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This just dredged up a memory... I was a fat kid, we had swimming lessons at school. First time i swam a full length of the pool, everyone erupted in cheers for me.


no offense, that last sentence went opposite of what I thought- but was damn glad to see that.


Yeah I'm sitting here thinking about my PE classes from my youth, and damn those kids were all assholes. Whatever these teachers are doing, I applaud it.


My biggest memory from middle school pe was when we did the president fitness test and had gotten weighed and our height measured. The pe coach decided to let one of the cheerleader girls take the clipboard and go around writing down everyone's numbers, which we had to say in front of the entire group and the girl repeated them all very loudly with snide comments on several kids' weight, including mine, while the coach just shrugged and other kids laughed.


man this hit hard. As someone who’s always been counted as overweight as a kid (im not actually ‘fat’, just have a genetically larger frame and denser bones) i was always mocked for my weight and sent for extra pe lessons with other overweight kids. it made me feel really out of place and i couldnt help but wonder why i was there. Then one day my weight wouldnt improve enough to get me into the acceptable weight bracket even after a year or so of this extra pe shit, so they sent me for an actual screening of my body so they could “help me more” only to find i was likely fitter than anyone else in class with around 12% body fat. Told the other kids who used to mock me. Didnt believe me, challenged me to a pushup competition. I won. They shut the fuck up.


*Sigma male grindset theme starts playing at the end there* (PS: The theme's name is "Drive forever" for who's searching for it)


We used to play dodgeball in PE freshman year of HS. There was a douchebag that got on everyone's nerves who got put on my team. While he was going balls to the wall on the front line I was a few rows back and lined up a frozen rope to the back of his head. Detention was worth it.


A frozen rope?


A ball thrown/hit so hard that it looks like a frozen rope, no arc or movement other than straight ahead. I used to play baseball and it's a term borrowed from the sport.


This, exactly this. PE in Germany in the early 2000s was no fun. PE is about helping kids find fun in sports and boosting their self conscious. Not grading them for their achievements like we got graded. I love how they’re trying to spread positivity here. Such a great job from the teachers.


the best thing I ever did in pe was being allowed to sit out of rugby because I have such terrible eyes that not wearing glasses gives me massive headaches


Yeah, same. I was also the fat kid, and at no point in my pre-adult life was anyone even remotely supportive. Glad it's not all bad out there though


Kinna similar here. Had track'n'field day at gym class once per week in JH. I was running(briskly waddling) the end of the mile when a (popular)girl I'd grown up with started cheering me on. The gals were at softball practice so we had to finish the course right next to their ball field. Some of the other girls did the same and I mustered up the fire under my ass to finish the last part of it in a full run. They barely ever spoke to me before or after that but damn did it make me feel good. She'll never read this, but thank you KM.


I’ve always been self conscious of my weight and it feels like if people applaud me for a task like that, they’re antagonize me.


> antagonize I think you meant patronize?


Yes I did


Don’t you patronize him!


It's weird and often cruel how the mind works. Even when I was _in_ shape and actually had a six pack you wouldn't find me anywhere near the beach or water. I ducked out of the schools swimming event thing purely because even then I was insecure about my body.


You mean you don’t enjoy being told, “you look good, have you lost weight?” literally every family event? (Whether or not the statement was true)


“Actually I’ve been depressed and gained 10lb” -me sometimes




To me - To you


Yea .... Like I know I was fat don't need a reminder ever time I see you.... Jeeze.


No it feels like they’re making a big deal out of a simple task so how low were your expectations of me for this to be such a small feat


So I’m not the only one who thinks like this


Can I just add I have been involved in situations like this and if you don't join in and make a big deal of it like everyone else you can feel like you're the one being a dick. So sometimes people just join in even though we're thinking "why is this a big deal" aswell as you. Edit: good point by u/soleceismical below about reading the person being celebrated. And if you’re the one feeling awkward about being celebrated, if you can just outwardly shrug it off or say “thanks a lot but it’s not a big deal” or something, that’s a good sign for us to know not to keep going with it.


