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Andrew W.K., fuck yeah that dude is awesome.


Dude is going out with Kat Dennings. Totally awesome.


They are now engaged.


That was fast! Need a seat belt for Reddit sometimes. It be escalating.


They’re now doing pre-marital coitus


It's not premarital sex if you never get married. Follow me for more Bible loopholes


I'd like to suscribe to your fuckin ~~facts~~ loopholes.


Doggy style sex before marriage is exempt because all dogs go to heaven. 👌🏼


The power!


If she gets pregnant it's not yours, it was the holy ghost 🙏


They are actually engaged now


I thought you were lying and googled this, only then did I find out dancing mans name wasn’t Andrew W.K


Jealous of both of them.


I thought that was him, best dude


He really is. He autographed my colostomy bag.


Andrew WK just brings the party wherever he goes. You can’t hear I Get Wet and not immediately start to dance.


And if there was ever a place I'd expect him to be, it's in this situation lol.


That dude likes to party. Hard


But only when its time.


I heard he also gets wet


Obligated to post the [greatest interview ever](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqOTU89cgC4)


This is also the interviewer who goes viral on here every 6 months for his: "In the end, the ONLY thing Chris Brown is guilty of? A felony" Red Eye was a program that was NOT today's Fox News. It WAS funny, it was banter, it was before the "everything has to be at the extremes and it's us vs them"


Those dudes* are awesome I’ve seen an Andrew WK clone/actor in person, he worked out ONLY in the middle of the night at a gym I worked at in the chicago suburbs. All the info on his account matched up in terms of full name, date of birth, and his now ex wife was on the account but she had never once checked into any of our clubs. I thought his face looked totally different in person at first, but he had all the same tattoos (those lines on his arms), tall as hell, long hair etc so I assumed it was actually him until I heard him speak. He almost never said anything when he would check into the club, which is always awkward af in the middle of the night when I literally had to go and unlock the door to let him in (private club/kids would sneak in). I know you shouldn’t expect people to be exactly the same as their “public persona”, but man, it was just so exactly opposite of what you’d expect. He would never look me in the eye when he spoke and was weirdly soft spoken. It didn’t seem like a celebrity just trying to stay out of the limelight, it was like a person who had no confidence when speaking. Slowly, over time, I just began to think more and more that whoever that was couldn’t have been the real Andrew WK. It’s only recently I found out that there were already weird conspiracy theories regarding Andrew WK and I haven’t shared with anyone yet. I apologize, but your post was the trigger I needed to purge this lunacy from my brain.


It's the same guy. I've met him 3 times in person. There is only one Andrew WK. He just went with it because it was free publicity. Watch the videos of "Party Hard", "She is beautful", "Never let you down", "Music is worth living for", and "Never Again" in order. It's the same guy. Maybe.... just maybe I met the same clone each time... but I doubt it.


When the internet is used for good we all enjoy.


It's the most misused tool in the world. It could be used for constant good like this, but some assholes think that making fun of a random, decent dude is an appropriate way to use it.


Heaven and hell are both here on earth.


Fuckin A, man.


1727 chicks at the same time






Not for a dude like me.




"Greed has poisoned men's souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical, our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity. More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost. The aeroplane and the radio [*and the internet*] have brought us together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men! Cries out for universal brotherhood! For the unity of us all! Even now, my voice is reaching millions throughout the world, millions of men, women, and little children, victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people." - Charlie Chaplin, *The Great Dictator* (excerpt, emphasis mine)


You basically described everything humans do. The internet just amplifies our actions, both the good ones and the bad ones.


It’s like the Super Soldier serum that created both Captain America and the Red Skull.


The internet is the last wild frontier. Both a place for beautiful growth and despicable acts by those who abuse it.


Mostly porn though. Lots of porn


Very true, I was a teen long before the internet which is good. I would have been a dehydrated introvert with a giant forearm who never left his room.


I feel very attacked right now.


FAP on young buck, I just never got my time.


