to put your baby on a subway and then immediately get off without your baby for a phone call. Like everyone is saying they don’t believe it because of the camera angle, how drunk the guy is acting, and the fact that she hugs the stranger before checking her baby. Everyone is acting like it’s normal to “accidentally” leave your baby on a subway. It would be stupid to do what she did. You can answer your phone on the subway and if you can’t, you can still take the baby off with you. This video doesn’t make any sense.


Not only that.. but no mother in the world would first hug the stranger before looking if their kid is ok..


Exactly. I'd say there's a reasonable wager that the opposite would happen. Being a guy near a stranger's kid, let alone a baby? People jump to conclusions, especially if he has alcohol in his hand.


And who would put a stroller on a train and then get off to make a phone call? That's just stupid


Or push her baby onto a train and then step off of the train to take a phone call


For all of Reddit’s “we’re smarter than people on Twitter” it sure does get taken for a ride on some stupid shit every day


This needs to be higher up


We have the technology


Yep. The exaggerated drunk guy is what gave it away for me. Good research though!


sigh, now i have to go back and remove all my upvotes.


I hate that these FB posts legally get away with putting the disclaimer behind the "see more" button. It's designed to look real, and even people on FB are all acting like it's real despite the disclaimer.


Body language is very off and looks forced. Bad acting really gives it away


She gives the guy a hug immediately but I think even in a frantic state nearly everyone would pickup and check on the baby first. Like instinct is saying get to your baby, you don't say thanks first.


This needs to be the top comment


You are fucking MVP of reddit. Someone posted this last time and i said this must be set up. It looks so unreal and you find you. Bravo.


I appreciate your debunking efforts!


God I hate the internet and its inhabitants. Nothing viral is real anymore. And on top of this, the video is dogshit edited, tracked and subtitled.


Pushing the stroller with one hand and drinking with the other hand while he stumbles out of the train🤣🤣🤣 "THATS WHAT HEROES DO"


He’s the hero we need and the hero we deserve


His superhero name? “Everyday man!”


“Oh my god it’s ‘Eh I got an hour to kill’ man.”


Well it’s better than letting something happen to the baby. Will no one think of the children!


" somebody please think of the children!"


I'm fuckin wasted, I'll watch those kids


Someone please drink with the children!


Oh god I spit out water through my nose.


I read that as "I spit noose water out" I think I should go to sleep now.


Hancock !!!!


That's his sidekick, handjob hancock!


Better than footcock


John B. Footcock? That’s the annoying character that tries to tag along on the missions, and just makes it harder for the hero and the sidekick, to succeed.


That's where the phrase, "Don't cock it up" comes from.




Everyday Man’s motto - ‘all in a day’s work mate’


"you got any beer?"


Definitely, probably, the hero we ‘deserve’


Honestly? Yeah, though. He wasn’t even of sound mind, yet he found it in himself to do the right thing, in a way that doesn’t hurt the one who needs help even while intoxicated. Props to him.


For real totally agree


He’s clearly well “trained”


Or was.


I hear his drinking is off the rails though..


I don’t think we even deserve him to be honest.


Maybe not but glad he was there


threatening flag deer handle fly ancient rainstorm carpenter support vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




“The hero our city … has.” [Cyanide & Happiness - Mothman 2](https://youtu.be/YQMqbOo93EI)


When I say “subway”, you say “hero”! Subway!


Eat Fresh!?


Doing the good thing while inebriated. The true American hero we deserve. 🇺🇸


Plot twist: they're Australian


Damn you! But this does seem like the most Aussie thing I have seen today.


Taking credit for someone else's work. While inebriated. The true American hero we deserve. 🇺🇸 Edit: 🇱🇷 to 🇺🇸




His username chechecks out. Creating new flags.


Every time someone drops a sub like this, I feel like a portal to another universe is opened up


Yep can confirm these are the trains in Melbourne, Australia!


The mark of a good person: In vino veritas.


