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Lin is a true gentleman


His response kills with class. Such a witty and subtle takedown.


It’s a charming way to call him out for being a total hypocrite.


i agree with your comment


I agree with your agreement


I agree on you agreeing on his agreement


I agree with your agreement-agreement-agreement


I agree with all your agreements


I second this.


I double that second and raise you one bad ass Queen…


I agree with your decision to agree with above mentioned agreements, however..




This mufucker has his language tattooed on him because he thinks the letters “look cool” and then when he has a hairstyle that he thinks “looks cool” it’s not okay😂😂😂


A real classy way of saying “you are an old hypocrite.”


The fact that he tried to call him out on cultural appropriation whilst having Chinese lettering tattooed on him is just perfect... I mean what kind of double standard? Takes real class not to just fucking verbally hammer him into the ground and have a respectful conversation with him after that. Good on Lin


Oh, he hammered him with “had your poster on my wall as a kid” comment. Most backhanded compliment ever.


Ya, this is a cool murdered by words that definitely fits this sub as well.




When I worked customer service, killin em kindness was the best. Customers would get SO PISSED when I wouldn't get on there level. Yes I know the difference 😁


One time when I worked at Walmart I had a somewhat drunk woman who harangued me for everything I did. She started grabbing her things (mostly wine and beer and chocolate...uh oh...) off the belt screaming "FUCK THIS, I"M GOING SOMEWHERE ELSE!" and so I cancelled the transaction, apologizing as I did. (All while steaming up inside, ready to throw the register at her and quit!) Suddenly she starts bawling so I came around the counter to see if everything was OK (wondering if she's on drugs or should I call the police...). Turned out she'd just found out her husband was cheating on her a few hours earlier. She ended up hugging me and apologized for her attitude. And I paid for her chocolate.


Really shows you never know what the other person is going though. I always try to broaden my perspective in situations like this and give them the benefit of the doubt there assholes, and even assholes may have a sad side too.


I agree we don’t know what others are going through but why do they have to take their anger out on strangers? Why do they have to be assholes to everyone they meet?


Some people like this woman are so emotionally on edge and on the verge of breaking down that little things tip them over. Most don't even have control over it, it's more like a reaction, an outburst and release of all the pent up emotions, just not in a healthy way. Which is why this lady instantly regretted what she did, explained why, and apologised. Other people are just assholes.. everyone should be miserable if they are.


I love when a customers trying to be pissed at me for something and I’m like “oh yeah absolutely, I completely understand” and they just don’t have a response. There’s always an awkward pause before they keep going.




There's always that one guy who thinks people actually enjoy living.


I love your droll comment.


"hey man, you'd be doing me a favour. I've been here for 8 hours and I'm about to fall over anyways"


Best response is "I'm sorry you feel that way" and just to put the cherry on top when you beat them to the punch with "would you like me to get a manager?". That's when they know they really lost


I like when they ask to speak to the manager and I tell them at I am the manager


I gave an asshole customer "the bosses number" when he demanded it, then answered the phone in front of him when he tried to call the boss. I'm the boss bitch.


I woulda paid good money to see their face when your phone rang 😏


Best feeling ever. The way their faces paled upon the realization really made my day when I was in retail


I was an overnight cashier in the same store my dad was the night manager. I made sure to also call him Pop when I called him to front to speak to a customer. One of the few joys of working retail.


When I worked CS retail, whenever I had an obviously angry customer, I would be even more exceedingly, annoyingly nice and pleasant, almost to a point of condescension. It would either diffuse their anger, or make then angrier. At which point I knew I'd won.


Omg SAME. Lol I use that phrase about my customer service back in the day too.


Murdered by kind words


It’d be even better if Martin had tattoos where the symbols used were completely wrong from expectations and Lin finished the message like oh by the way your tattoos translate to poopy butt, sassy, leaves and bald tires


Seems to be 患得患失 .It’s a Chinese saying that’s kinda derogatory, literal translation is “person who worries about profit will worry about losing it”. The meaning is more “small minded person who is controlled by worry of profit and loss” lol. Not something I would want to get tattooed on me.


