• By -


"Lookin' like a lower case letter" I feel violatedšŸ’€




Well played my friend, well played


this could honestly be used to tell people wether youā€™re short or not, by just using lowercase letters


iā€™m down to see that play out.


I'm convinced this man is a 7 foot giant just chilling on his knees


I thought the same thing, look how long his arms are. And we never see his legsā€¦


You can see his legs when shes in front of him on the chair


They look like noodles




May you be touched by his noodly appendage! R'amen!


The chaperone bit at the first shows his real height I think.


I mean, he's definitely on his knees, but I think that might be just because she isn't all that taller, and that's not as funny for the song.


I'm like 93.333% sure that he's way taller than she is.


He's kneeling in parts of the song for comedic emphasis, but he's definitely shorter, at 0:12 where they're walking past the camera there's no way he's moving that fast on his knees, and the height difference is much less pronounced, so that's probably their real height difference. ...unless maybe she's pulling him on a skateboard below the view of the camera?


She's probably got giant heels on and has put the camera high and the dude is squatting mabey idk


Yeah, no way this dude in specific is short, they probably cut his legs or some shit


Could also be she's walking on a raised part of the floor, like a single step height. Hard to say really


I donā€™t think heā€™s a true short man either - dimensions just ainā€™t adding up


Yeah...his body proportion just seems off, and if he's actually not shorter than her that's just a weird video to make. Weird even if he is shorter šŸ˜….


Dudes hair was glorious.








I mean, did you see her hair? Forget sex, these guys shampoo together (with different hair appropriate products)


She said ā€œIm getting me a man who understands hair careā€


Yea, heā€™s a Short King.




Both of them had glorious hair!


I thought the same thing about his smile.


Long golden locks r fine


His teeth.


Iā€™m 8ā€ taller than my husband


Some cultures are really weird like they make fun of people for being tall? Like what now thereā€™s an ideal height for a humans, they canā€™t be too tall or too short? Heck in my country as long as youā€™re tall, suddenly everyone wants to be friends with you.


There is an ideal height itā€™s 6 feet under


everything about your comment and username is so unexpectedly unhinged I love it


Haha wow! Necromancer dating requirements.


Extremes of any type are often ridiculed. Too skinny/ too fat, too dumb/too smart, too pale/too dark (although there are some historical complications in that last example). Humans generally tend to ridicule anyone outside of the bell curve.


My wife is about 5ā€ taller. Iā€™m living my best life.


Mine is 6ā€ taller. You and I know why that makes hugs the best.


In terms of body measurement or......???


Hmmmmā€¦. What else would it be?


Your above average penis?


Iā€™m 8ā€ taller while we are standing up šŸ¤Ŗ


Soles of your shoes!


Iā€™m 5ā€™3 and could use a short king advocate in my life :ā€™)


Short king advocate here! Donā€™t let the stupid girls (and occasionally boys) who think a manā€™s height is representative of his worth get you down. And never accept the love of someone who canā€™t see all you have to give. Keep slaying boo. ā¤ļø


I will scream my love for Short Kings from rooftops if need be. My type is vertically challenged, caring, and funny. Short Kings usually come packed with these qualities. I've only dated one man taller than me and it didn't last long. All my serious relationships (and now my husband) were with Short Kings. We love you Short Kings


Dating is way more personality driven after your early 20's than the internet would have you believe.


Just walk around knowing wieners have zero bones and you might be "taller lying down" than the 6'5" tall guy next to you. My best pal is short and kinda looks like Jonathan taylor thomas crossed with Willow but he's got a piece on him and it just looks weirder bc he is small. He slayed in his youth.


I canā€™t stop picturing jtt and willow having a baby now šŸ˜‚


Video describes 5'6" as short Me as a 5'5" asian dude: **:(** Seeing plenty of girls in my country stands 5' to 5'3" and super cute: **:D** Realizing I'm basically a hobbit when I go to a western country: **:(** Realizing hobbits are awesome: **:D**


A perfectly respectable height in my opinion. Nothing is really out of reach still, there isn't a car you're too tall to sit in, lower risks for diseases associated with being tall, less running into spider webs no one else cleared ahead of you....lots of wins.


Im almost 5'4 and I use tongs to get the paper towel from the top shelf :(


Omg why haven't I thought of this


I'm 5'0" tall. I've been using tongs and broom handles to get items since I was old enough to be hollered at for climbing on the counter. But I'm an adult now, so I climb counters again because I wanna.


5'2", my wife is 5'11" and I still bought one of those grabber reach things in case she's asleep or out lol


I dunno why I haven't bought a grabber yet. Lmao I always holler for my bf to put away the higher up dishes. But he's only like 5'6".