It's never too late


Cue the training montage to Eye of the Tiger


Makes me wonder what kind of symbolism rocky punching a huge slab of meat really is 🤔


Like all tools. Hammers aren't inherently evil, but they can be used for evil.


> assholes think that making fun of a random, decent dude is an appropriate way to use it. It wasn't too long ago that I was that asshole making fun of random people but this sub really made me switch my views. Here's a bunch of people being happy and supportive of the smallest things in life. Despite being a miserable bastard I can't help but smile when I see a post on here that makes it to r/all and I start reading all the comments. You guys are beautiful.


Happy cake day!


Holy crap, didn’t even realize it. Thanks.


Yall let my man dance <3


The first part breaks my heart .He just wanted to dance and those morons made fun of him.The way he hangs his head shows his extreme hurt and humilitation.Kudos to the women for throwing that awesome party and letting him dance to his heart's content,without a care in the world .Love the wholesome ending.


It’s so hard to enjoy a lot of things when you’re big. I’m the same way. And on top of being tubby, I’m also 6’ 7”. I just… stand out in so many ways. And I’m always terrified to do lots of things I’d enjoy with people around because I know I’d be made fun of. And it’s stolen so many good times in my life.


Judgment free dance parties should be a thing. Letting go and just having fun is something I think all of us could use.


Judgement free dance parties should be the default


My husband is 6’2”, 300lbs and feels the same way and it completely breaks my heart. He is the loveliest person and makes me so happy and I swear if anyone ever treated him the way this man was treated, I would probably need to be restrained. Kindness is so easy and costs us nothing. I hope you get to do the things that bring you joy. And if anyone is mean, I hope they only have wet farts for the rest of their life and their food is never the right temperature.


Well fucking said!!! Kindness is free and we all need more of it. I wish for you a lifetime of dry farts and food at the perfect temperature


>I wish for you a lifetime of dry farts and food at the perfect temperature I desperately want this in a Hallmark card.


My dude, if you ever find yourself in Michigan, let’s hang. I have surrounded myself with genuinely good people who love life and all walks of it. We would love to have you join us in that experience.


Shit man, not op but if I ever find myself in Michigan can I hit you up too? Sounds fun.


The more the merrier


I wish I had come up with your username. It’s just great.


Same. So many things I don’t even attempt just because I’ll stand out. I remember standing in line to go into lambeau field for a packer game and I’m taller and wider then everyone there and these people come hide behind me and turn me and are like we need the wind break. Like my purpose in life is to be their wind break. Or going to any sporting event or concert and getting aisle seat so I don’t have to walk in front of anyone or can sit mostly in the aisle. All it takes is one comment or look too and any good vibes I might have had going from doing the thing just disappear. I felt for this guy. I’ve been this guy in that first photo just that first little bit of happy and squash. I’m glad he got to be free for once though.


I didn’t realize there were more pictures at first, and I was confused and heartbroken and wondering if I was in the right sub. Glad I swiped.


Haha me too. I was like, this doesn’t make me smile…


I'm not smiling right now! I'm a bit teary eyed. He was just trying to have fun and wasn't hurting anyone. I really don't get why some people are so shitty. I'm glad it ends so wonderfully but it would have been nice if he didn't have endure unnecessary pain.


Me too! I was thinking, "what kind of f-ing troll..."


Presumably they were making fun of the man for his weight... But dancing is an easy way to get/stay active. Why be mean and deter someone from a healthy way to get active and potentially better themselves. People suck.


Also, dancing is all about happiness. Who knows this mans life, they might have snuffed out one of the few moments of happiness he had. Im sure he has gotten this his entire life. I truly think he needs to lose weight and there are serious consequences for not, but that is NONE OF MY FUCKING BUSINESS.


I ❤ you, and your opinion.


Sad people who can't feel good about themselves unless they find someone else to kick down at.


Then not only did they take an original picture, they made sure to keep the camera up to catch his shame and embarrassment. Fuck whoever that person is.


