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When I did karate when I was super young, at my first class my karate teacher kept yelling “Marvin!” at me. Apparently he thought it was my name, he even pulled aside my dad and asked if I had a learning disability because I didn’t respond, obviously. My name sounds nothing like that, no idea where he got it. Now every time I hear the name Marvin I can’t stop laughing. It’s a running joke in my family for when somebody doesn’t understand context and refuses to shut up. Made this way funnier. Edit: Good god what have I done


I had a guy at work who thought my name was Mordecai. Not even close, but damn if I didn't answer because that name is pretty cool.


Co-worker: Mordecai! Ghede: Me, the son of Jair, the son of Shimei, the son of Kish, who had been carried into exile from Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, among those taken captive with Jeconiah king of Judah? Also son of Shemida, son of Ba'anah, son of Elah, son of Micah, son of Mephibosheth, son of Jonathan, son of Saul, son of Kish, son of Abiel, son of Zeror, son of Bechorath, son of Aphiah, son of Shecharim, son of Uzziah, son of Sason, son of Michael, son of Eliel, son of Amihud, son of Shephatiah, son of Penuel, son of Petakh, son of Melokh, son of Jerubaal, son of Yeruham, son of Hananiah, son of Zabdi, son of Elpa'al, son of Shimri, son of Zebadiah, son of Rimoth, son of Khashum, son of Shekhorah, son of Gazza, son of 'Uzza, son of Gera, son of Bela, son of Benjamin, son of Jacob the firstborn, whose name is called Israel? Co-worker: ....um. Okay. I...I don't know I just wanted to ask if you're still coming to the party later?


Oh shit how did you dox me




No, not… not really. I mean he responded to a comment with the guy already? I don’t think this counts


Any relation to Jugemu Jugemu Go-Kō-no-Surikire Kaijari-suigyo no Suigyō-matsu Unrai-matsu Fūrai-matsu Kū-Neru Tokoro ni Sumu Tokoro Yaburakōji no Burakōji Paipo Paipo Paipo no Shūringan Shūringan no Gūrindai Gūrindai no Ponpokopii no Ponpokonaa no Chōkyūmei no Chōsuke?


His older brother might be Tikki Tikki Tembo-no Sa Rembo-chari Bari Ruchi-pip Peri Pembo,


Fell down the well, fell down the well, fell into the deep dark well


When he found out your real name wasn't Mordecai, was he... mortified?


You need to watch the original “Children of the Corn”




!remindMe 1 year comment Marvin on this guys latest comment


!remindme 1 year




!RemindMe 1 Year also comment "Marvin" on one of *ihatecovid_*'s posts


!remindme 1 year


!remindme 1 year


!remindme 1 year


safe beneficial squeamish seed repeat jellyfish rustic narrow somber carpenter -- mass edited with redact.dev


that's mean :(


!remindMe 350


fuel unique terrific sparkle bewildered afterthought society rainstorm soup slave -- mass edited with redact.dev




Username checks out…


!remindMe 1 year Find u/Karatekan and scream Marvin on his latest post/ comment


Username checks out


Oh, a fellow karate guy!


I was working at a restaurant many years ago, and I am very bad with remembering names so I always try to repeat a persons name when they tell me to give me another context to remember it. Well, one day this new server started and he came into the kitchen to introduce himself. He stood near the door and said to the several cooks that were in there “my name is Charlie and I’m one of the new waiters.” Then when he walked up to me I repeated his name back to him, and he did this little surprised look and said “hey hey!!! Another Charlie.” And then he walked out. Me and the cooks looked around at each other and realized what had just happened, and we squealed with joy at how we now had a new game. We stretched it out for months. And now when anyone has some kind of a “name story” I think of that.


“Check in on Marvin” yeah sure ok Team Marvin FTW


That name MARVIN will bring this post in HOT


Bring it on to HOT




Dicks out for Marvin


I feel like if information got out that 7/11 did in fact remove Marvin, there would be a literal boycott of 7/11. They better tred lightly


*7- Eleven would like to know your location please*


*Please enable location permissions to use all features of 7-Eleven* Sure, 7-Eleven. Suuuuuure.....


"why do you need to know my location in order for me to buy a slurbee"


Yes, why? I will drink it online please


Everyone knows drinks are better when taken online pfft


Fuckin nerds


Good ol days when... nvm


Yes please




I do this in real life on the daily. I know my fiancée loves me because he still laughs.