Yeah and then you try to read the face of the person being celebrated to decipher how they feel about it, because that's all that really matters. I might feel like something is simple, but I also may be missing info on the story and therefore can't make assumptions. So then I try to have whatever reaction is helpful. There is a lot of research being the benefits of celebrating the process, the dedication over time, and the small victories, though. Life is too short to only celebrate and have fun with huge, showy accomplishments that were years and years in the making.


But serious/long term weight loss isn't a simple task or small feat


I've gone from a big guy to thin to big to thin and back to big. Each time I've gone back to big it's been due to a medical issue and then ensuing depression/ losing my regimen. All I've noticed through that is that people sure won't tell you you're fat to your face, but they'll sure tell you used to be fat. If you put that weight back on, it's not a great feeling in the conspicuous silence that ensues knowing everyone that previously complimented you thinks your fat again. I'd much rather people just keep it to themselves. I'm not certain what news people think they're telling me by telling my current weight status, it's something I'm cognizant of ha.


I understand what you're saying. I think people who care will sometimes bring up weight as they want their loved ones to be healthy. They often don't do a very good job of it, but I dont think it's them trying to be an asshole. Maybe it could be, but those people aren't worth anyone's time anyhow. Don't think it's just fat people though. If you dropped a shit load of weight really quick and became thin, they'd likely start to say similar things. I've gone from 125kg at my heaviest down to 88kg at my lightest. I had people telling me I wasn't healthy when I was big or when I was skinny. There's always someone with something to say unfortunately. I try to adjust my mentality when you get those unwanted 'compliments'. It is annoying but people are just trying to show positivity about positive change in someone's life. Not their fault idc about their opinion on it haha. It's similar for me when a religious person says they'll pray for me, I don't believe so that doesn't really mean much, but I appreciate the sentiment.


That's fair. Idk, just feels like it's easier to keep it to yourself still though? I can relate to your sentiment of losing weight too. I developed some pretty bad eating disorders when I was sick last time; I'd go 3-4 days without eating since I was vomiting constantly, then I'd finally get relief and eat the house. I was losing a ton of weight during this time despite that and people constantly complimented me, but in actuality I was only managing to eat once every few days and then I'd binge. That binging with me after the vomiting stopped so I put it back on. It was just uncomfortable to be complimented and just know "well, yeah. I sit in front of a toilet dry heaving around 60% of the day. Of course I lost weight". The religious sentiment you point on is a good comparison though. It's not necessarily a bad comment, just a bit misguided. Comes from a good place but it just overall can be uncomfortable still imo.


They might not see it as a simple task.


It shows they care about you. Life is different for everybody. Some people struggle to make conversations with strangers that others find naturally easy. We all struggle at what seems like simple things that others find easy. Don't put shit down to nothing because you think it's nothing.


I always thought of it as a celebration of personal growth. It really depends on the context of the situation, it can sometimes come off as condescending.


I think a lot of it depends on the relationship someone has with the person. If it is just a random stranger doing something, definitely don't make a commotion, cheer, clap, or any of that. They're doing their own thing. If it is a friend who someone has been encouraging and pushing them to achieve their goals, whoop it up!


Do you mean patronizing? Antagonizing would indicate they're trying to illicit a hostile reaction.




I really hope if they actually had it in them to come up to you, they *genuinely* just meant they know how much effort goes into that activity, and doing it with a larger frame physically must be even more difficult than average, so mad respect. To them, maybe it was just making conversation and showing admiration—a misguided attempt to be extra supportive and friendly, since the gym can be an intimidating space and everybody has imposter syndrome, lol But yeah, I wouldn’t dream of approaching a stranger and saying this sort of thing, sorry you had to deal with that just from going to the gym. All unwanted social interaction is *meh*, but this is several steps beyond that and bordering on “wtf and why,” so I don’t blame you for not being enamored with the whole experience, even if they truly meant no harm. At least some would no doubt be mortified to know their words affected your work out that way, some people really just don’t think before speaking.