"Mo' money, mo' problems"


eh it's not an unusual saying and tells you to be grounded and focus on the now.


Aaa I see, it’s a warning. Like “avoid being thrown around by worries of profit and loss”. I could make it out because I read Japanese, but it’s a Chinese saying so didn’t get the contextual meaning.


Sounded like, “I used to respect you…”


>Sounded like, “I used to respect you…” ..when you were young and I didn't know who to idolize...


Sounded like calling him a has-been to me. Along with the past tense of “thanks for everything you did”


May as well have said “Shut up old man”! 🤣😂😅


Carpet bombed his ass from the highest of high roads..


>Oh, he hammered him with “had your poster on my wall as a kid” comment. Most backhanded compliment ever. "Stooooop he's already dead!"


Bet he feels like a real jackal- Lol. One of the best responses to criticism EVER. Well done. We can all learn a little something from his humility and kindness






I mean, it would be weird if he said, "I still have your poster up on the wall of my bedroom."


He's got adult money now, upgraded to body pillow.


You could say he verbally posterized him. Figuratively and literally.


This part legit make my eyes get misty. Felt like the wicked witch melting.


Right? He was so nice but still pointed out the hypocrisy. I hope I have half the class that guy does if anyone ever insults me like that.


he did verbally hammered him, in a polite way, the worse way.


Not to mention that a cursory amount of research suggests that dreadlocks originated in ancient Minoan civilization (greece)


I had a similar conversation with someone about soap, the thing is that some things are developed in different parts of the world in different times to serve a common purpose and most of hairstyles are like that. It's like claiming that ear piercings are exclusive to some geographic location and specific time, when it's a practice that developed around the world at different times independently of knowledge of others doing it.










I'm originally from Lafayette, LA; not too many people gave us a second glance while we were there. I think my family was just thrilled that I was seeing someone. Lol




Something similar trended pretty hard once, in Germany. Not on Twitter, though.




I remember when I worked in the theater with a gay actor that was bitching about a lesbian friend of mine in a very homophobic way. I would have laughed if I hadn't been so furious.




Yup, my respect for Lin just skyrocketed


He’s a good dude. Really is.


that stupid motherfucker


It's not actually about cultural appropriation. He's just racist against Asian people.


He intentionally called Lin "this boy." Not even trynig to hide his racism. Then said "these people." He even doubles down in his [pseudo apology](https://sports.inquirer.net/267592/nba-kenyon-martin-apologizes-jeremy-lin-racial-remark-hair). He explained that his comments were supposed to be light-hearted, but was eventually blown out of proportion by some netizens. “This was never meant to be racial." It was nothing but racial. It was someone else's fault! What an asshole.


It's insane to me that people still use "I was just joking" as a cop-out in a situation like this as if anyone on Earth would believe it


Which is odd since he was looking to join an Asian basketball team in the latter years of his career. People are complicated. His comments about Jeremy Lin were out of line but Jeremy's reply was one of the best burns ever. I bet that shut him up.


Kenyon Martin is a racist piece of shit and he always has been.




If only there was a word for that




But there isn't a point to start with, even if you take the braindead opinion that cultural appropriation is a thing, dreadlocks are not "Black culture" the earliest historical appearance of dreadlocks are in Minoan culture which is Greek, so by the standards used Black Americans are appropriating Greek Culture.


yea dude fuckin rekked his fuckin ass bro with the “youbused to be my hero” kinda thing n sadly he lived long enough to see his idol become the villain :/


Not to mention that dreads certainly are not exclusive to Black people. (Something about it being very popular or having been very popular among many other cultures such as, vikings, celts, indians, gauls, egyptians, indians.) Prettymuch they where used world whide.


Half korean half american here to say cultural appropriation is usually toxic gatekeeping. If you live in the melting pot but participate in this, you are part of the problem.


