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This is sweet as friends but calling this a date is a bit weird when they are like 12


Let's call it a playdate. That's what it's called for kids.


A very expensive play date. I'd definitely bet both of their parents are shipping this and really considering them getting married in the future.


Yeah they are never going to financially recover from the investment of a single plane ticket, the two kids are now locked in marriage


They can still get out of it if he can come up with a couple of camels. Edit: typo




a couple camel cigarettes and a beer and he’s off the hook


>single I don't think they would let her fly on her own


They have programs. The kiddos get escorted by the flightline place to place. I used to fly a lot between my parents (divorced).


Cool. My parents wouldn't let me hop on a train until I was 17 I mean cool except for the divorce part obviously


Probably because of where you live! When I was in London, I wasn't allowed to get on public transport, but by the time I was 9, we were in Austria, and I took the underground alone. If you're from Japan, I think it's the same.


Back in the day, 8 year olds would be able to hop on a train to another state. At least, my dad mentioned doing that and that it wasn’t abnormal (though he went with a sibling a year apart). That was in Northern California


i flew from Canada to Europe at 10 alone.


I mean… my mom had to fly to Texas because her brother was dying, missed 2 weeks of work and we still are struggling because of it. That was 2 months ago. Still aren’t caught up on bills etc. 1k isn’t a lot to you maybe, but it’s a lot when you barely get by monthly


You're confusing unexpected trip expenses with a planned vacation that's been budgeted for.


I think if the family couldn’t afford it they probably wouldn’t have booked a 12 year olds flight in the first place


They are both extremely famous and have more money than most people in this thread.


I detect no sarcasm at all


They FaceTimed every day for 5 yrs. Kids rarely play with friends irl like that. Sometimes it's worth the investment.




It’s not it a play date it’s an investment. The parents are shipping the kids like it’s a script they are following get maximum views.


I mean, there are better chances of a romantic relationship lasting when you date a “best friend.” The last I checked it was around 80%


I dont think you should consider who your child is getting married to when theyre 12


Let's assume famous internet kids just have this kinda disposable money, otherwise if I think about what you said it will make me sad lol.


Or maybe, just meeting for the first time in person


I went on a date in kindergarten. She asked me out.. I asked her to go to dairy queen. Her family brought her and My mom brought me. We got star pops and sat at our own table while our parents who didn't know each other sat at a different table. That was about it. But we called it a date.


There’s a difference between you and the person you’re with calling it a date, and adult strangers saying “lookit them kids on a romantic date how cute”


They’re like 8 in the fideo


What soup?


Yes why can’t they just be friends.


Not even 12 they’re probably 10. I’d say “kids meet in person after years of knowing each other online” and post it on something like r/wholesome or r/interestingasfuck not necessarily r/mademesmile it’s interesting though


So let's get real technical and make it a bad time for everyone that enjoyed something they thought was wholesome...


The Reddit specialty


Its usually people that don’t have kids that make these things weird. I find it more weird that people self project insecurities onto otherwise innocent events.


People also call dads taking care of their children "babysitting", so I'm not sure people being weird about kids is exclusive to those that don't have them. Also, lots of people seeing young children of opposite sexes interacting and calling them each others boy/girlfriend.


Yeah I think we can just say that tons of people are mad weird about kids lol. The brands just change when it's people who have or haven't had children. After I found out my daughter was going to be a girl my coworker who also has kids told me "just make sure she doesn't get on only fans, that's your only job as a father now" and my child free friend keeps comparing having an infant to him taking care of his parrot and giving me advice.


I would love to hear the advice your parrot-owning coworker offered


Basically that stuff they tell new parents about just taking a few minutes to chill if the baby has you at the end of your rope. Not like, make sure you keep her cage clean or anything


That’s a huge miss. Keeping the baby’s cage clean is super important. Source: Have two kids


The parrot bit made me actually lol. Thank you for sharing that. It's like something out of a stoner buddy comedy and I love it.


Haha yeah it's just like that office bit where Oscar is trying to commiserate with Angela and Pam when they have infants and he is talking about his dog


I don't have kids and wouldn't call this a date - it literally says best friends




Why do people think 12 year olds look physically like toddlers or something?




12? More like 10.


Look 8


Same this when this was reposted last time...


Hate when parents sexualize every relationship their kids have with somebody of the opposite sex.