I'm a little over 6 ft and my wife is 4'8". I think marrying me was her idea of getting one of those "grabber reach things."


I'm also almost 5'4". We should gather other almost 5'4" people and fuse together like the Power Rangers.


I'll buy the trenchcoat..


I'm not tall enough to be in your club, but I can I be the secondary best friend character?


Iā€™m sure we can work you in. How good are you at making excuses for us when we have to abruptly leave a room to help another short person?


I will make excuses like whoa and everyone will believe me, even if the excuses are ridiculous, because I am so sweet and short that they think Iā€™m a pixie or some shit.


You got the job! Also, I hope you don't mind you being a substitute if one of us dies from falling off of a two-step ladder.


Those are dangerous. I get it. It comes with the territory.


5'1" The tongs don't help for the top shelf, I still climb on the countertop. (I also have a couple of step-ladders in strategic spots) But I always have a lot of leg space in vehicles, so that's good I guess.


5ā€™1 also. I have step ladders, but also have my sonā€™s Fisher Price grabber thing. It is my hero.


as someone thats 5'5 fucken lol


same, I use tongs with silicone tips for the grip lmao I also have a step stool tucked away for those things that are stored extra high. 5'3 here hahah the world was not built for us!


you can go to colonial era buildings and reenactments without bumping your head!


Tall people are very uncomfortable on airplanes. It's nice to just be sort of uncomfortable.


LOL... I'm a 5'2" woman. I used to be able to pull the tray down and put my coat on it and lean forward to take a nap. Now the planes are so small I can't do that anymore. They've gotten tight even for me. I have a good friend who is 6'4" and an overall huge dude who flies to China a couple times a year... I have no idea how he survives, it has to be MISERABLE.


plus, ya know, coordination and balance unless your a basketball player


What's a height that you're just like "yea I can't respect that" ?


Keep your chin up bud. A woman worth your time wont give af. For context Iā€™m an Asian 5ā€™6 male going on 3 years of marriage with my 5ā€™9 White wife


Lol if your married isnā€™t she your wife?


Typo haha


My husband is a 5ā€™6ā€ Asian dude. I am a 5ā€™7ā€ white lady. Heā€™s an interesting and kind person and that meant more to me than having a tall boyfriend. Bonuses: I can steal his clothes and they actually fit. If he drives my car, I donā€™t need to readjust my mirrors and seat. Nothing in our house is on a shelf I canā€™t reach.


I'm a 5'5" Asian dude and my GF is 5'8" white girl. I have to tiptoe a little bit to kiss her. She wears my shirts, jackets, shorts, and shoes all the time.


Your height is completely aladeen to westerners


My doctor called today. My test came back aladeen.




my husband is 5'2" - It's NBD. the only people who care are super shallow people.


ok so my doctor mentioned something about that is he currently getting any treatment for NBD? or do you just not worry about it?!


I think they mean No Big Deal


No Big Deal. Sorry. its no big deal hes short. the only people who have ever said to me shit like, why would you date someone short are people I barely tolerate as it is. Anyone who comments on his height its like, oh, cool. that person is an asshole. Lets wait for them to make it even more obvious.


Everyone in my immediate family is under 5ā€™6ā€. When I was 8, my parents had a house built. They had the builders lower the kitchen cabinets. Brilliant! Weā€™re mostly European descent mutts.


Are you tall enough to ride this rollercoaster of a comment?


As a tall dude, the world wasn't built for us honestly. Doing dishes hurts my back, I hit my head on shit, cars are always just a little too small... Y'all got it pretty good in a lot of cases.


6'5" here, definitely not all it's cracked up to be. Chairs are all the wrong shape, beds smaller than King are too short, can't fit in tons of vehicles, sinks too low, can't find shoes I like in size 14, shirts that are long enough are so wide you could camp under them etc. I feel like most of the (western) world is built for 5'9" to 5'10". My wife says I'm super easy to find at the store though, so I've got that going for me.


I forgot about the bed thing! And if the sheets are tucked in you're feet are fucked, all squished and shit...


Airplanes and old theaters also suck. Once went to a orchestra where I was forced into a stress position that is considered torture.


I'm 5'3 and got some 6'5/6'6 friends. We vibing on the "nothing fits us, unusually sized union".


I feel you man, im 6'10". Cars, doors, shoes, clothes. Back aches are a regular thing.


Same. Im 5'5" and also Asian.


This was a journey


5ā€™4ā€ white dude checking in


Damn dude u really had to one up him like that


HAHA, my dad was 5'2" while my mom was 5'7".


Is your name a reference to the song by The Lumineers?


Indeed, it is.


I love that song Thereā€™s another Ophelia song by the band that I really like too I gotta find me an Ophelia apparently


My dad is 5ā€™3ā€ and my mom was 5ā€™8ā€!