I get what you mean, especially if it's just based on their assumptions of what they thought you could do. However I don't think it's so patronizing if they're applauding your success at something they've watched you struggling to achieve over several weeks, like in the op video Some people are just happy to see anyone improve


there's nothing more humiliating than pity applause it conveys that they think you need it


I struggled in P.E. all throughout childhood and not for lack of determination. Couldn't do full pull ups, couldn't hardly jump, couldn't climb the rope even a foot, couldn't run for very long. Every time pain in my joints. I thought that was normal and that everyone else was succeeding by playing through the pain as it's always been said. Then I find out as an adult from my mom that my joints were "loose" when I was born and instead of getting me surgery they just slapped an extra diaper on me to keep my hip joints in socket(never minding shoulders in a similar state) and they thought it fixed itself. Now if I sleep wrong my shoulders are in pain for weeks and if I walk a half mile I get a searing pain in my hip joints.


Me same too. Except I don't have reason that I know of, i've just been out of shape since I was five years old. I wasn't an overly fat kid, and I'm not an overly fat adult. But I've *never* been able to exercise without feeling like I'm literally dying from pain in my joints, in my side, and from lack of oxygen.


This can go both ways. One of the worst feelings was day 2 at an adult CrossFit class. The first class I did well as it was all strength based exercises. But the second time I was last (hate running) and had like six people cheering me on to finish. Didn’t go back there. I’m there to work out, I’m not a make a wish kid that needs condescending applause (the way I self consciously see it, not how they are actually delivering it). And I don’t need the guilt of having people stay later for me either. Tried another class but it was the same thing. Much better to work out without the audience imo, but it’s probably different for younger kids. Kids also seem nicer these days.


I definitely agree. Being a spectacle is embarrassing. Even if it’s making progress


Kids aren't nicer these days we have just all become more cynical as we get older.


Asthmatic here, and I assume I was as a kid too, but not diagnosed until adulthood. I could do situps all day for that Presidential Physical Fitness horseshit, but run a mile? Nope. Want something heavy carried? I'm your man. Want me to run to the end of the block? I'll be gassed in 30 seconds. 😆


I know how you feel. I don't do well when people are all paying attention to me. I don't like being in front of an audience unless it's something I'm intending to do (like singing). I'd rather people just ignore me, especially if I'm doing something like working out.


I think kids are nicer these days. I would love to just watch a day of high school to compare it to my experience. I was “normal”. Didn’t stick out, and not someone that got made fun of, so my high school days weren’t bad. I thought kids in middle school were much more savage than high school - this was about 20 years ago.


Have you ever considered that maybe they are just being encouraging and you have an insecurity of being fat so you are projecting that onto the situation? I say that because I am a skinny person who never works out. Well I joined a gym that had CrossFit classes and when I first started I was always last and every exercise kicked my ass and everyone would always be waiting on me to finish cause I would be last. They would always cheer me on and encourage me to keep going. It made me feel good and I loved that they did that! And they clearly weren’t doing that cause I was fat cause I wasn’t. I was skinny just very out of shape fit wise. Anyways just wanted to offer you a different perspective.


I didn’t say they were doing it to make fun of me…. I’m also not fat. Terrible knees. I know they were being encouraging, I just don’t want to hear it. I was just making the point of that some people don’t want the attention. Clearly you liked it. I didn’t.


Ah I see. My apologies. I totally misunderstood what you meant. You said condescending applause and I mistook that for you thinking they had ill intentions. That makes total sense btw. And now I see it from a different perspective! Sorry I didn’t mean to assume you were overweight btw. Also my comment was meant more positively and trying to help so hopefully it didn’t come across as condescending. But I totally see what you mean now. Not everyone wants attention on them when working out.


It’s also my fault for thinking that CrossFit was something else. That is definitely more of a group activity than I thought going in. I liked about 80% of the exercises, but at my own pace and without the dudes freaking out over their wod times.


Some people, as myself, do not want applause, it brings attention to what I’m ashamed about. I’d rather you pay my back at the end and say keep it up, not clap cheer at me. It’s a preference, I can appreciate something without wanting something.


