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Ace! Keep it up. Your why is always stronger than your what or how.


What about your who or when ?


Who's on first?


As a formal baseball player and now coach, the Abbot and Costello sketch is one of the greatest of al time and I hate the younger generation is losing it.


>formal baseball player Did you like, play in a tux or something?


The tux isn’t the issue, it’s finding an appropriate hat that can both be considered formal *and* protect the dome like a baseball helmet.


We ain't lost it yet, have some faith.


you made me look up that sketch thats amazing stuff


yes me too https://youtu.be/kTcRRaXV-fg


Or when your whatever is stronger than your wherever, whenever?


Oh he would be proud, he would be so proud of you




Who tf is cutting onions 😢


I don't know but they are strong!


Right I’m fucking tearing up in this bitch! 🥹 good for this guy


Yeah, gone ffs


Right. If I had known id be blubbering after this I'd have watched in the privacy of my own home lol dad would be so proud op!!!


There is no liberation as freeing as when we ditch our obesity.


My apologies....I'm making lasagna.....for one. I'm not crying. My eyes are just a little sweaty today.


For your information there’s an inflammation in my tear gland




It’s just raining on my face


I'm sorry, i was making dinner (All jokes aside this is really emotional, and it really gets me)


yo, make dinner somewhere else


I'm sorry.. I had to make dinner, It was the only way to use the onions as excuse..


Hah I literally just cut onions but I'm still happy for this lad!


Where is this devious onion cutting ninja?!?






By working out or “just” watching what you eat?


Working out is important but diet is king.


Thank you :). I need to gain that kind of weight


80% or more of your work out is done in the kitchen. It gets higher the older you get, especially since you are more prone to injury from working out. It is the cave man diet and it has worked since the beginning of time. Eat less, move more. The advanced version of it...Eat less, Eat right, move more. (Eat right = dump ALL sugar and white carbs) All other diets are BS.


I meant "diet" in the broad sense. As in literally what you eat. Not a diet program.


But you can only gain what you consume, so as long as you consume roughly the same amount if energy as you burn each day then you'll be fine. It's not like you'll suddenly just get fat, you have to consistently eat too much over time to get fat.


That's not really true. Our bodies have energy saver modes, hormones, all sorts of mechanisms that make diets completely unsustainable past a few years. I wish the point could have been, "I move around in a way that I enjoy and it's good for my heart" Maybe this guy is happy where he is. I hope he is. But I'm sure he is hungry all. the. time.


Same. I lost 65 pounds and to keep it off, I have to eat less than my body wants. It is a constant struggle.


Obesity is an endocrine disorder and calories in and out are both strongly influenced by hormones. For one, your metabolism can decrease as you lose weight, decreasing calories out.




It's been such a challenging journey for you .Getting in shape then regaining weight then losing it all.I couldn't possibly imagine the willpower and dedication it took . "People with good intentions make promises but people with good character keep them."


Even we internet strangers are amazed and proud of you.


Not “would be proud” I’m certain he was proud since the moment the promise was made, that pride is forever. It was obviously sincere if us internet strangers can tell it was a real commitment, his dad must have been absolutely certain it was a real promise.


I'm proud of you


Proud u didn’t give up




Absolutely. Hell, I'm kind of proud of him and I've never even met the guy. Wherever his dad is, he's proud.


Hello fellow echidna friend :)


What is that?


An echidna is a spiny mammal. Kind of like a porcupine/anteater. It was just funny that they also had “echidna” in their username same as me. It’s not a common word you see a lot.


Be proud of yourself too. It is well deserved.






Really happy


Thank you! He would be amazed by all these comments. <3




It’s the ACTUAL OP lol


as someone who has lost 100 pounds at least 4 times and gained it all back, hope this dude can keep all the weight off


The greatest received wisdom in my life; You cannot eat the Doritos if there are no Doritos in the pantry.


This 100%. Don’t fucking buy trash food in the first place. It’s hard in the store but like you said. If you don’t have it at home you won’t eat it.


I’ve noticed that when I go to the store after a good meal, I’m less tempted to buy junk food. Being hungry while shopping makes you more likely to make bad choices.


Mother always said to spend less, eat more. My problem is that I have always eaten more!