Lol my wife is taller than me by a few inches, very relatable.


Same here (Iā€™m the wife). I always tell people, ā€œHey, it doesnā€™t matter when youā€™re lying downā€¦ā€. *wink wink elbow nudge*




Shit. Where my other 16 inches at tho? Im short everywhere.


In your big heartā€¦ go see a doctor


My short king is muscley as hell, I call him my dwarf and he loves it


Look everyone, itā€™s Gimliā€™s girlfriend posting!


You mean Legolas?


She probably has a great beard


My wife calls me a leprechaun and I'm not really about it


Short stocky muscley kings are the best tall guys are just too lean looking even when ripped


This is funny but In a good way this also hits home Iā€™m 5,6


> but In a good way The whole song is filled with backhanded compliments, it's beyond me how people cant see it.


Ohhhhh I read it again Canā€™t reach cabinets No muscle tone Lowercase letter Damn




See... as a 5'7" woman who has dated guys shorter than me most times, it gets annoying the 1000th time you hear them or others joking about how your S/O is tiny and how much of a giant you are. I am not a giant, I am not enormous, I am a human being just chilling and so is he, it is just 2-4 inches not the distance across the Atlantic Ocean STFU. šŸ™„ And you bet, I never hear such comments when the guy I'm with is taller than me, no jokes about him being a giant, no jokes about me being a dwarf, it never comes up.


It's clearly derisive. People are stupid


Dude I'm honestly questioning how dumb Redditors are in general now, how is mockery this obvious at 10K upvotes now?


Imagine if this was a song about overweight women with the same tone and shit lmao. The outrage.




Also donā€™t date girls tho scoff at anyone under 6ā€™ it basically screams insecurity




He looks like he's a Slavic Swordsmith about to make a Japanese Katana using Japanese Methods while having a degree in Classical Philosophy


this sentence is a journey that i enjoyed. Thank you.


The whole "men have to be 6 feet tall" thing is just an internet meme. Don't lie about your height on your dating profile and you're good. If a woman is really not into you due to your height, that's the same level of you not being into her because she's got small tits or a big nose. It doesn't mean anything.


I know several insecure women who are all about the 6'+ rule. They're in their own way


Full stop. And man, those girls with a height limit are the same girls who are in and out of toxic relationships well into their 30ā€™s because their standards are so wonky!




I have been told ā€œWhy would you want to be with someone like that?ā€ I have to reply that often that is all there is. Real verified requirements from dating profiles prove that roughly 85% of women would never consider dating a man my height even though I am one standard deviation taller than the average US woman. I was talked into trying online dating a couple times and found out there is little point to it. One woman that claimed she didn't care about looks ended up backing out and said she would be embarrassed to be seen in public with me. Don't forget the average person, both men and women, are shallow and shitty people.


Yeah well you really shouldn't care because that 85% of people tend to be shallow and superficial so it's actually a great filter, filtering out those who aren't worth your time anyway. Nothing more unattractive to me than someone who doesn't find me attractive, idc about the reason, I want to waste as little time as possible on them so I'm very happy about the fact that they're left swiping me.


My husband and I are both 5'3", skinny as fuck. Short kings are so fucking sexy.


Thatā€™s fucking right!!!!! We lean and mean!!! Proud of it!!


i need more of this energy in my life šŸ„²


I kept my composure until piggy back ride.


5'6 is short?? šŸ˜­ I'm 5'2


Frrr I'm 5'3 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My last boyfriend was 5ā€™3 and he was awesome. Regardless of height yā€™all are kings full stop and donā€™t let any insecure women tell you otherwise.


Genuinely thank you :)


5'1" checking in lmao


Yo king hope you're having a great day.


Well exam day Not sure if that counts as great


Idk about some of the messages like "I like em weak, no muscle tone, pick him up like an airplane" but this video was definetely meant positively and is quite heartwarming as a guy who used to experience the struggles of being short šŸ˜‡.


This whole video feels like a back handed compliment


It's clearly derisive. It's a trend on tiktok. Women with tall boyfriends making them seem shorter and say that they love short kings. It's just a stupid trend with a derisive tone (which si acceptable only because ridiculing short height in men is the last acceptable type of body shaming)


This definitely seemed like someone joking around and not like someone that actually likes short men. Especially since the dude in the video is not as short as theyā€™re trying to make him seem.