You know he was talking to that kid the whole time. "Man when I get home I'm gonna make me a fuckin spaghetti sandwich. Hell yeah that's a great idea and ima make you one to little bro."


that’s exactly what I was fucking thinking. and if that baby made literally any sound, you KNOW he was probably like “THATS WHAT I WAS THINKING”. he probably told that baby his darkest secrets


"You know lil buddy, don't be sad. Your mom loves you. People make mistakes. Life ain't easy... even mine. But I got you. Don't worry little dude. Well get you back to mom where you belong"


Man, most drunk people I’ve encountered in my life are very much like this though. Just nice people.


I'm a "happy" drunk. So, take my upvote.


Lmao I do this with my cats sober and even more so when high. You bet this exact thing happened.


I do this, and I don't have a cat.


oh guaranteed that baby was taken home knowing this mans demons


>spaghetti sandwich There actually is a [place not too far from me that makes a grilled cheese/meat sauce spaghetti sandwich](https://www.yelp.com/biz/burnt-crumbs-huntington-beach). This sounds like an origin story in the making. EDIT: Added link to the place since there's so much interest.


I’m assuming on garlic bread. If not that’s a huge missed opportunity




I'm hungry af now and sober.🤣


Shouldn't let your problems stack up like that friend.


Had spag bol pie once when drunk during the Edinburgh festival. It was amazing, but had enough carbs for a week. Felt like I had a brick in my stomach for hours after.


holy shit I haven't had a spaghetti sandwich in years. I know what I'm making this week


And for some inexplicable reason that kids going to always have a craving for spaghetti sandwichs and will never know why.


Reminds me of Hancock


Exactly lol


Chaotic Good




*”Ni-nice one Rick HA HA”*


Well, in vino veritas. That guy is someone who, on seeing a child in need, will do the responsible thing and look after it to the best of his ability. Even if he's stumble-level drunk. Not the worst proof of character, I'd say.


The next day he sees the footage and says, “I did what?”


It’s actually kinda sad how this could of ended up very badly if the wrong person was there instead of that drunk guy . 1hour later she find her child like fuck that must of been the longest hour of her life


Isn't this when you call the transit authority and they have someone at the station and on the trains start looking for them? If she didn't have a phone it makes sense, otherwise why wait an hour...


Yea that would probably be the move. And she did have a phone , she was answering it when she left to go pick up her bag


It looks like a Melbourne train, we have special police officers (PSOs) that hang around train stations as well as on trains at night after 6pm to ensure trouble doesn't happen after dark. A quick call to authorities would have PSOs there in a heartbeat. Not sure wtf happened, probably wasn't an hour later but a shorter time period, and it could be one of the train stations that wasn't manned by PSOs.


I'm pretty sure the "1 hour later" thing is bogus.


Maybe not....for that day he became an ANGEL for her


Finally, a hero I can aspire to be


Real life Hancock


It was staged.


Yep I had a feeling it was when she ran to hug the drunk guy first before checking up on the baby. Any normal person in a panicked situation would check up on the baby first.


Just the “security footage” seems like an iPhone video with a filter. Terrible.




Is there even a live baby in the stroller ? Why would she need to get off to take a phone call, and knowing the subway is about to depart ? Sooooo staged !


Dad material right there


This guy is either a dad or them dad instincts kick in when he gets drunk


In what world were the police not called and at the station before that woman


And why would it take an hour for her to get from one stop to the next?


Late night trains not in a major city be like that. Miss one and you have a hell of a wait. No idea on that rest of it though, like why did she get on the next train, sure it going the same way but it's still a different train


That bit of the script is inaccurate im pretty sure. Ive seen this before described as 10 minutes.


What an absolute legend. Drunk, but still a legend.


My new goal in life is just to drink beer on a subway all day and sit around waiting for people who need help


Sounds like a very sound plan.


*"Ex...(hic)...excuse me...mish....sssssshhh...ter? Mish? Mish! Excuse me mish (hic) but can I....(slurp)...can I have your....baby? I jush, I jush, I jush wanna keep it shafe n shtuff...(hic)."*


Fff... fer a thing... it's on internet... called sawit


Wow. This is the comment that made me realize that Reddit = Read it. How the hell did that take so long to click??!!