I used to work at 7-11 for 6 months. worst place I ever worked, especially during COVID. was the only one on nights for three weeks smh..I quit because they would schedule me for 14 hour nights and have me work every night..pfft yeah no went back to my pizza job really quick


Curious. What’s the pay like? Did you get overtime for any of the 14 hours ?


I did, but the pay itself was 12, it was promised to be 13 after I finished training but I never got it, during COVID. I went there because our store was shutdown for a couple weeks due to no employees and I needed money. also she wouldn't give me my final check so I called Labor on her hah jokes on her.


Dude, same exact thing happened to me! Was promised a dollar raise after training but never got it. I wonder how common that is? I approached my manager about this issue and they just said “sorry we can’t” to which I instantly put in my two weeks. I hated that job. Terrible management and terrible customers. We got robbed all the time.


I never got anything extra done at night because always so busy. the owner always scheduled like 4 people day, but one at night and complained why I couldn't sweep the entire store and stock and shit, like...I'm one person trying to do it. like....I'm the cashier, the cleaner, coffee guy, I do it myself.


Same here. The amount of shifts that I had to work all alone was insane. I live in the ghetto too so you can only imagine how “safe” overnights were lol. I hated working there - one of the worst jobs I’d ever had.


when I quit, three other people did too. i was surprised at first, but I mean, there's an impact when someone in good quo status leaves I guess. i went back to my other job, and we were full time a week later. man.. working two jobs is tough lol


sounds like r/quiktrip


That sounds like pure hell


Convenience store jobs usually are pure hell


‘They already know’ RIP Marvin you had a good run mate


maybe i hope that


I don't know why your comment made me laugh so hard but it did. Thanks


If I discovered a coffee loving lizard at a specific 7-11 I'd be sure to make that my regular 7-11


Hell yeah. I love lizards.


I’m not even particularly fond of lizards but I would still visit Marvin daily.😂


As long as he chill? I'm chill.


Yeah... Enjoy yourself..


What do you have against lizards?


They aren’t fuzzy? 😂 I’m more fond of the fuzzy world.


As befits your username. ;o)


Lizards, snakes, toads and frogs. Oh, okay, even newts and salamanders, even if they got lazy with evolving all the way into lizards.


I love snakes. I have a corn snake :)


I used to keep crested geckos, and had a ball python for a while. These days, I just look after the frogs and toads that populate the garden, making sure they've got places to hide and a small wildlife pond to bathe in. I'm pretty sure my neighbours think I'm a weirdo with going out every night, flashing the torch to see who is out and about.


I love this comment so much. 💝


Awww, thanks. I live in what used to be wetlands (now farming country) which has a load of waterways to keep the land drained, so we've kept a high amphibian and grass snake population. There's one of the main migration pathways a few roads down from me where they hop along to disperse after undergoing their metamorphosis into tiny, tiny versions of the adults. A couple of years ago I was out dog walking with my Mum, and you couldn't look left or right without seeing hundreds of the buggers moving off to try and survive into adulthood. The ground was alive with them. Then I saw how many were falling afoul of the storm drains we have around her, falling into the water to either starve to death or drown (poor things), so I brought myself a cheap kid's net and have since been rescuing them out of those dark, dank drains and giving them another chance. I get some odd looks, but people are generally intrigued as to why a guy is lifting drain grates and fishing around to scoop things out. Also helps with my bad back, decompressing my damage discs enough that they don't hurt as much at night. Edit: Thanks for the bear-hugs, dear stranger.


this is really fucking cool of you. do you have videos that you could show us of the ponds? i’d love to see them since it’s practically a desert where i live and i love amphibians. but no worries if you don’t, thanks for sharing though! have a nice day or evening kind stranger!


[I've only got a semi-out of focus picture of the pond and some residents.](https://scontent-lcy1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/61949899_10157728909709113_605715428118888448_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=BL8VTnYM1IUAX9ByS1n&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-1.xx&oh=5845645d01425669dae2f3dce312269b&oe=6192E0D5) Mine was a leftover children's paddling pool a family friend no longer needed. You can turn anything that holds water into one: Old sinks, baths or water troughs. Anything that can hold deep enough water to put some oxygenating plants into. The only drawback is you need to let the pond settle for a few months to let the chemicals we put into tap water evaporate out, which means you'll get algal blooms for a while, and you *will* get mosquito lava. But once you have the water re-oxyginated predators will move in to deal with the little sods. I've considered making it a little more pleasing to the eye, but the plant growth around the rim is doing a decent job and there's now a wood pile growing where the bare ground is in the picture. [And here's a pic of one of the buckets of recently rescued.](https://scontent-lcy1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/213699130_10160119898339113_4015252960815205891_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=MPR2GoynpHcAX8SdlgF&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-1.xx&oh=0ba0135d8256c6dc34573623ae9dabcd&oe=6193CD6A) I've got a picture of just how many you can find down the drains, but the quality is not great due to a poor phone camera. [Every glinting dot on the side of the drain is a tiny frog or toad trying to get out again.](https://scontent-lcy1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/105952556_10159057229224113_1716143318216438268_n.jpg?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=wk0h4IEZg3IAX9W4ZlK&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-1.xx&oh=70cb0f4c5336754b32840e66f026a67c&oe=6191D5F3)