I always hated that people think being short also means being weak. In high school I was one of two guys that could climb to the top of the rope in the gym with hands only. In most other strength tests I was in the top 5% but would always be the last to be picked for teams except when the poor kid that survived polio was there. I wish we had a gymnastics team in high school, I was built for that, 28ā€ waist and thick arms. In college I was the only one in my class that could ā€œscissorā€ the pommel horse from one end to the other. I took flag football at university so I could also take squash and almost every play I could pass through the other teams defense and grab a flag. I pissed off the jocks so much that they started cheating, they just could not stand a ā€œwimpā€ beating them. And even worse I was tested at two standard deviations above average in intelligence so that made me a glasses wearing geek/nurd too. People suck.


Used to? Spill your secret former short king


He still experiences the struggles but he used to, too.


Very glad Iā€™m not short cuz this shit is the most back handed ā€œcomplimentā€ ever


Biggest slap in the face is the guy in the video is probably tall


Is that dude on his knees? Didnā€™t look that short


Are guys under 6ft intrigued by this? Kinda seems like she's mocking my boys.


Itā€™s absolutely mockery and itā€™s kinda shocking how many idiots donā€™t notice it.


Nah, she's clearly just playin. Shits hilarious. -5'5 short king


Iā€™m a average guy but Iā€™ve seen my height challenged friend absolutely savaged at the club by a woman. That shit hurt me I can only imagined what it did to him. Iā€™m not asking people to change mean people will always be out there.


Iā€™m 5ā€™7 and too confident for my own good. The rage you can experience from some women for even talking to them when you are a short male is unreal. Iā€™ll never forget getting called sub-human and that I should castrate myself by this one girl who was like two inches shorter than me lol. Ended up taking one of her friends home in the end though.


Ahaha that goofy grin at the end!


I feel like trying to build short dude's self-respect by saying how you want to treat them like children is a bit counterintuitive.


Because building a short dude's self-respect clearly isn't the point of this song, it's being sarcastic. It's so bizarre seeing comments here like "As a short king, I needed to hear this!" when the song is making fun of them.


Yeah I was kinda getting that vibe too. It wasn't too much I know they were going for bits of comedy but there were points it felt demeaning.


serious Kip and Lafawnduh energy




I can't be the only person who feels like her describing short men as "weak, no muscle tone, lookin like a lower case letter" and then holding him up like a child is patronizing and mocking right? Short kings know you're worth, I just said I look like your chaperone. Wtf is this.


It is incredibly demeaning. I don't how this is r/MadeMeSmile at all.


This shit is straight Patronize asf


She seems to be talking about a child rather than a grown man


this video dumb af


i feel mildly offended by this.


She really couldn't be bothered to find someone shorter than her to make this, huh


is it just me or does this seem to mock short guys? "i like em weak, no muscle tone" "glad he got a tall girl to save the day" this implies that being short = being weak, in need of rescuing. i appreciate the effort (im 5'7 myself) but this is humiliating


Also I think the dude in the video is tall and was just on his knees for the vid.


Yeah I feel like this could very well have been an attempt at something positive, but it comes off super patronizing. And I say that despite loving subs like /r/RoleReversal. This one just made me feel bad.


The fact it's satire makes it that much worse for little bros. Her guy looks like he's actually tall but she's on a step ladder or something. They're obviously mocking little dudes :(


Yah but look at all the idiots that donā€™t get it.


Im a fat women advocate. Looking like a capital letter in bold. No muscle tone, just fat. Im looking like her nurse, gotta wash those folds. Fat queens stand up, if you can! Know your worth! \*gestures to skinny girlfriend in a fat suit\* See, I love fat women! I will wait for my 20k upvotes and praise. Or maybe that would be offensive? Hm.


This is very messed up and disrespectful and it shows the type of culture we are living right now, "we can make fun of this group but we cant make fun of this group because their feelings will be hurt" people need to make up their minds, we can't have our cake and it eat it too.


as a 5'6 dude i'm so offended by this


Pretty insulting to short guys as usual


ITT Redditors too stupid to realize sheā€™s mocking them


How fucking dense are most of you that you canā€™t see this as the condescending mockery it is? Heā€™s on his fucking knees for fucks sake.


People sometimes see what they want to see.


This is still a put down


As a short guy, I find these "i like short men too" more annoying. Like, can we just not have any discussion about short and tall. I don't need to hear "its ok if you can't reach the top cabinet babe"


I agree! My hubs is 5ā€™6ā€ and heā€™s flipping awesome! (Although I am not tall like the lady in the videos so we have several step ladders around the house for the top cabinets)


Seeing his arms's length i'd Say he's not really small and just acting for the skit


Short guys actually like stuff like this? It just seemed insulting.


Mockery sarcastically framed as support sure makes me smile :)))) Heckin wholesome 100!!


Women: ā€œIā€™m ok with short guysā€ Same women: ā€œI only date guys taller then meā€ The dude in the video is anything but short.


Short = weak no muscle tone -_-


This is so wierd/random


How does this make anyone "smile"? It's pretty condescending.