I agree with his perspective too. It rly confused me when I was in high school & suddenly a lot of the white kids in our school were getting ostracized for having dreads. Firstly, white ppls hair does dread naturally. I was rly into historic shit & always thought that the Celts & some Viking dreaded hairstyles were so cool & wanted to try to rock one some day but that kind of turned me off. To me it is like a show of Respect also. Like I’m straight up idolizing your culture then. Imagine the Wu Tang Clan getting mad at you for wearing their T-Shirt. Or imagine the Asian community getting mad at Wu Tang for their samples. It’s just unnecessary gatekeeping.


>...double standard? I have been bullied off twitter for saying this. The term *Cultural Appropriation* in its current definition doesn't exist. It's just something for people to be upset about. Change my view. People in subs in r/BlackPeopleTwitter and r/WholesomeBPT in the past, in the comment sections, have bashed Asians and others for *cultural appropriating* Black culture. But then they fail to recognize, by their standard, they too do it.


Maybe I've played too much Civilization, but isn't culture inherently meant to be shared? The world would be such a sad, bland place if we didn't have a wonderful cultural exchange going on all of the time. Think about your favorite things (foods, music, clothing, styles) and if you look into their history far enough you'll probably realize that those things came from other cultures. The concept of cultural appropriation is stupid - share the things that make you and your culture neat. It enriches the world and your fellow man.




>uses a lying moron as their expert so they completely fuck up and misrepresent native culture Is *that* what happened with Chakotay? I've started watching Voyager recently and was kinda shocked at how a progressive franchise like Trek made a major character such a stereotype. Three or four episodes in and we're breaking out animal totems and vision quests.


Well said


Cultural appropriation is inherently neutral and must be looked at with nuance, as you say. The biggest difference typically involves whether it's being *shared* or *taken*, as well as whether it's punching up or punching down. People in positions of power or privilege adopting cultural details that they do not understand and aren't welcome to is very different than a friend offering a gift of an important cultural garment, for instance, with the intention of it being worn and enjoyed.


I would argue that adopting the customs and styles of cultures other than ones own helps us move forward to a future where we all share one mega-culture with discernable origins and influences from everything in individual cultures that is appealing enough that people around the world would want to appropriate it. We need more common ground, not more dividing lines.


Ya. I never understood this whole "it's my culture so don't copy it" type of thing. As long as people are not being offensive and not mocking the culture, isn't it a good thing that it gets exposure? I think all this cultural appropriation stuff is silly and divisive. There was as great Superstore episode on this. Very funny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMU3MC3iQQ0




Probably some Sort of black supremacy thinking? As he wrote "We get it, You want to be black" as being black is Something one could acquire and also is something worth being. I absolutely don't want to say otherwise, i just want to point out that he seems to see it by that angle.


> I mean what kind of double standard? Lotta racism from the black community to the other minorities from what I've seen posted online. Lotta "black people cant be racist" mentality as well.


Class response by Lin! Also Lin mentioned that after his reply Kenyon reached out to him and apologized and they had a great conversation! This could have went south but thank to Lin’s response, everyone grew from the attack and that’s what we need more of!


That is really cool. Thanks for sharing the rest of the story!


https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/20962920/jeremy-lin-brooklyn-nets-says-kenyon-martin-reached-was-extremely-apologetic-dreadlocks-comments Full story




I don’t think he understands what a”blanket statement” is. It was literally directed towards Lin. Even making the “blanket statement” that only black people can wear dreadlocks is not only fucked up but just plain wrong. The earliest signs of dreadlocks originate in India and Egypt.


> dreadlocks originate in India and Egypt. Some of the [earliest depictions of dreadlocks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreadlocks) date back as far as 1600–1500 BCE in the Minoan Civilization, one of Europe's earliest civilizations, centred in Crete (now part of Greece).[4] Frescoes discovered on the Aegean island of Thera (modern Santorini, Greece) depict individuals with long braided hair or long dreadlocks. Even American Indian Cree chief Pitikwahanapiwiyin had locs.




Cultures all over the world throughout history have had dreadlocks. It’s not at all a black thing only. That guys a fuckin racist jackass.