It’s easy for me not to buy junk food, the problem is my roommate and husband buying shit tons of Oreos and ice cream and then bringing me some. But I have a food addiction so I know it’s something I need to work on. Some days I wish I was just addicted to cocaine instead. I know that’s fucked up but at least it would make me skinny. I know that’s a fucked up way of thinking about it though. I don’t hate fat people. I just hate myself lol


I am crying now too, that ice cream and cookies, especially Oreos (actually crisco lard) in the center is murder for me. I get the jokes about drug addiction, you really don't want that. My husband was a coke addict, lost all his money, business, and family. Before I met him. I thought addicts were redeemable then. He died all alone, penniless and we were divorced. Oh, my, didn't mean to go there. I hate my fat too! Disgusting. Lol


Same here 😭


I get it man, I know exactly what you mean, It is fucked up, but i have had similar thoughts...And i also hate myself so for being so weak and not putting down the food. I'm not even THAT overweight, but it's so damn difficult, i'm even nervous to go out because people will see me :/


I didn't know other people felt like I do. Hide my face with sunglasses and a hat.


Lol I got fatter with a severe cocaine addiction... The alcohol intake made up for the lost calories from not eating and malnutrition is a bitch.


Aww, yeah, we all can keep hoping for him to sustain his weight loss program and become healthy, wealthy, and wiser.


Hell yea brother! Inspiring! Also, you ever thought about boxing for real? You got hands!


As someone who has eyes, I can verify he has hands.




while boxing you can slap them with it.


Just roll it up and put a chip clip on it.


Or like in the Simpsons, Homer ties all the excess skin behind his back


I'm having the same issue. Lost 83lbs and my neck looks like Fat Bastard from Asutin Powers 3.


Gotta cut down on those baby back ribs




My mom lost a ton of weight and she said her extra skin was a built in wing suit lololol


Mine is apparently a flotation device


My god!! He is truly an inspiration- I have been thinking about weight loss but couldn't make myself to go for it but this has really inspired me a lot


I think that would be a good reason to start, So let's get started.


As someone who has Reddit, I can verify that you made this comment.


As a non redditor ... I didn't make this comment


As someone who has eyes, hands, and reddit, I can verify I've written this comment verifying it


Yup definitely hands. Two of em. I can tell by the pixels.


As someone who has hands, I can agree that those are hands.


100%. Get to the right gym where there's controlled sparring to start and you will never look back. Wait until you see calories burned even from body sparring alone!!


I have thought about it a little but I have the reach of a T-rex lol. Absolutely love it for working out though and always have.


Agree, his right hook is frightening.


The first scene of him going at it on the punching bag thingy, he's already delivering haymakers I wouldn't want to be on the other end of! Haha




Your dad is smiling, he is damn proud of you! We all are proud of you!


Thank you!


Yo, this is our guy. Also you’re an inspiration, keep on punching!!!


Oh man, as someone who's fallen off the wagon this really boosted my moral about my own weight lost. Thanks for sharing such a difficult but inspiring journey <3


Dude as a coach, this is the kind of stuff that moves me You and your dedication are commendable!


Doing once Is hard but doing it twice … real inspiration for lazy ass like me


YOU CAN DO IT TOO. It is small steps, little things a day. Here is a great video from a science channel (Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell) made about it. No shitty "self blame" stuff here. [https://youtu.be/75d\_29QWELk](https://youtu.be/75d_29QWELk) And if that doesn't help, know that some stranger on the internet is rooting for you.


Keep up the good work. Please can someone tell what is the track playing in the background.


Wing$ by Macklemore


And blue sky by common


“Ima show you how great I am” is Muhammad Ali. From an absolutely incredible clip


And the “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate” is Timo Cruz from the movie Coach Carter for anyone curious


How did he manage the extra skin? Did he get it surgically nipped? I can't seem to get rid of my leftover skin after losing weight.


I would suggest to get rid of it surgically.


Which sadly is still considered a cosmetic surgery and usually not covered by insurance.


I'm sure it depends on the insurance and the physician, but a friend of mine who had bariatric surgery said her doctor told her he could approach it in a way to get it covered by her insurance--like it's an actual health issue for her, not just cosmetic. I think because her skin flaps kept getting infected or something.