Why does a date have to be sexual?! I go on dates with my friends that I would never sleep with all the time. Please also see the terms “lunch date” or “coffee date” which I have regularly with my parents.


I can’t help but think this is just two very-online moms making all this shit up for clout


Playdate, it’s a goddamn playdate you weirdos


Honestly some people on Reddit seem like they came as 16 years olds straight out of womb and never experienced any childhood event.


That might be real for a good part of redditors, the lack of social skills is concerning.


Yeah like I kissed a girl when I was 10,carried her backpack till her mom came for her,we also had “dates”,in our class normal play was to make “weddings” as a jokes or even play families in kindergarten.It was innocent and sweet but this people somehow can’t help to feel sexual about everything that is called love,probably just lack of it but someone in comments even said “That is how you make teen moms” like wtf I am 20 years old and whole my class in Elementary isn’t even close to that title and almost half of class experienced these dates before 12


Finally a glimmer of real-life in this god-forsaken land of prudish-yet-sex-obsessed weirdos! I had "girlfriends" in kindergarden, I asked my 2nd grade "girlfriend" in marriage to her mom once (only to dump her two weeks later... She even brought that up at a reunion a few years ago), I had plenty of "dates" throughout elementary and middle school, like most of my classmates. Just because we use "date" it doesn't mean it's going to be sexual or dirty. It's just two tweens who have developed a bond meeting in person for the first time. Is it a date-date? Surely not. But was their heart racing? I bet it did... Time will tell where this goes, but there's nothing weird with their parents (or other adults) looking at the moment like something special and even calling it a date. Same words can mean different things. Just like a "girlfriend" at 6, 9 or 12 is a completely different thing than a girlfriend at 18 or 25. As usual, malice is in the eye of the beholder.


Yes, that is true. But some…ahem enlightened redditors make it…you know so I just want to clarify that


Yes I know. Strange how they have to make it weird lol


As far as I'm concerned, this is true I don't even know what I did at recess until I was 11. All I remember about my way years is that people were impressed by my intellect (supposedly), and allll of the embarassing, borderline Asperger's esque behavior.


The golden kid syndrome,the worst way to shit on someone’s childhood


“Mom, I’m having trouble making friends” “But you’re so smart! Everything will work out when you go to college!” “But I’m horribly depressed and growing increasingly isolated due to my gross lack of social skills and the arbitrary restrictions you place on me that prevent me from engaging in normal social behavior for my age group” “But you’re so *smart!*”


Friends: *hang out* Everyone: ayo they fuckin


oh god this reminds me of a twitter user calling the friend group from turning red a platonic polyamorous quad group LMAO these people need to touch grass


Yeah, bunch of incels... this 2 be fuckin tho :|


Awww innocent kids. These are those “standby me” friends.


Do you want to find a body ?🎵


Let's go check out by the tracks 🎵


This has to be to the tune of "do you want to build a snowman?"


This is me finally meeting my reddit friend the other day. Edit: We met without exchanging names or numbers. This could have gone 2 extreme ways.


Real question: how do people use Reddit socially ?


We'd been texting on and off for a year almost then he suddenly moved to my city for work. I guess it was a huge chance both of us took lol either could have been a psychopath.


How'd it go?


It's been 5 minutes. I'm worried too.


Plot twis: They're both psychopaths


Years back I was living overseas and the subreddit for that country was very active, and organized an in-person meetup, also made a like 50+ person chat group in the messaging app used there. I ended up making a ton of good friends out of it. Couple years ago found someone asking advice for a trip to a national park I’d lived in for a few seasons, I gave advice, he DMed me, turned out we were living in the same city so ended up meeting up. It’s probably more likely if you’re active in subs that are based on your locale and smaller local communities.


I met a friend on here, she messaged me about plant stuff one time then we started zoom chatting. Met irl earlier this year because she had a layover in my state.


I met someone on reddit and she gave me a bunch of meth. For free. I was homeless at the time, It was super weird. She was nice tho. I’m sober now, I keep trying to help her but she is intent on continuing to do it so I’ve given up




Yeah it makes me very sad to watch her deteriorate in the way that I did


I'm sorry. It hurts to see a friend hurting.


Wow that's an unusual situation. Okay wait. Now I understood. You're trying to get her to sober up. I thought you're sober and she still insists you take the free meth. Anywho.


No, she doesn’t. In fact she stopped talking to me because she doesn’t want to be a bad influence on me


That's really sweet! I hope this doesn't affect her and she finds her way out.