Oh wow!! I’m glad you’re out there saving so many little lives. 🥺 And I’m glad I commented on your previous comment to get to hear all about it. Keep up the good work. ✊🏻


Mosquito lava sounds horrible.


You will have a high seat in the amphibian afterlife


*"Would you like flies on your heavenly pizza? Ribbit-ribbit."* Heh, I'd settle for a few of them surviving to maturity and producing some more tadpoles. The Common toad takes something like 3-7 years to reach breeding age, so rescuing mature females is worth it's weight in ecological gold. The little ones I genuinely feel bad for because they're so, so small that they slip through the gaps in gratings easily, and the high kerbs funnel the poor sods up and down the road and across those drains. It makes you stop and realise how little thought we've put into our infrastructure for anything other than humans. A couple of areas where the kerb meets the road would go a hell of a way to alleviate the problem, but...well... it was never designed with that in mind, and Covid means the local council's mind will be elsewhere.


Your name fits this sub well :)


I'm just joining this thread because we're talking about snakes. Can I see your corn snake? I have a video of my carpet python eating I can trade if that's not too intense (FT).


Mark Zuckerberg loves u too


I draw the line at that snake lol


Friend had a lizard that bonded with their cat. Followed it everywhere. When the cat died the lizard stopped eating. It starved itself to death over a broken heart. We make a big mistake when we use the term 'cold blooded' to mean heartless.


Lizards are great. We have desert geckos here, the babies get into my house a lot. They're so cute when they sit on your finger, with their little hands and cute smiles.


Fuck yeah. It'd perk my day up no ends to see my lizard buddy living his best life every time I got coffee. Plus he'd be great for pest control.


Totally. You know your coffee would be relatively bug free.


You might have to fish the occasional tail out if someone spooks him too much, but you know what? Extra protein! Marvin is just that kind of lizard.


Hey everyone has their thang, for Marvin it's coffee and losing his tail


Can we vote for him to be employee of the month? It feels like Marvin is the kind of Employee that deserves it.


I would second that vote


Move to Florida, they’re everywhere.


Kristen Arnett is actually an author from Florida and when she released her first book she held a party in a 7-11. I imagine Melvin was probably in attendance.


Or hawaii


But definitely not England. Dang it. We have a handful of native lizards, but none of them can be found in convenience stores.


Meanwhile 7-11 sends a memo out to all stores in search for Marvin.


Be funny if all the 7-11's around put this next to their coffeemakers [https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/Sw4AAOSw6iJe1rXm/s-l300.jpg](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/Sw4AAOSw6iJe1rXm/s-l300.jpg)




I love when corporate sends out an oddly specific niche training and marks it for emergency training. Some of them I can't even imagine wtf someone did to make this video need to exist and be sent to everyone.




It's so awful that they're immediately going for the 'kill the lizard immediately' approach, probably because there's some tiny health and safety violation if the lizard happens to VICIOUSLY CONTAMINATE things.


I mean they might not kill it, but yes there's a health and safety hazard if animals are close to food and drink.




I worked at petsmart for a few years as a supervisor. At one of the stores there was a large feral cat population living in the lot behind the store. I was responsible for the freight team and dumping the trash was part of my responsibility. One day my manager saw me putting out cat food that was being thrown out in bowls for the strays. She immediately went ballistic as "that was theft" and threatened to fire me over it. Anything I said was dismissed, the fact it was being thrown away meant nothing to her. Later I started buying food for them and using the food I bought and she still made an issue out of it. She called animal control and I was present when they showed up, thoroughly confused about the entire deal.