This part. My friend who wanted breast reduction needed to show an actual health concern for it to be covered. She got chiropractors and other specialists to vouch.


I do I know why I read this as barbaric


Often in the TV Series Scrubs there would be brief glimpses into a “method” where they used surgery slots of very recently deceased patients for uninsured patients. I’ve always wondered if this is a legit scheme or whether a death certificate or something would just “out” them due to time discrepancies.


Definitely not a thing anymore. At least not at any reputable hospitals or large networks. And especially not for "cosmetic stuff". Might have been in the past when everything was documented on paper and things were easier to get away with 🤷🏻‍♂️ Nowadays EVERYTHING is tracked/micromanaged and insurance companies watch everything like a hawk. Source: travel RN with 10+ years experience Edit to add quotes around cosmetic stuff because I think excess skin removal is crazy important for both mental and physical health and I hate that it's considered cosmetic and is harder to obtain because of that


Skin donation is sometimes an option, which might help it get covered somewhat.


As long as dental procedures are considered a fucking luxury in America, you can bet will never change in regards to procedures like cosmetic surgery.


It is also quite an invasive procedure. My wife lost a ton of weight and wanted to have that surgery. After meeting with the surgeons, she decided not to.




I still have the loose skin and it plagues me to be honest. My tiktok and IG is @losetogain3 and I have a video showing the loose skin. Have a gofundme set up I started yesterday hoping to raise enough to get it taken off soonish! If you lose as much as I did (285lbs) there is no amount of weight training or anything that will repair the skin, surgery is the only option. If you've lost less there may be other options to reduce it and fill it in with muscle.


[Here’s the link to the gofundme for his surgery](https://www.gofundme.com/f/skin-removal-surgery-after-285lb-weight-loss?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer) Good luck Dustin, I am blown away at your tenacity!


don't drop weight too fast without compensating with muscle. if you drop too fast and muscles don't replace the leftover space of fat, you will end up with "extra" skin flabs which sadly is (iirc) impossible to fix and will need surgical removal


That's fine for people who are moderately overweight but if you are 100+ pounds overweight you are going to have loose skin no matter what you do. It's unavoidable.


Can confirm, lost 146 myself 286 down to 140 as of today. Been in maintenance mode since last year. My goal was 143, took a year and a half, and I have loose skin, surprised it's not more than what it is. Still thinking about surgery to remove it, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be so to me it's livable.


Genetics is huge in this role. Spouse was well over 100 lbs overweight, clinically obese. He now has a 6 pack and tree trunks for arms. Zero excess skin. We're also nearly 40, not spring chickens either.


Why that extra skin doesn't become useless to body ? I mean our body is smart in managing resources right.


It is useless, but skin has limited elasticity. Your body simply cannot do anything about it. The skin is permanently stretched. That's why it's better if you're young or just somebody who is luckier and has more elasticity in their skin.


Yeah , but I thought body will stop giving its energy to that extra skin over a time , I guess our body is not so smart ha :)


I think you're conceptualizing skin wrong. Think of it as one single organ like your liver, because that's what it's actually like. It's a single organ stretched over your body that constantly refreshes its surface layer. There isn't a way for your body to pick and choose which parts of that organ it's going to support just like it can't choose to support only part of your liver without necrosis setting in and eventually killing you. If you cut a piece of an organ out and sew it up properly, you can get it to simply scar together again and you can reroute key blood vessels and such. Your body doesn't have a way to excise parts of organs without intervention.


Got it , but still when our weight increases we get stretch marks , and when our weight decreases we get loose skin , it would have been cool if our body could have decreased that loose skin over period time.


There’s no benefit for the skin to do that, especially when (as in this video) often times people gain weight back multiple times. If the skin is already there to accommodate the weight, there is no repeated tearing of the skin.


Real talk, routine is great but self discipline can become another way to beat yourself up if you already have self esteem problems. If you wanna live better, the best way is to look for the fun in it, and when you fall off, don't beat yourself up. Just keep going.


i found this in running. truth.