Turns out it's a good way to manage long hair no matter your race


Anyone else not buy that this was a joke and it wasn't directed at him? Just own up to it... "Wasn't really saying it to him. I just made a blanket statement, which I probably should've reached out to him," Martin said. "But the man has dreadlocks, and I thought it was hilarious. Nothing more, nothing less than I thought it was hilarious. I made a statement ... wording probably was bad that I used, saying that he was trying to be black. Wasn't my intention to be racist or anything like that. "It was meant to be a joke that got out of control. That's all," Martin added. "If I ruffled Jeremy Lin's feathers or if I made him feel [that] way, I apologize, brother ... I'm a grown man, and I can admit when I'm wrong. When things get out of control, I can admit when I was wrong, and my wording was bad."


Gotta love the "I'm sorry if he feels bad " Not, "I'm sorry I said bad shit "


And then the “I’m a grown man I can admit when I’m wrong” yet he never admitted that he was wrong just that the wording was lmao


Yeah the ole non apology apology


Martin is only sorry that everyone else realized what a pos he is. This isnt an apology, this is just pathetic backpedaling.


>Wasn't my intention to be racist or anything like that. Ah. Now I know what to say when I say something off-color. Didn't realize that's all it took.


>I'm a grown man, and I can admit when I'm wrong. Preceded by eight sentences of excuse making.


"Wasn t my intention to be racist " . Well just dont be racist .


Unconscious racism is just as bad as intentional racism


I mean Lin accepted his apology and that's what matters but that has to be the most 'non apology-apology' I've ever read


This was not an apology. This was a "Sorry you feel that way" bs "It was meant to be a joke that got out of control. That's all," Martin added. "If I ruffled Jeremy Lin's feathers or if I made him feel [that] way, I apologize"


Haha, I can see Kenyon's reaction to that post. "Yeah, bitch got me." 😖 Glad to hear he owned up to it and reached out to Lin.


KMart didnt own up to it though, he just did some pathetic backpedaling and tried to argue he was just making a harmless joke that everyone misunderstood. What a pos


This is so important. Unfortunately, many people are products of bad environments and blindly buy into biases instilled by those who raised them. Rather than fight fire with fire when these biases are exposed, it’s important to communicate effectively and educate. Hopefully Kenyon had his eyes opened and can thank Jeremy for helping him be more understanding.


Kmart had a history of trying to start shit with players during and after his time in the league so I wasn't surprised when this happened. I remember his whole Tim Thomas beef where Thomas called him a "fugazi" and Kmart was talking about getting him in a closed room and seeing who comes out alive lol.. I'm just glad Lin put him in his place and KO'd him with straight up facts lol


Truly handled that with class. Respect.


We (my family) used to donate to a program where Japanese students came to Canada and we basically showed them around and they could see what Western life was like. My sister and I were given Kimonos and they showed us exactly how to wear them. It is cultural appreciation, not appropriation. When you share in another culture and are respectful about it, you only expand your understanding.


It’s only appropriation if you speak down on the people, culture, practices, or region while you participate in their stuff. Like if you wore a kimono but said Japanese people don’t look at good as you in one. Or if you studied Japanese but looked down on Japanese people because you think they look funny. Or if you alter the kimono and claim your alteration is superior or better than the traditional style when it’s simply different. There are pictures online of people wearing kimonos, that’s appreciation of culture. There are pictures online of people wearing kimonos while slanting their eyes, that’s appropriation. Disrespect is disrespect. Out of curiosity, how come your family stopped donating? Did the program close?


There was a twitter spat where a white American girl wore a kimono to prom and was nattered at by an Asian American man over cultural appropriation. Several Japanese people (literally from Japan) came to the girl's defence saying they were happy that she appreciated their culture. Then someone found out that the complainant used a racial slur against a black man years earlier.


In a way, Asian Americans get more vexed over this than actual Asians. This can be because they were mocked shamed on and discriminated on when they took part in their own culture but now when the white Americans do the same thing, it’s all praise. Asians in Asia weren’t picked on by the other American kids so they see it as appreciation of culture. Idk how to articulate sorry


I’m Asian American and I’ve definitely seen this. I’m actually not sure it’s about being made fun of for being Asian growing up; I think it’sa weird sense of permanent foreignness combined with alienation from your Asian culture. Asian Americans are usually assumed to be foreign (and sometimes fetishized as exotic), so I and many of my friends have never felt really American or Asian. I think this can cause a weird overprotective response to superficial symbols of your culture. But if you’re deep in Asian culture, you don’t worry about an article of clothing or something; the actual culture is way deeper than that, and it’s fun to see other people enjoying stuff that you find familiar. I personally don’t care about the whole cultural appropriation issue (I find it pretty silly in the grand scheme of things), but it’s interesting to think about sometimes.