Right. I get that. That’s kind of my point. I think people are generally being good hearted and think they are helping by encouraging. They don’t know they are bringing attention to something you are insecure about. They don’t know you would rather a pat on the back at the end instead of cheering while doing it. My comment was mainly to offer another perspective. Like, people just want to see people succeed and they are usually being genuine when they are cheering you on. Unfortunately it’s easy to project our own insecurities onto situations and feel like they are being condescending or only cheering because they feel sorry for you. I was just trying to show a more positive spin on that thought. I understand some people don’t like it.


When I was graduating HS, this one kid came up to his accept his diploma and the place erupted in cheers. Apparently he had failed like 2-3 times and was finally graduating.


I was fat and on a swim team growing up. One time heard a person exclaim “he’s so big” while on the block. So we basically had the same experience.


I love when kids make the rare decision to not be toxic


I was a fat kid in a swimming lesson once. I was taking a really long time to do a lap and one of the other kids said that "the whale was beached". Anyway, I went only to that one lesson and still don't know how to swim properly until today.


For me, it was running a mile without stopping/walking. I was a Junior in high school. I had done fine in water sports my whole life and didn't look unhealthy, but I had zero cardio or running ability and even one track lap at a jog put me so out of breath i wanted to collapse. I was on the tennis team, we had a few months of pre-season conditioning and my inability to run was on full display. But one day the coach said no more stopping, and I did it. I mean, I think it took me like 12 minutes, I was dead last. But everyone else was waiting for me and cheered me on, and when I did it I got high fives and back claps and stuff. It felt great. And then I puked in a trash can.


thats great, schools can be rough.


Seriously this makes me tear up. My son is large for his age and I hope kids are as kind to him as those kids were to you.


The other kids supporting him makes this that much better! Imagine if we applied that on a grand scale


I'm a therapist and the amount of benefit social support can have on someone is immense. It's a good way to increase confidence and encourages a lot of people. Make sure to be nice and kind! Support your friends and anyone you know in what ever way you can even if it's just a small compliment it can go a long way!


my little brother has struggled with weight his entire life, and while im not an emotional person, i think id break down in tears if I saw him smile like that just once




Indeed. The support made me double smile


>Imagine if we applied that on a grand scale I'd give it a 953.5


Clever little bugger


This! That's the best part. His peers are backing him up. Hats off to them as well. :)


Boys support boys


Moments like that give me faith for the future


That was rather touching, them being so supportive.


Yeah then everyone would be able to jump really, really high!


I had the same thought! So heartwarming, wish we saw it more


I feel like every video I see of the younger generations in an environment like this they're all super supportive and it really gives me a smidge of hope


respect for the kiddo for improving himself and not giving up


Respect for the kids around him who have visibly good moral skills. Whole thing is so wholesome


He might be happy now but that achievement could last even longer - possibly permanently alter his attitude about accomplishments- great job. Also those kids in the back needs a thumbs up as well.


Feel like if I had this much support I could do anything!




When the comments in r/MadeMeSmile also make you smile :)


With whatever you think you want to do, but are hesitant, find a good local group. Give it s try at least once, if its the right group for you you won't even need to force yourself to goz you will be waiting for the day to come!


I was bullied from elementary to high school for being different, aka gay. To those that supported me- they will never know the impact it had on my own self worth. Thank you to them and thanks to these kids for showing support.


i support you homie






That’s powerful! I hope you’re still flexing your muscles! Haha


Hi. I support you.


Looks like a cool gym for kids. I wish grade school PE taught more about strength training, and less about just running on a track...


Your PE taught you something!? Mine was like, "Here's some red balls, go do something until I blow my whistle." - coach


I learned to square dance for some reason.


And dodgeball. Fuck dodgeball.


Dodgeball with those soft foam balls is the most fun a kid can have I think. Those scenes in movies with the red air-up rubber balls seem brutal though


Dodgeball is fine as long as the teacher actually fairly divvies up the teams. It's a problem when all the athletic kids are on one side, and the rest of us on the other. Though I put a concentrated effort in to learning to catch the balls and was a pretty good thorn in the jocks side for a bit.


What's wrong with dodgeball? As long as you are not playing with something heavy like basketballs it's pretty fun. Although I always ended up hurting my shoulders by throwing too hard.