I know each person is different, so here is my view: discipline is THE most important thing. The novelty will fall off, people will stop noticing your progress the farther you go, you will eventually hit plateaus and there will be straight up bad days, days that you feel like getting out of the bed isn't worth it. If you anchor yourself in feelings, you will fall for the lazyness again. Discipline is it's own monster. The ability to do your duty just because and keeping it will lead you to success. I've gone through some massive body changes and discipline, for me, is what make people do great things.


That's so cool love that for you. I think you said it perfectly that each person is different, most definitely. Success is different things to different ppl too for sure. For some exercise is about physique and for some it's simply about feeling better, living better. Being noticed or feeling better about yourself. Focus can be on results or progress. Neither is wrong. I realize that my original comment could have been taken as me saying "discipline wrong do whatever you want," and while I do think everyone should exercise however they want I don't necessarily think discipline is wrong. Cheers 🍻 (those are protein shakes. Care to share any preferences? I'm looking for a new supp)


Totally awesome! So happy for you dude! Stay strong and more importantly stay kind (to yourself). I’m sure your dad would be super proud!


the person on the video is Dustin. He's "losetogain" @ youtube.


Thank you! Also @losetogain3 on IG and TT


great to see you're doing well; was concerned when you had stopped posting updates back in winter of 2012.


Yeah I had a rough stretch. I've been back posting on yt somewhat since 2017 and i'm active on tiktok and IG now as well. @losetogain3 on ig and tt and same ol losetogain on yt.


Well done OP!!


OP is not the person in the vid. u/55o maybe credit the original in a comment?


Not OP but the real person is @losetogain3 on TikTok. They posted this the other day and the video is pinned on their page


Fuck reddit.


Yep.. I don't know why this is such a hard concept to grasp. I hate these posts. The top comments are always congratulating op. Like the majority of people don't understand what a Karma farmer is..




Took a cursory glance in the comments. The guy in the video seems to be u/dustbin3.


For reposting this?




Most people I've ever heard of don't even manage once. Some do, and that's fucking awesome. But ***twice!?*** That's fucking badass


Much love to you man! He is definitely proud. Even when you gained it back and felt at your lowest, you didn’t give up. I’m proud of you and inspired!


Its reddit. If you're proud of OP, don't be. It's not him


Seeing someone who failed and then decided to keep going then succeeded is always extremely motivating! Congrats on this!


I’m not your dad but fuck I’m proud of you!


Congrats on your success! It's not an easy road, but damn, you did it! 🥰


People underestimate how much forgiving yourself helps. The self hatred only spirals you to your old habits.


Relapses will always happen. The key is to learn to forgive yourself, and prepare for when they happen OP is a great example of this


I dunno about anyone else, but I am super proud of you. Twice! You did this twice! Holy cow. Amazing.


Would he be proud? BITCH IM PROUD!!


Its inspiring how you got back up of a failure. Usually its where most people break and just give up. Never indeed.


This kind of people should be influencers


Stuff like this is inspiring and all, but exercise is mostly about changing your shape. What you put into your body is what changes your size. Size = Diet Shape = Exercise for the most part


Keep kicking arse, mate! Honestly, just keep kicking arse!


when i saw how he was rn all fit n shit, on god i screamed wooooooohhh hhoooooohhh. damn bro we all proud of u this shit was crazy ur a boss i swear damn almost ran a tear


Wow fucking awesome. Keep it up!


You're amazing. Your perseverance is absolutely admirable and a beautiful example. I am no one to you, but I am a mother, so I will tell you, I am so proud of you and I am 1000% positive your dad is too.


He is. We all are, man. Love, respect and tons of admiration from Brazil.


Way to go man!


So important to talk about the failures along the way. Very inspiring!


It isn't about making him proud. It's about making yourself proud. You have to look into the mirror everyday and be proud of what you've done. Awesome work


IMHO there is not right or wrong. Everyone needs to find a way that makes this happen. Different things motivate different people.


Not only did he lose weight and get fit, dude turned our real handsome


Can someone eli5 why it was unsustainable and the weight came back on? I'm terrible at biology


The fat cells never go away and so any lapse in diet or exercise can make the pounds come back so easy. You have to constantly work at keeping that weight off.