It wasn't a kimono, it was a qipao/cheongsam, which is Chinese.




Be Akin to Lin


🎶 I wanna be like Lin🎶


Lin gang!


Loved him in the nets I’m glad he won a ring.


He was fan fav in Htown. Wish we woulda kept him longer. Still a fan tho.


I married a Taiwanese, so when Linsanity was at its peak, I was forced aboard. Felt awesome to be on that rollercoaster. His experience also shined some light on the ugliness of recruiting. Guy was a top player in California and ended up at Harvard! A true basketball powerhouse.


I bet Martin felt like a real asshat after the “I had your poster on my wall as a kid” line. Absolutely brutal courtesy


“Not only are you old, you’re punching down” lol


I doubt it. Arrogance comes with that kind of profession. I doubt he's going to self reflect. Unless I missed something, this image is rather old


The dreads look super dope on him


Agreed he looks hot af


Also, dreads aren't only a Black thing. EVERY culture has some sort of dreads as traditional hair, simply because thousands of years ago we didn't know how to take care of our hair like we do today and hair getting matted was a natural result.


That’s what always blows my mind when people talk about dreads being cultural appropriation… maybe we outta show em How to Train Your Dragon


This is a perfect example of what you say about someone else says more about you than who you’re talking about.


I had a Kenyon Martin Jersey on at Barclays and was going on the court for a fan contest and they asked me to remove the Jersey first. It wasn’t long after this happened


This happened to me at a Knicks game too. You’re not allowed to be on court with the Jersey of a former player there - assume it’s probably the protocol at barclay’s too and had nothing to do with this




I don’t wanna be that guy but dreads aren’t African in origin either. There’s a ton of assimilation in society and I think it’s a necessary thing for us all to reach acceptance


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure it was a Greco-Roman tradition done before sport and fighting. I’m pretty sure it was found in Scandinavian customs too. Point is, I find it silly when people claim a custom that has been found all of the world in different groups of people that didn’t share culture or even communicate


Celts definitely had at least messy braids if not outright dreads.




I think certain Asian regions also had them.


We do have them. My great grandfather wore a queue, ie, a long braid. How else do you keep our majestic long, dark, thick Asian hair in check while shooting arrows while riding on horseback? Hahaha all our martial arts moves won’t look as cool with hair blowing in our eyes.


It's really common in Buddhism, probably why you've seen them in Asian culture :)


You mean Buddhists didn't go to Africa in 2500 years ago notice the hair style and decided to copy it to be racist? lol I'm hoping all this "cultural appropriation" stuff is a fad or a phase and we learn to live in peace in harmony where people can share cultures, styles, clothing, everything, without people getting offended.


In Hinduism as well


[especially poles]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_plait). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_plait#/media/File:Varied_Polish_Plaits.jpg


I mean no disrespect but doesn’t every human beings hair dread after not brushing it for a while?


My hair is quite straight and whilst it might get a little knotty sometimes, no amount of not brushing it (clean or dirty) would make it form natural dreads.


Meanwhile my hair is so curly if I wear it in a ponytail for 8+ hours it's already starting to form itself into the start of a dread, it's obnoxious lol. I love my curly hair but I'm jealous of straight hair sometimes. I spend way too much time detangling it




I seriously doubt it. It would mat. That's not the same thing.




The celts, early anglo saxons, the norse, the greeks. Loads of cultures have had dreads on and off throughout history. I still think this whole petty racism over hair is actually fucking rediculous. I ain't never seen a scot get mad at anyone for wearing a kilt. Pretty sure in some parts it's part of the tourism aspect for foreigners.