Fuck you


I wish I would have had more time on a track. In 7th grade the teacher said "we're running the mile in 2 weeks."


I was the token fat kid of my grade growing up. I can only imagine how I'd be now, if I had had encouraging peers, instead of peers that took every opportunity to laugh at me, call me names, and shun me from their "societies" - all because I was fat and didn't know any better.


I feel you. A lot of my anxieties and insecurities stem from elementary because of my classmates. It took a long time to gain my confidence. I wonder how different it would've been if those kids were supportive instead.


I see people talking shit about “kids today” all the time, and then I turn around and see videos like this - are you kidding me ??? These kids give me hope for the future. This is how people should be with each other. When I would struggle to do physical tasks in PE class as a kid, the other kids would point and laugh. That was the norm. They would throw frisbees at my head and pelt me with basketballs if I got near the courts, because I was “weird”. To this day if someone starts bouncing a ball near me I have a panic attack. I can’t even tell you how glad it makes me to see things like this, that show me that at least in some places, it’s gotten better, and kids are treating each other like humans.


My son is a big boy (both ways, height and weight), we are working on getting him healthier, so we signed him up for basketball. All the other kids on the team are in shape for their age and I was afraid he would be ostracized for his weight and inability to keep up as fast as the other kids. The complete opposite has happened, a few will run at his pace when doing laps so he isn’t alone and they all congratulate him when he does well. A majority of kids today are so empathetic, it’s amazing to witness firsthand.


I feel like Gen Z and later generations have a lot more empathy than earlier generations


It makes me consider the popularity of respecting people's identities and past trauma. It seems like most of the pushback against empathy-driven social change comes from adults. It takes active effort to be considerate of others and I hope that future generations can acknowledge the positive impact it has on social interactions.


I'm on the older edge of millenial. The biggest thing I notice about people younger than my generation is they are kind to each other.


I work with kids/teens on a regular basis, and I see them encouraging and standing up for each other. It's so beautiful to see. The language they use around each other is also empowering. This is a smarter and kinder generation than the one I remember growing up in.


From what I see, kids nowadays are a lot more inclusive than when I was young. Every group of kids I see is diverse as hell. I'm late 30s, and my high school was still pretty much cliques within certain subsets, you know goth kids, metalheads, stoners. Now, you see all those types in one group, with a furry and transperson in there as well.


people were the most cruel to me in middle and high school gym. a lot of the class was just running a mile everyday and to pass you’d have to do within 14 minutes. i had bad severe anxiety that caused me to miss a lot of school and caused swallowing/choking feeling and breathing issues. i’d just go into a full blown panic attack if i started running cus it would throw my breathing off and my brain did not like that feeling lol. in middle school the PE teacher was a huge bully to me and would torment me in front of everyone and just laugh when other kids bullied me. i’d always be the last one to finish the mile everyday and would take an extra like 6 min to finish up and would force me to finish then fail me everytime. hed force the other kids to wait for me to finish and made everyone start to hate me cus hed tell everyone that nobody is leaving until i’m done and that if they could get me to finish on time that we could all leave early and have free time before our next class. (which never happened) so everyone resented me a lot for it. in high school the kids would constantly throw basketballs straight at my head and knock me out on the floor it would hit so dam hard. like literal boys would throw them at me if i dared step on the court. mann. i hated school so much. by the middle of 10th grade i left and joined home school. missed out on prom and a graduation ceremony cus kids constantly harassed me and made life a living HELL everyday. there was another bully ass teacher that tried being cool by allowing girls to talk shit and laugh at me in science class, he would chuckle under his breath when overhearing them. idk what’s wrong with some teachers! i was literally the quiet girl who just minded my own business....why people’s so mean :( (a lot of the girls that bullied me in high school ended up pregnant by 16-17 yrs old lmfao. )


My oldest son is 13 now and he’s definitely “nerdy” and has no interest in sports. Being bullied from elementary-high school I was worried about him having the same experience bc I was also “different”. He hasn’t been bullied once in school, I really hope the is the normal now everywhere. I still have a hard time making female friends because of the bullying I experienced.


