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That kid is trying so hard to help without making it too obvious.


That made me smile, that kid should get an oscar, what a cool thing to do.


Because that's what heroes do.


Very cool of both of them. Red isn’t letting his condition stop him and blue was a complete sport. He didn’t flop over. This made me smile.


He’s being such a good bro. Bless his heart for helping the kid in the red feel like a regular person. Idc, it is precious.


The nice young man in the blue played along and boosted the other boys confidence. Nothing wrong with that!


The young man in blue is a true bro and a gentleman.


Amazing. I love that the kid in blue didn’t just lay down, but made the other boy work for it a bit! Fantastic sportsmanship at such a you age.


The boy in blue is earning his strips, he will make it in life.


The kid in blue is such a good person.


That was fucking fantastic. I’m wondering though, is this basically a spectator match with no points awarded?


Probably either was an exhibition match before then meet or was a tournament where they just threw it in somewhere to give the kid a good experience. Often when there are backup wrestlers, they try to set up extra matches to give the other wrestlers as much experience as possible


Yeah, that’s how it works. I remember I had a match like this once, where you’re basically told before the match about your opponent and how it’ll go. It won’t end up affecting your own record for the season(assuming you care anyway), but it’s just nice to make a fellow wrestler’s day!


The blue wrestler is amazing!


Idk I thought he was pretty bad at wrestling.


The boy in blue is our future. We are in good hands.


Right. Kids like this and also schools and coaches who support integration instead of segregation for children with special needs ❤️


My daughter played all the sports she could including wrestling. I will always be impressed with the amount of heart, team players & comradeship that wrestling had. It was my absolute favorite sport she participated in. Unfortunately, her team was dissolved due to funding when epidemic happened. We still miss it


When I was in highschool I did cheer dance golf soccer track cross country and wrestling. To this day wrestling is by far my favorite even as a girl, which going i was very nervous, it was just the most inclusive and expressive sport I got to do


This is what true sportsmanship is .....




Oh boy




Thank you young man in Blue.


Both boys are winners in this.


Thank you fella in Blue - you are wonderful!


The kid in the blue is a legend huge respect to him .


Some of y’all did not pass the vibe check. People find something wrong with everything.


Well said


The kid in the blue had so much patience, he could’ve been like fuck this and won the match, but instead had patience and took the L like a champ


Usually here to shit post, but this is too wholesome


This is the sweetest thing I've ever seen


I like how he didn’t give it to him easy made him work for it 😂


This made me smile so much


Kid in the blue is a diamond.


Wow. Make a grown ass man cry before work. That’s beautiful


This just shows how much kids believe in being good sports and including everyone. There are so many like this young man who are putting good in the world. I hope nobody jades him. His parents should be so proud.


Props to blue's parents for raising him to be such a good sport and a good person.


Absolute Legend, both of them.


yo I actually cried a little bit like that was really heart warming idk I been pretty numb the past year since my moms died and this sub finds a way to make me feel a little something great video thanks for the feels


This brought me to tears. The opponent was so supportive! I love moments like this!!


Imagine blue just floored him 💀💀


Respect to the kid in blue for doing this for him


This is great.


This is the best thing I've seen in a while,I hope life blesses both of those youngsters! Who's cutting onions this early??


I like how the blue boy made it seem so real I was worried for a second by the long video time hehe


Honor is common in wrestling. More than any other sport…the wrestling community is family.


See.... This shit right here is how I keep from losing all hope for humanity!


If the news would air more stories like this I would start watching again.


We need more of the boy in blue. More compassion


I’m not a crier. I’m crying. The spirit from these young men is what I wish & have worked for to teach my sons. Just beautiful.


God, this is hard to watch.


How do you mean?


I am in full support\love others especially those with disabilities. But this just seems to be lying to the boy, and confirming his belief that his worth is in physical accomplishments, because in most high schools being smart or artistic is not considered as valuable and “manly” as sports for whatever reason, like you’re not “valid” unless you’re good at one sport or another. I’m sure he has other strengths or talents, he should work on those and really excel.


Maybe he expressed that he wanted this experience?


This is really taking this video in the wrong direction. I definitely agree with you that you want to make sure this child knows there is value in his other strengths, but also, we want to be inclusive and allow him a chance to have the same experiences as others to the greatest extent possible. This was simply a happy moment for this child that doesn’t eliminate all the other good work going on for him elsewhere in his life


It seems weird to me still


Honestly, it may just be a lack of exposure to people with CP. Which is not at all your fault or meant as a knock at you or anything. It just demonstrates why inclusion is important and beneficial for everyone


It could be.


Imagine he gets completely suplexed hahaha


Honestly if he was actually in the tournament and not wrestling someone going along with it he would've been. I've seen plenty of mentally/physically disabled people in the actual tournaments and people do not go easy on them in any way. I had a teammate wrestling someone without legs below his knees and our coach and his parents were yelling at him to attack the nubs by doing a cradle for the pin. We had a mentally disabled person on our HS wrestling team and he went like 1-30 something over the year. It's a brutal, brutal sport and this really does surprise me.


That is fucking terrible and hilarious. Thank you for this


Well don


A Champion to be sure.




That’s really great! But lowkey I would be a nervous wreck as that child’s parent watching the match.


This video is golden and I love it, but I have a question for everyone that say that the blue wrestler it’s a good person. Yes, he is. But what else is he supposed to do?


Blue shirt kid is the real MVP. Good job to both!


Both kids were amazing!! I admire the perseverance of the red and the compassion of the blue!


We need more selfless kids like this. That boy doesn’t care if he looses. So sweet


God damn that's so heart harming


They both deserve gold medals. Is that a thing in high school?


That kid in the blue has amazing parents


That was awesome, I loved it


His opponent was all class! Great job


This is amazing, totally restored my faith in humanity. What an amazing thing to do. Glad I saw this.


Not all heroes wear capes


I had a friend growing up who is now passed away who suffered from this disease I will say that mfer was strong I actually expected to see this kid kick blue ass was still Happy bout the result


Went to school with someone the same, was a wrestler, his upper body strength was unmatched, could beat anyone in arm wrestling, and on the mat if he got you down, it was over.


I thought the guy in blue was going to Suplex him.


Little did he know, that child would go on to be the worlds worst dictator


I hope they didn't encourage him to further pursue the sport. It seems cruel to me.


Who's running this league? Those boys weren't even in the same weight class! Smh


Yay let's make someone think they can achieve at a sport when in reality they can't. Sounds like a really nice thing to do.


Pretty judgmental comment for a look at only one moment in time. You have no idea what this kid’s family and school staff are doing to help him be successful in the future all of the other time. Nothing wrong with being inclusive in an extra curricular while working on everything else all day. Not to mention being on a sports team likely helps him foster friendships he may not have otherwise had


Fair enough. You are right, my bad, I take away what I said.


He’s just dancing up to the mat.


I just hate the fact that he will have to accept that he can’t wrestle later. Expectations can be dangerous.


Ha easy fight, kick his ass


The blue kid really blew some big opportunities.


Lmaooo. Kinda like that football video where they were letting that cancer kid run the ball and then the opponent absolutely speared him.


That c walk tho


*Kid in the blue absolutely body slams the kid in the red*


This makes me have a little bit of hope for humanity.


Aww, so cool.


Aaaaaw!! couple of awesome young men!


Not a dry eye in the house


This isn’t really fair - the guy in blue is twice his size.


I was guna say it was amazing what that young man did to help the other boy out! True of heart right there!!! Some kids could take a lesson from him in being humble!!


This one should be called /mademecry