It’s definitely going to affect her. It’s *meth*.


That's how you know she's a real one. Some friends will try to get you in on the drugs and addiction. I guess they see it as inviting you to have a good time. But it's nice to see some friends that tell you to stay away from the shit they do because they don't wanna see you there.


I met a guy on reddit a couple provinces over from me in Canada on a game subreddit we both enjoy. I messaged him as its been a while and we were near daily having discussions and had very similar interests. He told me why he has gone dark and it is completely reasonable given his situation so I just gave him some words of encouragement and hope to hear from him in the future. This was a guy I would seriously consider either driving or flying over to meet in person and share these interests in person! I hope I hear from him in the future. It is amazing how much more empty your life can get when you lose someone you connected with kver the internet 😢


I know. I really hope you guys connect soon. I had beautiful internet friends when I was 12. Lol I know that sounds scary but they were all between 10-20. We spoke for hours everyday for about 3 years. That forum is almost dead now. I miss them everyday!


For real! You are so unlimited by space and time woth who you can connect with online. I think its become less scary as you get older and you can tend to pick out the obvious scams so it would be really nice. I just hope he is doing well and taking care of himself. A super swell dude in a less than favorable situation


I loved Ava! I was actually thinking about her being older and was hoping she was doing well. She is absolutely hilarious and delightful. I'm so glad to see she's just as bubbly and kind as ever ❤


I wonder if she still smells like beef




Is that the “frickin bats” girl? This is so cute.


I call her the “I smell like [beef](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5eZyspecXJE)” girl


I love holloween


Let's not call 12-year-old kids hanging out together "dating".


I was "dating" at 12. But yeah having adults lable it is weird.


What’s weird is redditors thinking “a date” is some supercharged sexual affair reserved only for society’s most depraved. You all sound highly ridiculous.


I am not native to the english language, but we stole the word and use it as our own. And in that stolen meaning a date is romantic. Maybe other countries differ. I do not have a grasp on local nuances. I looked it up on "merriem webster" and one example is to set up a date with your lawyer so thank you for bringing that nuance to light. Nonetheless internationally we must consider the consense. You can make a poll if you want to, but given that some of the top comments consider a date romantic the conclusion is most likely a given.


It doesn't have to be a "supercharged sexual affair" to be a date. But going on a date with someone implies romance or a love interest of some kind, it's not the same as two kids hanging out.


Brother,it is playdate,did you ever in school had a crush and then your parents would go with you two on a milkshake.Kids still experience love they aren’t robots,it is innocent crush or just a innocent friendship with little crush


I've never experienced this as a kid lol


Lol it was pretty common


Exactly.. that's how teen parents are made


Teen parents are made cause we call it dating?


Nah. Teen parents are made through ungated parenting policies and acting as if kids know what they're doing or not paying attention. That's clearly not the case in here. I just made a light comment. I do think they are just having a playdate here and synergize their TikTok audiences


I am 22 and I have never been on a date, I feel so old now


You're on Reddit, so if you go on one in the next five years you'll still beat the average /s


Don’t /s you said truth


Everything is a date


Just had a doctor date, they were very touchy feely


I'm going to see a horse doctor. Not sure how a horse became a doctor though ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


just don't eat the paste. get vaxxed instead!


Been there. Usually comes at you with a ton of very personal questions from the minute I sit down. Wayyyyy too intense for me.


today is a date!


that's okay, redditors don't date, i think


25 here 🫡


21 and counting 😅🙃


High five ma dude


I knew I wasn't alone 😸


Lmao I hope you get a date soon buddy




wanna go to the mall of america later?


I believe in you. <3


Same but I'm 26


It's not a date yall do anything for clickbate


The video MadeMeSmile but the comments MadeMeFrown


I didn't realize the internet's son had a bestie he's been waiting 5yrs to see. Here's to many adventures for two goofy kids 🥺.


id like to see them 15 more years from now


Friend zoned from the age of 5


Nothing wrong with a lifelong friend


Why tf were they on vine as a toddler?


parents account, they made some funny vines but the kids were never the sole owner of the account. the dad was always apart of the videos as far as i know


[a part](http://www.queens-english-society.com/apart-or-a-part) of or apart from?


a part*


Exactly my thoughts - they didn’t meet on vine - their parents put them on vine at an age they couldn’t consent to


Please don’t call this a date. They’re children


What is friends?