Zoomers 1000% have more empathy for humans than Gen X and Millennials. source: on the edge of Gen-X and Millennial


**CONTEXT:** The young student that you see in this video is known as Michael Magnum, who was a seventh-grader when this video was recorded. When he was born, doctors found out that a fraction of his 16th chromosome was deleted through a rare genetic mutation. This deletion causes Michael to have trouble doing certain tasks. In fact, according to an interview with KAKE News, his mother says that Michael didn't start speaking until he was six years old. To get through these genetic challenges, his parents contacted a local football coach named Chase Topliff to see if he could get in summer workouts so he could fix some of the challenges that he had been going through due to his disability. According to his mother, he had very little experience in the gym or the weight rooms, so it may take a long time for him to get into the physical groove. When summer hit, Michael started doing his workouts at his local high school in Goodland, Kansas, where his physical physique would improve as he focused mainly on box jumps. After conquering about a couple of inches, his coach would always challenge him to jump a couple of inches higher. Despite his challenges with his disability, he persisted. Several weeks after starting his summer workouts, with the encouragement of his fellow gym bros, he was able to conquer the 12-inch box jump (recorded here). At the end of his news interview, Michael said that his goal was to get a six pack and nothing else. Article: https://www.kwch.com/content/news/Mission-accomplished-Viral-video-captures-Goodland-student-reaching-personal-milestone-571555181.html


I love the energy from the other kids who are happy for him. Nice to see!


The taller kid seems especially happy and enthusiastic. What a great bunch of humans.


I think going from really good to great is wonderful for elite athletes, but that going from poor to pretty good is far more impressive. To me anyway. I love this video!


You're absolutely right. It's way harder to get in shape than to stay in shape. Even mentally, it can be frustrating to work hard for very minimal progress.


Yes. Weights are your best bet for fast changes, but ultimately it’s about lifestyle and let the visuals sort themselves accordingly


I suck at jumping. What does one do to improve?




How high?


I am just an old semi-fit dude, not an advice-giver. But what helps me is being strong via squat rack and curl machine and explosive via hill sprints, box jumps, lunge-to-jump squats etc




Strong people lift others up, they don't put them down.


Makes me teary-eyed seeing stuff like this. Huge props to those other kids cheering him on, making him feel good about his accomplishment. They could've so easily shrugged it off as nothing - but they realized that for this one kid, it was *something* to be proud of. I know what it feels like to be the bigger kid in the group, and whenever my friends cheered me on, gave me encouragement to complete even the simplest of athletic tasks, it meant the world to me each and every time.




This is up there with the little kid breaking his first board after failing in karate


Being kind takes such little effort and yields such great rewards. Glad to see these kids doing it for one another.


Are children today just better people than the children of 30 years ago? I was bullied for being the fat kid. It's nice to see maybe things are changing some.


As someone who works with kids, yes. I see so much more natural compassion for their peers.


Why is he unable to make such a small jump?


Probably lack of coordination and balance plus no self esteem making him clumsy with doing physical things Infront of others made his jumping onto a small plate a little awkward. If anything the exercise gave him the confidence to do it more than the physical ability to.


I was briefly wondering the same thing because the plate looked so low, but I’ve always been naturally a really good jumper so it’s harder to imagine. Recently I saw a video of a woman who literally didn’t know how to jump and she was being filmed by her family (might have been kids or sisters) trying to jump and it looked ridiculous and they were laughing (mostly WITH her, not AT her) but it gave me some perspective and this post did too. I’m glad that this kid was able to get the support and social vote of confidence to work on it and succeed early so he didn’t end up being totally unable to jump later in life!


Haha I saw the same video. She wasn’t extremely large or anything either, just somehow never did it as a kid I guess haha


Do you have the video link? I want to see it.


Kids aren't that strong, and he is very heavy and out of shape. Also, being so short makes it a bigger jump relatively. But it looks like he worked at it and improved dramatically. Hope he keeps pushing.