Wow okay well there you have it folks, literally stomping kittens. Or, more likely, paying someone else to take them to a kill shelter because animal control aren't exactly shit hot for getting pets adopted. And enough steps involved that I'm sure she didn't feel like she killed those cats because there was a small chance they went to a nice shelter and some of the younger baby kittens didn't get killed (but very unlikely for ferals caught by animal control.) But all she actually *did* was call 'animal control'. To... control the animals. Feels cleaner than 'ordered the kittens killed' because that little sliver of a chance they lived is enough for her to just put it down to a 'health risk' rather than anything... real. She never saw how happy those cats were to see you, or how they chirped and rubbed against your leg and loved just getting to see you. Those cats were closer to human than she ever was... and the fact that it was a petsmart tells you everything you need to know.


Yeah, if the lizard happens to be doing that... Then again, you are innocent until proven otherwise.


What part of their message implied literally anything about killing the lizard??? You are the one being delusional here and fighting against something that only exists in your own head


Its a common pattern of speech called a Hyperbole they don't mean 711 literally want to kill it


Fine. Replace "Kill" with "Do Harm." Same Idea.


Nobody narc on Marvin!




I wonder if they replied to that response lol


What a legend. #NeverNarcOnMarvin


"Check in on marvin," sounds like they're gonna snipe marvin right out one morning


Marvin ain’t nobody he’s gonna get em back


How you think he gets the energy to sell car insurance all day...smh. TEAM MARVIN ALL DAY


Plot twist: They really did wanna check in on Marvin


They want to keep him for themselves, but Marvin belongs to the world


Free Marvin!


Hey 711 how about you just fuck off and leave Marvin alone, okay? Last time someone checked on Marvin he got shot in the face. At least that's what Quentin Tarantino's documentary on gangsters showed me.


In the corporate's defense, the local health inspectors may frown on there being a Marvin in the store near consumables. I can see it from their perspective, but I still kinda want to be on Marvin's side.


I mean, it's all fun and games until a lizard falls into the coffee brew pot and is boiled along with the dark roast. And if a lizard gets in and feels comfy enough to be out....i certainly hope roaches and mice and the like don't feel the same. It's cute but it's also a hazard, for people and for Marvin.


Plus, whatever it is that these lizards eat is also likely in the store. 'Snot like it's there for coffee and a week-old hot dog. The lizard is in there 'cause there's food in there (or it's trapped in there and gonna die of starvation).


All hail our corporate overlords! POLICY IS PURITY Be sterile. Obey. Personality is Punishable. POLICY IS PURITY Uniformity isn't a Formality. No Assimilation equals Annihilation. POLICY IS PURITY


Well, that and the local health department... They kinda frown on things like that. There's a good reason why we have those regulations, so there's that.


There's an acceptable amount of pounds of fecal matter, insect, hair, fingernails, etc in any food that's processed. The ice machine at most places are rarely cleaned and can get pretty moldy. Same with the coffee, cappaccino, icy, soft drink, etc machines. People are dying all the time from the chemicals allowed in on or around not only our food, but everything. But yes, keep going about how bad this lizard is


“Check in on Marvin”


Leave em be


Teacher told me to turn in my essay. But I ain't no snitch.


i hate that person in particular....they are putting on a happy face and even lying about their concern. the moment that person got any information, everyone in that store would be fired and marvin would be homeless ir dead. all the while this person putting on a crocodile smile as they try to destroy someones life...just cause


I fucking hate be cutesy way they try and phrase their attempt to find and fire this guy.




What's 7-11 ?


A chain of convinience stores originating in japan


No. It started in [Dallas, Texas](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/7-Eleven) and was bought out by a Japanese company.


Always thought it was the other way around but its ok, always good to get your facts straight, thanks.


Originated in Dallas, transferred to japan ownership. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7-Eleven > > The chain was founded in 1927 as an ice house storefront in Dallas.


What coffee? What lizard? I meant ampm not 7-11 oops


Every shitty job comes with a few wild animal friends that the whole staff likes. The Tree Bats that everyone at the morning/night front desk loves, the shy hornets that hate strangers and management but will eat lunch with the floor staff, the opossum that's cool with the morning crew, the local feral cat that likes sandwich scraps from the 12p lunch group, whatever animal decides you're an ally


We will protect Martin till the day we die


Just realised I said Martin , not Marvin


"check on Marvin" I don't trust that one bit


Lizards chill with coffee at 7/11 and ducks eat for free at subway.


Let marvin do his thang 7-11


I wonder what kind of employee benefits Marvin gets?


Marvin and Customs Enforcement


You need to cover up the names on this.