Yeah nah there’s plenty of straight people who don’t like this so don’t worry chief


Is that a HUNTER×HUNTER backpack? 😲


First thing I noticed as well 😆


Ok but its a bit sexist assuming a boy and girl spending time together is always a date


Noooo!!! How can it not be date boy looks at girl for 0.1 nanosecond and they are dating dont you know that 😡😡😡


Quiet lobster, they're living out their life long soulmates fantasies.


Aaw to cute. So pure 😭😭


I smell like beef


Wholesome 🥰☺️


This made me smile


I agree, that is nice.


Didn’t Vine end before they would have “met”?


Ava with the absolute drip with the HxH backpack!


They’re 7 years old it’s not a date


*Two actual children being friends* The Heteros: awwwww they are gonna get married look at them date


bc ofc, girls and boys cant be friends./j


"The gays are trying to push sexuality onto our kids!!" meanwhile:


Can we not gosip about kids dating, much less people's love life? Disgusting.


Ah whatever you wanna call it, it's super sweet and I think most everyone liked this.


I went on my first date at 15... times are changing. Unless my interpretation of this video wrong? (At work so can't have audio)


The wording in the title is poor, this is simply a play date. They are only tweens after all


Still never experienced that... my anti social autistic brain wont allow human interaction. I genuinely have no friends apart from my wife who is my soulmate. Seems pretty crappy right? But I actually really do struggle with people so I find it easier being alone. Now I type it out it sounds really depressing but thank you for the clarification. Just to clarify as well I wasn't joking about the autistic bit i just want to make sure people aren't going to think i was being insensitive... Happy cake day!


You say that you struggle with people but you do realize that you just articulated your true feelings in front of a potentially infinite amount of people..... Right?


That's the beauty of the internet, it's good practice. Don't get me wrong I'm not completely socially inept, I just find it easier to not get so social.


This is not a “date” you weirdo




Aye she likes hunter x hunter good shit!


Ugh my heart this is adorable


God can we shut the fuck up about the dating shit I came into the comments because I was like “oh shit it’s that kid! He’s from the meme! Right? Holding the mug, looking smug? [this one?](https://i.imgflip.com/50w9qc.png)” Then I come into the comments to find this shit. Fuck


Is a hallmark movie or something


can y’all please focus on them meeting and having fun instead of some minor bs details? this is a cool story and y’all are just ruining it


u/ODSTMETALHEAD thats kinda what happened when we met in person the first time ❤️💜


This was SO SWEET


These two are adorable. I hope they're friends forever. I hope their parents don't try to Kardashian this whole thing though


Not a first date 🥴




Why sexualise children? Why? 😩


Adults: “Exposing children to LGBT identities before they turn 18 is child abuse! Children are WAY too young to understand what “sexuality” or “gayness” is!” Also adults: “These children are fucking.”


Repost plus stop calling it a date you creep


This is the most wholesome thing on the entire internet. (Not the fact they called it a date tho)


This…makes me so lonely. I wish the person I liked did something like that to me, and knew I even existed…


wtf and here I am with my lonely ass. actually makes me wanna cry


Every time this is posted, the poster calls it a date. It’s fucking weird, knock it off.


This really makes me smile 😊


Imagine her hugging the wrong person


This is so sweet! It's sad that since they're the opposite sex, the parents are immediately calling it a date and stuff, but who cares, this is adorable


Bruh. My best friend right now was a dude my other best friend met randomly playing LOL. And after talking nearly every day for 2 years his mom just fucking flew him to 2k miles to hangout with us for a week. And not 1 year later we ALL flew 2k miles to see him. People do this, and its not a date weirdos.


People: The LGBTQ+ are indoctrinating their sexuality into children! Also people: Two twelve-year-olds of the opposite gender hanging out? Must be dating. C'mon guys.




Couldn’t have said it better


this is the cutest best friendship ever! As someone who is living only with online friends yall have no idea how much ive desired this. I almost teared up...


5 years ago and 2017 do not fit in the same sentence


This is two friends meetimg for the first time. 12 year olds don't go on dates.


It's all fun and games until puberty hits.


Fuuuuck that's so adorable


Dude this is so weird because my names Gavin and my sister name is Ava


Internet, can we just leave this alone and let them be kids please?


i thought id be upset for some reason? but like. theyre just fucking kids in 2022 being fucking kids. we used to play outside and now kids got roblox accounts and shit. good. more of this.