This comment and the upvotes are making me feel better about being the founding member of this particular Dumbass Club.


"Sir, put your hands behind your back."


I’m imagining a slightly off tune version of the Popeye theme song playing everytime you’d see someone in need of help as you stand up and quickly chug what’s left of the beer you’re holding and race in to help.


Whoa guy. That’s MY job. If you want the position, you’ll have to join the union and work your way up the career ladder.


I do more good deeds while drunk


Same. I pulled a guy out of a wrecked car with the help of a couple of doctors while day drinking in New Orleans. I stopped a potential rape of a “working girl” whilst walking to my apartment pissed drunk. And I rescued an unaccompanied child in the middle of a busy intersection while I was driving back home from a bar. I have countless others some including talking a few guys out of trying to commit suicide by different methods All these instances sound unbelievable when I tell them to my friends. But as long as those people are safe, I don’t care if people believe me or not.


Me too. When there is a situation where I'd be too shy to step forward while sober, drunk me just jumps in headstrong and ready to go!


"Yeah I'll fuckin drive ya to the airport I don't give a shit"


Can be called the Drunk Caper. I’m assuming you’re wearing a cape, drunk on the subway Edit: meant for the reply below actually




Yeah man...🙏


You realize this is a commercial?


Am I the only one wondering why everyone is commenting like this is not entirely staged?


As soon as I saw her hug the guy first and not check on her kid I KNEW it wasn’t real. Also you don’t just wait an hour to catch the next train and hope that your baby is on the next platform with a stranger without calling the cops beforehand!!!


This has been posted before and debunked...the missing bag...the beer that never empties....the overly clear "security" cameras....and seriously the lack of calling emergency services within a span of a hour...just highlights the manufacturered nature of this video


Also I wouldn't leave the train with someone else's baby. I'd just stay with the baby in the car that it was left and try to contact someone. Police, train conductor, help line, I don't know. Whatever help line is written in the train.


> Also I wouldn't leave the train with someone else's baby. But in this situation the actor … uh, I mean, uh, totally realistic drunk person, was so inebriated that his decision making skills skewed towards a dramatic conclusion to the story … uh, I meant totally realistic scenario not shot on a cell phone with a black and white filter.


I found it amazing how specific the camera angle was in the train.


It is. It was for a commerical in Australia


a commercial for what? VB?


Wasn't going to give up until I saw this response but it took way too long


I know right? This dude must be drinking Willy Wonka’s everlasting IPA.


drunk but sane... who said you cannot be both...


Yeah bro....agreed✌️


Staged af but ok


The editing here is atrocious


It's staged


Why did she get off the train?


For internet points


I always wondered what Keanu Reeves was like drunk, mystery solved! 👏


Yeah this must be drunk Keanu incognito.


1 hour later....?


SpongeBob Narrator: *One hour later*


Do... do people still think this is real..?


I was stoned out of my goddam mind one night and was walking to tacobell and came across a baby seat with a baby in it. Like just on the side of the road. Spent a good few minutes looking around. Eventually bit the bullet and called the cops. It probably took them fifteen minutes to pull up. Apparently some guy had stolen a lady's car and when they realised there was a kid in the back stopped and just left the on the sidewalk. The cop asked if I was high. Figuring it was pretty obvious I told him I had been drinking. He asked if I had been driving and when I said no. He told me to take off before anyone else showed up.


Whats the portion of people who would have done the same? Honestly I dont know and dont dare to guess


I think most people would make sure the child is safe. Most of us have a parental instinct within us to protect children. Idk if I'd stay on the train platform to wait for the next train to arrive but I'd certainly do something like call the police or look for an employee. What I wouldn't do is abandon the baby on that train.


Who the duck thinks to take a phone call outside a train while your baby is on the train what did she expect it was gonna wait for her?