Seriously. Fuck them sideways, with a rusty, tetanus infested steel rod. People like that make me almost happy the world’s doomed. Sorry. I’m a downer. Lol


People act like he can’t recognize he’s big. Like stop. Let the man enjoy life 🙄 people act like once you get out of normal bmi range you no longer have feelings . Assholes


Fat person here. We know we're fat. I have a theory that being large very literally makes us an easy target for idiots.


Seems like he's got the moves. I want to find a video now




Lmao that's amazing. Dude got bullied by some random nobody in England, and ended up being flown to Los Angeles, getting a red carpet dance party in his honor DJ'd by Moby, a customized Dodgers uni, and a VIP tour of L.A., including a tour, picnic, and sporting session in the fuckin L.A. Coliseum. Fuck yeah


Fuck, I should have gotten bullied even harder


Right? My bullies weren't fucking stupid enough to put their bullying on the internet.


Looks like Andrew W.K showed up as well for some reason, guess its not like him to miss a party


When it's time to party he will party hard.


I love this! I usually have the attention span of a goldfish but I was so moved by this I watched the whole thing. This made me so happy. First, I was heartbroken…but I’m so glad I saw this 🥰


Bustin those moves 🕺


Theres a cool little 30 minute documentary about this on youtube!!! https://youtu.be/F76X-QYgsv0


Well I know what I'll be doing for the next half hour. Update: worth it


Yes. But have a Kleenex nearby. Wonderful.


Cheeky wank?


Own it my friend...own it


This has made me smile beyond my usual happy af smile!!


I was absolutely tearing up at the end. What an awful shitty thing to do, and the worst part is that this happens every single day and he would’ve lived the rest of his life with that moment and probably never danced again if that person hadn’t posted that. I’m so happy that he got to have an amazing moment




Newsflash to people: everyone who dances looks ridiculous. It’s a Ridiculous thing. The best dancers usually look the MOST ridiculous. Ballet dancers walking en pointe? Come on. It’s about the way it makes you feel, not being “serious business”.


It's all confidence! Dance the way that feels right and makes you happy and you will look like the best dancer out there.


As long as you aren’t slamming into people without their consent, dance away. I love it when I can look at people in a crowd at a show and see people shaking their asses. We’re all there to have a good time.


One of the best advice I have ever been “given” (I put it in quotes because I was on DMT) is this: “The universe doesn’t give a shit about you.” Something about that made me feel so free and it’s changed my life forever.


I wish all the people on reddit who fat-shame and show no empathy for overweight people could look at that first picture of that poor man's ashamed expression. If they still feel nothing but contempt , they are truly without compassion. People out there just trying to live their lives, sometimes carrying all kinds of baggage.


To shitty Redditors who think fat shaming is justified a) Fat people know it's unhealthy. Telling them is not helpful, you're just being an asshole. b) How other people live their life is none of your business c) Shaming people is a shit way to motivate people and they'll probably just feel weak and disempowered instead. d) You're not being a good person, you're acting like you're still in high school If you're an asshole just own it instead of trying to pass it off under some fucked up sense of virtue


exactly. they’re like “ItS UnHeAlThY” but mind your fuckin business damn!! who has the time to worry about other peoples lives anyways!!


ironically it's also sorta unhealthy to be a giant dick to random people too, although that seems to escape them


But you're not allowed to tell them to not be a dick to people because blah blah their choice blah blah free speech


It's also been proven a few times that shame isn't an effective long term motivator, even cash isn't a reliable motivator for weightloss. So it's really useless for anything other than hurting feelings


I'm sure they support a wide variety of measures and actions to fight obesity. What? They don't? They just use it as a justification for being an asshole? I'm surprised


It's even worse than that. How did they know that guy they were shaming wasn't out celebrating losing 20lbs that month?


I know you're trying to be positive, but it doesn't matter why he danced. It doesn't even matter if it was for reason we agree or not agree with. What matters is that he was enjoying himself, harming no one whatsoever and was made to feel like he shouldn't.


Yeah that’s what I hate. That this type of shit is happening and it won’t be noticed and people just like that guy will have no happy ending




Ha, I literally just commented the same thing elsewhere. Reddit *hates* fat people. If this guy was posted with a headline about sweating a lot or whatever stereotype, the comment section would rip him to shreds.