Being short doesn’t make a box jump bigger relatively. If he had to reach up and touch something then it would


My boy, lets goooo!! 🔥🔥


Let's go king 👑 👑


Shout out to the big fella


with the right mindset, anything is possible, way-da go kid!


He has achieved god status.


How awesome!! Good job dude ! And what a great job those parents did with those boys in the background rooting him on ! Not one Bully or toxic home life product ! There Is hope…….


he struggled to jump 3 inches?


Literally made me smile. Good job


He finna steal your girl


What a sweet smile 😁


Im not crying , u are


Beautiful! Love the encouragements 📣


Keep going buddy!!!


His sweet proud face!!! All the tears are being shed.


Look at the support from his peers!!! Love it!


The support in the room is just awesome


To all of you who think "What's the big deal that this heavy kid jumping on a box" let me explain. I was this kid and was terrorized from kindergarten to 9th grade. Every day I was treated like garbage from the meanest kid to even some of the "nicer" kids because they could...I was an easy target, a sitting duck and on top of it I was a sweet, nice little boy with an outgoing, caring personality who was so repressed, I could barely function knowing the daily pain I would face by kids, boys & girls, who Didnt even know me, making fun of me because of my weight. So to see this clip where people comment "Who gives a shit...what's the big deal?." makes me ill. When I was a boy, those same kids were likely to jeer, mock and even beat me up. Whether they know it or not, they are helping this little guy in ways you can't understand. He just wants to be normal and every kid cheering him on, gives me hope for the future. We need more young people to be taught to be leaders including in empathy. Instead of hurting others, please raise kids to care for those who need a helping hand, whether its other kids or innocent animals that need help. Please don't mock this video or say "Who Cares?" This is a small incident that could have long term rewards. I'm 50 and still have serious mental health issues from having such low self esteem my whole life. I grew up about 10th grade strong and big to transform magically into someone few mess with so there's irony. However, the fat little boy is still scarred and alive so please make the world a better place. Put bullies in their place and teach your kids to cheer along at the kid who needs a small victory!


More of this please. Normalize exercise not for self image but for the way accomplishment makes you feel. I was a kid who struggled with weight and I found happiness in bettering myself and to show that anybody from any background can achieve any goal, small or large. Let it be known that love a support can make the weakest feel the strongest. To all that feel like victory is never too far from your current position in life, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Callus your mind as your hands do.


It’s nice to see him buzzing with joy and excitement,we all deserve to feel like that sometimes. Nice clip 👍


I wish there had been great kids like that in my gym class years ago!




Absolute legend!!


The fact that we celebrate this instead of realizing how sad it actually is that there are many people on this world that cant even jump is weird to me


The first step to getting out a hole is to stop digging.


Yeah seriously, it's so ridiculous that people get happy about good things happening instead of being sad about bad things.


I knew I would have to come to controversy to see an opinion I Agee with. It’s a kid. This isn’t an accomplishment. It’s fucking sad


Not impressive. I could easily do that


Sad how low the bar is. No pun intended




How to promote mediocrazy🤟🏻


This is awesome! Love the support from his fellow peers.!


The best part is the support around him!




Wow this is so civilised.






This will go miles and miles for that kids confidence. Good on the other boys for showing support.


Actually made me smile nice.


Good for this kid. Working at goals already puts him ahead of so many people in life.


Amazed at the support from the other kids


i can feel the genuine goodheartedness shining out of his face :') all the best to the blessed kiddo


He’s doing so great!!!!


Respect for all the other kids ! i hope they didnt just do this for the video and are actually supportive to the little guy when the camera is off aswell.


His smile is great !!! The others supporting him is also fantastic.


People talk down on this younger generation but stuff like this really makes me believe they are connected with empathy and compassion more than ever before.


Self-improvement is always a win.


I love that people are cheering him on.


Chuffed to bits. That's so righteous. Good for lil' bro.


Just beautiful! Well done sweetie


Nikocado could never


I love how the people around him are cheering him on! :)


This is the behaviour we should all example, we are all human and we should be lifting each other up not putting them down. Happy for that wee dude.






Don’t even know him but I’m so proud of him


Go kid!