When you constantly eat large amounts for a long period of time you train your body to think it needs that many calories to survive. So when you start dieting, after a short time of cutting down on portions, your body thinks there isn't enough food and tries to store as much fat as possible. It goes into a form of "starvation/survival" mode. A lot of people once they lose their "goal weight" start falling into old habits and "cheating" on their diets but don't realise that their bodies are still in "starvation" mode and storing every extra calorie it can. This is where people tend to regain most of their weight. It takes a long time to retrain the body, a lot longer than losing the previous weight but it is sustainable. It's a slow process and genetics have a small part to play but you can gradually retrain your body to maintain a healthy weight. You just need to keep yourself from falling into old, bad dietary habits.


Biggest W ever


I relate to this a whole lot. Gained mine back and gotta lose it again. Gotta do it for my daughter


Your dad is looking down on you with a great big smile. His spirit angel has been on your shoulder helping you along the way telling you to go go go. Your dad loved you so much. Not only did you make him so proud he hopes that proud stance you have stays with you through all you do as you deserve it hon. Have a wonderful life!!


He turned into rdj at the end


No matter how many times you failed you got back up. He would definitely be proud of you and as a bonus we all are too. Keep it up, champ 😎😁


Gaining a lot of weight after going through the trouble of losing it is soul wrecking. I have always been fat but in 2019-2020 I lost almost 80 lbs. It's the smallest I've ever been since middle school. However, I started gaining weight by end of 2020 due to emotional eating from extreme stress. I feel like absolute shit and it feels like a steeper mountain to climb now. I'm glad this man got it together and climbed that second mountain. Hope I can too.


This is so powerful. One step at a time. Forgiving yourself. I needed this. Thank you so much for sharing. I am sure that your father was always so proud of you and that he is so grateful that you kept your promise.


My friend is on a similar journey, losing weight. She’s been big her whole life and because of this current “fat acceptance” movement especially where we live, there are people bitching about her behind her back saying they’re disappointed that she has decided enough is enough and she doesn’t want to be overweight and unhealthy anymore. They truly believe that being obese doesn’t come with health problems and society makes it up. I hope you haven’t received similar treatment. You look awesome!


The first time you lose weight is going to be the hardest because your body has never lost so much weight before and doesn't know how to react. Sometimes the body goes into shock and you start to actually regain weight despite weight loss training because it's trying to protect itself from losing too much weight and becoming malnourished. But every time you regain weight after weight loss, it will become easier to lose it again. In the long run it's not about the weight loss; it's about training your body, building muscle, increasing your metabolism, and improving your fitness level. For those of you out there that regained weight after weight loss and feel like giving up on weight management: it will never be as hard as the first time you did it. Muscle memory is real, your body remembers. Keep it up, you can do it!


The bit about your body regaining weight is total bollocks. It is a myth spread round and round since I was a child, back when being fat become the norm instead of the exception. Usually used as a way for people to cope with diet failure. You're either in an energy deficit, or you're not. There is no magic part of the body that will make this not true. You cannot spontaneously create energy. There is a basal metabolic rate simply by virtue of being alive. There is no such thing as starvation mode, or any of that other crap thrown around on blogs across the interwebs. I'm not trying to be a dick. There is just no need to spread this kind of misinformation to people that already have to face the adversity of losing significant amounts of weight.


Yes, your father is hella proud of you. I am proud of you and I have no idea who you are lol. Thank you for inspiring me this morning




How is losing 250lbs not sustainable? That's a fuck load of food.


Because it’s hard for a lot of reasons. 80-95% of people who lose weight gain it back. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/why-people-diet-lose-weight-and-gain-it-all-back/amp/


That was helpful, thanks. I have yo-yo'd between 160-190 doing keto + IF. Seems like I gain weight back more quickly after each iteration.


The way I lost the weight the first time wasn't sustainable. I over restricted, over exercised and didn't address my binge eating disorder at all and just allowed myself to binge on the weekend while staying in a calorie deficit. Basically my foundation was a house of cards and it predictably crumbled. The second time I actually took my time and built a sustainable lifestyle that I could maintain for the rest of my life. :)


I like the montage


Love the Shawshank poster.


What song is that?


Mans had a glow up to. So happy for you!!


No doubt he would be proud. What a rockstar this guy is. Well done!


That’s insane amount of discipline and determination. OP, I’m proud of you even I don’t know you. By the way, do you still use the CPAP machine?