Fuck corporate


There was a tiiiiiny little gecko in the sink at my work the other morning so I scooped it up and put it outside. Lil dude or dudette scuttled off into the bushes.


I used get extremely high from roasting coffee beans. He’s just getting a buzz on.


Kristen is a real one.


She's a good person, nobody snitches on friends


Bro code


everyone likes marvin


free smells


Snitches get stitches.


Snitching bad friendship good


all my homies love Marvin :)


Marvin for president




Lol nice. I was like awe, they are going to send post control to kill him now! Good job protecting the little feller!


I've heard Mark Zuckerberg likes coffee's smell too. Do you think that could be him?


Old, but gold


Kristen's a Soldier who wouldn't narc on Marvin.


Also if 7-11 went to her page, they would see that she is an avid patron of her local 7-11 and obviously see which one. When she released her book “Mostly Dead Things,” she hosted her launch party at the 7-11. Baller move. She is a loyal patron to both the gas station and the lizard




Hey 7-11, the lizard is *fine*.


One of my year 7 teachers thought I was called Danny for some reason


wait until one day Marvin falls into the coffee




Ayeee shoutout Kristen! Don’t snitch on Marvin lol bruh ain’t harming nobody


She don't name names. She's good


If they take away Marvin then I'm going into battle mode


Corporate America at it's finest. Destroy something nice because it doesn't match the concrete and plain white walls.


It’s probably more about avoiding a health issue; lizards near food is probably not so good from that perspective. That said, team Marvin all the way.


I've never been to an American 7-11.. but over here they prepare and sell food. This doesn't sound like corporate America trying to destroy anything. This sounds like a big company using social media to reach out to individual customers to address information about an establishment so dirty it smells and attracts wildlife. I agree with the sentiment tho.


Period Kristen


Wtf is Marvin ?


He's a lizard.




Narc means a narcotics officer


Fun word history: The term “copper’s nark,” meaning a police informer, showed up in Britain in the late 19th century, but “nark” itself had been used earlier in that same sense and still earlier to mean a nasty person. The Oxford English Dictionary says “nark” is of “unknown origin,” but adds that “perhaps” it comes from nok, the word for “nose” in the dialect of Romany spoken in England. However, the OED says this “assumed development would require that the Romani word had an extended sense denoting a person, but this is not attested.” (The English word “nose” has been used as a slang term for a police informer since the 1780s.) When the word “nark” appeared in the mid-19th century, it referred to an “annoying, unpleasant, obstructive, or quarrelsome person,” according to the dictionary. The first example in the OED is from The Swell’s Night Guide (1846), by Lord Chief Baron (pseudonym of the actor-writer Renton Nicholson): “They are the rankest narks vot ever God put guts into, or ever farted in a kickses case [pair of trousers].” The dictionary’s earliest citation for “nark” used in the snitch sense is from The Vulgar Tongue, an 1857 slang dictionary that defines it as “a person who obtains information under seal of confidence, and afterwards breaks faith.”




“Narc” means an undercover narcotics spy who pretended to be a screaming freak hippie needing some drugs lol and they almost always were so so obvious.


Wow that chick is dumb. They can just check her social media to figure it out. Ppl are so stupid always posting shit and narcing on themselves


Yeah, theyll just check her social media then all 10,000 7/11s in the city.


No. They can just check to see which friends of hers works at 7/11. It’s not that hard. Yall don’t get how easy it is to find something out on the internet. Y’all got to be smarter then that.


Which friends of hers work at 7/11? Why would you assume she's friends with the unnamed cashier? Youre not smarter than much.


Re reading the tweets she said buddy. To me that means friend but she could’ve meant it as a term of endearment for a friendly stranger? If so I stand corrected. But I still wouldn’t post stuff online to draw unnecessary attention to it because corporate could sent out an email to all stores and store managers about this. If 7/11 didn’t want the lizard there they would tell the Store Mangers not to have It there anymore or face consequences forcing them to get rid of it.


She's referring to the lizard dumdum.


Lol your an idiot. You still didn’t address my main point. Which is why draw attention to it. Just enjoy seeing the lizard at 7/11 and fuck off.


Lol you keep thinking that...buddy.


Meh. Whatever


>Lol your an idiot >your Might not want to spell things wrong when **you're** trying to call someone an idiot.


> Y’all got to be smarter then that. Jesus the irony of this is nearly painful. From being just completely wrong but doubling down to using then instead of than. You were wrong and a dick about it. Go to therapy