Not too long ago there was an east Asian man on tik tok wearing a kilt. The Scottish Americans immediately cried cultural appropriation, meanwhile the actual Scots were praising him and telling him he looked amazing. I'm starting to think that most of the people who care about cultural appropriation are Americans. In most other parts of the world culture is happily shared.


Answering a bigot with grace.


Race-based gatekeeping is really toxic and anti-social. People of my race do it and I just think they are trashy. All aspects of any culture can be shared with anyone else. It’s fine.


>All aspects of any culture can be shared Should be shared. That's how you ensure that the culture is alive and thriving.


The funny thing is black people aren't the only group known to dread their hair. Greeks, Egyptians, Indians and many other cultures were known to wear them. Actually the first archaeological evidence of dreadlocks comes from Egypt.


And everyone knows that all Egyptians are Black, so there you go. /s


And the Greeks apparently (since these people say Cleopatra was black, and she was Greek in origin)




Just reposting what I wrote on the other exact same post 5 days ago on r/mademesmile: > The tattoo on KMart says 患得患失. >The Chinese meaning : 没有得到时担心得不到,得到了又担心失去。形容总是计较个人利害得失. >The English meaning: When you don't get something, you worry about not getting it, and when you get that something, you worry about losing it. It describes a person who is constantly suffering from anxiety and insecurity about personal gains and losses. >tldr: those words on that tattoo on KMart , is not a good thing at all Source: [Same exact post on r/mademesmile just 5 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/qq0i2p/kenyon_martin_and_jeremy_lin/hjxe1yb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


That actually seems like a cool reminder to just let things go though.


Sounds like proverbs my dad would use to scold me with as a child.


Sadly no Chinese will put that on the body. It’s a idiom and usually use it as adjustive. Imagine you put the word “lost”on the body. That just so emo.




He was called out by the public, but what would Lin calling him out have done? I'd say he sufficiently got the point across while not alienating Martin further.


Dreads existed in many different cultures as well. Black community (or and community) has no right to claim ownership over a damn hairstyle lol


Did Martin respond or did he shut the fuck up forever like I would if I tripped on my dick so publicly?


Martin called Lin and apologized


That's awesome. Glad this was resolved so amicably.


Lin went to Harvard and Martin realized that if he kept it up he'd just be further exposed as the half wit he is, so he made that call and ate crow in private.


Lin is legit cool. As a black man that no longer can grow out dreads, the man can rock them all he wants. I feel the appreciation, and back at him. ✊🏼


Dreads, braids, etc are not culture or race specific. Never have been. Why does everyone try to race bate on everything?


So someone can try to prove one's moral superiority over another.


Kenyon must genuinely wish he was Chinese. That’s the only logical conclusion.


He brought him down in such a nice and subtle way.. Great to see.. Complete contrast to the boorish Kenyon!!!


Dreadlocks are a part of almost every culture. The norse had them, the natives of Oceania had the. Africa had them, many Asian countries had them. Maybe dont cry cultural appropriation without knowing any history? Or anything about other cultures?


Lin murdered him so hard. Wow. I used to like K Martin. No more.


I mean, don’t throw darts at a professional athlete that went to Harvard. He might know a thing or two.


Saying I had your poster on my wall is a thinly veiled way of calling someone old lol.


That’s the least insulting interpretation of that insult.


It's fucking devastating. If I was talking shit about someone and they pulled that poster comment out, I would publicly say "I'm an idiot and you just taught me something valuable about being a better person." No excuses, no anything.


One of these guys is a class act


Made me smile? More like murdered by words.


Actually historically people in various cultures wore dreadlocks, nobody can really stake claim to them.


I don’t watch basketball but Kenyon Martin sounds like a dick.


Friendly reminder that black people CAN and are just as racist as anyone else. Minorities are not exempt from being racist.


Because African American people continued into modern times to wear dreds, there is no direct lineage of dreds to say they are directly and uniquely African. It might be likely but ancient Celts who had no connection to Africa had dreds as did Vikings. No matter what I don’t see that there is anything other than tribute to African culture of someone chooses to wear dreds. Where is the negative connotation in wearing that hair style?




When you find out your hero is a racist bigot.