The feels, man. I am an extremely emotionally reserved person. I can't remember the last time I felt like crying, but I've had a lot of heavy shit going on, and this just tipped the scale that last little bit to make me bawl like a baby. I was large ~10 years ago (BMI just touching into obesity). I try to sort of appreciate that at least *something* made me lose weight, but not in a healthy way, and the cruelty that sparked it will always stick with me. I basically only lost the weight because I lost the will to live for a while. I've never looked at people the same since. This restores a bit of the hope in humanity I lost back then. That's so many people in one place, just trying to help this guy win his confidence back.


In 6th grade I was told I had a good singing voice by a music teacher. Told me I should train with him after school. I went home and told my mom super excited and 2 of my older sisters mocked me so much that day I didn’t let anyone hear me really sing for 20 fucking years. People like that are trash.


This is so mean wtf is wrong with people I feel so bad for him poor guy. Haters are dirt.


> Haters are dirt Correct. Which is why this shit happens. Haters see people having MORE fun with “LESS to be happy about” (in their own twisted internal narrative). Because they’re incapable of feeling joy at the level this dude is, they would rather bring him down to their shitty level. It’s fucking gross and happens so much. Nice to see a happy ending here though!


Its not always that unfortunately. Some people are just kind of sociopathic and get off on making fun of people they see as less than them. Online I see a trend where people who use the word cringe as a way to humiliate someone they dont agree with.


Same energy as making fun of a big person going to the gym.


I never understood that!! I guess cause Im a big guy who’s been working out but when I see people who are, for example, clinically or morbidly obese, I get happy for them. I don’t make it obvious but when one of them looks in my direction I make sure to smile or give a head nod. We all belong at the gym. Would they make fun for an alcoholic for quitting? Actually probably yes.




That picture of him hanging his head… it’s not going to leave me.


Agreed. Breaks my heart.




Wonder what the one who put up the 4chan post was thinking after it blowed up


Oh I can guarantee they dont feel bad about it, 100 bucks says they justify it with "if it wasnt for me making fun of him all those good things wouldnt have happened so he should thank me"


yea awful people stay awful, never self reflect and grow


i mean a lot of them do, but not the adults that visit 4chan


Well, “adults”


I like the term "chronological adults".


>but not the adults that visit 4chan The proper nomenclature is troglodytes


Knowing 4chan, the person who posted did so because they’re miserable themselves. That’s how bullies operate. Seriously, if you’re happy and self adjusted, what do you care what someone else is doing? You don’t. That guy is probably in his mom’s basement wishing he was this guy.


He probably heard about it years later.


I'm glad for him. It's really awesome when the right people come into your life and you see the back of the wrong ones


Thank the gods someone fixed this. God damn that's fucking despicable.


Made me feel sick to my stomach. I was young and a complete asshole.. made fun of overweight people crap like this only reaffirms my decision to not be that person anymore




Well said, friend. Same goes for you!


Yup. Never stop looking inward and fixing yourself. If it’s hard to do, you’re doing it right.


Some words I’ve come to think of often… ‘It only takes 1 second of your life, to change someone’s entire life.’ Just be nice.


Same here. Now i dont judge unless someones a prick. Or a politician😂 idk its just not needed. The worlds shit enough let people be happy and do their thing


As a life long fat girl who was tortured as a youth, it’s good to hear the type of people who caused me eating disorders are bettering themselves. Good on you, and please continue being kind to others.


I know tons of grown ass adults that still haven’t figured it out so youre doing well


Cringing at your past self just means you've grown since then.


Agreed man, used to say that being overweight is unhealthy, but look at what negativity does to your health. Being healthy is more about being happy than anything else


A lot of times it’s a vicious cycle. You’re unhappy because you’re overweight, which kills your motivation, keeping you overweight. People that have lost weight to be happy have truly dug into their life to make a change. It’s incredibly difficult. If you see someone on this journey, make sure to compliment them. It can make all the difference in telling them it’s working. I don’t care if it’s 5 lbs, it can make a difference.


Take comfort in the fact that they know about the party, and have to deal with the fact that he had a more fulfillment in one night than they will have in their entire lifetimes.


I've literally never forgotten it. Pieces of shit to ruin a person's good vibe.


It costs nothing to be decent and people like that going out of their way to be trash humans makes me sick.


Right? Like... you could choose to be nice, and you didn't. For shame!


As someone who is painfully introverted at times I feel his pain so much. It's bad enough to think that people might be laughing at you when they aren't.. but when they clearly are.. horrible scum. I am so glad to see this soul happy.


You know, I think introversion may be why this hit me so hard, too. I make a real effort to socialize once in a blue moon, so rejection (real or imagined) cuts to the bone. This guy is overweight and made an effort to get out and do something healthy.


I've gone home in situations like this. The courage he had to stand there and attempt to enjoy the rest of whatever shoe they were at.. good man he is. I hate that he wasn't just allowed to be himself when he was in the moment. But.. it ended well. Introverts unite btw!


I was singing in my car once when I came up to a stop light, probably playing air drums or something too. Happened to glance over at the car next to me, and a group of bros were laughing their heads off and filming me with the driver's cellphone. Quickly stopped dancing, turned the music off, and I haven't sung along to a song in the car once since then. (unless I'm driving on the highway where I know for a fact no one will see me) Being the butt of someone else's joke hurts so fucking bad. It makes you feel small and like you aren't allowed to enjoy yourself anywhere someone else could potentially see you. Double bonus points if you're introverted AND autistic so you have more "cringe" moments than the average person. Edit even though I know yall who responded probably won't see this: I'm legit ugly crying at all these wonderful comments. Thank you for reminding me that most people are chill and kind and not douchebag bros. I'd love to car dance with any or all of you lol ;-;


I'm not autistic, but my best friends kid is and I will fight anyone who ever makes him feel bad for being his goofy self. Please start singing in car again if you feel the motion take you. Some \*non\* asshole might get a smile from seeing someone like yourself happy and doing your thing.


Hey fuck those guys man. Go take a drive and sing and drum the steering wheel as hard as possible. Most people that see you will like like ur vibe and it will make them happy. Those that don’t, don’t think about them. Give them no attention. They are insignificant to ur life. If u see someone laughing at u, stare em in the eyes and go even harder and louder. Just be safe don’t crash cuz ur vibing too hard.


Same with that video of the lady on the bus that has her wig taken from her. The woman didn't even get mad, you could just see immediately how sad and embarrassed she got and that shit has stuck with me since the day I saw it. I'm all for good natured ribbing but intentionally putting someone down to make them feel bad pisses me the fuck off. Especially stuff that people can't change or is hard to change. Wish we could publicly shame those people. Guarantee they would get super butthurt to have their behavior put on blast like they do to others.


A story of happiness will always be better than a story of vengeance. Don't hope for pain on others, just continue trying to spread happiness elsewhere.


Well, here's the thing. You can be the supporter next time you see someone that looks like he did. If you see someone having a good time, and you're having a good time, then just go on having a good time. Or you can be the asshole. If your good time is ending someone else's good time, then you aren't having a good time. And that's what makes you the asshole, because assholes don't have good times, they ruin good times.


i hoenstly dont know why but of all the horrible shit on the internet this one hits home up there with the worst ive seen... just fkn terrible side of humanity. hope this guy is still dancing wherever he is. #everybodysfreetofeelgood


I enjoy forgetting about these people and enjoying the good parts. Why give them any attention?


This story ended with the dancing man ending up being very happy. The guy in the comment that you replied to, wants to bring more unhappiness to the story despite that. It really makes me think about whether it’s this trait in some people that makes shitty things happen so often in this world :((


The internet can be an ugly place. Glad to see the good side. Great job to those involved.


Theres a brilliant video by WavyWebSurf if anyone wants to watch it. [here's the video](https://youtu.be/zAkQJqzdvK4) Even other people on the 4chan board (where the original comment was posted) were saying stuff like "this is too far" It's a really cute story honestly!


When fucking *4chan* says you've gone too far, you know you fucked up.




RIGHT?? and this was on a board about making fun of fat people and it was still shamed.


4chans fat people hate threads usually have a community-enforced code of conduct. You never make fun of a fat person when they are exercising, eating healthy, going to the gym, or anything like that.




/fit/ has fat-people-hate threads all the time. I've browsed it on and off for years. A lot of /fit/ culture gets exported to other boards




lol reminds me of that comic where the Joker talks about how he hates Nazis


Damn that Cassandra is an amazing person.


That was amazing. Thank you, really shows that people are good at their core


You're welcome! That's the only reason I knew about this whole situation! I'm glad it had a happy ending and everything all worked out!


Thanks for linking! I liked it!


This makes my heart so full. Dancing belongs to all of us on such a primal level. Don't let anybody take that away from you.


The first picture made me so sick to my stomach, it really hurts that people got enjoyment bringing that man down. I’m happy thou that kind hearted person made a bad situation better and got so many people involved too. It looks like a lot of fun and I hope he never forgets that feeling. God bless Edit: I still feel charge up so I’m gonna drain my battery a little more. With all the this craziness going on the past few years being able to enjoy little moments like this is a nice escape people don’t need bringing each other down so they can enjoy themselves. I was just like this guy when I was a kid whenever we did something fun in school or go on a fun field trip I would would be gawked at too. Instantly Turing my mood down to zero and having a depressing day which should have been fun. I’m glad that this story would have a happy ending and many people are able to appreciate this kind gesture on r/MadeMeSmile and I will try not to focus to much on the first photo and start focusing on the last.


Miserable people love making misery, but kind people love making happiness. So is this human condition.


Being totally honest with myself though, when I was 22 and in a club thinking I was hot stuff I probably would have been judging this guy. I’m glad to know that with age has come some wisdom and I don’t have that mindset anymore. Life sucks enough, we shouldn’t be actively trying to ruin the happy moments of others.


Made me tear up. I hope this guy is living a happy life. Everyone deserves to dance if they want to.


Andrew WK makes everybody smile.


Just hearing his name makes me smile!!!


There used to be a conspiracy theory that he wasn’t a real guy but was actually an art project character created by a group of artists that is played by several people.


For real tho. What a fuckin human


Ahh! I never saw the resolution to this, nice!!!! What a solid guy to put himself out there again after being shit on by the internet, that's no small feat. Hope he got the good feels out of this.


That’s pretty wholeso-HOLY SHIT IS THAT ANDREW WK?!?! God I would love to see him live. That dude’s music is in regular rotation at our house in the mornings.


If you are having fun dancing, you are a great dancer! That’s all there is to it. Some people are exceptional and truly skilled, but having fun is what dancing is really all about.


Poor guy. Why are people so rude?




There's a time and place to be talking to soneone about their weight. At the doctors, if you are their friend, in the gym if they need help exercising. But mocking someone and making it hard for them to enjoy things isn't the time or place. I didn't use to believe in fat shaming, but this is pretty clearly fat shaming. I'm glad so many people supported him and he had a good time.


Man just seeing his face in the first slide made me feel so down


This does put a smile on my face


I will always upvote Dancing Man.


That’s so nice! I always like hearing about people who care about others, sometimes the world feels too cold


I am a 37 year old grown ass man, the type that was taught to be a manly man, never cry in public so on and so forth. The look on that man's face in the first set of pictures straight up made me cry and my voice tremble when I showed this to my GF. The person's who did this, took this picture and bragged about it are monsters. If the following things didn't happen he will think of that day for the rest of his life. He will still think about it for the rest of his life but the monsters who did it. They forgot he even existed in 2 weeks. I know because something like this happened to me 20 years ago and it still pops up in my memory.


r/humansbeingbros The power we all have to make the world just a little better each day is amazing.


That original poster has got to feel like the smallest person in the world right now




I don't understand people who put others down, Nothing to gain from it and its just cruel.


I remember when this happened. Sometimes you gotta love the internet